Georgia republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, December 16, 1806, Image 1

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VOL. IV. No. 126.] CONDITIONS OF THE GEORGIA REPUBLICAN. The is puli','(lied every Tuesday and Friday, on a royal (licet cf a good quality. The terms of (uhfeription are si* Dot, Xas per half to be paid at the Time of fubfcvih ; ng, and the balance at the expiration of (lx months...arid a'l pa]iers will toe continued until ordered to the reverse. TERM:! OF ADVERTISING. Advertisements inserted at 50 cents per square the firft infection, and 2 5 for each ontinuation—A liberal allowance made to thofc who wi'h to advcrtile bv the year. 03’ Cards, Handbills, Cfc. dfc. Printed at a Jhori notice on reafonalie terms. FOR LIVERPOOL, f ‘-1 The American Ship DRYADE * J oltJ * T. Hiltom, tnafler, • Cue half her cargo is ready, and (lie wi l | Jnect dil’patcli. For freight, cr piaffrgc ap p:> to S. & C. HOWARD. December tz ;6 FOR L.IVEkPLOL, Intended as a const a t trader 1 -tJjTXP’ THE remarkable fall fail r ~ t%. \ . , .. . jT'-V. jJ: t -VV> coppeT bottorrtd fli p iSSUSIQ-eitt ALEXANDER HAMILTON IVillam CJlahan, majlet . v.ll be d:f* patched immediately. For freight or paff.gc, apply to the matter on board, far to James Dickson. & Cos. t’GR Sale ocj board said ship. 600 Euihels p-rmind SALT, 1500 Stone JUGS, from 1 to 5 gal lons, which will be fold low, if taken from onboard. October 31 424 For GREENOCK, Intended as a regular trader., , . The new fall failing fliip W a v v. £0 Copt. J- Davies, 2j *virtiien Tons. Wz\ be uifpitched from i li3 25th OJL hereto the T>cCPmVr, furthest.—F-.r height. ‘ f C<* to , cr liLiving fine accomm HkttioisS, apply onboard, <,rto Ihi lor 5c Scai bi oooJi, o<H‘cber 31 424 For LONDON, 1 -wvNTN TUI SIIII> .-A, MMU” MARTHA WASHINGTON T./-VX* r* .yß Valentine Hussey, master a -SeXtUSl nr* Now tailing her c&rgo at five ‘ Fathcm Hole, and expected to fail in two or j three weeks from the day. For f eight ct j Cotton, Rice or Tp b' the Cabin or between decks, apply to die mailer on board, cr to NICHPL TURNBULL. Dec. 4. 6t 34 NOTICE, TIIF. fUBSCLIL IRS have formed an eliab:ilnmerit in this place in der the ferth cf Howard & Broth ers, Perf.-ns having bufr.efs wilt them wil jiieafe cal! ..n JOHN EVERETT (at the C. u .i-ng Rc- in 1 ;.te v occupied by MAGEE sop HOWARD) who is fully au.i orilcd to traiifacl their bull.efts. JOHN HOWARD, WILLI .n HOWARD, UHEs.EA HOWARD. T7HO H"VL FOR S^LE, **• • too Bases prime U‘>‘and COTION 13 ?Hs n Keiv-Ycrk,at ;; flint fight. Dtc. a 33 jsi!!s on New-York, At a (lit rt fight, / FOR SALE, nv Geo. Buchanan d‘s Cos. September 30 154 “()*T CO N SIG NMI NT, A -FEW enfi-s of Well Chose - : 78 ar.d 7 * IMI D LINEN, which will be fold at a low advance. joi.n Jackson. November *5 lot. 31 ’ NgW MCJSiC, r~f~~ HE fubfciiber has just received a ge k ricraiafToitratin cf MUSIC, confiding <*t'. C . fcr f cs, Snr.atos, and Overtures, for Pi ynefortes T ucs, f r .< Flutes 1 o. ilr Piute and Violin and •• two V iohns, and a variety of hand lt/ire pieces f.r beg inner.-. C. H Fisher. Lay Lane, rear the L change. Tice 2 law if. 33 S tc C Howard TTAVE remaining, a few Chaldron J A cfesce ‘ ut COALS, t'rVT.lcr 18 92 l A C r . ySIG NME XT, OF- tew it:ts t Plated and Craft lIAR KE;s, received by the brig Cleopat ra* trom Te.v-Vark, and f>r fie by JOHN EVERETT Dec. 2 6t 33 geor gt a RFPITBT TC AN ! V. JP J±—A JL X -H jJL A J ft .1 JL J. JL L\ e BILLS, ON NAW.YORK, FOl SALE, ly John Jackson. Nv. 25 IQt. ’ SI John jaclison, Hat Received per the Jhip Ehosa, atu. Missisippi, from Liverpool, A large a ;d ncr.erfi ilif.tpiy cf JALL GOODS. * ALbO, Ai extensive and comfdete af- I iOrciv.tnr of IRONMON GERY 7 , coniiltujg of every Trncie :n tint iiiiC. AL.O, Cratfs CROCKERY, aiTorted for rttaiiing, Boil-i Liiii'eed Oil in jugs. | pB by ife I Whit }JJ °<' r 9 by 11 j Spanifli Brown >’± >3 ‘.lO by 12 | \ eilow O lire ) 20 casks best Broven Ltoat. on Hand, Secedes Iron, flat and square burs . : >nr. 30 41? Opden s C3 Uiiiccp, O 7 Have just received in addition t. THEiR GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF DRY GO ;DS, a r.txiK-Tr cf FANCY AK UCL.ES. ALSO, CARFh. i INGS, AND the following Articles in the Ga 0 e-c 1 lire, \]%T RICH they will dispose of a V V their usual low prices and warrant to be of the tuft quality— VlZ. 4 dulls Hyfon Tea 1 ditto do. in cannillers 1 do. Imperial, in boxes, 71b. each 4 pipes 4th proof brandy 2 cio. London particular Madeira Wini 10 vears old. 1 do, Holland Gin 4 do. Country Gm 6 qr calks Malaga wine 4 hills. 4th proof Jamaica Spirits 2 do. Loaf sugar 40 barrels browo do. 9 fi k ns excellent Butter 20 boxes bell Spauilh Segara Pepper, alfptee, &c. See. i They .cave ALSO, received a Consignment of Vaß c/’ c a A fc, jla a variety of Patterns, which will Lt | difp ifed < f low, to cLfe the concern. November 4 425 Richmond & Alien. A Cabinet- ‘'lakers, iT% /TOST refpcftfuiiy inform tliei; j[ V I fiituds and the public, that S they l ave received by the (loop Rolls, anti brig Pilgrim, from Providence, a. 1. ! and now opening for (ale a good ailort j , ineut of FUI- NITU RE. Among which are Mahogany and (Lined Bedheads Sideboards, Secretaries Disks, Bureaus, Diningjand Tea Tables L;oiie3 v/jrk tables Wadi and Candle (lands Portable Writing desks One elegant clock warranted good P.ufiia glue, All of which they are determined to fell, as low as can be purchased in tin uty, at their (hop in Whitaker firm, diredtly opposite Mr. Abner Woodruffs’ crocktiy (lore. £Nov. 4 425 N. B Orders from the country wil. be punctually attended to. .Sheriff’s Sales. Will l- fold at the Court’hcisfe, in the town of BtunfwicJe, Gly -n County, on thefrfl Tueflay in January next, between the hums oj ten and ihret o’clock , q p Acres of prime Cotton Land, 0 joining the commons of Brur.f wick, coi.fifting of an excellent Dwel ling houfc, gin brute, K tchen, 2nd all other necessary buildings. Seized, and taken as the Property of H. D. Stone, to'y sundry executions. Con H ions C .Jb Wm. PAYNE, novtmbcr 22 35 s G c LAND FOR SALE. VT the ft-venteen mild HOUSE on tlie Auoui. t road, a Urge HOUSE fit ft itiy bufinef-:, fora TAVERN or STORE he Lard c-irams save-.t v six acre •vhith one third i- cleared lying on the read, .iot/d TITLES will be g ven to the purcha Rr,apply to TUCKERk CLARK, Market lquarc. For further particulars apply to Sttphen Achors. Ocftoher 14; SAVANNAH : PRINTED BY EVERITT and M‘LEAN, ON THE BAY. r i’ U E S D A Y, Dkcf.mueh 16, ISO 6. FALL GOODS. ( 1 HE SUB a .RIS h RS, Hare receivedpe* the trigs DEAN and. GL(JRGI t\ , jromiWew 2'cir i y a * part of thtir Full Goods, W-HiCH they will fell low for cadi, or good notes, in town at Ihort dates, VIZ. 6 hales white PLAINS 4 do. blue, mixt a id, crab dc. 4 do. do do. and drab Coatings 4 do. Rose and Lu.T.e Blankets 2 e .'es fancy i ‘.d hunter’s Cords 4 bc::es 7 b ar.d 4.4 lri(h Linens 1 do. Brown do. 2 trunks (afliionaldc Calicoes’ c cases me.iß ar.d womens Cotton and Worded Hole 1 bale h.ark Bombazetts 1 do London fuperfiue blue dc black Cloths 1 do. do. Kerfeymcres 3 bales Humhums, aflbrted 1 box pound and pack Pint jo reams Writing and Letter Paper 2 cases Leghorn Bonnets 5 4 Irish Sheetings Sewing Silks and Ttvift Coat and Veit Buttons Shir : do. Luilring Ribbons £iack iliipc r acting Malrafs 1 dandkerchiefi Ihintz, Shawls Swanfd cwn s, To i! an ell s Rattiuetts, Shalloons 6 4 Linen Cheeks Also, 5 calk? London Porter 6 boxes Spunilli oegars 9 calks 6ft. and Bd. Cut Nails 7 barrels Sugar. Ogden’s 5c Baker. November 4 427 Knox & Pone, JL 7 (Barrack Gibbon's Wharf,) Have new landing per Sloop Favorite , ’ Cipt. Sneed from Philadelphia, and FOR SALE, i'ES Holland and country “ J. Gin, 4 do. Coeniac 4th proof Brandy 10 qr, ciU< s Sherry ) \ WINES. io do Malaga 3 co Bbh. ( llains) Pniladflpbia befr, 30 do. Philadelphia Bottled Porter, and ah’ (3 aozen each) 40 Boxes loap 25 do. Mould Candiesl 20 do pi ime Chocolate 6 ck is Hyfon Tea 30 Whole and half barrels Superfine T~* I x tour 30 l'-r: Is 1 <'af and I.utnp Sugar 12 Boxes ‘ o, jo Cott 11 CarUs 20 111. it. Pilot Bread, 30 K gis Crackers 40 IF. : FF. Gun Powder 6 Bags Pepper 20 C:n Cases 23 Riccms Writing and letter Paper 2ft cnz .1 Bed Cor i 6 Tens Bar Iron, and Share Moulds 13 Boxes Saddlcrry aCorted. IN 0 I'G UE. J maica Rum, Brov/11 Sugar and C it- , in bi ds, and bbie. Sait, (hot, bar b ad, Crockery Ware, Negro Cloth, Blankets, Hats Childrens red, and qrecn Morocco Capis, trimmed with furs, Hoficry, cutlery rrvl hard ware afiorted Guns 3t:d Pocket p.llols Cotton Br.gping, Oza.burgs, Linens, Twine, Smiths bellows, anvils, Vices, Flammers, &c. &c. Window ghfs, Oil and Paints 1400 Stone Jugs and Jars from 1 to 5 gallons. Nuvr. 4 427 10 LET. TO let two CONVENIENT STORES on Hardens wharf. Apply to Magee <6’ Howard. Oflober 7 ts. 417. BILLS ON New-York at a (lint fight, for sale by J AMES K WILLIAM MAGEE. Dec. 2 33 NOTICE. ALL persons having demands againfl the late James Moifman, Eftj. or a nil the subscriber in his own name, or as ftxecutor of the tftate of Moffman, v i!l plcafe hand them in as focn as p,edible, fti. v atteftc-d, to Mr. William Mem, that the fame may be put in a train for fettlemcnt. JarrKS Oliver. Anguft 21) 406 U* % Stolen, from flic Subscriber, on the 23d tilt, a black POINTER bITCH, about 8 yeors old—one of her fore •s white, with black spots. Whoever returns er fliall he well rewarded, and no quetfi-ms 2lked Wm. PARKER. December 2, 33. Charles McKenna Idas for sate, at his store . next door to 71. KOl man tWLcod's Auttiun Store, Mar ket square, A GENERAL ASSORTMENT Ol- Teas, \V iiu.s, Liquors, GROCERIES, ccc. 5 c. Cos'sistinc in r.uiT or Tin: rouoiviNti ARTICLES : Imperial Gunpowder, in lead \ CannilUr ot 2 .‘>-*1 each r . i rIwVS oi the oupeiTiae Imperial Y i Hyfon Cluilim J lau ' l} ““’ or - Bloom Hyfon v Young llyion WINES. Old Madeira, Midoc Clarvt, vintage 1801, in calcs—ll*iill bottled l‘o*t, y, 1 eucrine, Frontignac, and Muscat Wines. LIQUORS. Genuine Old Coqniac Brandy, Holland Gin, Jamaica Rum and irilh \\ hiikvy in demijohns, Bordeaux Brandy in pipes, Jamaica Rum i t hhds. London bottled Porter and Brown Stout. CORDIALS, &c. Rose, Orange,.Oil of Venus, PerfeA I.ove, Anniiee , Cherry and Rulpben y iinr ly, Ciu* n tmon, Rose, Orange Flower and l.avcnder i Water. PRESERVED FRUITS. Black Currant J im. Gooleberries, Apricots, Peaches,Green Gages,Pears, Cheriies, Fluiubs, cK.c. Pickles aflbrted in Jars. Also, Olives, Cat pers, R* 1 Cabbage, Walnuts, *xc. SAUGJ'.a. Mushroom, Walnut and Oyfcer Ketchup, Lemon Pickle, Eflence Anchovies, Quin Sauce, Chiti and l arragon Vinegar, bauce ai.d Impe riale, &c. SPICES. Nutmegs, Mace Cloves, Cinnamon, Pepper, All’pice, Ginger, See. GROCERIES. Refined I.osf, Whiti Hava ina and Mufia vado Sugar j, Coffee, Chocolate, Almonds, Rai sins, Currants, J ondon Muilard in Cases, Sper maceti Cand/es and N. York Soap in Bo.w s, liiigliih Tongues, real Mavanna Segars, liaiM ts Salt, rtvrl and Scotch Barlvy, Glouceiter,! North Wih/aire and Pine Apple Cheese, I.on don Starch, Oueen Blue Uinglas, Saipttre, &c. Abo, J An aflortment of Cut and Plain GlutSS, and EARTHEN WARE. Heb-. v. I .ve to oblcrve hcfli illufe evety endeavor to jir.i. ure articles < f the firll qdality, m order to enable him to fu;'j ly customers oil the tern. . Order: . o.n tlie country jnir ticuLrly at; .ded to. V'efiels aud Sea Stores put up on the ill or t est liocice. ffj-’ Tcinu—CASH, approved Notes nr produce. November 1 425 CHEESE.’ 5000 wt. Northern Cheese, of a superior quality, just received, and for ‘sale nr John Bill. December 9. 53 ts. S \IL CLO l’B, for salt: at A. G. OEMLER, & Cos. Oflober 14 4uy Alexander & Waite- 15 oc, HAVE removed ‘t-i the large YELLOW STORE, opposite the i-.XCIi \NGti. a- ft odj, iuing Mr. Stacknotile’s Vendue store. And offer eeviceb as ('actors (Id CommLsion Merchants, They expefl in a few days tu c .mp'eat their alfortment of GROCEHIES, winch will compr.le all the article:, in preferit tile—imi lie;, are determined to ft ;l at reduced pric- s, or cash or produce. Navr. it lot. 2 7 TO LET, r T*H.\T excellent 91:J well known L stand for a Tavern, on ihe Oge Tee road r.ine milts from .Savannah, late ly occupied by Mrs. McKnighr. Pof fcfliou will be given immediately. Ap ply to George 18, Allen . Little-Ogcchee, Decern er ;t!i 1806. 3. IB anted Immediately, A MAN who understands the minag?- . ment of Negroes a-.d is well ed with the planting of rice, tipp y to. George 18. /Lien. Little Ogechee December 5. ts 35. Seven years Credit. A RICE PLANTATION containing I 446 acres, 35 miles fr< m Savannah, inferior to no inland Swamp between Savan nah River aid Chain (lon. A If- , a COT TON PLANTATION, containing 740 a cres, nine miles (r-in Savannah, iptn to Y.liee liar, cultivated the present year The ab- ve Lands will be fold on a credit ol (even years The owner wi(l.i-g ro decl in piantirg on acc-ur.i r.f ill heal'.h, will left I'm above. Landi tor half tl*ir value. ’1 lie pdiat’ and Lands will be (ftev.n by IJ. 13. BELLINGER. December 5 *iaw4’W 31. An Overseer WANTED, Afinyle Mrn capable of managing a P ire, Plantation near Savannah, •• ith proper ! voucher, a, to chara&er, will meet with on- j Ico-iargerr.ent. Enquire of the printer -. Dec. Id 30 j fWIIOLF. NIMBF.II, -137. Factors lc. O A D. PETIT de V:LEERS, 1 las removed to the O TOUE lately occ-”pil by Mcflrt. O Havens ck Biziw.on Judge Jon*’# wharf. Hr Ihft coi.f.tiues the l'adtorage ik Coinmiilion Lusincss. And will p.iy every attention to the intcrcll of ttuifc wI o will have the goodiicfs to entrutt him with their buli iicis. ltle will make liberal advaners, if requited, on produce being ckooiitcd for (ah'. IK- k-rps a cotdlnnt f-:pp!y of the bill old Madeira WINE, winch he (oil* by the pipe, quarter c :!k or tlei'ii j jhn. nov. 28- 6m 32 Factorage. L J 5” // J/Jj'i * ffjr'f /: ts f <97* --/f (% ff,g COFi I lh-1 10 Uisih WHARF, No.’io. 1 ic iiill CtiiuiiiLuh (he Factorage & Commission Busineju Has large and ( afe (lore! H- the rcceptl. on of GOUNTK Y PR O D U CE, ami will pay every attintio 1 to tlie i, of t'.otc who may ci.irult iiim tiicir buliatfs. Joseph Habersham. Oflohcr 31 424 1 iic v oniQc. JOHN P. V\ ILL lAMSON, ij'al e I’ECTrui.LV fjlurms h:n htciida ; (id the public, bidt be Bill concinurs the TAG rOKAGE & C-Dft MISSION 1-L'bl -ESS, at Motel's IFkt.rf t j brines ly occupied by Wd.'.jr,,- (011 and Mort!, and aui.c., toiti l* iS exper.eace in iliat line oC bunncL and ins attemi tlitrc ,lo, to liittt with a iji;. : >,i p,>_ trona;r<t. ‘Ehoje who may favor him with their cullum, may un on iiis uhiijr every cx'rtion io lii-) power to render them am'pie fan-fadiion. Liberal ativaritcs will be made, if required, on prod it. e stored. Sav. August 22. /toq.tfi. FACTORS ar.d ct J A ... J: ‘S Edit MERCHANTS. r~j a Ifuhfct ibers efi cr their f rvices aaf 1 facto its & commission IVlLltCii.'iN IS. They i.ave i/.od. fate ntrJ commodious Sn,kts f. r tiic r caption of produce, taul w.r.y y ivu y pi ili'il-- atiention to ;hr- m.iii < r nc it of ary buCncfg placed in their hnii.t,,. TANARUS!., y always ke-p on hand a iiieiil of GROCER IKS, warraj. ed of tu. fit ft. q'i.ri’.y, to iiq.uq i.’ieir tulf:,Ml era, sit the low* il Cash JOHN r. IF ill IF cU Cos. AUgllff 16. tig 402 Ibe Sub farther, A’!’ prtfuit occupies tot- WHARF* & STORE formerly occupied by Col, GuP.I>ON, Slid Hill COtltillUCS the Lumber baclo/age, and ComniiiTiun Hu Griefs ; He will ftoie Produce on moderate terms; HAS FOR SALT!, Rum, Brandy, Gin, Molaflcs, Sugar,- Coffee, Corn and Suptlfinc 1 lour, o£ thih years crop. 1 liomns Tones, Gor don’t Wharf. O&cber ro. ts. 418. GrO>pe Buchanan & Cos. G (Johnston's Square.) > Havercceivtd by the 1 c arrival ftorrt Bri tain their FAT.I. f UFPLY, “COMPKItIKO Jl Gfil'Kß/.1. /!t I'IkIMF.HT, FOR THE TOWN AN!) COUNTRY TRADE, wbicb tin-. v. ill ilil pole of on moderate tciin* : September ?o” 41 6 Dolls, lor a Thief.’ TOLr.N’, from V.'eyr ‘t v.d- f. Friday*’ * f uiybt, about K ocl and 1 Ir, 3 fo#r osr’ il BOAT, branded <n the I< ad and (lern with 1. K. and pairted white, with j;rn-ti yrnneis. Ti t- ] rfon that will deliver the mvp def eiibcd be,it to fi e (-dikr.r. r 1 ill receive ’ ;m rd of three do'iars, and ii t!:c thief tour. ■ wltli it, f.x dollar i. N, G. RUTHF.WORD. [ December 2, Si. %.i.