Georgia republican & state intelligencer. (Savannah, Ga.) 1802-1805, October 27, 1802, Image 2

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savannah, October 27, 1802. McfTrs. Seymour,\Yoolhopter 6c Stebbins, IN moments of paflion, the domin ion of which is sometimes absolute, men are apt to fay and do things that cooler reflection may prove to be wrong. — Deeply as you have endeavored to wound me, anger has never had an ex iflence in my bread : the feelings 1 have experienced are of a very difternt na tui e. Bui led you fliould attribute my language to this source, 1 have deterred my reply to your perfiojialities until an ger, had I experienced it, would have time to subside. I now give you my cool, deliber te and long formed opi nion. During the feflion of the lafl congress, I had fcvcral opportunities or feeing the Museum. The judgment I then lor med ot its editors ai:d writers, has fmee ipened into certainty. “ Mankind,” fays Paine in his crisis, “ are not fully agreed on the question cl r gilt and wrong ; but there is one which lias obtained a name by universal confcnt. It is ME AN ESS. ’ Whether you have delerved the application ot this remark, your conduct will evince. Had your paper forborne political remarks, *>r had it been equally candid and ready in the adm'dfion of political cflays on both lldes, probably my friend would not have been altogeter diflatisfi ed with it. As you chose tofupport one claP of opinions and reprobate the oth ei ; it was natural that they fliould teel a desire to leave you to the case of your friends, and Peek the eflabfifhment of a paper, which, if not more pure , in its in telligence, fliould at lead be more con fident; with their feelings. You had, therefore, no reason to complain of un fair dealing in the eflabLi'lsraeli t of the Republican,. •Scarcely had T set my feet on the lhnres • f Georgia, when your attention was paid to a publication which, in a way peculiarly calculated to attratft no tice, aimed a dagger at my honefly as a man, by in more than an in ference, that I left Connecticut clan deftincly, with the money of others in ill'/ pocket. That you had more than an idea of exciting a laugh at the ex police of your political opponents, is evident by your immediate reference to it in replyii g, or rather attempting to anfwe the queries of the Republi can number 2. You know that in the circii .nces / then Hood-, it was par ticulai ly calculated to have effect. D f appointed in our comratft for the press, and the fleknefs of my partner, yon knew that the delay of our paper would as once prevent my replying, and aid the reception of the infamous charge. The supreme contempt in which I held you on the pei usal of that produc tion, so much in the character of the Courant, and so proper to find a re fling place in tne Museum, is beyond the force of my language to express. TTol cinnly declare, no allusion to it was ever made in the Republican previous to the prefem. By examining the liles of the JMuf-um, you will find a production somewhat iimilar to the one, from the Tiedcr.cktown Herald, in which the Preiidcnt is charged with vivinz Mr. Dawson eighty thousand dollars, to carry the treaty to France. iVow, as the vhole < f the expence chargeable on the prefem adminiflration was less than eighteen thousand dollars, of which Mr. Dawson received but about eight hun dred, and bore his own expences, it is not believed that you are so criminally ignorant as to have thought the flate ment in question bore any relation to tiuth. This was one of the queflions in \ iew, and which you are vet at libem to ani weiv Anxious to convince the public we were in earned, and to restore to our selves the power of employing our jour neymen, (the principal part of the pa per being then type,j I allied of you the use of your press for the* purpose. Favours of tills kind are so ufuai among printers of different politics, tbit 7 would not think any objection would arise—l had, however, refoived to pay for the use of it. You consented ; but a short time after, at a period when sudden and severe disease had confined me to my bed, I received the following letter, ot which I presume you will not deny yourfeives the authors. “ Museum office, (Savh) July 28, 1802. Mr. Morse “ Sir, S nee you called upon us, we have reflected upon the fubjeft of indulging you with the liberty of ijjuing the firjl num ber of the “ Georgia Republican ’ from our press, and it now appears to us in a point of view, vuh our dij'pofition to oblige a fir anger, did not then J upper to occur to us.—We granted your request , without considering that it would be giving exigence to a publication, which, from the au/pices under which it is to tip pea", promijes to become the supporter of men and meajurcs, which we hold inimical to the heft inter ells of our country ; —as subversive ot our national cxijlence. And as from the relative fit nation in wh. we art placed, it will devolve upn us to combat and cxpoje the fallacy of do Urine wh. fall have such a tendency, we conceive that it would not only he highly inconsistent but criminal in us, dire £l ly or indited ly, to aid the pub lication of a paper whole politics we have every reason to suppose will be totally re pugnant to those wl.ich we/uppert and firmly believe, to have for their object, the zenuine inter efts of the United States . Under th/e improjfions , we now inform you, that our press will necefjardj, be otherwise engaged . Tours. &c Seymour, WoolUopter £c Stebbins,” To abuse my politics and my friends in this manner, may, and evidently does consist with your ideas of good manners; it may be such, but 7 own, 1 have -betn educated in a different way. I make no comment on your letter as a composition, no literary talents are wanting for that purpose : but why you fliould tell me about the conscientious ness of your political faith, is to be ac counted for in no other way that than confidence just then was very trouble fiome to you. Y ou have introduced a letter 7 once wrote to Duane ; you have made afi fertions as to its contents which are ab fiolutely falfie ; anti have stated what is equally fio, that / contradicted it, and by your reflections, evidently show your humble servility to the interests of Bri tain and the pafl adminiflration, by approving of t’ne infamov s delivery of Jonathan Robbins, to whole cate my letter to Duane alluded. It might be fumcient to remark that 7 Anted nothing in the letter from my own authority ; that my information was derived from federal, and, 7 then thought correcl fiources : that therefore, if 1 found it incorrect, the acknowledge ment was not an evidence againff but for my candor. But it is un Decenary to refit on this. I never did affect that Jonathan /bob bins was a native of Danbury, or had a relative there. 7 dated that a Jonathan Robbins was a native of the town of Youiheaft, in the slate of New-York, adjoining Danbury ; that, a man of that family name once labored in Danbury ; and that the records of Danbury were burnt with the town when Tryon light ed the torch and Woofterfell. Zfyou will take the trouble to make the dis tinction between 7J an bury and £outh cafl ; although the publication you al lude to was the result of too good an opinion of your party in submitting it to an arbitration in which no political friend of mine was present ; although this was the origin of that publication, you will find it contains not the lead contradiction oi fads dated by me.— They cannot be contradicted. They are eternal truths. My conjectures on the fubjeCt were dated as such. It I have been convinced they were without foundation, it makes nothing against what I have dated as fad. There were, however, fume errors in my letter. It miflook the age of Jonathan Robbins of Southcaft : he was older than my firft information dated. This was corrected voluntarily by a pub lication in the Citizen and Aurora. It dated that the felechnen visited Samuel Robbins : this, to their fliame they deny. It was individuals that did it. W ill net the public be with me aftoniflied to find this subject was never investigated in Danbury until the publication of my letter ? But do you acknowledge that to have established his citizenship was of any consequence ? Was the queflicn impor tant ? Do you dare to afiert that any enquiry was made previous to putting the seal on his fate by his delivery? Will you pretend that the Danbury certifi cates, precipitate and unfiuisfaclory as they were, were ever asked for while the man remained near our {bores ? will you pretend that it is a crime for an American citizen to efeape from the bondage of that floating Hell, a Britifli ship of war; from the reign of the raer ciiefs’ Pigot, at whose cruelty the prison of the damned gaped wide with horror ? If you enter on this fubjcTY remember you will be kept to the point. Asa citizen was Robbins delivered, and that delivery yet constitutes one of the blacked crimes of the late admin istration, and caides perpetual inquie tude to his destroyers. Sophistry may weave her fubtilefl: web around them, but “ the divinity that flirs within, will “ never fay twas right.” It is with unwillingriefs I recal the public attention to this case. 7t has received illuflration from abler pens than mine : and though the deed will stand forever damned ; though it will lonor remain a monument of our nation- O al degradation ; there are fubjedls of importance of a later date. To return to you. In pursuing your course, 1 am surprised you have not completed your meanness by insulting us with the poverty of Colonel Lyon’s early years, which fbme of your hon orable brethren have thought proper to notice. Probably that arrow is in re serve for the arrival of my partner ! Col. Lyon has had the honor of railing himfelf by honed induflry to the res pedable flation in focicty he now holds. Not all the rabble cf your tribe aided by the strong arm of the sedition-law have been able to affect that chara£ler which lias integrity for its basis. If the man who was never under the dominion of intoxication ; who never ioft or gained a dollar at any species of hazard ; who knows not a lafeivious woman ; who never with-held his due from a creditor when he had the power to pay ; and who never differed a wilful falsehood to stain his conscience; if such a man may defy your dander, then may I.- Go on then, whet your deadiieft dagger and flab again at my reputation. It trembles not at the profpebt, it fear* not ferutiny. I have done Lome imprudent acts ; but I think never a mean one. I will not now be guilty of it; —refit assured that the man you attempt to injure, will never return you the favor : —-No, the walks of your private life are too sacred for his enqui ry. Villainny the public are interelfed in detecting; if it comes in my way I fliali expose it, but lliall never pry into vour circumstances, with the hope of finding it. After reviewing with calmness, the condud: you have pursued, the public will certainly support me in the charge of meanness ; and acknowledge it just to obey mv feelings when they dictate CONTEMPT. SAM’I. MORSE. Our neighbours of the Museum ap pear so anxious to be rid of the term “ doers” that they prove to abundant fatisfaclion hoiv well it fits them. If they will attentively peruse this day’s paoer, they may learn the reason why they have not been more noticed. We are willing to enter the lifts with men of fenfc, but with ignorance, vulgarity and folly, we decline a contest. The Museum complains that its over lookers do not understand our remark?.* on the pofl-office. This is probably true. We really wifli them a better under {landing, but it is not in our power to remedy their natural defeefts. triumphs cf Federaltfm ! ! ! ! ! ! James A Bayard, the pillar and the buily of federalifni ends his con oreflional career cn the fourth of March o next: the citizens of Delaware having chosen in his dead Caesar A. Rodney, by a majority of fifteen votes. Ephraim Kirby and Moses Seymour, Efqrs, are chosen representatives in the the date legislature, in opposition to Oliver Wolcott [ex ol the TYealuryJ and and James Morris Efqrs, for the town of Litchfield in Connecticut. Col Kirby and Major Seymour are both firm re publicans. Who does not know that in the town of Litchfield resides, long John Allen, Uriah Tracy Oliver Wolco: t Tapping Reeve, and Benj. Talmaclge the lafl of whom for hypocrisy and want of the chriftian virtues has few equals. In the town of Wincheder, in Con necticut, Major Seth Watmore , lately conv-ifted of a libel for telling the truth has been chosen by the citizens of th t place to represent them in the slate legislature. o IMPORTANT. Letters from Liverpool slate, that fiiorf, Paple carton was felling from 16 to ißd, and long staple, 2 to 3s. (Char lesion Paper. Anew high Pried of the Jews, has p-ft ar rived in London from Holland. IPs name is Hart. Mr. A. Goldfmid went to receive him at Efiex, and brought him to town in his coach and four. Mr. E. P. Solomons and all the principal Jews, attended in the procelfion. (L ondon Paper. COMMUNICATED. Departed this life, on the 16th infl. afrer fix days illness, Mrs. Mary M. Putnam, wife of Henry Pumam, Esq. of this city, be loved and esteemed by her relatives and ac quaintance; void of every offence ; and pof feffin” every endearing virtue which could render life happy; (he has left an affedhonate husband, a son of fix years old, and an infant child, with a numerous circle of friends to lament her loss. Although her body returns to its original duff, her foul has Cf fpurn’d the bondage of the tomb & afeended to its creator ; where her virtue and piety has inlured it a blessedness and glory. (Note. In noticing this death in No. 8 of tbif paper , an error was made in thename.) MARINE LIST. ENTERED. Superb Hammond Bojhn Ship Alexander Till ary Louden Schooner Beilty Hippins N. Providence Schooner Evelina Cbiptnuit Cape braids Schooner Patty Smith Stcningtcn C Schooner Hiram Ross Charie/tcn Sloop Good Escape White Bermuda Hoop Republican Harr if on St Mary Sleep Lucy Starton New London C CLEARED. Brig Betsey id Peggy , Hurkee ‘Baltimore Sloop Sally Meserve StMarys CUSTOM HOUSE. OFFICE hours, from J before 9, A. M. to 7 before 2, P. M. Savannah, 15th October, 1802. 4 - - ■*-/:•*** THE CONSTITUTION, OF the Republican Fu fliers, is ready for delivery to the members at October 27, WANTED TO HIRE, BY the month, a Cooper, to work on a Rice Plantation. Enquire of the editors of this paper. October 23.