Newspaper Page Text
Gained Twice As
Much As He Lost
“ I Feel Twenty Years
Younger Than I Did When
I Took My First Dose Os
Tanlac ” Says A. L. Hock
‘‘l’ve not only gained back the
fifteen pounds 1 had lost, but am fif
teen pounds heavier than 1 was be
fore 1 started to lose weight, and
feel all of twenty years younger than
when 1 took my first dose of Tanlac,”
said A. L. Hockholzer (pronounced
Ho-holzer) an expert machinist of
Columbus, Miss., some time ago.
“1 had stomach troubles and rheu
matism, for a mighty long time, and
my troubles pulled me down until 1
• would have to lay off from my work
for a week or two at a time. Every
time I. went back to work, it was the
same way, 1 would have to quit
again. I got so weak I couldn’t lift
ten pounds and fell off fifteen pounds
in ■weight. Nothing I ate agreed with
me and 1 was so nervous and rest
less that I couldn’t sleep at night.
Nothing I took did me any good.
“Unless a person suffers like 1 did,
they can’t realize how glad I am to
have my health back again! I
started taking Tanlac and begun to
pick up right away. It seemed like
my food tasted different, and every
thing 1 ate built me up until I gained
back all I lost and fifteen pounds
more. My strength has come bac'k
to me. until I can life two hundred
and fifty pounds -without a bit of
trouble. Os course I recommend
Tanlac because it sure helped me.’’
Tanlac is sold in every locality by
one regularly established agency.—
Frost Proof tarly Fall and Winter
Prompt shipments. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Charles Wakefield. Jersey Wakefie’d, Early Flat
Dutch, Succession. Parcel post paid —500, $1.25;
1,000, $2,00. Express, collect—l,ooo, $1.50; 5,000
and over, $1.25. Sure shipments. Good plants.
J. T. and C. W. CLARK, Thomasville, Ca.
rOH WUL 3 Miles Mouhrie
On clayed public road. 60 in cultivation. Dark
loam soil —clay sub-soil. Good 5-room bungalow.
One tenant house; two-story barn and .shelters.
Easy terms. Few more farms for sale. Only $42
per acre.
L. M. BURNS, Moultrie, Ga.
Safe Investment for Your Health
Are you sick? Are you suffering
with any stomach, liver, kidney or
bladder disease? Are you afflicted
witli rheumatism, sciatica, Bright’s
disease, gall-stones, criabetes, uric
acid poisoning? IE so, you will de
rite much benefit from drinking the
mineral water from the famous Grey
Rq/ck Spring at Summerland, S. C.
This water is absolutely tasteless,
clear as crystal, but it is highly
medicinal—alterative, laxative and
tonic. It gives appetite, aids diges
tion and quickly proves beneficial in
treating the diseases named. Many
physicians prescribe it. Wo show
our absolute faith in. it by offering
you a three-week’s treatment and
if you derive no benefit from it, you
can promptly get your money back.
Guarantee limited to first order and
report in 30 days. Fill out the cou
Grey Rock Spring,
105 Summerland Station,
IJatesburg, S. C.
Enclosed find $2 for 10 gallons Grey
Rock Water. I will use as directed,
return the bottles to you at YOUR ex
pense in 30 days and report what
benefit I receive. I am suffering with
Express Office
Inventive Genius
Makes Calomel
Calomel, the Most Valuable of all
Drugs, Now Purified from its Un
pleasant and Dangerous Qualities
—Calotabs the New Name.
The medicinal virtues of calomel
are in no way connected with its
nauseating and dangerous qualities,
as is proven by the fact that the new
calomel tablet, recently perfected, is
wholly free from objectionable effects
yet retains all of the liver-cleansing
and system-purifying qualities of the
old-style calomel. For biliousness,
constipation and indigestion, and
wherever calomel is essential, the
new de-nauseated calomel tablet is
a practic'd!ly perfect remedy.
To inspire public confidence in
this new discovery the manufacturers
have authorized druggists every
where to refund the price if the
customer is not “perfectly de
lighted’’ with Calotabs. Sold only
in original packages, sealed, twenty
doses for thirty-five cents. One tab
let at bedtime, with a swallow of
water. No taste, no nausea, no
griping. You wake up in the morn
ing with a clean liver, feeling fine,
and a hearty appetite. Eat what you
please,—no danger.
Before it is too late. We make it easy for you
with our wonderful discovery, “GOLDEN
DAWN,” and guarantee to cure the tobacco
habit in any form, or
Full size $2 treatment sent for only $1 —
money order. ‘
G. D. JACKSON, EiizabctMc wn, Ky.
Attention, Farmers !
We want to say to the readers of
the JEFFERSONIAN that we do not
send out great pictures of Fat Hogs,
neither do we show you on paper the
difference between a lean Hog and a
fat one, but we are telling you about
a medicine put up in Quart Bottles
for Hogs Only, known as PERRY’S
SWINE-LIXIR, manufactured in
Moultrie, Ga., and recommended by
the Moultrie Packing House, and sold
by dealers every where. Now, if you
want to make the best of your Hog
raising, it will pay you to use Perry’s
Swine-Lixir as directed, and remem
ber at the same time that you are
using the best Medicine for hogs that
you can possibly get. Dr. Perry has
been a successful hog raiser for a
number of years and is an old
Naturalist who spends his time
studying the diseases of hogs, birds,
and flowers, and while we may in
duce him to write to papers about his
Swine-Lixir, he says that it is enough
for the farmers to know that they are
getting the best, and that if the best
does not suit them, it will not be his
Moultrie, Georgia.
•• 'A* yr
t /
/ > 'W s ‘. •
free book that tells about tobacco
habit and how to conquer it quickly,
easily and safely. In a recent letter
lie writes: “I have no desire for to
bacco any more. I feel like a new
Any one desiring a copy of this book
on tobacco habit, smoking and chew
ing, can got it free, postpaid, by writ
ing to Edward J. Woods, Z Gsl. Station
E, New York City. You will be sur
prised and pleased. Look for quieter
nerves, stronger heart, better diges
tion, improved eye-sight, increased
vigor, longer life and other advanta
ges if you quit poisoning yourself.
This veteran, S.
B. Lamp here, was
addicted to the ex
cessive use of to
bacco so r many
years. He wanted
to quit but needed
something to help
He learned of a
Higher Prices Paid for
Everything in My Line
WATCH THIS SPACE, and compare my prices
with any other dealers, and you will find that I pay the
market prices, and guarantee a check on return mail
for every pound that I receive:
Green fresh hides 19c per lb Mixed babbett 5c per !b
Green salt cured hides 22c per lb Lead 5c per lb
Dry salt cured hides 30c per lb Auto casings 51c per lb
iVv «« Mixed inner tubes 10c per lb
Dry flint cured hides 32c per lb Solid rubber tires 3c per lb
Goat hides 30 to 60c each Bicycle tires 3c per lb
Sheep hides 25c to 75c each Rubber boots and shoes 6c per lb
Horse and mule hides, $2 to $5 e’h Mixed country rags He per lb
No. 1 cake tallow 12c per lb Second-hand burlap bgs. 2to 7c e’h
Clean bulk tallow lie per lb Hens 10c per lb
Bees wax 20c to 30c per lb Fryers 15c per lb
Heavy brass 14c per lb Stags 10c per lb
Light brass 10c per lb Old roosters 6c per lb
Heavy copper 21c per lb Choice wa’ed white wool 50c per lb
Light copper 18c per lb Choice white wool 45c per lb
Zinc 6c per lb Medium white wool 40c per lb
Aluminum 25c per lb Black wool 30c per lb
Block tin 25c per lb Burry wool 20 to 30c per lb
Special prices made on large lots of G. S. Hides on application
J. T. DUNCAN The Hide and Chicken Man,
Efficient and Reliable
Ample Train Service and good connections.
Elegant road bed and superb equipment.
Special rates for special occasions very often in effect.
Ask the Georgia Railroad Agent for rates and schedules.
General Passenger Agent,
Atlanta, Ga.
Let Us Fill Your Drug Wants.
Parcel post paid on all packages
over One ($1.00) Dollar.
Broad and Kollock Streets, Augusta, Ga.
III? I i Where is it?
lIL aJa | j Are many there?
—— Wil! any escape?
Full and satisfactory answers. Large 32-page
pamphlet —examines every Bible text. You need
it. Get posted. Only 10c.
J. F. DODGE, Box B, Henderson, W. C.
When in Atlanta, Stop at
The Lasalle Hotel Annex
- —— - 1 — " 111-rr-rmr ■--nra-WT-—I T~i—■—
Cor. N. Pnor Place and Ivy
Entrance: 98 Ivy St.
Three minutes walk from 5-points, in down
town business center of city—a modern,
home-llke, hotel. Electric lights, hot water.
Rates : 50c to SI.OO per day ; s2’/ 2 to $5.00 a week
Special rates to students and families.
Meals in restaurant in hotel, if des red.
- : .1
/Thursday, August 23, 1917.
DitOPSY treatment
TT dives quick relief. Distress*
x ing symptoms rapidly dis
appear. Swelling and short
breath soon gone. Never heard
of anything its equal for dropsy.
A trial treatment sent by mail
absolutely FREE. Try it.
Don’t take harmful drugs or hypodermic
injections. You must have a reconstructive
treatment to build up the system and drive out
the poisonous infection if you are to be CURED
OF PELLAGRA. My Pellagra Treatment has
been used for ten years. Thousands testify to its
wonderful results. In the 50-page book/which
is mailed FREE in plain, sealed wrapper, you
will find my proven theory as to the cause of
Pellagra, and how it may be cured right in your
own home, under guarantee of absolute satisfac
tion or no charge for treatment. The book also
contair s letters and photographs of patients,
bankers, ministers, doctors, lawyers and others.
PELLAGRA: Tired and drowsy feelings;
headaches: depression; indolence; roughness or
breaking out of skin; sore mouth; tongue, lips
and throat flaming red; mucus and choking;
indigestion; diarrhea or constipation; mind
affected, and other symptoms. Don’t take
chances. Write for your copy of this} book today.
A post card will do.
W. J. McCRARY, M. D.