Newspaper Page Text
Tempting Prices.
Jfrjct ttuor to Calvin Baker, Esq.
FINE florentine, Bombazine, Nankin Crape,
S/ncbew, Seersucker, first rale Russia Drill,
Satinet, white and colored Jean, yellow and
white Nankeen, Bombazett and Homespun
Florentine, buff and black Cassimere, white
and colored Marseilles, and first rate fashionable
Gingham, Jean, Bombazett and Seersucker
Seersucker, Flannel, Pelisse Cloth and Bom
bazett COATEES
Quantity superfine plain and frilled Gentle
tnen's Linen Shirts, of all sizes
Do. Steam-Loom, Madapolam and Cotton do
do plain and frilled
Worsted, Cotton and fine l inen Drawers
Raven and Russia Duck Trowsers
Checked, striped, flannel, and coarse Linen
’ Superfine blue and black Coats and Watorloos
Double and single milled all colors Cassimere
First quality vyater proof Hats, at the low rate
of §8 Also,
Superior T’aviUmi GauXe, at 1,50 per piecd
Yard-wide Homespun at 18J cts per yard
Extra fine Lady’s Leghorn flats, from 10 to 5515
First quality Gentlemens black rib’d silk Stock
ings, at g 2 per pair
Extra size silk Umbrellas, from 325t0 g 6 ‘
Superior cotron do from 75 cts to 1,25
Superfine Irish I inesi, at cents per yard .
jMm* 4 ... . .
AUKl'Jig sos the several trials of lOBF.HT
. M GOODWIN, for Manslaughter; by I>a-
TtiKL, Esq Editor of the New-York City
Hall Recorder cents.
THE R ’TREAT, or, Sketches from Nature
ad’ cnotve tale. By the Author of Affliction’s
Received for side, bv
Johnson's Square.
June 8 35 , .
Coach and trig.
COACH with plated Harness Complete.
VFDne CIO do do do
For sale by
c. c. GlUStyoLb & td.
junft M 38
Fifty Dollars Revard.
BAN ,V,V*.Y from the -mbscribei; on n, e eve
ningf the 4th Fob. a NegroVYeuch na
m'd •sVRaIL f iuerly the propefy 0 f \jr.
Aiom.v vlills She ill twenty-one yea of age,
aR, likely, of a dark complexion, and ve-y we R
kiKWR in Savannah. Twenty dollars W\\i i, e
P HI 1 b) any person who will deliver her tothe
subscriber, or lodge her in any of thejaihof
.nis state, and Fifty Dollars upon convicting a
white person t>f leaving harbored her. Sin
may try to pass for free, as she did duriitg the
lmig absence ol Mr. Micls, of whom she was
bought in November lasi
may 12 v7*
fcp;< jiisli Claims.
THE undersigned, having been appointed
Agent in behalf of a number of Claimants
under the Spanish treaty, gives notice to those
whom it may concern, that he will take charge
of all claims of the above description, that may
be confided to him, anil personally alien'd to
the film! adjustment and liquidating thereof be
fore the board of Commissioners whicli is an
nounced to meet at Washington in the month
of June.
It being understood that the Claimants will
be required to make out and furnish to the
Boa'd detailed and particular statements of respective eases, he tenders his services :
to translate and prepare tin doriumentarv evi- 1
deuce m.J vouchers relating to such claims from 1
the Spanish -and other Languages, in which the
saute may be written with correctness and
The claims, the payment of which has been
asvm id by the United’ States to the amount of
.five millions of dollars, are of the following de- i
nominations: . I
1. Injuries memioned in the Convention of i
the 11th August, 1802, comprising claims of
those who mat have the right tp demand com
pens.ttiou for the losses, damages, or injuries
Suit aim'd by them, its consequence of the ex
es-t committed by Spanish Subjects, Contrary
to the Laws of Nations and the then existing
2 Claims on account of prizes made hy
French Privateers and condemned by French ,
Consuls, w ithin the territory and jurisdiction ot ’
Spain. > j
3. Claims of indemnities on account of the
■ suspension of the right of deposit at New Or
leans, in 1803- ■ ‘
4. Claims of Citizens of the United States
upo>. Ute Cm eminent ot Spain, arising from the
unlawful seizures at sea and in the ports and
territories of Spain or the Spanish Colonies.
5. Claims of Citizens of the United States ,
f>poh the Spanish Government, statements of
whicli, soliciting the interposition of the Gov
ernment of the United Slates, have been pre
sented to the Department of State, or to the
Minister of the United States in Spain, since
the date of the Convention of 1802, and until
the signature of the treaty on the 22d ot Feb.
Nen-York, May 12,1821
Messrs PmuT &Visr, Charleston.
LH'iiiMxr. fc Acze, Savannah.
I.KROV, UATAiut &Cos l JW w .rork
John Jacob Asron & Son. 5
may 24 . lm 22
Florida Lands for Sale.
Subscriber offers for sale, several tracts
1 ot Land situate in different parts of East
Florida, calculated for the growth of Sugar
Cane, Cotton. Kice, and other provisions. For
‘•o.ue of the tracts, Merchandize, Negroes, or
Bills on Havana wtntid be received in payment,
and the terms for the others accommodating
Having long resided in Florida, he has it in Ins
pov er to afford useful information to any per
son wishing to remove there, and offers his
servir, s in the purchase of Lands, Houses, and
Lots iu St. Augustine, Negroes, &c. For fur
ther particulars apply at Air. Joseph Miller's,
corner of Bryan and Drayton Streets, Savannah,-
or to Mr. John Oay, in St Augustihe
guty 2# £5 2bD *
New ttitM t final bit Aitiitcirte.
fBXDIS new and elegants Balsam bids fair to
E stand unrivalled in its merits, for Consump
tions and Coughs, and we boldly venture to as
serl. that no Medicine has ever gamed so much
credit ih so short a time as this composition,
scarcely a case occurs, but may be relieved by
the timely use of it, many having lately used it
in seated Consumptions with the most surpris
ing success, who were given up by the most
skillful Physicians in the country, mauy certifi
cates of its effiacy accompany each bottle. .
This is to certify, that in June 1818, 1 was sei
zed with a very distressing Cough, pain in my
side, great weakness of the lungs, and it con
tinued until July 1819, which confined me to the
house, and part of the time to my bed,, I had
tried every thing as I thought, but all in vain, I
was at la3'. induced to make trial of Dr. MeUen's
Cough Drops, which gave me immediate relief,
increased my strength, and restored my former
sleep. 1 can with the greatest confidence rec
ommend them to all who are afflicted with
! those complaints, as a very valuable Medicint
! Hudson, JVetv.Yovk, Dec. 27, 1819.
Opposite the Exchange, Savaniiah.
axd aiso r
•’ \VM. J. HOBBY, Augusta.
june 19 40 ly^f
Georgia —Chatham County.
M aih:h Term, 1821.
BULK —all caveats hereafter to be entered
> against applications for administrations oh
the estates of intestates, shall be filed with the
clerk of iliis court, at least'five days previous
to the regulai meeting of the court, together
with the names of the securities of the caveator;
Ordered, that this rule be published in the
Gazettes of the city of Savannah.
ExtractJromlhe Minutes.
S, M. BOND, u. o. o.
june 41
Whiskey, Iron, §c.
bbda riiiladelphia Whiskey
iID 10 tons Sweeds Iron, assorted
50 bbls prime Pork, City inspection
50 kegs first quality manufactured Tobacco
8 half qr casks Madeira Wine, “March.”
16 casks shot, assorted sizes
9 dozen Wool Hals
For sale by
june 14 38
subscribers ave now ready to receive
I. the returns of persons entitled to draws in
the Lund Lottery. —The time for taking said re
turns is very limited ; gentlemen therefore had
best come forvvard at once. Office hours from 9
to 12 and from 4 to 6, at the office of Joseph S
Pelot—- except Sat'trtlavs
June 16 h 39
DURING the absence of the Subscribers,
Messrs. J. B. HERBERT & CO. are their
june 16 , 39 wa
ALL persons having demands against the es
tate of .I<j si ah Muir , late of Savannah, are
requested to render them, attested ; and those
indebted to said estate, to make immediate pay
ment to S.C. DUNNING,
(parch 17 65 Administrator,
- ...a... :
tsHK Copartnership of STUIIQES & BUR
ROUGHS is this day’ by mutual consent
dissolved All persons having demands against
them are requested to present them for pay.
ment; those indebted will settle without delay.
jufte 1 . 29 lm
.■> ;;.i . i *i . . ,
ALL persons having claims against the late
James Cit.mming, or against the firm of
William Inglis & Cp. conducted by him—and
all persons indebted to said concern,.will call
and get their respective accounts settled, with
out loss of time, with
~ South West corner Gibbons'Buildings.
Who have received by the schr Undaunted,
and brig Speedy-Peace, from New-York, fash
ionable plaid and garniture Ribbons, Sun Um
brellas, with a variety of other Goods,, suitable
for the season. ‘ TT „;, >
subscriber wishirigto bring bis business
1. to a close, requests all who have open ac
counts or yiotes due him, to call and settle the
same immediately, and those who have any de
mands, to present the same for payment,
june 12 37 Bice's wharf.
To Let,
‘l'he Store on the Bay, at present
•r.ltJ occupied by G W Martin , a first rate
stand for business. Possession will be given oil
the Ist October, or sooner, if required. Por
further particulars inquire of
june 1 29
Ranted Immediately,*
A S a Wet Nursc, a healthy young white wo
£\. man, of good character. For such a one a
liberal compensation will be given. For fur
thcr information apply at this office, or to Mrs.
Towers, Green Ward. 24 may 25
Wants a Situation in a Store,,
A MAN of experience, universally acquaint
ed with every description of Dry’ Goods
and Grocery business; he Was regularly bred to
. both. His terms will be moderate, as salary’ is
not his object. Respectable references can be
given of his character and conduct. A line ail
rected to J. K. and left at the Museum Office,
wiß be attended tpy 48 junei
Gentleman Physicians, Country Merchants
and Planters—and all -who vend or deal in
Drugs, Chemicals, Perfumery, tic.
Parsons Lay,
Corner of Wldlaker arid Congress streets, Shad's
, buildings.
Have received by recent arrivals, a select as
sortment of fresh imported DRUGS, CHEMI
CALS, PERFUMERY, Ac. which is warranted
to be of the first quality.
Jlmong -which are as faVoios .-
Antimony Crude Sal. Ammoniac
Alcohol do Volatile,
Aloes sect do Soda,
do hep at do Roch'ell, do Tarter
•Arrow root do Epsom do Glauber
Annis seed do Ni’er refined
Assafoctida, Allum Solut • isenic Flowers
Angelica root Spts. Ammonia
Angostura bark do Hartshorn
Aqua fortis do Lavender compn’d
Antlmonial wine do Wine, do Camphor
Arsenic do Nit. Dale
Acid Muriatic, do Nitric Sassafras bark
do Nitrous Sarsaparilla
do Tariaric Sponge fine, do course
do Sulphuric Saflron Spanish, do Eng
Bark yellow, do red do American
‘do pale, do in quill Savin, Senna AleX
Balls Capevia Spermaceti
do Canada, do Peru Snake root Virg.
do Tolu do Seneka, Squills
Barbados Tar Storax, Salts Hartshorn
Borax ref‘d Sugar lead
Burgundy Pitch Syrup squills, do simple
Bole Armenia Tart Emetic, Tapioca
Beeswax yellow Tinct Aloes comp’d
do white do Myrrh, do Valerian
Brimstone roll do Snake root
do ref'd do Assafoctida
Castor Oil, American do Benzoin comp’d
do - do W India do < ‘antharides
Castor, Russia do Senna
Camphor ref'd do Rhubarb
Calomel pp do Bark Iluxhams
Cantharides, do ptilv do Peruvian bark
Cammomile flowers do Opium, do Caster
Canellaalb. do Muriate Iron
Caraway seed do Colunibo root
Cardamon seed , andu 4 Kind, do Jalap
Cascarilla bark do Cuaiac, do Valeri ah
Cassia, Cinnamon do Gentian comp’d
Castile soap, white Vinegar distilled
do colored .do Squills
Cloves, Cochineal Valerian root
Colombo root, do powdVitriolated Tartar
Chalk prepared Vitriol, white, do blue
Coriander seed.Co wit cl) do green
Cream Tartar, I’ulv ‘Patent Medicines, fcc Sic
Corrosive Sublimate ‘Batemans drops
Carmine ißritiph Oil
Conserve Rdses Essence peppermint
Caustic Lunar StonghUn.s bitters ‘
Dragons Blood,Digitalediotlr rey’s cordial
Dovers Powders Steers Opodeldoc
Epsom Salts, Eng - TlyTmgtous balls
Ether fiuhih Ergot Daltleys Carmiantive
Elder blossom.! Daliys LliXer
Emery fine Harlem od or ftedeca
do N<> 1,2 and 3 mentunt
Elixir Pavagoric 3il WWmseed
do Vitriol Pills, Lee* New-London
Extract Cicuter .'Pills Lees Windham
do Gentian, do Qiiassa do Andersuns
Mo Lead do Hoopers
Flour Sulpher do Calomel, do Opium
do Benzoin j COLOURS, &c-
Flaxseed, Fennel seedfPrussian Blue, 1,2 & 3
Filings Steel, do Iron [Fig Blue, Kings yellow
Frankincense (Drop Lake, No 1 and 2
Glauber Salts Flake white, Carmine
Galls Aleppo Jlvory black, lamp black
Galbanum, Giuseng Indigo Spanish
Gold Thread Black lead, red do
Gentian root Litharge
Glass Antimony Tetri de senna
Ginger Race Castor Oil, in phials
do powdered Peragoric do
Grains Paradise Laudanum do
Gum Ammoniac Antimonial wine do
do Senegal,, Tinct Rhubarb do
do Arabac, do ftowd’d. do Assafoetida do’
do Kino, do benzoin Balls Capevia do
do Tragacantli, Sweet Oil - do
do Guac, do Myrrh Spts Lavend com do
do Shellac, do Com do Camphor do,
do Mastich do Hartshorn do
do Gamboge do Sweet Niter do
do Scamony do Turpentine do
Helebme black Calomel do
do white Jalap. do
llieraPicva Tartar Emetic do
Honey, do of squills in uottleS,
Hoffmans An oily ne Wine Bitters
Isinglass Spts Hartshorn
Ipecacuanha or Hippo do Sweet Niter’
Jallap, Juniper berries do Turpentine . .
Laudanum Sweet Oil, Castor Oil -
Liequorice root American and WI
do powdered, do ball Spanish wliiting
do refined Rotton stone
Lime water, Lead, do Pumice do
Magnesia fiimp Powdered blue
do powdered Copperas
do small square -Vermilion, Chinese
do calcined do Eng
Manna flake do sorts Verdigris, Irish Glue
Mezereon, muskis viais.
Mustard seed, mace Css. Cinnamon
Nut megs, nux vomica do Lavender
Opium, oratige peel do Burgamolt
Dxymel squills do Lemon
Oil Vitriol Calc’ll Magnesia
do Taiisey, do olives F.psorn Salts, Rhubarb
do Peperniint Peruvian bark
do Spearmint, do savinCheltenham salts
do Rosemary fjenrys calc’d Magnesia
do Perteroyal Stomachic bitters
do Origanum Worm Lozenges
do Cinnamon Aromatic Vooth paste,
do Worm seed N Hinckley s remedy for the
do Lavender piles, Fever powders
do Annisseed Thompson’s ey r e water,
ilo Juniper, do CloVes large and small
do Ammoiids . Patent Itch ointment
Ointment mere Refin’d Liquorice
do Basilicon, do Cerate do inbo.Ves, do com
do Simple < Sundries, perfumery iic.
do lied precipitate Patent spring Trusses
do Spanish flies common do
Pink root. Pearl ashgs Duiohle Ink
Pearl barley Red ink powder
Powdered tii( Black do Pill bozfes
Piaster mercurial Vial Corks, Bottle do
do Burgundy pitch Wax Tapers
ilo Adhesive Nerenbsrgh do
do Strengthening Patent Lint
Ho Drachylon Thumb lancets
do Gum, do Blistering do common
Quassia , , do Clewleys
do Rasp’d,QuicksilverCrown do do Ev&hs’s
Rhubarb root Spring lancets
do powdered Tooth instruments a9s’d
Red percipitete Bougies, Galla pots
Rose Water,, Macaboy snuff
Rapt f Itojn Liquid black’g for rfhoep
Gum Elastic, Spatulas French dp
Scales and weights Black sealing wax
Marble Murters Red wafers, ascorted dr
Composition do Iron doTooth brushes common
Ivory Injection pipes do silver wire 3 and 4
Ivory Syringes , row®
Syriiigen quarts in boxsCupivng and Trepamn*
do pints, do £ pints 1 .struments
do male and female Male and female silver
Congress & spring water Catheters
Lemon acid VV iiite Leather skins
Soda powders - ‘English mustard, by the
Sal's of Lemon lb. in canisters
C iugne water Ground Ginger, race do
it ash balls * Cloves, Cinnamon
Windsor soap .Shipmans
Transparent do ‘Garden seeds in boxes,
Liquid do assorted
Lows perfumed and Balm Qpto ,
Naples tlo Chinches cough drops
Pomatum in sticks lor coughs, colds, co*-
do in pots assorted sumptions, asthmas,
Hose water, lavender do fcc. See.
Fancy Vials Cephalic Snuff, for Ca-
T.ssences ass'd ; tarrhs.
Scutellaria Lateriflora, or Scullcap.
Together -with a g-tne’ and assortment of Surgir-nt
Instruments, Shop I'urniture, assorted PMals, Jc
&c. offered on their venal accommodating terms, at
■isholeshle or retail
JV Ji. The subscribers .itdll also keep sonstantlv
on hdndythe celebrated SARATOGA WATERS
of n.essrs. Lane/! £? Clark's bolthr.g-, and that ui
its most perfect state. We receive it packed in
salt and straw, id hie it, isfurprefer, rb/e them to hnVe
it put up in the ordinary
Pai eitl Family
ft:# i-MJI.NEBi .
old, w 1 . -:aie and retaiWt Charleston, by
JOHN DV(iTT,Ao 56 East-bay few doors south
of the exchange, aud also, by
Stomachic Elixir of Health :
(Price §1 ap d 50 cents.)
WHICH has proved by thousands, w.ho have
experienced its beneficial effects, to be the
most valuable medicine ever offered to’ the pub
lic, for the cure of coughs, cdlds, consumptions,
the hooping - coughs, asthma, pain in the breast,
cramps and wind in the stomach, removing
costiveness, sickness at the. stomach, head acne,
loss of appetite, indigestion, &c. &c.
From the dysentary or lax, cholrea morbus,
severe gripings, and other diseases of the bow
els, and the summer complaint in ‘children, it.
lias proved a certain remedy, and restored to
perfect health from the greatest debility. *’er
sons afflicted with pulmonary complaints, or
disorder of the breast and lungs, even in the
most advanced state, will find immediate relief.
Common coughs and colds, which ai'e in gene
ral occasioned by obstructed perspiration, will
fie found to yield to its benign influence in a
few hours. . ...
In asthmatic or cohsunijitive complaints hoarse
ness, wheesi;igs> shortness of breath, and the
hooping cough, it will give immediate relief.
Copy of a letter from C. W. Boy ley. esq.
Chaulkston, vauch 8, 1814.
Dear Sir, —t feel much pleasure in having it
in my power to communicate a surprising cure,
effected by’ the £cdicine j purchased from you,
termed dr. Robertson's elixir of health, t will
state the following facts: about the latter end
of Nov last, I procured train ypu some of the
elixir of health, for a boy of mine, who had
laboured under a violent cough for more than
twelve months, attended with slow fever, and
shortness of breath, it had reduced him so much
that I concluded it would terminale fatally He
took many other medicines and found no re
lief, lie continued to use the elixir for about
three weeks, when his cough, fever and short
ness of breath ceased, and he is now in good
health, having had no return of lib disorder
Should any person wish It* have more particular
information, 1 will, witli pleasure, satisfy their
enquiries, by applying to me.
I am, Sir, your’s, &c
To John Dyott. G. W. Don,nr
Ckfsteb district, i*kc. 3, 1813.
Dear sir, —When in Charleston last, I culled
on you, and pui chased two bottles of you- sto
machic elixir of health, which you recom
mended to me to take for a cough and an op
pression on the 111-east. I have since used the
medicine according to your directions,’ and
found it to be very beneficial to me in. remov
ing the complaints; therefore 1 think it ray
duty to recommend'd, to all persons afflicted
with the above complaints to give the medicine
a trial. ,
I am, dear sir, your’s with respect.
To dr. John Dtott. John 1) Wbst.
Vegetable Nervors Cordials;
Or, Nature’s Grand Restorative.
(Price gl arid 50 cents.) v
Is confidently recommended as the mosteffi
cious .medicine for the Speedy relief and cure
of all nervous complaints, attended with inward
weakness, depnession of the spirits, head ache,
tremore, faintness, hysteric fits, debility, and
various complaints resulting from secret im
propriety of youth and dissipated habits, re j
denoe in warm climates, the immoderate use
of tea, the excessive use of mercu
ry, so often destructive to human life the dis
eases peculiar to females, at a certain period
of life, flour albus, &c. Sic.
Under the, denomination of nevous disorders
are included, several diseases of the most dan
gerous kind, and are so various, that a volume
would hardly suffice to complete a description
of them- It pervades, .with its baneful influ
ence, the whole nervous system, writhing the
heart with inexpressible anguish, and exciting
the most dreadful suggestions of horrpr and
despair- To tlm demon have thousands fallen
a sacrifice, in the direful transport of its rage.
The nibst common symtoms at this commence
ment, are weakness, flatulence, palpitations,
watchfulness, drowsiness after eating, timidity,
flashes of heat and cold,'numbness, cramp, gid
diness, pains in the head, back and loins; hicup,
difficulty of respiration and delutition, anxiety,
dry cough, &ti.
Extract from a letter the rev. WiUiam Ayres, late
Rector of St. George's parish, Acomac, Virginia.
PinLAnriPHiA, aug. 7, 1809.
Dear sir, —Providentially I have taken doctor
Robertson’s Vegetable Nervous Cordial; or Na
tures Grand Restorative, a sufficient time to find
a relief in a nervous disease; I havq since re
commended your medicine to several of my ac
quaintances, who have been much relieved by
them ; I shall endeavour to introduce them into
all the familes with which I atu acquainted. I
befisve them to bo good remedies, and am satia
fied after tlieir first trial,they will never £c h*i
aside for any othei medicine.
1 am, dear sir, jour’s respectfully,
; o dr. T..IV. Diott. , lViu.ix Axkes
No. 112, N. sth St.
Gout and Rheumatic Drops .
(Price 2 dollars.)
A safe and effectual cure for the gout, rheu
matism, lumbago, stone and gravel, swellings
and weakness of the joints, sprains, bruises
and all kinds of greervworms, the cramp, pains
in the head, face and body, stiffness of nee a:,
chiidbiaitis, frozen i'.mbs. &c.
Patent Stomachic JVine Bitters
(Price one dollar.)
Which atm celebrated for strengthening weak
stomachs, increasing the appetite, and a cer
■iMi preventative and cure for the fever and
it, Lc. •
F'or7i4 Destroying Lozenges.
• medii i e highly necessary to be kept in all
flies Price nfi\ cents. <’
v\Onus which affect the human body, are-,
chiefly of three kinds,* viz. Tjbika, or tape,
worm, the Tkuce, or round and long worm;
and the A .cauufs, pr round ami short worm.
There ai; many kind of worms found in tlie hu
man body butt hey proceed, in a great measure
from similar uses ave nearly the same symp
ones, stlu require the same method of treat
ment ;*!• t!■.••so already mentioned.
‘Thougi: numberless medicines are extolled
for eXpeUiiig and killing worms none are equal
in efiicacy to dr. Rohe j tbh*s “Worm Destroying
Loztr.gcs, they art Mid in>heir operation, and
, be given to the voungest infant withsafety.
t .. ttiiy fno'i t
Anti billions Tills .
For the- p revention and cure of billions and
malignant fevers Price, 25 cents—large boxes,
50 cents
These if timely aci ministered, will re
move the causes which commonly produce yel
low fever, bilious fevers, ague and fever, chol
ic pains, flatulencies, indigestion, costiveness,
hypochondiial and hysteric complaints, strangu
tal, gravel, rheumatism and gout,.
They are particularly serviceable, in female ■
d'sorders and especially in the removal of those
obstructions wiiv u are the great source of their
eminent advantage over most other, purgatives
that while they operate gently, may produce
neither costiveness, debility, nor too great air
excitement. Whenever there is a predisposition
to a disease arising from n arsh effluvia, a too
copious use of ardent spirits, or s vitiated taste
of the bile, they are sure to relieve.
Then are highly recommended to travellers
by sea and'.land, -x. they may tie made use ot
with the utmost safely., without a change,of diet
or exercise.. They will be found peculiarly ben
ef*cial in the prevention of disorders incidental
to hot climates, they deterge and cleanse vis
cid humours, open obstructions, and promota
the secre’-on of good bile, operating as an ea
sy cathartic and a powerful dieuretic and die
phoretic. . . *
Patent Itch Ointment.
For pleasantness, safety,.expedition, ease, id
certainty, is infinitely superior to any other me
dicine, for the cure of that- most disagreeably
and tormenting disorder the Itch. Price 59
cents per box. .:: , .
Infallible Tooth-ache Drops.
(Price • S(K cents.)
Circassian Eye Water .
A sovereign remedy for all disorders of the eyes.
, (Price 50 cents.)
The Restorative Dmlrifice.
For cleansing, whitening, and preserving tlia
teeth and gums Price 50 cents per box.
We, the undersigned, da hereby certify that
having used dr Dyott’s celebrated family medi
cines. now prepared by dr. Dyott. we have
found tlifetp highly serviceable in our families
tit id particularly efficacious in removing those
complaints for which they are prescribed, we
assured of, their excellence, anil consider these
medicines vain able and well worthy the attention
of all farmStjiKL in testimony hereof, we have
affixed signatures.
David Jones, late* chaplain to gen. Wayne-;
Wiiliani Ayres, a. and. ,m. utNo. 112, north-fiftn
street; Waltingion, No. 9, front-street; Wra.
Julian, No. 62, soutli-fiftli-srreet Jacob Shauglu
Vo. 181, nolile-sU’cctJas. Hamill, No. 93, nortlfc
ninth-street; David Fislier, No. 127, arch-street;
John Shrecves, Jun. 55, coates-st. ; George
Seits, No. .69, race-street; Andrew Kleet, No.
2, cable-street-—all of Philadelphia ; Howel
•llindes, Georgia.
A list of seven hundred and fifty persons
names who have been cured by the medicines
may be seen at the store ofthe proprietors.
(Tj-Thoss who purchase by the quantity for
cash, wUVhe allowed a handsome discount.
T “
-fi HE following Bt A4.KS, luiinisomely printed
o, i g°‘>d paper, constantly kept on hand and for
sale at the Cbunting : room of the Museum.
, Shipping Bills, or Rules and Regulations
for Merchants? service
Rates of Pilotage for the District of Darieq
Bills of Lading on letter and writing papel
Foreign Manifests, inwards and outwards
< Manifests coastwise
Ships* Entries, foreign and coastwise J
Receipts for Steam-boat Company I
■ Patroon Receipts f-.
Regulations of Freight to Auguste
Powers of Attorney
Notary’s Protests ;
Justice’s Blanks
Bills of Sale for Negroes
Blanks for the. Mayor’s court
Attorney’s Blajiks
Mortgage for Real Estate
do _ for Personal Estate ,
Indentures for bargain and sale off anyh
Declaration on Promissory Notes
do do by Endorsee V
Interlocutory Judgments
Final JudgingnU. ,Kc
, Standing Rules
For sale at this Office J
Mally executed at the Museum