Georgia republican & state intelligencer. (Savannah, Ga.) 1802-1805, November 03, 1802, Image 1

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| yPf)Eo*ifi RennhWin 8$ Q t- n tf* In 1 1 wtuiitail w kj’oatu lllLCillkd Six Dollars a Tear, Half in Advance. GEORGIA REPUBLICAN, Volume I. No. 12. j .uwwrrii-M 1 <n<wiwgwi i <i | i wwWnur’ vr’nnr^wt^r’wi DIVISION ORDERS, Savannah,October 25, 1802. The Court Martial, of which Major Shad! was IVrfi lent, ordered for the tcLi of Lieu-1 t'-na.nt Stacklioufe, on the charges exhibited £ gain ft him by Lt. Col. Mitchell, ha vino found him guilty of the firfi, third, end fourth ch^ges —*to wit : “ isl. F<>r uno.fficei like con duel on the eve ning of the 29th of September hid, whiiit or.! duty, in breaking open, and taking pofidlLr by military force, of the houfc of Mr. Isom Clay, cn Tybee I(land. 30k For disobedience of orders end unoffi cerlikc conducß, in leaving his poll from the morning of the 30th of September until his detachment was relieved. /th. For disobedience of orders and unoffi con duel, on the eleventh inflant, i n iiOt delivering up his sword when arreffitd/’ And thereon having feme need him to re ceive a reprimand from the Major-Genera! I and to pay a sum of one hundred and eighty dollars, being equal to fix months psy when in aclual icrvicc—the con firms the and difibives the court, Whiitl* however, the Major-General is in duced to confirm the sentence, he is impelled to remark that it has been more incufip-enr than Lieutenant bcackhoule had a right to expedt. The Lieutenant was lent to the Ra tion at Cockfpur, to piotebl the citizens and their property —not to violate their rmhrs and bicxk open their houses. He was in actual 1’ 1 vice—-* country in a hare of alarm, not only in Georgia, but along the whole foutherrT mail of the United States. Invasion and in furrt&ion were expedleJ, againfl either 0/ which the Rate had a right to pro cedi herfelf until the arm of the Union could extended to her sup port. In f >ch a situation as this, for an officer to leave his post—the post ot HONOR as regarded hi ml elf, and of TRUST as i: refpedbu his country —was unpardona ble. It Erected his commiluon, if the rigour oi the law had been pursued—is not his life. •Again, as it refpedrs the fourth charge. — The refufal of his sword to the order of the Colonel, is a profs violation of all Tm ilic aj n rule—the commission is the authority under which the officer it as a right to wear the sword as such —and the ivvord is the security or bail ro the Rate, that the officer will faithfully perform the trust repo fed in him—if the prin cipal fails the security becomes liable, and thr sword must be taken from the officer charged with violating his contrails. But the idea of an offieerV fwor ! being private property after he receives his corn million is a mißaken one —the comnuffion is an exchange for its value—lt belongs foiely to his country as refpebts its use whilß lie Folds h*is commission, and may legally and j shall be demanded hereafter cn all occasions of arrest, in the firiC chvmon, and the‘officer refufing Riall be punifiied if a Court Martial wilt order it—or be confined if the arretling officer requires it. * c is hoped thatjthe leniency of the sentence in the cale ot Lieut. Stuckhoufe will never be relied on by any officer on any future occasion. Lieutenant Suckhoufe Rands highly culpable in the Major-General’s view, and is hereby Jeverely reprimanded, with a hope that it veil! be a warning to him in his future milita ry walks. The Lieutenant will pay into the hands j of the proper officer of the Chatham Regi ment, the fine of one hundred and eighty dol lars—being the sentence of the court, within cnc month from the dare of this order, and Rand arreßed until the fame is discharged— r,o resignation will be accepted—and if tire 1 fame be not paid in one month, the com manding officer of the Chatham Regiment will ilTuc His warrant to ievy the fame. This order will be published in one of the Gazettes or this city, for the information of the officers c the First Division. By erder cf Ma tor-General Jackson, C H A RLTON, Aid-dc’ Catgp. Ajitr Divifian Orders, OR. 25, ISO 2. Information being received of the failing of thf* veffi is from the coal: of the U. States, which had the Brigands on board, were Mid to be intended to be iandeci within the United States, and rite caiffie of alarm which induced the ordered the 11 th September, hav ing thereby cesffid i the several requisitions contained in that order, or the subsequent Ol der of tire 9th intt. will -be conilbered at an end, and the rnil tia of the fii it D.vdior., as on its common eiiabiiihmcnc non tins date. The com •.minding officers of the reflective regiments,, a. .and barraficm wfiohave In id men in j service under the iaui orders, will return their | mutter and pay; rolls prepeky emitted by j mem to the executive ch.-part. nent, as alio, I inch eon tracts and vou, h rs cf supplies as j may have been made, and entered into by them refpeftivciy for fcttlement as loon.r.s point? ie : fending ai so, one copy of I to tne ivluj. General, as a check on the officer. The er.fife of die Revenue Cutter of the United Spates, which Capr. Put-man, at the requelc of his Excellency the Governor, and with the con font of the coltedtor of Savan nah, offered for the proredlioii of the coast— -2nd of the hired armed P.ioc Boar, Pilgrim, j capr. V/cbley, u *.en into the Rue employ for | the lame purpose, being fin;lbcc ; the Ma jor Genera!, allures thole officers of me sense ms Excellency the commands ;n chief*, enter tains of their piompinds and vi dance in the service, as well as that of Mr. Aden, mate of of me Cuuer, who commanded her during the cruise. The Maj. General acknowledges with great f;t is fact ion, the readmds with which his or ders have been obeyed by the refpedive com - manding officers oi the regiments, and batra dions on the sea coast, and which has convin ced him that had an invasion taken place j the country would have received ample nroreftion, and rhe invaders have been annihilated or forced agam to La. The General acknow ledges the afiiftaiice hr has received from his ams, Majors Maxwell arm Charlton. By order of Major General J ACKSON. CEI A;\ LA’ ON, Aid- dt.-C am p. I approve the foregoing order. j. iAI I NAL, jun. Governor. WAR DEPARTMENT Allguft 16, i go2* by a laze cf (Frgrejs sassed V V on the 26 th day rs April 1801, it us as enacted, yC That it /hail be the duty cf the Secre tary of IVar to receives, all claims to lands for military services, and claims for duplicates cf zvar rants issued from .his ojfce, or from the land office of Virginia, or cf flats aid certificates of jin veys j curded on finch warrants Juygefled to have been left or defrayed ; until the fir ft day of ‘January next, end no longer-, and immediately thereafter to report the tame to Congrtfs , designa ting the number cf claims cf each description , with bis opmijH thereon f No ice is hereby given, To all per Jons claiming lands fer military jervices, that they mu ft lodge in this office, prior to the fir ft day of January next, documents to prove the validity cf their claims. Ccmifftoned officers, surgeons and’furgeo Us mates or thstr Legal representatives muff rreduce evi , J. ■ J x to prove that they served in the army cf the United States to the end of the war, or that they were deranged by a rsjoiuti : nos Cong rets, which Lv.a hut ts../ . ’jll r c.aiifi fj miliary bounty lands It will alfc be nccejfrry for the representatives of j oncers tsc, killed tn service to produce evidence to prove, tout the per fin was (i ilain by the ene > > my. Ncn-commiffionsd officers, nnijicians and fri- I vales, cr tv nr legal representatives rauji produce {evidence to prove, that they erdfied to Jerve in ; the army of the United States during \the war : and that they aSully f'erved until the end cf laid j vsam, h w;.latfo be nccejjaryfor the reprefer.- : lathes of ‘officers, Uc. ‘who i were tr isled during the war and were killed in j the, ervue, to produce evidence to prove that were • j.uiu Cj *.vt t;.,:uy. n TANARUS) T? *r* r, ■, r ti. UiLA AxjoAhv. r *r/%*. i J o , r **T* SAVANNAH, Printed by LYON t? MORSE. NOVEMBER 3, 1802. AN O R D INANCE, so amend an O rdnance entitled t( An Ordinance for preventing as much as may be, accident* whtco may happen by Fire , for prefervin* the fire Engines in said City, and for rendering the fame as vfiful as nay be in case of fire, and for otherpurpefes therein mentioned.” FiRST Be it cr drived by the Mayor and yUcerrrcu cf the City cf Savannah, in Conn cu a Jem bled, and it is hereby ordained bv tb >■> authority of the Rime, That there final] be ded °y ? h- hoard of hre-mafilers, out manager and 44 * ‘ a “ ,u ’nL, to each and every en rr in'‘ which now is, or are, or which sh.-.!.!, orlriay ..e. .. fter be in tigs city, to Serve for the term of oic year, from and after their eledlion. \.,iO .hail immediately alter notice of iuc;r, under this ordinance, enrol for each engine in mis city, not exceeding twelve j ar-L a•_ 1 ive Raves, workers in the laid city, to be approved of by the fire mailers, ro affifi in working the finaller engffirs, and not exceed ing twenty-four of the like Raves, to he a> proven of as aforelaiu, for the larger en vines, which managers and all)Rants so to be eleßedl and the Haves so to be enrolled, ill .11 be sub ject to the commands of tile fire meftersfit. all times, but more efpeciallv in time of alarm, j and each and every of the Aid Caves, (hall be j turniihed with a lcther or fire liar, on which I inaiige painted t!ie number of the-engate tc which he may belong. . r be it farther ordained, Th?.: u any pen on elected un ier this ordinance, ! diad icfulc to accept the aoooinfnient, or af- j ter having accepted the fine, (hall r; egie& j his duty, luch person ffiall on convidtion rherc ol before the Mayor and Aider.nen, be fined in the lurn ot ii ‘ty doljrrs. i i-i i r d —r ind be xt f nrther ordained, Th a t m tiic en dlion io co be made of In h manan^j and afsifiant of engines as afore Lid, the fir • nyafiris aian nave power and authority to ex ciiie any peiion or persons so eledled, on his! or her mewing good and Efficient excuse for i hi: or £ heir being so excused, and the beard ! lhaii then proceed to anew dedtion, provided i that: no person Riall be compelled to serve as manager or aisntant as uforefaid, more than once in five yens. •/ Fourth And be it farther ordained, That inch Raves as lhaii be actually employed and enrolled, to make up any deficiency in the number cf tree negroes or mulattoes, to man the engines as aforefaid, iliali be allowed a reasonable compensation for their services to be fixed by the board of fire maßers not ex ceeding feverity-five cents each, for the hair day they may be actually employed. I'h a in cases of alarm, or fire, the fiio Oaves finall be com per. fated and rewar died by the board ol fire makers, ac ordmg to their merit, in j time of inch alarm or fire. i'lF th Ann. be it further erdai i ie fi That all! orders and reiolir.ions which fnaii be made ! Dy t.,e board of fire maßers, pursuant to this or any other ordinance vetting authority in! the Lid board, (hall be ob/’-yed, obffirved, and! executed ov the fa id managers and affikants, and aiio by the laid Raves to be employed I under this or finance • and if any manager or j affifitant Hi all negied or reiufe to obey or txe-1 cute the fame, Rich manager or affifiant, on! conviction thereof before the Mayor ac ci Ai- j dermen, ibali be fined m a sum not exceedin'.: j *ifcy dollars j and :r any Rave enrolled or em-j ployed, in puriuance of this oidmance, ffiall | negiCui or reiule to obey or execute the lame, me mailer and owner fnxii, on conviction o men firve before the board of fire maßers, pay a fine not exceeding five dollars, and in de uauit or his or her paying said fine, the laid | have Riali receive Rich number of lashes, nor j exceeding thirty-nine, as the Lid fire mailers 1 Riall order and direct. > Sixth —And be it further ordained, That the third fee non cf the ordinance entitled <{ An ordinance for preventing as much as may be, accidents which may happen by fire in Sav annahj for prcfervmg the fire engines in said city, ana tor rendering the lame as ulcful as may be in cale of fire, zr.d for other pur poles therein mentioned,” palled the cd December, 1790, be, and the fame is hereby repealed. In Counci l, Savannah, Qbutcher 18, 1 . passed,’ CHARLES HARRI S, Mayer, ffi.p.) j ATTEST, ’ THOMAS riTt, c. c. Twelve and a H If Chris •>* ° • MERCANTILE MATUFM \ X'iC.iL A C A D E U V. I \R R - CO , X = ?--'tefal for the kind r-itn ji Vi n3 ge lie has t-<-. ,1- ■- 1 .since the co rtmencetnenc of his Guhh'. :,as me plealure °f announcin.r t he ‘ o: tnc honorable the M syorant! Ai !c- A i •- p VlU'r o-'*•* ) L , =! ---.“fjp.nanoth-rroon, m r r ;’ .v ----j . 11 and iauics wit] be U- ■!; ... loiwaiit inifrubtCvk Inc youtn of richer sex heino- datvd With a different apamaffir ‘k bP • aruch to the convenience of > j and contribute to acci Vr -rk u| r ‘ •I ’ a> ” •' Iff 3 vs ’•><-< . f , n;r> >\U ■ - “' ! Af! ir .iot |O. .oitahle abilities, wl.o to.; I qv>. .uonablc teft.snony of hi, iboi F j won and in luflrv. 1 A French tutor will attend fi-.-* a p .uo it)on as iiiteen icno- ? rs ar** 1 • v , i , Lotii Gvia o jf dying th it ian^nape. October 27. 3000 DOLLARS RtJidFT CkClkg \l7' ILI - !->“ rr'ct in-thi- u ; , t > . - , s Vy, on the Scho r er j > ; , rc . ar.y person or pehoiis who will and. 3 r ; for ai n , ■ • Schooner Dorrljcfier, Penmfter, i.ife rroHe-* Scions 1 fie Schooner f nro ‘he Bii o t \uy 11 ft iafi, about a. o’cio-'k r ior Ntduu; T 12 fm.e night die funk, f ~ from 10 to 15 water ,nb iron 1 leagues from the Bar. There is f :,j i, r c U u.ik locked down in the run. 06.p0 ();u.l j lured at o f jbuO Loi ar c . A l.ilva ,: e -d 01-’ ah the money recove-cd l ->v . fi.,sr j; le * ar allowed in addition ro the a >.<v“ inform j - tost may bs bad on application to thl ; . vvnteis, in Chdfieilon. £>. i lie printers m oavar.n-u*., }-:cw Y r > a , j fi-ltimi rk are r-r .lT ‘ m r ..i • > 1 -aiijj u,c ahov'f* n . 1 o * v .v-fTeau-er 0. y 1 Tvj c'> a 7 !><•'♦.> • 1. H H •**’>’ ,> ~) P ‘■ f x L y, IN FEN DEI) is 1 C • Hun kkkT luJS’ der during the ivii.ter ■] ■u. . —<> port to tne loui ‘.er< • r > s' 1 - R• te—(lie has go-> \ ac.-ro ,1 >,. i.3>- : freight or pa Re tigers. The f k’> ;; f v r 02 tnati k. 1 ii;ia 11cciveo• a. 1 or lurtuf 1 !- j- ~ enquire of Mr. Samuel How ax, Isaac N. Meserve, maß.r, 0.1 Bo:u . Oftober 23, 1802. M A R S H A UR S . : • 1X/ iLC k C fo! . d che Cos : : thsUsty oiSavauiiah, c. joch ink. the • —'"Dl Cm T ‘r ‘■ f 17 -V -Vfr/x.i’ \ ~ , ohii J U±\tLLK. r- fV--. •■ < y v '. t'h r* - vd.,... . ‘ “ 4 v ’ ‘ her tsckT, apparel and furm ur .t • execution in favor of M. S:’e-.uv p a ‘ TV T Vjr ♦ i\, JU O iVll, IJL‘;)r O . O.Ruber i6 / 1 x 1 f j n Aj) \[[ ‘ \ g r v MAR SH a Lhs y,. \. 7 ‘ Ptrju.v:! to adterrtof tlibm, v f/q. judge of. toe /aid c:.u> •, vll > v at toe wharf of 7v b'i. •?.’ .*;•, 1. Cos. on IT BONUS FAY the otb :t her next, between the hours of the jams day , the fit.. Nr? * C wtt : r ° urth P- rr r TB-xMN'kJ ANN. Hr Boats, A: p -re:, n , part of 32 c© buffieis Sale, 7: : Ware, 339 buibe : s Coaß, ir 7 and 1750 Pan Tiles, con.lvx;. • , . to be foid as the property ofWdk v!ei.e-{e !, AUG, 80 kt-Qs PA INT a,, ;: •: : cC Jas. Flume —, ,7- r-.g 4 K NffiS o i ?* tiiF 3 and 5 o | \ tigned to Robert U loim'Bou. utisfacrion ot a decree on t i f Bond, at the fust of Jo: ;i P r*er. Condition bf fate ffio G. R DUKE,Dv? . Sav. Offiobr 26. CUSTOM-HOUSE, u suitz of t\ N Y per ion willing ro engage, co v- .i * r, y‘ KCe P * n their stations, .ami .n :e ----gsir, the Buoys that are, or may ce .y ; ■IS g'lides to the entrance of Savinndikrr ’ wiil ear!/ notify in writing to the ibni.r.i ner. what rate per annum he will .per form the service. THO. JOHNSON, Co!!cAnr. Se U- *7* aawtf,