Georgia republican & state intelligencer. (Savannah, Ga.) 1802-1805, January 01, 1803, Image 1

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peorgjn Republican & State Intelligencer. Dollars a Year, Half in Advance. m GEORGIA REPUBLICAN , ■ Vclumel. No. 28. | ETHiiiir ~ I//6* received on Consignment by the Ship Comet, ■ 20 ZD/<?r Woollens, moflly Coarse, Upbicb ‘will bejold exceeding low, by the Bale, K: his Auction Store Commerce row, for Cajh or upland Cotton . ■ Novemle r 27. ts ■ To M E R CHAN I S. |B A person in thr Mercantile lint*, fettle..! ar ■final l village in the Country, where holiness Biay he done to great advantage, is defnous ■f a Partner who can advance Pour thou- Bhand Dollars in Cash or D.y Goods, well laid n to that amount, or would have no objection ; hto being concerned with a large importing 1 wholesale house which would Lippi y full f at cost and charges.—ln case of a partner who would reside on the spot, hr can be accommodated with the family, who arc poll. (Ted of necefiary conveniences.—For further particulars on this fuuject, enquire of the printer, and add refs a few lines as they will direst. November 2, 1802. ZiUCI ion. On Tucfaay the 4th of January next, wiil be fold, at the Courr-huufr in this City, a Farm Lot , situated in the neighbourhood of savan nah, containing 45 acres. A full deferiptio • of ;he fame will be made known on the day of sale. At the fame time and place, a prime Negro Fellow. Also, two trails of Land , in Liberty county —one containing coo acres,the * o ru r 2 :0, prime Cotton-and Rice Lana — Lot number 6, Holland I yth’m:, Percivai Ward, 60 by 90, fronting Couth common and Bull-ltreec—-one half the purdule in 60 days, the other half an approved note at 6 months—* Plats and Grants may be seen by application . Joseph Arnold, Aruflr. December 18, 1802. (?t.) c fuA il j Js i J l* iict (>t Savannah. Any F v rion wiihtig iv> to v and keep in their stations, and in re pair, the Buoys that are, or may be provided, as guides to the entrance of Savannah river, will early notify in writing to the Lihfen ber, at what rate per annum he will per form the service. THO. JOHNSON, Collector. Sept. 17* 2a wt. THE SUBSCRIBER, ~ of crs \ hh r rvtces to Lis friends and the I public, i;i the Factorage, Vendue, and 4 COMMISSION BUSINESS. As he means to confine himfelf fir idly to the above business , be flutters himfelf he /kali be able to give Atisfdttion to thole who jury employ him. JOSEPH ARNOLD, Commerce Row . Nov. 3. PROPOSAL^ FOR CARRYING Mails of the United States, On the following Pcji-rcads : Will be received at the General Polt-Oliice at iVafh ington, until me 18m day of January iuciulive. in sou ru -Carolina, • So. From Fayetteville, N, C\ by Lumber ton, BareHelds, Ports ferry. Lycnhv. lie arid Wilt-town u George. I'own, once a week—leave Fayetteville e rery Fhurfday at 2P. AI. arrive at Lyachviile or Saturday by 8 P M ; leave Lynchviile on Sunday 4 A M. and arme at Gevirge- i'own by 6 P Ai : Lav. GfcOrge-Fovvn every Alongday at AM. arrive ar Lynchville by S P Al ; leave Lynchvilleon ‘i'uerdav at 4 A AL arrive at Fayetteville the next Thund-v ; by xo A M. 81. From Richmond c h. N, C, by Parker’s ferry Chatham, Cheraw c h, Bentonville, Da;!ington c h, ’ P/ult*yfvti!c, Jeffries and the CLyhoulc 10 Lynch villc, cme a week ; leave Lynchvihe every Tuesday at 4 A AI, arrive at Richmond c h. on Thursday by 11 A. M. leave Richmond cn, every Thini dav ar 1 P Al, arrive at Lynchvilie cn Saturday bv BjP Al. ‘ Si. From Charlotte, N C, Beggar's ferry 5c Hill’s iron works to York c h, SC, once a week ; leave Charlotte ch, every Sunday at 6 A Ad, arrive at York ch, by 6 P Al; leave York ch, cverySaturdav at 6 A Al, arrive at Charlotte by 6 r Al.! 83 From Camden by Statesburg, Jamesville, •Nelion's ferry, and Monk’s Corner to Cnarleilcn,3 times a vveek,M.av i,to Nov. 1, leave Camdeneverv Tuesday, & Thurldav at 2 A AI, 5c arrive 2 Charleston in 32 hours on Monday, YVednefday anc Friday at 10 A Al.---Returning : leave CharlcfHr, every Monday, YVednefday and Friday a: 2 P Al. andarrive at Camden in 33 hums, on Tuefday,Thuri- Jay ar.dSaturdayat 11 PM. 84. From Columoia by Wins boro*, Chester, ch York ch, Pii.kneyvill , # Uni c h, Sparanhurg, Greenville c h, Rerdy Shciver, Picker.fville, Laurent c h, Be If aft and Newbury c h to Columbia oncea wak j Lave Culamb a every Monday at 5 A hi, ..rriveat York on I uelday by 7 P M ; L ave Yo;k c h, at hair p.ut 7P M. and arrive at Greeni viile c h, on Thursday o) 8 P M ; leave Green ville ch, cm Friday a f 4AM, hi arnveat Colum bia Jy 6 P M. b’s h romkugeiield c h. by A. Richardfor* bridge, bOuih.irvvnton, Abbeville chaimi Rocky Ri ver tu d.ero .c h, once a week ; leave Edaebeld cb, every VVcdnelaayat 11, A M. arrive at Pcndle um c n, nexi by 4 P M; leave Pe dl. t m v h, ever) .Saturday at 9P. M, arrive at Edgefield c h next Wednc&ay ry 9 A M. 86. From George-l ow 11 to Charleftun once a week; leave George, ('own eve y Monday 219 A Ai, ainye a: Ciiarleilon on lutiUay by i.Con ; leave Charlellon every barurday noon, arrive at Gcoige- I o.\n <>r: buud.q by 8 P M. 87. From StatUoui'g by SumpterfviMe, Salem and to Will- 1 own ome a week : leave Will* i own eve:y l uefuay a 6 A I\l at 5 on Wedneluay a 6 PA'i; kve u;g every t u.l day at ii A M, .*..4 t Will I own on hi day at 7 P. M. 88. From Augufla by the upper Three Runs am* Black S/amp to v o-la me, once a week j leave Cooidwhatcn.-c ever) at 6 A Al, -onve at Au - gutla on i uelday by t) P M ; leave e l .e > . uelday at 8 A A l , ar* ive at Gocid.vuoLchie o. Saturday bv 6 PM. ,iN GEORGIA. fg From Augclta by L River, Lincoln ch, dcieriburg, Liocrion, it* raakim c n, and Gilbert* to Cla.rk.-boio’, once a week. ; leave Auguna every iVlor.d.iy ai 8 A iVi, arrive ac l nuii uuy ny iu A Ivi, leave Lla ksb every i iiU.iGdV *U i. i J ivi, A. live al Atigulta next - JVi•••noay a< 4 A iVI go. i* 1 on) Aijuuitd bv Goium*>ia c h, Walfiing* ;or, Greensboro’, Ah haiiiinaviile, Sv-ai ta, George town and VVar-renion to L u <fv lie, once a .\tck . leave Aua.uliai.vcrv Monday at 2 F iVI, arrive at LnuCvilie cu ! buiday 5 FiVi ; Returning :• leave Loulviilc every Friday,at 6 A lVi, arrive at Augul ai next WL <n*l ay by’ 10 A iSI. 9!. Fioni Lousfvil.'e by baa. derfvillc to Fort Wi'- Jctiil o, once a week : leave L inlville every Friday a: 4 AM, at rive at Fort WilLirdon by 6 i 5 M : Returning : Lave Fort YVilkifiion every Saturday a: 8 A. M. arrive at Louiiville by 0 P M, NO rES. 1. The Pell M after Genera! may expedite the ;uu! -Si deer the lines 01 amvJ& departure during in ! ucnuiu- nee ci the co Aadlr, tier previously iU.;uE uht an commentation, for any ex ra cxpence ftnat may be eccalioned thereby. 2. Fifteen minutes (hall be allowed for openi 4 aid doling the I3idil at all offices where no tune u pecilieJ. 3. For every thirty minutes delay (unavoidab. accidents exceped) m arriving after the rime pre c; ibtd inary contra^,the conrraCi or lha|j forfeit one Jvllar ; and it the delay continue until the departuu of any deper ding mail, whereby tne mails deftmec for !Ui.h -dc. ending mail lose a trip, an additional f failure of five dollars fnall be in urred. 4. as well as letters are to be sent in he mail :ad if any person, making propofols, defirc .o ca* ry news papers Other t -an thofo conveyed ii the mail, for Ins own emolument, he muff lAte it his propnfals, for what sum he will carry it wirh tha. emolument and for what sum without that emolu merit* 5. Should any person, making proposals, deilre <n alteration ot the times cf arrival and deparure a nove fpecined, h e muff {fate in his propofols, the a! teraiions desired, and the difference they will make ;n the terms of his contrail. 6. Person; making propofols are desired to (fate heir prices by the year. Thofo who contract will eceivc their pay quarterly in the months of Februa^ r y, May, August and November, one month afte he expiration of each quarter. 7. No other than 2 free white person (hall be cm - ployed to convey the mail. 8. Where the proposer intends to convey the mail n tire body of a iiage carriage, he is delircd to Rate ii iii his propofols. q. The PidFMafter-General reserves to himfelt the right cf declaring any contract at an end when ever three failures happen which amount to the loss of a trip each. The contracts for the above routes are to be in o erat on on the firft day ol Apri* next—ind are to continue in force for one year from that time*- GIDEON GRANGER, Post-Master General, General, Washington Citv, Nov. 5, jBo2. F O H h i ii E, A G A N G O F L A B O U R E R S. Enquire an this office. December 8, 1802. (22tf) Abe butyerwt:- s, Having convenient stores on BOLTON’s WHARF, For the reception of Produce, offer their ervices ts the planters and ctberr in the FAC rORAGE COMMISSION bufinefs.\ { Jackson Gs FJtstene. December 11. 2awtf. SAVANNAH, Printed m” LYON & MORSE, January j, 1803, Mercantile cf Mathematical Academy, MR. COY imprtlied witn the moR lively gra. tiiude, lor trie liberal patronage wh:- h he has uiiiiei mly txpe. icnced lines tlie commencement r I i:s Academy : announces that he has empli yed an Afliffant . and t int children nx years old, vv.ll be received in the School. 1 a rents and li uar <j i r* s may rely on the mod fern* pub u.-> attention bung paid to iheir morals and improvement. N. B. He has like wife opened a Night School, at his own house from 7 to 9 : where thole wr.o can not a*tr and to a daily education, will have the advan tage of be ng inihuettd m Lnglifti gramaricallv, VV r ting, Arithmtuc, Book-keeping, Geome.r), Me ilufemetr. Naviatit,i, Giole<-, Cfc. Sailer’- vvul he taugiit Solar and Lunar obferva :if>ns, tre names r f the principal fixt Stars, particularly thole -f <hn conftellations,proper 10 mealure he Li on’s diit2:n c liom. Savannah, December 8, ISO 2. • ts.) 7 wenty Dollars Reward. RUNAWAY from the iubienher, living in W.Rhingron county-, a. NEGRO tvIAN, named Me si er, about 27 or iH years eid, about 5 feet 1 1 inchns-high, knock-kneed u oitfl.y head and a 1 car on i:is ihioa*, had t>n when he went away, a pair blue broad doth oveialis, a negro-cloth jacket, anti had with hull a v. hite broad cloth coat. A reward of twenty dollars wnl be given if confined so iliac I get hur.. F. Boykin. December 8, r 802. FOR SALE Jufi landed out cj tie hfoip Ltomet, from Balti more, 4 bales low priced Cloths, aflbrted. 4 do. Half Thicks* do. 3 do, N aj>t Cottons, do. 1 do. . Kcileys, do. 1 tlo. Eianneis, do. 1 1 do. Fine 1 lcklenborgs, 6 cases low priced Hats, aflbrted I cale Lancafinre Sheetings, do. * do. fine Shining Linen, do. 1 do. Linen Check. do. 1 do, Japanned \V a re, do. t 1 -io. Brown Holland, do. :4 trunks Calicoes, do. * do. Romals, Shawls, oec* do. I do. Mullins and Laces, do. 1 do. Dimities, do. 1 do. Worded Kofe, do. f do. Cotton do. These Goods have been imported this fall from the heft flapping houjes, and will he found on ex amination to be well laid in ♦ They will be difpos ■ *d of at a liberal advance, by the package only. ; or Qafh, Produce, er Notes with approved en iorersoy. Laurence .9orn if? I *)', At Mejfrs. Johtifien, Robert/on & C os. Ware - House . December i aa // ~ 10 bEHold, Monday the 14'ih day of February next, Be tween Ibe hours of 1 o and 2 o'clock, at the •Uuution of JOHN WiSENB *K£R, dec. in Effingham county, all the perfonaS est are of .he fa id Jcceaied j con fill mg of one negro,a horfe,feven heac , CAI V e a F-t cf black i tilths tools : H.ufe r bold Furniture, N;c. Ncc. Mary W ifenbaker, qualified executrix. “* December 18, qt. | ‘HE subscriber intending to be absent from the {rate icme */me, requefls these who may have , iaims agamft him, to render them as loon as pos i b.e for payment ; and (uch as are indebted to him are lolicited to difeharge the fame. „ 7- Tattnall, jun. BcitavctUnre, Dec. iH, 1802. (lawim ) G'’ NO 1 ICE “ Copartncrniip of R. & fohn Bolton. T Ht A Mr. ROBERT BOLTON x readers it neceffiry :o inform the friend! ...m cot reipcncence of tne firm, both ,n the United butes aauaeroad, that the funds and (lock in trade .emam as heretofore, and that provision is made no! on.y to preierve, but annually ,0 incteafe tne capi al ; and they are aifo, informed, that the bufmefs of tne house will continue to be conduced b John Bolton, Uf, der the f3me firm of ROBERT & j OHN sOLTON. Joseph Haber foam, William Wallace , George IVccdvuff, John Boltov, Executors. Sav anrebt amber io. Twelve and ti Half Cents Single Wanted to Hire. i ARE 1 NF kSi,, With a good breart of rr’l’cM c nher bla k or white, ‘vith or without a chile J to ivhoiw good wages will e g,\en and puiidtua! pay-1 ments made. Enquire Os the Printers* fl Decern her 25, 18 T. 23V i*t f. I Fv_/R SALE. I| Twenty two barrels of lrifh Potatoes J Al J. \\ .liiam’s Carriage shop, oppofitc \ Dr. N. W ‘ Jones’s Broughton•ftrecc\l Aooiv U) Mr. Willi <I"S. i Uiv ~ The Sloop Sally, INTENDED as a constant tra- V> dcr during the winter fro m this £*&***±-~-m port to the louthern ports of this good accommodations for* freight or pafkngti 5. The fmallcll favor will jbe thankfully ‘received.For further particular* ; enquire ot Mr. Samuel Howard, or of i Isaac N. Me serve, mailer, on Board. October 2j, 1802. Notice . f who nave not made their Tax* Return for the prefert year are rcquelteu u; vlo it as rile Receiver wiil dole his Dipeff sJ in mediately • TV. Gardner, Receiver cf Chatham f December 1. (A)r „ \ LEG AN i ’ FU R N MURE FOR aa L I'll Sl’ landed *r m o- boc.d me ihi Comet, Capt Meveniem, flora bainm ue, y quantity oi ex-* celisnc Maho 7an y Flimitur e . Os the fuilr.uns, cuntillmg ot Secrtarys & Book* Cases, Si e Board-, Circular and Bruight front Be. icaus, Fall Desk 4, Cirtu ar and 1 to. aer Card “I hies, Oval Pembroke do. Northumberland dining do circular and iti aight LLfon ilands, Candle (lands, No —— AL S ( ), A few fancy Chairs. l he ci'lfccns otSavannah are par tit uiArly r'cjuefled to view the above turiiiturt , ns it r of a lu. ctioi qu-.!u t and will be Uld K,sv for calh or produce. Any per ton w 1 filing to r-urchaie bedheadt, or any article ii>. the uDuve line,-can ta fuppl.-vd in a few weeks by I'Mw-ard PrieftlcvN at Johnson& Robertf)n,siio’s. old Cumpticg Lol December 4. N O TIC E. LL per Tons to whom the es are o f 1 rancis Levelt , t fqum . late of Jutim ~ run, is indcoted, are requeued to (urnifli the r ounrs, or statement of 1 heir demands, duiv -tttested, and those indebted to rhe estate, ar*s expebted to make inmimedidfc payment, ro YViliiam Stephens, Matthew Johnston, James Johnston jun. Executors. December 4. A liberal rent will be given for about 2000 icrc;. prime cotton jand, on or about b.ipcio—* Apply as above. vs Wants Lmploymciit, ACII IZLN, w no is well acquaint!; ■ with bufmefs, would accept of a fuoe:- cargoes birth to the Well-Indies ; or wo id • attend to a few Jett of merchants, or trader ViCns becks: the coHedion of debts, or would vvnre a few hours in the day in a public office. ac is weii acquainted with the town, L’ -’ mg a native t.iereof:—For further particuh- •• enquire gt the Office of the Georgia Repub - c.a.n, or addreis a line to. A. G. which will L a July attended to. November 20, tBo2. (?*;.) Wanted tor the eniuiug Year, Ain active induflrous won, as an over'. • to live in the Island of Offabawi he L. 1 he well acquainted with the cultivation of cot - ana the management of negroes -, and produce j rA jicient vouchers for his bonefiy, sobriety and a: ;• : Apply in Savannah to Mejfrs. Wilhav -- ion IS Morel or on said Island io P. H. Ak”! n ISOV. 22.0.% lu o2. 20ZV if. ORPHAN HuUbE. ” AN Overseer is wanted for the plantad-n one who caii read and write, and * well recommended for nis knowledge ofl ; 1 rianLing, has honesty, lobriety and artenu j will meet w*th proper encouragement, bv - j p-yrng of the Trustees. I Wm. tcplicn. I Jos. Haberfiiat.;, I Pcier Deveai: , I Gi bbq: ? v.. I \ December 3J, 1802. fl