Georgia republican & state intelligencer. (Savannah, Ga.) 1802-1805, December 15, 1802, Image 2

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NOTICE. PURSUANT to a proclamation of his excel lency the Governor of the ytbinftant, a election will be held on Wednejday, the 15 tl> day of December next, c<t the Court House in Savannah for a member to represent this fate, in the Covgrsf oflhe United States, until the 4 th day of March next, to fdl the vacancy of John Milledge , esq. leded gover nor. EDWARD TELFAIR. GEO. JONES. JOIIS WILLIAMSON. November 24 WILSON & Ki\lOX. Have Just received by the latest arivals from New-York and Philadelphia, the following arriclts which they offer for sale at alow advadee for cash or produce, either whole laic or retail. V 1 Z. Malaga, J 1/fbon, j Tenerife i Shcf \ 3 Sc icily | SJ Old Maderia J Holland Gin Ccgniac id Spanifb Brandy, lHuberts bottled brown font, Jamaica and Weft-India Rum New-England ditto Loaf and lump sugar, Brown, ditto llyfOn, Ilyfon Jk'rn and Bohea Tea Pepper,, Alfpice, Mujlard, Ground and Race Ginger , Cheese and Crackers, Codfiflo , Sounds and, Bar It on a [for ted , German and B lift ere and f.ecl IhllotA-ware, ft one Jaggs} ! Glass and Crockery ware, Gun powder andjbet , Writing and Wrapping Paper Negro fljoes (large faze) Cotton Bapping, Oznabm per, Trifle Limen, Negro Cloth, On consign mi.nt Mahogany Furniture. ffljr Having convenient {lores for the reception cf Colic a and other produce rjjer their services to the planters in the Fatter age and Comrnijjion line, and flatter then, [elves that their punctual attention to bujuiejs will give generalfa tiffaUton to thete who may repels Confluence in them. November 20 ts ji7dffl\ For Liverpool. %> 1’ hefa ft failing Sh i p MIN ERV A, T. Choate, Mailer, will fail ill January next, having nearly all the cargo engaged, for frieght of 100 bales of Cotton, apply to the captain on oard. or to Th etnas and William Smith. December i, 1802. * FOR NEW-YORK, The well known fall failing fcooncr D E B E, ‘fflvydi V> —Star, Mailer, will be d:fpa r chcd in 8 days, having three fourths of her cargo ready to go on board : For paflage or freight of 40 bales of Cot tor, apply to HENRY KNEE LAND, &co. ■ Morels Wharf. Who have Received, PI R SAID SCHOONER, FTPES 0: quartcr casks London par Tennerifik <k Port Winrs, C^uarter calks Sherry, Malaga, Colminar Sc boxes Claret Wine, Pipes Cog-dac {’randy Sz Holland Gin. Tierces of loaf (or double rehned ) sugar, Boxes Mustard, Chocolate, Starch, Soap and Can dles, Bafce’s Sweet Oil and Chefl? ofHyfon Tea, Firkins of Lard and Butter, Casks Salt Pctre, ‘CaJlia, Nutmegs, R dlins in Boxes and Kegs, B arrels and half barrels do fuperhne Flour, A1 ut, Copperas, Pepper and Ginger, I rails of A1 mends N barrel s Green CoiTee, Ca:',e!s Matkarel, 3 Tons Iron slLrte-J ; 15 kegs Nails, Writing and Wrapping paper, Belt Gunpowder. Also, in Store. Hhds. Jamaica and Well-India Ru.n, 30 Kegs Lin feed Oil, 1000 bis 3ih,P lot bread, Iron & (lone pots,ike. Sec. December i\, 1 8 j 2. E. & I . riCHENOR , Have just Received, Pc/’ lrig IVaibingto)from Ne-~JP-2~cfk , /<?*’ /cj/if <?/ their jh:e fiere, Market Squat e : ONE HUNDRED pair Boo: & Boots legs, 100 do. Kid flippers ami findies, 100 do. Leather Slippers, 100 do. fine mens Shoes, 25 do. Boot-s. Sidss of new LEATfiER, and Seal Skins and Shoe Thread —ALSO,— 300 pair Negroes fbocs, largo f:tv . They have on hand, a hanuiome afTortment of (hoes of every deicription, which will be fold low for calh* December 11, ISO 2. fiwtt.) V/ E T NU R S r;, A WET Nurse without a child :o be hired enquire at thisofSce. November 10, CUSTOM HOUSE, District of Savannah, /% NY perfen willing to engage, to weigh und keep in their stations, and in re pair, tiic Buoys that are, or may be provided, is guides to the entrance of Savannah river, will early notify in writing to the fublcri ber, at what rate per annum he will per orin the far vice. THO. JOHNSON, Colieftor. Sept. 17. 2awtf. ” WAN I LL'. A BOAT that will carry from ten to twelve Cords of Yvood, for which cafli vviii be given : applv to. ABRAHAM D. ABRAHAMS. Military Agent for the Southern Department. Anv person willing to contract for remov ing the Guns and Carriages &c. from Mr. Telfairs wharf to the Magazine will pleale to apply as above. October 9, 1802. ts In the Dijlrid Clout f. IN ADMIRALTY, DISTRICT of GEORGIA. The President of the United States , to the AJar fhal of the Diflricl of Georgia, grelting : R. M. Spites, Clerk, (l. s.) W r HE REAS a libel hath been filed in the laid court, in behalf of William Jo ad, Mate, and John Fleming, Peter Tuiberg A'amucl Thurston and Francis Minorie, Ma riners, against the Schooner FriendflAp, of Savannah, now lying a; anchor in the port of Savannah, in the diftrifl afjrtfuid, he tackle, apparel and furniture, whereof jo feph Ercwfter now is, or late was, Mafier , to answer the wages justly due and owing unto them, the laid mariner:, for their services performed on board, agreeable to the laws of these United States, in such cales made and provided* You are, therefore, commanded to cite arid admonilb, and these are to cite and admoniib, the own er, or owners, or the laid ffhooricr, and all other persons who have, or pretend to have, o r claim, any interefl, title, property, claim or demand, therein, to be, and appear, at a spe cial dilirict court of admiralty, to be held in, and for, the laid cliftrict at the court house in Savannah, on the twenty seventh day of De cember , infant, to answer the libellants in the premiles. Wit fiefs the Honorable W a m Stephens, Esquire, Judge of the saidf aid Court, at Savannah , this eighth December, 1802. A. D. LEAKE, Proc. Pro. Lib. December 11, 1802. (2pj Copartnerihip of H. cc John Bolton. THE -death *of Mr. ROBERT BOLTON, lenders it necelliiry :o inform Re friend.- aid correlj ondence cf the firm, both in the United States and abroad, that the funds and Rack in trade, remain as heretofore, and that provision is made not only to preserve, but annually to increase the capr tal j and they are aifo, informed, that the bufmefs of me houle will continue to be conducted by John Bolton, ut cLr the fame firm of ROBERT & 7 0:7 -V BOLTOtf. e. Joseph Haber fleam, William Wallace , George Woodruff, John Bolton, - - Executors. Savannah, December 10. Mar fleet Is sale. W r ILL be fold on ‘1 ‘usjday the 2iff in ft. at the court houle in the city of Savannah, between the hours of tenand three o’clock, The following lots, levied onus the pro perty of W ilEam Norris, to luisfy execu tions obtained in favor of the United states and Matthew Shearer, to wit, one fourth part of lot No. 4. containing one acre, lot No. zb, containing four acres, lot No. 2.5-1 also containing tour acres : hung in the town ot st. Mary 5. Also, at the fame time and place, twelve iikely negroes, levied on to fatisfy several executions, obtained in favour ot the Unit ed states again ft Miller and others. BEN J. WALL, M. D. G. W notice: /\ AGREEABLE to a lefoiution of the City GIV Council, of iLe 24th of e uguft, tool, refpecits ! :r\g the pnblifning monthly : the names of perlon - fined for fracing with, or entertaining negroes, or retailing fpitiiucus liquors without license, with the am un: of such fine :—-—I do hereby publiCi Ann Saunders, for retailing spirituous liquors; fined Five Dollars. T. HO’s. PITT, c. c. December :o. id. Final bioticc. A LL Persons having any Demands r\. a gain ft the Lift ate of Thomas biiaiidly will pieafe Tend in their accounts attested. James Effinger, ? Administrator, Mary Sba ediy \ Adminftratrix December 3* iSee. For Sale JUST Arrived from St Augustine in ex'-el lent order, a few Barrels of Sweet Oran oes, x nd for sale, on realonable terms, On Tirair’s wharf by Hi: os. Del high at:. December 3 1802. gt. F O Is. SAL E, A FEW PIPES Cogniac Brandy by, Williamfim & Morel. J November 17. ( ts) JAMES M. WILLSON. INFORMS his friends,and the Public, that he has opened an OFFICE a: his house near the Court House, where, he draws INSTRUMENTS of WRITING, of any, and every ddcription, with accuracy and difpacch. November 6 1 Bbz. (ts) Savannah Shoe Store. EC El 1 /ED this day per. Schooner Alert from Bft on 26 Trunks of Shoes cf every description which will be J old at the ufiuil low prices. ALSO 600 Pair negro Shoes, G. Tufts. & Cos. December 4 D r-pHOSE who wifli to purchase Woo 0 j from the Subscriber, pleale observe, that four Dollars per dray load is the price. JACOB CUNES. November 6 ip.oz. (iwßw) . ■■ I—ll . . ■ 1 .. 1 - —i. - - - ■ - ‘ --- - -■ 111 EJI Bju ßl teERS. HAVING rented convenient Stores on Harden and Jones’s Wharf (formerly Clarices) offer their services to their friends and the Public as Factors and Commiftion Merchants. BULLEN id HARDEN. O clober 9, ISo 2. 1w; m. TUT T 7 IT tT\ If’ fD FR.OM twenty to fifty Negroes will be taken de ares on as productive a plantation as any or. St. Simons. For terms apply to Robert (A John Belton , Savannah, Or to Col John Burnett, E<v N S WIC K GLy N N COUN TY . November , 20 William Gardner, Thus? and Ship Cerven, cm i Gilder . Ti\FQ)\ MS the inhabitants of this city that X be intends- carrying cn the above bttfinejs in ail its various branches , and will be thank)ul for any favors in his line. cookin't>;-Giafs traffics, made out and repaired. Ornaments for tbs tops of mantle pieces, Flow Pots , Errs, Birds , &c. Also for the tops Gates which is much in fafhion tlfcwhere. Picture Frames made to any pattern and old ones gilt. Portraits and’Landlcapes cleaned, i\d B. Any orders directed will be attended to just above Mr, IVawe's, and front ing his wharf , at Mr. Mathew Cliffs , private board, ng house. November 24. (2awrf.) and a be sold or rented. A tfx NE undivided third cf B HOUGHTON - Island, and the Plantation opposite thereto, called New-Hope, containing up wards of three thousand acres. For particu lars, apply to Dr. M'Cormick, in Savannah, | Captain Twining, at Daiien, or, David Ramsay —Charleston. December 4. Vda n ted Im mediate! y. A CONVENIENT dwelling HOUSE, l\. for a family ; with needfajy out-build max : Apply to WilHampn Morel. December 1,8*02. (TavwfA F 6 L Ni n, BETWEEN the Cufiom-lioufc, ? nd Mr Moore s, by a Negro Boy, a BANK NO IT,, the owner may have it by defending •it, and paying for this advertilcmenr—it is expected the Boy will be rewarded for his honesty.—Apply at the Cuftom-houfc. Savannah, nth Odlober, 1802. THOMAS TAILOR , IN BO RMS the Public that he has opened a jhop on the Bay, near A her corn Street where he will execute all orders in his line in a npericr manner and on a floort notice. He hopes to merit the continued patronage cf bis em ployers. TANARUS, JAMES. Savannah, August 29, 1802, ROBERT id JOHN BOLTON 1 Have received per flip Columbia, from ■ Liver tool. M 17 balrs firft quality white and blue ; 1. . J 1 ditto iei and baize ■ 8 ditto London duffel blankets I 7 ditto Briilol, point and role do. 40 D ; eccs blue fticuds I 24 ditto fuperfine broad cloths M 24 ditto cl it to caHamcrc 45 ditto drab plains ■ 12 ditto ftripcvi and spotted elastics. | 20 bales cotton bagging ■ 4 ditto fail duck m 2 cases Irifn Linen 1 12 pieces girth webbing 50 dozen round handkercliiefs 1 ditto cotton counterpanes 9 calks broad hoes 2 ditto grubbing hoes and club axes 2 dozen ;'ryin pani 1 calk glue 2 dozen corn (loners I l 1 1 bale bed ticking j 40 boxes 8 by 10 and 10 by 12 crown! window glass \ 100 kegs white lead 1 30 ditto Spanifli brown 2 tons sheet lead < 1 dozen tin tcales 1 caie DufrVs elixir and Bririfh oil 1 4- do2cn fcaie beams from 3 to 5 feet long I with weights . <OO iron pots and ovens 4COO builids of laic 58 caftcs Bd, jod and iod nails 4 calks cutlery and hardware 1 dozen cross-cut saws 24 ditto rice and ficklcs 1 ditto elegant laddies 2 ditto portmanteau trunks 60 pieces durant and bombazerte 2 trunks hosiery. tf She bubjeriberi, Having convenient storcs BOLTON’s WHARF/ For the reception of Produce, offer their services to the Planters and others in the FAC TORAGE be COMMISSION B U s 1- N E S -S. Jackson <0? Hartstene. December ri, 1802. j Received per fchr. Dcbbe from N. York. : IT IN SLED, fpermaceti u Whale Oil, in I j barrels, Lutr.bards, Moccoboy and ?cotch fnuft’, in pound all u half pound Lotties. Bloom Raifons in boxes: Hyfon, £z foil cliong Teas. Loaf fugar&c. See, flackjon id Hartstene. December Ir. (1 wtf A N O N E id Cos. Carvers, Gilders, Pi dure Frame Makers, and Print sellers, Barometer hnd Thermometer Manufacturers, from London, now at the corner of Broughton and Bernard-streets, near the Market, savannah. TI 7 ILL, next week dispose of all the[f yV flock, confiding c/f all kinds of look— ing-glaftes, &c. -A new collection’ of draw ings and paintings on vellum, Italian dra w-, ings and paintings, and a variety of langlifij vfews taken from nature. Also, a colleCfioJ of molt beautiful aquantmta and other engSß [ vings, froiTi all parts of Europe, by theniolfl rmirent artists of the globe.’ E.I&V/ifc, a Igrert variety of borders, medallions, (hells, | patterns for fire (creens, vellum far drawing, &c, Barometers, fire fkreens, Bzc. The whole of the above articles will be fell cheap for cash only. December ß, 1 £O2. diJLRIF t‘6 SAL Ed. 0:i ‘1 ueiday, flh of J ami ary next, will be fold by public outcry , at tie court house hi ibis city, between the hours of 10 and q (/dock. 1150 acres of Lind on Booty-creek near the Oconee, 3ooacres cf do. near the mouth of Duhart’s creek on O^echee. o 500 acres do. on Savannah river,, pmc land seized as the property ofi Mordecai efquire* deceafec!. All that tract, lot oi land, or plan tation, containing about 180 acres, ad joining mrs. Gailafh, mr. Dillon, and! lands lately the eftateof coi. Wyhy oc cupied by seized as the property of INWYvam Nov ment, esquire, pointed out by the plaintiff’s attorney/ One third of lot in Brooghton/ireet, numotr j, Reynolds ward,ll tytliing, kized as the property cf B. Winn, esquire, pointed out by the plaintiffs at torney. one negro fellow, seized as the property of E.C. Fitzgerald pointed out by the defendant. 1 T> Norton, s. c. c i savannah November jo, ISOI J