Newspaper Page Text
Georgia Republican & State Intelligencer.
Mix Dollars a Year, Half in Advance.
Volume I. No. 3.
/3F*.llow Citizens,
CONTEMPLATING the flare of man
in the early periods of the creation as it
r es pefls hs political existence, it is natural to
believe that the rights bellowed on him by
nature and his God would be imperfeftly un
derliood. His wants and his ncceffities con
pel 1 ’ and him to unfit e with others lor the pur
poles of mutual aftiftance, and thus smaller
societies were iormed. Even at tuis tai iv
period, society would require fonne species of
governn ent to prevent relVa&ory members
preying on their neighbours and to direct the
energies ot the aftflciation agamit exteinai
The fi triple ft mode of accomphlhing the
objeft would naturally be resorted to; the
choice of a chief, chftinpuifhed by corporeal
lowers, vvould present this mode, and in ail
probability was that firfl adopted. I h*, form
was despotic, but not lo tyrannic in fact
to be generally an iniufferabie grievance ;
the wants of the people were limited; the
©bjefts of government few. Ihe bandar- oi
oppression could lcarce be reared before fome
bolder fpirir, disdaining the ignominous ser
vitude, would unnerve the arm of theoppui
When, by the culture of the earth, the
fociery became stationary, and by prof reation
and the union of neighbouring clans, their
numbers were confioerably increased ; infrat
tionson the common interelt would be Ids
readily perceived and with more difficulty
redressed. The cupidity of rulers began to
find, room for a&ion, and despotism improv
ed her l way. 1 o this was added a more fer
tile i’ource of oppreflion. The expedience of
many individu iis being concentrated in the
minds of a few inquirers, gave the n an
ascendancy over the ids informed. Science,
the only guide to happineis N freedom, now
shed her influence in faint glean,s upon the
underflan ling, but her smdes could reach
only a fmdtl number.
The difficulty and labour neceflfary to ac
complish the objeft: rendered .t easy to con
ceal the acquirements and wrap knowledge
from view in the tenfold mam le of my Aery.
As this monopoly of knowledge enaole
irsrpofiefibrs to perfoim many things unac
countable to the ignorant, it was e.\fy to per
suade them that effects, which actually proce
tled fromthe limpleft caufes,wereaccompl fil
ed by the fpccai interference or lupeinatu
ral powers, thus an influence over me mind
was obtained ; the people believed those wh<
were thus favored with a f'peciai information
from the gods, mull be the rninistcisof their
will, and they dared not disobey. The op
portunity was not loft; the credulity or the
people was praftised on ; and ecclesiastical
ascend ncy having united witii civil domina
tion, Despotism became firmly leafed.
Jj This is not mere theory; fron the earliest
ares of which we have anv information, we
behold the union of church&state to aid each
other in destroying the liberty and happiness
of the people, that they may divide t;ie Ipoil.
Religion has in every clime, under all her
various forms, bowed her neck to the yoh.e
of th ; s com pa ft ; and the dreadful effects of
their exertions are n it only to be discovered
on the flu inch page of history ; they are iten,
they are flit a; this ray.
The invention of letters afforded great
assistance to the propagation of knowledge ;
but it was insufficient. Orarorv in. lee ! cjuv y
ed lome information to the people ; but pie
history of .all ancert nations, particularly of
Greece & Rome ; &: in (he pie lent day, that
of the French Republic, bear witnefsto whit
fatal consequences the paftions ofan ignorant
multitude lead, when aroused by the lkihul
address of an evil minded orator.
Ic was the art of printing wh cli firft unbar
red the portals of the temple of science an.
freedom, and made its altars free of accels
for all. From that era have the scales or
superstition been fallingfrom the eyes of man,
and the thrones cf tyrffts tottering to their
eternal fall. The fovercignty of the people
is no longer denied, and man is faft alsuming
(hat rank in creation for which he was defign
sd by his benifieent maker, J
Justly isthe Press considered as the pow
erful & sacred guardian of Liberty. Knov
led through its medium extends her flight
with innumerable wings ; lcmcely can tyrants
dev sc afyftcm ere their schemes
are unfolded and tlie people armed againit
their machinations.
Senfitde tha r were the people allowed cor
rect information an 1 the use of their senses,
they waul soon f urn thole prejudices wine.
had made them slaves to t eir f How beings;
that where “ reason was left free to combat
error 3 ’ ir muff foun be triumphant, and
“ thar man, allowed to refleft and to reason,
would soon rtafou himfelt into freedom anc
happineis ;’ 3 tyrants have seized on the press,
destroyed its iiheru,, anJ compelled it into
their firmer-*. They have{irlt bidden the book
of knowledge fi on mar., aad when their
grinding oppression h's • rive n him to mad
neb, they carefully colieft tut frantic deeds
of his unguided rig-, new color and fen.’
them forth to iheir minimis to oe retailed as
the etfufi ins of pat* oLif.ll. Nor do
thev ft op here, they chi in the aid of every
fpecics of f.xlfehood, and irilrcprcfentduon,
paining the irrepioatna >ie friends of human
happineis in the terrifying garb of devils.
They fupj refs at I means o; contradiction, Ik
evince*tiiat if the pn ft, when free, is a glo
r ot s support of li -r v, when enslaved it is a
o';eft dreadful scoutge.
In a iree nation no portion of liberty
should be more carefully guarded than that
of the ( i\ fs, for when this m invaded or de
coyed, thor (an be no fafiry for.any other.
We have wuntised attempts m our national
government to ffimt rff- oor o!\\eeinveftiga
o 5 C3
ti n and we have not b e>; of its evil
nffids, Under pretence ; the press w 7 as
licentious,! ey undeitook to reftran it within
he bounds they pres rmed and out for the
exeitions o( those pan ots, wno, backing the
reseiument of an injured people, braved their
power and their arrogance ; but for tne pub ‘
licarion of those unwelcome truths winch
drew down federal t-hundeis on the viftm.s of,
then* wrath,at the rtceprio iof whom dun .;e
ors biufned for being ma ;e partakers in sh“
persecution aga ntl their, there is but too
much rea!on t > fear that the liberties ot mis
nation would h ve followed the path of the c
faint portions wh Ji have gl inmered on toi
iT crag.-s: an I thatdispairing poiieritv would
wonl i h-ye'weeping read, the American
Republic has b en ’’
Impreisetl witn this conviftionof the im
portance of t e preia ; believing it to be the
duty or editors to watch over the public fafrtv
with vigdance, tr.d to point out all departures
from the general iruereii ; it will readily be
. redited th .t a It ;uon so iefponfible,fo weighty
and important, is accepted wi r h no fuad
portion of diffidence, oc no trifling degree
ot anxietv.
When about toalk the patronage of our
fellow citizens to a political publication, it
it is proper that a declaration of the principles
whnh will guide us iliouid be submitted to
their consideration.
‘i'he principl sae have adopted,and which
we teel an assurance are correft, are, that all
men are equally entitled to the following
Freedom of person,
Freedo >1 of thought on all occasions ;
freedo nos speech 0:1 ail speculative
and other subjects not productive of
unjust injury to another.
Freedom in the pursuit of happiness,
[without meaning if the f doctrine ot
non-expatriation be (bund.]
The free enjoyment of the acquirements
of iheir own iodultry or the voluntary
beftowments of others.
An tqual voice in the exprefiio.T of the
general will.
.Self defence*
Man gives up none of these rights on enter
ing society : it is for their proteftion that
government is instituted—assuming other
powe s, it is tyranny.
Government, instituted for the the protection
of all, has a claim upon the governed equal
to its neceflfary disbursements ; when more is
taken, it is by force without right ; the
c iar ‘cteristic of robbery*.
When a nation is divided into parties, pof
ieffihg different views, or different ideas of
acco vi bfhing their purpose ; justice cannot]
be equally balanced between them* & itisthe
duty o: every citizen to take a fide. Convinced
| that the meal iires of the party calling itfelf
federal were driving the liberties of the na
tion to fwife. deftruftion, anal that in thr
state govern 1 ents where they yet retain an
ascendency i;he difpofltion is unchanged ;
believing th?ittheir oppofers are more just in
heir v tws a.nd have pursued a system of
better calculated to promote the
nations fecuTity and welfare; we do not feru
pieto avow our firm adherence to the latter
parry, convinced their principles are our own.
Weffiail therefore lend them all the support
in our powe.r, until made ienfible that thev
are Urparrinig fiom views which centre in the
genera) weal.
V hilc in this paper, personalities will be
tiuditiiifly avoided ; vh le we pledge our
felvcs that L urrdity and abuse flnall never
flam irs pages ; our fellow citizens may
be afT re \ that no fanftuary fho.ll llielter an
enemy of freedom.
We (hall exeit ourselves to (late all fafts
correftiv ; bur w'e are not in fen Able that of
the many fourccs of information to which
printers mull refurt, fomc may not be as
i'ure as couid be wished. Should we be led
to any erroneous publications, rhe error will
be cheerfully and readily correfted on
By an adherence to these principles, and
by endeavouring to give our fellow-citizens
all rhe ufcful information in our power; vve
h<jpe to merit their patronage and approba
tion, LYON fcf MORSE.
August 21, 1802.
IJ'Ningfeen different accounts of tb €
achm l'aid to have taken place between
captain IvPNeiland a luni/ian fifuadron,
wc have been induced to enquire more par
ticular ty than we Gtherwije Jhould, of cap
■am Norman 0] the brigantine Hope , 0)
this port, who f ,arrived here about ten days
pan from T reifie ; he Jlates that he name
through the [traits of Meffina and landed
at that c;t\\ where he was infol med th it
a : curter puffed lor Naples from Sy-acufe
.he preceding day who gave the folio win g
account — float jeven lunljians were in
chafe of a Neapolitan frigate , that capt .
Ml*Neil palled with the Bojion frigate be
tween the 1 uniJian s and the chafe, which
in cent id the 7 nmjian com mod or c, who ho -
edtato the Bojion, the fire was relumed &
t: e jeci ton became general between the
Iqnadrcn and the bojion . C 1 be rejult of
the action was the jinking of two of the
i unijia is, the difmajiing of two others .
and the fight oi the remaining three .
Ihe Bojion put into Syracuse much injur
ed, several of her officers and men ha and
been killed .
Captain Norman further fates, that
he le ;t Meffina on the /eccnd of June, and
that he arrived at Gibraltar on the lyth
of tne fame month ; at that place he gave
the above information to commodore Mor
ris, Captain Norman believes that ever)
information at Gibraltar came from him\
and that it appear r to have been mifiaken
by pome of the gentlemen who have writ
( American,J
Extract of a letter from a gentleman in
Loti dot, to his cor ref pendent in New-
Yorh , dated May 1 o.
“ A large body of the inhabit a ‘its of Po
land are intending to pass to America . —
This emigration ts under the direction of
Ko/ciufco and Thomas Paine, and with
the particular support of Mr . Jeff erf on,
prejident of the U. States. They inicna
forming afettkment on the banks of the
Sufquehannab, in New-York fate. —The
number spoken of is fifteen hundred, proba
bly many of them with families , This will
add to the value of that part of the coun
try, as it is but thinly Jet tied A
Tzvebue and a Ihlf Cents Single.
On Thursday the 2d day of September nex%
wil be (bid, ac the courthoule in Savannah,
between ioiru II o’clock,
r jP//£ Dwtlliryhoufe and Out Buildings cn
_l_ . Lot No. y Ewenfburg. lately cccup’td by
Eawin Lewis, together with Seven Tears, Tu a
Mentis, and Three Days J ease cf Two Th • e.s
of fid s ot, to run frm the dale lay b'h eh n;}
1801, being on the erst end of Did lit eit;o
a liKely Negro Man, about 25 years of .
Pointed out by Edw n Lewis, to fc. isfy
mem obtained by toe United States again]} hi%.
18th August, 1802.
THE second meet, ng cf the comm fi ners
a A-ng under a comm pton of ba nup tty
ijjued zgainfi Mr. Sara el Saubtre ot Savan- ah,
Merchant, will be held at the Court Ho, fe “/
ihts citv, cn Tuefdi-y, tee gift infi-an , at ten
o'clock in the forenoon : and the tkira meetr g
on Tuefda\ the September next , at tn*
same tune and pi cue.
August 2 ;, ico 1.
i\ O I IC f .
TYT * are c ire Sled by John Milledthe Ex-
W *cmor of the estate of the late Jacob
Vdaldburger to notify to all p rfons wba cv r b'S
prohibition again ft hunting cn that part of H e Ift
and cf St. Catherine's belonging to the jail ejiate
being tothc North the Stock having cf late been
much lessened by fuel? pratlife, and other inj.ny
done and after this noti e will feel ‘dmfdf bound t<y
prefecute to the extent of the law m all per ions
found to violate it.
Aug"ft, .28 t 802
N Olid:,
THE fubferiber having taken into partner
ftjp with him, in t e fijee bufxnefs
GARDNER TUFTS,the buftr.efs at the Sevan*
nab tS coc Store Will in future ce came l c-i u * a
the firm cf G. TUFTS U (.*. /try commands
on James Willy & Cos. or Jam -s With, w R ,j*
attended to by application to G. Tuff g \ 0 „
At the Savannah. Sh*e S'Orpj
A frefh effort merit of
Also -Th ee boxes LOTION CARDS
Number io.
G. TUFT ii Cl Cos.
August 20. 180:. 4r
IN bO t xMS the ■ uohe that foe bus opened ct
jhop on the Bay, near X her corn Street*,
where he will execute a'l orders n his live at a
Juferior manner and cn a jbert notice. He
hopes to merit the continued patrtnage of bis em
Savannah, % August 2, 1802.
A SUFFICIENCY of good cotton and Pr
vfton land od or near the alts, as wcuhf
employ at. out twenty workers and for which the
higheft price will be given. Apply at this*
A SMALL family of likely country born
for Cafto only their qualities, are equal to ary in
the state. Among the family is aw, neb which
has been accmftomed to work both in th: fielo and
house, Sold for no fait but the want o; Cass
Enquire at this Office.
August, 2> i302.
THE Faculty recommend the Spruce Bee •
fold by IV. KE/iN, near the Baptist Meeting-
Houle, and next door to Mr. G. Roberts , us
jnperior to any in town: being by far the heft
calculated for the restoration cf health in ttx
f relent and approaching feajons ,
Savannah, August 28.
delivertrd on the %and. of lulv by