Georgia republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, December 02, 1806, Image 1

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VOL. IV. No. 122. J FOR LIVERPOOL, Intended as a constant trader. , .DTjCH THE rem tikable fatt fail- A -A/?*.’ , r . * M iT copp''f bottomed fiup ALEXAND ER HAMILTON ll'Nan Callahan, mqjllt, will hi tlif patched irDineciiitely. For height or passage, apply to the matter ou board, or to jantes Dickson t C Cos. roit raln on board said ship. Coo Bulhrls prrkund SALT, 1500 Stone JUOo. fr pot 1 to 3 pah lona, which will be ful- l low, if taken from onboard, October 31 404 For GREHLiOCK, Intended as a regvdar trader . r The new ft.ft failing fljip Mar v. Copt. 7- Davies, Bnrth. vi 336 Torts. Wdttbc diipatched from the October,to the li-.-il December, at lurtheft.—F?r freight .if Ootton, or Pr.ffage, having fine accommodations, a;.ply onboard, orto Taylor cc Scarbrough, October 31 424 For PHIL A 1 l , , yttfJt- 1 The: Sttiooner JOHN, Fi *rv hC* pt lielfon, V/i! have immediate dii > latch For freight sot pailage, apply to tlie v. lalier on board, or Knox oc Pope. sjOoo prime n,rttdelphia ERICKS for fade, received by laid vllcU Nov .25 31 ■ For LIVER ’OOL, ‘•'IN- The (hip, BOSTON, sJifefe-bdw v. P - r-rr A fine itannch, fall failing vt : no* two year o'd, wii be n-’.dy in a few days to .ea.r.frvj ice ioac'ire, an'.’ it,:- 1 . be diipatched as f);n as po&blr. For r reight, apnl) to laid Captain, o’ to R, & J. BOLTON. Nov.. t,’ 03 Gzrden’s & Baker* o ? *sl AV E JUST RECECVSC INT ADDITION TO IHEifi. GE.‘ Lit. 41. ASSORTMENT CJf DRT GOODS , a rdt.kiF.Tr of FANC Y dll L iCLES. A K S O, CARPETIn'GS, AND the following Articles in the GR 0 £ r Z, /,V A, ‘TJC7~ HICH they will dispose of at V j their iifcal low prices and warrant to be of tiie firit qaality— VlZ. 4 chests HyfooTea 1 ditto u:<„ in cminifters j uo. imper I, in boxes, ylb. each 4 pipes 4; It pw : i brandy 7. do. London pat titular Madeira Wine 10 year- r,|.J. J do. li Land Clin 4 do. Country Gin 6 qc cSlkc Malaga wine ‘4 r.-hdS. h proof Jamaica Spirits ;! do. Loaf sugar 40 barrel# brown d<j. 9 it k.ns excellent Butter 20 boxes be ft Sp.-m h. Sejrara Pepp r, c'fp- e, Si Sc c. They have ALSO, receivid a Consignment of VAN ill’ !. h.'DcS, In a variety of Patterns, which will be dtfpofed of lotocicfethc concern. November 4 42c •> tO * h f • 1 r* IT <: .OfA OC/i A. wC4 V , w’ 1 , Ihis Rccevcd per the JkSp FAR,a, and Mlsstsipfi, from Liverpool, A larye and general lupply of faLl ‘goods. ALbO, Au extfnfive and complete af lormien r of iRON iViON GER Y, cpulittirur of every article in 4 that line. t ALfO, Crates CROCKERY, sfTortcd for retailing, Rri and Linseed Oil in jugs. L 1 3 by 10 | Whit _ c- <C9bf 11 i Spaniili Brown > * l * Sto by 12 I Yellow O.hre } < jio djrc-f rest dr men Stout. ON HAND, Suedes lr>,n y (ust and squat c bars . c ?nt y-n 4 11 a 4 r> 131 is L<D, ON N tV-VObK, SAIF, Ij r s r t JCICI j JICK"DN. JI-v. £j i't- GEORGIA REPUBLICAN; JOHN HILL, AT HIS Stationary and Paper Ware- House, TJAS conflantly on hand, a larp;e JL i and general lupply of articles in the above line—A!fo, an excellent col. lection of SCHOOL and SCIENTI FIC BOOKS—with liberal allowance to those who purchase by the quantity. Llhewhe a pood colletllan of Warranted Musical Instru ments, Such ah, Clarionets, Violins, German Flutes, Fife?, See. of different qualities, w:th inllruAion Boohs, and a very ge ne-al feleZtion of the moil approved and faihionable Songs, Dances, Marches, Waltzes, Rondeaus’, See. &e. let to Mttfic. ALSO, JuJl PuhlUked, and for fate as alov:, By the groce, dozen, or Angle, The ceokgia and south-carolixa almanac, for 1807. Containing a great variety of new, ufe ful and iiuere&ing matter— J* HILL, refpedtfully acquaints the public, that he has just opened, and is now to receive fubferiptions to, hi# PUBLIC LIBRARY. Tue CONDITIOXS of which, are as follow : I. To those who fubferibe sot one year, paying one half at the time of fuh fcribing, and the ot her half at the expi ration of fix months, thereby keeping jne half year in advance, the price ot fubfeription is Sxed at eight doi.lars per annum. All fubfenbers for any ihor ter period than fix months, to pay at the rate of one dollar per month eaeft month advrn :. 11. ’Frauftent persons, or cccnfionai readers, to pay fix cents for a duodeci mo, volume, twelve cents for an ©ftavo, e'gu.cen cents for a quarto, and twenty five cents for a folio. They will be al lowed fix days for reading the firft, ssin days for the second, twelve days for the t’tiird, and fifteen days for the last They will be charged, four, fix, eight, and ten cents per day, for every day the Bocks me detained beyond the limited time ; the value of each book so taken out to be deposited in the hands of the Librarian till returned. IH .Every fubferiber will be allowed to take at each t:me, but one volume of otlavo, and ti e fame of each larger size, and two volumes of a mm. and the fame of each fmallcr fise. I V. Each fubferiber will be notified when the term of his advance expires, and in case he ci%es not renew the fame, bcol:3 vdii cease to be issued to him.— - The i.-kfomcnefa of the undertaking makes a strict obfei vance of this condi tion absolutely necessary. V. As the coliedtion of Books for this Library is not yet complete, every vcatly fubferiber will have the privilege, at the expiration of every quarter, for the firft year, of lurnifliing a lift of ten different works, not at the time in the library, v/h’ch will be immediately ordered, and rec- ived in less than two months from the time that the order might he given. VI. The L brary (hall be conllautly supplied with every new publication. Vil. The loaning of books belonging to this Library, by fubferibers to such as are not, will invariably be attended with a forfeiture of fubfeription. VIII. Tlic time of delivering and re ceiving books will be from two to fix o’clock in the afternoon of each day. Nov, 21. 4t. 30 Richmond & Allen, Cabinet-Makers, MOST refpedlfully inform their friends and the public, that they have received by the Hoop Ilolla, and brig Pilgrim, from Providence, r. 1. and now opening for sale a good assort ment of FURNITURE. Among v ! ch are Mahogany and itaiucd iledftcads Sideboards, Secretaries Defies, Bureaus, Dining’and l ea Tables Ladie3 w rk tables VVafh and Candle llandn Portable Writing defies One elegant clock warranted good 2GCIb. of best Russia glue, All of which they are determined to fell, as low as can Le pur< hafed in this city, at their (hop in Whitaker flreet, direfily oppofi.c Mr. Abner Woodruffs’ crockery [tore. [i vT ov. 4 425 N. B. O den from the country will be punctually attended to. I cr Nalc at tkis Office. Ti e Georgia an:’ Scnth-Carolina ALMANAC, Fpr the year iCoy. SAVAKN.VH : PRINTED BY EVERITT and M-LEAN. T U E S I - * A Y, Due emher 2, 180 G. FALL GOODS. i HE SUBSCRIBERS, llave received per the trips DE A N and GEORGIA, jromNeou Toil, a part of their Fail Goods, \7TTHICH they will fell low for V \ tafh, or good notes, in town at; (hurt dates, VIZ. 6 haletfyvhitc PLAINS 4 do. mue, mixtand drab do. 4 do. do. iD. and drab Coatings 4 do. lyofe and Duffle Blankets 2 cases fancy and hunter’s Cords 4 boxes 7 Ba-d 4-4 Irilh Linens 1 do. Brown do. 2 trucks faftiionable Calicoes! 2 caft.s cr.ens and womens Cotton and Worftc-d Hole 1 bale bljlck Borobizetts 1 do. London luperfiue blue Sc black Cloth.3 I do. do. Kerfeymeres 3 bales Hunihums, afTarted 1 box pound and pack Pins 50 reams Writing and Letter Paper 2 cases Leghorn Bonnet* 5 4 Irifti Sheetings Sewing Silks and Twist J Coat and Veil Button* Shirt do. * Luftring Ribbons Black stripe Sattins Madrafs Handkerchiefs . Chintz, Shawls Svvanfdowns, ToilanetCS Rattinetts, Shalloons 6 4 Linen Checks A Is O t J calks London Porter 6 boxes Spaniih Segars 9 calks 6J. and BJ. Cut Nails 7 barrels Sugar. Ogden’s oc Baker. November 4 423 Knox & Pope, (Barrack Gibbon’s Wharf,) Have now landing per Sloop Favorite, Capt. Sneed from Philadelphia , and FOR SALE, Holland aiid country _iL Gin, 4 do. Cogr-iae 4th proof Brandy 10 or. calks Sherry * ( WINES, io do Malaga 3 20 Bbls. (Plains) Philadelphia beer, 36 do. Philadelphia Bottled Porter;, and | ale (3 dozen each) 40 Boxes Gap 25 da. Mould Candles’ 20 do prims Chocolate 6 chclls Hyfon Tea 30 Whole and half barrels Superfine Flour 30 Barrels Loaf and Lump Sugar 12 Boxes No, xo Cotton Cards 20 Bbls. Pilot Bread, ,30 Kegs Crackers 40 K gs FF. Gun Powder 6 Bags Pepper 20 Gin Ca'.is 23 Rrtams Writing and letter Paper 28 dozen Bed Cords 6 Tons Bar Iron, and Share Moulds 3 Boxes Saddieny assorted. IN STORE. Jamaica Rum, Brown Sugar and Coffee, in hhds. and bbls. Salt, Ihot, bar lead, Crockery Ware, Negro Cloth, Blankets, Hats Childrens red, and green Morocco Caps, trimmed with furs, Hosiery, cutlery and h<>rd ware assorted Guns and Pocket Pistols, Cotton Bagging, Ozr.aburgs, Linens, Twine, Smiths bellows, anvils, Vices, Hammers, Oc. scc. Window glaf3, Oil and Paints 1400 Stone Jugs and Jars from 1 to 3 gallons. Novr. 4 423 CHEAP FOll CASH. Abner Webb, HAS uft received in addition to bis late Supplies of SHOES—by the late arrivals from Ncw-Vork, &c Boston, 400 Pair black and colored Morocco Slippers of the firft quality 300 Leather do. 100 Pair firft quality of Mens Shoe# 100 do. 2d. do. do. 700 do. 3d. do.- do. 200 do. common Grain’d do. 100 do. boyslind and bound Childrens Morocco and Leather Shoes, Slippers, and buskins, and a quantity of Negro Shoes . o ALL of which will be difpoied of by the trunk at a small advance. Novr. 28 2 2 7cTLh77“ ‘ TO let tivo CONVENIENT STORES on Hardens wharf. Apply to Magee df Howard, Oflober 7 ts. 417. , Charles MeKenn a. Has for sale, at store, next door to Mi Norman Al’Lead’s Audi on Store, Mar let square, A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF Teas, Wines, Liquors, | GROCERIES, &c. Go. Consisting in part or the following ARTICLES : Imperial Gunpowder, in lead Canniller of J .1-4 each C „, r . , * r , Superfine Imperial \ l A ?. the Hyfon Chuiun f latcft J m B or “ Eloom Hyloil l t:ltlons ’ Young llyfon j VINES. Old Madeira, Midoc Claixt, vintage 1801, in cafes—lrilh bottled Port, Sherry, Teneriffo, • rontifjnac, and Muscat. Wines- J.igUOHS. Genuine Old Cogniac Brandy, Holland Gin, Jamaica Rum and Irilh \\ hilkey in demijohns, Bordeaux Brandy- in pipes, Jamaica Rum in hhds. London bottled l oiter and Brown Stout. CORDIALS, Ac. Rose, Orange, Oil of Venus, Pcrfedl Love, Anniiee 1 , Cherry and Raipberry Brandy, Cin namon, Rose, Orange f lower ami Lavender Water. PRESERVED FRUITS. Black Currant Jam. Gooseberries, Apricots, Peaches,Green Gages,Pears, Clieri ier,, Plumbs, Ac. Pickles assorted in Jars. Also, Olives, Cat pers, Gherkins, Red Cabbage, Walnuts, &c. SAUCES. Mufliroom, Walnut and Oyster Ketchup, Lemon Piekle,Ellence Anchovies, Quin Sauce, Chiti and Tarragon Vinegar, Sauce and lmpe riaie, &c. SPICES. Nutmegs, Mace Cloves, Cinnamon, Pepper, Alfpice, Ginger, A c. GROCERIES. Refined Loaf, White Ilavanna and Mufca vado Sugars, Coffee, Chocolate, Almonds, R. i fins, Currants, London Muft.-.rd in t ales, Sper maceti Candies and N. York Soap in Boxts, Engliih Tongues, real 1 1<tvauna Segars, Balket* Salt, Pearl and Scotch Barley,, North Willhire and Pine aVpplt pheel'e, Lon tlon Starch, Queen Blue Ifmglas, Salpetre, &i. Also, An afforp.nent of Cut and Plain GLASS, and EARTHEN WARE. He beg: leave to oblerve he dial! nfe everv endeavor to procure articles of the fu ll quality, in order to enable him to lupply cnllomers on the belt terms. Orders from the country par ticularly attended to. Vessels fuppliedaiid Sea Stores put up on the fiiortelt notice. :£j.e Terms—CASH, approved Noi.e3 or produce. November 4 425 David ‘Baylor, jr* I TV /0R MS his friends and the public, that he has received by the late at ri vals from BILIJAIN, his FA I. L SUPPLY OF DRY GOODS, among which ark tuf. following, viz: || 3-d, 4-4, 5* 4 W; Cotton Cambric, jj Chambcay JVi ulim || 5-4 irifh flitLi-nj; || 7-8, 4-4, IrUh || Linen jj 4-4 Cotton Shirtinjr jj Linen Pocket haadker || chiefs jj Madruis and French |j Puliicat do. || Cotton .Sripe3 || 3-4 & c-t Cotton | Check, jj Corduroys, Thick (efts || J iricy Cmds, and jj Velveteens jj Bed Tick jj Shirt Buttons jj Tapes, Bobbins || Idols ‘i’hread j| Ounce do. jj fciilk and Cotton fjuf ]j penden || Quality Binding arid || Bottoti J errett || T’urkey Yarn jj A few made Carpels jj Scotch Barley hi 251 b ll L'g (l White & Blue Welch |l PLAINS, London Dulßle Blan- jj kets. • || Briftul do. do. G-4, 7-1, 8-4, 9-4, || 10-4 1 I-4 i2-4 Role |! Blankets, Bath Coating and fe- | cond Cloths Superfine do. Ealhionablecolored fu- | perfine Kerfeymcre | White, red, yellow, and fcaritt f lan- j nels Green Baize Coal fe Hats ih small j; caffs Plated do. A: omplete afTortment ij ladies, misses, gen- || tlemen’s & youths jj Cotton and Woolen |j Hosiery A (tw luuidfunic Cot- I ton Counterpanes Cambric Dimity Common do. Cheap j Calicoes and printed ; Cambrf'.ks r ALSO, ON HAND , MAN V other good articles, which make* Lis afTortment camplete. Which lie will dispose of, on the rnofk reafcJLtbie tmin, for HASH, FKOUUCL ok GOOD NO’J LS in town. Odfd'"r UH 4'H A. itKUBM.ft Ci (J i. HAVE just received per the I,rig .SEA-ISI.AND, lrom New-York, a large lupply of BOOTS, SHOES A N D SLIPPERS , Os an Excellent Quality, V/bich in addition to their former fur,ply, stake s heir afie.rtmerii very cxteidivc—u hitli they offer E / aie, at reduced pm er, at their itore on i- hay, nearly oppoiite the Ex change. Nov. 4 423 George Buchaitan & Go, (Jol'NST'JN’s;: 5.) Havcrectived hy the late arrivals lrom Bri tain their FALL SUPPLY, *COMPRMNG A GFNBkAL ASSORTMENT, FOR THE TOWN ANT) COUNTKY Ti'ADK, which they wiil ftifp'Tc of gn medersite . September jo* fWIXOLS XlMllEll, 430. Rills on New-York, At a (hurt fight, FOR. SALE, T Geo. Buchanan dy Cos, September 30 4 , 5 . o\ T con*s ign ixTT-TKjiL ’ A FEW nks ol Wei.i Cho-r.n 7-8 and lold ;it u low udvunce. John Jackson. November *5 :ot. 31 Faints, Oils 6c Bruihcs. rI!E tubfi riber has on lale a quantity of the above avtieles, which will bo I >ld low for ca(h, ov on a (liort eretlii, tj thole who a.e pumfiual in their payments. John Hunter, Align 11 a- 404. SAIL CLOTH, FOR SAL It AT A. G. ODMLEFv. tk Cos. Odldber 14 ajiy Flour & J tarns, •to whole and 50 half barrels I’LOUR ‘2O Calks frelh Burling.ton ILVMs 10 by i 2 Window Ghifs Hair and Wire Selves. J lift, received per brig New-Jersey, apdtvil) he fold low Ibi ciill or apgioved papers. KIIOX U /i)pC. Noveniber la £9 S ck C Howard ? T A Via ’ remaining, a few Gliak’roi* of excellent COALS, Kovcmlrr 18 . 29 . itva'. -,ahxbuc'.d e ‘not . \\fu.\. uofit-v’iy be opt eii i n I ION 'V DAY NEXT. C'j* A good BAR-KEFJ’LR, ini mediately wanted. Nov. 21 30 FOR SALE. IffKOM reven to nine thoulat; i weight o . prime Sea-llland feed Cotton. Apply I to the printers, Nov. 2 ah ! r Jl< .i A. E. A liandf >me, excellent and very cif gaito sAbnt.r. iiou i’ , Enquire ol thT Printers. Ortcber 2H 4* 1 FOR SYLK. THE lioufe anil two Lots in Car penters Rowe, at prefrnt atcu* pied by Jos 1p 11 Wklscm ■ i'. lufqr < on laining ninety left in frmt, ami etc Iniudrcil and fifty feet in depth, ihe fi n* ai'on of this properly nr d* no tom ments, it heing on a hta. li) R * - 1 ,l< bcralcredit will be given, ap > r ’■> Levy / hr. if ”'s, Nov 7 42”5 • • arlet-Square, /, ~dh 1) / Hi 6 L N \ T the .eventeen n •'• U •’ th L Aliyu, . rrrol, Y, lar: HOt. <ny business, f n t T . •'h.-’N >r s i *.>.• , nc band contains se : rv ,I Atnr:v whnli on< >h id 1.: r'eared l/uiy on tl-e road. Good TITLES whih • gne-i to u., purtha fer,apply to 1 0 IKKB k CLARK, Mai<k< - Iquare. l'or furthi paititnlars apjfiy t a btephen Aclioi'a. peeler 1 4_ _ 4 1 <J FOR SaLIO VT,OT a/id lioufe m r l v ’.n f I* me; m. Y/nucnw, froiiti/j.- the. I efler.i fjoal on; the corner o* Ja< fnnh) ami I ••'*!i •wi (h for particular* nnjuire ol 1 UC.ALK X CLAKK, Market Square, vt ‘ > SteqßiLn Acko s. Ofto'.e t 4 Battalion Or del s, 2.yd) lov. :, - \ N election will he held a- the Court J \ horde in Savannah on Fci- layihc ;:!i J:tv o* i) ( ere i r next, for a caj aiu * -■ ~ r- . mar.! 1 , the 4 h cmp-iny, in *., (l |,u ‘alu.a Ch-.tliam Beguile i, molt: j ■ i;i A Ijraht n;’ reniovctl I'n.m the. JJiftncß. P ,1. tbafer -and John I teas ('up:, will fu perinlcml I rich >: ion. I’.lewdlhj t'pentd, at eleven o’ci - k A . M. ’ iiy oriler ot Midi! Doyle, G. R. Duke, APj t . Bar sale, A Negro woman and | ier daughter, bo;h country horn. The v. email azedahoi.f - ‘-ears, a good plain r 001 WASHER and IKONIiK , foer , ■'houti and no ruTav. ay. The daughter t , 0 „t thir teen, ?. very iVnart girl S honle. i'rici SP) lio'Lrs. Enquire o’ thc Printers* Nov- t r U.n. 425 TO i. ‘ T,’ Off thy He ,‘f, 1 HI- S|t ;c 6,,cl C* 1 Jormfrly nrcii pied by -Mr. Stout. J , , on the , ■ • .• ‘lies to M;e jSm . C*b- -. er i‘i 9f) N O l ICh. AI.Tj perfr p t M f .inn” :rfl . rlie 1 Jair.< >; Merman, Effj. vt .• ;ju.nk tii'. lohfcrkt r fuh *wn in * > >r an r * ic tiiattt of Mo:. W| >l iK< c*. iiaid tb'jn m ar> then as ; -1. mg, dn **’ at't llf'd, ’ > 7/, r. \V'ilium 1 vi i.ia 1 Atic m*y be put in a train tor : * c t ra.t James Oliver. t 4'A