Georgia republican & state intelligencer. (Savannah, Ga.) 1802-1805, September 11, 1802, Image 1
Georgia Republican & State Intelligencer. Six DAla? 3 a Year, ‘Half in A ? GEORGIA REPUBLICAN , Volume I. No. 4. N(rnLt, AfX p<rrf>ns having any demands rjai nff the / \ Efta'e of Wdh vi Weft Eq ‘ate of Lmetv Coii it'-, dectafed, are requeued to render (he 1 rru- c .Mdfrs. Ja nes c* William R,be.ts, at II cebor ugh Ci to the £>u .fcriDtr. J )HN JONES. An mn.fliat r. Banbury, A*j' i u^ ) 19 Goz, 4*> FiN A L N O T I G E. j A peri mis that me indebted to \ ‘rhe e rate of John >Gi e, dec. are dcfired 10 itnm-diat j pa van t, and those mat have and * tnand- a gam ft that estate* are fired t< render them du’y attested, >n >r hes re'ne hr r day . f No. vember next,after that time 1 shall -pply to the court cfOrdinary to r>e difnifl and ironi t.x ALimistru lion. HAL PHASER SHAFFER, Adm’r. Au? U-t >9, Ko2, N O 1 1 C E. TllfVis t > forewarn any person or perfo is vvhatfv r , from t aden g fur or ret iv ng a No e >f ii ,-d so One Hundred 00l lars, by William II R.obert*-, in Decern be 1, 1 Sol,and p yable r Cu iis &id sum, on the i\ ft yof January, 1802, as the said No e ha:, ice;: loft or mislaid# Curtis ‘Sc Blount ~ no ne t. tY7 e/ire directed by John Milledge the Ex \ V < cuter of tie ejlate of the late Jacob IP aid-urur to nut: f \ to all pmfons whatever his frohih Aon agabijl halting on that pari cf the 1. 1 and cf St ff tber'ne's let- nfiyg to toe (aid ejlate icing to be Nor to ’he S'oik having of late ore, muh Icfsrngd by [tub pratiife, and other injury done and after this noti e will feel ‘ unf 1} lound !t frofectite to the extent of the la to, ad per ions found to v olate it. WILLIAMSON & AMR EL. Allguft, 2S ! So 2. NOIICL, THE fulferiber having taken into partner flap with him, in the shoe bufincj G. IL\ DAL.R TUFTS,the. haft .efs at the invar, rib Shoe Store will in future he carried g o u der the firm of G. TUFTS (A (#. Any commands e-i Junes Willy (A Cos. or Jam s Witty, zv ll c 4t tended to ly application to G Tu 4 i* id Cos. J iMLS IVILLY. , JUST RE El RED, At ttic S wanna!) Shoe S ore, A freflu a/for tm cm of S ll 6 L s. Also—Three hex.s LOTION CARDS , ft umber 10. G. TUFTS 6? Cos. Atigufi 20. 1802, BANKRUPTCY THE second meet ng cf the conxrdjfv ners acting under a cmwnfficn of baixaupUy timed a gahiji Mr. Samuel Sattotre cf Sevan ah,\ Merchant , will be had at the Court House *n ibis c tv, on Tuefdy, the 31 st inflant, at ten thick m th* forenoon : and the third meeting on Tie! h\ the iSth of September next ♦ at tue fame time and p.aee. August 2 , i*oi. MARS.iAL’S 6 ALLS. On 1 holiday tc 2 1 day of September nex A \vii ! be 10l I, at die courhoule in Savannah, betwetn toaud i! o’clock, f Dwelltnghoufe and Out Buildings on 8_ Let A O. 3 EwcrJburg , lately occupied bx Law in L.w ; s, together with Seven Years, Twc Months, and Three Days lease cf Two Thud of jaid L ot , to run from the dale jay 6th August jßci, being on the east end cf juid lot Abo o likely Negro Alan, about 2 $ years cf age - Pointer cu: by Edzvn Lewis, to J'a isfy a judr- Vient obtained ly the Unmet Sta es agar.Jl him ben. wall , f. m. 1 3 th A uplift, 1802. THOMAi JAM* , TA.LOI, INTO RAIS the Tub Lie that he has opened a Jvcp at the Buy, near and her corn Sneey where be will execute rdl orders m bis tins in . Ju peris> manner and on a short notice. Ht hopes to merit the continued patronage ct bis err, f foyers. T. JAMES. Savannah, i%Q 2f FOR SAL 0, SMALL etiuh 0 r id: Ay c cun try hern 1 negroes ftj l Ldj m'v ft err q a dies cure equal *0 any in thefl: ‘V. Amor? he fondly A av) fi nU width has be n accmficmed to w. rk both in'he field and bcujc, ctd for ::o fait but the want of Lefts Enquire at this Office. An oift, 2S IS*O2. V AN i Kl) ro R SUi bl ( A ENCY of good cotton cud Pro vjicn land 0 or near the aits, as would e. up Ivy cn’O a t u en r \’ work# sand for widen the hignefi price will ie g : v-n, and no tljeftnn had to an advance cf rent. Apply at this office. • s ept, 1. ) BI ‘-Award White , Clerk of th* ‘•^jeop. gia. > Court cf Ordinary for the Coun J ty of Chaih min the ft ate afore faid: CL. S.) , I\T HERE AS, 4 JoJhu* ED. WHLJ h.S \fy Bu. kbatter cf Chat ham county , planter, hutb made application for letiers cf a.4,mnifixation on the est ate and effeLls of Mary Revire, late of / aid county , dsc .ajed, is ne rest cf km ,T. rje are theresv v e, to cite and adnionijh all ani jvigular the k indred and \ creditors of t■ e accented, to file their objeTlicns, ‘if any they have'’ in my ojue on or before ih* id day cf Otic her -*txt : (■■htrwrje letiers cf\ admtnifiration will be g ernes him. Given under my hand and feat, in the c :, y cf j Savannah, the td day &f September, in I the year of our / r md •do ‘. < n-i in tor i 2 7fh war cf Ame'd'.-in f'defer - > > e j Il’ J b ili *V \ vj/ 1 V"I .i\ iJ L -■ .x . [lave received per barque Nixon, caprai S'uvv, fio Holland, 22 cates tu Hers and nfj rtea g/ajs ware, 2 aitit • a pa.. io r gla; /.?, 2 /7v./0 toiLt an i ot&er looK'wg i do bud. .ages vntx fa/s globes* 44 / q'ior Crfes, ICO flies white and blown jla till, -j, 1 case dowlas, 1 ditto di . • . X4O pieces Br L n: n r-V/j, 24 auto 9- 4 and .0-4. ticking, 1 rue bcit,ng clot s. Fo. 6, 140 £ fercr O bn: burgs 60 ‘ Tuklenbttrgs, 5 8 *— Fiemiju fi e and coetrfe linen % 190 ? j- act, 100 lieffian linen, 1 case long lawn, 1 do Flemijfj linen, 2 ca es fine ~nd cca'/e threads, plain end diaper tapes, Loot in cu and laces 1 cif velvet nobon ~nd bl tk lace and crape 2 ditto thread and cotton hcjiery 5 jem and tewing twine, heading, llumberc and fjb ug Lin's , 30 cc.A white roped’ es, i case zi indow boons and hinges, *7 casks nails ana iai*s 30 boxes 8 ly io and oby 12 window glass. 20 tons bar iron, ajjo ted, too feeds iron gins, 1 o boxes Ren'nh wine, 50 fifes gin, frJt quality I so empty gin cases 80 negs fi-jl quality gun Powder*, Oo f wbng pieces an. rijUs , 40 boxes tdi in an,.. eh eye, 9 Friefand i.lo.ks, 7 elegant porcelain and marble month-piece Ct Oiks, 3 p eces g:r indoles, 3 bales printing pater, 8 bates wrapping i a i er, 6ocO q dils, 2- a zenfl tes, x be x [j, e■'* em cil, 1 aitw >p\ her Lm,am, 1 ditto can or, 5 cajks , i ujian ref and black leea g> cund on, I aitio lampblack 9 20 cat to cii, ico japs hn eed oil, 4 wrftd a*d water i i crate flower puts ana funds, A argt quantity of bafleis 50 p ur queen flexes 2 . niches 1 wito nail duto feet 4 at to aitto and tto > jeet and 3 inches. 4 ditto dniQ ait to 3 feci and 8 inches. 1000 hearth tils , ZiUglfi 1C (f SAV \NNAH, I’rivtiD bv LYON id IvIOKSE. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER ii, 18.a. JUST LANDING, A 7day's Wharf 2,0c0 Bujbeh Turks Is had Sa\t which will ic jcid low :J taken from enceaid apply ts BROOK< y BUN XING, cr CjOZJDRE, S.LVEORD & LEWIS. Savannah Sept 4 ISO 2. P !< OP 0 S A L S. Fir carrying the Mails cl the United Statu n the fei iOWirg to/i- llcuds, ui'U be received at the Genet al | PGjiojjm in WufningtoK, until the %xjt aay if July j viAt ir.Liufive. / INGE ORG lA. hrern Wgfu.n _n n i. egn’s, Lexing toii, A mens anu L.Gksburg, u ja. f ;o.. c. u. cn<, v ’ h ‘-“Ve W aiiiii gioi. cv eiy ‘ciday ai o >’ ; ' rr;VC J u n Vr.I ,u l Ultday by t \ \ iwi *—Levc i. i.. every Er day at 6 A. , Ll;diiXilve Vv iillini'ton- On idi.uida> by oi . N O T E S. . iC xi.>iter ojene al may expedite thv *ua 1- a.iu a ! er he nine tft arrival ai.d dera.iu eat a >■> i .tile curiiig tftj CO* tuiu.-j.te ot liie cOudJcft, he • p-cviouily an adequate compeniai.o ur a y tw.u upu.c tha may be otculioued there by. 2. ft jftetn nr.t ires fiiall be allowed for opening u hie maiiat *.l* o.aeca where no parucu -r hme s fpecilieul v. for eve \ 1 hirty minu es dtl;y (univuiaXle : auioeno i) in amving after ti:e •.rriv.s I t :t’f rioec i : any coniratfl, ue ontracLr ihall tor | re-1 o e and iL: ; atui if me delay con inue un ii the j ey. • re of an; depending man, whereby the ?na;it j It., I*. lUI u depending mat is-ole a trip, an au j and moral foiiyiture ot live dJ/ns ;no ur fed. ! 4. i\e* Ip^pos as weli as ‘enters are to be lent ii | 1 “ ni *' l 5 ,r *"y person making proposals, delires *0 <<rv nev*dpape;s other than th.fte conveyed in the j in..: ; ‘ai bus own emolument, he mull i.aie his pm , for vhat lu n he will catry it wilii that . .noluGieni, .nd wha funi without that emu* lurrent. 5 S mud ?. y persons making propofds, desire an ■a. ar JiOij ot t:*t- puies * f artival and departure above free:hed, he mult ita ein h s prcpolJs the a! er o s £ Meed, a:;d t.,e dftEreace they wi*l ihaite ir. ? ie terms ri his ‘.omrftt, 6. 1 ..'Tons rjjwkn'.g proposals are desired to stare h -ir price? by the ye as Thole who coiura& wT re: eive t.seu p>ay qu-.rreny* in tbp months of FeH IVi Aupufi and N venuc.’jC.e munth alter ihe ex p ran rs or ea h qu. rt 1. 7’ R° than a ,ree white person shall be mpioyed to convey 1 t mail, 8.. Where fie proposer intends to convey t!e . *1 i t e body O’ 1 ivige car; iage, he is titfired to state it in his prop fah. 9. rhe Pi‘ft M .fter General reftrves to himfeli the righ- o # dec a r ing aoy rontrafl: atari end when ever three faiiurt s happen, wmch amount to the lots of a trip each. 10. Ire (fts <Tthe above are robe i, Operation o tl*e firlt day of October next j fli >fe foi the firlt Twenty-four routs are to continue in font for one vear from that time, and thole rumberer: frt*m twenty hve t 4b are tu continue until tnc 3lit day of March 1803. GIDEON GRANGER. Poll. Mater G rural. Geve*’ r Pofi.Ojfx*, IVafbFgton City , July 2, T SO2. SPRUCE BEER. THE VAcuity recommend the Sprue? Beer jo'd by IV. KEA if near the Bap lif Meetmg iiofisa, and next ducr to Mr. G. Roberts , as inferior to any in town: being by far the heft calculated for the red or at ion of health in the preterit ■ •nd optro chin? [.afens, I l* o J w Savanna-, August 28. for SALE at THli office, A N O a A T I O \', ci 1 vered on the 3d. o f July hy THOMAS U. P. CHARLTON, Esq. (PRICE 25 CENTS.) A Is i£ C D O i K 5. A clow mill gentleman, who had courted a voting iady and agreed upon tac marriage, dpied a pretty mare graz ng, which he would have in thebirgain. The father bein r onwilling to part with tne mare, the march was broke oh. A twelve month a her, the wooer meets the lady at a fair & wouid fain have renewed his acquaintance : but fne pre ended ignorance .ir fir * i and sud ihe did not Know him ! i( No,*’ la*.d he, “ do n>t yo Know me ? Why 1 was o ice a Tutor to you.” >re icr 7 you mercy, fir,” U id file * njow 1 ememoer you came a wooing to iny father’s nare, and fne is not ye: r ’ , Twelve and a II If Ce “*s Si t vy 7 e. Ex'ctr ’ve D yjrtmnt, A LjVIsViW , A Uplift Ijo2* j oRDE RE D TH HA V the act authorifmg the election of four periotis to reprefert the citizens of Georgia, in fie Houlb os .teprefeniatives *t the L'nited Star a, oe pubiiHied in the ieveral gazettes of State that tile electors in tiierelp. nve counties thereof may, at toe* , n h o election, gnvern tile. ■civc-s accordin p\v . GiIURGL C LAY 10 \, Score.': y. An AN authorizing :b: cletli n in A * fever ai counties in tt.u fate, to c! ft j jU} / erfo-is to reprejeni turn t ,i . Hot! „ of Rep yenulives o; the UtiiipJ Slates. T T J HERE AS by the Lite enumer •? ■i ? V V of inhabitants of the Un teu States this state if entitled to four members in tfc Rouje oj Reprejentaiives of the L; / States : 0 S lt th'rWre cnaSteJby the Sente O houje op Re jre fen ia tars o, e If be of Georgia, in General Aflemrfy i > i nat at the general election v . n\.i ihall be held tor membu sot the (b ■ ; legi flat ure, on the fL n monday in tober next, and at every iecund <jf ,‘- ral election thereafter, t ie dedors , c inch dedion shall be entitled to v< for four per lons to represent lbs ih. * m the House of Reprejentafives of tie United States, und r Inch rules and rt - guhnioßS as arc prelrribed by the elec tion laws of tins -"ate now in Force, rx G) R ‘v ri \\ 1 J A C\ s ON, Speaker cE the Houfi of Rc^refentanves. \v it .Ll A M B\l{S Es i, Preft dent of the Senate. Ajfiented to Jure iSo2# Jv)S l l\ i i 1 A rVALL, Jun. Governor Fran tie National Intelligencer , Remarks occafoned by Mr. Adams’ Letters / No. Sf. The firfi letters only the rcyr of the se cond. It is in the I ;ft hit we fj 1( f d, vu j ec j til the heterogeneous mfonfntency of rhe late Prvfi ent. Aflbciat ons more rc f t fqiic and unnatural, alluli >rs more rc:note ad ,n : h> plied, arguments more absurd or whi fi aU cannot perhaps be found m a.nv proJuctioif, But we for ear on tn s point. No ore on* tends that Mr. Adams is a<m ,and wi -ei j .|* :ii?r he euhtr refprdts . ramiiA r o jo^ic. We proceed to the fubftanm, He fays, Cf I am very wji viifin.? o svnh you in fancying that in the grca’eji ii - ■pfgkfmsnts cf J'oMty, govern* mwr b r, republican xos m. It is a fij pnn i” isr vv;th me, that all good government sand mull be republican.” From tfiele words, wc mufl infer dvtr Mr. Adams onl> fanfirs, that is, he h..s a a> ; of inimagination, entirely difxl'rect from a hr .1 belief, that in a Certain Rate or jVittv 0 - vernment wii! be republ can. Now \ hat uate is th.s ? it is ch .t dt .ee which fhs*i be? accosnpamcJ vvi-ii the greet est improvements^ Where does tins t'Lte ex;,: ? No where. * For from rhe proceeding part of the letter, it is evidently the opinion of (he writer th tc v\herevtr it dots exii!, there is no o c-fi rt for any kind or government. It is bare]* a phanto n Q f the fancy. It exifis neu s er here nor e lie where. Thirefcre 1 timer here nor rife where wii! government be m the republi ca form. The writer proceeds:— ‘ £ Bur, 21 the lame time, your enndouf wilt agree with me, that there is not in lex icography a more fraudulent word. When ever l ui.r the word republic with approbation, l mean a government in which the people have collectively, or by reprcieaiation, an efjential fare in the govern merit.” Does is net foiiow from these expremons, that even in a republic founded on the molt improved Rate of society, other individuals or bojits than the people will aifo hayc an ef*