Georgia republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, December 09, 1806, Image 1

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VOL. IV. No. 123.] FOR LIVERPOOL, Intended as a const ait trader . remarkable fad fail big copper bottomed rtvrij!rkix>. v AI. EXANDF.R HAMILTON It i lam C Urban, majler , will be <lif patched imr.iediauly. For freight or pafFge, apoiy to the matter on board, James Dickson, & Cos. FOR SALE ON EO.'.RD SAID SHIP. 600 Bnftteb griund SALT, 1500 Stone lUG3, from 1 to 5 gal* luns, which will be fold low, if taken from on board. October 31 424 For GREENOCK, Li tended as a regular trader. . „ The new fall failing snip * r >*■ £> Ma; v. bJxdri* Capt. ‘J‘ Davies, Burthen. 33d Tons. Willlbe from tli- her,to tire firfi. December, a - , forth At. —For Ire gv f Cotton, or Paltr.rc, having rin accommodation:. ply onboard, prto {G lor cc Scarbrough. 0 OStober 31 424 * I- ~ "pm 11~ Jv t m ri7~ . yJtVN\ Trie Scnccner ■L'cibc* Capt. A e!, XI I'.. h-ve imm uliate difbarch ¥■ • freight ipr pubage, f'jitiiy v. the ViAiwCrcn i> /*rci,or kltOX 04 FOpf, PRIMS Ph idelpiiia BRICKS for tale, >ece ved by land \ del. Nov 2 ft 3 T * For LIVERPOOL, r-W The lliip, BOb V ON, C . j-, A fine ll..imch, fad failing vcflel, not two yean old, wiU be ready in a few days t: c ionic ce load!m , and fiia!! be d'.fpatched a; soon as pofiihlc For Leigh:, apply to said Captain, or to R. & J. BOLTON. Nov. 74 ;8 l 4 or Liverp :01, , The new and (launch lliip, V.T'*£v ,f % Lu FKrooi Pack.. r, Vcit.s- m v. tl p. li i * tLI i. 1,11 and , No - Iving at [tics’ wharf, the cbi..f patl of her car/: be. ; engaged. 300 f aies of co tor sill fc .r'vu freight For terms appH on boa ft, to ‘.Vm LADD, IVha has for /b, on board j -idpip, jar Cafl. C'-Uor or A a, ICO b'ol- in cl S > I, <y Hue ditto no. 2 26 half do. do (. . family life 500 bi iht.f potatoc*. it Du:k jg bbls. cherry bounce, iuperior q ua itY ft halt do. and: 0 50 bb’is- n t P. n *0 M bard burnt bricks , 3 trunks India oalicces & chintzes 3 boxes [kw . > buttons, lit for negro ware, fc rr.-.icb cheaper than but ton nioulos Tj bbls. (west Cider. December 2. 33. 1 .*i‘ LO N ‘ ) O fv , , The ft.ip s v J ury 4’ Elizabeths, -. fl V. A. StooKes, M/.fter. Will uiKr-.-vtx * •’ fail the lrth inst. For freight one hundred bales cotton, or j .lTage, apply on fccard, or to TAYLOR & SCARBROUGH. December 2. 4t. 38.” For bievu-Tork, j - **. - \ The reouLr packet Brig < ~ ’ LOVELY L, SS, .RAsk R- 2i.LT Moore,, Viil ;Lil on Friuay the 3it infl.— Fur f,eight or pad’t o, having good accom jr.odatton'-, cj mm to tlv. on biomu at Hurt La’s wharf, or to |antes & Wm. Magre. December 2 2t 33 NOTICE. 1 A LI. pcifons having ilemar.dr ngiinft the late Jarr es Moffman, Esq. or a w.:;'.h the fubfcn. er ir h.s 01 n name, or at Execiror cf the efie.r.e of ‘vTohman, will 1, , r. 1 them i e 4o- Iv- at cued, to Mr. William Mein, that the fame may be put i.t a train for fir dement. James Oliver. Angv.ft to co6 FORSJLE. A TOT aid Hot/- in Town, him ir, £\ Yr r:c v aw ) fr ” t :ng Imm I 00-i f fir; - for p'ar*^ciiHv c . erop're of TUCKER i. c ■ ■ Srcpfien Allots Or l ')'et4 ‘NO 1 ICE, f I IF. f -‘jfcri’ocr be 1 ’ 7? r 1 lintel GUA* S. GEI 1r: “City, informs that bes X t* iici e his C . per ,g?. James Al’ison.- Ilov, ■ iaw6w aiO i GEORGIA REPUBLICAN. BILLS, ON I'.liW-YORK, FOR SALE, Ly John [ack c mi. j Nov. 25 10t. SI John Jackson, lias Received per the f‘."p E/iza, ana Rlisstsippi , from Liverpool, A large and general supply of FALL GOODS. ALSO, An exrenfive and complete af lortment c-fIKONMON GER Y, con lilting of every article in in ;t line. AI. ,0, Grates CROCKERY, aßbrted tor r tailing, Boiled Linked Oil in jugs. t - ) 8 by 10 i Whit ‘ f!] r>/ 4 } _ . r ( MV 9 (if 11 Span.ih Brown , J 3 yio by 12 j i ellow O hit b 2 20 casks best Erevan Stout ON HA\’!), Swedes Iron , flat and square bars. ■Sepr. 30 4* 5 Ogden's qv Bah cr } Have just received iv addition i TIIEIH GENERAL ASSuK 1 MENT Os DR T GOOD -, jq FAkIKTY CF FANCY ARiiCLES. a o, CARPETI G S, AN& the following Articles in the Gl: 01. E A T L J \ ‘ V - ~T HICII they will cifp.'fe ot a VV their dual low j-.v-coi. ■ warrant tobeofthc ft lit quality —VlZ 4 eh?;ls Ily(on Tea I ditto do. in canniflers i do. Imperial, in boxes, ylb. each 14 pipes 4UI proof brandy 2 do. London particular Madeira Win: 1C years old. I i do. Holland Gin 4 do. Country Gin 6 qr. calks Malaga wine 4 tiiiJ3. 4th pi oof Jamaica Spirits , j 2 do. Loaf sugar 140 barrels brown do. ! 9 fi kns excellent Butter 20 boxes b ft Spanish Scgars Pepper, alfpite, &c. &c. ! They have ALSO, received a Consignment of s ! D/li\ (VD Lid ,/.’CP, lln a variety of Patterns, which will be d'.fpofed cf low, tociofetli- concern. November 425 Richmond & Alien, C abinet- Makers, ■jy /TOST refprdtfi.l'y inform t,'icir J. vJ. friends and the public, t ; ~t . ; they have received by .he flnop lloi. anti brig Pilgrim, from Providence, a. 1. and now opening for laie a good aiioit rnent of FUR NIT URE. Among which are Mahogany and stained Bedllcada Sii'ebosrr-B, Secretaries 1): H:c, Bureaus, Dining and Tea Tables Ladle:, w vk tables Wr.fn and Candle ft. rids Portable V/iiting defies One elegant clock warranted good 1 zee h. of belt Ruflia glue, All of wliich they are determined to Lll, as low as can be purebafed in this city, at their drop in Whitaker street, diredily opposite Mr. Abner V/oodruffs’ crockery tlore. [Nov. 4 425 N. B. Orders from the country will be pur,dually attended to. LAND FOR SALE. AT the fevemeen mild HOUSE on the Aegulta road, a large HOUSE fit for any business, for a TAVERN or STORE, (the Land contains seventy six acres, whr h eno third is cleared lying on the read. V :cd TITLES will he given to ‘he purrha tcr,apply to i UCKI.R& CLARK, Market, square. Fur farther particulars apply to Stephen Achors. Ofto'rer n 4,^ FOR SALF. THE houfv and two Lots in Car penters Rruve, at prefrnt accu pird by Justfu Welscher, Efqr. con ’aintug ni .ety fret ir front, and one hundred and fifty feet in depth, thefru a;;cn of this prope r ty needs no coir mcfits, it hving on a hea'.hy spot, j a li j be: al credit will be given, apply to Levy Abr .ha ns, 7 425 h'.urkenS^uare * SAVANNAH: PRINTED BY EVERITT and M-LEAN, ON THE BAY. T U E S D A Y, December 5, 1805. FALL GOODS. 7uE bUBSCti. IS r RS, Have received per tie brigs L) EA N and GEORGIA, front New Toth, a part 0) their Fall Goods, T XJ” HIGH they will fell h.w for V r cafti, or good notes, in town at fhortdates, VIZ. 6 bales white PLAINS 4 do blue, mixtand drab do. 4 do. do. do. and drab Coatings 4 do. Rofr and Duffle Blankets 2 cases fancy and hanfer’a Cords 4 boxas 7 8 and 4-4 liifli Linens 1 do. Brown do. 2 trunks tafi.ionabh Calicoes’ 5 cases mens and womens Cotton and Worllcd Hose 1 baiebla.k Bumbrzetts 1 do London fuperfiue blue & black Cloths 1 do. do. Kerfeymeres 3 b les Huml.ums, aflbrted 1 box pound and pack Pins 50 reams Writing and Letter Paper 2 cases Legharii Bonnets 5 4 Irilh Sfiett.ngs Sew ir.g .Silks an! Pwift Coat and Veit Bilious Shir do. Luftring Ribbons Bia k iliine anins M.idraf; Ha.,..kerchief* ..hi tz, Sl,awls Sv. .• fdoivns, Toibnetta R. i-.rtls, Shall... us 4 Li.-tn C- : t. do. ; cr/: London ?yr er 6 .xes iegars 9 ”i'k f - aid to. Cu! N‘lB 7 bar: ■ •• r<; r. da cc Bilker. November 4 4.2 e kilO -. \ lOpO, ( T xpr tk Gibion’s Wharf,) 11 v. sow t.air.g jer oop l. voritc, Cpi ’ ‘ hr ; and b >lv . Li-, ry TTfl 1 ’ ES Holland and country i; Gm, 4 do. 1 04th proof Brandy to qr. cr.fka Slttiry T { WINES. to do M.ilap ) 20 Bols ( Hi'insl 1 hiiirdelphia beer, 30 do. Pin ; kin : Eo tieU Porter, and ale (3 dozen eac.r) 40 Boxes Lap 25 dp. Mould Candles 20 do prime Chocolate 6 thefts Hyfon Pea yo Whole auu half barrels Superfine Flour 30 Barrels L oaf and Lamp Sugar 12 Boxes N O, 10 Cott,n Caieis 20 Bbls. P.lot Bread, 30 Kegs Crackers 40 Kegs FF. Gun Powder 6 Bays Pepper 20 Gin Cases 25 R eams Wiping ard letter Paper 28 dozen Bed Cords 6 Tour, liar I .-Oil, r. Share Moulds 3 Boxes .hadrilet’y rforteo. iv S . ; ‘ ■ Famalc- Rum, B -.v. and C. tte , 111 hhds .ei bbia. ,>a.t, Hiot, bar .. a , Crockery Ware, Neg'.rf h.-iii, Biai.kct, H*ts Chile:''ri f • •?, Tnri gre: Morocco Caps 1 n.Ti ne J with fi. •; Hosiery, cut 1 y ;nd hard ware aflortec’ Guns and f ‘■ .'ttoii f'-. kin pi, Czcaburgs, h mens, 1 wne. S. . be .ws, anvils, Vicfh, H/mm. rs, G’c. See. Window glass, Oil and Pain’ c 1400 Stone Jags and Jars from I t< 5 gallons. Novr 4 425 CHEAP FOR CASH. Abner Webb, T_T AS uft received in addition to his li late Supplies of SHOES—by the late arrivals from Nc r iL'“ Fork, tc Boston , 400 Pair black and colored Morocco Slippers of the firft quality 500 Leather do. ico Pair firft quality of Mens Shoes 100 do. 2d. do. do. 700 do. 3d. do. do. 2co do. common Grain’d do. ico do. boys lind and bound Childrens Morocco and Leather Shoe', Slippera, arid buskins, and a quantity of Negro Shoes . ALL of which will be difpoied of by the trunk at a fmali advance. Novr. 28 52 ~70 T7ET7 TO let two CONVENIENT STORES or Harders wharf. Apply to Mages & Howard. OSober 7 ts. I C buries MeKenna, Has for sale, at his store , next door to M Norman RE I.cod's AuSion Store, Mur let square, A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF Teas, Wines, Liquors, GKOCEKIES, &ci (See. CONSISTINO IN PART OK THE FOLLOWING AKTICLF.S : Imperial Gunpowder, in lead v Cannister ofJ 3-4 each r t c . . I l FAS of the Suoerline lmpcridl A , . Ilyi’on elrulun , ‘■‘“-•tt .mpor- Bloom Hi ton C tat ions. Young Hyfon J WINKS, Old Madeira, Midoc Claret, vintage 1801, in cafes—lrilh bottled l\>rt. Sherry, 1 ciienlle, Fronugnac, and Mmcat Wines. LIQUORS. Genuine Old Cogniac Brandy, Ilollatd (Jin, Jamaica Rum and lriih Whilkcy in d/tqijohns, Bordeaux Brandy in pipes, Jamaica Hun in hints. London bottled Loiter and luown Stout. CORDIALS, &c. Rose, Orange, Oil of Venus, Perfe<sl JLove, Annilee •, Cherry and Ralpberry Brandi, c in-* namon, Rose, Orange Tiowei and Laaremier i Water. PRT.SFRVBD FRUITS. Black Curiant'Jam. Gooseberries, Apricots. Peaches,Green Gages,Pears, Cherries, Plumbs, I See. Pickles afTortcd in Jars. Also, Olivirs, Cat pers, Gherkins, Red Cabbage, SAUGUS. Mulhroom, Walnut and Oyster Kttdmp, Lemon Pitikle, 1 Hence Aneiiovies, Quin Sauce. Cbiti and ‘I arragon Vinegar, Sauce and hnpe l iale, &c. SPICKS. Nutmegs, Mace Gloves, Cinnamon, Pipper, Allpice, Ginger, &c. GROCKRIKS. Refined Loaf, White Ifavanna and IViufca vado Sugars, Colfee, ( hocorate, Almonds K i fins, Currants, London Cab ■>, ot er m .ceti Candles and N. York Soap in pom s, Englilh l ongue , real Havaima . v egars, Balk t Sad, Pearl and Scotcli Barley, GloudyjUcr, NorSi Willh’x’e a:ul Pine Apple Cheoie, Lon don Starch, Queen Blue Ifinglab, Salpetre^c. Also, An alforunent ofCC’su s and Plain GLISS, and EAR-1 HJ:N W AR Ik lie begs n ave to oblerve he fliail use ctery 1 endeavor to piocuit articles oi the ii driuiny,! ; in order to tii. blc him to lupply culloi:.eT| on i the belt terms. Orders from riie country ja - ticularly attended fc o. Veil* ‘s fuj*.plied andSea j Stores put up on the iliorielt notice. .;gV Terms—CASH, approved Notes or product*. November 4 423 1) a7) id 1 \nj lo r, yr. /A lOR MS Ins fritrtds and the public, that he has reteivea by the late atri va.'s jrotn BEEF AIN, his FALL bbm Y OF DRY GOODS, among which akf Tin: rouovviNo, viz: || 3-4, d-*l, 5.4, c;-4, jj Cotton Cambric, jj Chain bray vi u/Jin || .>-4 Irihi flit'etiug || 8-d, 7-H, d-4, Irlfh || Liuen jj *l-1 Cotton Shirting j| Jaiiit-ii Pockc l iianuker jj chiefs jj j‘v3 (dials and French jj Pitllicac do. || Cotton Srif us |j S-1 & 0-1 Cotton Check, |j CV rduroyß, Tliickfetts || j ii.y Colds, and V elvetecns jj Bed ‘J -ck |j hhii l Buttons jj 1 ajn Bobbins jj j ioi i itrend Ounce do. ;j Sill: and Cotton Sul il penders |i Q>‘ ii-y Rinding and |{ Lotion Eerrect |j Turkey Yarn || A lev/ made Carpets |j .Scotch iiaricy in 2Jlb !l keg. il White & Blue Weleh ! PLAINS, 1 .ondon Duillle lilun- , kns. (j driftol do. do. ■l, 7-1, 8-4, 9-4, || ) o-4 1 \-1 t‘2-1 Rote || Li., diets, li e'u.tlin * and Ic - i .■ 1 and 1 iutl.K . iUri:’ ddecolorcrlfli- (j j E -lie, .ueit |j V hue, red, yellow, || a: .1 1 arlet Elan- || nels Green B-ize Cnm A- Hutß in fmali j, ii Plated do. Aron.jd -*te i'.fTortmetft [j ladi ~ rniiTek, gui- |j tie-men’s “ youths ;j Cotton and Woolen }| Hosiery A lew haiiclfome Cot- |i ton Countc. jianes | Cambric Dimity Common do. Cheap ('abcoen and printed Jj Cambrick 5 also, ON Hand, MAN Y i.tlier good articles, which makes his afiortment camplete. Wl , i. h< will dispose of, on the mod reafor.ahle tei i..s, for CAsH, PRODUCE or GOOD NOTES in town. Odtoher 2b 123 Alexander Cc VValter Koe, HAVE removed to the large YELLOW ‘TOKI'i, oppr.fii, tin J,/CHANGE and odjoinir g Mr. Llackhoute's Vendue Store. And cfkcr thlir erviCFe ai f'aciors & Com mission Mcrcliants, They exp’ <ft in a fe*v days m t omplcat their alfortrrent of GKOCKKIL’.S, which will comj>ri ( e all the articles in present use—and he/ are determined to fc 1 at reduced prices, or oa/h or produce. Novr. ii lot. 427 Flour ct Hams. 10 Whole and 50 half barrels H.OUR 20 Calk ‘r.Tn Lurlir.gton HAMS )0 by I‘2 Window Glass 1 H air and Wire S'nves. I Just received per i.rig New-Jcrfey, aridvyili • he laid low for cuth or approved ; j to Knox G! J ope. November 18 fdh [Whole Ni mbeii, 434. I actorawc. f. and. penr dc v.u.frs, Has removed to ti'.e ‘*> * DAE lately occupied by M. (Tr*. k ? Havens Sc i/.B ),on Judge Jo.,c’s whiu/. lie lliil continues trie i actorage & Commiflion Business. And will pay every attention to the interetl of thof.: who will have the gooJnefs to entru‘,l him with their buii ’,cfs’. T<: will make liberal advanas, if required, on produce being depoiiud lor iale. He keeps a corftant supply of the ueft old Madeira WINE, wlucii he fella 1 v the pipe, quarter call: or den, j rhn. nov. 28* pm i’ actoraifp. si. I Sit/f ribt r bis removed to the COFFEE-HOUSE WHARF, No. U). He (tile continues trie Fact oi tig a Cam mis Ft on- Busitiefu Has large and ‘afe llor.s for the recenti. on of COUNTRY PRODUCE, and “iK pay every attention to i!i irterdt ot who may liun with their uufinefs. Joseph Habersham. O(Sober 3 1 1 actorapc. O JOHN P. WILLIAMSON, informs bis _ friends anti the public, nut he Hill continues the FAC -1 ORAGF G/ COiv.-MiSMON liUSJNESS, on Motel's IVbarf, form:fly oteupted bv Wtllutr i lon atm Morel, and fitijits fioir! liis experence line ~f ibufmels an 1 his ettentt ... tliue l!°, to int'ct with a liberal pa • rona;>c. 1 hose vvi o may favor him wnli ciiur cull;no, irmv rely uij on 1 :s ufmg eveiy ex rtion m Jo.-, p ‘Wei to render them ample la.i’ aftion. Liberal advances will oe made, if required, on produ T ftnred. Sav. Augult 22. 404 tii. Tin-; SUH’ CRIHFR, Hut R. r ‘ veil to in,i/l if li jr f n luhltft WHERE he continucm iu ~<ft m t| e I'Ui'i ui (,y t. /if C, tjtmuisswn l.,vic t 1 r>>)ol'. who will favor him vvi'h th ir EUtjiNESS, u, .y i !y on puritliialiiy and attention to their interest in he (ale of (uch produce, ay they may place to hia hands* 1 here are (ccure and convent* ent roomß lor Hiirinjt IGce, Tobacco, Salt, Corn, and Cotton at the uiual rates, yain b hcilm an, _ er rat d 2 ? PAb'l (J /*o and COXIi ( j /■/ MERCHANTS fubicrihes offer their f rviees n9 F vCTGRS & v OMMISSION MERCHANTS They Itave g .,od, lase and commodious Stores fur the rception ul produce, and wii. pay eve y poffibie attention to the maniq m,, t of my biifinifs placed in their bar. :s They always keep on hand a v neral afTort mrnt of GROCERIES, warranted of the fir ft quality, to Ripply then cufl .tri ers, at the lowed Cash price*. JOHN r. IVHITE if Cos. AU-M.fl 16. U) 401 Ihe Sub/cribur, AT present occupies the W[J . 8c STORE formerly occupied ’ ’ , Gordon, and dill continues th’ * Lumber Pacluro and - 1 * Commiflion Isr ,r n r . He will ttore Produce op > ’ has for s ;;r cterraw S;S 7 ;„d ip s - u ‘ *•*. this years crop* ‘ f,our ‘-*4’ 1 homns Jones* oaober JO, G ”‘ h,i ' t liuc bantn & cl.' ’ ( S<yw AkF ) Havertrcenedhy,!,. tuearn-a':. ,' om Bri , *v.u, tbeir IrALLl r ALL bUI'PLY JcoMrumt/o * a^ gK/U * U ot iU rvr, 1 , _ sms THE ‘• N A .1) r . r*tJTm iJ * tj, ,r \, I I'.’hi .'a>V..'v ivilliljc, ... \OB, bet,leather ,ec ‘ BJt,uu Me ter ™*