Georgia republican & state intelligencer. (Savannah, Ga.) 1802-1805, October 16, 1802, Image 1

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Georgia Republican & State Intelligencer. &x Dollars a Tear, Half in Advance, GEORGIA REPUBLICAN, Volume I. No. 8. Notice is hereby giver:, THAT the City Council will, on Monday, the 18th inllant, pro ceed to elect a scavenger, Those who are candidates for the office, are desired to give in their proposals in writing, on or before that day. J3y arder oj Council, Thomas Pitt. October o. _ ]N COUNCIL, 1 Savannah Gfloier 4 th. 2So 2. MOTION was made and seconded that the report of the committee to whom was referred the making an estimate of the probable expence of lighting and watching the city, be ta ken up and considered : which being a greed to ; It is refoked\ That the inhabitants cf avail2l ah be requeued to attend a special meeting of Council, at the fi lature, between the hours of ten and twelve o’c lock in the forenoon, on Friday, the 15th inUant, and there to advise and deliberate with Council, on the mold eligible and bed mode to carry the above report of the committee into early and immediate operation. Extra ft from the Minutes . Thomas Pitt, c. c. AN ORDINANCE^ To prevent footing in the city of SavaiT nah , and the Hamlets thereof WHEREAS divers persons have of late been in the practice of iliooting in and about the laid City, and the Hamlets and Commons thereof to the great danger of the peaceable inhabitants, and whereby many mif chiefs have been occasioned, tor reme dy whereof, Be it Ordained, by the Mayor and Aldermen of the city of Savannah, in Council aHemhled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the fame, That from and after the pairing of this ordinance, any peifon whatever who iliall lire or liioot off any Musket, Fufee, or Pistol, in any llreet lane or square, within the said city or the Hamlets thereof; or on the Commons appnrtenant thereto, or in any Path, Avenue, or Road, leading to and from the said city, within the limits and jurifdiclion of the fame, (except such firing shall be on Military duty, or on Feffivals) such person on convicfon thereof before the City Coun cil, lhall forfeit and pay for every such offence, a sum not exceeding twenty dollars, cne half to the life of the in former, the other half to the use of .the laid city. IN COUNCIL, Savannah, October 4, 1802. Pafjed , CHARLES EIARRIS, +**+* Mayer • S ATTtsT . 3 t THOMAS P TANARUS, C. C. ‘ COM MI SIGNERS OFFICE, GEORGIA Savannah September, i 1802. NOTICE TO PENSIONERS, THE invalid Pens oners of the UNITED STATES , / ibe Slate of Georgia,are hereby reqtiefted to comsfof ward and receive their ftiper.d, due on tie ]'ftant. as a!fo a!! arrearage cj ■penfton, unpaid by the late Agent. It is uijbed that the Pensioners in future be punctual tn calling at this office in person,or by their legal Attorneys , either annually or half yearly, in order to Jecurt their Money JAMES ALGER . Agent for Ini\ Perirj . September it. 4 * WAR DEPARTMENT August 1 6, 1802. WHEREAS , by a law cf Cor.grefs passed on the 26 th day of April 1802, it was enaCied, iC That it (kali be the duly of the Secre tary cf IVar to receives, all claims to lands for military services , and claims for duplicates of war 7 ants ijfued from bis office, or from the land office of Virginia, or of plats and certificates of purveys founded on such warrants suggested to have been loft or destroyed until the fir ft day 0] January next, and no longer ; and immediately thereafter to report the fame to Corigrefs, designa ting the number of claims of each defeription, with his opinion thereon ft No*ice is hereby given, To all person, claiming lands (or military services, tbgit they must ledge in this office , prior to the fir ft day of January next, documents to prove the validity of their claims . •. . Comifficned officers surgeons andfurgeon's mates or their legal reprejentatives must produce evi dence to prove that they served in the army if the United States to the end of the war, or that they were deranged by a reflation of Ccngrefs, which did not bar their claim to military bounty lands It will also be necessary for the representatives oj officers (Ac. killed in fer vice to produce evidence to prove, that the person was “ stain by the ene -1 > my. Non-commissioned officers, musicians and pri vates, or their legal representatives must produce evidence to prove „ that they tnlifted to serve in the army of the United States during the war and that they aftully served until the end of said war. It will also be necessary for the r epr Ten tative sos von-commiffioned officers, (Ac. who were citified during the war and were killed in tbefcrvice , to produce evidence toprove that were * stain by the enemy A H. DEARBORN, Secretary of War. WANTED. A BO AT that will cany from ten to twelve Cords of Wood, for which cash will be given : apply to. ABRAHAM D. ABRAHAMS. Military Agent for the Southern Department. Any person willing to contrad for remov ing the Guns and Carriages See. from Mr. Tel fairs wharf to the Magazine will please to apply as above. Odober 9, i Sea. ts FiNAL NOTICE. ALL persons that are indebted to the estate of John Zane, dec. aredefired to malts immediate payment, and those that have de mands against that estate, are also desired to render them duly attested, cn cr beforethe first day of No vember next,after that time I (hail apply to the court of Ordinary to be difmified from the Administra tion. BALTHASER SHAFFER, Adm’r. August 19. 189?.. NOTICE, ALL perf3ns having any demands against the Esta-e of William Weft Esq. late of Liberty County, deceased, are requested to render the fame r® Mefi’rs. James 5c William Roberts, at Riceborough or to the Sutfcriber. JOHN JONES. Adminifirator. Sunbury. August, ip 1802, 4m NOTICE. WE are directed by John Milledge the ex ecutor of the estate of tbs late Jacob IP aid bur go r to notify to all persons whatever his prohibition against hunting on. that part of the ljl and cf St. Catherine's belonging to the said ejiate , North the Stock having of late been much lessened by such prattife , and other injury done and after this no the will feel himfelf bound to prefecute to the extent of the lari, all persons found to violate it* WILLIAMSON £f MOREL. August, 28 ISO 2. notice, THE Public are hereby cautioned against receiving a note dr awn by the fubferiber in favor of James Read of Green County for four Hundred Dollars, dated April 15, ißez, payable in Ninety days as the payment cf the said note will be disputed and if brought to court, it will be made to appear , that it ought not tc be paid. JAMES COCHRAN. Limerick September, ix iso2* SAVANNAH, Printed by LYON (A MORSE. SATUARDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1802. FOR SALE. LIKELY Negro boy about 12 years A’ old for sale low for cash at the Savannah ore. G- TUFTS (A Cos. October 9. 3?. Wilt be exchanged for NEGROES. A TRACT of LAND, about three hundred acies : one hundred as prims cotton land as any in Georgia, and situation equal to any in the ft ate : witk a good duelling and out-houses, Zee. immediately on the salts. For particulars, apply to WILLIAMSON k MOREL. September 10, ISO 2. TO BE RENTED. AND possession given on the fir ft day cf Octo ber next,theStore at prefeut occupied by Mr. Thomas M. C. Harris near the exchange, D. B. MITCHELL. September it. ts WANTED TO RENT, A SUFFICIENCY of good cotton and Pro vision land on or near thefalts , as would employ about twenty workers and for which the highest price will be given, and no bad to an advance, of rent. Apply at this office. Sept. 1. FOR SALE. A TRACT OF LAND, IN Franklin County granted toLeonardMar bury. contain more or less. 1380 acres bounded Southwardly by Baker’s land South eaftwardly by Horatio Ma r bury’s land on all other sides by vacant land. A Trad ofland in Franklin County, gran ted to Leonard Marbury, centaining more or less, 1150 Acres bounded Northweflwardly by Charity Marbury’s land Northealtwardly by vacant land 5 and Southealtwardly by Ba ker’s land. A Trad in Burk County 350 Acres, cn the North fide of Briery Creek ; lold by the Commifiioners of Confifeatea Property in Dcember 1784. EBENEZER STARK. October 9 1802. Mores Wharf. THE SUBSCRIBERS. HAVING rented convenient Stores on Harden and Jones’s Wharf (formerly Clarkes) offer their services to their friend and the Public as Fadors and Commission Merchants. BULLEN & HARDEN. Odober 9, 1802. 1 \v3rn. THE SUBSCRIBERS . HAVE Received from Naw-York, a frefh assortment of Plated and Brals Mounted furniture for harness. ALSO ON HAND. Saddles bed Quality, Elegant plated Bridles, different kinds, Setts of harness plated & Brass Mounting, Saddle Bags, Portmanteaus, fire Bucketts, Whips, Spurs, Cart, and Waggon harness, &c. &c. a Variety of other articles all of which will be fold low for Cash or the usual credit. GLASS Cf SHAFFER. September* *B, 1802. JACOB IDLER , BEGS leave to inform the Merchants Planters and others that he has had the honor to obtain a patent from the United States for tour different machines for packing Cotton in square bales ; which they execute in a more compaft and expetitious way than any hitherto invented ; they will be of a great utility to the community at large, two of the said machines aft without ferews and are far preferable and more expeditious than any machines with (crews of any dimensions, and may be worked with any kindofpower. N. B. The above machines have been ad mired by fome of the firft mathematicians in the United States. October 9, 1802. ts THOMAS JAMES , TAILOR , INFORMS the Public that be has opened a Jhop on the Bay , near J her corn Street where he will execute all orders in his line :u a nperior manner and on a jhort notice, he hopes to merit the continued patronage of bis em ployets. * T. JAMES. Savannah, August 29, :SO2. Twelve and £ Ihlf C ,y ts Single, Fer NEW-FORK. The Bng TRIAL, • Adam Klitche!, Mailer, Will lail on WeJnefday next, having two thirds of her cargo ready. For palfagc or remainder of freight* apply to the Captain on board, or. H. KNEELAND e? Cc. Odober 8, 1802—at Morel’s v.-harf. 3000 DOLLARS REWARD, Y Y T'ld-L P a >B ky the Under;vri‘-rr V V the Schooner Dorcheflcr, to any person or persons who will drag for and raise rh* Schooner Dorcheflcr, Pennifter, late ms tier, abous s°l ! ons burthen The Schooner failed from Tybee on the 8-h of August la ft, about 4 o'clock-, P. AL bound for Naftau; at 12 fame nigh; she funk, fupy-ofeJ in from 10 to 15 fathoms water asij from 10 to 1 z leagues from the Bar. There is said to he in a f:, ‘ trunk locked down in the run, 3640 Doubloons, sured at 61,880 Dollars. A fdvage of one fourth of all the money recovered by raising the ye/icl. will a be allowed in addition to the above reward. Fur.he r information may be had on application to the U uer~ writers, in Charleston. N. B. The printers in Savannah, New-York and Baltimore, arerequefted to publifti the above. September 8. CUSTOM-IB O USE, Distrid of Savannah! ANY person willing to engage, to weigh. and keep in the;r stations, and in re pair, the Buoys that are, or may be provide .!, as guides to the entrance of Savannah river, will early notify in writing to the fubfcn ber, at what rate per annum h# will per form the fer vice. THQ. JOHNSON, Cohedor. Sept. 17. fcawnf. IIAN-AWAY, FROM the fubferiber, about three months •ago, a Negro fellow named CHARLES about five feet two or three inches High.— He is wdl known ‘throughout the Coun y of Liberty and Rutters a little when spoken to, bowleggcd and moR commonly wears large whiskers. A Reward of Ten Dollars will be given for apprehending said fellow, and Lair ing him in any jail in this Rate so that hr mav be got at, and a further reward of Fifty Dol~ lars , on conviction of his being harboured by any white person. He is a cooper bv trade and has been seen lurking about Savannah, ‘ and it is more thah probable will endeavour to follow his trade in a clandestine manner. Captains of vessels aredifired to be cauti ous, as he may attempt to make off on boaj\l fome vessel. JOHN JONES. Li bey FLU Liberty County. October 9 1802. ONE HUNRDED DOLLARS “ REWARD. RAN AW AY from the fubferiber on Ojfabavt IJland, about the zi of March Left, # Negro Fellow named D A N I EL ; he is near fx feet high , cf a ycllozvijh complex* at * about 30 years old , he is very piauffble and v _ t \ r a great deal to fya for himfelf; he had on v l SrT laftfeen an old white negro cloth jacket and fro v fers. It is supposed that*he is harboured ai fome of the IJlands or Plantations on the J Nairn in the neighbour hoed cf Offabaw . kl he above reward will be paid on proof cf his bs:n h arbor el by a white \terjen, fifty if by a negro er pcrfcir of color, and thirty dollars will be paid to cnyf person delivering him to the fubferiber cor to tdt jailer of Chatham county jail. PETER 11. MOREL . Offabaw , Sept. 25. N. B. It is thought by Mr, Sam fan Ncvle„ fat he • was one cf them that stole bis Canos out t he nth ult. in that case, it is supposed bis inten sions are to get to Florida . Just Received from Char left on, and FORSA L E AT THIS GFFIQM THE LIFE OF TOUSSAINT LOUVER TURK, Late General in chief, and Governor of the Is land cf Saint Domingo \ with many particular? 1 never before publijhed : to which is jubjoihcxf an account cf the firft operatises of the FRENCH ARMY, under GENERAL LE C L E R C. TRANSLATED FROM THE FRENCH By N. HER BE MO NT, Teacher of the French Language , on Sul live Vs IJland . PRICE jo CENTS.