Georgia republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1806-1807, December 16, 1806, Image 2

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m shoes. : laBKIIR WEBB, Corner of 5. ‘Tj ’f.n nnJ U r.ilul.trjirc Is, futid rg, llv ;i1 reetived a rral afTortfiient of tillOilS, p :t of v/l ti are well 1./cl fur ft - country trade, and will be fold very low bv the trur'ir r-r dr/c-p —Z ft, rut f ’. i s.uJ lime, 3 r-f,r.-ji laci.k’ 11; cw iionr.cts U Hat* l ditto Pinines i ditto long iawus, or Eflapih’ua 12 loz *n cotton Umbrella*. I) .n.rebel't 2 Jt A. Scribner A Co.| Have ieecive<j by the ltd art Vda from j hcv Vik in aC.:i ion to their iormei : ilork, the V'JLL’ wise AKTI Lt S, i *> imrrw iioms 1 liHi f\ i a’ ty Shoes *• ‘.J •. Do. p I'.z, Ij >. D . ic> -i.d quality ar.d Lsi !i,04 3 \c.o 1)< . V. Hues joo lift. M( rocco do. (o i I)c. h of a vfrv fiu ori r r <]■ and wrtll variety <f orJuo a;*i c ii in* r in ,v!)o( v/'.kli thy offer :ir reiiiccd i a: their 1 ‘>-re on the 13ay, nearly * |>- ji I; e the iAcha.igc. 9 35 Ch imbers, 2 Ith D. ct ir.bcr r 806. mr.'.FNT THMIK H.XQUS, I'Ziiiium Smith, jjm't tiller, A. S. H'J.och, The Court pi xe 1 1. 1 lud-jiv ‘ (•>• ‘< fuijp vi a y J Z Wiu. Si aw f(’ pt. i J v tliboiic > Cum* 1 ty, ‘j :i . 1.m.i., , Capt. White’s Com- S. tl. • . uso, £j. uy. h n; ,An .lev, Ci. ,i. Mars’ Coai ! . u n. j I’utf. • jti : ns f v . i-t. Pemberton* Juhn .liberty, j (’.ontpruiy. • nineiu / ( uj)t. McLcmi’s !>i J?. -s,s Ci..,., .ay. ■’ t , f try ;cs Com* I! .. v J.i<’ y .iiiy •’ ’rph -'I i ■ (Apt. Harden's i ham:. iXnlsun, , t ..niti.ny. i .!>. ii, f Capt. Huiu’s. Com- Kul” iS. (iil)i n ]• i>\. ’■ and tii. ; l.'.t* ‘4‘vri'a> persons *’ ‘ • jC< n ,1-.'come lot v. ui'd amt ]',• ‘ hund : ; re ji; ,-4 by lav lor the f-• utiu. dl tneir duty a,ml t.'t.a to- 1- i: inrifs hi publibhed iu each of Uie V \ ('Oi.i ii( :fcj. I-.i.'metfrom the t/r iv'cs, 1 \tji-D<:n m~ in r 1806. J A MI'S UI'LLOCII, Clerk. I'.'x] rED 8T ‘ FES, i lo the i) t S! . 1 i-.S, Clerk. j Georgia, hi ttuvl Admiralty jut indie lion (Hi l’ttlt <nf iif the IT-iilrJ Statrr3 to •; Ma.!lul Ot (aid u.i!..A, G ..u injr; \) ‘ ’!’ K 11, Si j.i .el bath tliiu day •* * -tt -j l! and ti ttic laid t l l>i. i>, W iUia.n 15 Uuli. nil, etqiiue. cdon.ey 1 .• t!ic 1 •. u Stati r, m *■’.d tor .hi iii i! ct if Georgia, in L> liait ot ill- Uni. till fia.-s, ai tl ‘hree barrcla ol Oi. n Juice, n■ u iuwii wIT lor boat *’- • In i liiiriy tuna b -.r.ken, w.lii V . and furniture ; which laid 1). • iii.ivi'i’ iii the pint i.f iS.. darysa 1> >nt ‘.'if Itvrn h j v if June ill, Ire (• t Spa. ub piuvmrc ot Lull Mi.iu-, u 1-iui.n ."ii or place, wt . ihc fsui barn la ot O'air t Juice, ot (otei p , y.iov or .lu p’ ii‘t ol firei s -i 1 y’M-V . ; ;la>ni.. tiiai 111 fa.d jilt :, 1 jui j -t to uly by tile Uniuo bt.t h, j v oji im ltv utli day of Juit: Inti | 1 • . “ ! l ill: la'll tU 11 1 Hi. .. t* • Mtl ! tv-,';: ill a,y report >■ f.ttrv .. y j ii •. . at Uif C . it.itn Houle fir the tuid j ii lmSt.ii and uttii.utap .mil Lei’ ~ ;;rau j it.l (or lamin'/ the (jitic in c.intt vio 1. lion ot an .Itt oi Coi.<itiii, Cll.'llLJ / ‘nli i r.\; to i\. uiute the collGiioii of dauii ■ to. in p. it a and Unmade” palled Ike le- j i • .’..y ut la:eb, i j).- ibinitaud 11\ct.- 1 liUOt'ia.l i.i.d nitit’.y; whereby ike ! lan. arii.-'th, tUt is to ley, fferee ba.reL ‘ v( G-rmr juice of ( growth, or : ike ptodu-u • . loiu'ii and one j bo. . 1. iti .:• 1 1 t 11 v ,0 # b'J.'t y, | wiili -u r 110 1 a,„ a'); arel have be- j ri.r,H n(. to the ref outes. 1 V’ ov ti'f.ii.c you the lieu Ma iiai t j Jur. \ . 01. a itii.’ 1 iite an.’ ako. . ifti cii aid tv ..; J. .041 or pi .oiiahav tnj, < i.ciiif ml av a:.y n,,bi, ti- 1 la , uiteiett, or .11 v. t ■ . .er 1. to, ot out ot ti.; b.rfvU o; j, nil.’ toe -ale! t net, it iu.C are aod a... Jo t. Ij bi, . . Ml a ipt'Ciul COUI i, lobe ■ 1 i.’- ut lie Court Howie- tu tin of, • on Uif iw.i.ty mill It eta, •! i.t .! to o’clock m til. io.e .11, to Bale. tut puo dice, dt to me tv . u!e, it 00 ley, v t:y the joiytr • t!.c Lli'i IKioid be (ji-U ----t £ ; #:li HC V%I-.V) lie'll ‘CUolll lo j 1 eua ju-'t. , L.* ctut 111 llic pre im]] •. ’ .i:nf the ’.01... >Ve William Stf j” .. ii. (ant Court, n . •> . (l i. t y i jJcC'-mbar t::e - .t ‘■ 1 Lor 1, o.t: ;noutetid, Oi .<< .f,. an.: tic j Hid <ii the liar, ty a: a voar or tcicnca. 1 i pamimec. \V. la. OULLOCH, { t ) })• /• tii .irot nry, - .i.,. ■ *1 iii.'dUf.tMl \ V. to *’ .11 *•!!■; n-vie-ft >'i rtrt* rub ; V . S', on ( JtKO and Cc?:o lxr cm I r K 3.i. i-Msaimiudativ"*- A are ,di-1 > ic A ~ 1 ~1 lie ii'.i'nediaicty ai'o’. i x y j. ic. cu y- o* SATURDAY If (HIT. nr a journeyman mechanic. I Now wife ar.J'childicii, lets he pay, . My r.c.ik is done, end here’s the pay— Twa hard 10 earn, hut i.tvei nimdit, Hope rear'd the fr.t A, and peace lhu.ll bind it. 1 Sis riaysTv'; toil’d, an 10,v .v* n ;at “i o Ihare the welcome weekly treat t)f t .It ,nd r *a, cf rell and joy, : V> hich hy lahoi.r cannot cloy. Come ye who form my dear firc-Cde, My eare, my comfort, and my pride ; Come row, and let us close the night, lu l.urui.ei* sports of fond delight. | | Tr-inoirow's .iawn 1u inysldtoTed peace, j And each doineftic joyb. increale, iTo whom who 1i... elrly maintains 1 iiat courie 01 joe whi .1 Ileav n ordains. ’Tween ridi and poor, the difference v.hat ? In working, or i.i working not ? Why • umlay we’re as great As thole who own avail J or on to-morrow’, happy day, We l!iuil work less jierhaprs than they ; Arid though no dainties l afford, V hat’s sweet and clean w i.i grace my board, j For which, anti every bltffmg giv’n, Thank.ul we’ll bow the knee to Heav’ll; lu Cm. . ov,n houie, our voices raise, With grateiul notes of prayer and praise. Tht fe duties will not interfere, Or clou 1 my brow with thoughts severe, lint hill. uve tunc- enough to ipeud, 1 0 r.ici a walk, or fee a friend. mv.set's :he tranquility of heart, vV loth pauu-’ wortiuj doysimpart, And fleet’s 1. ‘ Grid, and’sthe road J o him whole conlciem e Lears no load. i bus Ilia 11 the dry, a, God deitpvM, i’ro.nole n.y'health, unhei. toy On , .aay molua,,;, iftc 1*„ a pan*, Cheerful I'll po to orli agalU. ti ll life i.- hut a 1.1 gthen’d week, .In 01 ; h J licit wilii tod for red we feet; akllci ..- II . labour V.CU 1 . pad, j\ juyiul t-aldia.l finds at lai: ! SUNDA i AION II oli No. I\. “ Sure ‘tia a urn run thing tv <!ic.” “ WHAT Llicii ?” soys he lover ‘cf pleasure, a.;ti the ne: ithj H.sid ; -Wc u.t* 101 Uuj ilii> ■, i) aiouu'ii imni lltci ,. 1.1 pit .it luj.erul.uu i iti oil - ■luutiLieis, v : iiuiit is i *j * k obtrude upon us in a newspaper.” } is true J A Jo/rent 00 of our inortaiily ait ca;,,nuiug j in our cal's coiili .uaily, and ;.ie .m,; 1 Utioii our si i?Ill i*k uii oi l* Widks. \\ t. ■ 11 t lieard ami seen th. u l so, tliut th* v are ;;ro#n too ia.idl-1 i” lo impress and influence .. “ r><* i!i Bands like Mercuries in every path, Ann kindly pumt us to cur journey’s end J- tru ~iUf ihh<*cxlu*>* o.*;. !Jut, pel hupv, uu v j'ig with the admoni ion i.i .n ~.e the iinpre ion iU-vjwi, i.iui .uore', ia-Uiiy. Let !.> *. the stiggesiion of a Ifc.ghbour, when ii is well . cani lx il-l Iv taken ; and ii nrriatt, advice be given ( by one. wliomel, ■t. uh; and wh.i.i jii oplc ol all ui*j*.*nions gind round Iti.ij, some of wlit-hi have occasion u> It el . r.’ too, lot not i!ie ailticc tend U3.401:.:f0il be 1 ho’* ill timed. “ •’> /. ’./> .7 ■< a to di —So thinks enoy one on a death bed ; an.! \*n, sltou.d*: 01 . usagreeab.c ..tjd id. cme ; or v* n; should it l>e thot.ghf I inip’ixij “i, to admit tlte refle* tiou in a | si-..,* a *,i bcahll and prusjkiii v ; : i.t* e ■ if v *• *lO not, ji may he an svtful ning to | “ Sure ’ti-i u .s m ;:.v thing to die,” ! —’f “*v can it be oUierwise, when death! Men mu.e-. our terrestrial existence, io’ • ;>, *■:. all our connexions and i.itei j i'i.'li ■ v ‘he luimUies an*! societiis to I wltieh we belonged, and releases u livm, •vi'iA s* i ular employiiient, in wiueh we’ i v.ere engaged? Lot gianting tlria to be tlie t .g.e ; tnti a v.e not lie put in mi; and of that will ec< uiny happei, iest it : shmiifl damp our spur ;. au: throw us into the vi.K .os : Blit ny i*. 1 ituving j these things to 1 . dic’ts, tl vuil not I iuivmipt either the pt.:'-:i'iis. oi’ uu I pit* istiif i that Uuoairte ; but raihci’ | acceii iv.e the one, and heir the o ! tiler. j *Nr re ’ii . scri . thing to di — S’ • ijt.i it may be. but cat drea.’oul to. any. *'\'Vj me se .him und wiclteei .'.ei'- j vant. Siriuj'y but not even go .7>y to , tlte ;. mis and ‘oenevoient, whose’ w .flies and cxeiti ... have been to picase tiieir j M.ikvt and to ov tr eful to men. Setitnut, hot , 1 pi., .. him, whose desires, whose ’ lev... v. 1 ..iv exerri eu and c.isix. in*, ’ ar< .i i* hfptetl to that -late, v.itere “ all; ‘ tht vs are tune and all the region peace. 1 “ S '-.rc ‘t’sa srriou* thing to die.” \ —Heath, ii'i lord is mclandu I\ day to! tin thiHigboess am! vain, whose taste and j 1 an. ‘it: 11 rise no higher than *k<* amuse- ’ iioeics an,! delights of this world, the t j,ratification of their appetites ai.d j.\ts ’ si i‘ns. •* When rides of youthful bloom r.ta | A’ *! Irene* of yromu'J joy are my;li, Jlr.ilfh yreFui.ii..*,,biaaty bionttuttg Oil ho'a .ti i ail:ui ‘ti, [L'viu;!” ! Bat -o often, and so te-i a-ly think of tleath, as 10 lie prepared for it* anil your to • > .‘.v will paii n*> pleasures tttat are ratio .‘ah will mar no mitt h that is n.tnly. •• Swe'.'ij a nrh tin-ig to dir.” ’ —Not ecu • >v as. and dreadful to those i ’ who have si, ,ned aw.iv their interest a id . (heir no.vs in u beuer world. The 1 to ; ‘- (< If there’s an arr r : A n', . a -1 is Corn i.-nce,’d A..d fu.STr’dto .‘peak out, every u ..n ; , 1 hen he a., avtlul thing to ike.” ! hut i: to the a i.4turai death be so “r.c- I rio is,” so “ cii ea.iiiil,” so “ awlui,” a jtning, ‘ < J “ Mote horrid yet, to die by one’s own hand. I Th-.fe only are the b.. vethatktep tiieir ground , And keep it to th : tall. To run away, to hut a coward's trick. To run away, From this wotsd’s i.i*, that ~t the very word, Wiii form blew o’er, thinking to mend our By boldly vert’ring on the world unknown, And piling:t g headlong in the dark ; us mad: No Irer.zy l.a.f lo desperate as this.” “ Sure. n.. a •■rv.nn tl.i. g to die.” —Surely then we should not think it a triibr. g tiling to live; anti why is life ivt (i us, bm th. twe may be -3 happy ©urselvesas our capaJdcs will admit of .’id jn-omote the happiness cf our ft .- io-.v creatures to lie. utmost of our abil ities ? But in order to be happy our selves, v.-e must lay a foundation here lor the In ppiness of our whole exis- tence. \vc may rest assured, that our happiness, both in this life and the next, wil be promoted and secured, in pro-! poitio'i as wc exert ourselves to promote ! ,r ::e and hat ph.css in the world.—ls | we concui ..1 the m-'". voient plans of j the Parent, and in the eadea-urs I •A !ii’ eieslia! messengers, and of good j j beings, in eradicating evil, in mitigating I | pan; iu r--*coni:ncndii. : r end, exemplify-J | i.ig j ; utid usefulness of conduct, j . - uoali bceorne more and more assi-( .a ated to superior beings, both in pu-j rity clc pleasure; our reflections on j dea'Ji will nttiier heighten than dimin ish cur enjoyments; and our dep.u - • tin out of tliis world, will be an adr.ii:.-■ sion Im-i ij i sex iety, where happiness and unenvied, increasing an 1 . srla ‘.mg. Foreign News, A’ red ‘J at Charleston hy ike ehifi Beir ut;, Cufit. Hood, from LirEttPooi. ITAMBURtII Oct. 7. Ycrt” .y iced Moriwth,accompanied hy Mr. Frere, secretary of legation, Mr. | Ross and suit, anived here from Lon ton and next day continued his journey . ‘lie head-quarters of his Fiussian inu esty, inbaxony. Letters from Naples of the 10th cf iH-pteml'.ir rt/e, (hat the English have! .and a last effort to sustain the wreck of j ‘die Neapn'iui trdops, and the reliels in arthcr Calabiia, Heneral Rcgnier de leated and destroyed a division of 3,000 o'm. between Nic.-vro andMonteleone, whilst general Verdier defeated another 1 lon 1 for side of Amantea. There still I exists aboudittas who scour the wocsii., 1 md mountains, but who dare not face j 1 • troops tleiKMvl Massena is at Ni- i j castro. Farther * ...Lb ia rect.ives him 1 !as deliverer, and the authorities of the! J country second him with ail their power, J in order to restore ttancpiility. t duller 8. Tiie army of the Confederation of the 1 Rhine has begun to assemble. Besides | toe numerous corps which the King of Ba- iria marches towards die irontiers ol j * cxi nv, we learn ’hat the other IVmccs *. a. y on i’ircii jiiepaiations with activity. ! Letters from Manluim, of the 2d, state, j ‘hat the regi neiitnllhe hereditaiy Hraiid Duke of Baden, which wu.< in garrison in \h..t town, set on* that evening on its march lor Mcrgenthcim in Franconia. LONDON, October 14. We received, this rooming, an express from-Deal, with Dutch papers to the lOd. instant, but their contents arc not of any importance. A private letter accompa -1 ring them, from our correspondent at that place, states, that several Dutch’ boats have been brought in the Downs, j I the people of which report, that a severe 1 j action has been fought between the ! French and Prussians, and that the for-! me 1 were obliged to fall back. We have received Paris papers to the inst. The Hamburgh mail due on- Sunday arrived last night, by way ofi | Cu* haven ; and that due on Wcdnesday arrived this n ruing. Tlu: Hambuivh | papers also came down to die 9th. The i accounts from Germany supplied bv these two sources of intelligence, are. nearly similar. No How had bccuj struck at the latest dates from the ex- 1 i'eteri theatre ofw. r; but tlu- Frtnclf •aid Pi uiv armies still con tin ie to ap j pn- eb ( 1. idler. The lai.d-quarten; of id’ Prossian inaiestv were pushed fotv ; Wm c on the Ist hixnml, io F.rfurth, and . lire Pr.isM . , , t-post.= ;erd pi.juet* were . at dui* upon *l.l baxou ficimieis ofi Coboiu gh. i u.” French army, by the 4th Ocukier, would be eeivrit’-ateu iu! the neig.hboui'!rood ol W inL>urgb Bi>i'.ap.ute is there, mid lodged y; die: palace of the archduke of Wui .-hu: 1,1 brother of the emperor of Austria. The | Ere:'.* h troops have occupied {he place. Augerau's corps forms the K.k v* :ug.— Ber.'.i.dotte’s tiie right. Tiie corps of j Davoust, Ni‘_v, and Lefevrc, and the ini -1 ncrial guard, for. form the centre*— While the great body of the Firiich ■ army is come itrating hseUTti i'<at quar ter. general Michpauld is coming up the 1 Rhine, at th, Ive.-al of the united French and Dutch corps, ant’ has arrived at tlui | Wesel; and, in Uic South, the corps o: j Souii. which it vas supposed, would rc* main behind toitatrh \usuia, h~s bro ken up. and began to move i\v the L'p (h r Pauttinate, taking wim it t‘< •• -of the Bavarian army. Austria ha6divided her army into four corps, and drawing a strong cordon of neutrality along her Bohemian frontiers. The conduct of France, in leaving het thus without an; force to contcunl her, except Bavaria, is accounted for, by supposing that a cpn con\ cation has been, agreed uj*on by which the Austrian troops arcr.ot to pcs 1 tn- Lr.s, and the French „re to rei’e ! behintl he Lech. Asa means of fuitih seeni ing the neutrality of Austria, Bot psne has released her from all i/ility, with regard to the M'.rremierbf; Catai’O) but vve should be much dies- ‘ {jointed, if that power con Id so scon ft get her wrongs, and would not seize tje j first opportunity to stiike a Mow \ France. The aid ol Russia in the tiiret ened contest may be funly reiyed upti, although her troops may not arrive in time to open the campaign. A Rusxjn army of 90.000 men, under the coa mand of Kutusow, Kamenskoy, ud prince Bagrathion, is advancing by forod marches to Silesia. Another Russim army lias entered Wailacbia, for tie purpose, it is to be presumed, efprevci ing any division to which the ni ‘.viy ’ ,'uii e 1 influence of France may endeuvofr to excite tile Porte. The determination of the emperorlf Russia to co-operate, with Prussia, is fa ther evinced by hi* manifesto, issuet. i.i ’die doth of August, and inserted in He St. Pctcrsburgh Court v.azeUe, of p,e j 31st of Sept, as read to the senate, upn . the relations between Russia and Frage ! and the policy of the former power,ln | respect of this common disturber of tie j repose of the world,—it hi eathes tie I generous which has uniformly div tinguished the character of Alexander i If assigns its reasons f: r rejeclii,” U’Du- Iri ii’s treaty ; but at the same time tie ! clares, that his impc- ial majesty prepo. - | od exjKidients and bases for resuming 1 negocia’ ior.-s with the French g-over:,- ment. 2'he precise conditions arc not mentioned; but we are given to u.idei | stand, that an indemnity for the king of Sardinia, and the reinstatement of ihc king of Naples, in his dominions of the two Sicilies, constitute the principal terms. The answer of the stnaic, to the manifesto, is conceived in terms of the most ardent loyalty, and well worthy of the liberal and generous sentiments of their sovereign. The French minis ter, l.afbrest, Lad taken leave of bis iriends at Bcriia on the 4t]v. and was ex pected to leave that city cn the sth. lie had demanded passports 011’v for Lim | sell tJxd family ; but his Prussian majes ty, wishing to get rid of the whole cot at cuce, immediately sent passports for every person connected with the embas sy, i r.c Paris papers still assert that Hes se will reiviuiii neutral; but an article in j a Hamburgh paper announces that the ‘elector bad arrived at head-cjuai ers cf • the king oi FrussL on the 3d of Oct. and consider:* tis s cirf-umstauce as de cisivo oi nis co-opt*Valion l^iv.iicc. An article, dated Vienna, the 27th, states that the French troops have abandoned the attempt cf reducing CuLbria, an* i received orders to fall bcl. upon N_- ! pics. The landing of the Russians ja I that province, may have cci.tributed to ; that—Jerome EoiVi'.rx.rte ij to beirai ! vied, by proxey, cn the 15th inst. to the i’rincess Cat'.iarLa ol Wertemburj, she I icnc.h tends ate still lr. ’l— were, on the Bth, £4l. We announced yesterday the arrival of tire Earl oi Lauderdale and sett*', it: Dowiting-street, at a littie before two o’clock. A Cabinet Council had beer, summoned at Viscount Howick’s office, in expsetauon oi his Lordsfop’s gnivaj , which he attended. About four, Ids Lordship arrived, atlas house in Queen Street, May I ‘.dr, .vhe: 2 he remained about lull art hour, and then set out for Holland House, where he slept last night. i ji> Lords nip left Paris on Thursday afternoon, aurl slept that night at Chandly. It is to be observed, that the noble Lord asked for pass .-cats at the time that the Emperor set ou< for Uie ~i my, anil froju that moment all r.e gociatiou ceased. Passports vve re not Heim cr but they were not. giant.-d; ‘ana, : r seems obvious, that it was the , poli-.y of the i’:cn< h Itmpcrer’dea- 1 | \u: to gain time, iu the hope ol making j.. eoir.pi - .nise with tin. king of Prussia, 1 .aid tc. keep the English minister in l’a : :is as a a >ui*to i.i- Littigue. The ma |noctvu: aid not dccvi-.e to,* Jviitish go- I’•t ■’ “ ut, and they resolved ibithwHii ■to F“• uit-i warlike* opuatious. Our . j Seat- .e oivivTcd to sail on the isti- ■ j’port.* * expedidons vvLichaie n.c.Uta i ied ; ands a means of preventing die march 01 u :;ops from the Coast of | i ranee, inti vli’Miiiiuy , idrcctions were I given for a Llthe ir.Hamntabic ar rows, againsi toe flotilla at Boulogne. • Plus vras o.'cird attci l ord Lauder- i dale had demciftied brs passports, when j ad hopes o.’ conciliation were abandoned, • and our ministers va re imoifni :i of the I troops b*ing i > lull march from the i.i- 1 Tories- ol France rewards Germany. Aire | French were trdten altogether ui.ipre* j iia* .and , vi.iiriL seven tli'atisiitid me., on* ’ iy bad been left at Boulogne, and they 1 seemed no fovptr to entertain tl\p !e \t j a^ipivluuiaion 01 aimovi-iice tji< re, Our j boats into abe t six hundred men on j noard. The tfrxk, ;-s v.c apprehemh and 1 yesterday, excited great resentm#. r it at Boulogiic. When Mr. Ross, the rues i senger, arrived on Thursday, with dis j I _ic .'s for Lord Lattdenlafo, it was uith the utmoi*t difficulty that h*e could (obtain iK'rniissjjn to land. He was con- vei eel in a close shut cabiiolef to a bo te!, and was detained the whels du.y i.i Boulogne. We have just received Dutch papers to the 13thimtant. The king of Hol land set nut f on. Driefccrgenou the 6th. to join the unitetl French and J)ut‘ ii ar my. under general Michaud, at V curl ; his Qiicu iiand children in- g.xie to j.iin Madiune 801 apetue gt Ki.-i.;*;. TU Rotterdam Mercury, ci’ the 1 Ifh, tujtes no notice ofthe report of the actual com mencement of hostSlitiesbciw een France and Prussia, mentioned in oue expres. from Deal. * The foliowvtg roticks me (extracted from unit paper > I \ r irN’’ ?member j Oilers hsvc bccti 1 1 r occupy in; t- <• Av.*trLa fiomlers, pai ticulaiiy ib.o c parts of them where the vva; is’ir.cst likely to 1 age ; and vve LeAr that the ArcluiuKe Chari vs v ill, in the I course of newt v.e !:, ;e:*c h the frontiers . of Lp'-pe. Ai’siii,* and bcilicmia. j i.i* a', v■. .L ..I, general .'lilt n ill S Ifecu sentenced to death by the Court ] Mania! appeii.ted to try lam ; but that the execution of the sentence de pends o*l the Linpei'o, f. 1 ailicutinn ofi*. Oitolxir la. The ditTeretietu which unfortunately subsisted betweeh ihl scountry usd Prus sia, may row be considered as complete ly adjusted. An oider cf council has been issued, to fcifnl the capture of Prussian vessels, si and to prevent the dc tension of vessels under the Knyphau sen flag, except under drcmuslauccs 0* suspicion, it is generally known, that, the last proposition made on the part of Prussia to Fiance was, that the French troops should evacuate (-<.O many, and the I lurch should not oppose the 1 urcaiou of the Ncrth*.- n confedvraisy ; and it was added, that if no answer was trans mitted to bis Prussian Majesty before J ihe Bth of Oct'!,er, it would be consi ; (lured as a refusal cn the part of France.” j In a Me;man newspaper, is tlic fol lov.i.v-; article from A usuia : 1 ‘I here have beer made to pur court, ; o: > the p- it o! two Powers, proportions ’ for an ; llu nee ; but it has gjveu an an i svver in Inep.'iUvc, ttcciarfog, tisat it j -’ad ad., in ;: a sy .tua of i.n.ird neutu i i*y, and tbat ta I'm*; system it would per* S'l'.trc. Tlic ‘ ciui.r, d’ Austria v.ill, com.equci.ce, be protected by a cor don.” 4 October 16, Now that the hopes cl peace are for the present at an end, ML.istersl.avo re solved to lake; the sense oi die country 0:1 their conduct. Kis M*, csy’s plea purc has been taken uttlie niciAure,and - > 1 esoiv id that the present Fuiiiti ’m it sbail he dissohed inmiediutely. i .lr 1 u w w.its vj!l Ive issued üb-.ut the Ycsterdcy evenfog, one of the hottest presses for seamen, ever known, took pace on the river and in tire rakhbeur nood. i ships came up a bi east of the tower. Evcrv thing shews mat the mostcxb 1 ,;:se aid sy'-.ivi is ci epeiauuis will 11* can ied on, ’ inee the ejten.y leave kft us no altcr *! i-ive cut a vigorous mosecuUojr ol ti.o war. The Hamburgh mail, due yesterdav, arrived tin* morning. Dutch Journals II the )*.i..- t. .u.t. i-aris papers to tlu? lOl.i, .tave aJo been received. I he contents ot the .0 confirm ti.e suspn*oii we emertained, tliut these \vv.s no truth in too report of the Pru.s -sians uud French unifies having had ui engagement. Ihe movements among the troops, and cittaigi .; of posiUiXi. are almost irt ccssan 1 ;, but ilie cunt ‘..drug avniics have not yet come into cw.tact. Ihe F ..oiLns uc advancing by for ced m.uches to reach the stone of ac tion—t *.d Aut‘.u seems to beniepa ring for tl.c event of being cal led into *li ■ field. Drier of Stock* Um dan, rt 1 cf clock Cons, for n.cney, 61 1-8 1-I —for acc. 6, .>-8 4-3—Omnium, ■ 1-.—iur ac count < i-f 1-3. J.. , nng of thr 16 ‘ll October. We stop tiie press to state, that a Prussian cajnaiu, just arrived from the V. eser, Jtas tlus afternoon made r n affi davit, at tiu: t . ..r 1 and , if. win*l: Ire declares, llud v. juin he left the Weser, accounts ’ladbscn rre.-ived there cf ike French forces, ui:d< >■ Murid., amounting to 80,00') me... having been and cut t.u p ; eci .by the Rnrsimis. Extra;’ of a private Irit-.rfrcm Ham. burgh, dated October JO, “ It is ccnfidcntly reported here, that BoiiigKii-ie has ,*i jested to have a per sona! c .inter: with the oi Prus sia, but that dun bar been refused. “It j.- also- igi’ .rally icn the con thisnt, *.!it E'i ;!and bus ugived to pay flit* kins’, ol Brass: a sub.- ’ iy of three iiuiltwis sterling, to enable Jfoa to put ail his Creeps in moJan.” DO\'FR, Fmtobcr 1". The announcement of the arrival of the Lari cf Lauderdale at Deal, yecicr day, gave g! eat safisfociiori i.en r, a- it ml*) .um.urci 1 that his I.crcship, in consequent,s oi the hemba: ilment of Bouii. i’ -'.i fallen a sacrifice to the fury <’i ths mob ; i Boulogne, The lower t'.-un, it see-rrs was set on fire u) several places by the newiv invented iochets. a— a ~V j— .3 -31 ’IT’ „ O t i. Ol’ OUiCj jt the Ceutt-hsvte cn th;first 7* u:sday its January nt*:i , A mor.t valuable Iraci: of land oa WShningtoa Eland, about tcilce fro.-n bavaanah, containing two hundred tad twenty five acres ; aboat 6o oi which, are in woodland, the gitst eft part of ike remainder iu under i good Loci* and in proper order for cul tivation, There are on the plantation a dweihag boufe and cor.veaient out iicHjfe*. It is inferior go none in point ofiituation the tubfcribtr eifo-rs it flr lale ior the * 1c purpose oi fatisfying I •* creditors, If ar.y oi his cienitors ffiogia pure-hale, bonds and ootw t*4l bv tax. r a* c*!k> &r.y further Infcrrcstfo.*. S'.a b* obtained by applyiog to Mr Hunter 14 fin-aimak, or the iubfwrtbvr on VVifl umrg'.on ifiand. William Barnard* Pctjniv r 9 3*