The Savannah museum. (Savannah, Ga.) 182?-1822, June 23, 1821, Image 1

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PUBLISHED BY KAPPEL & BARTLET. BOOKS fc? STATIONARY* THOMAS LONGWORTH, > ‘ Jo ftps ton's Square, next door to Messrs. Gaudry and Dufaure, HAS constantly for sale, an extensive assort ment of BOOKS, in the various branches of Literature, wholesale and retail, at the lowest prices. Among his present collection are the following—viz. Family, church, school and pocket Bibles, of every description Brown*s Dictionary of the Bible Buist’s, Blair’s, Jay’s, Smith’s, Wesley’s Logan’s Alison’s, Abbot’s, Clarke’s, Chalmer’s, Sau rin’s and Whitefield’s Sermons _ Beauties of Christianity Common Prayer Books, various sizes and bind ings - Doddridge’s Expositor, 6 vols Bvo Josephus, 3 vols Bvo Hunter’s Sacred Biography. 4 vols Bvo Hawes’s Church History, 2 vols Bvo Horse Solitariae, 2 vol 9 Bvo Jamieson’s Sacrvd History Rev John Newton's Works, 6volsßvo Parish’s Sacred Geography, or Gaztteerof the Bible Smith on the Prophecies Friesttey’s Scripture Notes, 4 volsiSvo _ Winchester’s Lectures on the Prophecies Watts’s Psalms a d Hymns, aur iety Burgh’s Dignity ot Human Nature Southey’s Life of Wesley _ Ballou on Atonement, Beauties of the Bible Life of Buchanan, Bur van’s Hoiy War Christian Orator, Confession ot baith Companion for the Altar Pa'ev’s Clergyman’s Companion Sc*'*:’* ‘ijiological Work, 6 vols Hobart’s (uompanion for the Festivals and Fas** Family Instructor Gospel easury, 4 vols Hervey’s Meditation*, Jenks’sDev tains Jav’s Family Prayers, Henry on Prayer History of all Religions Pries* lev’s Corruptions of Christianity Doddridge’s Rise and Progress Pilgrim’s Progress Religious Courtship, Do. Tradesman Baxter’s faints Best Watts’s View of Scripture History Trimmer’s Sacved.-jWtory, 4 vols Wilhams’s Ch istiuT- Preacher Wi Bison’s M dit ‘.ions JZiinmennan on Solitude, Desault’s Surgery Bell’n Surgery, Hooper’s Medical Dictionary Accum’s Chemistry and Chemical Tests Cooper’s Thompson’s Chemistry, 4 vols Bla< k’s Chemistry Chapman’s, and James’s, Burn’s Midwifery. Li euta nil’s Synopsis of the Practice of Medicine F.dinburgh New Dispensatory Thatcher’s Dispensatory CuMen’s Materia Medica, with Barton s Notes and Additions 2 vols Bvo W histar’s Anatom v, Coxe on Fruit Trees Darwin’s Pliytologia Epitomyof Forsyth on Fruit Trees Practical Gardener, Gardener’s Kalendar Farmer’;; Manual, Hall’iYlistiller Reynold’s on Malting, Practical Horse Farrier Adams’s and Ewing’s Natural and Experimental Philosophy Ainsworth’s Latin and English Dictionary Rover’s French and English Dictionary Campbell’s Rhetoric, Ferguson’s Astronomy Jackson's, Kelly’s and Bennet’s Systems o. v. Bonk Keeping ; . . , . . Lemprer’s R- & Classical Dictionaries Morse’s Universal Geography , ando B -*. do Gazetteer Cowper’s Translation of Homer Pope’s do do Masonic Minstrel, with Music Masonic Melodies do Webb’s Freemason’s Monitor Hardie’s’ . do do Bradley on Masonry JelTersoo’s Memoirs, 2 vols Bvo Memoirs of the Duke of Sully, 5 vols Bvo Counsellor Sampson’s Memoirs Anderson’s Commerce, 6 vols Svo Pope's Laws of Customs and Excise Smith’s Wealth of Nations, 2 vols Vattei’sjfaw of Nations Sidney oil Government Espinasse’s N isi Prills, 2 vols Black stone’s Commentaries, 4 vols Ti Id’s Practice, 2 vols Darwin’s Botanic Garden Doctor Sy m ax in search of the Picturesque Freneau’s Poern?, Obcrou Crabbe’s Tales of the Hall, Lewis’s Tales of’A m !er Pleasures of Invagination, Burn’s Poems Curse of Keh-.uva, Coo pers Task Calliope, Dry-den's Virgil Watt’s Lyric P iems, Moore’s Anacreon Moore’s Poems aiul Margaret oi’ Anjou, ■ Vaung’s.Night Thoughts Plr-asures and Pains of Memory Goldsmith’s Poems and Plays, Paradise Lost Bvron’s Works, 4 vols elegant Campbell's Poems, De ltance, Blue Lights Thomson’s Unions, American Sketches Country Pastor, Reign of Fancy Progress* of Refinement, Adeline Mowbray Asylum, Calebs in search of a Wife, Corinna, Don Raphael, Discipline Gonsatftt, Harrington and Ormond Itineraift, 2d series, l.ake ot Killarncy Magdalen Church -ard. Manners Marriage. Pastor’s Fire-side Romance of the Forest. Refusal Robinson Crusoe, Rebecca ‘ * Opie’s Simple Tales and Tales of the Heart Bias, Brownie of-odsbeck, Melmotn Florence Macarthy, Tales of my Landlord Waverh, Nntiquary, Abbot, Glencavn Tales of the Priory, Hermit in the Country Letter- from, the South Hum ’s History of England, with Smollet’s and Bisset ‘s continuations, 8 vols Bvo Gibbon’s Rome, 8 vols Bvo lli gland’s History of England, 2 vols Bvo Goldsmith’s do 2 vols Bvo Brackenridge oh South America, 2. vols Bvo Warren's American Revolution, 2 vols Bvo Edward’s West-Indies, 4 vols Bvo and Atlas Young’s France 2 vols Bvo . Adadis’s Roman Antiquities Chateaubriand’s Recollections ofltaly Salt’s Travels in Abyssinia Langsdorf’s Voyages and Travels Bonnvcastle’s Spanish America Burke’s Miscellaneous Works, 2 vols Bvo Hobhouse’s Letters from France Specimens of Irish Eloquence THE SAVANNAH MUSEUM. Malthus on Political Economy Peter’s Letters to his Kinsfolk Ogilvie’s Essays Memoirs of Sjr J. Reynolds Moreau Com. Perry A general assortment of Greek, Latin, French,- Hebrew, Spanish, and English School and Classical Books A large collection of single Plays , Do do children’s Hooks Elements of Drawing, 28 plates Arrowsmith’s Map of the World Dissected Maps Due pair of 14 inch Globes. &c. &c. Stationary. Ledgers; Journals; Day Books; Invoice, Letter, Cash and Memorandum Books, of • i ous qualities; plain, gilt-ed o *\l, black-edged, and embossed Letter Paper; Foolscap; plain and embossed Note Paper ; Ronnel-BouM ; Drawing Paper; Drawing Books; Reeve*- and Woodyer’s Water Colors; India Ink; Paint Brushes; Ink 3i> a-, j );qxes ; black and red Writing Ink and Ins. Powder; wjren ‘ i.up Wax; Wafers; Wafer seals ; embossed St gilt-edged viaitf,.g Cards; playing, r> bog, and conversation Cards; Desk Weights • <-e and Pounce Boxes; silver and ; !ate,l encii Cases; lead Pencils; Slates; Bu *L do;*'** and Shuttlecocks; Pen Knives; Porte* ‘ Books j Chessmen; Backgammon Rexes; Din t ematical Instruments, He c. 19 Joseph Kopmvn, joiixston’s square, HAS recM by late arrivals an additional sup ply of seasonable and cheap GOODS, con sisting of Nankin Crape Dresses and Mantles of tne best quality and si sect colours Long yeilow Nankiqs Black and mixed Canton Camblets Union stripes. Apron Checks 4-4 Satin and Levantin Shawls * Fine Plain and sprig’d. Jaconet and Book Muslins L ’ Very fine plain Mull do ■ . . Ladies’ English and French plain ribb’d and embroidered ftilk Hose Ladies’ beaver, castor, and silk Gloves Gentlemens’ do do do and Buckskin Gloves Silk Scarfs <vi A handsome assortment of fashionable RIB BONS A fresh supply of handsome Parasols and Umbrellas Pavillion Gauzes Printed and striped Muslins Figured Silks for Scarfs Linen Cambric Pocket Handkerchiefs, with white and colored borders ‘ Wide and narrow French Bombazine Fine Imitation Cravats . Figured and spotted do 7-8 and 9 8 Cambric Plates Printed and striped Muslins Coloured Counterpanes Btc. april 30 1 Madeira Wine. POUR casks pure Madeira WINE, just rece; ved and for sale bv E WILLIAMS & Cos. may 23 20 handing from brig Belvidere. Os the latent importation from Canton, dfe. Hyson Tea m chests and 61b boxes Young hyson do in do do So.uchong do in qr chests 50 canisters gun powder do 2 lbs each 50 do imperial do do 50 dozen £U> bottled London Mustard 30 gal|ons white wine Vinegar ALSO, in store — Groceries—Buiscuit —pilot and navy Bread White Beans— Beef— Whiskey—Gin Brandy—Jamaica Rum—Holland Gin, &c. And for sale by A. SMITH & J. TURNER. may 2 3 Osnaburgs. S BALES superior Sir -idz Osnaburgs, just received and for sale ov JOHN LATHROP & CO. may 29 26 Bacon for Sale. a. K\ ‘F\ wt prime North Carolina HAGpv, for sale by any 8 25 S. MANTON. Oats. jTMVE hundred buaheis heavy Jersey OATS, 1’ for sale low. ’ G. W. M ARTIN. may 23 25 Just Received, PER sclir. Airiatulu-Malvina, and for sale low from the wharf, 75 bbls Flour 2GOCI bushels white Corn 53 bbls kiln dried Meal Porter and Ale < • In Store —A general assortment of GROCE RIES. G. W. MARTIN. n.ay 25 22 _ - “ 207 casks cut NAILS, assorted sizes, now landing at Anderson’s wharf, and for sale by - E. WILLIAMS & Cos. may 25 23 Sugar and Coffee. 60 hluls prime N O SUGAR 100 bags prime green COFFEE .Landing from ship Savannah. , , “ VLSO •r .50 bundles Hav, Landing from brigs Speedv-Peace and Levant, For sale by - . June 5 HALL ft HOYT, Rutenburg Gin. /q bbls. just received and for sale by sD’ 3J G. W. MARTIN, may 22 20 SATURDAY MORNING—JUNE 23,-1821. Taint and Oil Store. AUGUSTUS CORNWALL, OFFERS for sale, at his store in Whitaker between Congress and Broughton streets, a general assortment of Faints, Painters’ Articles, Varnishes, Oils, Spirits of Turpentine, Paper Hanging , Window Glass,dfc. —viz Flake White White Lead, dry do ground in oil Paris White Fine Wiiiting White Chalk White Vitriol Sugar of Lead ’(jhronte Yellow King’s Yellow Patent Yellow, dry do ground in oil <'range, Orp nient Dutch Pink ri>.- Ochre Stone Ochre n Yellow powdrd ~ do ground in oil Spruce Ochre Gamboge Carmine Chinese Vermillion English do Red Lead Litharge Powdered Drop Lakes, all sorts Rose Pink Venetian Red, dry do ground in oil Red Chalk Prussian Blue Blue Paint Blue Verditer Strewing Smalts Powder Blue Flotant Indigo Blue Vitriol *■ Distilled Verdigris French . do dry do ground in oil Gfeen Verditer Sap Green Mineral do Flench do Olympian do \\ Spanish Brown, dry do gi ound in oil * ALSO, A general assortment if. PAPER HANGINGS. N. B. All orders .from the country will be thankfully received and punctually attended to —an ldl suits of colours prepared for use and dire - ions given. de: l • ‘ 85 NEWJOIfK ~ - Sperm. Oil and Candle Factory. t No. 52, 1 Brat an w ay. H AA-TI'KIi JUIITI has for Rile, wholesale and retail, ; Winter and Summer Strained . i Spermaceti and Olive Oils, i the above factory, or at the old stand, No. IJB, Fly Market, and No. lu6, Chatham street. , •/ ALSO-- <> ■ • V Spermaceti and Wax Candles. t ogether with a general assortment <>f Lamps, Lamp Glasses and Wicks—and for the accom niodation of customers, Tin Cannisters, from 1 t> 200 gallons ; iron hound Casks from 5 to •200 gallons ; Jugs from 1 to 4 gallons each The above-articles, -Warranted yif the fivHt quality, and as cln-ap us can be purchased in my part of the United States.; .11l orders putirtim’/.ii attended to from any part of the globe ly dec 23 Just Received, BY the schooner Echo, and for sale at the store of AMHERST EATON, opposite Col Shelman’s bearding-he use, in Broughton street,-a fresh supply <>f • Gentlemen’s Ist <s* 2 d quality BOOTS and SHOPS: . *■; ... ALSO ./ • : A small Invoice of Saddlery, consisting of the following articles, viz. Eagle bit and Bradoon Bridie* Serpent do do do Porpoise do do Mounted Roller Lock Martingah Plain do do Spring Girths, Surcingles Stirrup Irons, &c &c. Trunks, of various sizes and superior quality. The above articles will be sold as low as can be purchased in the city, according to the quality. * 34s§ june 7 BOOKS! I xjj=*At greater Discounts than heretofore. , - ; LEWIS ADAMS, HAVING disposed ot the greater part of his stock, and expecting shortly to return to t |ie North, offers for a week or two to sell Law, Siscellaneous and School Books, to close the iiccrn, at unusual discounts. Whitaker street, opposite Gibbons Building. jur.e 12 * i 37 ’ lTh. SAGE GO. Bulloch’s Building, OFFER FOB SALE, 5 hhds superior muscovado Sugar 20 bbl* do * do do 20 kegs No 1 Tobacco . 10 do No 2 do 20 do Lard fi, ; 10 bbls Whiskey- • • 5 pipes Holland Gin ■ 20 qr chests hyson Tea *•: * 10 chests hyson fikin and young hyson 50 bbls mess and prime Pork 15 do mesa Beef JO do ‘ wine Vinegar - 100 reams wrapping Paper 40 bbls Navy Bread 5 casks Nails 1 pipe old Madeira Wine i Candles, s’s and G’s 7 bbls Ale june 6 i Purple Brown | Terra de Seinnl 5 do do burnt \ Turkey Umber j Rotten Stone [ivory Black S Lamp Black \ Bine Black i Black Lea,. I Black Paint 5 Linseed, Oil S do Boiled I Lamp Oil < Spermaceti Candles | Copal Yarn* .. >Japan do • • - ; * Incorporated black do > Harness do | Rosin do \ Spirits of Turpentiu* > Japan Sc oil gold Sizes. 5 Bronze I Gold l eaf i Silver Leaf ? Dutch Metal - ■ . • 5 Pallet Knive9 I Glue | Pumice Stone > Rosin {Sand Paper j Emery Powder ( Putty . i Window glass, all sizes j Picture and | Gum Copal * do Shellac I do Arabic | Fine hair Pencils ; do do Tools | Graining Tools j Paint Brushes I Whitewash do ! Scrubbing do | Sweeping do ! Dust - do | Clothes do S. MANTON, HAS for sale, 20. pipes and 150 bbls old’ Rutenburg Gin . 5 hluls W. I. Rum Sdo Imitation Jamaica Rum 2 pipes Holland Gin 2do Brandy 5 bbls Currant Wine , 30 do Beer 10 do Cider A ■ 3 tons Sheathing Paper 40 coils Cordage and Spun Yarn 40 do Bale Rope < 10 boxes Spermaceti Candles 10 do Tallow Candles , 1000 pieces blue and white Millinct of va ~~ rious qualities 2 cases brown Shirting 200 gross Corks Jiicc’s Wharf. may 16 \ 15 Choice and Seasonable Goods. If ‘HK subscriber has received by \arious late .1 arrivals a general supply of choice articles, Suitable- for towu and country, l>wd> Im will [seH-*t tftr very lowest prices for cash or ap proved paper Among the latest received, are Green, white 1 , and black Italian Crapes—very superior s Green anil white Florence Green and black Leyantine . •’ Irish Linens of latest importations and ap proved bleach. ‘&c &c. JOSEPH KOPMAN, Johnston's Square. may 23 2! Corn Meal. A few Barrels for sale b\ , ‘ June 2 GEO. W. MARTIN. SARATOGA . Congress Spring Water. THE public are respectfully informed that those celebrated Mineral Waters of Messrs Lynch & Clark’s bottling, well packed in sal and straw, will be kept constantly on liaiult during the season, and for sale by the dozen or single bottle, by , > PARSONS & LAY. june 19 40 Sugars. FIFTEEN hluls Muscovado SUGARS, land ing from sloop Mary. Apply to E WILLIAMS # Cos. june 1 29 Cumming £5 Gwathmey, Bulloch’s Buildings, OFFEB FOB SALE, 5 cases black and colored Canton Crapes 1 do colored Nankin do 3 do superior black Sarsnetts* 1 do double chained Levantines 1 do Birds-eye Handkerchiefs 1 do Figured do 1 do black Florentines 1 do &cw*ngr { 6 do Figured Bonnet Silks 50 keg* Virginia Tobacco 6 hluls Copperas 5 kegs Nails for Slating 12 boxes Sprigs assorted. G 9 march 22 I*. H. Sage, £2? Cos. i • f . Offer for sale, 10 chests Souchong 10 do Hyson Skin I 5 do Young Hyson f TEAS. 20 qr do Hyson J 20 bbls Loaf Sugar 70 kegs Man’d. Tobacco, No. 1 2 and 3 10 do Ladies Twist do 5 do Cavendish do 100 bbls No 3 Mackarel * 50 do Mess and Prime Pork 50 do do Beef 40 do Gin 100 do Flour 100 boxes Soap and Candled 50 kegs Lard 200 Gross Corks 20 bbls N Orleans Sugar S hhds Jamaica Rum 5 pipes Holland Gin ‘ Cloves, Nutmegs, Ginger, &c ike. april 19 92 ; Sorter and Ale. ONE hundred dozen of Abbot’s superior Philadelphia Porter, carefully put up for family use, at 1,50 per dozen, bottles returned; 25 barrels of Va3sar’s Double Ale, just lan ded ; ... • Best quality Segara, made of Spanish Tobacco For sale by - \ P. DORN ING, Hall & Hoyt's building, Bay Lane. (£j*Highest price given for empty Bottles. m#v 21 ‘ 19 t Just Received, of Jordon’s salt petered Bacon, Which is justly esteem ed the best made in the state. It will be sold ii lots to suit purchasers. F. SELLECfc. In store a general assortment of GROCERIES. _ april 12 85 -■ ■■ ■■ • ■■ • t- • ■ Cabinet Making. THE subscriber respectfully informs h : .s friends and the public that he conducts the above business in Congress street, opposit the south front of .Gibbons’ Buildings, where he has for sale the following articles-viz—Side boards, Sofas, Secretaries and Book Cases, Hu rearrs. Dining Tables, single and in setts, Dress ing, Writing, Card and Work Tables, Windsor Chairs, Bedsteads, Candle and Wash Stands, and every article in the Cabinet line made to order. •. He would also inform them that he in tends regulating his ( charges in every instance bv the times, and those who may favor him with their calls will find him lower than any other in the line, and diligent attention paid to the smallest orders. Also, Mahogany Boards, Plank, and Scant ling, wholesale and retail •< GEO. G. FARIES. june 14 58 * No. 142 Vol. 26. ~* FRESH MEDICINES. parsons’ .y lay. Have just received and are now opening a Season* able Supply of Genuine Articles, from Jibuti.#, car s’- Hall, London, via JVew-Lork. (Imported in the ship Cincinnatus, Chart!pirn.) Bal Epsom Sal Rochelle Sal Glauber Cheltenham Salts Henry’s Calcined Mag nesia Soda Powders Seicllitz Powders Calcined Mas ill poundjjottlea Vulv sup. Carb. Soda Pulv. Tartaric Acid Slieejt Isinglass Calomel Tartar Emeiic Flo. Chamomile Dalby ’s, C;*i-inunative june 9 3d JOHNJKMOYGIN, HAS just received, ihe following Scarce Goods, which he will dispose of at reduced prices for cash or good paper at short sight: Superior India black Levantine Super 9-8 London Prints • ‘■ Linens and long Lawns in whole and half pieced remarkably cheap, Warranted bleach Thread Laces and Collarets, Very handsome, patterns Linen Cambric, assorted qualities Damask Mandarene Crapes, anew article for Dresses * Ladies’ black and.white silk Gloves do do do Stockings ‘White and green Florences Linen and Cotton Bed 1 icking Gentlemens’white Cotton half Hose of the best quality Black, white, and colored Italian Crapes White arid ornamented Feather Pans, quite > new article Superior Flag Handkerchiefs, new pat t errs Assorted Cotton Balls, in boxes Rich black Silk Vestings, latest patterns Tapes and Bobbins, assorted Fins and Needles, approved qualities o-4 Cotton Carrbrtc, undressed Superior Baftas Uumhuius Long blue and yellow Nankeens Rich plaid and figured Ribbons, in setts—to gether with almost every article comprising in a Retail Dry Good Store, june. 8 ! 35 it Wholesale Root Shoe Storej , Opposite Jindrew Low £? Co's store, ‘i HJU. fTIIEXT. NEW BALL & ADAMS, nAVF. for sale, an extensive issurtincut of fresh BOOTjI and SHOES, comprising am excellent selection for the uR-cuumry Vet, which they oiler at reduced prices for cash of err-rm flir city acceptances, may 29 , ,1m -26 t Manufactured Tobacco uud Flour. 30 kegs B J Harris’s Crooked Brand 50 do Anderson, Blair, (k McKeage, brand’ 3to bbls Richmond superfine Float-, branded *Haskah mid Cunningham. For side by GUMMING & GWATHMEY. rna’-ch 21 ‘ _76 Brandy, Wine, tyc. 15 pipes superior Cognac Brandy 10 casks old Cla ■ -•t TVine 25 baskets superior Champaigne 100 boxes Medoc Claret 50 do assorted cordials 50 bbls Loaf and Lump Sugar 80. baskets Sweet Oil 10 boxes preserved Fruits Hyson, Young Hyson and Imperial Teas 15 boxes Mtfvana *ugar Dupont’s Hun Powder &c - j Fur sale by DUHAMKL & AIJZE. . april 6 81 f Cognac Brandy. v pipes superior Cognac Brandy 5 L just received and for sale by DUHAMEL & AUZE, Jones’ up!".l wharf. . june 6 33 n§ 0 . : ; ........ Glauber Salts. 30 bbls superior Glauber Saits, just received and for sale by PARSONS & LAY. june 6 33 Liverpool Ground Salt. EIGHT thousand bushels Hourly expected. Will be sold loir, if tuke* from on hi ard, by GUMMING k GWATHMEY jnne 5 3 V Whiskey. 20 hlids Philad Ipiiia MSKF.Y landing from schooner Olive llrsnch, for bale y C C GRISWOLD fit Cos. june 5 d? Cognac Bramly. SPIFFS” very superior'4tli pr< of old Cognac Brandy, just received per Belvidere and for sale by JOHN LATHROP $ CO. june 6 3.i ■ • Lamp Oil, A Received by ship Savannah. FRESH supply ot genuine SpcrniaceUi, Lamp Oil, from Samuel Rodmans Oil manufacto ry, New-Bedford, which is warranted to be of the very first quality, and is particularly recom mended to families for sale by the gallon, or in tin canuisters. —also— Japaned Lamps, Lamp Fenders and Lamp Wi k AUGUSTUS CORNWALL*. Whitaker-street , nearly opposite Cos! Shelmt march 27 73 Mmmon-Ron^ Windsor Soaps Low’s superior Shay, ing Soaps I’urgent Smelling lot* tics Silver wire Tooth- Brushes Evancs Crown Lanceld Borax ruf’d Nutmegs Manna Hake Senna, i ig. < Sapo, Castile Row lands Marr.33sr Oil Prince’s Russia Oil ttose Water Essential Oils, kc.