Georgia republican & state intelligencer. (Savannah, Ga.) 1802-1805, December 25, 1802, Image 3

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JOHN CURTIN, Horse-Doctor and Farrier. RESPECTFULLY iuform the gentlemen of Savannah and its vicinity, that he will .deed, physic, dock, nick and trim horses on the vioft reasonable terms and (hottest notice. Tbc/e who willpleafe favor him with their cvftom are ‘r'quefted to call at Mrs. Fitzgeralds, just below the Baptist meeting-hoitfe, where he will wait on them. December 18. ?t. For sale, By the fubferiber, No. 2, Bolton's Building, Market square. Sugar in hogsheads and barrels, Green Coffee in barrels, Puncheons and barrels N. E. Rum, Qjarter casks Malaga Wine, Hog (heads Molaffcs, Barrels Mackerel, Hyfon Tea, Nutmegs, Russia and swedes Iron affbrted, Brown Linen, Humhums, &c. Which will be Jold low for cajh,or approved %otes 3 a 60 days. t Thomas Scott. December j£. fßt 24 ) KOISH.K F cs? J OHM BOLtON, Have received per flip Columbia, from Liverpool. 17 bales firft quality white and blue plains x ditto flannel and baize 8 ditto London duffel blankets 7 ditto Bristol, point and rose do. .40 pieces blue ftrouds 24 ditto fupertine broad cloths 24 ditto ditto cadi mere 4.$ ditto drab plains 12 ditto striped and Jpotted daffies. 29 bales cotton bagging 4 ditto fad duck 2 cases Irish Linen 12 pieces girth webbing 50 dozen romal handkerchiefs X ditto cotton counterpanes 9 casks broad hoes 2 ditto grubbing hoes and club axes 2 dozen frying pans 1 calk glue 2 dozen corn slopers 1 bale bed ticking 40 boxes B by 10 and 10 by 12 crown window ghifs 100 kegs white lead 30 ditto Spanish brown 2 tons Iheet lead l dozen tin scales X case Daffy’s elixir and Britilh oil i dozen scale beams from 3 to 5 feet long with weights 500 iron pots and ovens 1 4000 bulhels of fait 58 calks fid, loti and 2od nails 4 calks cutlery and hardware I dzen cross-cut saws 24 ditto rice and Tickles 1 ditto elegant fadtilcs % ditto portmanteau trunks 60 pieces durant and bombazette 2 trunks hoffery. Ckftober 12. ts 2be ‘Subjcrtoers, Having convenient stores on BOLTON’s WHARF, Fof the reception of Produce , older their Jervices to the planters and otherr in the FAC TORAGE fcr COMMISSION business. yackson Gs Fits tone. it. 2;twrf. in the Dijtrict Court . IN ADMIRAL TY. DISTRICT of GEORG LI The President of the United States, to the Mar- Jhal of the Difirift of Georgia, greeting ; Ji. M. Stitesy Clerk, (l. s.) WHEREAS a libel hath been filed in the said court, in behalf of William Joad, Mate, and John Fleming, Peter Tulberg Samuel Thurston and Francis Minorie, Ma riners, againfl the Schooner Friendfmp , of Savannah, now lying ac anchor in the porr of Savannah, in the diftritfl aforcfaid, her tackle, apparel and furniture, whereof Jo i feph Brewster now is, or late was, Mafia, to answer the wages justly due and owing tinto them, the laid mariners, for their services performed on board, agreeable to the laws of thefc United States, in such cases made and provided* You are, Jihcrtfore, commanded to cite and admonilh, ;and thefc are to cite and admonilh, the own er, or owners, of the said Lhooner, and all ‘Other perfbns who have, or pretend to have, o r claim, any interelF, #de, property, claim or /demand, therein, to and appear, at a Spe cial diftrid court of admiralty, to be held in, and for, the Lid diftrift at the court house in Savannah, on the twenty seventh day of De~ tanker, infant, to answer the libellants in the premies. IWitwefs the Honorable William Stephens, JLsquire, Judge of the said Court , at Savannah, shis eighth December, 1802. A. D. LEAKE, Pro:, Pro, Lib. pcctmber ii, iio*, (23.) CIDER. Just Received by the Brig Georgia and for sale at the Savannah Sho~ St ore A few Barrels of Newark Cider of a Superior quality. Received per fckr. Debbe from A 7 . Fork. LINSEED, fpermaceti & Whale Oil, in barrels., Lumbards, Moccoboy and fcocch fnuff, in pound and half pound bottles. Bloom Raifons in boxes: Hyfon, & fou chong Teas. Loaf fugar&c. &c, Jackfcn Gs Hartstene. December it. (zwtf Lost or Stolen, A GOLD Repeater single case Watch, with out a Bell, makers name, Humbert & Mairet. (on the face) A reward of ten dollars will be given on the delivery of said Watch j is ffolcn twenty dollars will be paid on proof being given. Watch-makers and others are requeffed to flop the above, if offered for sale. Apply to the printers. December 15. (4c) WILSON & KNOX. Have Just received by the lateff: arivals from New*York and Philadelphia, the following articles which they offer for ffde at a low advance for cash or produce, either whole Lie or retail. V I z. Malaga, J Lisbon, Teneriffe f Sherry f ‘ Sicily ** Old Maderia J Holland Gin Cogniac id S panifi Brandy, Hi bberts bottled brown flout y v I Jamaica and IF est-India Rum New-England ditto Loaf and lump fitgar, • Blown, ditto Hyfon, Hyfon Jkin and Dehea Tea Pepper, Ah pice, Mustard, Ground and Race Ginger, Cheese and Q ackers, Ccdftjb, Sounds and tongues, Bar It on assorted, German and Blistered fleet Hollow-ware, Jicne Juggs Glass and Crockery ware, Gun powder andjbot, Writing and Wrapping Paper Negro /hoes (large size) Cotton Bagging, Qznakurgs, Irish Linen, Negro Cloth, On consignment Mdbogany Furwture. Having convenient f ores for the reception ‘tf Cotton and other produce fjftr their services to the planters in the Factorage and • omtniffion line, and flatter the 0 fives that them punctual attention to bufinejs will give general jati:faction to those who may repose Confidence in them. November 20 ts From the National Intelligencer .. THOMAS PAINE, to the CITIZENS of the UNITED STATES. LETTER 11. (Concludedfrom our last.) Knowing,as Ido,the eonfummatO va nity of lohn Adams, and the fiiallow nels of his judgment, I can easily pic ture to myfelf, that when he arrived at tlie Federal City, he was ftrutiing in the pomp of his imagination before the presidential house, or in the audi ence hail, exulting in the language of Nebuchadnazzer, ,r is not this great Babylon that I have built for the honor of my rnajejly f’ But in that unfortunate hour, or soon after, John, like Nebu chadnazzer, was driven away from a mong men and fled with the speed of a poll horse. home of John Adams’loyal fubjeFts, I fee, have been to present and ad dress him on his birth day ; but the language they use is too tame for the occasion. Birrh-day addresses, like birth-day odes, lliould not creep along like drops of dew down a cabbage leat, but roll in a torrent of metaphor, I will give them a specimen for next year.—Here it is. When an ant , in travelling over the Globe , hit up its foot and put it again on the ground, it Jhakes the Earth to its center : But when TOU the mighty ant of the Eajl was born, &c. &c. &c. and the centre jumped upon the fur face ! This, geatlemen, is the proper style lof addrefsfrom well-bred ants to the \ * •* monarch of the ant-hill, aua a* I never take pay for preaching., praying, po litics or poetry, I make you a present of it. some people talk of impeach ing John Adams, but I am for fofter measures I would keep him to mnke tun of. He will then answer one of the ends for which he was born, and ought to be thankful I am arrived to take his part. I voted in earnest to save the life of one unfortunate king, and I now vote in jell to save another. It is my fate to be always playing with fools. But to return to federalism and apoftacy. The plan of the leaders of the fac tion was to overthrow the liberties of the new world, and place government on the corrupt fylTm of the old. They wanted to hold their power by a more lading tenure than the choice of their constituents. It is impossible to ac count for their condu6l and the mea lures they adopted on any other grounds —but to accomplish that objedt a Brand ing army and a prodigal revenue m iff be raised ; and to obtain these, preten ces mult be invented to decieve. A larras of dangers that did not exist even in imagination, but m the dired: spirit of lying, were spread abroad.—Apofta cy (talked through the land in a garb of patriotism, and the torch ot treason blinded for a while the flame of liberty. For what purpose could an army of twenty thousand men be wanted? A single refledion might have taught the molt credulous, that while the war raged between France and England neither could spare a man to invade A merica. For what purpole then could it be wanted ? The case carries its own explanation, it was wanted for the purpose of destroying the representative system, for it could be employed for no other. Arc these men federalifts ? If they are, they are federalized to de cieve and destroy. The rage against Dr. Logan’s pa triotic and voluntary million to France was excited by the Biame they felt at the detection of the falfe alarms they had circulated. as to the opposition given by the rem nant of the faction to the repeal of the taxes laid on during the former admi mflration, it is easily accounted for. The repeal of those taxes was a sen tence of condemnation on those who laid them oh, 6c in the opposition they arc to be considered in the light of criminals ifanding on their defence, 6c the country has pafled judgment on them. THOMAS PAINE. City of Wafninton, Lovell’s Hotel. A 7 ov. 19, l3oi. CONGRESS of the UNITED STATES . House of Representatives, Monday, December 6. This being the constitutional day of meet ing, fifty-three members appeared, who not forming a quorum, an adjournment took place till to-morrow, at 1 x o’clock a, m. Tucfday, December 7. A quorum of members appeared. t The following new members appeared and took their feats : Samuel Hunt, from New-Hampshire, in the room of Joseph Pierce, resigned ; Samuel Thatcher, from Maflachufetts j David Me riwether, from Georgia, in the room of mr. Taliaferro, resigned j Thomas Winn, from North-Carolina, in the room of Charles John lon, deceafcd •, and Thomas M. Greene, a delegate from the Miflifiippi Territory, in the room of N. Hunter, deceased. Ordered , that the clerk inform the senate that this house has formed a quorum, and is ready to proceed to business. Ordered , that the clerk furnifb each mem ber with three newspapers at his lodgings.— Adjourned. SENATE of the UNITED STATES. Monday , December 6. But eight members attended, who not forming a quorum, an adjournment took place till to-morrow at 11 o’clock. Tutfday, December 7. Nc quorum— present, SAVANNAH, December 25, 1801. For the Georgia Republican. Messrs. Printers, AS the public may be in expedation of the essays of my correspondent, l think proper to inform you that he has concluded to have them published in the form of a pamphlet, for reasons which will be made known ac the time of their issuing from the press. Tour obedient fiery ant , P. M. ct When Judge Washington was lately in Connecticut, he observed, in a circle cf gen tlemen, of both political parties, th at the opposition papers contained luch abuse of the adininiftration as ought not to pass with out punishment that although he himfelf was opposed to president Jcffeilon in politics he thought it infufferable, tinea man of luch exemplary morals, and such puritv of private character, specially when veffed with the chief magistracy of the nation should be treat ed with so much personal insult and abule ; and that it ought to be the fubjed of legal animadversion. The poft-maller-gencral, who was one of the company, said he could point out a more effedual method of remedy ing the evil; and being asked what it was, re plied, do you fir, and judge Law, who was. also present, fit down and write to the editors of such abusive papers, to difeontinue fending them to you, so long as they continue to infu'c and abuse the president. That would pro duce a greater and better effect, than any ju dicial correction, which your honors can in fl 61, and at the fame time no: endanger ao. infringement of the freedom of the prefs.*’ [Pittsfieid Sun.] At a quarterly examination of the ftbdents in the mercantile and mathematical academy* held on Thursday, 23d instant, medals of em inent merit in the clifies were conferred on the following ladies, and gentlemen —v 1z 1 Miss Elza Moore, gd find ling, and fee on and grammaticalmifs Henrietta C. Herskins, second writing miss Hannah Gugle,firfi writing , miss Maria Woodbridge, third reading', miss E. firft Jpelling class. Miss Ann G. Moore, a pre mium for excellent writing - t miss Mary Gibbons > for oratory. Master David J. Mongon, second geographi cal j master Thomas H Harden, firft geomctrkal ; master Thomas B. Harden, second arithmetical ; master Henry Gibbons, fir/t arithmetical ; master Thomas Mather*, second writing; master Thomas Miller, second reading master Jofepb Holms , firft writing and second JpelUng-, master Thomas Hoxy firft reading $ master Robert Bolton, a premium for excellent writing j master David Lebey, oratory * [This paper will riothe on Wedn^sda 1 next. T ROBBER 2 l ! ON the night of the -igd infant, the -fubferi— ber was robbed of a sum of money, of about 270 dollars , (all ft her) cut of his Waggon,, about three miles from savannah , on the tjuij vlle road —A reward of 20 dollars will he paid on the delivery of the money to him —cr c o, dol lars for the detection of the thief or thieves. Jot that they may be brought to condign punijhment. Richard Howell. NOTi^h , - ALL persons are warned against pur chafing a Note of hand , drawn by the subjeriber , in favor of Hezckuh Salmon, of Leech fiand y s, c./or the sum of dollars, dated in August lafi, as said note has since been paid. Sam. W. M'oor. J- Decemhe*- 25, 1802. (27) “REIV A R D ! A flute was dolen yesterday, afternoon, /~yoff a piano-forte,through a window—the faih having been railed for air. An adequate reward will be paid for restoring the flute, or detecting the thief —Enquire at this office. December 22. (2/ 2t.) ” ALEXADER LAWRENCE, Has for Tale the following goods, for cash, produce, or on a liberal credit, for ap* proved paper : ♦. and £ Irish linen, in boxes afforled, Cogniac Brandy in pipes, Holland Gin in ditto, Sherry, | Malaga , } iVines in quarter cash % Tenerife, | * Hyson Tea dn chests , Barrels Mackerel, Soap, Candles , &rV. December 2c- 1802. f26 ts) f —- — l —* vWittcd to Hire. A WET NUItJE, with a good breast of milk either black or white, with or without a chhd, to wooru good wages will be g,ven and punctual pay/ ments made. Enquiieof the Printers* December 25, 1802. aiwtf, . ~ T “” FOR SALE.- Twenty two barrels of Irifis Potatoes A T J. William’s Carriage (hop, oppofirc Dr. N. W. Jones’s Broughtonftreep Apply to Mr. Williams.