Newspaper Page Text
■Thursday, August 28, 191T* r ‘
press cars pass through every town that has
a railroad running through it
If the bundle is addressed to some one per
son, and all The Jeffersonians for that person
put in the bundle, the expressman will throw
it off, as the car passes through.
lhe risk in this is, of course, not having
any one who would be interested enough to
be at the station, when the express went
through, to pick up the bundle.
Will you help?
Doesn't it seem rather hard that a man who
is trying to help you, by expressing your sen
timents, keeping you posted on matters of
vital importance to yourself, and doing it all
without an object of any benefit to himself—
should be denied the privileges that every
Quack medicine man, hundreds of “invest
ment ' schemes and the like—are accorded?
In the meanwhile, our book department is
still operating in full blast. Besides buying
a copy of the Constitution of the United
States, you might, after reading the daily pa
pers, which are telling you in box-car letters
of “the efforts of the pope for world peace,* 5
also refresh your mind with some Roman
Catholic history, which tells of other popes,
at other times, also demanding work! peace,
on Roman Catholic terms.
For a starter. I’d suggest: A Short His
tory of the Papacy and the Popes, 10c.
The Massacre of St. Bartholomew, 25c.
House of Hapsburg, 30c.
The Oath of the Knights of Columbus. 10c.
V hen you have read any or all of these,
you will, I am sure, be willing to help keep
lhe eJeffersonian going, and you might write
and tell me so. A. U L.
o »
To Contest the New Conscrip
tion Law in the Federal
Let Us Try to Save the Lives a
Minion Men
| N addition to contributions previously ac
knowledged, we have received the follow
J. M. Hall, Ga 50.00
A. N. Torrance, Ga 5.00
G. M . Wallace, C. F. Holliday, E. B. Betts,
Ga 3.00
J. B. Stewart, Ga 2.00
Private donation from Russell Township,
Lafayette, Co., Ark 5.00
E. M. Hughes, Ky 10.00
M. D. Brown, Ga 20.00
J. W. Collier, Ga 15.00
Chipley, Ga 6.00
J. A. Hancock, Tex 50.00
Rotan, Tex., friends 20.00
C. S. Clements, Ga 5.00
J. R. Powell, Mi; s 3.50
J. H. McPherson, Tex 1.00
G. W. Daniels, Ga 5.00
Mrs. S. M. T., Ga 5.00
From Alexton, La., 42.35
Z. B. Olliff, Quitman, Ga 5.00
Jno. H. Pool, Mo 5.00
Wm H. Perkins, Ky 2.00
John P. Bowen, Mo 5.00
W. J. Bracey .50
Sending Out The Jeff
It’s costing us just four times as
much to send out The Jeffersonian,
by express, as it did to mail it.
Several of our friends realize this,
and the letter below is one that shows
how clearly the added cost is being
My Dear Sir: lam enclosing to
you a check for $5.00 to help you in
getting your paper out to the people.
Yours truly,
Gibson, Ga MRS. P. DIXON,
R. R. Wooten, McAdoo, Texas,
SIO.OO for express fund.
This will help us keep The Jef
fersonian going.
Do YOU want to help?
V v , / y A. L. L.
Walter Moore - .50
W. F. Hill 1.00
J. W. Parrish, Ga 1.00
T. L. Gray, Ga 1.00
W. R. Parrish, Ga 3.00
From Spring Garden, Ala 5 7.50
S. W. Moore, Tex p.OO
S. C. Perkins, Washington 1.00
R. E. B. Smith, Ala 4.00
L. U. Snead, N. C 5.00
Dr. E. B. Reese, S. S. Sorrow, E. K. Reese,
Ga 2.50
Alan Smoot, Okla 5.00
J. S. Dennis, Ark 5.0 0
J. M. Wesson, 1.00
J. D. Hart, Thos. B. Powell, 11l 7.00
I. B. Crowl, W. A. Williams, Tex 7.00
R. Devane, “76 years old,” Fla 22.00
T. U. Smoke, Ga 1.00
J. H. Jones, Ga 19.50
T. L. Amerson, Ga 6.00
J. J. Payne, Ala 5.00
Jesse A. Wood, Texas 4.0 0
W. J. Parrish, Ga 10.00
E. O. Gray, Ga 2.50
M. F. Parrish, Ga 1.50
W. E. Cofer, Va 1.00
From J. V. Underwood and others, Ga. . . 56.00
E. D. Hines, Mrs. M. O. Hines, B. and D.
Hines, Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Leverett, Ga. 12.00
J. L. Shepard, Fla 16.00
E. J. O’Neal, Ga 6.50
Citizens of Pine Springs, Rt. 1, Bailey,
Miss 10.00
People of Islamorada, Fla 22.50
Mrs. J. J. Breed, J. H. Cox, and others,
Abanda, Ala 2 7.50
W. S. Newbury, Tex 1.00
S. S. Davis, Fla 22.00
A Texas Man, conscripted 3.00
E. G. Peters, Ga 2.00
A Subscriber at Low Land, S. C 21.50
Meeting at Kite, Ga 16.00
Wm. Lika, Ark 92.50
Citizens and Tax Payers of Johnson Co.. . 104.00
J. T. Renfroe, Ga 5.00
Pleasanta Valley, Tex 4 5.50
C. G. Mader, W. A. Mader, Ohio 6.00
W. J. Jones, Miss 5.00
R. O. Vinson, Ga 6.00
T. T. Cooper, Ala .15.75
Tobe C. King, 11l 1.00
From an 8 7 year old Citizen at Jacksboro,
Texas 1.00
Othes at Jacksboro, Texas 4.85
Mrs. E. A. Bower, Texas 20.00
Danielsville Meeting, Ga 18.00
G. L. Shuford, N. C 10.00
From Nicholson, aG 28.50
Joseph Motycka, Texas 5.00
Macon County Meeting, Ga 37.00
From Griffin, Ga 39.65
Mrs. T. M. Lanier, Fla 10.00
T. H. Lawson, Fla 10.00
Mr. Abbott, Fla 1.00
Wade Lanier, Fla 1.00
R. V. Lanier, Fla 1.00
W. J. Barber, Fla . 1.00
L. Bronson, Fla 1.00
T. A. Cowart, 23 years old, drawn, Ga. . . 1.00
W. R. Wilson, 36 years old, Ga 1.00
S. W. Freeman, 63 years old, Ga 5.00
M. F. Canaly, 53 years old, Ga 5.00
R. B. Thomas, 63 years olu, Ga 5.00
W. A. York, Ga 2.00
A. M. Malcom, Ga .50
C. F. Oglesby, Ga 1.00
John W. Estes, Ga 1.00
L. P. Sibley, Ga 1.00
L. M. Malcom, Ga - 1.0 0
P P. Sibley, Ga 2.00
Jack B. Rowe, Ga 1.00
I. F. Rowe, Ga .5 0
C. M. Malcom, Ga .50
Milton.'Malcom, Ga .50
Virgal Massey, Ga. . : .50
A. S. Massey, Ga .50
WANTEP.-A location for a doctor. Apply
Fred Williams, Watkinsville, Ga.
FOR FALL PLANTING.- 100 bushels small
Irish potatoes—now ready to go in ground.
Mostly Cobblers- few Triumph. $2 50 per bushel;
f. o. b. A. \V. Holley & Co., Fort Gaines, Ga.
for spring setting. Our sure method for keep
ing them green all winter only 4,2. Also millions
of cabbage plant s 1.000 for $1.50, 500 for 75 cents.
J. T. & d. w. Clark, Thomasville, Ga.
Just Write to Me
and Write at Once
Send addressed, stamped envelope. You will
receive something that you will always be glad
of, but you must write now’ to get it.
G. W. JENKINS, M.D., liubiin, Ga.
When writing to advertisers, please
111 cut ion The Jell'ersouiau.
All Choked Up With Catarrh?
Why Continue Makeshift Treatment?
Sprays and douches will never cure
Cararrh is annoying enough when
it chokes up your nostrils and air
passages, causing painful and diffi
cult breathing and other discomforts.
But the real danger comes when it
reaches down into your lungs.
This is why you should at once
realize the importance of the proper
treatment, and lose no time experi
menting with worthless remedies
which touch only the surface. To be
Watson's Political Handbook, fifth
edition, just oft’ the press. Paper
$1.00: Cloth, $1.50. Jeffersonian
Publishing Co., Thomson, Ga.
Daniel Grocery Co., Ga 10.00
R. E. Whitaker, Ga 5..00i
Ed. Berthof, Ga .50
B. T. Arington, Ga .50
W. L. Lenengs, Ga ' .25
Alvin Thompson, Ga 1.00
C. W. Emory, Ga 1.00
J. T. Bryan, Ga .50
Oscar Cook, Ga 1.00
J. H. Brazel, Ga 1.00
L. E. Moore, Ga 1,00
T. H. Hill, Ga 50
G. C. Adamson, Ga .50
J. F. Wood, Ga 1.00
J. T. Anderson, Ga .50
R. F. Anderson, Ga 50
W. S. Dunlap. Ga 1.00
W. A. Willoughby, Ga .25
J. D. Monroe, Ga 1.00
R. P. Bryant, Ga LOO
R. D. Brooks, Ga 1.00
S. E. Banks, Ga .25
J. T. Hall, Ga 1.00
J. W. Gorden, Ga 1.00
J. W. Kent, Ga 1.00
H. R. Toney, Ga .25
Rev. W. S. Cornett, Ga .50
W. H. Mitchell, Ga .25
J. A. Yarbrough, Ga .25
J. A. Eslees, Ga .50
J. W. Sivell, Ga .50
E. M. McLeroy, Ga 1.00
P. W. Carter, Ga. 6.00
Geo. D. Brown, Ga 1.00
Stranger, Ga 1.00
Guy Buchanan, Ga 1.00
J. B. Hnter, a 2.00
J. W. Vaughn, Ga LOO
G. D. Russell, Ga 1.00
W. W. Colwell, Ga , 1.00
J. W. Russell, Ga 1.00
J. O. Gooden, Ga 1.00
J. S. Shackelford, Ga 1.00
W. J. Segraves, Jr., Ga .50
A. G. Oliver, Ga .25
J. H. Buchanan, Ga 1.00
S. E. Clark, Ga 1.00
W. J. Barrett, Ga 1.00
J. W. Crane, Ga 1.00
J. H. Crane, Ga 1.00
Joe. B. Hunter, Ga 1.00
B. M. Hunter, Ga 2.00
W. J. Kersey, Ga .25
W. E. Colwell, Ga 2.55
J. H. Marshell, Ga .25
V. M. Oliver, Ga .10
B. M. Moore, Ga .25
J. W. Kersey, Ga .50
G. P. Carden, Ga 1.00
J. H. Shackleford, Ga 1.00
S. J. Bailey, Ga 1.00
W. A. Kindrick, Ga 1.00
Jake Reid, Ga 5.00
Community iVnemont, Ala 22.75
J. L. Kenyon, J. F. Daniel, E. D. Lewis,
C. C. Turner, B. F. Daniel, W. P. Bar
rentine, Ga 5.00
John Rogers, Ga 1.00
Artee Knight, Ga 2.00
J. H. Jennings, Utah 5.00
John C. Schnartz, N. Y 3.00
Jas. S. Wyatt, J. B. Dunton, J. T. Wyatt,
Va 6.00
R. T. Willis, Indiana 6.00
J. S. Lambet, Boxville, Ky 4.50
Bartow County, Ala 18.25
L. H. French, Indiana 2.00
Jas. P. Bratman, Indiana 3.00
Mrs. Icey W. Day, Miss 1.00
J. M. Harvey, J. F. Raney, R. F. Bynum,
O. E. Burnly, W. L. Gunn, Miss * 15.00
C. D. Kirkland, Ga 10.00
Elbert County People, Ga 11.00
Dr. C. U. Aydelott, Ohio 5.00
Citizens, Tenth District, Carroll Co., Tenn. 9.25
Richard Lemke, Ala 1.00
From friends at Thomaston, Ga 5.50
rid of Catarrh, you must drive the
disease germs out of your blood.
Splendid results have been re
ported from the use of S. S. S.,
which completely routs from your
blood the Catarrh germs, for which
it is a perfect antidote.
S. S. S. is sold by all druggists.
If you wish medical advice as to the
treatment of your own individual
case, write Chief Medical
Adviser, Swift Specific Co., Dept.
L-4 8, Atlanta, Ga.
| W SPECIALIST (for men) .
Atlanta Georgia