Georgia republican & state intelligencer. (Savannah, Ga.) 1802-1805, December 15, 1802, Image 1

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■ .% Georgia Republican & State Intelligencer. Six Dollars a Tear , Half in Advance, GEORGIA REPUBLICAN, Volume I. No. 24. F, 7 Hills, received on Confinement ly the Ship 1 i Comet, 20 LVc\r Woollens, mojjly Coarse , which will he fold exceeding low, ty the hale, at his Auflien Store Commerce row, for Cafl or good upland Cotton, November 27. ts To MERCHANT S, A PERSON in the Mercantile line, fettled ar a small village in the country, where buliness may he done to great advantage, is desirous of aPa rtnfr # who can advance Four thon ifand Dollars in Cash or D.y Goods, well laic n to that amount, or would have no objection to being concerned with a large importing wholesale house which would fjpply fun at cod and charges.—ln cTc o'’ a partner who would re tide on the spot, he can be accommodated with the family, who are poiTcffcd of necefftry conveniences.—For further particulars on this iubjecd, enquire of the printer, and add refs a few lines as they will direff. November 2, 1802. BANKRUPTCY. WHEREAS a commilfioh of Bankrupt cy is awarded, and ifiueri form again!! W illiam Thompson of Savannah, merchant, and he being declared a bankrupt, is hereby required tofurrendcr himfelf to tne confirms iloners in the laid com m i Ifi on, ri a.r. ed ; or the major part of them, 0.1 the 17 th and 24th clays of November, inst. an !on the 15 I1 o( December next, at ten o’clock in the forenoon of each day, at the Coffee house in the city ot Savannah, and make a full difeovery and dd clofnrc of his edate and tffuffs, when and where the creditors are to come prepared to prove their debts; at the second fitting to choose adignecs. And at the lad fitting the fa id bankrupt is required to-finifh his exami nation, and the creditors are to assent to, or or dissent from the allowance of his certificate All persons indebted to laid bankrupt, or that have any of his effeffs, are not to pay or deli-, ver the fame, but to give notice to W. B. BULLOCH, Solicitor. November 10. . THE SUBSCRIBER, Offers his JerAces to his friends and the public , in the g m Factorage, Vendue, and f COMMISSION BUSINESS, As Lc+icaus to confine himfelj fir icily to the above business , he flatters himfilf he flali be able to give j at isfdel ton to thole who may employ him. JOSEPH ARNOL D, Commerce Row. Nov. 3. PROPOSALS, FOR CARRYING Mails of the United States, On the following P est-roads: Will be received at the General ftoft-Office at ft/afh ington, until the iScb day of January inclusive. IN SOUTH-C AROLINA, So. From Fayetteville, N, C, by Lumberton, Barefields, Portsierry. Lycnhville and Will-town to G; urge-Town, once a week—leave Fa\et eville e very Thurloay at 2 P. M. arrive at Lynchvilie on Saturday by 8 PM; leave Lyuchville on Sunday 4 A M. and arrive at George-Town by 6 P M : leave George-Town every Monday at 9 A M. arrive at Lynchvilie by 8 P M ; leave Lynchvilie on Tuesday at 4 A M. arrive at 1* ayetteviile tfie next Thursday by io A M. 81. From Richmond c h. N, C, by Parker's ferry Chatham, Cheraw c h, Bentonville, Darlington c h, Pau’eyfvillc, Jeffries and the C’avhoufe to Lvnch villc, once a week ; leave Lynchvilie every Tuesday at 4 A M, arrive at Richmond c h. on Thursday by 11 A. M. leave Richmond ch, every Thurf dav at 1 PM, arrive at Lynchvilie cn Saturday by SP M. 82 From Chario’te, N C, Begger’s ferry & Hill’s iron works to York ch,S C, once a week; leave Charlotte ch, every Sunday at 6 A M, arrive at York c b, by 6 P M ; leave York ch, every Saturday at 6 A M, arrive at Charlotte by 6 PM. 83 From Camden by Jarnesville, Nellon’s ferry, and Monk's Corner to Cbarlefton,3 times a week,May i,to Nov. 1, leave Camden every Tuesday, & Thursday at 2 AM, & arrive at Charicflon in 32 hours on Monday, Wednesday and Friday at jo A M.— Returning : leave Charlcfton, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 2 P M andarrive at Camden in 33 hours, on Tuefdav,Thurf- Lv andSaturdayai 11 P M. 84. Fr. m Columbia by Winsboro’, Chefler, ch ‘1 o. k c h, Pii koeyvilL, Union ch, iSparanburg, Greenville c h, Reedy 9noal river, pu. kenfviJL, Laurent c h, Btlfaft and Newbury c h to IColumbia, once a week ; leave Columbia every Alondav at 5 A M, arrive at York on Tuesday by 7PM; Lave Yoik c h, a half pa ft 7PAL and arrive atGreenf v 1 * le ch, on I huifuay by 8P M ; leave Green vide ch, on Friday' ar 4AM, be arriveat Coluin bia on Sunday by 6 p M. 85. F romEdg-efie'd c h. by A. Richardfcn’s,Cam - oridge, Southampton, Abbeville c h and Rocky Ri- to Pend eton ch, once a vVeek ; leave Edgefield ch, every \\ at 11, AM. arrive at Pcnd’e toii c h, nex* Sat urday by 4P M ; leave Pe dl ton c fc, every Saturday at 9 P. M, arrive at Edgefield c h next Wednesday ; y 9 A M. b 6. From George- J own to Charlcftort z week ; leave George- Town every Monday at 9 A M, arrive a: Charleilonon Tuesday by nCon ; leave Chariefton every Sa urday noon, arrive at George -1 own on Sunday by 8 P M. rr From Sta-eibu'g by Surnpteifville, Salem and to VYii- I own once a week : Lave Will -1 own every 1 urfday a 6AM arrive at S atesburg on Wed*ic(bay a 6 PM; LveStrashurg every Tue; day a 6 A M, and arrive at Will-Town on Fri day at 7 Pi M. 88. From Augusta by the upper Three Runs and 13 la k. Swamp to Coufawhatchie, once a week ; leave Coufawhatchie every funday at 6 A M,arrive at Au gulta on I uelday by 6 P M ; leave Augusta every * uelday at 8 A jjjM, arrive at Coufawhatchie on Saturday b) 6 PM. IN GEORGIA. v 9 From Augusta by Little River, Lincoln ch, R erfburg, Elberton, Franklin c h, and Gilberts to LLrksboro’, once a week ; leave Augusta every a! md iy at 8 A M, arrive at Claiksboro* on Thurl d-y by 10 A M, leave Claiksb.iro* every Thursday at 2 i 1 M, arrive at Augusta next Monday at 4 A M. 90. From Augusta by Columbia c h, Wafhing* tor, Oreensboro’, Richardfonvilie, Sparta, George i own and Warrenton to LouftvdL, once a week: ave Augusta every Monday at 2 I J M, arrive at Loufville on Fhurday 5 PM; Returning : leave ..oufviile every Friday at 6 A M, arrive at Augus ta 1 ext Monday by 10 A JM. 91. From Louifviiie by Saunderfviile to Fort WiL icmlon, ogee a w'eek : leave L uifvillc everv Friday ac{4 AM, arrive at Fort Wilkinson by 6 PM : Re:timing : Lave Fort Wdkinfon every Saturday ac 8 A. M. arrive at Louifviiie by 8 PM. NOTES, y 1. The Post-Master General may expedite the maih&rke-r rhe times of arrivals departure during the continuan eof the contratSfs, he previously iripulat ing an adequa e compensation, for any ex;ra expence that may be occasioned thereby. 2. Fifteen minutes ftull be allowed for opening and cloftng the TUail at all offices where no time r pecified. 3. tor every thirty mlnu'es delay ‘{’unavoidabl. accidents exceped) in arriving after the time pre f ribec inany contract,the contrail or shall forfeit one dollar ; and if the delay continue until the departure of any depending mail, whereby the mails deftinect for luch depending mail loL 3 trip, an additional for feiture of five dollars lhali be in. urred. 4. Newfnapers as well as letters are to be sent in he mail : and if any peTon, making proposals, desires to ca- ry news papers other Man those conveyed in the mail, for his own emolument, he muff state in his prop; fils, for what sum he will carry it with that emolument and for what sum without that emolu ment. 5. Should any person, making prcpofds, desire an alteration of the times of arrival and departure 2- bove fpecified,h e mull fLtc in his proposals, the al terations e'enred, and the difference they will pi-ke in the terms of his contradl. 6. Persons making proposals are desired to state their prices by the year. Thole who*eontradl will receive their pav quartern* in ihe months of Februa ry, May, August and November, one month after the expiration cf each quarter. 7. No other than a free white person shall be em* ployed to convey the mail. 8. W’here thepropofer intends to convey the mail in the body of a stage carri ge, he is desired to state it in his proposals. 9. The reserves to himfelf the right of declaring any contract at an end when ever three failures happen which amount to the loss of a trip each. The contracts for the above routes are to be in o peration on the firft day of April next —and are to continue in force for one year from that time* GIDEON GRANGER, Post-Master General, General Poft-Office, Washington City, Nov. 5, 1802. i N COUNCIL, ~ savannah, November 29, 1801. Rcflohed , That all the persons fmnmor.ed for defici ency of Buckets and Ladders, pursuant to the Fire Ordinance, be fcverally fined to the ex tent of the Ordinance, unless they, and each of them, do produce certificates from either of the Fire Masters, of their compliance with the laid ordinance on or before the next meeting of Council. Ext radd from the Minutes , Dec. 4 Thomas Pitt, c. c. SAVANNAH, Pr 1 nt t d bv LYON Ist MORSE. DECEMBER 15, 1802. Mercantile Us Mathematical Academy, MR. COT imprtffed with the mod lively gr . titude, for tne libera! patronage whi<h fie has uniformly experienced since the commencement of nis Academy : announces that he has employed an \ffiftant : and tnat children fix years old, w.Il be received in the School. Parents and guardians may rely on the mod feru pulous attention being paid to their morals and improvement. N. B. He has likewise opened a Night School, at nis own house from 7 ro 9 ; where those who can not attend to a dai l y- education, will have the advan tage of inft:udted in Englilh gramatically, Writing, Arithmetic, Boi k-keeping, Geome.r), Mcafuremen', Navigation, Globes, iffc. Sailors will be taught Solar and Lunar obferva tic r.s. the names cf the print tpal fix: Stars, particu’arly ihcfe rs the zodia al confteJlatiom,proper to meafuie he Moon’s dihance from. Savannah, December 8, ißot. (22 ts.) 9 wenty Dollars Reward. RUNAWAY from the subscriber, living in Wafbington county, a NEGRO MAN, named Messer , about 27 or 28 years old, about 5 feet ! 1 inches high, knock-kneed s bulhy head and a fear on his th.'oat, had on when he went away, a pair blue bro’.d cloth overalls, a negro-cloth jacket, and had with him a white broad cloth coat. A reward oi twenty dollars will be given if confined so that I get him. F. Boykin. December 8, xßoi-. FOR SALE Jufl landed out of the Ship Comet , from Balti more, 4 bales low priced Cloths, assorted. 4 do. Flaif Thicks. do. 3 do, Napt Cottons, do. i do. K* i leys, do. i do. Flannels, do. i do, Biize and Frizes, do. i do. Fine Ticklenburgs, 6 cases low priced Hats, assorted i case Lancashire Sheetings, do. i do. fine Shirting Linen, do. i do. Linen Check. do. i Japanned Ware, do. i dtf B town Holland, do. 4 trunks Calico’s, do. i do. Rornals, Shawls, Set. do. i do. Mullins and Laces, do. i do. Dimities, do, i do. Worfied Hofc, do. i do. Cotton do. These Goods have been imported this fall from the left flipping houses, and will be found on ex amination to be well laid in. They will be dflpos ed cf at a liberal advance , by the pack ge only , for Qafio, Produce, or Notes with approved cn dorersty by Laurence Somers. At Messrs. J oh}forty Robert fen id Co's Ware - House. December i lawtf BUI LEN 6’ HARDEN” Have just received and for sale a: their NEW STORE, On harden (s? pones*s (formerly j Wharf ] •20 calks frelh Malaga Ratlins, 20 boxes do. Mafkatel dot 20 jais do. Grapes, 6 barrels Mess Beef, 6 half bbls, ditto, pickled for family use, 4 ditto ditto Pork, 40 barrels New-England Rum, 2000 lb. Cheese, 4000 lb. befl Swedes Iron, 800 lb. German Steel, 2co pieces India Calicoes, 200 ditto ditto Siripees, 30 ditto ditto Checks, i;o ditto ditto check’d Handk’fs. ditto Mock Madras ditto, 15 dozen Italian silk ditto, 30 pieces fuperfine India Humhums, 100 ditto assorted ditto, 200 dozen assorted Combs, 33 lb. colored sewing Silk, 14 dozen packs Playing Cards, ico coarse Hats, 9 dozen Seamen’s Frocks, Cotton Bagging, Window Biinds, and An ajfortment of Groceries . December 7. 4c. 22 WANTED, AT this Office, one or two Apprentice s to learn the art of printing. Twelve and a Half Cents Single EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT. Louisville , 29 th November 1802. SEALED proposals will be received at the Executive Office until the 15th day of December next, for contra&incr f or t f ie print ing of One Fhoufand copies of the Laws, and One Tnoufand copies of the Journals of eaeh branch of the General Affemb’y for the luffion in June lafF, as alio for the session which commenced the firft of this month. The size of the Iheet—the extent of the mar gin—and a sample of the type, and of the paper, on which the work is to be executed, accompapropof [e e qtThe person y—.no re witn whom the conadt is made, to give bond with two approved securities, in thelu.n of Three-thousand dollars, conditioned, that the Laws and Journals properly compleated, (hall be delivered at this office on or before he firft day of April next. geo. R. CLAYTON, Sec. December 4. CITY SHERIFF’S SALE. be lo!d b y P ub,ic W at the Cou;t-houfe in ci ty, on Monday, the 3d day of January nex , one half of the schooner Friendfh p, just from sea : together witn her furnirtire, tackle, apparel, boat Sir. Also, a quantity of Dye-Wood, to Ltisfy lund r y executions obtained against Edwin Lewis in the M _ yor’s court. THO’s. ROBINSON, C. S. A Dec. 4. FOR NEW-PORT, The Sloop INTENDED as a constant tra er during the winter from this port to tiie southern ports of this ftate—flae has good accommodations for freight or passengers. The smallest favor will be thankfully received. For furrher particulars enquire of Mr. Samuel Howard, or of Isaac N. Meserve, master, on Board. October 23, ISO 2. Notice, THOSE who have not made their Tax- Return for the present year arc rtquefft .{ to do it as the Receiver will dole his DLcft immediately IV. Gardner, Receiver oj Chatham . December r. (ts) I LEGANT FURNITURE FOR UAL JUST landed fron o ) boaid me (hi; C met, Capt Stevenfun, from Baitimore, a quantity of ex cellent Mahogany Flimitur e . Os the latest faftiions, consist ng ofSecrtarys & Book- Cafe', SLe Boards, Circular and fttaight tr nt Be reaus, Fall I9esks, Circular and sash corner Card Ta b’es, Oval Pe.nbri ke <!o. Northumberland d:ri. z do, circular and straight Bafon (lands, Candle ftandsj’Scc., I —ALSO, A few fancy Chairs. The ci'izcns ofSavannah are particu'arlv r qnefted to view the above furniture, as it is of a fu ermr quality and will be fold low fur cash or produce Any per son vvifhing to purebafe bedsteads, or any article in the above line, can be fupphed in a few weeks by Edward Priefdev, j 7 at Johnson& Robertson, R . o’s. old December 4. NOTICE. ALL persons to whom the c&are of Francis Levett, efquirc, late of Julian* ton, is indebted, are requested to fumifii their accounts, or staten'.ent of their demands, duly attested, and those indebted to the estate, are expected to make immmediare payment, to William Stephens, Mattiiew Johnston, James Johnstonjun. Executors . December 4. A liberal rent will be given for about too acres prime cotron land, on or about Apply as above. £? Wants Employment, A CITIZEN, who is we,l acquainted with business, would accept of a fuper* cargoes birth to the Weft-Indies ; or would attend to a few lett of merchants, or trader-; mens books: the colledion of debts, or wotftl write a few hours in the day in a public office. He is well acquainted with the town, b *+ ing a native thereof:—For further particulars enquire at the Office of the Georgiaßepubft :an, or address a line to A. G. which will be luly attended to. November 20, 1802, (^r.f