Georgia republican & state intelligencer. (Savannah, Ga.) 1802-1805, November 06, 1802, Image 2

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From the NATIONAL. TLGiS. ELOGIUM ON RUM. By JOEPIi SMITH. Arfe * Vs pimpled, tippling rare, srife ! Ftotj ev’ry town and village tavern, ccrr.e f SfU'W your red nofes ) aad o’erflowing fy.s, /*:nd help \cur poet chsunt the praile of Rum, The rcrdi .1 and op, the morning dram, l nng, r J i.e mid-day teddy, and the evening Fall. miehfv Rum 1 and by thb general name, 1 cdl each fpccies —wh.llry, git', or bra fly: (The kinds are various—but tnc ciTtcTs the fame :he . fame ; Ard so i eboofe 2 that’s ftiojr 2nd bandy : For reader, know, it td,-:rs a deal of t me, ‘i o make a crocked word lay imocih in rhyme. Hail, mighty Rum ! by fong-ir fpirirrg merit Is known to inanv a bard in ’lied* <utr days. ApJioS drink, they find >s v id of spirit FT re chicken- but’ —inflpidas their lays : And, pieal V, tl cyM they’d give a riv'lei—aye, 2 fe?. Os tu.ieful v.a'er, for one quart of thee ! HaP, migh'y Rum ! flow tvend’rous is thypow’r 1 Un\vamruVi by thee, how would our f iris tad, When ’ark December W m-% with aTps'd* Tour, Ar.J, lin'.rp as razor, bb ws the Nobhcrn gale ! And yet ‘hou’rc prate'ul in that in try day, When raging Sirius darts his fervid ray. Ilad, mi&htt* Rum. 1 to thee wretched fly ; Ard tkd ?. ftveet oblivion of their woes ! Lo*‘k.V n thy arms, as in the grave, they l:e ; t'-cir kurdred, and forgve the t tors. pud Lethe’s stream, (so nuch exrcil’d by fume, in undent timet) i ihrewiily guelK was Rum.} Ilad mighty Rum ! What can the power wit hit and ! E’en lordly reason flies thy dreau'u! face : And health, and joy, and all the lovely band Os foe in! virtues, fnun thy dwelling place : (For in whatever bread: i: rears os throne, Like Turkdh monarch?, Rum modi rule alone.) When our bold fathers crofi’J the Atlantic Wave, And here arrived j a week defenceids band \ Fray, became of ail the tribes so brave, Tne savage owners of thisirappy End ? u Were they feut headlong to tiie realms helovV ü ßy doom cf bailie Friend, i aufwer no. Our fa hers Were too wife to think of war ; They knew the woodlands were not quickly p£, r J h t might have \vi h many an ugly fear, Lrdi mary a foretop -and been beat at last, Ik.t Rum, anllied bv his son, Difeafd, l cffornTu the buunus with furpvifing case. And would our v e(lc r n brethren grow less proud, or In other words lay by their gun *••<] drum, For ducks and ‘•quirrels, save their lead a;.J pov/de:, A:d (end the cawiiyroaues fome pipes or rum, Ida e predict, they all would glad' 1 ’ luck: it ; And ev’ry mother’s ion Icon kick the bucket. But lo ! the ingratitude of Adam’s face ! Though all tnefe clever things to Ru n vve owe, Gallons of trie are fqtflrfed in his face, And his bruis’d bac k is bang’d with many a blow. Some hounds of note have rung his flfoiera! knell, And ev ’ry puppy joins the general yell. So have I seen (the simile is f.n?-*- And wonderfully par, tho’ rather old) When rjflr.g Phoeing (hot his rays benign, A fl<-ck of ftieep come skipping from the f Id, 5 mu- retllth (heep cries laa :ad all the throng, F.ves, Linbs, rams, vvethe.s, bellowing pour along. But fear no:, Rum, tho’ fler c-y they ?flail, And none but 1, the bard, thy cause defend, Think not titv foes, though numerous, fhfll prevail; Thy power diminish, or thy being end : Tho* fpurn’d from t -.bie, and the public e,e, In the inug clotet (arely ihalt lie. And (Tt when SoI% proud chadot quits the skv, And humbler Cynthia mounts her one horse chair. To that l ;Ug clofetfhall thy votby fly, And v/ aitin and 1 kr.e.', keep orgies there * Liit tiie tail bot'le. joyous to his head, Then, great as Csdar, reel sublime so bed. From the CITY GAZETTE. Messrs. Freneau IA Williams, Avery lingula- phenomenon exhibited itfe't immediately adjoining the fort on Soiii van’s I {land. At twelve o’clock this day, about two hundred and fifty yards southward of the fort, a variety of fiffures appeared upon the fir 1 ace of the beech ; immediately it be gan to fall in with a dreadful node, and con tinued to fill, at snort intervals, until half after one o ciock, p. m. At which time, a gentle man took a small boat in order to found t ie* depth, which, inside the circle or half moon, (which was the form it afiumed, and which is at present two hundred and forty feet in cir cumferncce) was betwixt two and three L tho 11s deep. The land seemed to fall in pieces, fume of them, I suppose, about five hundred weight, leavingt!w body cf the beach altogether perpendicular. To what cause to attribute this phenomenon, I am yet uncer tain. A SPECTATOR. Sullivan’s Island, October 27, 1302. I A FEW BLANK BOOKS. For laic at this ohicc From the RICHMOND EXA Mil! ER j TO J. T. CALLENDER. In the American revolutionary war, Ii ■ought for my country. I had her approba tion, I was hennored with her confidence in the public councils. The wheel of fortune became adverse, and my decrepitude from the pally constrained j me to adc for a fubf;iten:e. The Cincinnati, | among vhome are Cenera.s Marfl ia i 1 and ] Wood, Colonels Garrjngron, Heath and! Bentlv, refnectable chiracters, readily contri buted, and have given me a subsistence for life. Sev< ral of the gentlemen differ from, me in politics ; but does that atithorife me to ibuic them ? Does that circurnftance leßen their talents or their virtues ? No. Early raft year I informed Mr. Thomas jc Her son that I w'as in want; he immediately rrquefted Mr. George Jefrerfon of this city to pay me fifty dollars, which was clone. 1 wrote to Mr. Jefrerfon, the Prc fi lent, that 1 wished to return to Kentucky, and re queued foiVvC little aid to support tne or; my J journey —he generoufiy C\ i. me thirty dobars j more. 1 have heard that you, Ike rr.yfeT, nr? poor; that you hive children in Philadelphia mat were fn wane that in vour dulrrfs, hav ing mentioned yoifr in the cause of liberty, that good man the President, whom 1 have known for thirty years, who fe character as a man of benevolence, talents and virtue dignif y the hu nan heart, sent you. at different times, to the amount of one hundred dollars : For his charity, you have repaid him with the vi. cli a bum. Such bale ingratitude mull, on serious re fl e 61 ; on, fl in g y.ourcon fc ien c e t o th e qul c k Yo u boa fl that y our wri ti n gsturne- .1 cl r. Ad a its s out of office and placed Mr. Jefierfon in the prefj iental cb-tir— Matchiefs vanity ! No, Mr. Callander, you are much mistaken; the fedirion law, and the i improper U rigorous conduft of Judge Chafe, did more injury to the federalifts, than the writings of a thousand Callenders You, Mr Callender, have no •r.ore weight with the independent republicans, than the fly on the'-wheel of* a coach con tributes to its motion. You have made a wrong rflu mate cf your talents and your consequence ; you are of importance to neither party, republican or federal. The republicans Taj:ported you, becaulc they thought you the vidtim of per lecution, and the martyr of liberty. By your base abandonment of principle, you have drawn on vourfeif e.ernal infamv and dis-mace - v O and this without Fcuring the confidence cr efleem of the federal ills. They confldtr yon as a Tecond Judas ; yCU have ioid your principles for gold, and while he v applaud the.treafon the a:ult abhor the traitor. Know alio, flr, that tl ere are very many gentlemen who reside in this city, as well as’ many others who dwell at a distance from it, who have been as benevolent to me, and ihrdl iiave my grateful and refpecUul thanks dur ing my exigence. ROBERT LAWSON. Richmond QHober, 16, ISO 2 CHARLESTON, October 30, 1 Ext rail cf a letter frvmLeghcnu dated Au*uft J ISO 2, to a tefpeel able mercantile k&Hfe in\ this city , “ Purviance, agent for the navy of Ihe U. States in the Mediterranean, has juR received from William Eaton, | efq. our consul at Tunis, the foliowino;! letter, of which you have the printed copy enclosed. We conceived it as of the highe-1: importance to the trade of the U. States, and that it became our duty to communicate it to oar friends by the earlielf opportunity. There wants nothing to render the navigation of the Mediterranean as fafe for Ame ricans as for the commercial nations of Europe, but from 8 to ten small armed veilels, which would soon drive these lawless barbarians off the furface of the lti “ Such has always been our opinion, and wc are pleased to fee it corrobo rated by tediinony of our experienced friend Mr. Eaton, in his private corres pondence with usE* CIRCULAR. T unis . Q, 1302. Sir, On the 7th inflan t, the Ameri can brig Franklin; captain Andrew Morris, was brought into Biferts, a port in this regency, prizes to a corsair of Tripoli. She was from Marseilles to St. 7ho;nas t laden with wine, oil, f>ap, silks, perfumery, bats, on account of MefTs. Swmmerl and Brown, of Phi ladelphia, aed captured off Cape Palo J —Yelcerday tiie brig and cargo were put at public auction in this city: but the mailer and crew, nine in all, are de fined for Tripoli. I have official information that there are five Tripolian corsairs out. 1 re quest you will make this letter circu lar, that our consuls, on the Mediter ranean coast, may prevent, within their precincls, all American merchantmen, ! from putting to lea without our con voy. 1 am, fir, very refipedlfully your obe dient servant, WILLIAM EATON. William Pi:rvia;:ce, tfij. at Leghorn. % , NEWrORK , Older 23. A gentleman of this city lias put in - to our hands a letter from Cape Fran cois, dated the 13th Sept. It mentions that no part of the cargo of a veffelj Iju ft arri v c and fr o m New-Y or k, w 011 Id j clear the expences—lumber would not! letch the fir ft cost. Yeffels were con-! tin null y arriving* from every part of • America, of which a great number leave tne piac?> ana proceed to ports at : the ]ewaed• Lumber lias become pro ihibited, on account of the great qitan tv arrived tnere, as alio dry poods, in w J O ‘ foreign bottoms, in a few days. Another letter, dated 25th Sept, from a refpeftable mercantile houle in Cape Francios, Sates, that all kinds cf pbufinds are at a Hand, except building houses, wrnch wgs going on very briskly. Flour was from 10 to 12 dols. pork 20 to 22 ; hogs lard 30s. butter !20 to All kinds of dry goods J- C~* j prohibited. Mojaiics, coffee, ruin & I taflia and dying woods, (except gayac) | are permitted for exportation: the du ty on coffee is 16 franks, 65 centimes, equal to 307 cents of a dollar per quin tal. Coffee was in demand and very J . icarcc, Tom 20 to 225. j 1 o:v.aft-waiwivw*.-.gyr mrwt r w “it. j*rt. y.^^ To 15b RTN i l ift AN D po[fffion given on the frit day of Oct her next ,t be Store at prefeut occupied by Mr *1 ho mas M. C. Harris near the exchange, D. 3. MITCHELL, 1 p tern her \ r. a N O T I C E. LL Persons indebted 10 the fu;Tcriber 4. on his former concerns are folic.ted to call and ray.of their accounts He. As much longer indulgence can nor b * given. JOHN GLASS* o<S.obf*r 5 16. ts * 7HE SUBSCRIBERS. ?f_TAVE Received from New-York, a freffi X’ A adornment or Plated and Brass Mounted furniture for 1 arnefs. ALSO ON HAND. Saddles brft Qua! ty, Elegant plated Bridles, different kinds Setts of harness plated & Braik j Mounting, Saddle Bags, Porcawntcaus, fire, 1 Bucketts, Whips, Spurs, Cart, and Waggon harness, Arc. Ac. a Variety or other articles all of which will be fold low for Cam cr the usual credit. GLASS e? SHAFFER. September 18, 1802. \ - - , . F O U N D, TJETWEEN the Cuflom-houfe, ?nd Mr. 13 Moore’s, by a Negro Boy, a BAN K NO I F, the owner may have it by dtfenbiny it, and paying f>r th $ advertifement—lt is c xpcci?d the Boy will be ‘rewarded for his fondly. —Apply at the Cuflom-houfe. Savannah, nth October, 1802. 1 “"wanted. A BOAT that will carry from ten to twelve Cords of Wood, for which cufn will be given : apply to. ABRAHAM D. ABRAHAMS. Military Agent for the Southern Department. Any per son willing to contract for remov . ing the Guns and Carriages &c. from Mr. Felfairs wharf to the Magazine will please to apply as above. October 9, 1802. ts THOMAS JAMES, TAIL CR , INFORMS the Public that he has opened a food on the Bay , near Abercorn Street I where he will execute all orders ir. his line in & n I trior manner and en a fbort notice. lie hopes to merit the continued patronage of bis em -1 ploytrs. T. JAMES. j Savannah, Augnfl 29, I^2. 5 • - ;m V ; FRESH FLOUR. Jaf i cccrced from IS alt i wore, 100 Barrels Superfine F L O U R. Which will he fold for Cap cr Dotes at 63 days. Apply to J 0SEPII A R NOLD , Commerce Rout. November 3, 1802. YtUTfUSSCR HER, Offers his fr vices to his ir lends and the public, in the Factorage, Vendue, and CO M MISS ION BUSINE SS. As he means to ectifne himfelf (Irilliy to the alive business, be patters himfeifhe JhdL be able to give fctisfdtdion to thole who nay employ l: a. JOSEPH ARNOLD, Com ieru Row. Nov. 3. IN O i 1 C b, r jjj AHE Public are hereby cautioned again [l l receiving a note drawn by the hi lfc river in | favor cf James Read op. G) ecu County for four I Hundred Dollars, dated April 15, 1802, payable |in Ninety days as the p yment of the /aid note I veil be disputed and:/ brought to court , it wtr be made to appear, that it cufoi not tc be paid. JAMES COCHRAN. Limerick September, 11 I*o2. NOTICE, A LL persons having any demands the Pita ecl William Wrft p ? q. late of LiOfrrv County, dectafed, are requ*'led ro rentier Fre i,me r® Mdlr. James <Sc William at P or to the Sabkribcr. JOHN JONES. Admin iirator. SunPury, Au-ufl, 19 ioo2, 4. Tl ‘ ■ to TUT ~ A HOUSE 35 feet by *8 an a lot of 100 L et ir fro;*t and 90 fvr deep ftu ite in Evcnfiourgh Wiilian? Street, Also a final] rneoirnt m York iTeec auplv hour doo * nom the corner of York and fe (Ter fin Streets M. VALLOTTAN. Oftober t 6. f >t WANTED TO RENT, “ SLrllCl&NCj of good cotton and Pro - JL !k vifiov. land on cr near the alls, as would employ about tweny workers and fo*-which the highest price will be given , and no objection ’ ted to an advance of rent. Apply at this offi.t. Sept. s. PI ill be exchanged for NEGROES /. A LRAVJ I or BAND, about three hundred D. : one hundred as prime cotton land as smy in Georgia, and fraction equal to any .in die Fate: witii a good duelling and out-houses, immediately on the flflts. b or particulars, app y to WILUAMSON & MOREL. September 10, 1802. NOTICE. 14 %fTT tL arc directed by John Mill edge the e*~ VV eculor of the estate cf the lute Jacob * Pala burger to notify to ah persons whatever his prohibition agninft hunting on that pe rt of the gl and of St. Catherine's bel nging to the fair 1 ejlate tseirg to the North the Stock having of late been • much lessened- by fitch prafiife, and o'!her injury demand after this notice will fed liruf If bound to prosecute to the extent of the law, ail per fens found to violate it. WILLIAMSON GJ MOREL. August, 28 1802. FOR SALE. _ A TRACT OF LAND, IN Franklin County granted toLeonardMar bury. contain more or less. 1380 acres bounded Southwardly by Baker’s land South- by Horatio Ma'bury’s land on ail other sides by vac Rii t land. A 1 ra<fl of land in Franklin County, <?ran~ ted to Leonard Marhury, cent fining more or less, 1130 Acres bounded North weft wardly* by Charity Marbury’s land Northeaftwardly by vacant land j and Southeaftwardly by Ba ker’s land. A Traft in Burk Coun*y 350 Acres, on the North fide of Briery Creek ; lold by the Commiflroners of Confilcated Property in Dcember 1784. EBENEZER STARK. Oclober 9 1802. Mores Wharf. FOR BOST ON, THE STAUNCH BRIG ORIENT, TfT IN G, Mo.fier, will be ready to receive m CARGO in three and will be aif patched hi ten days. For terms of freight apply tc HENRT KNE£~ LAND E co. Morels Wharf j or to BE N't* MAURICE, Telfair's Wharf. Xsv-2, lia.