Newspaper Page Text
n'Tt In need cf ?. Luzerna, as I lorace ex-’
pi clies it : ;
Noflern peocaiis et fraud'l'iit olficer* nulera. ‘
do bide all crime*, in clarknefs and cast a
_ f \
child ever cdl if .* r cguerier.
No, from a confcientiOusncfs of a rest i
tude of eonduft, .m i of pure intentions, it
fecks not (or Iheher under a W / on law, but
•invims inquiry and lavs iitelf open r o pubbeor j
individual fcrutinv, v. ;th a look ot comem|_ m
• tending on the impotent malice of ns
The current of things may roll along its
bifis ; the tide of time and chance may beat
its walls -, the lummy guks o! ir.akce
Fiay aftkil its lofty barrlemcnrs; and the he?.-
‘Ty (bowers of calumny may delcend upon the
t.foacious roof—but ail in vein—the system ol
t-rneafures adopted and pursued by our preterit
administration mud immortalize the name of
our chief magistrate and procure to Ins me
mory trie admiration and efleem of all good
men, until the ! 1 la r s ot the universe lb ill be
lhaken, and c< the Great Globe irfelt, yea, all
which it inherit, sh u], like the b-iftlefs fabric
of a vifion 0 pals a Way bcloie the <f Almighty
Barnwell DislrifJ, near ‘ Savannah River ,
SoHib-Carclina, September 4, th , 1802.
*L— -
SAVANNAH, September 18,
? ¥ ‘
A letter from Mr. Simons, eolleftor at the ;
port of Charleston, appears in the papers of
that City. Ic dates many material adv m
rages to be derived fro r> the life of Perkin’s
improved double and (ingle broke Pumps ;
and that the refulr of his experiments were,
that anew- common pump, in eo >d order,
requires twice as much rime, to deliver the
fame quantity of warcr, as the improved fin -
gle stroke-pump, and tin ice the rime of the
double ftrokc-pump. The improvement
mud produce the mod beneficial consequen
ces ro American navigation. The cause of
humanity will be promoted in no final 1 de
gree by this invention,
A Mr. Claiborne, lias hardy invented a
species of paddle or-car, which operates bv
a double stroke, keeping up a perpetual and
Ready force, and adapted to the mod exten
five use either by manual or other power. if
weunderftand the fuhjeT right, this paddle
is con ft rafted fomewhar on rhe principle of
a web-footed water fowl, colLpling as it pas
ics forward, and spreading when its force ir.
exerted. We (hall piiblifh the aclveriifemcnt
ol the inventor in our next.
The number of fait works on Cape Cod , are
so considerable. that it is understood, a fuf
ficient quantity is produced for the use of
fifhermen fitted out at the Caps, and die i.n
. habitants thereof: and additional works are
creeled almost daily. Glauber fairs, of an ap
proved quality, are alio made at the Caps, m
considerable quantities, and, we believe, arc
fold for less than imported purgative salts. —
* his information is certainly iutcTeft:n rT ; for
a dollar laved in ilie country is advantageous
as a doi i ,l) brought into it. if our ordmarv
imports arc dimimfhed so as to fall sho r t of
our ordinary exports, the country will prosper.
Jt would be generally gratifying, if fomc gen
tleman refluent on the (.ape would make the
rsecefiary inquires, and inform the public of
the ft ate of tlicfe inanufafturcs. Ivl an pci ions
vvfth to know die exaft quantities of the fairs
and glauber lilts which are annually made—
the prices tit which they can be afforded—and
W;iat proof there is of the goodneis of their
qualities. ]f fufneient is made, both thote 1
articles may be exported ro the other dates ;
and the medicinal laics commonly command a
good price in the IV^fl-huhes.
( £ often Palladium.)
In fome fubterraneous
made in the village Labatie-Monfaleon, tie-!
partment of upper Alps, have been difeover- 1
-d divers reiiques or the anrient magnificence!
of Gaul, when i uoject to the Romans ; antique!
*vai s covering, wit none interruption, an im-l
mtnfe plain; remains of considerable build- !
in^s; fragments of Mosaic ; medals, one ofl
which i>. a golf! one of Constantine, 1:1 perfect i
pn* rvanon , Indeed every rhing indicates!
The of an annerit city m this place,;
c.t which, however, there does nor remain an\ j
‘ r 1 r.c board of longitude,” Rates the i
french aftronomcr LaLnde, “at its meeting 1
of ihe 23d ult adjudged the premium of 6zee !
francs, which was proposed for the bSz lunar I
tabir. M. Brug, an astronomer at Vienna,;
has lucceedcd, by combining from three roj
four thousand obiervations, in forming ra'.des
•Miir.h c.o not differ ten leconds from an a Xu-!
ar obici vaticr.. 1 h;s is the meateft aid with!
winch aftreno my can furnifh navigation, and
nothing more is wanting for finding the l inrh ‘
► K-t let with the utip.oft rccv -i Th^
boCfiry table which I publifl.ed in 179.A for
finding the hour at sea, renders this part of the
ci.; f that it may be executed bv
the moll inexperienced navigator.”
[.Lcndcn Paper."]
The Ottoman [ s or < :'“ ) has acceded to the
rrcary of Armens. Ihe proclamation on
th’s fiihjvft, is a fine specimen of royal bom
We fnall lay by the Museum of vefterdav,
it os a trife which may serve to amule us at a
leisure moment.
Gmar-Bntam has been entirely evacuated
by is inhabitants, in confequenre c f a report
• l it an expedition agamft that ifianj was fit
ting out in Iceland*
J). 11 c alcove is just astri ? e as that the
old tones all went to Nova-Scoria at the dole
of the war.
It 1 > computed, and beheved corfeeft, tliat
one fourth of the inhabitants of Connefticur,
I who remain of those capable of in our
revolution, are old tones. The pohtics they
luppoa have beer, already named,
Dii. D, On tie 141 b i-dt. Mr. John M : Coi-
Lough, a native cf Ireland, eged 50 H
a.nvtro at an f*arly 3 fc ;r. this country, was a fuithtu
; ur brave patriot and cf cur revolution, amt a
ulHi!, and i.jpeehJ member or f-ciety. He has
left a ftiofiidj e iviie and a large family to bemoan
; ne U 3 “ l; iin( ! a parent, and numerous
mends to regie: tin fudd.n decease.
v .->;
f-+ \” h “i’ y ‘•f ‘.t
v> \>*-*.* At. •1s ■V’ &\ c'.. t y* 1/
E N T E R E D.
ft ■'const , • tiho to Pi f ctertck eVlc’ Her.'"” ft fftarv*
Ship Comet , Steven/cn, Baltimore.
Sleep, Ranger, Keen, Char Est on,
C: L E A R E D.
Brig, Resource, Wilkh/fo-i, Nev^Tdrl,
P HE a dverti!eci m k!t weeks pa-
JL P*ts for the 13th, but neceffarilv post
poned, will take place on Monday the 20th
to o’clock, at Commerce Row, of
8 Hhds. Brown Sugar,
c do. old Jamaica Rom, 4 proof.
■—Calks dry Peas,
1 Box Chocolate,
1 pair Pistols,
1 Urate I Jverpooi Vv effortrd.
HCDUSE HOLD F! JI ift i l'U Rp, &c.
E HILLS, An ft.
Savnnnah, Scot, to, g^?.
-^ K O Li’ Ule, rt nooi i oN. oft
S.mi'dav nc::?, the 25th instant will bf
fold at public Al 2ft ion, at the (lore on th
Bay, lately occupied by Mr D. vie, ad th-
I. in trade f by Samuel S iub rc,
hue of Savannah, Merchant Bankrupt, r G the
Commilnoners r.-oue ! in a Commiftlon or
Bankruptcy, against the fdd Samnel S.iubere,
confining bfu e ui an . Lihio able
Ift !♦ I U O O i J S ;
- uiipor.i and in the Lite ft arrivals froni Lonfion.
aIH-dkudry an ides of HOUSE-HOLD
FURNITURE : Conditions, cafii for ail
linns under 100 Dollars, and all Dims over,
notes at ninety days w ith approved endarters :
vO commence at to o’Clock in the fo;c
noon ; by order of the Rfionee.
JOHN HOLLAND, Auft.ioncer.
*/ (J /•* /V ’ A • t i I v’
J ' y -* <vj A / oiVO,
twelve dollars reward
aivay from the Subscriber, an the 28/Z
ult ’ an Apprentice Boy to the PrinUtn
Business, name MUNCIL MILLER, a native
of Lyme (Conn etL: cut (a-ed about *9 years, lAt
complexion, dark coloured hair, dark eyes /her
jpoken to or converftdw'ih, he difetvers afeculia.
uijjidexcc. He is a very ingenious Heady lad.
and teas presidency in the l-ufincfs.
is j Cud cj atitinz ornaments noon
end albo effiu lying. Ik wore ‘an/carried a
“vay anew tine broadsloath coat white ved
a pair cf gingham and a pair of nankeen overalls
a, “p fi h *' lv rcra,i ' ! hat, H?c. IVhoover will fecurc
//**** u rt'’ iHttce, and give toe fubferiber notice,
in a der tart be max obtain Jim
"sis **•* o-t'G-ie toward, ]f he will return hi
tic all be treated at well as t.e usually has beer
an “ ,:s . hvuits ever locked.- — Masters cf velds ar.a
ethers are fir bid harbouring or c nice/line’ fata
bey, on penalty cf the law.
r L n - ton (Connecticut) Augnfto, 1802.
(lUl> 1 QAf-LLeL 2 L, ot Bav&nnaii.
A perion willing to engage, to weigi,
ami keep in their stations, and in re-
P ai > ‘he Buoys tnat are, or may be provided,
as guides to the entrance of Savannah river,
sviii early notify in writing to the fubfer;-
h~ r , a‘ what rate per annum he will per
form the far vice.
]J!O. JVHL'ON, Coiledlor.
Sc?r. *7. jumf.
j AGJ-V /AN Tucldav the 28'h inftar.t,
v/ wlil be fold, at the ccurt-
J,oufe in the city of Savannah,
between the hours of jo and it o’clock,
XrtE Scmoon'er BETSEY
together with her tackle, apparel, Ac. seized
by virtue of a judgment ob rained by Matthew
Shearer, surviving copartner of Alexander
Watt and Cos. against Wiilian Norris.
Septeqpber 13, 1802.
tr 1 g
\ AsJ x-A C/ X. J U”
<U ‘
TILL be paid by : her Undr-wrker”
y V on th#* Schoon-r to
my per lor. or perions who vvi : l di3 r Jar and raise the
3* liooner Do cbe.fter, Pcnnifter, late master, about
50 ‘ons burthen I he Schooner faded from Tybce on
the B r h of Ac gull lass, about 4 o’clock - , P. M. bound
for N.ifbu ; ;.r ; 1 fame night Ike funk, supposed in
from rc to 15 f itherr.s water and ho rn 10 to ! 7
leagues l:om iheldar. l iiere is Hid to be in a rir.aii
; trunk 10.-ke I down in the run, 36 pc Doubloons, i:i
fured at 61,880 Doliarf. A fa!cage of one fourth of
all the morev lerove-e-d by ram net the vellel. vv i! i a’fo
be lowed in addiuon to the abc?ve reward. Further
informa ion m:y be lud on application :o the Under
writers, in C iiariefton.
N. I>. ‘rnepri;uer< in Savannah, HPr-York and
, Baltimore, are icquefted to publifa the above.
Sep embtr 8.
TJAVE Rc.-cived from Nov-York, a frrfi:
i 1 afiorement of plated and Brass Mounted
iuimtuie for harnt-fs.
Saddles best Quality, Elegant plated Bridles,
different kinds, Setts of hamefs plated Sc Bra if
Mounting, Saddle Bags, Portmanteaus, fin-
Bucketts, Whips, Spurs, Carr, and Waggon
hirncfs, Ac. Ac. a Variety of other arricies
.ill of vvhich will be Ibid iow for Caih or the
usual credit.
September iS, 1802.
A 7 0 7 / C E.
All persons indebted to the subs. fiber are 1
req'iefttd to come forward and make payment
by the fiift: of Cftoher next, as all accounts’
not fettled by that day, will be placed in the
hind ol the attorney for collection.
All perlons having demands against him
are requested ta call for pavincnc.
Sav m a ah, September i3r.h 1802. 2
(Bv RICHARD LEE, ILlcnr.ore,’)
DISCOu Ii s E s
The life , Memoirs. &c. of the Author.
laIS / A’/ aL FOR. PiFJH i FE/iSol\ r ,
U'ith LIS /.POL.OCt Jt i>i the day of his DEATH.”
‘• T I'llo woi k will he ccmprifed in three Inr~*Oc
‘‘•”9 Vo!a containing at leaf: kvc hundred pages
;<c.V yr.d printed with amw type, on fu per Hue i?a
,c. it be the pride or the Publisher to pretent
‘o he American public,this excellent ivoik. in anele
g<ct drefi.
li. The price to fubferibers will be Two Dollars
,>er vcVuinf'. in board?.
i il<r VV ith the sis (I V oi'.nne will be civen z Portrait
{ *he Author and no ex pence uib be Oared to have
it (xccuifd by the fir it ajtiff Amc.Ta.
A* thts work is proprdtd sta very negotiable p ; h:e
t will not be put toprvfs until the nature t ‘ five
u :dred nam: is obtained, to tenure ,r reat and
ce tain expenc-rs of this public;,to.:-,
T} b? TM hiVL TTb’
SJ *.* bv_ j\ IVJV i X b
C-j&i ach'i cj the illujlnous sun nor,
1 hie was a man of mofi extraordinary courage : ?.
c Heady man, even to oMfmcy sincere. hut of a rW_m
’ and hooerous temper that could r.ot hear contradic
tion. hi; f.Crned to he a chritlisn, but in a parti, u
-4 *; ir . lorrn ofi ] is own :he though tit was to be ],ke 2
divine phnofophy in the miner. lie was jfjfF to all
i republican principles and lath an enemy to every
‘ that looked like a monarchy, tfwt he set bim
le,r m hi-h opposition agamiv Grom well, when he
4 was made protector. He bed /hirbied the hi dory c )
4 govrrnmcr.t mail its y beyond any man / ever
4 knew.’
Severs! manuH ript treatises of h ; > in Latin and in
itaiian, and an 14 Eli!ay on various love” in English,
are (.ill rxctni among the pane s c>r his fanni'* at
Pen.hurk l but his 4 ’ iTl'.ourics Co;iccrr,ini; govern
ment’ alone ivi-l immortalizehis arc fuffiri
_*n- to (upply the lois of Cicero’s fix books 4i De Ke
publrca,’ which has been i j much regret ted
1,1 *m(e and prooity. in inert, it i> cre of rhe tisii-ii
nooks that ever the mind of man predured : and w<-
cani.ot vvifh a grea'cr or more extend ve blcrling *o
the world, than that it may be every vwtere reab/anc
ns principles univciiai’y received and preplan and.
u> are received at the Georgia Republi
can office.
nP Hii P-rmerlhip of Cur;:> k Blount will of. dis
X Lived on the day < f October ~or. All
f i°r.s having demands agarnft them, are rcuuef: to
cundtr their accounts immediately,
! OJ TL i?, 1802.
PI E IV R I c E.
received and for f! *. n
of Prime new Rice in Bonds ? c
Septerrber rH, iSo?.
_ t r u"~X A L S
For Fob!if.iing bv Sabfcrinrion,
o i 1
Commencing with rim Lift Sellnn of the
Fir ft American C ;ngrcis in the vear
2 77 ; and, to be continued ro the end
of the ’.-ref ait Adminifinuion
UCII of the SrA tr. Pape as of ran- Genera. ’
o Government as have been ore tv is
found in files t)f news-pipers cnl\\ and :n ctP-r
.fleeting and detached publications.—Many of tbs
ut ms ft importance to the JhAesman, and
pen/able to the historian, have non appeared in
print. Such, indeed, is the nature c diunn-'l
piibiicaJtGttSy an and inob are the needy irrcvwfaftces,
Very generally, if not irdvrr. cly, of their cun*
duTiers that they are ::eee:f fed to y:ve c"<;T'r;.v *
of admij/icn into their fourroi'. cf th t poets f A
infer /nation h the pin litat; n r f t v:hicb> chat:,
i they Os lam av * f-arx / u ..>>.• •••* •*. Ije/r e, r.v it an
I and entireties cf the Rang -ft ag/d heft conattTied
i politi. a! ue.-nv papers £9 not contain a re in lor cut*
1 1 ; * . >
catenation ct * overran?ut ol accumcms ; ana it
1 o
may be lately added, iha'ji’os of ail the papers
!in the Uniin do not. J ft, if they di /, ft a tier A
! tbiou;b a bid:: cf literary matter, it would
i reemre the lift ft com tnr.i, to collect and arrange
■hem (acid order . Dr. Ram {ay informs us, ri
his Preface to his 1 lift cry cf the Revolution, that
he -was {on?'years w collecting mater: 7 ls far that
hu. TR but excellent p redo Pi in, net witbfftindiKg
, he had access to all the cfhcial paters cent anal
injk e various departments of the gen ml govern*
Os the Utility es & work (hall co'fprEc
all the fi i&le p&pcrs (the official doc uni., rds J of
the general government , from and including, tbs
man or able ccngrefs if ere! of the roe*
lent c.dmimjlrathfi, little re id be fad Ebe
historian will jmd in it prepared to h’s barb, aid
the mater inis neeejfary jot writ:*:* the Li story of
! dse t ‘moil, It ‘ltdill furvalh 1a? j's <? tesv.ian with
beds cf authentic informali.Gtl, the uudxfxvdx.g
of which is needs ary to tonfi’iuie that exalted cha
re tier. to err editors cf new'pepere, zrh:;e
literary prodtiiLi'ms die ta exctHence with these
of their hr ether a: in Europe, and who are ana
tats to creel each ether at homedt vEil be an es t -
medic work. Tc politicians of every jedi E l
grade, it will be no leys pltajing than injjru didc.
1)2 cue wordy it well of if eg, form ire rn vyl an -
l ben tic , and, therefore, the bes pent, cal IE stay
of the United 67 ates.
It will require conjnlerable ?ef:arcb ti natch lader
and no (Mali to complae the coilebbtiocu
Ebe editors have, be merer, long h .-a the
work h contemplation, and much prey refs in it is
already made. Such cf txe ft ate Tapers as have
never been pttbliO ed y mil lb era chide a in ii, as well
as those which have net, in arm feme, appeared
before the public, —E hey have made am tvigewanfs
which anilorise then; to a mure their fells-iv-citE
zens, that the prop fed Co'left ‘on fall certain ell
the fate pepers cf moment appertaining to ge:E
ral government,
Ibis work nwsj preprfed to the Union for cn-
CQuragcracnt > fontl err, jifr cf a mere cr>’! -ftit;ns
of Shiite Papers, dsrenc-logically arranged. EJ~-
remarks whatever cf the ed tors will be mxzeh. m
it .
C O N J) I T I O N S.
1. Else work do sill be put to press as Eon as odd
jiulcfiies are obtained.
li. O ne volume (hall be delivered to ftihctiErs
in tisis city tv my three wen tbs, cwftfu'ng f aboi. t
50 j pages, printed on good paper , and wii>\
anew neat type precured for the pvrpofe. —
Subjcribexs rrpding cut cf this city . may have
them books j ent to wherever they q terse.
111. she price op each volume will be two dollars
in boards, to be paid for on dvivery.
IV. y j list oj the ‘n ames of the Jubjoubers will
be annexed to Ihe zvork.
*.f idibfcripiions received for the prefer.!, at
tie is only.
iXezv-Tore Jure 4.
ji'-jl Received from Chen left on, ana
Late General in chief, and Qm ‘.<■*■*>?*- v f tit. r.-
Uwi of Sai;:t
mver before f’.tliijSed : tn which is juljc.r.eti,
an account cf the Jtrfs operations cf tbs
under G E N E li A L LE C L E R C.
Hr N. //o-R DUMONT,
Teacher cf the French l anguage, cn Sullivan* t