Georgia republican & state intelligencer. (Savannah, Ga.) 1802-1805, October 23, 1802, Image 4

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LAST OF LETTERS. • f v ng ;n the Office Savannah this Infant, ’ not tcktn out wkl bsretnrned to tie General v ofl Offict on the ut January next , A Ths, TI A dert n, f.*!.’ s G Almv, Aden, (otone Cutter) Samuel Alien, John Aliev, j -cl Austin, James A*>nftrong^ B Deal & I.ewis John Bcanv, FUeonor Bentty, Mrs. Berne!l, Jcrairi jii BrafhrarJ, jofniia Br*x-ks, I(1i un Baco, 2. Wf-iian Bndwell, Ths. Conmne, 2 Abm. Baldwin, foitph Bulkett, John Barrett, Cap* Be ho Capr. B noit ]ohn Bartlett, ft. Miad Butler, ’ y'c Maiia Boufquet J { ph Bit* kley Vv Robert Bull, A* f*i n Berrv, l f- I Balsigne, B e 11, Kobe. 6c John Bolton, 3 Bonnet, John Bojer, c Tan es Curh^erfton, F.manuH Coryell ! hn Clubb, or in his absence to Mr. or Mrs. D. Sullivan, t fob Cunes, 2 : es Clephin, 2, fie.n is Courvoiiie, 011 Cray. 2. y Itii ler Cow ng, Lewis } C uthb e rt, r \ ns. Cox, 2. ] * 1 s C.’mun ft \Vilium Cazeur, B. CUr k # Monsieur Drouillard, ft hs. Dov ?r, ViUaiO Dr wool, Duncan,f n ) • rt A nol l Sc Tengly Cj, 5-0., Dcnifon, E T,)vt uav Fngl ifli, * ’ r ~1 k, Wo.wi E.rc Ton, K C? ! a Fair h and Raac 1 1 .1 ks, Stephen Fournier, Fint.H, D rin Fenner, G ‘VWia-T Gibson, dame Grandmaifon, nfievr Grandmaifon, ft h Goolfbv, .. n,. Gardener, 1. hu L>o one, h Guerrard t : h B Gsboons. IT 0 Goodrich, ■ t Jrrw Gray, \„hoc. G.-tfne, i jwar * Griffith, ! \v ; u.uo> Green, F'irll Gir.eer, H XVm. Hunter, [ din Howel, vVm. & Jas Huntc^ Dtnnis Hughes, J u rs H irwahan Kch cca Hodges, Opt Hofkms, Jo’ n Horfburgh, G~or.e Handley, D me l H-ilfe, Ge rge Hyfier, Ju ia • Houston, John Houi.on, 5 J. hn HuM, Wiliiam Ho’zendorfi Wm. Hunt, Mary Harilon, Mary Hartficld, Augustine Hern, “William L. Hall, William Herndon, Michael M. Hewn. , U Peter Johnson, 2 Levy Johnson, John John lon, Wm. Joad, 2 Peter Jellett, Mathew Jonesj James Jackson, Thos. Kemp, John Kirk. Benjamin Kennedy, * ‘ John King, Samuel Kingsley. L Edwin Lcwi-s 16 Lyon 6c Morse, S. E. Francois Legros Isaac Lewis, John Ludlow, Chs. Lafond Emanuel Legger, 2 Geddian Lowry, James Lewis, M John Milledge, 2 Morris Miller, 5 John Mcßae. Andrew McFarling, Robert Malkall, John McDolic Peter Mudey, David Mungion, Barnard McAnn, John J Maxwell, Dodl. Maxwell, John McNiih, Jane Mott, Simon Martinangel, 3 Francis Mallery, 3 Jane Me Intofh, 2 Ann Eliza Murry, Benjamin Moulton, 2 James Magm, Edward Meeks, 2 Jacob Meyers, Walter Maxwell, James Me Keliay J. Minis, Andrew Me Creadie, Stephen Mills, Susanna Me Curdy, George Morgan, Joseph Moulder, Andrew Me Lane, William Me Farland., Charles Milron, Thos. S. Milton, John Marfhaii. N Newel & Bolton, Alexander Newman, P Jofep Prefcotf, Obcdiah Potter. XVm Pinder. Junr. John Palmer, a Nicolous Parker Mr. Parker, Capt. Parker, Ann Pitcher, Mr. Procureur, Aron Pirner, Wm. Price, 2 James Potter, Seymour Pickett. R Tns. Com dr. RuheT, John Roberts, Robert Reaves, Mary S, Robert, Ray Dale Sc Cos. s Daniel Smith, 2 David Smith, 3 Wm. Spencer, ft Jacob Sm/he, Terdoores Steffens^ Robert Statom, John Stephens, George Smith, Hetty ShefFtall Moles ShefFtal, Richd. Smith, Wm. Scott, Capt. Steward, Mathew Singleton, D anh Saunder, Henry Defsaix Stone, Ths. Scott, f Solomon Shad, Alex : Stephens, Elibeth Shaw, Joseph Stillwell, John Screven, Caroline deSeguir, Mary Shandly, Elizabeth Smith, T Francis Thomas, Made. Vve. Terriens Cloud Thomion, 4 V Tofeph Vince. ’ W Emanuel Vamberfte, 4 John Wallace, Peter Wylly, John Williams, Anny Watts, George Williams* E. J. Wilkins, 2 Wm. Warrington, 2 Alexander C Wylly, Patty Wylly, Ralph XN ren. James Witham, Middelon Woods, Thomas Williamson 2 John D. Wilds, George Woodhoufe, Y 1 homas Young, 2 Exekiel Yarnel, 3 IS \AC BENEDIX, P. M. Poft-OfjTce, October 1, 1802. PROPOSALS. By MESSRS. DENNIS!ON & CHEETHA M NEW YORK, For by Sabfcription, H COMPLETE COLLECTION OF THE STATE PAPERS OF THE GENERAL GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED S TATES ; ( Commencing with the Seflion of the Firil American Congress, in the year 1774 and to be continued to the end of the present Adminifrration TO EE ARRANGED IM CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER ADDRESS TO THE PUBLIC. S; UCII cf the State Papers of our General | Government as have been pub are to be found in files of hews [hipers only , and in other \ fleeting and detached pub.ication4. —Many of the utnicjl imrorta-ice to the ftalesm m, and indis penjabU to the historian, tjave not appeared in print. Such, vide and, is the nature 0) dim ml publications , and fu chare the needy cir cun fiances y very generally, ij not univer ci'y, of their con du blurs that they are necefji a ted to give prefer enc, of admififion into 1 bar journal, cf that Jpccies of information by the pubTuation of which, alone , they obtain nectfiary support. Hence, regular a?id entile files es the laygjl and heft conduced political newspapers do not contain a regular con catenation of governmental documents ; ana it may be jujely added , that flies of all the papers in the Union do not . 2 et, if they did, featured . through a bulk of literary matter jo vajl , it would require the liie oj one man , to cuLebf and arrange them lucid order. Dr. Kami ay informs us y in his preface tc his His cry of the Revolution, that he was jour years m colletiing materials for that jmalL but excellent produth n, not wit hft an ding ihi had access to ail the opicial papers contained in the various dspat t meats of the general govern - f ment. Os the utility of a work ths.t flmll comprise all the flats papers (the cjjicial documents Jof the general government, from and including, the memorable ccngrefs of 177 4, /<? the end of the pre Jait adminifiration, little need be [aid The historian will find in it prepared toh.s hand, all the materials necefj'ary Jot wnAng the history of the Union, It will fur mjh the fiat esman with a body of authentic information, the under fending nf which is necefsaryto co.ftitute that exalted cha rabler, to our ed tors cf newspapers, who/e literary productions Vte in excellence with these |of their bretheren in Europe , ana who are emu lous to excel each other at home,it will be an elti triable work. To politicians of every feft.and grade, it will be no lef pleasing than inftrufiive. In one word, it will of ttj'elf \ form the mofl au thentic., end, therefore , the bes political Hishry of the United States. It will require confiderabl refearcb, much labor and no /mall expence to complete the coliettion. The editors have, however , long had the work in conte mplation, and much progi efs in it is air end” made- Such of the fate papers as have , never been publiu ed, will be included in it, as well as thoje which have not, in any jhape, appeared before the public, —7 hey have made arrangements which authorise them to assure tlleir fellow-citi zens. that the proposed ColleSlion fall contain all the (late papers cf moment appertaining to gene ral government. This work now proposed to the Union for en couragement, Jhall confif of a mere rolL&ions of State Papers, chronologically arranged. No remarks whatever of the editors will be made iu it. CONDITIONS. I. The work Jhall be put to press as Jooh as 600 (üb‘bribes are obtained. 11. One volume (hall be J elivered to hubs crib ers in this city cve r y three months, confiftingof about SOO pages, printed on good paper, and with a n'W neat type procured for the pvrpcfe. — Sub bribers reft dmg out of this city , may have their bocks] ent to wherever they please. HI. The trice of each volume will be two dollars in boards, to be paid for on delivery. IV. A list of the names of the fubferibers will h annexed to the work. %* SubfcriptioHS received for the present, at this office only. New York, June 4. \\ A N T E D~ AT this Office, one or two Jads as ap prentic* to art of priating. September. proposal (Bv R""HARD LEE, BxltimorO For PUBLISHING By SUBSCRIPT DISCOURSES ON GOVERNMENT H C ALOuRNOiN bl’ JL)i>iLl r , TO WHICH ARE ADDFD, The life , Memoirs , &c. of the Author . LETTERS TO HIS FATHER, lUS I RIAL FOR HIGH 1 REASON, AGAINST CHARLES 11. BEFORE JUDGE JEFFREYS. With his AROLOGYin the day #/ his DEATH CONDITIONS. I. THIS work will becomprifed in three !ar?eOc tavo Volumes, containing at least five hundred pauesi each’ and printed with anew type, on fuperfitie Pa-J per. It will be the pride of the Publisher to preterit * to the American pubhc,this excellent work, in ele gant drels, 11. The price to fubferibers will be Two Dollars per volume, in boards. Ill* With the iirit Volume will be given a Port r alc of the Author and no expence will be spared to have it executed by the fit ft arrift in America. As this woik is proposed at a very realon ible price it will not be put toprds, until .he fignatunc f five hundred names is obtained, to secure the grjk and Certain expenecs of this pubiic.uion. * DR. BURNETT’S Char abler tjthe Mu frit u.s Author. + ‘ lie was a man or m<-ft extraordinary cotiratc • a man, even to obit nicy fin* crc, bur of a r Utth “ and bo temper thar could not bear contradic. “ tior. He seemed to be a chriftian, but in a j artuu “ lar form of his own : he was to be like a divine phibTophy in the mind. Me was ftitF to ail “ repu li an principles and iuth an enemy to every li thing, that lot-ked like a monarchy, that he fer hin lt fclf in high opposition against Cromwell, when he was made Protect r. He had Audied.hi/lory es 4i government in alt its branches , beyond any man 1 ever “ knew* Several of his in Latin and in Italian, and an “ Eliay on various love’* in Englifh,* Pciifburit : but his 41 Difcotirfes concerning govern” ment’ alone will immortal ze his name,and arc fuiTn l ~ ent to supply the !®fs o l Ci f eru*s fix bocks 4 ‘ JJe K-- pubhea, whz h !;as been -so much regretted bv men of sense and probity. In short, it is one of tt-e books that < ver the mind of man produced : and ue cannot wife a greater or more extensive blefling the world, -rhan that it may he every where read, and 1 s principles univerlally received and propagated. Sunfcriptionj* a,e leceived at tiic Georgia can #fiice. iNow is pubnihtd, * No. XIV, Os A NEW AND COMBI ETE LNCYCLOP/EDIA: OR, UNIVERSAL DICTIONARY OF ARTS AND SClfeNrr ON AN IMPROVED PLAN. llivjlrated with upwards of 140 Copper plates. CONDITIONS. To be compri fed in 120 numbers (ifany over plus 10 be givtn gratis) each number ‘lO contain 4 or 41-2 iheets and 1 or more cngia vings, delivered every other week f or 25 cents each, making in the whole 6 large volumes. Sub -1 nbers by the volume to pay 10 dollars on deli ve r) of vol. I, and the icmamJer ar the end of tne work. in which the refpe&ive Scien r es are arranged in to complete fyftcms, and the Arts diglfied into, dut met trcat.les j alio the detached of kn’ ledge alphabetically arranged and copioufiy eji piamed according to tire bell authorities. CONTAINING A d'geft and d.fplay of the whole theory and prac tice of the Liberal and Mechanical Arts.’ Compiiling a General Repertory of Ancient and Modern Lr.era ure, from the earlitfl -ages down o tne present time. Including ail the New Improvements and late# dif made in the Arts arid Sciences. Ihe fu pcrHuities which abound in other dictionaries, arc expunged from thh, for the purpose of incorpora ting compie e systems and diitindt treatises. By means of this addition and deviation fr -m the old plan, it will compnfe the fallowing fnbjecis. Acoustics, Aerology, Acroftion, Agriculture, Al-’ gebra, Amphibology, Anatomy, Annuities, <hi ecture, Arithmetic, Agronomy, Bdiev.Le'- tres, Book keeping, Botany, Brewing, Catop trics, Chem.ttry, Chronology, Commerce, Comparative Anatomy, Conchology, Co nics, Cofmography, Criticism, Dialling, Dioptric Drawing, Eleitricry Engineering, Engraving, Etymology, Ethics, Farriery, Fencing, e ng, Fluxions, Fortification, Foflilogy, cning, Guaging, Geography, Geometry, G amS may Gunnery, Handicraft, Heraldry, Hifiory 1 Husbandry, Hydraulics, Hydrography, Hydrolo-I gy, Hydrostatics, Itchthyology, Laws, Logic,! Longevity, Legerdemain, Magnetism, Maritime! Affairs, Mathematics, Mechauics, Medicine, ivle-B nagery, Mtnfur ation, Merehandife, Metaphysics, Meteorology, Military Affairs, Miß neralogy, Modelline, Music, Mythology, Naß vigation, Natural History, Namical Affairs, Ojiß tics, Oratory, Ornithology, Paintings, Perfpec-J tive, Pharmacy, Pndofophy, Phlebotomy, Phyß fie, Pnifiognomy, Phyfioiogy, Phylology, Pneu® matics, (Sculpture, Series, Statics, StatuarJH Stenography, Surgery, Tactics, Theology, i rades and Arts, Trigonometry, Vcc# J meology, &c. jn The whole forming a General Circle of and the mod comprehensive and cheapeff Librsßj ry of Universal Knowledge ever published in ihfl United States. £3* Subfctiptions are received at the Georgiafl Republican” office, and from different parts the union will be astended to, and the work tually forwarded agreeable to directions. by JOHN LOW, No. 33, Charhatn-B (ireet. |