Georgia republican & state intelligencer. (Savannah, Ga.) 1802-1805, September 11, 1802, Image 3

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BA VAN NAI I, S£PT£M EE R 11, A is unqbefticnably the ohjeft of the t.ory party in this place, to force us on untenable grounds, or divert our ani mat! ver lions to fubiecTs in which the public do not feel an interest, or which are foreign to the purpoles of a newf p -per. We iliali not gratify them in this re(peil—tney, indeed, appear to have mounted their Hobby, but v.e fhhi cheerfully leave them to their ride. 7iic. ridiculous and illiy columns of lafii tuefday s Mufcum, w ould not me rit a reply if wc were disposed to tuf cuis tlieoio* ical fuldecb, as in our edi torial capacity, we have nothing to do v/idi them, we leave the authors to their cogitations. Vvc findl merely re mark, of the two per ilia fions of chrii liana generally denominated Bap rids and Methodic, th :re are probablv moi e iu3n t vent v tiiouixno pu lons in this I hue alone,, and there with few cx cions are democrats. How they v iii receive the charge of the Museum, t: iat all democrats a"C infidels, we leave for them to determine. COMMUNI C A T I O N, Messrs* Iron SRf A Erse, As nun/ of us. wlio read but little of polbics, are lett yet in the dark to conjecture who are the true friends of cur Constitution, ard who they are that adh* re to the old principles of li berty, which ;.fi! .tod our worthy patriots and veterans to rile ap*ainli tue opprdlion ox UriUM * yraniiy in our .American Devolution ; l beg leave to make one enquiry, which if you are! capable of anfwei iag, may give light j to many of u> conn:r y fa i • niers, whofb | lituauion Cauls th;* doors of information j onus, and leaves us to form an nn-i iix e and belief, bent he c c nzr adlti orv ao - j counts t fmdcvaland republican papers. I V. c well know th \\ a Handing ci my ; an eihiblbhe ’ religion* anti lupernumera ry o deers are the main roads to monar ciiy, an and t)) at a jeaili ?i /'-iwy.-.i ld fup,sreulon Oi [ :e preis, are blockades to the ave nues ot liberty but we do not all know to what party the oil lories and known eneu .es or America, durino* cur % evo- O lmionary war, are now attached. I kno;vlb me i n } 7 1 ei f, vl l a w ere lubj es 1 to confiibation and bamlhment, who fcringingly prayed the benevolence of our country. Such 1 predime will be found either federal or republicans, ex cep| their modeily conilrcms them to be neutral. Now, lirs, tome tell me the torles are among the feds, and i oaie iudilt that they are of your party under dftWiie, but all aoree that no known tory or royalist was allowed by Wafi.iingcon and our wife conven tion to have a vote in the conftxuSion of ourn<) b 1 e con ft ituticui. 1 f so. th e y * * cannot favor die ‘genuine principles on \vhie 11 it was fo u :ided,except rhcy 11ave ail uniformly been converted from their political error, to what was at fit ft uuderftood of republicanlfm, and / doubt very much if they have : 1 therefore wifn to know of you to what party they are rnoftiy attached, that /mayjudge who are the friends of our freedom and ccnftitution. If you .claim them generally, I /hall Oe made a fed : but if they are mo illy found in the maid of feds, 1 (hall be a true re publican, as I never will confide in any party composed of them or for whom they feel an interest and attachment, as 1 well know of how very extensive an injury they once were to us, nor will /ever trull my life and liberty in the hands rs those who once fought to kill and plunder me. I dial! not tell y m my mr e, till I hear from you, and know that the old t tries arc notj of your party, only that I am A NATIVE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. P. s. I will fay, for you, that as far as my acquaintance extends,the old tories are altogether feds, but / wifn to know whether they are more generally so. T he learned anions us have aifo said, o tint many of them were put into of juce by Mr. Adams, but that aiuft go for abortion until / know better, ss it l would be hard to give our word ene mies the honor and emoluments due to our venerable patriots. RE MARKS . We are not able toanfwcr cur cor refponent entirely from our pcrfonal knowledge —but as far as that extends, which Is partially from Connecticut to Virginia, wc allure him that with vers few exceptions, the old tories were tbe moll warm supporters ot the Hit a drum: i 1 ration, &z are equally enemies of tue prelent: from the ftuisfactory aifiu . ranees of others, we have the firmed conviction that no part of the union alt orris an exception to this remark. from the temporary oblivion to vhich they were configncd by the peace ct i ybp, they began to allume a confcqueuce after the palling of the Turning and bank fy/tecis/’ and fuel dcnly emerged into view on the questi on of the British treaty. The advanta ges which many of them were enabled to rare in tre efiabhihment of the two iorru r measures, will be made evi dent on a moments refteftion. Their ft ores, locked from our naked & frarv mg army, and increased by illicit com sno.-ce with tiie enemy, formed it ma gszine of vengeance for the soldier u hose pinching poverty could only be relieved by parting for a trifling con ft deration, wihi the evidence of hUclaims on his country. Uhe advantages of a union with Britain were to them, not inccnllderable. From their loyalty to Lite Britilh king, they had found a fu peri or lacilityin procuring credit from the ’ merchants of that country, which would probably be increased by that meaiure. butting their impudence out of the question, their advocating the treaty was not furprizing : but after t'ic nail age of that fatal inilrument, it was truly iarcical to fee them o x rad in p* • X fy the streets ftnging “ Hail volumbia, !iappy land !”—the indignant patriot oi our revolution was compelled to bear the insult. In appointments to ofiice, we find none of tins class of people obtained the approbation of Waftiington, with out having fatisfaflory proof of their repentance. Os this number, the emi nent talents and candor of Tench Coxe recommended him to the president. His subsequent difmiiial by Adams is a positive proof Hiat regret for revolu tiou irv errors was not plealnnr to him. m “ i L'l ’ while several important appointment-, of thole whole creed was unchanged, at rest a predilection for their opinions, probabiy becaufb they were already decided for the diftiiiHion of the “ na tural ariftocracyf’ and for a “superior to both them and the people.” The people of this flute have at least one cale in point. 1 homas Gibbons was nominated to the office of diftricl judge —do his bed Fiends believe him less opposed to the principles of the revo lution than he was twenty years ago? It is the right of the citizens of this state to elect, on the flrfl Monday in October next, four of their fellow citizens to represent them in con prefs. Os this right ; the increase of relative weight in the l'cale of the uni on acquired by the rapid progress of our popplatioin fumciently evinces the importance : the fame time alfbrds a pleaftng subject of contemplation to every person interested in the profoe rity of Geogia. We arerequefted to notily the pub -1:^ lx V. • ti> Ct t • JOHN MILL EDGE, DAVID MERIWETHER, and JOSEPH BRYAN, Efqrs. are candidates for their fuffrages at c this elecTion. We have also received the following Card : Mr firs Lyon 5c Morse, PLEASE to announce to the citizens of Georgia, through the medium ol the “ Republican,” that MATTHEW M’ALLIS TER, Esq. is a candidate at theenfumg eleißion far congrels. A Number cf your Suffer tiers. i C-jV., |J:3K iAt t;C-vS-?V vAo -V M A R I N E LIS T. F. N T E R E D. Sloop Maria, Burnell St. Augufttne. Schooner l.ady (y\7jbh?gtolt % ?\Satlair , Si. Marys Brig Veretnigung, lulling, Char left on Sloop Resolution, Fowler ,, Brig Resource, U / ilkinson % N. 2\rS. Scb'r. Nancy, Hoc png St. Miry's Brig N. 2 erk, Bodge, jV. Herd. Sc hr. Planters Adventure, Join sen, Gaudaioupe. CLE A R F. D. Sloop Cinder ; lla, B'aknrd Be ufert. Resolution, Fonder, Teflon. Shcr . Bad” JHe -binßon, Matt air % St. Alary c ....i ii. .in ■.i . mmmhuwiiiit forLiC AUIdON. On Monday next at 10 o’clock A M. i yd inU will be fold at Commerce Row, 5 Hhd. Irozvn sugar, 2 Do. old “Jamaica Roar, aih proof, —Casks of dry Reas, i Box by for lain Tea, i Bex Chocolate \ Bair of Pistols, 3 Crate of IVare, alsorted, i IFI cf ajssrted, Epggs cf manufactured R hzeett i cits Street Bleats. Sundry av tides houfehotd Fur nit arc if c. E. HILLS, Auctioneer. September, u. COMMiSiONERS OIIdCE GEORGIA Savannah September, i igoa. NOTICE TO PENSIONE RS, HP/ * nvalid RMtoners cf the UNITED .X /A :7 ES, in the State of Georgia, are hereby C\ to comcjrt ivard and receive their /ripera, uUj on tee 4 th Infant, as add all arrearage ct pen fen, unpaid by the late Agent. Uis ivijtecd it:-at dec Penfoners in future be P u, 11 a alia catling at this vt per (on or Py ihtir Eg*** Attorneys, cither annucliy or half yearly, in order to Jccure their Money. JAMES ALGER. Agent for lav. Rears. September n. ~ 4 / Now is ;>uTime *, No. XIV, Os A NEW AND" COMPLETE TNCYCLOdxEDIA; OR, LNI V ERSAL DICTIONARY OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. ON AN IMPROVED PLAN. Iffirated with upwards of 140 Copper plate's. CONDITIONS. To be comprised in 12 numbtrs (A z’ y over plus to be given gra if) each number ,o contmn .1 or 4 1-2 (hetts leiter-pn-fs and 1 or moie ehgra vingf, delivered every other week for 25 re; t-. each, making in the whole 6 i ;rgo volumes. Sub Icribtrs by the volume to pay 10 dollars on (H > ry of voi. I, and the remainder theei dust, work. In which di the refpe&rve Sciences are arranged io ta complete fylfems, 2nd the Arts d:ge od I : ?r, ciidiNt reatifes j alio [he detvehed pc- sot Lnovv ledge alphahe icady arrangeu and cock oily tu plained according to the bdt cuthunttes. CONTAINING n d.pp-t and difolay 01 the whole theory •’nd prac tice of the Fiber Hana Mechanical Arts. Comprtiing a -Gciteral Reprditorv of Anc’cr.t and iVI oder n Li era urt, front the earl left ages down o tne present t me. Including all the New Improvements and latest dif covents made in me Arts arid Sciences. Ihe fu perfiuities which anotfnd in other dictionaries are expungea from tjiir,. tor tne purpose of incorpora* ting comple e fyitems and diiimdt treaiilcs. By means of tins addition and deviation from the ole plan, it Will corner,fe tne f■ -]: ow 1 nor : r uhje>!ts. Acouitics, Aerology, Acroflion, Agriculture, AK genre, Amphibology, Anatomy, Annuities, Ar chi erfure, Arithmetic, Aifranonty, BUles Let ties, Book-keeping, Botany, Bre.vinc, Catoo tries, Chemilirv, Chronology } CommertV, Comparative Anatomy, Cor.hclogy, Co nics, Coi.otography, Cr; cifm, Dialling, Dioptric,! Drawing, EfeCtr;ci:y Engineering, Engraving Liymoh-.gv, Ethics, E'arriery, Fencing, Finan cing. E iuxions, i‘ortilication, Poflilogy, Garti ening, Guugirsg, Geography, Geometry, Gram mi', Gunnerv, Haodicrafs, H r..ldrv, Hi dory, Huxbancry, Hydraulics, ITyorograpiiy, ilyrroio g)’> Hydroiktics, Itcncnyoiogy, Laws, Logic, Longevity, Legerdemain, Magnebf-n, Maritime AIL rs, Mathematics, Evieehautcs, Me.iicine, Me a3er}T Mensuration, Merchindik, Metallurgy,! Metapbyfics, Metecrologv, Military Afrairs, Mi neraiogy, Lfodeiiing, Mafic, Mytholosy, Na vigat.o.i, Natural Hiik.ry, NUu-icaEAffT', Op tics, Oratory, O nirhology, Paintings, pi_rlpec tive, Phar nacy, Pniiofophy, Phlebotomy, Pry sic, Pnsfiognomy, Phvfiology, Paylology, maies, Sculpture, Series, Status, Stataart.j Stenography, Svirgerv, Te rapadolo'Ty, * i neology, i raa.s and Arts, ITisor.ometrv, Vcr- i meology, &c. the jvhole forming a General Circ’e rs Science,) and nicll comprehenftvs and cheapPli Libra- j ry or Univerlal Knowledge ever pubiurred mine Laired States. l—d Subictiptions 2 re received at the tl Georgia Republican ‘ office, and from different par r s cf the union attended tc, end the work punc tually forwarded azreeahie to direclicrs. by JOHN LO W, No. 32. Chatham fireet, WAR DEPARTMENT August 16, 13s:. TANARUS/ HERE AS, by a, law cf Cor.giefs pajje.4 V V on the 26th day cf April 1 So:, it wat ‘ crafted, <f That it jiad ue the duty cf the Score • ta.ry cf lEar to receives , all claims to lands /„;* mil tary services, end claims for duplicates of wan ants ifued from his ojfce, orfrem the lard office of Virginia, cr of pLts and cert feat: a c surveys founded on fitch warrants 1 U * tr f CftC(i t 7 have been lef cr defy eyed \ until the f.jl day c- January next, and no longer \ and immediate, icereafter to report tue fame to FA • g t.oe number cf claims of eatu defeription, with Us cprnien the, eon,” No ice is hereby given, To a!! terfone shining lards for mid fury jervices , that they :g leSgt i:,thistfjite,prior to t.t day of January next, documents to prove the validity of lheir chit,ns, Cc;::.f. .yg efficers Jurgens enifttrgeen's mates 1} to. .ir legai } epf efe'itcitiyyes niujc produce evi iepte to prove they fervedh; tie .any c f the United’ States to the end cf the war, or that thy -u-efc atguiged by arts lufnii oj Ceng refs, vchch au no 1 bui their claim tj mil Jury loamy la?, is /. win mfo be nece retry for tre representatives cf s is c. *nfit vice to p, cd ce evidence to prove, that the per jin -was “ flu in by the ene my A Aon- ccmmijfrmed ojfcefs, ninfciam and pri vates, or their legal reprtfsntatives mitf pro due i evidence to prove, that they , nlifled to jrrve in • eiwaifi cf tire United States c.hwi: the war dim that tijey ass ully jewed until the end of said \vi*r. Si. zvill tiijo be for the frprefen ta.lives ct non- oommifioned (jfeers, Cfe. who were entitled during the war arid were killed in ire t ei vice, to j t educe evidence to prove that were <• ft g n /.v th- e'u mr ** T 1 T> n -f r* han 1 > UiU/lL\ Secretary cf IVar . SHOES o bL 1 Pl’i Xo “W” HS *7 Received at las Savannah sere sere 12 P trunks offices andfSjppets of cli deferiptions which will'be gold at the ujiial low prices, alto 24. bui rds mackerel. G. TUFT 3 Aco, September it, 1802. ~~~~ a Trmrt; I AA 7 ii Public awe hereby cautioned i. receiving a note drawn by the'fubferibet In fa joy oj Julies Read cf Gieen C aunty for four Lx..amed Doha g datcri April j 1802, payable L A mezy days as irepayment of the fuid note wi.l be dtyguiea andtf ism. ught to court, it wilt be made to appear, that it on A n>d to b? paid. JAMES Ck.tCHRAN. limerick September n iho?. TO H b i i 1: .,, TFiT * f\ ND so ( given 0:1 the fir ft day cf Cc'w JL JL W next,! he Store ar -prefeut of cupiedby Mr * i hciiius ivi, l. r.s near ti. e ■■ L\ B. MfiLuELT. September t r. { r Jufi-Received ‘ cu Cl-arltfton, and FOR. HALF. AT this’ OF lies T ‘: ’ LIFE o F fOUSSAWT 7 OUVER.TUR E, ‘ Late General in a.//, Gevtnter cf the It* U.v.Ci t.j oCliilt id eiHMigo ; with many parti cut* r.r a ever before pnblijl-ed : io which U funjoined 9 an account cf the firft dp era*'ions pfthe FRENCH AIIMY, trader GENE RA L LE Cl. ER C. T RUNS LATE D FROM FILE FRIEAtJ By N. H ERSE MO Af i ■teacher of the French Lana a. r e Sullivan *s IJknd. ° PR ICE; 50 CENTR, Did 1 RIC E OF GEORGIA. , IN 7 ADMIRAF ,ITY The PRESIDENT of the UNITED STATES. c lo the Marf jal of the [aid Diftricl , Gredin (J- s ) (XJTmiiEAS R. M. Stites, clk. V V bel hath Lftri liieJ arid exhibited in the fa id court tcair : •■he Sti ip iinn, her csrgo, and Hen]antio p _ ell, Mailer* and MeiTrs. johnftcn, *Eober w fcri and Company, or Savannah, rr.cichants, l t d otners, owners, for a certain fu >n of r.;on * due to John Pc tie:, by hypothecation on the lai.i fliiu, her tackle* furniture and anparel, togcMer v/:th her freight and cargo : NOW l BERE-FORE, you are command no c inc * aCia oniin t. emaicer* owners, and all o ther per lons, v/hatfbever, who hav or pre tend to have any right, intereO;, property, c.a.m, cr cemand, whitiEever, t;,, to orupon me fa id (hip called rhe Ann, ru JW riding a anenor in port oi ijavapnan, whereof Ij ‘pA jamin-Buell now is, or late was , mailer, to be and appear before the banovable Will :am STEViNs, tLiqure, judge of. the laid court at Savannah, on twenty- thied qay of this pr.lent month 01 oeptemr/er, at ten o’clock :n t ie forenoon cf tnefam.ed iy, toau.ivver John Potter on the mentsef the End libel, f 0 cha: jufticemay be done ia the rremrfss. v> 11 neis the b.onorabl j Vv T ixliam Steven?, Judge or the said co rt, at Savannah, this inch day of SepteWn rr, B the year of our LaOtd one thoulanem-ight hundred and two, ana in the twenty-be venth year cf American Independence. * 11A RRI3, P 1 pflcr for Libellant*