Georgia republican & state intelligencer. (Savannah, Ga.) 1802-1805, October 27, 1802, Image 1

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Georgia Republican & State Intelligencer. Six Hollars a Year, Half in Advance . GEORGIA REPUBLICAN, Volume I. No. io. AN ORDINANCE. To prevent jbooting in the city of Sdva:i nah, and the Hamlets thereof ‘. WHEREAS divers per lons have of late been in the practice of shooting in and about the said City, and the Hamlets and Commons thereof to the great danger of the peaceabte inhabitants, and whereby many mif chiefs have been occaiioned, for reme dy whereof, Be it Ordained , by the Mayor and Aldermen of the city of Savannah, in Council assembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the fame, That from and alter the passing of this ordinance, any per foil whatever who shall fire or Ihoot off any Musket, Fowling-Piece, Fusee, or Pistol, in any llreet lane or fljuare, within the said city or the Hamlets thereof; or on the Commons appnrter.ant thereto, or in any Path, Avenue, or Road, leading to and from the said city, within the limits and jurifdicfcion of the fame, (except such firing fliail be on Military duty, or on Festivals) such person on convicton thereof before the City Coun cil, shall forfeit and pay for every such offence, a sum riot exceeding twenty dollars, one half to the use of the in former, the other half to the use of the said city. I N counci L, Savannah, Odlobcr 4, 1802. Palled\ CHARLES HARRIS, ***** v LI ay or . *L. S * ATTEST, 4 * ***** Jt THOMAS PITT, C C. HOBERI & JOHN BOLiOM, Have received per. fitp Columbia from Liverpool, 37 bales firfl quality white and blue plains 1 ditto flannel and baize $ ditto London dtiffil blankets 7 ditto Bristol, point and role do. 40 pieces blue ftrouds 24 ditto fuperfine broad cloths *4 ditto ditto caflimere \ 45 ditto dr b plains 30 ditto ftriptd and spotted elaillcs 29 bales cotton bagging Jk 4 ditto fail duck 2 caies Iriili Linnen 12 pieces girth webbing 50 dozen romal handkerchiefs 1 ditto cotton counterpanes 9 calks broad hoes 2 ditto grubbing hoes and club axes 2 dozen frying pans 2 calk glue i dozen corn slopers 1 bale bed ticking 40 boxes 8 by 10 and 10 by 12 crown . window glals 100 kegs white lead 30 ditto Span;Hi brown 2 tons sheet lead % dozen tin feales x case Duffy’s clixer and British oil and dozen icalc beams from 3to 5 feet iong with weights 500 iron pots and ovens 4000 bulliels of fait 58 calks BJ, tod and 20 J nails 4 calks cutlery and hardware x dozen cross-cut saws 24 ditto rice and sickies 1 ditto elegant laddies 1 ditto pertm antcau trunks io pieces durant and bombazette 2 trunks hosiery. O&ober 12. ts WANTS A SITUATION, AS clerk, either in a wholesale, or retail dry goods store, h young man that writes an eligible hand, and can be well recom mended. Savannah, C£ober 15, i2cx.- WAR DEPARTMENT j August 16, 1802. WHEREAS , by a law ts Congress sassed on the A) t’o day of April iBo:, it was waited, ‘ f That it fall be the duty of ike Secre tary of IVar to receives, all claims to lands for military services, ana claims for duplicates of warrants ijfued from his office, or ffiom the land cffice cf Virginia, or cf flats and certificates of fiirvtys founded on such warrants to have been lofi or defrayed \ until thefirft day of January next, and no longer ; and immediately thereafter to report the tame to Congress, defigna ting the number of claims cf each dejci iptior. 3 with his Opinion thereon ft Nonce is hereby given, To all fer/ons darning lands tor military jervices , that they mufi lodge in this office , prior to the fin ft day of January next, documents to prove tne validity ts their Claims. Ccnvffiicned officers surgeons and (urge on's mates or their legal ref relent a trues mu ft j reduce evi deuce to frove cleat they fervedin the army of the United States to the end of the war, or that they were deranged by a rejointi m of Cong re s, whu.- ! did not bar their claim tj military boun.y land .> j It will also he neceffiary for the rep et'entatives of \ officers<dc killed in service to produce evidence ] io prove, that the person was “ ft am by the eae- , myV Non - cofhmiffionsd officers, musicians and fri ! vales, cr their legal representatives must produce \ evidence to prove, that they etc lifted to serve in j the army oi the United States during the waA end that they aftully terved until the end o f fair war. It wdl also be necessary for the reprefenf tatives of officers , &c. wb< were enlifled during the war and were killed m the'fervice , to produce evidence to prove that were j c Jlainby the enemy V H. DEARBORN \ Secretary o f Wa r . WANTED. A BOAT that will cjrry from ten to twelve Cords of Wood, for which cash will be given : apolv to. ABRAHAM D. ABRAHAMS. Military Agent for tbs Southern Department. Any person willing to contrad for re.rov ing the Guns and Carriages &c. iio r, v r. Telfaiis wharf to the Magazine will pieue to apply as above. October 9, 1802. rs F/N A L NOT i C E. ALL persons that are indebted .to the estate cf John Zv.e, dev. .*e deli red to male; immediate payment, and those sha i de mands ajainil thar estate, are also deli red :o render them duly attested, on or bet rerht firr dav f No vember next,after that tune I (hall apoiy ; %he court of Ordinary to be dtl'mifled Im.ii the Aj ministra tion. ‘ BALTHASER SHAFFER, Adm’r. Aueusr 19. 1802. NOTICE, ALL- persons having any demands aaHnft the Efta’e of William Weft Fsq. late of \ VJoutity, dect.afed, a.e requested to rtnde r ’ the > -*q Melirs. J[atie> Si V\ unain Rybeits, at Rjcebu. ‘Ugh or to the SuTcriber. JOHN JONES. Adirpiiitiratyr. Sunbury, NO I ICE. WE are directed by John Milledge the ex ecutor of the estate of the late Jacob iPaldburger to notify to all p rfons w.umver his prohibition a gain ft hunting on that part cf the Ift and oj St. Catherine's belonging to toe mi est ate, being totbe North the Stock having of law been much lessened by such pralUfe, and cther injury done and after this noth e will fee! - imf ls bound to prosecute to the extent of the law , all fer fens found io violate it. WILLIAMSON (A MOREL. Augufl, 28 T SO2. N OTIC E, The. Public are hereby cautioned again! receiving a note dr awn by the fubferiber in favor of James Read ot Gteen County far fur Hundred Dollars , dated April is 9 1822, payable in Ninety days as the payment of the said note -will be disputed and if brought to court , it will Ibe made-to appear , that it ought not tc b paid. j JAMES COCHOAn! Limerick September, 11 1 802. SAVANNAH, Printed by LYON & MORSE. OCTOBER. 27* ISO 2. FOR SALE. A LIKELY Negro boy about 12 years old for sale low for cash at the Savannah Shoe S ere. ’ G- TUFTS & Cos. Oclcber 9. Will be exchanged for NEGROES. A TRACT of LAND, about three hundred acres : one hundred as prime cotton land as any in Georgia, and situation equal to any in the ttats: with a good dwelling and out-houses, &c. immediately on the lalts. lor particulars, apply to WILLIAMSON & MOREL. September io, ISO 2. TO BE RENTED. A s°^ lon & ven 071 fir ft day of Qcto Jr \ next,theStore at prefeut occupied by Mr. Iho mas M. C. Harris near the exchange. D. B. MITCHELL. September ? j. ‘ ts WANTED TO RENT, ASUtI ICIENCY of good cotton and Pro vifm land on or near the (alts, as would employ about twenty workers and for which the highest price will be given , aud no objefHon lad to an advance cf rent. Apply at this office. Sept. 1. FOR SALE. A TRACT OF LAND, yN FrankiinCounty granted toLeonardMar i J bury, contain more or less. 1380 acres ; bounded Southwardly by Baker’s land South prailwardly by Horatio Ma r bury’s land cn ail | other fidcs by vacant land. A Trade of land in Franklin County, gran red to Leonard Marbury, containing more or Ids, ti jo Acres bounded Northweftwardly iby Charity Marbury’s land Northeaftwardly I oy vacant land •, and Southeaitwardiy by Ba | kcr’s land. | A Trail in Burk County 350 Acres, on j : the North fide of Briery Creek j fold by the Corrrnilfioners of Con bleated Property in Dcember 1754. EBENEZER STARK. Oflober 9 1802. Mores Wharf. T HE SUBSCRIBERS. HAVING rented convenient Stores or- Harden and Jones’s Wharf (former) Ci-rkes) offer their fervires to their friend m l the Public as Fa&ors and Commiflion Merchants. BULLEN Cf HARDEN. Oflober 9, 1802. iw;m. The SUBSCRIBERS. TT AVE Received from New~York, a frefn L A a (Tort men tof Plated and Brass Mounted furniture for harness. ALSO ON HAND. Saddles bed Quality, Elegant plated Bridles, different kinds, Setts of harness placed & Brass Mounting, Saddle Bags, Portmanteaus, fire Locketts, Whips, Spurs, Cart, and Waggon | harness, See. &c. a Variety of other articles jail of which will be fold low for Cash or the usual credit. GLASS Cf SHAFFER. September 18, 1802.^. - JACOB IDLER , BEGS leave to inform the Merchants Planters and others that he lias had the 00. nor to obtain a patent from the United feztes for four different machines for packing cotton in fejuare bales ; which they execute in a more compnft and expeditions way than any hitherto invented ; they will be of a great utility to the community at large, two of the said machines a<sl without ferews and arc far preferable and more expeditious than any machines with ferews of any dimensions, and may be worked with any kind ofpower. N. B. The above machines have been ad mired by fome of the firft mathematicians in the United States. Oclober 9, 1802. ts THOMAS JAMES, TAILOR , INFORMS the Public that be has opened a jhop on the Bay , near Abercorn Street where be will execute all orders in bis line in a nperior manner and on a fteort notice. He hopes to merit the continued patrtnage of bis em ployers. T. JAMES. Savannah, August 29, 18© 2. Twelve and a Half Cents Sin A* m o 3000 DOLLARS REWARD, .^’ e P a ® ,y Underwriters V V on the Schoufier Dorchelier any person or persons who will drae lor a id raife \fm OihoonerDprchefter Penotfter, T4te mailer, ,b„„, 5°5' 0I 'S t>urtnen Ihe Schooner faded from Tyhee on the 8 h of August last, about 4 ./cioelt, P. M. bound for NalTau; at 12 lame night she funk, fuppofej in rom Io to 15 laihoms water and from to to I2 leagues from the Bar. There is said to be in afr a’l trunk locked down in the run, 36.0 D ukioons, f„‘_ lureu at bi,SBo Dollar'. A falvaee of one fourth of all the money recovered by ra fmg'the vessel. will also be a,lowed in addition to the above reward. Further tn.orma ton may be had on appi, cation to the 1 rndcr wnters, in Charleston. N. B. The printers in Savannah, New-York and Baltimore, are requested to publith the above. September 8. CUSTOM-HOUSE , District of Savannah. ANY person willing to engage, to weigh and keep in their stations, and >n im pair, tne Buoys that are, or may he provided, as guides to the entrance of Savannah river, will early notify in writing to the fublcri bei, at wnat rare per annum he will per form the fcrvice. T HO. JOHNbON, Colle(5lor. Sept. I? Tivtf. ran- a Way, Ii ROM'the lubfcriher, about three months , ago, a Negro fellow named CHARLES about five feet two or three inches H-gh. He is well known throughout the. County of Liberty and flutters a little when spoken ro, bowlegged and moft commonly wears large whifleers. A Reward of Ten Dollars wdi be given for apprehending said fellow, andfecur lng him in any jail m thb ilateL that he may be got at, and a further reward of Fifty Dol lars, on conviction of h is being harboured by any w hite person. He is a cooper by trade and has been seen lurking about Savannah, and it is more than probable will tn ieavour follow his trade in a ciandefline manner. Captains or vends aredifired to be cauti ous, as he may attempt to make oIF on board tome vessel. JOHN JONES. Labev Hall Liberty C tj r.y. Oflober 9 i.Vq2. E. HILLS , ” T | AS Just received on concernment, ITI at his AurTcion Store, Commerce Row, a a aflortinent of Low priced lo ths. Blue Strouds cafimeres, plains. Striped Twansdowns, green bale worlted hole, printed goods, white humhums, checks, dowlas, plattillces. Three Tmall Bales of Coarse woliens, annd four cases of hats, ailort ed. i sett of mahogany tables, I large dining table, I Bureau, An Elegant fide board, i Riding chair with plated harness Jamaica and VV. i Hum in Hhds. Brown sugar in hhds and blls, Coifc e in bags, Excellent lwect oil in boxes All of which will be Ibid at the mo a * reduced prices. Savannah October j 6, iv3o2. rs TLTTThT” ~ A HOUSE 35 feet by 18 n -i lot of ioo feet in front and 90 fret eeep situate in Evcnfburgh William Street, Also a find! tenement in York flreet applv four doors from the corner of York and Jefibrfon Street. M. VALLOTTAN. Otflober i5. 6t Just Received from Char left on, ana FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE THE LIFE Or TOUSSAINT LOUVERTUREy Late General in chief \ and Governor of the Is land of Saint Domingo ; with many particulars never before published : to which is Jubjoinedy an account of the firft op er aliens of the FRENCH ARMY, under GENERAL LECLE RC. TRANSLATED FROM THE FREACH By N. HERBEMONT, Teacher of the French Language , on Sullivan's IJland . PRICE 50 CENTS.