Georgia republican & state intelligencer. (Savannah, Ga.) 1802-1805, September 25, 1802, Image 1

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Georgia Republican & State Intelligence-*. . o Dollars a Year, Half in Advance, CEOil GIA REPL PL ICAN. Volume I. No. 6. >••"*** mrf I .’*.>* P _ ’■".V.JiMtP*. ‘AM* WLII £.ve a/ /iv e Depart men t , Louisville , 2 8/A A uplift 1802. ORDERED ‘ I r-yn 1 HAT the acl autborifing the! election of four persons to rep re fen t the citizens of Georgia, in the House <>i Representatives of the United States, he publilhed in the Several gazettes of this (late that the electors in therefpec- counties thereof may, at the e ri fting general election, govern them selves accordingly. GEORGE k.‘ CLAYTON, Secretary, j An Act authorizing the elcfftirn in the faner/ij counties in this fiiaJZ , to ahei Jour per/ons to represent them in tie House oj Rep: ejentathes 0/ toe United States . WHERE jII S by the late enumeration of inhabitants o] the United States this fate is entitled to four members \ 'in the Houje of Reprejentathes of the United States : BE it therefore enacted by the Senate and House of Reprefntatrees of the jiate of Georgia, in General Afernbly met , That at the general election which Shall he held for members of the date legislature, on the fir ft monday in Oc tober next, and at every Second gene ral election thereafter, the electors at iiich election Iliad be entitled to vote for four persons to rep re Sent this (late in the House cf R eprefnta fives of the United States, under inch rules and re gulations as are preferibed by the elec tion laws of this ftatc now in force. ABRAHAM JACKSON, Speaker cf tie House of Representatives. WILLIAM BARNETT, Prefdent of the Senate. Assented to June iG , 1802. JOSIAH TAT NALL, Jim. Governor, WAR DEPARTMENT Y August 16, s SO2. \ THERE,IS, hy c law cf Ccugrefs fa fed V V on the 26th day cf April 180 2, it has matted, i( That it fad be the duty cf the Secre tary cf lEar to receives, all claims to lauds for military services, and claims for duplicates of warrants iffiued from his office, or from the laud office cf Virginia, or of plats and certificates cf surveys founded on finch warrants fuggedcd to have been left cr deftreyed; until the Just day of January next, and no longer; and immediately thereafter to report the fame to Congress , designa ting the number cf claims cf each defer iptiqn, with his opinion thereon ft Notice is hereby given, To all persons Harming lands for military jervices , that they wuft ledge in this office, prior to the fir ft day cf January next , documents to pro ve the validity of their claims. ComiJJiontd officers Jurgccns emdfurgeon's males ;• their legal representatives mufi produce evi deuce to prove that they fetved m the army cf the hinted Stales to the end cf the war, cr that they were deranged by a refcluticn of Ceng refs, which did net bar their claim to mi. it ary bounty lands It will also be necejTary for the representatives cf officers (sc. killed in jo vice to produce evidence to prove, that theperfon was stain by the ene* my ft hcn-cemmiftioned officers, tntficiaus and pri vates, cr their legal representatives in lift product evidence to prove, that they enlijhd to jerve in the army of the United States during the war and that they c Sully served until the end effaid war. U will also be necejjary for the represen tatives cf non -ccmmijfto tied officers, iftc. who were enlisted during the war and were killed in the Jervice, to produce evidence tepreve that were “ flam by the enemy ft 11. DEARBORN. Secretary of War. COM MI SIGNERS OFFICE GEORGIA zvar.uah September, 1 igoz. NOTICE TO PENSIONERS, THE Invalid Penfmterscf the UNITED „ 4<> } yin the St at e of Georgia, are hereby 1 equcftcu to ccm est sward and receive theirft Rend ffi tL2 v ;,y DJI ant. as also all <gr rear are of penyion, unpaid *y the late Agent. It is wijbed that the Penfilatri in future It punctual in calling at this office in person, cr hy their icgal Attorneys , either annually cr half yearly in a acr to secure their Money JAMES ALGER. Agent for Inv. IWrs. September 11. r 7 ‘■* Edward White, Clerk of the wlOaCja, /* Court of Ordinary for the Cctiit -3 tv of Chatham in the ft ate afore - Jaid: ft (All A I TJHERE4S, JcJhtta “—A i*’ LITE. > v V Rufkhsitt**-or Chat hc.m county, planter, hath made application for letters cf adminift ration on ii e est ate and effedls cf Mary Rev:ere, late cf said county, dececifed, as near est of kin ; These are therefore, to cite and admonijh all andfmgular the kindred and \ creailors cf the deceafcd, to file their objetlions if any they have ) in my office on or before the id day cf Otto her next : other wife letters of adminiftralien will be granted him. Given under my hand and seal, in the city of Su 0 anna a, the id day of September, in the year cf cur Lord 1802, and in the 2 1 ih year cf American Independence. ROBERT 6’ JOHN BOLTON. Have received per barque Nixon, captain Shaw, from Holland, 22 cases tumblers and affierted glajs waie, 2. ditto elegant parlour glafjes, 2 ditto toilet and other looking glassies, l do. bird cages with glajs globes, 44 liquor cases, 2co pieces white and Proven pic Ellas, 1 case dowlas, I ditto diaper, J4O pieces Bremen rolls, 24 ditto 9-4 and 10-4 bed ticking, 1 case kiting cloths, No. j, 5, and 6, 140 pieces Gfnaburgs 60 Tichlenburgs, 58 Etemijh fine and coarse linen, xc,o Ravens auck, ico HeJJian linnen, 1 case long lawn, 1 do. Flerniftj linen, % cases fine and coarse threads, plain and diaper tapes, bobbin and laces 1 case velvet ribbon and black lace and crape 2 ditto thread and cotton hcfiery 5 bales fein and hewing twine , heading, Hamboro and ftfibing lines, 30 coils white rope lines, x case window hooks and binges, 17 casks nails and tacks, 30 boxes 8 by 10 and 10 by 12 window glajs. 20 tons bar iron, affianted, 200 ftjeets iron gins, 10 boxes Renifh wine , 30 pipes gin, fir ft quality 150 empty gin cases 80 kegs fly ft quality gun powder, Go fowling pieces c.nd rifles, 40 boxes Edam and Gonda cheese, 9 I rieftand Clocks, 7 elegant porcelain and marble mantle-piece clocks, 3 pieces girandoles, 3 hales printing paper, 8 bales wrapping paper, 60co quills, 20 dozen slates, 1 box Haerlem oil , * ditto Spy her half am, 1 ditto camphor, 5 casks Rruffian blue, red, and blech lead ground oil, I ditto lampblack , 20 ditto bin feed oil, x ico jugs linseed oil, 4 dozen waffill aad water irc-ns, 1 crate flower pots and fiands , A large quantity cf beffects 50 pair quern ft ones 23 inches 1 ditto mill ditto feet 4 ditto ditto ditto- 3 feet and 3 inches. 4 ditto ditto ditto 3 feet and 8 inches. 1000 hearth tile . August 10 ts SAVANNAH, Printed by LYON <0 MORSE.’ SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER a S , iSoz. r NOTICE, j ALL pcrions having any demands 2ga irsft the j Os Vv illiani Weft ]£sq. late of Lioerty j'l'hU■ sta * e ß are requeued to render the fame to James & Wiiii a ;n Rubens, at Rlceborouqh 1 0 tne Subscriber. JOHN JONES. c , . Adrruniflrator. .lunhury, Aug-uft, i q 1802, E iN4 L N O TIC E. ‘ ALL. persons that are indebted to the estate of John Zane, dec. areddired to make immediate payment, and thole that have de - mamisapinit chat estate, arc also desired to render them'duly attested, on or beforethe first day of No vcm.ber next,after that time I Hull apply to the ectfirt of( Irdmary t 0 be dilmiffed from the ‘ Administra tion. BALTHASER SHAFFER, Adm’r. Aligns fQ, 1802. NOHCE. \VT E are Aire Lied by John Milledge the ex- W (Cuter of the est ate of the late Jacob Waldburger to notify to all persons whatever his “prohibition against burning cn that part of the Bl and cf St. Catherine's belov.nn? to he /did est at* being tolbe North the Sloth b* v h. If late iff much lessened byfuch fraHife, and erher Injury aoncand after this nctuevMfeelhimfdf bound to prefecutt to the extent of tkt law, all persons found to violate it. v y WILLIAMSON V MOREL. 28 1802. cr THE second meting of tkt cemmiff. oners * -ng m,dcr a ecmmiffwn of bankruptcy L‘L a H atn Jl Mr. Samuel Saubere of Savannah Merchant, will l e held at the Court House in ~ : ‘, ly ’ V r lief lay, the 31 ft in Han!, at ten • dock in the forenoon : and the third meetin* *n Tuejday Use 2 3 th of September next, at the Janie time and place. August 25, 1802. ~ - ’ — ~— — WANTED TO RENT ; AS Up FfC//• /VC T afsrrrJ ms /its A Pro - j vjion land on cr rear thejalts, as would employ about twenty workers and for which the highest price will g; given, and no objtSficn had t§ an advance cf rent. Apply at this office. Sept. 1. TO BE RENTED. AND pcffffion given on the fir(l day of Qcto . to next,the Store at frejent occupied by Mr. 7 hGinas M. C. Harris near the exchange. D. B. MITCHELL. Stptember n. t c NO TICE, 1 THE Public are hereby cautioned against receiving a note drawn by theJubfcriber \'in favor cf James Read of Giecn County for four Hundred Dollars, dated April 15, 1802 , payable in Ninety days as the payment of the [aid note wid be dispute a and if brought to court, it will be made to appear, that it ought not to be paid. JAMES COCHRAN. Limerick September, 11 ISO 2. N O tTcI ~ )S ATURDAA the second day cf Ohio her bein'? the day appointed by la wfor the Etc [lion ofTruflecs cf the library fcciety of Savannah the members of ivai jociety are requested to meet at ten o'clock at the filature for the pitrpefe cf elefling seven Trudees for the enfuirig year all these who wiftj to become fulfcribtrs are requested to attend at the Jaid place and all the members are [elicited to be punc tual in their at tend ante. N. TV. JONES. -] | MAI THEIVMc ALLISTER. 1 j CHARLES HARRIS. f TrUuCW L, COL LOCH. j September, ix, IB ill be exchanged for NEGROES. Ai RACT of LAND, about three hundred _ ac;cs : cr.e handrei as prime cotton land as j * n Georgia, and lituation equal to any in the j date: a good dwelling and out-houses, Re. S immediately on the salts. | tor particulars, apply to j WILLIAMSON Sc MOREL. i September jo, IS f2. for sale at this office, an oration, Qflivcrcd on the of July fcy WOMAS U. P. CHARLTON, Esq. (PRICE aj'CENTS.) Twelve and a Half Cents Single. SFTOES G? SLUTERS TEST Received at the Savannah decs ft ere 2 t> .inks ofjfjots etna flippers o* ait defer pti cns ‘which will be fold at the usual low prices. aljo 24 barrels mackerel. m <t*t~ 77ct*o c Lr. jl i- j. O O CO. September tr, 1802. THOMAS JAMES, TAILOR, IN IQ RAIS the PuZhc that he has opened a flop on the Bay , near A her corn Street where he will execute all orders in his line in a n pet‘■ u r maimer and oi\ a short notice, lie dopes to merit the continued pairtnage cf bis em ployers. T. JAMES. Savannah, August to, ISO 2, THE SUBSCRIBERS. TT AVE Received from New-York, a frcih jfl alfortmcnt of Plated and Brass Mounted furniture for harness. ALSO ON HAND. Saddles best Quality, Elegant plated BridLr, different kinds, Setts of harness plated cc Br?/a Mounting, Saddle Bags, Portmanteaus, ft.. Bucketts, Whips, Spurs, Carr, and Wagru harness, &rc. &c. a Variety of oihrr article;, all of which will be fold low for Calh or the usual credit. GLASS (ft SHAFFER. Septciiaber sF, 1802. NO 7 I C E. All persons indebted to the fubferiber arc requested to come forward and make payn.e; : by the fir ft of October next, as all account not fettled by that day, will be placed in th a hand oi the attorney for collection. Ail persons having demands against hu 1 * are requested to call for payment. ASEL FARMER. Savannah, September 18th 1802. a rr — T7 —1 —3 —o —sett. —***■■■• ’ —• rip\H£ partnership cf Curtis & Blount will br 2: • fojvcd on the fbft day of Gflober next. A psifons having demands against them, are requen, i to render their accounts immediately. CURTIS k BLOUNT. 1 3000 DOLLARS REWARD, TILL be paid by the Underwri ‘"2 VV on t,ne Schooner Dorchester, any cerfor. or persons who will drag ior and raiiV • • Schooner Dorcnefter, Pennifrer, fate mailer, ah. tons burthen The Schooner failed frqm T ybee < •, the Bth of August iaft, about 4 o’clock, P. AI. b. u for Na(Tau; at 12 fame night/he funk, tuppotdd . from rd to 15 fathoms water anJ from 10 to > leagues from the Bar. There is said to be in a ft. - > trunk locked down in the 1110,3640 Doubloons, ;• - fared at6l,oCo Dollars. A salvage of one lour.; all the money recovered by railing the vefieJ. will be allowed in addition to the abme re.*.ard. Fur c information may be h<*d on application to the U.uh writers, in Cbarlefton. N. B. ‘Ehe printers in Savannah, New-York cl i Baltimore, are requested to publifti the above. September o. MARSHAL'S SALE /"\N Tucfdzy the 2.Bth ind?’ 1 will be fold, at the col - house in the city of Savanc; ‘., between the hours ot 3 o and ii o’clock, The Schooner. BETSEY together with her tackle, apparel, &c. bv virtue of a judgment o’o tained by Match ‘ Shearer, surviving copartner cf Alexander* Watt and Cos. against Willian Norris. BEN. WALL, F. M. September 13, 1802. Just Received from Char lea on, an a FO R SAL E AT TH l S 081 ICE THE LIFE OF toussaint louverture, Late General in chief, and Governor of the 7 - • land cf Saint Domingo ; with many par tic: never before pit lifted 1 to which isfubjr 7. a., an account cf ihe.firft operations cf the FRENCH ARM IT, under GENERAL LE C L E R C. TRANSLATED FROM THE FRE*I l By N. HER BE MO NT, Teacber of the French Language, on Stdliv. J Ijhnd. ~ PRICE 50 CENTS. _ W A N TED, AT this Ofdce, cr.e or two lads as an prenties to err cr printing. September ar.