Georgia republican & state intelligencer. (Savannah, Ga.) 1802-1805, November 06, 1802, Image 3

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SAVANNAH, SATURDAY, November 6. Communication: Me firs*. Lyon (3 Morfc , -v YOUK last paper informed us cf the iflue of the election for mem bers to conmcfs. It is very well known that all the four gentlemen cliofen, re side in the middle and western districts : and yet on examining the returns from the eight lower counties, conipofing the eaflern diftritfc, it appears that Mr. M’Allifter, one of the two candidates re Tiding in this diftrid, lias a decided majority cf votes over any of the other candidjtcs. As the result of the election is the confeqncnce of a penetal vote thro - out tlie (Kite, and of the fjperlur popu lation of the interior counties, it is to regretted that the dale was not divided into elective tiif 1r’ Z ls ;thc mctnbcrs wonld then be returned from diflerent factions of the the it a tw, and conilc'ueiitly be better informed of the intcrcfb and uifpofttio.ns of the citizens, generally. The c!ifti mode of elation woukfaifo enable the representatives, going from different divilions of the country, by! Interchanging ideas, to forward the ge nera! intermit much better than i< poffl bile, where all the representatives are taken from one portion, and the more j ex pole and and commercial parrs of the country, left without a choice. It will not be inferred from these observations, that a member from one | part does not represent the whole Hate,! and indeed, the; whole of the Hates,! when acting in the character of a repre fontative. ihe principle contended for, is, that as our governments arc of the repreTentative kind, the members, where proper candidates can bs found, should ik) C taken from ti-Herein neighbor hoods, by which mode, the condiments would have the belt means cf knowiinr O the opinions and character of the repre sentative, and the latter would neces sarily be better acquainted with the objeft and measures moil cl curable to the former. Neither is it wiihin the intention of these remarks, that the gentlemen eho fen arc not a proper choice, provided their residences in the fiate had been I more fuitabie. 1 hat the election turn- j e&outas it did, is by no means fiirpri-1 fing-^reTiding in the more populous j counties and being well known to the! (citizens; it is rcafmiable to suppose j they would receive the fu fir ages of thole | nearefi them. It’s a pity, however, j as the low counties gave fevcral of the! gentlemen a very refpeClable vote, that j the compliment had not been returned; but as compliments now a-days, are tilings much of course, the better way would be to divide the Hate into electi on diilri&s. One of your Snbfcribtrs. November 4. From the Augusta Herald, cf October 27 l “It is wich the grea’.di regret, we announce ’ the election of Caiilr A. Rodney to concrete, in the place of the honorable James A. Bay ard of Delaware, by a majority of 15 votes. The unmanly, the infolcnt triumph of the I Democrats on this fhameful iacrifice of talents Land virtue at the shrine of Jacobiniim, is ano ther proof of their much talked of moderation. Thole who were unfortunate enough to be the friends of Mr. Bayard, are ftigmatifed with the epithets oi aristocrats and cones, from one extremity of the union to the other. If we were to believe the ilatements of the ferv'de edit6rs of the party, one half the Hate of Del-, •aware is competed of tories, and the poor New-Englanders who have imbibed the fame opinions, are all equally tire enemies of the revolution. From lomc documents publifiled in the Philadelphia papers, it appears that the influence cf our mammoth president, was ex erted on this occalion. If this were th.e flrft jnflancc of the fha ueful conduct of tur philo -1 fophic chief magi (Irate, we might pmiie to make a reflection on it > but iritahccs of his turpitude in cases far more repreher.flblc, have Fcfiliced these slight tranfgreflions of his d*ny> by 15 votes,he has gained his end, let him rejoice—for v.ell he may, he has removed kfiom the Representative chamber its Aril or nament, its ir.ofi eloquent member. He has .driven from public office, a man whole cha* racier is too fair, whofc talents arc too brilliant to be con traded with his own.” Remarks, Rejoicir.q at the event which gives so much pain to the drfponding editor of the Auguha Herald, not Mr. Bunco, nobody thinks him the edi or; but to his director o we are not furprized at his tormenting regrets. We defy however, this editor and all his coadjutors, to produce as much indolence on the part of the democrats, as is exhibited in this short para graph. We have it in our power to match this “ infolcnt triumph,” by an article cf a federalist irl ’9B, which we prefumt? its author will not rejoice in calling to mind. On ano ther occafloii the article we advert to, will be pub!iihed. ; That the temperate manner in widen the iucccfs of Mr. Rodney has been noticed, con fided ng the repeated provocation his oppo nents had given, may be a proof of the fin- i cerity of profeifions or moderation on the parr of his friend', we anree : we are fen Able that it cannot be deemed other wife. So far as ir ret petits the ioryihn, be ; ald ro ryifmof t-e counties wivGe Ur cn •• q we-e in Uvor oi’ iSir. i')--v tm, tlicl i -'oo< p* <■ < •r> not be reduced so the Rfedilry < f •eiicviuvj the tU-emenrs oi editors 5 by a mcv'-ur.c • to j our revolutionary hillorr, they to .0 d-.i pahtion v; Inch Kent and SHIN: lb.: ;-o-‘ ail that period, Since they will ■'h-.-v** . . form thorn, that, however a few rtvo- . .0; and charaders, including fepne who from . n of command, had become arifrocrau- n r. army, may luppo; t the politic* o’ M r -y ; a majority of his friends are i;ic -1 • *oti rgries. But what is the facrifire of r.fie e > ■ on * , bpcafloß ? If a lie vira# wan ted, whi an unbiufhing front, to tdi whatever - . nature, few men are able to exceed imu perverting arguments, and coni tiling * ■ .: e opponents never offered, hr h n 1:0 f > . , dei- • zy ; bur eVtalienee ought nor to be cc -ued | on :he (W page with the tnr..e T ;'o- chev ■ i a tier. Llocrnence does not corhfl ; ; e winded foeech* winch to lound w rj> rp-.-re j gt'-andeiir in the public prints, **;ce:s no a part | or two cays. T lie parry want s daring leader, c ve w! >f attempts funall obfiacles wiii not rr^v-eyt.— Such an one they have 101 l m v v?r. B- yard, Ir only remains ro put up Harper in (k. : e of the corv counties m Maryland, Perhaps thev ;.su. retrieve their lois in this way : no other teems 1 probable. Grifwolti has fome a : udty \z is! granted : but co'urapc, except againH -us con.-1 ,'cicnce, was an attribute o? m.% <v oe-1 fide, he is too inHtfferabiy dull t uerlt/thuj place of commander in chief. Dsi , Hini- j ciently daring, But he v'asm.-? icnit ; .--uiThs! futile attempts to be wie.v, made h.s own! party alhamed of him wljencv* r lit* fpoaks 1 The 1 m entations over the - hi of B-irai y\ were to be expected. Ikic the €< poo; Nrvv- Englanders who have ;uib ’c I ; u ■* n ions” as the Delaware tone* t• •. - . pea! iy s> ——tories ur.q-iefiion to’y> forvi m con-., flit ‘in principles hofldc ro ‘rnecoiO t': favor able to the nursery of io“dlin'-;> c a p e; cnlar act o n a partial! 2ro cc a non, n. 1 y 1 j v e otriT ay - eu or conce. Id th :fe principle s, biu uiil the man who pcileites them, is a 101 y. With refpedt to the interference f tic prefl denr in the Delaware cltdtio.u, it js fuffle enr to fay, tha- the cob.trjy his Umg been evin ced, and the contradiction so notorious, tnar the man who wro-e this article n:tid have been ten Able he was writing a ftifehcod. We grant the truth that Mr. Bavard cannot be advantageoufiy contrufted wirh tl-e presi dent, the contrail would be so much to the difan vantage of t’le former that this -do! of toryifm mdd feel humiliated at the bare idea cf It. The borrowed flan ler of rhe Herald is of the true Ih.T.n of irs par'y : nothing further is ncccflary to alccrtain us character. We have bellowed more ateiuian, or. that paper than, poflibly, it dcHrvcs : out it was deemed proper thus to notice ir, that its name might be forgotten by the public. We ibli cit a moment’s attention to the fc I lowing *•>;- traft from their addreis; it vud tefve to dhow the contrail between the profeflion and prac tice cf the party ; It will be the conilant aim of the editors to conduct thei r paper in fiach an impartial manner, as not to favor the party views of any set of designing individuals, while a free difcuillon of public measures will ever be ad | mitred.—But resolving to flupport the liberty of the-press on pure and just principles, they hefifate not to lay that no publications wifi tilde from their prcls calculated merely to I bring the federal government nto disrepute, ; a r co withdraw the confidence’ of the people gom chafe who action ini iter n.” i We (lop th£ press to announce the election jof John Milledge, Esq. Governor, and Ja ‘ hez Bowejj, Esq. a Judge of the sope;b r court of this date. PENNSYLVANIA ELECIION. governor. M'Kean, Rcss City Philadelphia, - - J $K3 151” Nort liern L i berries, - 1*39 265 Budleton, - - - 240 • 146 Germantown, - 4:3 154 South w.rk, Moyamen sing and Pafiyunk, - 736 148 Blockley and Kingfeflingi 4511 -230 SENATOR . Gamble. Hallow el. City, - • - 15c9 1453 I Northern Liberties, - 1108 25c; Bu (Heron, - 229 119 Germantown, - - 430 13S 50ath wa rk, Pc loy a m cnfi n g and Pafiyunk, - 733 143 Bleckley and Kingfdfing* 4429 2156 CO N G ES S . City. County. Total. ’ [ofeph Clay, - 1945 1824 3766 I .rob Richards, - 1901 1819 3720 f.eib, 1844 1.742 3386 George Latimer, - 1599 364 2*63 Perer Browne, - 1572 564 2136 fu-as PreHorq - 1564 336 2 120 Eli (ha Gordon, - 1 8 286 304 * tided. in counci lT •Savannah, November ?st, 1802. ’ i OIYED, That the rcfolutions refpec - ie quarant ne of veffds arriving from t; nore and Philadelphia, be entirely fuf endcd irom this day. Extract from ike m\ri:itss . THOMAS PITT, C. C. FU BLICSALET £ O B E S 0 L U ON WEDNESDAY the so infix On Me firs, Johnflon, Robertson and CRN wharf, That elegant Canoe Boat, called the T W~O S I S T E R, of Savannah. T AT ELY in the fervicc of the I j State cf Georgia, and ftrand on Tybee Beach, with her fads. Cable and Anchor 3 fold for the benefit of all concerned. Any persons deiirous of feeing her will And her at the Fort Wharf. ALSO , EIGHT SHOVELS. G, R. DUKE, Adjutant C. R. November 3 1802. 13 In The ADMIRALTY. MARSHAL’S SALES. Pursuant to a decree of Ibe hen. William’ Stephens E/q. jidge of theJ 'aid -court, will be expo fed to J.tle at the wharf of Johnficn, Robertson ana Cos. cn IVED NESDA7 the 1 o lb day ofNovetn her next } between the hours of 1 o and 1 z o'clok > of the fame day, the fell owing properly to fourt: ‘ P art of th: hip ANN. her Boats, Furniture, Tackle and Apparel, and one fourth part of 3 2C<?'hufiiels Sait, 73 crates Creeker. Ware, 339 bafhcls Goa's, 1572 Stone Border, and 1750 Fan-Tiles, condemned and decreed robe ibldas'che property of WiliiaiimHunter, clecea .e vi, Also, go kegs PAINT cbnSgnfed to Wm. 6 Jas. llanter—-andone case coffin Furniture 4 kegs 3.1 Nails, and 5 kens rod Nails, con (igned to Robert & John Bolton, in part fatisfaftion of a decree on a Hypothecations Bond, at the fust of John Potter, libellant. Condition of fate Case. G. Iv. I>UIvE, Dfpt. Marshal Sav. October 26. ‘“MARSHAL’S OFFICE, ALL perrons who have any leaea claims on the SCHOONER BETSEY, fold ‘by tne Marshal, wiil present thei** accounts at this office. November 3, 1862. CUSTOM-HOUSE , District of Savannah. ANY person willing to engage, to weigh acid keep in their stations, and in re -1 pair, the Buoys that are* or may be provided, as guides to the entrance of Savannah river, •will early, notify in writing to the fubferi ber* at what rate per annum he will per form the service. THO. JOHNSON, Collector. Sept. 17. saw if. CUSTOMHOUSE. OFFICE hours, from * before 9, A. M. to ~ before TANARUS, P. M. Savannah, October, 1802. . WAN i ED To Hi we.; BY the month, a Cooper, to work on a Rice Plantation. Enquire of ‘the editors of this paper* s 11 L R 1 P F S’ $ A L E. ON Tucfday the 7th Day of December next vvili be loid, by public Auction aitne Court Houle in this City, between me noUiS of 10 and 3 o clock a Horse Idddieand ondle seized as the property of Tohn Dews. THOs. NORTON S. C. C. November 6, 1802. FOR SALE. A HANDSOME, LTGHT QOACHEE; eif calculated for tliis couniry, BUILT by George and John Rozel, of Trenton, (New-Jersey,) whofc work is (on well known to need any further recom mendation : for terms apply to JOSEPH ARNOLD. ho%\ 6. too pieces prime Cotfon Bilging, 5° ‘“-R. CIDER. Apply as above; , JAMES A TTJVjL£sO~N~. ‘ | NFORMS his friends,and the Public, that J. be ivo v:pcnt am i ut FiCE at his house near the Court. Hmife, where, he draws INSTRUMENTS of WRITING, of any, ahd every delcription, with accuracy arid dispatch. / November 6 1802. t Q w o o i\ THOSE who wlfli to purchafc from the Subscriber, please obferve# that four Doilars per dray load is the price. JACOB CUNES. November 6 j Ub F RECTdVEi;. * O 1 the Brig Elenor from Boflon“5oo pair O quality Negro Shoes at the Savannah Shoe Store. G. TUFTS, S3 Cos. November 6. 70 BE RENTE EE “ \ CON V ENIEN T Two (lory Hqufc / jLjL (with good our Build inns) at the Weft end of the Town, near George WoodruflTFqrs. PofibiTion can be given imtdiately for terms apply to. JACOB MARXSTENE. Voverber 3 1 802. ( r f , V) / To Fi ERG iiA Nn. * A person in the Mercantile line, fettled ac a frail village, m tne-Country, where huh ness may be done to great advariuge, is dehro. s of a Partnfr. who can advance Four thun fa nd Dollars in Cash or Dry Goods, well hi. I in to that amount, or would ha/r no objeA’on to being concerned, with a larue imponi ..y wholesale house which would fFoolv Cos! aiTortments at coil and charges.—ln r ( ,f a partner who would refute on the fpoq he can be accommodated with the family, vho arc poffefled of neceilarv conveniences.— b.r further particulars on this fubjedi, enqui:; ,f the printer, and add refs a fc,v lines rs the; will direct. November 2, j 802. . . , yf PUBLIC AUCTION. On MONDAY tbs B tb infant at ten o'clock , will be fold on Dennis nd WHUam*s Wharf, to chj'e .ales. to barrels Srrar. J • o 10 hhds. ditto, s ditto W. /. Rum , wV 7 c ‘difto T maica\ ditto. 5 ditto Moiafes, 10 Boxes Hazdnnah S'tgar, Conditions —A// jums under too dollars*- rath \ all over that sum, notes at 60 dayj* witb approved en dorters. L; 11 ILL \ A uclEneer . November 3, 1802. R. LULLS , ¥” T* S Just received on cbnfignrnerr. jf jf at Ills Auction Store, Coin use ad Row, an assortment of Low priced cloths* Blue Strouds cafimeres, plains, - Striped fvyansdowns, green baze worHed hole, printed goods, white humhums, checks, dowlas, plattillocs. Three small Bales of Coarfie woollens, and four cases of hats, aiTort ed. 1 Jett of mahogany tables, 1 large dining table, 1 Bureau, An Elegant fide board, 1 Riding chair with plated harness Jamaica and W. I. Rum in llhds* Brovyn sugar in hhds and blls, Coffee in bao-$, Excellent sweet oil in boxes Ail of which will be fold at the mol reduced prices. Savannah October 19, 1802,