Georgia republican & state intelligencer. (Savannah, Ga.) 1802-1805, November 03, 1802, Image 3

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SAVAN N A H, jy E D N E S D A ); November J. It is i fubicft of enquiry, and of doubt, whether Mr. Hobby hitnfeif, wrote the re in irks in the Museum of Friday, or whether they originated from another hand. If the find, he rr.uft be his own word enemy; it the loft, he has bad friends. I o himfelf and friends, we would pur the following queries.* Do you deny that William J. r lobby act ed as editor of the “ Augufl* Herald ?*’ Do you deny that he thus acted wiide poff mafter a: Augufla ? D j yon deny that an editor muff have an <f interest” in the paper, over which he prr fides, though .t may not be pubbfheJ for his advantage, norat his lifque r It is ti r e me public ‘mind was enabled to form k e conclusion on this fubjefb We do not v. fn to trifle. We challengt an anfwe to thtfe out (lions. Silence fnaii be taken as an admifiion o t the facts. We are no: injefi. Th j exertion apparent in the lad Auguffa Herald, to excel in abofe of the adll iniilra tion, may induce us to notice it when we have n < e ltd Cure. Does Mr* Ilubby yei edi:c paper ? COM MUNI a I ED. Di ed, is tills city, on the night of Monday, the firfb in (hunt, Mrs. Mary S. Hubert, wife of Grimbail Robert, the 3 id year of her age ; flic enciureci 17 days illness with ußonlfning fortitude and met tlie kino- of terrors wPh a man o ifefl: proof of a reconciliation with God. Her amiable difpoftion rendered her hoiiib-hokl and domdlic cares truly pie a fur able ; as a companion, ilie was i ll meekness and condcfccnsicn ; in con verfition, (he was always cautious not t > offend. An even deportment was her natural qualification ; in afilduity, she was icarcely rivalled— wo mother could excel her in tenderness and affec tion —no wife in finceritty and atten tion, and to h r servants, flic v,as indnl pvnt and kind. An husband, and fix imali children, join with her numerous acquaintance, to lament her loss. ETHER HVsBAND Dear Scaly thou an gone my Love, 7 o feck a Paradise abo v ; JR here endlejs frarjes are j Metre ; JIF hen frail I wake and find me there.” Happy •was I when thou zuert near, -My Bo from friend , my comfot ter ; But xonv I only live to mourn, My Children's friend \ my comfort gone. w * yry^C,. i *-TV. , J--TV, , Tr-W, ■ **At >.. - I , *** \ ? *"V ‘ :\'X L i *ra./:v*f, - w V JL/pl/iu. w mw pfftw i&gm. saa&k. MARINE LIS T. ENTERED. Brier }Yepfuve, Latham, N- Fork Sir. I y dia, BN ft, Char le Hen Lucy, Lawfcn, ditto Endeavor, V ufrell, Naftan Mercury, Dry burgh, Ha van nab Sleep Patty, Cbeiiker, N. Haven C L E A R E D. Brig Si. Clair, Grit bin Port Republican Schr. Anna, Ogden, Cape de P erd Andrew, Lane after, Jamaica Saturday arrived here from Nantes, toe brig Orient, cap t. Kmg, in 45 days: Paferfrrs, Mr, C. Cachet and Family, Mr. Abraham Twiggs, Mr. Henry Keeland, Mr. George Lew, and Mr. C. Bcitard . CUSTOMHOUSE. OFFICE hours, from J before 9, A. M. to f before 2, P. M. Savannah, 15th October, iScz. WANTED. A BOAT that will carry from ten to twelve Cords of Wood, for which cash will be given : apply to. ABRAHAM D. ABRAHAMS. Military Agent for the \ Southern Department. Any person willing to contract lor remov j.-cr the Guns and Carriages &c. from Mr. Teiu. ; fs wh us to the Magazine will plezfe to .applv as 10ve -. ~ Gflobcr o, i§o2. “ wanted to hire, By the month, a Cooper, to vror* j on a Rice Plantation. Enquire of the editors ot this paper. October 23. GEORGIA. By his Excellency Jos:ah TattMall, ftinior, Governor and Commander in Chief of the Ar my and Navy of this state, and of the Mili tia thereof. A PROCLAMATION . HAVING arranged and call up the vote of such counties as hive made return c* the elections, held on the fourth day of Octo ber, inffant, for persons to represent this (tatr in the Hoofed Rcprefentatives of the Unite*. States, agreeably to an act of the General Assembly, passed the fifteenth of June, eigh teen hundred and two —and it appearing that John Mil ledge, David Meriwether, deter Early and Sa .uiel Hammond, Efquirrs, have the hi: held number of votes. I have though; dr to issue this my proclamation, notifying the ian'.e, in order that the fa and John Mil-edge, Davtd Meriwether, Fe r er £a lv, and Saaiuci Hammond, rr-av fi }.nifv the ac; eptance c-r reioful oftiieir laid appointments, aii - adduce the requ.lifts i>;. -aw require 1. G.ven under my hand, and the Great Seal of the Hate, at the Suit Home, in Laidfviile, this twenty uxth day < f Gcu,- ber, in the year of oar Lord one 1 Yo.-.i ; . ■, eight hundred an * tv. ), and of d.e 1 pendence of the United Starts ot Au.cra.ri tlie twen ydhvrinli. JOVIAH TATTNALL, jur/r. By the Govern or, Horatio Marbury, Secretary cf Stale, GO D tA V A 1 M l S!A’ 1 : .*. An aggregate amount of the votes : ach candidate, f r a feat m the El ;ui- of and • piefenutives of the United Sren.s, m u. 1 - counties tinoughout the jlate, except dry n and ETnUum : 10l j: in M;lWe.r, - S 1 40 Gen. David Meriwether, - 77 Feter Early, FkpEe, -7:. o Cos 1 . Sam 1;e 1 H x -v: 1 rond, - 47 s jofeph Bryan, Ekjuire, - 440- Col. Francis Willis, - - 310 Matr.iew M f Aliifver, Fdqume, - 24.- a >.UT7A*^r w> +uu wv **.•*%*■ •* v- rt'V*; 1 ’*"*?**• -1 > y FOR P. OS T 0 N, 7H E ST A UNC II BRIG ■4 ~rC" ! - £?:crSV oRIE N TANARUS, ‘■.vr v *r TT’ING, Maficr, will be ready to receive a CARGO in three and will be dis ycitc ve and 171 1 ctt daj . For terms of freight apply to HEN RT KNEE LAND &co Morels IVbarf, or to is'lL.N'j M A UR ICE, Tt If aiAs iFharf. Nov 2, 1 So: (iwa T H O M A S and CODE Y, Tail-rs and Ladies’ H Fit- Axkefs, Tl F.SPUCI r'ULLY info Ac G\??~ l* - ]L\ tlemen and Ladies of Savannah, and Us vicinity y that they cave cDh-uneaceJ ■■•ufinefs in thehoufe nearly adjoining the UNIVERSAL SHOE-S i ORiS, where they inte'-d earning on toe tnjin-js i;i all it, j various or an c css and , newest faftoions: Tbcfe Gentlemen and L ues who will pi case to favor them with then cufivtu may rely on their Waving work done with ntainejs and dfpatch. Nov, 3, ISO 2. ( JACOB IDLER, EGS leave to inforu the Merchants jMp Planters and others that ne lias ii a) the nonor to obtain a patent from the Uni e.i States for four different ma- bines for packm ‘ Cotton in square bale. ; which they csecur. in u more compact and expeditions wiy id.n any hitherto invented j thee will be o f a great utility to the community at large, rwo or the laid machines adt without fevews and are far preferable and more expeditious dun any machines with ferews of any dimenhons, aiu may be worked with any kind of power. N. B. The above machines have been ad mired by lome of the firll mathematicians in the United States. October y, 1802* ts 7 HE SUBSCRIBERS. HAVE Received from New-York, a frefli assortment of Plated and Brais Mounted furniture for harness. ALSO ON HAND. Saddles belt Quality,, Elegantpiated Bridles, different kinds, Setts of harness plated & Brass Mounting, Saddle Bass, Portmanteaus, fire Bucketts, Wh-ps, Spurs, Cart, and Waggon harness, &c. &c a ATriety cf o:her articles all of which will be fold low for Calh or the usual credir. GLASS csf SHAFFER. September i3, 1802. ■ NOTIC E. A t.L Persons indebted to the subscriber on his former concerns are foiicited to call and pay cf their accounts c:c. As much lonc-er indulgence can no: be given. ° JOHN GLASS, j October, 16. ts AUCTION S. This day, at halfp aft nine o’ dock, tv ill be fold on Mess . Lor in g leaver o Cos. Wharf, 9 Bit;idles Hay, JOSEPH ARaVOLD, Auct. ALSO. On Friday the frh la ft ant before the I endue Store, Commerce Row, Suadnes Wet & Dry Goods, as usual. PUBLIC AUCTION. On MONDAY the B ih infant at te n o’ clock, will be fold cat Dennis and INilhands Wharf, to close sales. 30 barrels Sugar, 10 hhds. ditto, 5 ditto IF. 1. Rum, 5 ditto Jamaica, ditto. 5 ditto MHa/cs, 10 Loves Havaunah Sugar, ( Cheat ions—All funis under 100 dollars ■'afb ; all over if:at j urn, notes at 60 days, v “ i h ay oro ved en.!or(crs . F. HILLS, Au ft ionecr. Ilv v'em her 7, 1802. E. HILLS, T FAS Tull received on consignment, fr JE his Auction Store, Coimuercf Tw, an aSbrcment cf Low priced cloths. Blue Strouds cafimercs, plains, Striped Avansdov/ns, green baze V, orlled hole, orinted goods, ■ o 7 white humiiuins, checks, dowlas, piatrilloes. r i nree small Bales cf Coarse woolleiis, and four cases of hats, afTort ** H ‘wi • I felt of mahogany tables, CT J J I large during table, I x ■ La. iCd U | An Elegant fide board, 1 Hiding chair with plated harness Jamaica and W. i Rum in 11 lids. iSrovvn sugar in iihds and blls, Coffee in bags, Excellent sweet oil in boxes -ill of which will be fold at the in oft reduced prices. Savannah October i5, 1802. On Wednesday next, November gd, at 10 o'clock, will lz sold, at T. M. Woodbrid-eb late A"Ction Store, Bolton’s whak p, well deserving the attention cf Shopkeepers and ; Country Traders, a fresh assortment cf EUROPEAN GOODS, CONSISTING OF THE FOLLOWING ARTICLES, F I Z. 30 doz. men’s and women’s plain cotron hose, 8 duz. men’s white and black fiik do. Silk G oves, 5 doz. women's white Sz flefii colored gloves Breeches Patterns, i 5 doz. fiik and worked, 1 doz, cotton night caps, Checks, to pieces 3-4 and 7*B wide linen, iO pieces 7-8 wide cotton and linen, 10 pieces 9-8 wide Itriped cottons iriih Linens. 59 p cces 4-4 wide, Table Napkins, 4 dozen, 38 diaper table cloths, 7-4, 3-4, S-10, 1 piece huckaback, Coat Patterns, 14 cutts 2 yards each of cloth and easterner", 3 do. 6 do. do. cafilmer, different colors, Waiifcoat Patterns, 12 fine printed Marleilles quilting, 24 do., 1 India & corded dimity, and embroidered, 3 tamboured marseiiles, Coat Buttons, 12 setts falhionable fancy gilt and plated, Quantity of sewing fiik and twill, Muslins, 5 pieces tambour colonade rnuslin, 4 do. japaned, jaccnet and book do. HATS, 3 doz. men’s bed black beavers, 1 do. do. do. (do.) chip under, 3 do. children's and youth’s, different colors, ALSO, 40 boxes mould candles, 43 do. chocolate, jo do. soap ; with a variety of other articles . A N D, an hhds. fUft proof Rum, a: a credit of four Months. J. P. WILL’ AM SON, Auct'r. October FRESH FLOUR. 1 Juftreceivedfrom Baltimore , 100 Barrels Superfine FLO U EL Notch will ot fold for Ca/h or Notes at 60 days. Apply to _ JOSEPH ARNOLD, Con merce Row. ~November ;, Iho 2. THE SUBSCRIBER, Offers his Jcrvices to his friends and the public, i;t the Factorage, Vendue, and COMMISSION BUSINESS. As he means to confine bimfelf flrittiy to the above bufnicfs, he flutters bimfelf be frail be cbm to give jdtisf action to those who may employ him JOSEPH ARNOLD, Commerce R cw . Nov. 7. N uric e, ‘MFV/E Public are hereby cautioned again ft 1, r eceivihg a note drawn by. thej abler]bo in favor of James Read of 67 een County fr r four Hundred Dollars, dated April 15, 1802, payable in Ninety days as the payment of the said nose will be disputed and if brought to court, it veil be made to appear, that it ought not ic be a : d JAMES COCHRAN* Limerick September, 11 1802. NOTieE, ALL persons hav-n-r any ilfmnnds agaift the Li} a e ot Wiliiam Weft psq. Lie of Liberty County, dcntafetl, are rcqu.'feu rcnJer the f-me r o Mefiis. James tc AV ii’iatn Robert?, at Riocuorou v r to the Suofcriber. JOHN JONES. Adminiflrator. Stinbury, Acguft, 19 1S0?., L 0 S T~ ON Wcdnefiay evening lafl, between the and Barnard ilreer, a lmali Gold Watch, whoever finds the Lime, and wfj de liver it ro the fubflriber, at his rehclence, cor ner ofß rnard street, ihuth common, /hail oe well rewarded. PETER DEVEAUX. Offooer 23 1832. 3: FOU N D A CORKSCREW of a curious confiruc- Also a large door key, apparently te iong ing to a valuable lock. Twe owners will edquire at this office. October 27. 1 O 1 A HOUSE 35 feet by 33an a lot of ico / 4 feet in font and 90 feet deep (ittuke in pvea(burgh William Street, Aifo a foeJl bnemen: in York llreec apply four doots rom the corner of York and Jv.-fivrfon Streets* M. VALLOTTAN. Oflober 16. f,t wanted jlsluurr t A SUFFICIENCT of good cot ton and Prc- Jf\ vijion land on or rear the taits, as would employ about twenty workers and for which the . high est price will be given, and no objection bad to an advance of rent. Apply at this office. Sept. 1. Will be exchanged for IIL GaOh. S. A TRAC r of LAND, about three hundred L aCfes •* one hundred as prime cortcn land as any in Georgia, anu situation equal to any in the ft ate: with a good dwelling and otit-houfes, See. imme-iia eiy on the fairs. For particulars, anr-ly to WILLIAMSON & MOREL. September to, 1 b'o2. NO ! ICE. \V’T & are trebled h John Milledge the ex - W’ ecu tor of the est ate of the late Jacob IVaid burger to notify to all p- rfons wha; Las prohibition a. gain ft hunting on that part oft the ft]- and cf St. Catherine's belonging to toe jail e,iate y . being tolhe North the Stock having cf iate been much lessened by fucb practije, and other injutv done and after this noth e will feel Hmjelf bound to profecutc to the extent of the law, ail per jo ns found to violate it. WILLIAMSON & MOREL. Align FOR SALE. A TRACT OF LAND, IN’ Franklin County granted burv. contain more or Ids. 1580 acres bounded Southwardly by Baker's land South cafrwardiy by Horatio Ma r 'oury’s land on all other Tides by vacant land. A Traci ofland in Franklin County, gran ted to Leonard Marbury, containing more or lels, 1150 Acres bounded North weft wardly by Charity Marbury’s land Northeafhvardlv by vacant land sand Southcaiiwurdiy by Ba ker’s land. A Traci in Burk Coun r y 350 Acres, on the North fide of Briery Creek ; laid by rhe Com mi Toners of Conftfcated Property ia Dccmber 1784. EBENEZER STARK. Oflober 9 :So2. ‘ Mores Wharf.