Georgia republican & state intelligencer. (Savannah, Ga.) 1802-1805, December 15, 1802, Image 4

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1 A. ..ttlency John Milledge, Go-\ : i Ctmnuwdtr in Chief cf the l Navy of this ft ate, and of the . the?’cot. ROCLAMATIO n. *'\ERE As John Milled#, one of V Hie representatives of this it J.te i,*i ilit! Congrcfs of the United states, iv to was elected and commilfioned to fill that fcac, and act -s such, until the fourth day of March next, hath made vacant that appointment by accepting the ofiice of Governor. And whereas in and by “ An ail to regulate the general eleilions in this fate, and to appoint the time of the meeting of the general aflembly,’’ pall ed the 11 tli day of February, 1799, it is among other things declared “ that ail writs of dec lions to fill vacancies that may happen for members of the general aflembly of this {hue, or House of representatives of the United states, {hall be directed to the juihees of the Inferior courts of the refpe&ive coun ties, who are required to give public notice thereof, and cause the lame to be held in manner and form as herein be fore pointed out, agreeably to such writ.” I have therefore thought fit to issue this my proclamation, hereby notifying directing and ordering the juflices of the inferior courts of the respective counties in this Hate, to confider the fame as a general writ of election for the purpose of filling the vacancy oc a member in the Houle of representatives the United states, occasioned as here in before pointed out. And I do hereby require and charge the said Jufiices to give due notice that the said election will be held in the rc fpettive counties of this flute, on Wed ne.\day, the fifteenth day of December next. And I do hereby further require that due return of such election be made to the Executive Department, as in and by the said abt preferibed. Given under my hand and the great ieal of the state at the slate-house, in Louisville, this ninth day of No vember, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and two.: and of the independence of the United States of America, the twenty-seventh. JOHN MILLEDGE, By the Governor, Horatio Mar bury, Secretary of State. God save the flute. Cat cut Keller Gins. r fubferibers having obtained a Pa i tent from the United Stares for their invention of a Gin to feperate Cotton from the feed, by Rollers, (which feeds itielf on a plan totally new, and different from any method yet produced,) offer their services to the Planters of this (late and South-Carolina, to cither furnifh them with such Gins, or to gin for them on a toll, at New-Deptford Wharf, on the bank of the River, three miles below Savannah, where they have completed a machine capable cf ginning from four to five bags per day. They beg leave to recommend their ma chine to the attention of the public as a con trivance, by which crops can be expeditioufiv ginned and brought to market, the tedious and laborious talk of ginning by Foot-Rollers avoided, and will admit of planters cultivating th eir new lands, instead of employing their-I whole force, to gin out their crops in the usual mode. The machine can be impelled by ftearr, water, wind* animal or manual power. The priviledge and price of the machine will be proportionate to the number of bags required to be ginned by them per dav. J. S. D'Monimollin, Wm. Bell. Savannah, Nov. 25th, 1802. (3t. DAVIS & VAN AUSDOL, Painters, Gluizers, Gilders. RESPECTFULLY inform the inhabi tants ofSavanriah and its vicinity, that they now carry on the business in ail its vari ous branches, at their fnop in Broughton Street, formerly occupied by Melsrs. Butler & Muce, where all orders will be thankfully received, Sc executed u with neatrrefs and dis patch. N. B. for sale two elegant carriages, at the above (hop. • November 10. (aawtf. 7HE WASHINGTON CO7FEE- H O U S E, AND HOTEL, Franklin-Square, 5 A MU EL SAU BE RE, Respectfully informs his friends and the public, that he has taken that commodious brick house, in branklin-square, oppofit to the Baptist Meeting-house, which will be opened on Wednefduy the firil day of December next j as a Cofiee-houfe and Ho tel. Such trentlemen'as favor him with their custom, can be accommodated with board ing and lodging, in the mod genteel manner, and the ftri&eft attention paid to render their residence agreeable. Dinner and upper pro* vided for private parties at a few hpurs notice : Coffee and Soups every day from 8 o’clock in the morning till ten at night. Beef flakes and Oysters at any hour of the day. S.S. begs leave to add, that no exertion on his part lhail be wanting to give fatisfablion to thole who may favor him with their custom,& flatters himfelf, that the principle on which his house is established, is such as will intuit to him the fuffrages of the public in general Wines, Porter and spirituous liquors of the befl quality. N. B. Good (tabling for horses, and careful odlers. Savannah, Nov. 26. “WASHING!ON HO LLAL. Mock Turtle will be ready This and every day at Eleven o’clock. Familes supplied with soups in the Highest perfection. Bcefstakes and Cyders at any hour “when called for. THE Boften, New York, Philadelphia , Baltimore and Wafhingtcn Papers , will be re gu larly taken at the Washington Coffee lloufe and Hotel. Jftftf 3 Captains of vefifels are requeded to leave at the Washington Coffee 3 louse, arf information it may be in their power to com municate. The utmod exertion will be made to procure the earlied intelligence. December 4. . NOTICE AFTER the expiration of nine months, application will be made, in pursuance of the a£t of the Legislature in such case made and provided, to the honorable, the inferior Court of Camden county, for permission to fell foity five thousand acres ofland on the wa ters of tho Great Satilla, being in grants of one thousand acres ; alfc one water lott in the town of St. Mary’s, in the county of Camden aforefaid : the fame being the real edate of J. Macomb, late of the laid county of Camden, deceased, and will be fold for the benefit Ot the heirs or creditors of the said deceased. W. B. Bulloch, Attorney for the adminidratix. Savannah, 26th May, 1802. JOHN LETUUKNE/lU, Gold, Silver Smith, & jeweller. RETURNS his fmcere thanks to the ladies and gentlemen of Savannah, and its vicinity, for me liberal encouragement they have given him since his commencement in this plate : he uls<>, inform* - them, that he has now opened in Madens Row, near the Exchange, where he intends di (poling of the fol lowing articles, low. for call) or count y produce, viz : Ladies Gold watch chains, enameled and plain ; gentlemens do. Gold seals and k< ys Gold necklaces, G -Id beads do. Gold fancy iilliaree ear rings, Gold pearl mounted bracelets,Gold & Pearl mounted bread pins, plain Gobi bread pins, Gold Pearl mounted finger rings, Gold fancy enamelled do. Gold hair rings, Gold Medallion. Plain pebble feab, Gold mounted do. Handsome gilt coral with bells, Silver do. Silver without bells, coral hand, Ivory tocth pick cases, diver fruit knives, diver set kneebuckle’i, b ver tooth picks, iilver pencil cases, diver needle ca se?, diver duelling bo ties, diver gilt do. diver nut meg graiers, diver thimbles, ladies etwits, Miniature !ock,*t and ring glad,diver knee buckles, hat and a Pearl bead fir ings, a variety of cut glass beads and cord beads, iillc paries, glove trls plain & with clasps Lacies spring garters ; gilt Watch chains, seals and keys. Silk waUh firings, duelling bottles in cases, diver duelling bottles, morrow pocket books, ladies do. diver mounted fpedfacles, plated and deei do. Gilt green and white do. fpeflatle cases, reading ftafs pepper and leather fnuff boxes,Morocco Minia ture cases, a great variety of plated candledick*. Piated fuufters and (lands : bread baskets. Ladies ink (lands. Salt fellers and pepper boxes, Milliard pots and wax tapers. Fifih knives, elegant tea set ters diver eiUe. Plated caftors. A variety oi satin wood ea cadders, japanned do. Brass barrel pocket pistols, horieman’s do. Silver mounted do. Superfine Raz us, feiffors, fportsmans knives, best finifhed pen knives, bell table and desert knives ivory handies, de canter ft ands, knife calcs, elegant Morocco (having cases, (having boxes. Windsor Soap and Wadi balls. Segar cases. Common casters. A large afTortment of Files, £3* THE SUBSCRIBER, has ai so taken into ccrpartnerlhip with him,Mr. JOHN PEARSON ; thebunnefsin future will be conduced udsr the firm of LETOURNEAU fcgPEARSON, A-ho intend carrying on the above business in all its various branches, Silver and Gold work, jewelry & fancy Hair work, Gilding and Engraving, executed in the newest and mod taihionable manner at the fliorteft notice. N. B. Thehlgheft price given for old gold &*filve b LA I OURNEAU & PEARSON. ’ December 11, 1802* 2avvtf. FOR SALE, That well known Trail gJ LAND, called Garden’s Barony. CONTAINING, 13000 acres lying oil Savannah Rirer, in St. Peter’s Parish South-Carolina, 45 miles from this city j a large proportion is exeeilenr cotton and pro vision land near three mile? front on the river: The quantity of White and Red Oak and Cypress is immense ; on it are too Mill feats not to be equalled by any in the low country the water for which has never been known to fail even in the driefffeafon ; the yellow pine timber of the firft quality and sizes, and in quantity inexhauftable; a fine range for (lock, and by every one who is acquainted with it; supposed to be the best body of timber land, between the Ocean and Augusta. This trail will be fold a great bargain, and may be an object of attention to purchasers. The plans may be seen and terms known by applyng to Levi Abrahams. HfgZ i Broker, December 1, 1802 TO LET. TWO two Story Houses, in Compleat Repair, Enquire of, Mrs. Minis or Levy Abrahams . FOR SALE. A TRACT OF LAND, IN Franklin County granted toLeonardMar bury. contain more or less. 1380 acres bounded Southwardly by Baker’s land South eaftwardly by Horatio Ma r bury’s. land on all other sides by vacant land. A Traft ofland in Franklin County, gran ted to Leonard Marbury, centaining more or ids, 1150 Acres bounded Northweftwardly by Charity Marbury’s ‘land Northeaftwardly bv vacant land 5 and Southeaflvvardly by Ba ker’s land* A Tradt in Burk County 350 Acres, or the North fide of Briery Creek s (old by the Commissioners of Confifcated Property in Dcember 1784. EBENEZER STARK. October 9 1802. Mores Wharf. TO BE RENTED. AND poffeffton given on the firft day of Octo ber next,theSt ore at prejeut occupied by Mr Thomas M. C. Harris near the exchange. D. B. MIL QUELL, September 11. WILL BE SOLD, (Pursuant to the W ill of the late John Morel, Esquire,) £ T the Cour-t-houfe in the city of Sa /-\ vann ah, on the fourth day of January next, (sale to commence at 1 r o’clock) that eligibly situated Plantation called Pembroke, with its improvements, about 8 miles from Savannah ; together with a trad adjoining of one hundred acres, known by the number 6 Fo persons desirous of purchasing a Seat on the lalts with the combined advantages to healthiness end beauty—the place is worth attention. At the fame time and place, will be fold, three bay Horses, one Mare and Colt, a Sulicey and Harness, and a quan ity of Lumber lying on the bluff at Tweedf fide, luppoe fd to be about 2 000 feet north ward pine boards, 3,000 feet 9 inch flooring boards, and 6,000 feet fcantling— 30 feet long— 4 by 9. Pembroke will be fold for f cask, and a twelve months credit for the balance, the purchaser giving a Mortgage of the premises, and personal fectirity. The personal proper ty fold for cash. John G. Williamson, IV. B, Bulloch, Ex’rs of John Morel, dec’d. Savannah, 22 d November, 1802. TO LET. A SMALL Store at prefer.t occupied by Mr. Joseph Davis, immediate poffefion will given, for terms apply to James Mar [hall. November, 24 - (2awtf.) To Leafejor a term of years. AVxALUABLE trail of oak hickory and v rice lands within Seven miles of Savanah equal in quality to any lands in the County of Chatham. For terms apply to Francis Courvoifie. November 24. (ts) WANTED TO RENT, A SUFFICIENCY of good cotton and Pro vifon land on or near the falls, as would employ about twenty workers and for which the highejl price will be given, aud no objefiicn bad to an advance cf rent. Apply at this jffi.e. Sept. 1. Wanted for the ensuing Year, AN active indufirous mon , as an e~r- ‘ - to live in the Island of O[fabaw ; / • n: be well acquainted with the cultivation cf co': and the management of negroes; and produce /:• ficient vouchers for bis hertefty, j Miety cud lilies : Apply in Savannah to Mejfrs . IViUW Jon Cf Morel or cn said Island to P. H. At • Nov. 2id, 1802. zaw f . ORPHAN HOUSE 7 AN Overseer is wanted for the plantar. one who can read and write, and !;:• well recommended for nis knowledge of Rice Planting, his honesty, sobriety and attentive, will meet with proper encouragement, by ap plying to either of the fubferibers, a committe of the Trustees. Wm. Stephens. JO3. Haberfliam, Peier Deveaux, Wm, Gibbons. December 3d, 1802. FOR SALE. fubferiber, will fell on very reason able terms the trull lot on which he now rciides, with the buildings thereon, and all ground rent paid up to the city, as will by receipts appear if immediate application be made. J BULLOCH November 20. (2awtf.) THE LAST OF THE EDITION. JUST RECEIVED. 1 And for sale at this office. A number of copies of “ Proofs of a conspi racy, againlt Chrillianitv, and the Govern mentof the United States; exhibited in several views of the union of Church and State in New-England, BY ABRAHAM BISHOP.’’ Those who would wifli to possess this excellent work, are requested to call soon, as the few copies on hand, constitute the wdiole of those unibidin the United States. Notice , ALL Persons having Demands against the eftateof Mathias A (h, late of Effingham county deceased are desired to bring them in properly atte n cd and those indebted to make immediate payment to David Gugel who is fully au chorifed to fettle all accounts of said efiate. Hannah Ajh, Admrx . Deceember 11. Jffty 7 1 CE. “ AIL Persons indebted to the fubferiber on his former concerns are solicited to cad and pay of their accounts &c. As much longer indulgence can not be given. JOHN GLASS. October, 16 ts INulltt, ALL persons having any demands against - the Eftaie of William Weft Esq- late of Liberty Gwunty, dectafed, are requested to render the fame to Aleftrs. James & William Roberts, at Riceborougk or to the Suhfcriber-. JOHN JONES. Adminiflrator. Sunbury, August, 19 iSo>, 4m jm oii U E 7 THE Public are hereby cautioned against receiving a note dr awn by thefubferiber in favor of James Read of G) een County for four Hundred Dollars , dated April 15, 1802, payable in Ninety days as the payment of the said note will be disputed and if brought to court, it wil be made to appear , that it ought not to be paid. JAMES COCHRAN* Limerick September, ?i 1802. NO LICET ~ WE are dire bled by John Milledge the ex ecutor of the estate of the late Jacob JValdburger to notify to all persons whatever bis prohibition againf hunting on that part cf the If L and of St. Catherine's belonging to the )aid estate , being tot be North the Stock having cf late been much lefscned by such praflife, and other injury done and after this notue will fed himfelf bound to prosecute to the extent of the law , all persons found to violate it-. WILLIAMSON (A MOREL Augu ft, 28 1802. Wan i ed. ’ to purchase a few Young and prime negree men, for which Cadi Will be given, apply to Mr. Grimball Robert near the Baptist Church or to John D. Wilds * November 2c. 4^ FOR HIRE, A G AN G OF LABOURERS, Enquire at this office. December 8, 1802. (*2tf.)