Georgia republican & state intelligencer. (Savannah, Ga.) 1802-1805, November 24, 1802, Image 2

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of k h<* u high federal charadfer.” Wc ihereforr state it as our decided opin ion, and on which we think the public ma v with afety re’y, that General 11 AM- l row is that Ci high federal rharafier.” His connection with Mr. Ogden, the negociator, is known to be of the moft intimate and endearing kind. His knowledge of the r.egoci anon, will not therefore be doubted. He is also known as having long held predoo inant controul” in the federal party. The afhul influence of gen eral Hamilton in that party corref. ponds precifcly with the defeription given in the two letters. Befules, there are other corroborating circum flanres which irrefiftably impose upon us the belief that general Hamilton is the “ high federal character” deferib ed. Wt will mention a powerfnl one. During the fitting of the Supreme Court of this fate at Albany, in the winter of 1801, jofiah Ogden Hoff man, F*'p invited in that city, a party of gentleman to dine. General Ham ilton, Judge Troup, Judge B. Liv inofon, and Judge Pendleton, all of the city of New-York, were of the party. After dinner general Hamilton declared openly, that Mr. Burr had intrigued with a federal gentleman to efrefi his election to the prefidenev.— When fpokrn ter on the boldness of the declaration, general 1 lamilton ad ded t.hai he could prove if, or it could be proved in a court cf justice ! The negociation was there made no secret c r : general Hamilton made the de claration aloud and without reserve. There are other faffs in our pof feff.on, which authorife us to (late, unequivocally, that general Plam jlton is the “ high federal character” alluded to in the two letters. If he is net, he will deny it publicly ; if he is, he has too much honor and inte grity to difayow an aCt of his own. If these faCts (land in need of corro boration, there are concurring circum flances in abundance which (trongly indicate the existence of the plot. The letter dated Washington, 29th Janu ary, 1801, dates that Mr. Burr oh ferved, in reply to the feccnd propo fuion of the negcciator, to wit, <c what co-operation he could and would af ford towards procuring fncccfa to his own election ?” That u the federal ids might be allured that New-York and Tennessee on a second ballot, would vote for him, and that probably New-Jersey and one of the southern dates might be induced to do the fame.” Such was the answer of Mr. Burr to the fccond proportion of the negotiation* The negotiation was commenced in the city of New-York, about the 15th ot January, 1801. The letter of general Hamilton to a leading fed eral member of congrels, detailing the negotiation, was written about the 20th of the lame month. That which gives the sub (lance of general Hamil ton’s letter, is dated Washington, ntiary 29th, 1801. The negociation was complete before January 20th.— On or about the 24th of January, mr. Burr left this city for Albany, to take his feat in the date aflemhlv. The lame day, or the day after, mr. William P. Van Nefs, who was not a member of the Legfflature, followed mr. Burr to Albany, On the arrival of mr. Burr, enquiries were made of him, touching the presidential election.— To every question he answered, with the utmod confidence and cheerful nefs that mr. Jeiferfon would certainly be elected, and that nn opposition could or would be made in the house of Reprefe tatives. He uniformly treated the idea of material oppolkion in the house as extravagant and chim erical. This was precifcly the con duct of mr. Burr at Albany. And yet he knew that he had negotiated with mr. Ogden to effect his own election to the presidency, and th it in conle quence of that negociation every ef fort within the compals of the federal party would be exerted to acco.nplifh ir. This conduCl of mr. Burr at Al bany, was iuch as every consummate and unprincipled intriguer would adopt. It was a matter of impor tance to him to prevent the tranfmuTi on of letters from Albany to Wash ington, urging firmnefs and persever ance in our representatives i 1 favor of mr. J e fieri on’s election *, and mr. Burr vainly imagined his placed deportment calculated tp corrpafs that object by uV tying reafonablc fears and coudo fi.uj alarming apprehenfuus. IT$ intrigues were, however, perceived by a few individuals at Albany, and his representations were therefore little heeded. Get us now view the conduct of his verv confidential friend mr. William P. Van Nefs of this city, who accompanied mr. Burr to Albanv. Those who have read the “ Narra “ five’’ will perceive that this is the fame gen rleman who negotiated for mr. Burr the iup preflion of the hiffory of the adminittration ot mr. John Adams. (To be continued.) 1 OB HR r & JOHNBOLTON, [lave received per. Jlrp Columbia t from Liverpool , 17 bales firft quality white and blue plains 1 ditto flannel and baize 8 ditto London duffil blankets 7 ditto Bristol, point and role do. 40 pieces blue ftrouds 24 ditto fupei fine broad cloths 24 ditto ditto caffimere 45 ditto drab plains 10 ditto striped and spotted elaftios 29 bales cotton bagging 4 ditto fail duck \ 2 ccfcs Irish Linncn 12 pieces girth webbing 50 dozen romai handkerchiefs j ditto cotton counterpanes 9 casks broad hoes 2 ditto grubbing hoes and club axes 2 dozen frying pans 1 caff: glue 2 dozen corn slopers 1 bale bed ticking 4c boxes 8 by io and ic by u crown window <?lafs 100 kegs white lead 30 ditto Spa nidi brown ,2.tons fliect lead 1 dozen tin feales 1 cafc Duffy's elixer and Britilh oil ~ dozen scale beams from 3 to 5 feet long with weights 500 iron pots and ovens 4coo bushels of fait 58 calks Bd, rod and 2od nails 4 calks cutlery and hardware 1 dozen cross-cur f.tws 24 ditto rice and sickles .1 ditto elegant laddies 2 ditto portmanteau trunks 60 pieces durant and bombazette 2 trunks hosiery, October 12. ts FOR SALE. A TRACT OF LAND, IN Franklin County granted toLeonardMar bury. contain more or less. 1380 acres bounded Southwardly by Baker’s land South eaftwardiy by Horatio Ma r bury’s land on all other Tides by vacant land. A Tract ofland in Franklin County, gran ted to Leonard Marbury, centaining more or less, 1130 Acres bounded Northweftwardly by Charity Marbury’s land Northeaftwardly by vacant land K and Southealtwarclly by Ba ker’s land* A TraCt in Burk County 350 Acres, op the North fide -of Briery Creek \ (old by the CommilTioners of Con fife a ted Property in Dcember 3784. EBENE2ER STARK. October 9 1802. Mores Wharf. 7HESUBSCRIBERS. HAVING rented convenient Stores on Harden and Jones’s Wharf (formerly Clarkes) offer their lervices to their friend and the Public as Factors and Commiifion Merchants. BULLEN & HARDEN. October 9, 1802. iwtm. _ ‘ i A BANK BILL, WAS offered for change rathe fubferi ber by a black man named Harry, foi less than its Value, and (topped with a belief that it came illegally into his poffeilion : He at firff laid he received it in payment for his wages, but afterwards that he found it. The owner will receive iton evidencing his claim, and paying expence. JO’s. DAVIS, next door to Turnbull •and Marflial]. Savannah Nov. 20. (™t) NOTICE. THOSE indebted to Grimbali Robert, are requested to make payment with out procraffination. Should any demand ex i(t againlt him in this irate, or otherwise he hopes it will be made known, as he is not ap prized of any. Having experienced a recent loss in his fa m lv, operates against a continuance in lus prefcnt line of buhnefs j he expeCts to de cline the fame and remove to South-Carolina. Thole who have favored him with their friendly and pun&ual dealings, will pleafc icevpc his molt greaiful thanksYor daejfame ; but no further credit can be allowed. November 10. (4?.) JACKSON HARTSTENE. Have juji received per ship Columbia , Captain Fofdick from Liverpool , 6 Bales white and Coloured Plains, 4 ditto London Duffil and Bristol Blankets 1 ditto fuperfine and coarse cloths, I ditto white and coloured flannels, 1 ditto cafimeres, and fwansdowns, I ditto eiaftiesand coatings, 50 ps. bed Invernels Cotton Bagging, 30 ditto do. flaxen and tow Ofnaburgs, 1 trunk of Silk and Cotton Hole, 1 case sheeting and brown Holland, 1 ditto Cambric, Thread, Bobbin, Tapes See. 1 ditto black Bombazine, Durants and Sewing silk, 1 ditto fcamens blue trowfers, and jackets 1 ditto Cornflopers, (Oznaburgs, and Coloured thread,) w 20 Casks Nails aflbrted flzes, 1 ditto lines, fewiug twine and shoe thread, 1 ditto Glue, 1 ditto and 2 Cases hard ware, CONSISTING of Corn Mills, Steelyards, Pad Locks, Shovels and Tongs, Fire Dogs, Woffle Irons, Chest Locks, Landscape time pieces, Crop whips, Bridcis Cruet frames, Gentleman Tool Chests Canfiters, Japand Waeters, ditto Trays&c. 1 Calk Patent Shot, 1 ditto House Brooms, Hearth and Scrub bing Brushes, 2 ditto Broad Hoes, ditto Club Axes and Socket Spades, 6: Kegs Paint (white and Sparfifh Brown) 2 Boxes Mustard, I ditto Chamomile flowers, Men’s and Women's Hats, Thick fetes, jenets, and Velveteens, Furniture Chintzes Cotton and linen Handkerchiefs Iron Pots and Camp Ovens Crockery Ware, See. ON CONSIGNMENT, 3 cases Men’s HATS, fir It quality, which will be fold low for Calk. ON FI AND, 150 ps. Caliicoes, 100 ditto Humhums, 30 ditto fail Duck, 30 ditto Dimities, 50 ditto Chtctcs, Mullins Ginghams, Cambrics, Linens, See. 5 doz. Green Chairs, Groceres Sec. Savannah GCtober 2 3. ts CAUTION. THE Public are cautioned against trad’ ing for or receiving in pay two Note s of a hundred dollars each payable at (ixtY and nintey days, dated in August last give n by the fubferiber to Peter Knight now in S l Marys as said Knight has hnce that date be come indedted to me. JOHN CROSBY. November 1 o 1 802 (^t) IVAN 7E D. * ON Ift JANUARY, A PERSON who is well acquainted JVith the culture of Cotton and Management of negroes to take charge of thirty hands on the IJland af Ojjabau, tofueb aperjon producing good recommo dation liberal wages will be given , a Single man will be prefered. WILL IA MS ON id MOREL. November 1 o (ts) DAVIS id VANAUSDOL, Painters, Glaizers, & Gilders. RESPECTFULLY inform the inhabi tants ofSavannah and its vicinity, that they now carry on the business in all its vari ous branches, at their chop in Broughton Street, formerly occupied by Me.srs. Butler Sc Muce, where all orders will be thankfully received, Sc executed k wuh neatnels and dis patch, % N. B. for sale two elegant carriages, at the above fliop. November 10. (2awtf IHE LAST OF THE EDITION. just received. And for sale at this office. A num!>er cf copies of “ Proofs of a conspi racy, againlt Chnftianity, and the Govern mentof the United States; exhibited in several views of the union of Church and State in New-England, BY ABRAHAM BISHOP.’’ Those who would wish to poflefs this excellent work, are reaUefled to call soon, as the few copies on hand, constitute the whole of those unibidin the United States. ( Price one Dollar.) FOR SALE, A FEW PIPES Cogniac Brandy by , Williamjbn & Morel. November 17. (ts) - -■ -■ 1 ——— - - FOR S ALE. 37 pieces large timber, or pine logs ftom 25 to 35 feet long, 12 by 12 and upwards. Information will be had at yames T komsQn. November 17. 3t NOTICE. PROPOSALS will be received until the 26th day of this month, from any persons willing to undertake to build a brick kitchen at the go and, 20 feet long and 20 feet, wide, to find all the mterials. The (tory to be 10 feet, and to be covered with rile, For any further information apply to, Levi She/tall, ? EdwardStebbinsS nmmtta * November 17, (^t) Fvr ‘sale? t THE ftuanch well failing BRIG ORIENT, (Laying at Telfair’s wharf) carry 250 bales cotton under not two years old and be lent on a voyage with little or no expence. For terms apply to BEN JAMIN MAURICE, or HENRY KNEELAND & Cos. November 9 4t 14 HE mu’ KNEELAND & Cos. (Morels wharf) HAVE Just received from France a variety ofsilks which will be fold on reafonalbe terms. They have also on hand. AN adornment of Groceries which will be disposed of at reduced prices. November 10 6t 1 SAVANNAH SHOE STORE THE Subscribers having purchased the Stock of Shoes and Boots advertifcd by Mr.Reuben Pearce together with other late arrivals are enabled to offer for sale the moft general and elegant aflfortment af Boots and Shoes of every deferption that was ever offered for falc in this City which will be fold at their usual low prices also 1500 pair of Negro Shoes, G. TUFTS & Cos. November, 13, I2 ( C f) W E T NU R SF, A WET Nurse without a child to hired enquire at thisofhee. November 1 o. TO LET. “ TIVO two Story Houfes 3 in Compleat Repair, Enquire of, Mrs . Minis or Levy Abrahams . Wants Employment CITIZEN, who is well acquainted with business, would accept of a super cargoes birth to the \Veft-Indies ; or would attend to a few lett of merchants, or traders mens books: the colledion of debts, or would write a few hours in the day in a public office. He is well acquainted with the town, be ing a native thereof:—For further particulars enquire at the Office of the Georgia Repbli duly attended to. November 20, 1802. (j t< ) FOR SALE. THE fubferiber, will fell on very reason able terms the trull lot on which he now relides, with the buildings thereon, and all ground rent paid up to the citv, as will by receipts appear if immediate application be imde - BULLOCH. November 20. (aawtf.) NEGROES. ~ FROM twenty to fifty Negroes will be taken shares ‘on as productive a plantation as any on St. Simons. For terms apply to Robert id John Bolton Savannah, Or to Col John Burnett , Brunswick Glynn County. November , 20 THO MAS JAMEs, ~ TAILOR, INFO RMS the Public that he has opened a Jhop on the Bay , near Abercorn Street where he will execute all orders in bis line in a fnperior manner and on a short notice. Fie hopes to merit the continued patronage 1 of bis em ployes. . T. JAMES. Savannah, Augujl 29, 1802,