Georgia republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, October 24, 1806, Image 4

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Vl >CELL/INEG'JS. tvy va. * ?ama*tm*~*m***y i ROM THIi CHAKLESTON COURIER. O') THF |o 3 OF MISS MARIA OSBORNE, ON THZJ.iI AUGUST, 1806, IN THE SCHOONER j;rr* T PATTY, BOUND FROM CMAKLKU i (ON I O ST. MARY*. BKICIH r .vas the morn, and gently blew the ga!e, * The filler chctrly looCd ‘he swelling fail, The giddy bar* foot! caught the flatt’ring bre.-ze, And ftinm’d, with fwiftuccf-, oe’r the trem bling leaa, The land drew near, the lellin’d pert appear'd, And, with winning smile, each Lofoni cheer'd, Then Ilmen how!’ 1 and dread Atlantic roar’d, And, loaning, da V hit angry billow*’board, Before the gale the heipjhd, vellel f! t'-s, K is lo.d to view, now lifted to the flue*. C intending winds and waves now l’.veep the deck And in a moment leave the barque a wreck. Vain w. tci'.h art the linking wiecl: to lave, ‘ (Ala* woji tliengrh can equal ocean’s wave ‘J Till won. vOth lull, the id d-'fpai. ing ccw Mo * ; •< - *h:s d.-.iiger to e i.nuntc” new ; While pale fat’ 1 famine, nin'd with death's command, ATail’d, with tercets, ere they jeach’d the land. li.u ah ‘my Mule, it.nil thou, wirli lighs re late, 2lu!t ihou, in tear ,a- pi ore \ fate f J.i'd then, wlie late and horror hay'd the wu lie, When Hope bamguar.t Ihedh r pariing smile : J-” -n then, a Itirge more rutlilen thii Hie reli Embrac'd hi, bar h-r, on its chilly brent. Ah ! the:, bereft of ev’ry friendly aid. With v.'h'it devotion li rh’ l the otiiith-fi maid ! blit clasp’d her hind. to Heaven llie call her eye ; But H i vtn, all wife, hid doom’d the maid to die! Her i tm!y Ijic then dipt the (liken thread, Anciidnitf angels c.oiyiit her foul and lied. How oft l’.voet id, when laiicy led the way, liiillt thou with rapture wait the hippy day, When thou lliouid hold them to.thy faithful heart, Thy inoiliepy brothers, never more to part ; Thy motli M', who a prey to hopes and lean, Has Beep’d her pillow in iillliction’s tears. All I with what fondilefs lias file wilh’d to find improy-njii* plowing in thy youthful mind ; With wh o delight v oulii llie have fought to trace The lines which abfcnce might have giv’n thy face, And when new love had heav’d her aged bread, b.ill with tvdi ulded kindaefs thee caress’d. All ! yes, lull well ihd knew tin u’d ioftly fmootli Lif.iV. rugged path, and all her forrowsfoothe ; hhe knew, when linking with the load of years, ‘l irni’d calm her w.vsby unld affedlmn’s tears, Bit ah ! the wm Id’s an eudleU fc rile of a., s, A vrafte. a drfart, no v, where e’er (he goes ! Hvi g;ihf, alas! tnuft court the fi’rmhy trrn, Aid rttlh, with joy, to bourne. <’ il n dhe each wave each gentle rephyr eeafe, V.’hile her fair form defeends to realms of peace— Ve Ne: i.uls, Thetis, daughters of rtt Waves, Receive her, take her, to your coral caves ; Oh ! Ocean, an thy trembling bosom bear Her tender form—Oh, let it be thy cjrc ! Sheriff ’s Sales. On the t/1 -'luesday in j\ov, next, will be :ctd at t e court hou e, in this city, between the Lours of ton ana t ‘roe o'clock, A NEGRO VIAN, named J. \.J im * Bob., le'zed undri aih! oy viriu* ot an execution on a mortgage, Atkins and Wes ton, vs. William Jordan. ALSO, A tradi ot Oak, IJickorv and Pmc LAND, lying in Im. berr county, on the north lid ot the-miduk fork of Broad Ri ver, adjoining !him) of Mr. Lee jrr and Mr. Thomplun, con taining 257 acres, more or lels,’ ac prHent rented to 4 Mr. J nines. One oilier trn& of Oik & lli.kory Land, containing goo acres, more or ids, with.n five miles of Louisville, on Lam bert's Big Creek, adjoining lands of John Rogers Nr others, levied on and to be lold under and by virtue of an execution in favor of T’ mix by Freeman, vs. J a lies MMntolh. Conditions Calh. H. W. WILLIAMS, os c c Srv. October 3 4f ASS'ZL for 0 Bober, 1 Hob. r y I HF. pttc of FLOUR hung 9 a u i !ar JL [HI r barrel. Bread null weigh, vo lt >-• cent* l.o*f I 6 1-4 tents Lost mb. . os. j i!b 1 j.j oz> Os which an Bskers stid Sellers ofU, c ire to take due and particular notice. * J. MARSHAL, City Tretfurer, BILLS / L ADING For Sale at this Office. |THO3. B WLEY, Jr. No. 6. EXCHANGE. Br.OS leave to acquaint his friend* and the BUntern, tiiat every ewotAVoa 1 will l. used to procure articles of the BES T QUALITY from the belt Market*—that he'. ’ may he enabled to supply his Customers on lower terms than is uiually done in this city ; any articles purchaled at his Store which does 1101 ;/ivc latiniact oii, will be exchanged; or th* j money returned. Ha now offers for Sale. r~W ANTE Cuirants, Teas of the bell g__l quality and latest importation, Coff’c, Chocolate, 1 Loaf .Supra*, Mufcovado Sugar, Spices of every description, Cogniac Branny, famaica Rum, Holland G'ii, L I’ Madeira Wine, Mouton Claret, Fine Fiore net Oil, M 1 fhroon and Walnut Ketchup, Olives, Capats, Gheikms, &o. Wine Bitters, White Wine Vinegar, Simpfons Fish Saune, 1 St Cherokee do. Pepper Vinegar, Fine Ba le t Salt, Real Caytnne, , Dunham Vfuftard, ! Race id Ground Ginger, Gunpowder and Shot, and Frontignac Wine, I Cll rant jelly, j i ; r I vet; m Biandy, i Ralpbtrry and Cherry Brandy, Real Havannah Segais, I Englilh Chctfe, Frclh Crackers, ! London Botlled Porter, of a fnperior quality, in casks ( 6 doZ'Ui each, or by the single dozen- N. B He alio expedts in a few days a general supply of 07/ HIM.IS GOODS. Otdoher t - jr 420 ,AVAN NAH iXCHANjF. COFFEE HOUSE ! ■ HE fubferiber iakes ihe liberty refptrtfullv, to inform (hi publi and hi; titends, that fr in the enei urape mrnt and favorable opinion manifefted to him, by 3 chief part of the citizens of Hava 1 nab, finer dm dlablilhment hi this place, the Trufftcs of the Exchange wrre induced to difpofc, in his favor, ot •he upper part of this building, where he intends to open on the 15th day of Oc tober next, AN EXCHANGE , Being an imitation of London and of the large citttsof the United States. There the Merchants, Plant ere and Travellers, may daily meet in a fimilcr manner, in rdcr to tranfadf Commercial Lufinefs, See. Nrws-PArKRs of the tnofl interest , ing kind, flmll be kept, \*<itli a ma .'r.imk RtGisrEß, informing of the ar ! rival and clearances of vtffvls j’and news , may olten he communicated quicker than through the channel of the papers. Hand hills flull be periled 111 a f convci.wiit placr, ci'ntaiiiit g the articles offered for ta.'c at tfie auctions m thecity, the names of such vtff-is as are offered tor (ale or cl , ’es and of the proprie tors, and generally whatever is relating to sales of all deforiplious, either lioufes, negroes or plantations. 1 One will find every day at eight and at two o clock, a T able neatly dress ed, and on moderate terms to accommo dale all persons, either by the meal or by the day, and weekly or quartery, t oUee, lea, Chocolate, private Breakfarts, and Pinners or Reliilies and •Qytlers, prepared for the taile of the different vilitors, shall be got evtry day on very ivafimable terms. The Bar- Room th3’.! he fuppiied with Spirits and foreign Wines, and any weii chosen Li quers. The different Societfts or Clubs that -nay desire to form Assemblies, Balls or Conct rtg, will find rooms for their accommodation, furnilhed in a manner that he (L.tters himfclf will meet thur approbation. 1 he itihfcriber, from his endeavors to form in a commodious place, an cf tubiifh nent, that tr.ull in ccurfe afford jto the lytizcns of Savannah the fame great advantage* enjoyed :n all the town* of this continent, hopes to receive the encouragement his laborious exertions will require, to deserve the confidence and grauttiJeofxhe public in general. HP 3 A BAR Kb.LEER. i, wantevi, witli good rccoimnen d Os ions. L. GLEISES. *ugu* 19 406 NOTICF. A ht persons having unv demand* Tk the vlUte of JOHN j.\K\ IS, Utc of Wilmington Wand ilctealed, v.d: |il c (V ren. der thain in pn>|ierty attitted.antl all thoMi, dehsad will JiUale make payment to -'i/inc Jarvis. Ailmmiilratrix. (Vtaocr f 8;‘. 4 ,j. S H E ALeT On the tirll 1 uel’day in Novemlier next, will he l’ ld, at the £oun.|ioul'e in the county of Bulloch, lieiween the hours of 10 and 3 o'clock, A I K ACT of 300 acres land adjoining Samuel Lockhart and James Ogkiby, lev.ed on ky aconftahle, as the property of laid Lockhart, t 0 fad fy Hubert Atkinson and arrerage ot t a \,- s for the years 180: 4.. Daniel Boatwright, Se P t ’ 11 4U- ss.c. ABNER IVEBB, Has jjjl reeeiveU per tl;e drip Louisiana, In urdrluion to hit hue SUP PLIES, a few It unis of BOOTS and SHOES, .OF th best QUALITY that could k hr. obi ainfd in NEW*YORK, Consisting of Fair top, Black flrap, and Suarrow Boots and Bootees, Ladies, black, blue, green and Red Moroco flippers, do. do. fpangkd do. do white, black, blue, purple, pink, Yellow slate, lead, and tea coloured kid do. With and without heels, do. fpangied do. Misses, black, blue, green, yellow, pink and purple, kid and Moroco, do Trimmgs for flippers, of different colors One cank of Dawfons patent liquid blacking. October ty 420. Land Far 6a/e. time that has been gi £ ven me by the Legislature of Georgia, to pay the debt I the llaie for taxes due on my Land, having nearly expiied, and their beingfevera!judgrrenrs aam nil me on suits which have been unnecessarily brought at t tns,e “wlien I have been using all my endeavors to difpo/e of mv prop-rty —I am co npelled in inline to my creJitors, to bring my affairs to an immediate dole, in order to prevent a fucriffee of i y property and theconf.-quent llolsof their debts. I therefore, now g:V‘* this public Nonce , that 1 shall offer FOR SALE, my Land at Pub Lie AuEhon , n front of the EXCHANGE, in Hie City of Savannah, on IVP.DNES D HT, the ittb day of \November next, of which all per sons intereUed, are requested to take Notice. 1 think it necellary to ©bferve tiiat I have been pof- L fled of thole lands upwards of jievr i years, which prevents any ji.oliible doubt, as to any concend ling titles, as the law relative to real estate debis, See. limits the re overy thereof, by luits to (even years, and by a late law of die date, no debt can be recovered atm lour years, and this does me depend on the party ; but the court is obliged by this law to eject a!f iucti claims, 1 menti on this as will for the informa tion of others, as to (hew my u it nds and creditors, whose kind indulgence I have experienced rhe ncceflity of this fate of my property. When a man is in debt, it is his duty to gve any thing he poffcffes, or his all it required, to pay his creditors j UK it is unjust in a creditor to ipprefs a debtor, when they fee turn using hisendeavors to dohirn juflice—laws were intended to enforce payment from dishonest men, not from those who feel the duty they owe to to society It is, however, a confutation to me, ro think that there are but (ew who have adopted those nva ures which has effectually pre venttd my making faies m fimll .rjets, wfien those judgments ( have b. en hanging over me. 1 have to request that all persons h.ving demands againlt me, ei ther on my own account, or as Security in any way whatever for others,will attend the Tale in per- Gn or by an agent. All lueh debts will be received as call), N: those persons having authori •V to reprelent any creditor, will plcafe to make the fame known previous to the day of fale 7be Lands are as follows: 310N74 acres in Bulloch county, gran ted to Joleph R yan and Charles Ryan. 1 72.C0C acres in 1 atuall County, gran ted to to Francis Fennell. 3 1 '°°° acres in ditto grantej to James Dawson. 5 2 a cre’ Those traffs are par ticularly dclcribed in a Pamphlet entitled “ Nv>e ’ ‘™d Obj'ervatiotu” on the Pine Land of Georgia, by George Sibbald ‘' n ff* e traA in Bulloch county a lum mer residence has lately been formed by a number of gentlemen from Savannah. 20,°00 acres of oak and hickory land in Franklin county. 70.0C0 acres of oak and hickory land, in Jackson county, granted to various perlons id 2785. , 78,034 acres of pine land, granted to Curtm Coleman, Wa/hingtcn county, but by a division of that county this trad and the following, fail in the counties, of Montgomery and TatnaU. JiLOoo acres of pine land granted to Benjamin Kitchen. 34,000 acres of ditto a ,cn' V.*.*’ | ter Jackson. 10,000 acres of do. granted to Mole a 1 Ross. 40,000 acres of do. granted to Curtit Coleman. 10,000 acres of do. granted to Walter Jackton, 10,000 acres of do. granted to Moses Ross. 17,000 acres of do. granted to Benja min Kitchen. 4,000 acres of do, granted to John Wallace. 6,000 acres of do. granted to William Pollard. 1,000 acres of do. granted to Benja. min Kitchen. 16,000 acres of do. granted lo William Pollard. 18,000 acres of do* granted to Israel Robinson. 18,000 acres of do. granted tn Curtis Coleman. 2,000 acres of do. giantedto Mathew M‘Mi)lan. 10,000 acres of do. granted to Thom as Giaffcock, 24,000 acre3 of do. granted to Sherad Beckham. 25 000 acres of do. granted to Samuel Beckham. 40,000 acres of do. granted to Israel Robiuion. 32,000 acres of do. granted to Eenja min Kitchen. io,cco jeres of do. granted to Samu el Beckham. 1,049.908 Acres. Thole Lands are w * th the attention of Familes v/tlhing to remove, and will positively and peremptorily be fold to the highest bidder, on the laid 26’K day of November next—where a number of families wish to join 111 the puichaie of a large body of land, they will plcafe ap ply before the iale, in order that 11 may be fold in such way as may fait their convenience. GEORGE SIBBALD. September 30 413. Marflitl’s Sales. On the fr ft Lues day in November next, WILL BE 50LD, At the Court-!: ouje in Savannah, ALL the right, title, claim and interest of James Oli ver, Esq. to those two Settle ments or Plantations on Hutch inlon’s Illand, opposite to Sa vannah, containing 4061-2 a cres j the whole under good dams, and is of the full quality ide swamp. NEGROES—levied on the property ol James Oiivir, Elq. to fatisfy a judgment ob tained by William Boyd. ALO , \ N iinexpired lease of Eur No. 10, Wilmington Ty hing, 13,irby Ward, with the budding thereon, adjoining Mr. John Gardiner j an r.ncxpired ease of Lor No 3, Heathrow*- Tything, Dei ker Ward, where Mrs, 6mitih resides } also two Ne groes. Levied on as the pro perty of Smith, Sons and Anderson at tise suit of I pom as and James Swords. BENT. WAL U m. and. r Oftoher 14. 4'9 c ‘jO Do I. LAKS K F WARD. KAN AWAY from .the Sub scriber, the following nUgrois, SAM, a tall black fellow lix feet 2 or 3 inches high, vet/ talkative, had on when he we. - • away, a long brown lcriout coar, and osnaburgs undercloths PEI ER, a 1 kely, though black fellow, has a fmali (car oi. his forehead, 3 feet 9 or 10 in ches high. SI.VION, a likely yellow fel low, about 5 feet 9 or 10 inches high, appears to lquint when looking at you. I he above negroes are abou 26 or 27 years of age* EJve dol lars each will be paid by Joleph Haberlham, on their commit ment to Savannah goal, or ten dollars each by the lubferiber. if delivered to him on his plan cation near Beautor:. r, n . WILLIAM HAZZARD. 4I Mrs. C<l BOS, RESPECTFUTLY informs her friends and the public, that Jhe has opened a Bearding House , in the house lately occupied by Mrs. Stout, on the Bay where American and French eentlemen will meet with good : accomodaiion. The Store will be sup. plied with the belt Liquor and the ok4 fafhionable goods flora the French and Englilh markets. Sept. 50. 415 ” TO BE LET. I A com~>odious Dwelling house, with ne I ceffary out buildings, in a central fituatinn ‘ Enquire of the printers. CMobei ~{ 1 V"’ t'~\ > U > T T? 1 IWA OtUj Lj, ! rp.HAT vaiuabiu rinptatlc.i | in Bryan C unrv calk ft ‘ HICK 6RY HI IL, containing about 800 acres, a very large proportion of which : s prime Oak and Hickory Land, & a part prime rice land,and is a part of the well known Plantati on called EGYPT belonging to IVm. Maxwell Eiqr. of Bclfaft, A L S O, Atraeftcontaining icoacrescalled REPUBLICAN HALL, in a beautiful situation on the baits, in sight & of not more than one quarter of a mile distant from Beifaft Houle ; about 60 acres of this rrafl E prime Cctrcn land ‘na well inproved, having been the residence of the late Major 7- B. Maxwell. Both rracls were partly cull vated by Major Maxwell in his li e time and will make a very convenient and va luable estate in the hands of one perion, being capable of great improvement and affording a fufficienr quantity ofland of the ftrft quality to occupy 40 or 40 prime (laves Further delci ipSV.a is thought unneti fTary, as it is , nor. expefred iha't a lk e can be , made, bur. after a lull v.ewof the t prtn.ilf. s, to which those inclined to purdnie are iru ired, 1 JOHN PRAY, U. R. MITCHELL^ Acting and qualified Executors of J. B. iff if well decerj'td. Bryan County, 0 23d, .September 1 806. 5 ts. 414. FOR SALE A I St. MAli TS, ONE of the molt healthy ficuations in the Uthte4 States. A COMMODIOUS HOUSE, 40 fe?t long, 10 feet wide, two Rones high with two rooms on each ll ior a good garret, two comfortable filed rooms, Kitchen, (table &c. firuatcd on the corner of Osborn and St* Marys streets, extending 84 feet on one and 64. feet on the other, well calculated fur either a private Family, a Boarding or Public Houle. ALSO, A LOT OF LAND, in fahl Town on a part of Lot No. 3 ex.ending on an Ally too and bade to Bryant fireet *OO feet. A Credit of 3, 6 and 9 Months w'll be given, and the tides will be made to the fatif fadion of the purehalers by the Agents for the A fllgnees of the late firm of GARVIN & MEER.S* On the 4th day of November next, it will ee sot at AUCTION, if not previous ly disposed of. JOHN ROSS- St. Marys Sept. 8. tf.4 t 2 FOR PRIVATE SALE, A TRACT of vc7 valu^ Ue CoUon a:id 1 rovilion LANiu, ‘■'• Ul)ta: ? ing nearly three thousand acres, belong” . !, )J to tlic eiiaie ot Richard R. Ash, du-alO o„ ,h e jflsnd ut di * rccHy oppof.te Savannah bar A” cn >’ d’ °> f rom Tvbe"!; ; tic use.— i hrfe > A yueex,lght none in the s'bte-the prefer ii.e I raft is divided into four Plan rations, and will be fold together or ft’ paratcly, all of which are well fettled* having every necelTary building f ar * Cotton Plantation, molt of them have been erected the hurricane, and of the belt materials. On Newbury a convenient and comfortable two iR dwciliug houfc, kitchen and walh houf7 enurely new The buildup 0 * Pono are a little ustertor, and i n T S ent repair. Mary. Field and tb e ridge’ save been lately fettled and h’. ve J e ‘ feePs houses, ficcj ver Terms, one third cafii, t'r . n ,t,„ . thirds in one and two ytR „* ,s r , WOj fer giving bond and moi- ’of .F's Caa, ‘ P er ty, with perfonsi if cu gf if ‘ The overlter at NV , b !f Lands and divtfoß j^™ 7, W ‘ U th particulars, apply;’*”' 8 ’ For furtbe ? mart eraser . a “i X n, ““’ fair valuation. ‘ P la °t StWRS, at* Beaufort iS. C. July 1 j yJ *rro NOTICE. AR > i-v n . S ! " df bted ‘"'l ♦ late firm of th? loh„ n- ” ARM AV ’ * - informed, U e* efq t: osnev at la whoTTlf ‘° £o,if ' 1 “e iJ*i . thof cah on m, *™r t-ewes, without dt a.. .< JACOB It ARMAN \ 10 4