Georgia republican & state intelligencer. (Savannah, Ga.) 1802-1805, December 25, 1802, Image 4

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FOR SALE. THE fubicribcr, will fell cn very rea on able terms the trull lot on whicn he now resides, with t!ic buildings thereon, and a<l ground rent paid up to the city, as wiil by receipts appear if immediate application be made. J BULLOCH November 20. (cavrtf.) THE LAS 7 OF THE EDITION. JUST RECEIVED. And for Lie at this off ce. A number of 41 Proofs of a conspi racy, againlt Chrifttanky, and the Govern ment of the United States ; exhibited in fevera! views of the union of Church and State in New-England* EY ABRAHAM BISHOP.* 5 who would wifn to poffc fs this excellent work, are rcqutfted to call soon, as the few copies on hand, conliitute the whole of those unibldin the United States* ( PHce one Dollar.) Notice. A hi- Persons having Demands again ft the efLtcot Mathias Afh,iateof Effingham county dcccaied are dtfired to bring them in properly ntte ed arT th'ofe indebted to make immediate payment to David Gvgd who is fully au dio riled to fettle ail accounts of fa id tft ate. Hannah Ajh, Admr’ x. Deceemfcer x J. ” “ “ NO 1 i C F. A LL Persons indebted io the fuhfcribe on his former concerns are foiicited to call and pay of their accounts &zc. As much longer indulgence can not be given. ° , JOHN GLASS. Cclobcr, 16 ts lsOTlc.iL, A LL persons having any demands against the Ellase ot William Welt fsq* late cf Libert) Oountv, de- afed, are requeued to render the fame to Meftrsl Jam’ s& Wilium Roberts, at Riceborcueh or to the Sul fcfiber. JOHN TONES. Adminifiiator. c, ? ~hv-v. A'.mff, :g iSc?, 4m i<J O t I Cz 1--- 9 rntiE Public are hereby cautioned againfi v ecevuv. f* a note drawn by theJuajcnoer an f : y or of ‘fames Read of Gi sen County fer font j'< ;’•( * tii L l 6: ‘.ch anted rig •tlly >*> SO2, tiolt in Ninety (Pecs as the say went of the /aid vote wrl be disputed and if brought to court, it vail be made to err car, that it ought not tc be paid. JAMES COCHRAN. Limerick September, 11 1002, NOTICE. Wf E are dire Ned by John Milledge the ex w\ ecutor cf the est ate of the date Jacob IP aide \rger to-notify to all persons whatever his prohibition againfi hunting end bat part of the lft and of St. Catherine's belonging iv the said est ate , being to* be North the Stock having cf late been itiuch lefsencd by Juch pr a tribe, and ’ other injury done and after this notice will feel hhnjelf bound to fnfecuti io the extent op the lew, an persons found tc violate it * WILLIAMSON £? MORELc Align ft, c3 r £o2- \V ,'\ N (ED. to purchase a few Tcuand prime nezrce inen y for which Will be divert, apply to Mr. Grimball Robert near the Baptist Church or to John D. Wilds’ November 20, , . , 4f v- ’ ~ For 3 a Lb, <Xhat I well known 1 rail of LAND, railed Garden’s Barohy. /CONTAINING, 15000 acres lying rn Savannh Rircr, in Sr. Peter’s Pafrifli South-Caroling 45 miles from this city ; a !ar a e proportion is excellent corron pro ven land near time mile? front on the riven The qu*ntity of White and Red 0.1 k and Cvpicls is imirmle ; on it are too Mill feats not"to be equalled by any in the low country the water for which has never been known to fail even in the dried season ; t! t yellow pine timber of the fir ft quality ann in quantity inexlunftable j a fine range for (lock, and by every one who is acquamted with it j fopooled to be the best body of timber land, between the Ocean and Augusta. This tra& will be ioida gieat bargain, z.u<i may be an object of attention to purchasers. The plans may be feeh and terms known by appiyng to Levi Abrahams. J[j i 0 f\.h 7 0 m December 1, I^o2 2 BLANK. tiOGKS for Lie at this Office. FOR SALE. A TRACT OF LAND, IN Franklin County granted toLeor.ardMar bury. contain more or less. 1380 acres bounded Southwardly bv Baker’s land South eaftwardiy bv Horatio Ma r bury’s land on all other Hdes by vacant land. A Traft of land in Franklin County, gran ted to Leonard Marbury, containing more or itfs, r 1 <ro Acres bounded Northweftwardly by Charity Marbury's land Northeadwardly bs vacant land ; and Southcalhvardiy by Ba ker’s iand"! A Trad in Biirk County 350 Acres, on the North Hoe of Briery Creek ; fold by the Commiflioners cf Confifcatcd Pioperty in Bcember 17 U . EBENEZER STARK. Oftober 9 1?02. Mores Wharf. TO BE RENTED. f\ ND pofffon given cn the fir ft day of Octo her r.ext,theStore at prefeut occupied by Mr Thomas Ed. u. limns near *ve exchange. D. B. MPICHELL. Sept ember 11. VvTLL bE 3UL,b x (Pursuant to the Will of the Lite John Morel, Esquire,j AT the Court-house in the city o c Sa vannah, cn the fourth day ot January next, fiale 10 commence at 1i c clock, that eliiiiblv fituatedP-LANTATioN called Bern crake, with its improve;!.en s, aoout 8 miles from Savannah ; together with a trad adjoining of one hundred acres, known by the number 6. i o persons dchrous of pureh.ding a Seat on the Jaits with the combined advantages t > heakhinefs and beauty—the place is vvo;th attention. At the fame rime and place, will be fold, three bay Horses, one Mare and Colt, a Sulkev and Harness, and a quan ity of Lumber, lying on the bluO at 1 wueut fide, iuppoe Id to be about 2,c00 feet north ward pine boards, 3,000 tes t 9 inch flco. mg boards, and 6,000 teet fcansiing-— 30 feet long—4 by 9. retnbroke will be fold for J cash, and a twelve months credit for the balance, the purchaser giving a Mortgage of the premiies, and lecurit) . The perional proper ty ioid for cash. jo nil Lr. iy uham son , W\ B , Bulloch, Ex’rs of John More l, dec’d. Strvannah, 0.-iS November, ISO 2. TO LET. ,% SMALL Store at present occupied by f~\ Mr. Joseph Davis, iinmediatepoflefion will given, for terms apply to fames Mar fall. N overnber, 24 ( 2 avvtf.) To Leaf for a term of years. A VALUABLE tract of oak hickory and .rice lands within Seven miles of Savanah equal in quality to any lands in the County of For terms apply to Francis Lourvoifie. November 24. * (ts) ■ ... ... .. WANTED TO RENT, A SUFFICIENCY of good cotton and Pro vjicn ‘land on or near the [alts, as would employ about twenty workers and for which the highest price will be given , and no objection cad to an advance cf rent. Apply at this ugji.e. Sept. 1. THE IN ASHING! ON COFFEE FI O U S E, AND HOTEL, Fr anklin-Squ are, S A M URL SAUB ER E, ESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the public, that he has taken that commodious brick house, in Franklin-square, oppofit ro the Baptitl Mteting-houfe, which Mil be opened on W edneiday tne nut day ot December next ; as a Coffee-houie and Ho tel. Such gentlemen as favor him with their cufcom, can be accommodated with ooard w.y and lodging, in the moll genteel manner, and the strictest attention paid to render their refdence agreeable. Dinner and upper pro vided for private parties at a few hours notice : Coffee and Soups every day from S o’clock in the morning till ten at night. Beef flakes and Oysters at any hour of the day. S.S. beus leave to add, that no exertion on his part (hail be wanting to give fatisfaftion to thole who may favor him with their cui\om,& Butters himielf, that the. principle on which his house is efb.blifhed, is luch as will iciure to him the fuffrages of the public in general Wines, Porter and spirituous liquors of the bed quality. N. B. Gocd ftabiiag for horses, and careful odltrs. Savannah, Nov. 20. Washington hotel . Mock Turtle will be ready This and every day at Eleven o’clock. Familes supplied with soups in the Highest perfection. Beefstakes andOyfters ar any hour when called for. THE B often . New York, Philadelphia , Baltimore and IVu/hivgton Papers , will be regu taken at the IVuJhingtcn K/jce lloufe and H A. \ftfß Captains of vefiels are requeued to leave at the Washington Coffee-Houfe, any information it may be in their power to com municate. The urmotl exertion will be made o procure the eariiek intelligence. ’December 4. ’ ‘[CT notice. AFTER the expiration of nine months, appli cation will be made, in of the abt of the Legislature in luch case made and provided, ro the honorable, the inferior Court of Camden county, for permiflion to fell foity five thousand acres of land on the wa ters of tho Great Satilla, being in grants of one thousand acres , also one water lott in the town of St. Mary’s, in the county of Camden aforefaid : the fame being the real estate of J* Macomb, late of the laid county of Camden, decerned, and will be fold for the benefit cl the heirs or creditors of the laid decealed. lf r . B. Bulloch, Attorney for the adminiftratix. Savannah, roth May, 1802. JOHN LtLIOURNiLAj , Gold, Silver Smith, 6c jeweller. ETURNS his fmcere thanks to the ladies and gentlemen of Savannah, and its vicinity, for •.a hoeralenvruragement they have given him since his commerrcemen in this place-: he also, informs hem, mat Ve has now opened in Made ns Row, rear - e Ex vv here he intend- difpnfmg of the fol lowing articles, low for cash or country produce, viz; Ladles GNa vvaten chains enameled and pLin : gentlemens do. Gold seals and k. ys •; (jold necklaces, G-Id beads di). Gold til Agree ear rings, Gulp pearl m< unitd bracc-l:ts,Gold U i’ecrl mounted hreaft pins, plain Go and brchff pins, (5 dd Pearl mounted linger ri.;.g , Gold fancy tnamelled do. Gold hair rings, Gold Medallion, Plain pebble seals, (Hid mourned go. iiandfbme gilt coral with .be;is, Silver do. Silver without bells, coral hand, Ivory tooth ick cases, Ever fruit knives, Elver set kneebuckl'eh j Ever tooth picks, illver pencil cases, fi'ver needle ca< es, fever smelling to tfos, fnver gdc do. iißer nur neg graters, silver thimbles, etvvits, Miniature iocket and ring glass, fi’Ver knee buckles, hat do* Pearl bead firing*, a var ie y of cut glass beads and ! < oral beads, silk purses, glove tils plain 5z vv :n c’afps Ladies spring garters ; gilt watch chains, teals and keys. Silk war h it rings, fuelling bottles in cases, diver smelling fcotdes, rnorrovv pocket books, ladies do. silver mounted spectacles, plated and Reel do. Gilt green and white do. fpedb* !e cases, reading glass pepper and leather fluff boxes,Morocco Minia ture cases, a great variety of plated candlesticks. plated fuuffers and stands : bread baskets. Ladies ink Hands. Salt feller*j and pepper boxes, Muiiard pets and wax tapers. Fish knives, elegant tea fee ters silver edge. Plated caftors, A variety of satin wood sea japanned do. Brari barrel pocket pistols, horseman’s do. Silver mounted do. Superfine Razors, feifiors, Gortsmans knives, bellfinifhed pen knives, best table and desert knives Ivory handles, de canter stands, knife cases, elegant Morocco shaving cases, ihaving boxes. Windsor Soap and Walh balls. : Segar cases. Common cafkrs. A large afiortment of Files. I (P* THE SUBSCRIBER, has also taken into co r partnerfhip with him, Mr. JOHN PEARSON ; the bufmefs in future will be conduced uder the firm of LETOURNFAU PEARSON, ho intend carrying on the above bufinels m all its, various branches, S-lver and Gold work, jewelry &: ficy Hair work, Gilding and Engraving, executed ns neweil and mod fafhioaable manner at the notice. N. B. The highefl price given for old gb’d tc fil-.y LA I'O JRNEA-J be PE V RSON December i%, 1802. 2awtf. DAVIS A VANAUSDOL, Painters, Giaizers, A Gilders. ESPECTFULLY inform the ir.habi tants ofSsvar.nah its vicinity, that they now carry ■on the buHneis in all its vari ous branches, at their loop in Broughton Street, formerly occupied by Mcfsrs. Butler & Muce, where all orders wiil be thankfully received, 6c executed with nealr.efs and dis patch. N. B. for sale two elegant carriages, at he bove shop. November io. (2avvtf. THOMAS JAMES, TAILOR, TNFORMS the Public that he has opened a flop on the Bay, near Abercorn Street inhere he will execute all orders in bis line in a nperior manner and on a fhert notice. He hopes to merit the continued patronage of bis em ployers. T. JAMES. Savannah , August 29, iSo2. Joseph Bevan , INFORMS these indebted to him, that hi< Books and papers are lodged with Robert and John Bol en, who 2re au horifed to receive payments, and Receipts. December iS,’ 1802. (25 Bt.) FOUND, BETWEEN the Custom-house, and Ml<* Moore’s, by a Negro Boy, a BANK* NOTE, the owner may have it by defcribinpf it, and paying for this advertifement —It H expected the Boy will be rewarded for htfr hondty. —Apply at the Cutlom-houfc. Savannah, nth October, 1802. Wanted Immediately; A CONVENIENT dwelling HOUSFj. •for a family ; with neccffary out-builds mg : Apply to IVUiiamJon Morel. December i,Sm2. (law ts .) To be sold or rented. ONE undivided third of Broughtov- Island, and the Plantation oppolitc thereto, called New-Hope, containing up wards of three thousand acres. For particu lars, apply to Dr. IVFCormick, in Savannah* Captain Twining, at Darien, or, David Ramsay* —Charleftort. December 4. WiHiam Gardner, House hid Ship Carven, and Gilder. TNFORMS the inhabitants op this city that 1 he intends carrying a: the aoove bufmefs in all its various branches , and will be thankful JN any favors in bis line . Looking-Glass frames, made gilt and repaired. Ornaments for the tops cf mantle pieces, Flozvfr Pots, Erns, Birds , Ac. Also for the tops of Gates which is much in faffjion elsewhere. Pifture Frame*', mads to any pattern and old ones gilt* t 1 Portraits and Landfcapei cleaned. N 13. Any Orders directed will bo attended to just above Air. Wayne's, and front ing his wharf, at Air. Alai hew Cliffs, private boarding house. November 24. ( 2 awt f.) NEGROES.’ FROAI twenty to fifty Negroes will be taken bares'cn as productive a plantation as any on St. Simons. For terms apply to Robert A John Bolton , Savannah. Or to Col John Burnett , Brunswick Glynn Cqjn ty. November, 20 IBE BUBSLRIbEKB. J TAVING rented convenient Stores on f~X Harden and Jones's Wharf (formerly Clarices) offer their ferviccs to their friends and the Public 2s Factors and Commiffon Merchants. BULLEN A HARDEN. October 9, 1802. IW3III. iro o jjy~ : THOSE who wifn -O purchase from the Subscriber, please obfVrve> that four Dollars per drav load is the pric<?. JACOB CUNES. Nove mi vt r 6rgo T. (1 w 8 w♦ .j AMES a/ - WILLSON. 1 TNFORMS his friends, and the Public, that he has opened an OFFICE at his house near the Court Hotrfe, where, he draws INSTRUMENTS of WRITING , of any, and every with accuracy and dispatch. November 6 1802. ftf) . > FUK SALE, A FEW PIPES Cogniac Brandy by, Willinmjon A Morel. November 17. Final Notice. ALL Persons having any Demands against the Eiiate of Thomas Shatidly will please fend in theiraccourTs attelled. fames Epfinger , ? Adm ini lira tor, Alary Shandty Adminflratrixh December 8. 1 8o 2* • ~ E. A I. TICHENOR , Have just Received, Per brig Washington , from New-York, and for [ole at their flooe ft ere, Market Square : ONE HUNDRED pair Boot & Booue legs, 100 do. Kid flippers and (audits, 100 do. Leather Slippers, 100 do. fine mens Shoes, 25 do. Bootees. Sides of new LEATHER, an£ Seal Skins and Shoe Thread. —ALSO,— 300 pair Negroes foes, largefize. They have on hand, a handlome i (Tortment of fnci of ever* defer!ption, which will old low for cafh* December if. ISO 2. fiwtr.) This di\T, ~ By mutual Consent, Is diffolvcd, the Co-partnerfuip of THOMAS & CODEY. Savannah, 13th December, 1802,