Georgia republican & state intelligencer. (Savannah, Ga.) 1802-1805, November 27, 1802, Image 1

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Georgia Republican & State intelligencer. Six Dollars a Tear, Half in Advance, GEORGIA REPUBLICAN , Volume I. No. 19. GEORGIA. By his Excellency John Milledge, Go vernor anl Commandtr in Chief of the Army and Navy 0} thisJtate, ando) the Militia thereof. A P R O C L A M A T I O N. W r HERE As John Milled'pe, one of the reprefimtatives of this ft ;te in the Congress of the United states, who was elected and commifiioned to ’ fill £.at feat, and acl as such, until the iourth day of March next, hath made vacant that appointment by accepting the office of Governor. And whereas in and by “ An acl to regulate ilic general eleclions in this Hate, and to appoint the time of the meeting of the general aflembly,*’ pall ed the 11th day of February, 17319, it is among; other tilings declared “ Unit all writs of elections to nil vacancies that may happen for members of the general aliembiy of this Rate, or lioufe of representatives of the United states, Ihalj be dueled to the jidlices of the Inferior conns of the refpc&ive coun ties, who are required to give public notice thereof, andcaufc the fame to be held in manner and form as herein be fore pointed out, agreeably to lueh writ.” I have therefore thought fit to ifFue this my proclamation, hereby notifying directing and ordering the justices ot the inferior courts of the reipecave counties in this Rate, to confider the fame as a general writ of eledlton lor the purpose of filling the vacancy of a member in the Houle of reprefentat-ives ■ the United states, occasioned as her e in before pointed out. And I do hereby require and charge the said JuUices to give due notice that the said dcllion will be held in the re jpetlive counties of this Rate, on JNed nesdav, the fifteenth day ot December • next. * And Ido hereby further require that due return of such election be made to the Executive Department, as in and by the said acl preferibed. Given under my hand and tb.e great seal of the state at the Rate-lioufe, in Louisville, this ninth day of No vember,in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and two : and of the independence of th c United States of America, the twenty-ft venth. JOHN MILLEDGE, By the Governor, Horatio Marbury, Secretary cf State. God five the Rate. MERCANTILE Cf MATHEMATICAL AC AD E M T. MR. COX, grateful for the kind patro nage he has uniformly experienced fiiicc ihe commencement of his Academy; has the pleasure of announcing the liberality of the honorable the Mayor and Aldermen, in having granted him another room in the City Hall, in which the )oung ladies will be hence forward daftrußed. The youth of either sex being accommo dated with a different apaitment will add much to the convenience of the Academv, and contribute to accelerate their Rudies. (fhf Wanted an Afiiftant of suitable abilities, who mull produce nn* questionable testimony of his lbbriety, oifere tion and induflrv. A French tutor will attend the Academy, as soon as fifteen scholars are desirous of flu dying that language, Oflober 27. (ts.) SHERIFFS SAL 2. f me ON Tuesday the 7th Day of December next will be fold, by public Action a t the Court Houle in this City, the flours of 10 and 3 o’clock a Horse fadd ! and feized as thrproperty of John Dews. THOs. NORTON S. C. C. 6, 1802. - _. _ I N COUNCI L, Savannah, November ist, 1 Go?. RESOLVED, That the refolu ions refpcc* ting the quarantine of vefiels arriving from Baltimore and Philadelphia, be entirely lui pended from this and <y. Lxirafl from the minutes. THOM AS PITT, C C. FOR NEW-POKT, The Sloop ‘v.lly, INTENDED as a confront tra der during the winter from this port to tin.* lout hern pot rs of tins flate—fne has gool accommodations for freight or paflengrrs. The f railed favor will be thankfully received. For further particulars enquire of Mr. Samuel Howard, or of Isaac N. Meserve, rnafter, on Board, October 23, .See. FOR SALE. THE fubferiber, wn] fell on very renfo n , able terms the trull lot on which he now rtlidcs, with the buildings thereon, and ail ground rent paid up to the city, as will by receipts appear if immediate application be made. BULLOCH. November 20. (aawtf.) Wants Employment, Cl TIZEN, who is well acquainted l with bulinefs, would accept of a super ■ argoes birth to th* Wdl-ln lies ; or would attend to a few lett of merchants, or trader, nens books: the colledlion of debts, or would write afw hours in the day in a public office. He is well acquainted with the town, be ing a native ritereof:—For further particulars enquire ar the Office of the Georgia Repbli can, or add refs a line to A. G. which well I e duly attended to.” November 20,1802. Gr.) S A VANN AH SHOE STORE •TAH Id Subscribers having purchased the JU Stock of Shoes and Boots advmifed by Mr.Reuben Pearce together with oth.r ]all arrivals are enabled to offer for sale the mofl general and elegant assortment af Boots and Shoes ofevery deferption that was ever offered for I ale m this City which will be fold a iheir usual low prices also 1500 pair of NejrtwShoes, V G. TUFTS & Cos. Nofjjnber, 13, 12 (ts) HENRT KNEEL AND & Cos. (Morels wharf) H AY E Jufl received from France a variety ofsiks which will be fold on reafonalbe terms. They hive also on hand. AN aflortment of Groceries which will be disposed of at reduced prices. November 10 6t 13 NEGROES. FROM twenty to fifty Negroes will Is taken (hares cn as productive a plantation as any on Sr. S121) ons. For terms apply to Robert id John Bolter, Savannah, Or to Col John Burnett, Brunswick Glynn County. November, 20 ts lor sale , Ireight or Charter , THE ftuanch weil failing .brig orient, (Laying at i elfair’s wharf) U q^YS“V Vi 'l carr y 2 .5° bales cotton under deck- ?;s not two years old and may be lent on a voyage with little or no expence. For terms apply to BEN JAMIN MAURICE, or HENRY KNEELAND Sc Cos. November 9 4c 14 SAVANNAH, P. ntld by LYON fc? MORSE. NOV BER 17, 1802. I OBF.RT & JOHN BOLT ON ‘ Have received per. flo p Columbia, from Liverpool , *7 bales firfl quality white and blue plains 1 ditto flannel and baize 8 ditto London duffii blankets 7 ditto Br.ftol, point and role do. 40 pieces blue ftrouds 24 ditto lupeifine broad cloths 24 ditto ditto caflimere 45 ditto dr b plains 10 d.-tto striped and spotted elaflics 29 bales cotton bagging 4 ditto fail duck 2 ca'es Inifi Linnen 12 pieces girth webbing 30 dozen romal handkerchiefs 1 ditto cotrmn counterpanes 9 casks broad hoes 2 ditto grubbing hoes and ebub axes 2 dozen frying pans 1 caff glue 2 dozen corn slopers 1 bale bed ticking 40 boxes 8 by 10 and 10 by 12 crown window glass too kegs white ,ead 30 di to SpanTn brown 2 tons flie t lead f dozen tin scales 1 case Duffy’s elixer and Briufii oil T doz< n (cale beams trom 3 to 5 leet Jong with weights 500 iron pots and ovens 4000 bu Hi els of Lit 3*B casks 81, lod and 2od nails 4 casks cutlery and hardware 1 dozen cross-cut Lws 24 ditto rice and sickles 1 ditto elegant laddies 2 ditto portmanteau trunks ho pieces dm ant and bombazette 2 trunks hosiery. October 12. ts jAC K. SON & HAITI STENE. Have just received per fljip Columbia, Captain Fcjdick from Liverpool , 6 Bales white and Coloured Plains, 4 ditto London Duffii and Briiioi Blankets 1 ditto leper fine and coarle cloths, 1 ditto vvinte and coloured flannels, 1 ditto Crifimeres, and Lvansdowns, I ditto dailies and coatings, 5° ps. bed fnvernefs Cotton Bagging, 30 ditto do. flaxen and tow Ofnaburgs, 1 trunk of Silk and Cotton Hole, 1 caie jfhecting and brown Holland, 1 ditto Cambric, Thread, Bobbin, ‘Tapes Sec. 1 ditto black Bombazine, Durants and Sewing silk, 1 ditto Teamens blue trowfers, and jackets I ditto Cornflopers, (Oznaburgs, and Colouied thread,) 20 Casks Nails aflbrted lizes, 1 ditto lines, fewiug twine and flioe thread, 1 ditto Glue, 1 ditto and 2 Cases hard ware, CONSISTING of Corn Mills, Steelyards, Pad Locks, Shovels and Tongs, Fire Dogs, Locks, Landscape time pieces, Crop whips, Bndcls Cruet frames, Gentleman Tool Chests Camllers, Japand Waeters, ditto Trays See. 1 Calk Patent Shot, 1 ditto House Brooms, Hearth and Scrub bing Brushes, 2 ditto Broad Hoes, ditto Club Axes and Socket Spades, 6o Kegs Paint (white and Spanish Brown) 2 Boxes Mustard, 1 ditto Chamomile flowers, Men’s and Women’s Hats, 1 hickfects, Jenets, and Y r elveteens, Furniture Chintzes Cotton and hnen Handkerchiefs Iron Pots and Camp Ovens Crockery Ware, Sec. ON CONSIGNMENT, 3 caies Men’s HATS, firfl quality, will be fo'ri low for Cass. ON HAND, 130 ps. Caliicoes, 100 ditto Humhurrs, 30 ditto fail Duck, 30 ditto Dimities, 50 ditto ChecKS, Muffins Ginghams, Cambrics, Linens, See. 5 doz. Green Chairs, Groceres See. Savannah, OR. ts r-zve Ive and a Half Cents Single Negroes for sale. Ten Prime Slaves for Sale, Among which, are Field slaves, House wenches, and servant boys—they are African born, and have been several years in ihe country —A liberal credit will be given on a part of the above negroes.—Tor terms, appiv to, JOs. ARNOLD. November 24th, 1802. 1 rom the American Citizen. LETTER EIGHT. Proof of the negotiation between a Fed rou gentleman, authsrijed by the leadin'* ecderalifls at Wnfhington, and Mr. Butr so place himfef in the Presidency, at the late election, t The minsflcr who by secret corruption “ invades the fjeedom eie&ior, and the rtif u ban who by opjfcn violence deliroys that “freedom, arc embarked in the lame bot “ lo ui.” Junius. To the PEOPLE cf the UNITED STATES. (Continued ) YY hile mr. Burr was openly declar ing at Albany that there was no found ation for apprehension concerning the election of mr. Jefferfon, his private and confidential friend, mr. William P. Van Nefs, observed, in secret, a conduO the very reveife. Mr. Van Nefs was unremittingly employed in Umbering the ncgociation of nv*. Burr and mr. Ogden. While at Albany, he wrote a letter to our reprefenrative, mr. Edward Livingflon, then at Wash ington, representing it as the fertfe cf the republicans cf this fiats, that ‘after the firfl cr Peered vote hi the house, Mr. fefierjen jhould be given up 11 This cor idponds with mr. Burr’s reply to the second proposition of mr. Ogden, the negociator, namely, that “an a second bailor, New-York would vote for bald” We do not assert that mr. YLan Nefs wrote the letter to mr. Living flon on vague report; it is flared as an undeniable fact, one which, if noC ti tit, is enfy of refutation. i lie names of mr. Nefs the writer, and of mr. Livingflon the receiver of tlie let ter, aie mentioned ; both of whom five in this city. ivlr. Burr also replied to the second proposition of mr. Ogden, “ on a se cond ballot New-Jerky might lie in duced to vote for him.” What covert measures mr. Burr took to endeavour ro eff.£l this, is nor known ; but this 1S certain that mr. Van Nefs wrote a letter to an influential republican who 1 cades at Poughkeepsie, urging hun n Lrong terms to procure letters from Nevv-Jerfey, a; viling the New-Jrrfe/ republican members of congress to drop mr. Jefferfon on the second ballon in the house. Such were the proceedings of mr. Durr and his confidential friend mr. Van Nefs at Albany, proceedings, wliich, exa&ly accord with the terms ot the negociation concluded between mr. Burr and mr. Ogden. Nor were the confidential friends of mr. Burr Ti lent or inactive in this city. Mr. Matthew L,. Divis, cue cf tbede pof la ties cf the furets of Mr. IS ire r, and on this account only deserving of notice, ran about from republican to republican during the ballotfng in th* house, declaring that the republicans in congress aded very improperly in not giving up mr. Jefferfon, avering that they muff evidently abandon him, that persevering in oppofitron would injure the feelings of mr. Burr, and ttiat no one could forties the conie quences of such (lubborn ccr.ducl, iT mr. Burr fhouid at any length be elect ed ! It is probable that mr. Davis at tout time was apprised of the negoci2- tion between mr. Burr and mr. Ogden. Our wonder at the pertinacity of the lederaLffs in tfie house of reprefenta cives will henceforward ceaie. The cause of it may now be clearly per_ ceived, That opposition to mr. Jes.