Georgia republican & state intelligencer. (Savannah, Ga.) 1802-1805, November 10, 1802, Image 1

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Georgia) Republican & State Intelligencer. Six D.liars * Tear, Half in Advance* GEORGIA REPUBLICAN, VoLUM! I. T'o. 14. . ” ] WAR DEPARTMENT August 1 5, igoi. TT J HERE AS, by a law of Cory refs puffed V V fjH dfjth day of April i3oz, it was enu iUi% c That, it [hall be the duty of the Secre tary of ITar fp deceivesall claims to l S'. /ids f o7 \ sh ‘Lt Ary ftrvices , &}7 < clazn*: per reaphcais3 of j zv ’rr a- is :j ued f* o:n its 0 dee, cr fir cm the lurid j of Ttrgtma, cr ts. plots ad cytifc ies of jwe:*ys handed at Jut h war rents jv -gejied to have is'. y? left or deftreyed ; until the fmft day of JeAuary .v. and no longer ; and inured} dels t hereafter to report the fame to Cohgrjs, defy no, ting the number of claims cf each deferL lion, ‘with bis opinion thereon f No'ice is hereby given, To all per Jen: eh ring lands for military fcrviccs , that they man; lodge in this elite, prior to the. fir J day of January next, documents to prove the validity of their claims, Comiffioncd officers,furgeor.s and surgeons mate.’ §■’ their legal representatives muff produce evi dence to prove that they fievved in the array cj the United S tales to the end of the zvar, cr that they were deranged by are joint kn of Centre is, which did not bar their claim (j military Louiuy lands It will aljo be necefirry for tie representative: cj officers <Sc killed in fir-vice to prod see evidence to prove, that the perfopt was “ flairs by the ene my fi IE ’’ c • -nrti fifionedofficers, musicians and p vi va ’bcir legal rep re. tent a lives muff produce ev /isK:. tr. prove, that they estifled to fi ve in the rr -r, o l the United Stales during the war end 1 but they cTtully jerved until the end of aid war, j,; zv .1 alfio be nccefiary for the rtprfea ts* trues of n “Si - com m ifjiov.ed offers. (Ac. who we*c erJided during the war and were kit lea in the erv'c*, to produce evidence to prove that were <c flam by the entwvT 11 DEARBORN. Secret try of Ter. WAN 1 ED. A BOAT that wUi carry from ten to twelve C mis cm Wood, for which cash ! WiR oe s} /en : .>:■mir o. ABRAHAM D. ABRAHAMS. Military Agent for the * Southern Department, Any re-To , w iking to contract for remov ing tlie e::r ; Carriages See. from vr. Til* > w: ; else'Magazine will pieafe to apNv •*, u.m ■ UcL.b. r , . tf r--; - tttcTt: v ■ * f .*J * C ,v * T .ey *> ‘ ♦ v. I*l ♦w i j a 1 e t c do. 10 s refpec : ’ : eor veil'd s arriving from o ■ t■ s >*c- .oil ibidaJciphid, be entirely fuf pciiued ilO : Ir.s u :y. Extract from the m mutes. THOMAS PIT f, C. C NOTICE, ALL pcrfjns having any demands againlt rht* bfta e Os William Weil F?q. lase of Liberty : tAuntv, de'taf.’d, art* requeued to render rhe fame to Meilr>. Jan es <sc William Roberts, at Riceborough cr to tne Suafcriber. , JOHN JONES. Adminitlrator. Sunbury, August, 19 iSc2, ;ti NOTICE, THE Public are hereby cautioned eiguinfl receiving a note drawn by theJubfcriber in favor of James Read of G> een County for finer ! Hundred Dollars , dated April Ic, 18 02, payable in Ninety days as the payment of the [aid nets will be disputed and if brought to court, it w:l ie made to appear, that it ought not tc he paid. JAMES COCHRAN. Limerick September, 11 I*o2. F O U N D, BETWEEN the Custom-house, and Mr. Moore's, by a Negro Boy, a BANK NOTE, the owner may have it by deicribing it, and paying for this adverciferr.cnt —It is expefbed the Boy will be rewarded for his Uonefty.—Apply at the Cufcom-houfe. Savannah, nth October, ISO 2. PUBLIC SALE. I <J D E .V 0 L JJ CN W EDNESD A Y the i o nl. On Me firs. Johnfto.n, Robert son and’ w harf, That elegant Cense Beat, called the T W O SIS PE R, of TAvtinnah . I ATELY m theferviccWh * j State of Georgia, and tlrar.d-j oa Tybee Beach, in-i fads.l Cable and Anchor - f !;:i {or the benefit of ail { Concerned. Any ptrferns'defi.rous °f feeing I her will find her at ihe ho*t Wharf. A i S O, j EIGHT SHOVELS. G, R. DUKE, Adjuwrtt C. R. s’ *BO2, *2 In 1 a,e ADM iIi AL il. MARSHALS SALE-. Ptirfacini -.0 a decree cf Ibe hen. IVilliam Stephens | Eq judge cj t heJ ad court, wdl be eypdjed tc\ Ja.e at tOc uivuij 0j joiorjtcn, La bettfon and ! (.sO.C/i iyE DiV lJ ri j. true 10/ o day cj is oven j her next, between ire bewrs of 10 and 1 z o'dob, j cf the jams any, the fcl.owing property to'’ wit : - feenh part of the fivp ANN. he ( r Boats, Furniture, dlAbfifiN&s i i'.ttkieadd and one iourth put of 325© bushels Sa.t, 7$ crates Ciocuerv j Ware, 339 bufhns Coass, 1572 Stone Bottles \ and 1730 Pan Tiles, condemned and decreed to be fold as the l r. perty of Vv iliianriiHunter, | deceafcd, ‘ | A-ifo, bo kegs PAINT confi -ned o Won. | 4 kegs 3d Nans, and 5 kegs jod Nails, con I fig'.ed to Robert h John Bolton, in pari I idtisl.iCuon of a decree on a Hypothecations | Bond, at the fust of John Potter, libellant. Condition of jale Cash. G. R. DUKE, Dfpt. Marshal Sav, MA ii biiALb Uhh 1 E, ‘ ALE periaus w r ho liave any lea :a claims on the SCHOONER BETSEY, fold j up tiiw M .1 iiu,i, wni prelwiit tiic.i'* acuoums at j this office. Nov*.nucr 3, 1 See. A U 11, K i p’ t’ S A A L L. ON Tueiiuy Ihr 7th Day of December nexi wni oc njio, by paouc Auction ou me Court i.iOviie m tins City, between the liOors ol 10 and 3 o’olock. a Horie iaddle and bridge lei zed as uic piogertv oi jonn Dew*. 1 iio> hjk sod o. c. c. November 6, 1 iio2. JAMES M. fVILLSQN. TNFORivi) ins iV.enjs, and the Public, that 1 he has opened an OFFICE at his ho :fe near tne Court H mie, wheie, he draws INS FRUMEN l‘S of WRi FiNG, cf any, and every dcieiiption, with accuracy, and diipatdi. Noveuiber 6 z‘6o2. (if)’ CuSiO'A liJJsii,, DiStnCi ot Savannah.! AN 1 pencil widmg to engage, to weigh* .nd iceep m tne>r Stations, and in re-j pai , the Buoys that are, or may oe provided,! as guides to tne entrance ot Savannah river.! will early notfiy in writing to the lubfcr** qer, at what rare per annum he will per form the service. THO. JOHNSON, Collcftor. * Sept. *7 ‘ iawrf. To MERC HA Ni S. A person Jn the Mercantile line, fettled at a small village in the country, where bu fin ess may be done to great advantage, is desirous of a Partner who can advance Four tleou fimd Dollars in Cash or D.y Goods, well laid in to that amount, cr would have no objection to being concerned with a lame importing wholesale houfie which would supply full adornments at cofi: and charges.—ln case of a partner who would reside on the spot, hr can be accommodated with the family, who j are poiTcfTed of neccfiary conveniences.—For ! further particulars on this fubiefl, enquire at | the printer, and addrels a few lines as they I will direct, 7/o vein be r 2, 1802. ~ JUST RECEIVED, T>Y the Brig Elenor from Boil on 500 pair |3 quality Negro Shoes at the Savannah Shoe S:ore. G. TUFTS, GfoV. November 6 . * (4.) SAVANNAH, Pk bv LYON cf MORSE. NOVEMBER 10, 1802. MERCANTILE L MATHEMATICAL ACAD E M H. MR. COX; grateful for the kind patro nage he has uniformly experienced inceihe commencement of his Academy; nas tne pieafure of announcing the liberality (and the honorable the Mayor and Aldermen, in avmg granted him another room in the Citv t .2d, .n ivniuh the }oung will be hence-* forward inftrufled. ■ If youth of either sex being accommo thte-'i wud a different apartment wilt add o'jCf, to tne to,, of the Academy, a id cott'r.bute to accelerate their Rudies. i r TJ y W ‘anted an A fin Lint °f !U abilities, who must produce un quefrionalvle rdl mor y Ah:* iobriery, oiferc tiO.a ad i’idtidry, A French tutor will attend the Academy, as loc n .5 fifteen le ho Lars are deuious of itu olyin;.r til it Lnmaue. _ o October 27. r s 3000 doi Lars reivard , |w- . > \ % /"ILL he p?;d hy the Underwriter: ♦jfcHLYA Li** y y on the be he oner Durciieller, t *y per (on or peribns who will drag for and raise the Schaoner Dorchdfer, Penrnflcr, late master, *abou 50 ? ons burthen The Schooner fa led from Tybee or the 8 b. of Ruguff lafi, about 4 . -Vioclr, P. M. bound for N flau; at I2frme night (he funk, supposed in fr. tn ict: 15 fathoms water and from io to 17 Issues fr-m the Bar. There is fa id to be in a f, ;a ); ‘l u-'k locked down in the run, 3640 Doubloon?, irr- Lm da: 61,880 Dollars. A faivage of one fourth of •and! the money recovered by railing the veils J. will a!f oe allowed in addition to the above reward. Further niforma ion may be had on application to the Under writers, in Charledon. N. B. ‘I he printers in Savannah, New- York and Baltimore, are requeued 10 publu'h the above. Sep'embtr 8. - FOR NEW-PORT, The Sloop Sallv, -JJjS/jfcS j'ENDED as a conflant tra tier during the winter from this p or t to the lbuthern ports of this fbte — fhe has goo t accommodations for fre.ght or paffengtrs. Tne Crjalleft favor will be thankfully received. For farther particuLn. enquire of Mr. Samuel Howard, or o! Isaac N. Meserve, mailer, on Board. October 23, > 802. A SORREL HORSE, WAS found yclierday, in a swamp, in White-Bluff Diilrid, fallencd in ; ilrong manner to a tree, and apparently in i very ilarving condition. He is about 14 • . o • hands high, has a white itreak in his forehead, no brand, bat exhibits the marks of the collar j and tiiC laddie. | The owner is requeued to call, pay charges and take him a Way. ‘ JOHN BAILLER. White-Bluff, October 28, 1802. T H Q M A S and CODE Y, Tailors and Ladies’ Habit-Makers, : | / ! F ULLY inform the Gen~ JL\ tlemen and Ladies cf Savannah, and its ! Vic tatty, that they have commenced buftnefs in ! thehouje nearly adjoining tbs UNIVERSAL i Sid Oil-S i ORE, where they intend carrying cn Use bvjinfs in all its various branches and newest fajhions: Theft Gentlemen and Ladies who will pie ye to favor them with their cujlom , may rely cn their having work done with neatness and djpciuh. Nov, 3, 1802* • (&•) JACOB IDLER, BEGS leave to inform the Merchants Planters and others that he has had the | nonor to obtain a patent from the United S’tates for four different machines for packing Cotton in square bales j which they execute jin a more compact and expetitious wav than •; av hitherto invented ; they will beef a srear if* J utility to the community at iarge, two of the laid machines a& without ferews and are far preferable and more expeditious than any machines with ferews of any dimer*(ions, aaJ may be worked with any kind ofpower. N. B. Tne above machines nave been ad mirtd by fome or the firit mathematicians in the United States. Oflober 9, i302. ts THECONSTITUTION, OF the Repub-ican Eufiliers, is ready to r delivery to the members at this OtEabcr 27, Twelve and a HAf Cents Single THE SUBSCRIBER, Offers Aisjervtces bo As fri:;Js and the f nTii:, hi the * Factorage, Vendue, and CO MAfiSSION BUSINESS. As he means to cesfhie himfelf firifi’y bo rice above bffine!;, he flatters himfelf he Jh ill be able tegiv* fali sjanion io the he who may ezipLv him. JOSEPH ARNOLD, Csrfnerce Row. Nov. ;. r T - t, , „ , „ ■— *■- FRESH FLOUR. J ff> cccraedfcm Bast but f, r\ ico Barrels Superfine _ F LO U R. *t .Rb'ub U jdJ fir iO*’ 1) or A • s L i/ a*js. ~ Att>!\ io JOSEPH A RXOLD, Cxmcm Row. November lKo2. FOR SALE. AHAKDaU.UE, LIGHT COACHE; We 11 calculated for tliis country, ‘OUiLTby George and John RozH, of %.J> Trenton, (New-Jerky,) whole work in. foo well known to nrd any further recom mendation ; for terms a r >ply io JOSEPH ARNOLD, i Nv, 6 . ICO pieces prime Cotton Bagging, 5 () bbD. CID L. Iv. Apply as above, w o odT TB-lOSE who wi-li to purchase Wood fro-m the Subscriber, please oblVrve, chat four Dollars per dray load is rhe pri m* JACOB CUNES. November 6 igo2. (iwßw) TO LET ~ ~ 4 HOUSE 35 feet by *8 an a iot of i GO l'%. Ret m front and co feet deep fnuv.e in -VC gil < liiiiiiil StrcCi, A-tivj it luiiil pi-Tienc in York tlrz-'t .apjVv four doorsl i from the corner cf York and JefiFrfon Streets^ M. VALLOTTAN. , Odiob :r 16, , 6t WANTED TO RENT, “ A SUFFICIENCY of good cotton and Pro v jiou lend on cr near the [alls, as would employ about twenty workers and for which the high est price will be given, and no objection sad to an advance cf rent. Apply at this ojfi.e. Sept. I. ~~ NO!ICE. WE are dire Red by John Mi Hedge the ex ecutor of the efiate of the late Jacob 19 aid burger to notify to all prrfons whatever h’S prohibition again ft hunting on that part cf tie Jfl and of St. Catherine's belonging to the jaid cjlate , being tot he Nort-b the Stock having cf late been much Ufsencd by such pradtife, and other injury done and after this noli ecu ll feel Uimf-lf bound to prosecute to the extent of the law, all per Jo ns found to violate it- WILLIAMSON (ft MOREL, An guff, 28 1802. Wilt be exchanged jor NEGROES. A TRACT of LAND, a ooul three hundred acres : one hundred as prime rotton land as any In Georgia, and fiteatior equal to ary in ths Hate: with a good duelling and cu;.-hcules, &c* immediately cn the fibs. For particular*, anplv to WILLIAMSON k MOREL. • Eeptembir 10, 1802. TO BE REN FED. AND pofiffion given cn the fir ft day of Octo ber 7iext,tbeStort at prey cut occupied by Mr I Thomas M. C. Harris near the exchange. D. B. MITCHELL I September ; r. * t N O T I C E. j \ \M> indebted to thr fubferiber Jljl on Lis former concerns are foiicited to call and pay of their accounts As muclj * longer indulgence not be <i’ven. i ‘ “ ‘ ‘ ‘ JOHN GLASS* ! OF.ober,