Newspaper Page Text
ny Jon T. Bolles is a can
didate for’ the office of Cierk of the Superior
and Inferior Courts, at the Election on the / til
■lanimrv nexl 27, , ■
Priendsted Fellow citizens
Kof Chatham Quunty J .-. .
CRAVE vour suffrages at the Election in
January for the appointment of Receiver of
T ANARUS“ William belcher.
nov 13 .
To the Electors of Chatham ,*
n OFFER you my services again for receiver
of Tax Returns, at the January'Election.—
Should I meet your suffrages, my exertions win
be _jgo fy ‘ 96 ADAM COPE.
“IFpA. HAKMON is a can-I
didateior Sheriff at the Election in
next. 16 ,
ErrpThe Subscriber respectihil* intonin*
his fellow citizens of Chatham, that lie Will he
a candidate for County Sheriff, at the ensuing
cl ntY d “ ii ?RßTd'l' , M'in .TON
fa* Notice.— dr. Geo. Mil
ztor is a candidate for Sheriff of'Chatham Coun
ty, at the election in January next.
To if? Electors of Chatham
DTSHF, subscriber is a candidate for the office
4A of CORONER, at the election on the fest
Monday in January next, and solicits the; stiffra
ces of the electors. HENRY J. A ALLF.AU.
dec 5 26 :■ : _
(QWc are authorised to an
nounce Mr IchabTih Wktmore a candidate for
CORONER at the n~xt
(j3TUc Subscriber respectful
ly informs the voters of Chatham county, that lie
is a Candidate for the Office of Coroner, at the
approaching Election.
Bale Zfope.
50 coils patent Rale Rope of superior quality
for sale by .MITCHELL & BARTLETT,
dec 22 ■ 40i ,
O Bulloch's Building,
FFF.R for sale—
Manufactured Tobacco, of Ist quality and ap
proved brand
Richmond superfine Flour
Eight cases Linens, brown and white, jnst re
ce>ved per Georgia. dec 1 -■>
Just Received
80 Boxes Muscatel Raisins
40 do Bioom do
40 do first quality Goshen Cheese
6 do Pine App!© do*
.10 do English .Mustard
40 hbls NO Sugar 30 do St Croix do
jf 50 kegs fresh Crackers, 20 half bbls do
| 12 pipes Cognac Brandy, first quality
s 10 punches* I .s genuine old Jam Hum
40 bbls Loaf Sugar
1 ■ 15 qr cask Malaga Wine
20 do do Teneriffe do
| 10 do do White Wine Vinegar
30 casks London Porter, 30 bags Coffee
Cur-ants, Almonds, Cordials assorted
Fruit, preserved in syrup Brandy
Mess Pork, prime do
I JMess Beef, prime do
Fly-market Beef, kitts of round do
Kitts of Salmon, Candles, Soap
/ And general assortment of Groceries,
jji dec 24 41n§ _
| Dearborn's Patent Balances,
OF all sizes, constantly for sale by
M nov 1-5 4. 9 _
Prime Molasses, Iron Zsc.
bil ls Retailing Molasses ...
200 Bags double boiled East India Sugars
10 Tons AX Bar Jroiu#
20 hhd* Muscovado Wgar.
kLanding this day from Sloop Susan, and for
[ sale by E. Ai ILLIAMS k Cos.
K dec 17 35
EL , . . - —— r
St Croix sugars and raisins.
a 43 hhds very superior quality St Croix Su
gars, in large hhds
—also— _,
120 boxes fresh Muscatel Raisins
25 jars Grapes
I Landing this day from the Elizabeth, and for
l dec 10 30 R WILLIAMS & Cos.
For Sale ,
T>F,W No. 26, in the middle aisle in the Pres
-1 byterian Church —or would be exchanged
for a pew in the Episcopal Church. For terms
( apply to , C. C. GRISWOLD Sc CO.
*■ dec 11 31 Taylor's stores.
E’ 4
[ 100 Bushels Corn afloat,
For Sale bv
P dec 22 40 L. -H. SA6g fl Cos.
I Irish Linens, Lawns, sc.
JAMES MAGEE has just received 12 cases
of the above, comprising
4-4, in whole pieces, line and low priced
If; 4-4, in demi pieces, do do
Eg 7-H, in whole pieces, do dp.
B” Long Lawns, Brown Hollands
And a few pieces LJlack Limtas, suitable MU’
E tailors—which he will dispose of on acconjmo-
E Rating terms. ll'illiarr.son’s Wharf.
! nov 15 §wa 34 ,
Coffee &*c.
100 bags green Coffee
400 barrels Flour
6.-Landing from ship Harmony, and for sale by
dec 17 35 E. WILLIAMS & Cos.
Frederic Sclleck,
YTAS*just received and offers for srle, Low
IJ. for cash, produce, or town paper only,
30 bbls prime Muscovado Sugar
80 do Howard st Balt superfine Flour
20 do Rye Whiskev
20 d-j No 3 Mackerel
10 db N Gin 5 hhds Rye Whiskey
2 hhds imitation Jamaica Rum
15 bags prime Havana Coffee
1000 biisli. Liverp. Ground Salt
5 tons Swedes Iron assorted
5 do lie How Ware, Eng. and Ameticn
SO ps Cotton Bagging
10 casks Cheese
1000 pounds Share Moulds
40 small boxes No 1 Soap
40 dez Carolina Weedijig ITdes
100 reams Wrapping Paper
16 doz American Axes
20 kegs Dupont’s Powder
Shot assorted
1520 wt prime new Bacon, sa’tpetred
Brown Shirting, Plaids and Stripes
Plains, Calico, Shoes, Hats
And almost every article suitable for town or
country. gE£.$C
To Rent—it large and convenient
filial Store and Cellar fronting Barnard street,
in C Gildon’s new brick Building, rent very
On New York and Providence, for sale as a
bove. 35 decJ7
William H. Crane,
riTIAS just received a handsome sssortm ento
which are—
White, blue and mix’d Plains
Duffle and rose Blankets
White, red and blue Flannels
Super blue and black Cloths
Do do do Cassimerrs
Cassimere Shawls, Sattinets
Black and colored Bomhazetts
Irish Linen and Sheeting
Russia Diaper, Long Lawns
Union Stripes, Cotton Checks
White and colored Homespun
Flag Handkerchiefs, Silk Umbrellas
Nankin and Canton Crapes
4-4 merino Shawls, Linen Cambric
Scollop’d and inserting Trimmings
Crape Shawls and Scarfs
Linen cambric Handkerchiefs
Valencia do
Tortoise shell Combs
Calicoes andGinghams
Tortinett and Valencia Vestings
Mull, book and jaconet Muslins
Ladies’ & gentlemen’s blk and white silk
Do do cotton and worsted do
Kid and heaver Gloves
Together with a variety of other articles—
or sale on the most accommodating terms, at
the corner of Bgougfon and Iturnard-streets,
opposite Mr. Geo. W. Coe’s,
dec 11 e 31 •
Whiskey, Brandy, Teas, Sjc.
v*Nltß subscribers having entered into cqpart-
JL iiership, under the firm of UICHAULUjff*
BANKS, inform their friends and the public,
that they have taken the Stores. Bolton’s Cen
tral wharf, IVher.etkey now offer Jor Sale,
100 bids superfine Flour, Phiiad. tnspec.
4(Wihds Phiiad Ist quality Rye Whisfc.y
s*bls do do
20 pipes Domestic Brandy
50 bbls do Gin
3 pipes superior 4th proof Cog Brandy
3 hhds Jamaica Spirits
5 do Holland Gin
200 boxes Ale, Porter and Cider
30 bbls Phiiad Strong Beer
60 boxes mould Candles
50 do Muscatel Raisins
ICOO. wt Lump and Loaf Sugar
Gunpowder, Imperial, Hyson, and Young Hy
son Teas, in chests, and tiaff chests, Late
Nutmegs, Cloves and Ginger, in kegs
50 reams Letter Paper
10 do blue medium do
10 do Writing do
An invoice superior black Leghorn Hals
1 case Boots and Shoes.
dec 21 39 s4 E M BANKS.
HAS just received an extensive assortment
BfSINGLE PLAYS, making his present
collection of Tragedies, Comedies, Operas, Me
lo-Dramas, Farces, &c. equal to any in America,
it g which are the following new ones :
..liramhla, a Tragedy, by Barry Cornwall—
price 37$ cts.
Damon & Pythias, a Tragedy, by Richard
Shiel, Esq. author of the ‘'Apostate,”—2s cts.
The Forest of tlozemsnlde, or Travellers Be
nighterl, a Melo-Drama, by J. Stokes —19 cts. •
The Warlock of the Glen, a Melo-Drama—l2
The Lady and the Devil, a Musical Drama, by
7. Dimond—l9 cents.
The Promissory Note, an Operalta—l2 j cts.
dec 18 36
340 bbls superfine FLOUR—landing from
ship Harmony, at Tavlor’s wharf, for sale by
Who have in store, for sale,
90 bbls prime Beef
50 kegs first quality Tobacco
50 boxes Caudles
50 boxes Soap , .
20 bbls Loaf Sugar
9 firkins first quality Goshen Butter
3 marble Chimney Pieces dec 18
2000 bushels white Flint Corn,
for sale by HALL £f HOYT,
dec 24 ,
Rum and Gin.
TUST received and now Landing from the
4 -f
SO bbls RutenbiuggHfe -
For sAle by AN 7 ON,
dec 20 .33 | Pjg?t.r * ■wharf...
Gin, putter, Pork, fsc.
T ANDING, and for sale by the subscriber,
JU from schrs. Etna, arid Phoebe, and sloop
Hesper, this day, * ,
7 pipes Holland Gin
6 do Rutenburg do
50 bbls do
SO do India Point do
50 do Dutch Point do
30 kegs Butter, for family use
25 bbls prime Pork
10 do cargo do
7 boxes currant Wine
3 hhds high proof N. Rtttn
25 boxes Muscatel Raisins
75 do bloom do ,
50 bbls Potatoes
Pipes Cognac Rrar.dy
1 case brown Sheetings
15 boxes mould Candles’
40 boxes Soap
10 bbls Greenings
20 do sweet Cider
5 do Vinegar
J/i Store,
SO bbls Boston Rum
40 half boxes hyson Tea.
10 pipes old Gin
Wrapping Paper, Plaids,
Pepper, Ginger, Ik c.
dtcl 23 Bice’s wharf.
For t Sale,, i
On hoard ship Hising-Stalc —At Rice’s wharf,
59 casks Lime
30 barrels Apples
20 barrels Cider
15 hhds Molasses
3000 larthing Boards
10 bbls Sugar
20 ,do Rum
2 tons sh-athing Paper
50 barrels Potatoes *
50 do Ship Bread
dec 17 35
Oil, White Window
Glass, &C.
20 bbls Spermaceti Lamp Oil
20 do Linseed do
200 kegs English white Lead in 22, 56 and 3
cwt kegs
200 do American do
100 do French & Amer window Glass Bby 10
100 do. do • do do 10 by 12
10 do Boston do do 10 by 15
10 do do do do 12 by 11*
20 do New York do do 12 by 16 &12by 12
Boxes Spermaceti Cardies
10 bbls Spirits Turpentine
Landing from the ships Jlsia, Garonne and
Together with a general assortment of PAINTS,
OILS, VARNISHES We. in store, for sale on
accommodating terms bv
dec 17 35
Taper Huntings §c.
THE Subscriber has received by the Schoon
ct Xliames, from New-York r general as
sortment of Paper Hangings with Borders to
match, which will be sold low on application to
’ . J. W. MORRELL,
dec 19 37 Church Knittings..
Just .Received,
5.000 lbs Scotch Patent Cordage
3.000 do commbn do ail sizes to 5
inches round
10 hbls Burton Ale ‘
100 boxes No 1 Soap
Hyson in chests, 13 lbs and 6 lbs boxes
Young Hyson in 6 lb do
Souchong do
40 boxes Imperial Gun Powder do
And for sale by
dec 20 _3B
Seasonable Dry Goods,
STJ Cheap .for cash ! ! !
ii HE subscriber has for sale, at his Ware
Room, N°-. 7, Commerce Row, an assortment
of the following Goods, which were purchased
in New-York at auction by the ‘ package on
ihe best terms, and which he will dispose of at
a small advance :
Extrawiperfine London Cloths, blues, blacks
and drabs
Middling do do
Extra sup. Cassimeres, drab mixtures, white
and buff % [lilies
4-4 Irish Linens in hi-ls piece- of various qua
7-8 Dowlas, 7-8 Droghedas, and 3-4 Long
i.awns, 10 qtrtfjitiis
8-4, 9-4, 10-4, il-4 and 1 ’-4 Rose Blankets
Blue Plains, Vestings, and Wire Cotton
Irish Diaper
Plain, pearl edge, striped, embroidered and
pound Ribbons
Floss Cotton
Glass, Ivory* gilt and suspender Buttons
Black and white plain and embroidered silk
Hose, Silk Gloves
Cotton and silk Webb Suspenders
Velvet Ribbons, Ginghams add Calicoes
Book Musiins, Scotch Lawns
Inserting Trimmings
Blue, pink and green figured Silk Gauze
White and black I .ace Vedi
Imitation Merino and Dresses ■
Elegant striped Silks
Cravats, worsted Trimmings fancy Lace Hkfs
Sistersoy Hkl's Sooty Ro.-nais
Striped Ler,os, Figured Bonk Muslins
Britannia llkfe, Linen Cambric do
Purple Shawls, Carlisle Ginghams
Needle Work Ruffles, &c. &c.
, , ALSO —
6 bbls of Cherry Brandy.
6 do Columbian Coffee, and
4 patent Balance Beams and Weights ccm
t plete
The subscriber’s arrangements will enable him
to receive .from New-York by every arriva ,
such other articles in the Dry Good line as the
market may need. -
* dec 5 n—ttf JS? FRANCIS L SHAY.
rrtHF, subscribers eitiktifor s d’- Four:
| ‘V-o “S. si t l '6 Ifth*
Drug Clicmicffl Warehouse,
Jit the Comer of
W/’dtaker and Congtesi streets, Shad’s Buildings.
Genuine Drugs,
Medicines , Per-f iimery, etc.
Wf AUV. ANTED Fresh, anil of the first qua
lity, at the Lowest prices. Amongst
which are
’ Antimony crude Rhubarb voot
’ Alcohol do powdered
| Aloes soct. do hepat Red Percipitate
; Arrow root, A unis seed Rose water, Rosin
| Assafetida, Alum Rust of Iron
: Angelica root Gum elastic, Spain -.s
( Angostura bark Sral.-.s mid weights
’ Aqua fortis Marble mortars
j Antimonial wine Composi ion do Iron do
Arsenic Ivory rejection pipes
Acid muriatic, do nitric do ty i .nges
do nitrous, do tariaric Syringin quarts in boxs
do sulphuric do pints, do J pints
Bark yellow, do red ‘ do male and female
do pale, do in quill Congress & spring
Balls Capeva Lemon acid
do Canada, do Peru Soda powders
do Tolu Salts of Lemon
Barbados tar Cologne water
■Borax ref-d Wash balls
‘Burgundy Pitch Windsor soap
Dole Armenia Transparent do
Beeswax yellow Liquid do
do white Lows perfumed do
Brimstone roll Naples do
do ref'd Pomatum in sticks
faster Oil American do in pots assorted
do do W India Rose water
Castor Russia Lavender do
Ca mphor ref'd Fancy vials
Calomel p;d Essences ass’d
CiWithariues, dopttlv Sal Ammoniac
Oammornile flowers do Volatile
Canella alb. dn soda
Caraway seed do Rochelle
Cardamon seed do Tarter
Gascaiilla bark do Epsom
Cassia, Cinnamon do Glauber
Castile Wap white do Niter refined
do, colored Solnt Arsenic flours
Chives, Cochineal Sots Ammonia
Colombo root, do powd do hartshorn
Chalk prepared do l.avendtr compil’d
Coriander seed do Wine
Cream Tartar pulv do camphor
Corrosive sublimate do Nit Dulc
.Garnihie Sassafras bark
Conserve roses Sassapai ilia
CausticLLunar Sponge do course
D-agoni blood Sass on Spanish
DigituleS do English
Dovers powders do American
Epsom sa\ts Eng. Savin, aenna Alex
Elh.r sulnh. Ergot Spermaceti
Elder blossoms Snake mot Virg
Emery ffoe\ do sciieka, squills
do Vo J, 2 and 3 Slorex, salts liarlahorn
Elixir .laragoric Sugar Lead
do vitriol Svrup squills
Extract Reuter vlo simple
do geian, do Lead Tart Emetic, Tapioca
FiOnr Euip’.ne Tinr* Vines compil’d
do benzoin 1 0 Myrrh,
Flax seed.. Fennel dd do Valerian
Filings stee do Iron do snake root
Fitmkincenst do Assafetida
Ghiuber salts do Benzoin comp’d
G#ll3 Aleppo do Cantbarides
Gaibanum, Ginseng do senna
Gold Thread do Rhubaib
Gentian root do bark huxliatns
Glass Antimony do Peruvian bark
GingerVace do Opium, do castor
do powdered do Muriat Iron
Grains paradise do columbo rout
Gum iimmaniac do Kino, do Jalap
do Senegal do guiac, do Valerian
do arabic, do powd do Gentian comp’d
do kino, do benzoin Vinegar distilled
do trigacantli do squills
do guac, do Myrrh Vilerian root
do fbeiiac, do Cppa Vitriolatatcil Tartar
do umstich Vitriol white, do blue
do gamboge do green
and > scamony Patent medicine
Helebore black Batemans drops
do white British Oil
flier* Picra V.sseiice peppermint
Honey, do of squills bitters
Hoffmans anodyne GAjtreyls cordial
Isinglass btee;'iodel.'oc
L-ecacuanliaor hippo Turlra&ons balls
Jalap, juniper berries Dnlbeyi carminative
Laudanum Dali's F.Kx'r
Liquorice root Harlem or mcdeca
do powdeted, do ball mention
do refined Oil WormseM s .
Lime water, Lead do Pills, Lees Nejto|j*>ndon
Magnesia Lump do do VV^H>,n
do powdered do Andersoflpp
ilo small square do Hoopers ‘ ~
do calcined do Calomel
Manna flake, do sorts do Opium
Mezereon, Musk Pru sian Bide, 12 & 3
Mustard seed, Mace fig blue, Kings yellow
Nutmegs, Nttx vomica Drop Lake, No i £4 2
Opium, Orange peel Flake white, Garmir.e
Oxyr.'.el squills Ivory biaca, lump do
On pennyroyal Indigo Spanish
do turpenti'e Black Lead, red do
do tansey, <lo olives Litharge
do peppermint _ Terri <le senna
do spearmint, do savin Caster Oi l , m phials
do rosemary Per&gpric do
do . origanum ‘ dp
do cinnamon Antimoi.ial wine do
do worm seed Tinct Rhubarb do
do Lavender <h> Assafetida do
do wormwood Bals capevu do
do anniS seed Sweet Oil do
do juniper SptaLavend, com. do
do Cloves do camphor do
do atrronds, do Leman do hartshorn ‘ do
do bergamot do sweet Niter do
do sassafras do Turpentine do
do hemlock Calomel dj
Oil fennel Jalap do
do Spruce . Tartar F.mctic do
do Wintergreen is botcles,
do Vitrio} Wine bitter*
Ointnien meie Spts hartshorn
do Baisieon do Sweet Niter
do Cerate do Turpentine ;
do Simple Sweet Oil
rtb Red percipitatfe castor do
do Spanish Flies American and W I
No. 2, Vcr.. £8
Pink root, Pearl Ashes Spanish whiling
Pearl Harley Hotton stone
Powdered tin Pumice do
Plaster mercurial . Powdered blute
do Burgundy pitch Copperas
do Adhesive Vermillion, Chinese
do strengthening do Eng
do Drachvlon Verdigris, Irish Glue
do gum, Jo bTstering ix vials.
Quassia , l'ss cinnamon
do rasp’d Quicksilver do lavender
F.Ss Lemon Clown do do Evans’s
Calc’d Magnesia Bergamott
Epsorrt salts, rhubarb Spring Lancets
I Peruvijn hat k Tooth instruments as’d
I Cheltenham sails Bcttgies, Galla pots
Henrys calc’d maghesiaMucaboy snuff
Stomachic hitters Liquid blacking
Worm Lozenges French do
Aromatic Toothpaste llluck sealing wax
Hinck’eys remedy forlted wafers, ass’d do
the piles ‘Tooth brushes coni
Fever Powders do silver wire 3 and 4
Thompson’s eye water, rows
large and .small Cuppingur.d TVepaning
Patent Itch ointment instruments
Ref’d Liquorice Male nnd female silver
do in boxes, <lo com catheters
Patent spi ing Ti usses YTlrite leather si *r.s
common do Eng. mustard by the lb.
Durable Ink ir canisters
Red ink powder Ground Ginger, race do
Black do Pill bokes Gloves, cinnamon
Vial corks, bottle do Halo. Quito
Wax tapers Churches cough drop's
Nurenbergh do for eotighs, n-
Palent Lint sumptions, astbroas,
Thumb Lancets Lotte
do con moo Cephalic snuff, for .ca
do clewleys tarrhs.
Shipmans Garden Seeds,assorted, inboxes.
A general assortment of
Surgical Instruments, Shop Furniture,
Pliials, assorled, from half dram to 8 ox.
#c. sc.
All those who wish to purchase, will please
call and examine for themselves. jan I
Paints , Oil, JVimlotc Glass,&C.
rjnHE subscriber keeps constantly for
sale, at his “tore in Whitaker-street,
nearly opposite Cos). Shellman's Mansion House,
a large amt gene>-ni supply of
Paints , Painter si* Jlr titles,
Window (Hass, Varnishes, Oils, <sj*c.
Which he offers at wholesale and retail, at the
lowest prices for cash, produce or approved
400 kegs London ground wliite.Leadj in 28,
56, and ltd lb kegs
100 kegs American do
100 do Spanish Brown
100 do Yellow Ochre
100 do Venetian lied
50 do Black I'amt, 20 do Verdigris . -"m
500 gallons Linteed OF, in bbls and tierces
2t 0 do spermaceti Lamp Oil
100 do Spirits Turpentine
60 do Copal Varnish ,
50 do Japan do 60 do Itosin do
20 packages Cold and Silver Leaf
3 tons Whiting, 1 do Paris White
50 lhs Chrome Yellow, 100 cio blue Solid
2l).l do Dutch Pink
50 do Chinese Vermillion, 500 d6 red Lend
300 do powdered L tnarge
2 hllds English Lamp Black, in 1 lb £ P>
and i ‘b papers
50 boxes i0 by 12 English Crotvn Windo
-6 do 11 ”16 and; do [Glss.i
6 do 11 ”13 do do <o
6 do 12 ”15 do do do
2 do 12 “16 do do do
4 do 12 ”18 do do do
4 crates do do dt>
40 boxes 10” 12 Trench Glass
10 do 7 ” 9 American Glass, l> tndc
10 do 7 ” 9 do do Elliott £* Cm
10 do 8” 10 do do liristo:
10 do 8” 10 do do Elliot &Cos
0 do 8” 10 do do Peterborour'-
10 do 8” 10 do do Cincinn*
5 do 9” 11 do do Brist’ ‘
5 do 9”11 • do do Elliot &> ‘<•
40 do 10” 12 do do Bri? t
10 do 10” 12 do do ElJiot & C
16 do 10 ”12 do do Peterboron: ‘
20 do 10” 14 do do Elliot & Cos.
1 do Large Picture Glass
Flake While Stone Sfchre
White Lead, dry Spruce do
White Chalk Yellow dopowd’d
Kings Yellow Gnmbago
Patent do Carmine
Orange Orpin.ent Prussian blue No. 1
Englisc Vermilion Blue Paint
Drop Lakes, Pose pink do Verditter * “
Venetian lted, dry Powder blue
Bed Chalk Distilled Verdigris
Ivory bla k, Blue do Blue Vitriol
Black Lead Prnch do chy , }
Spanish Brown, dry Green Verdi-ter
Purple Brown Mineral Green
Terra de Sienna French do
do do buret Olj rnpian do
Turkey Umber Copperas
English do Glut:
Rotten Stone Pumice Stone
Gold Bronze Rosin
Copper do Sand paper
Dutch Metal Putty , msh Bn’ j
Paint Brushes assorted l ine Camels Hair .’ -J
Sash Tools do do Too! *
White-wash Brushes do do Pc:;- . ,
Scrubbin do Japatl Gold size
Sweeping do Oil do do
Hearth •do J’allct Knives
Dust .do (Sum Copat ‘
Clothes Jr do Shellac.
Shoe do Vo An.hie
Fine Roman QcWe Sugar of Lead
Orders from the country will be tlisr.i/” ‘.
received and yunctusilv attended to i
N. 3. Ai'l sorts ot Colors {?>■ y
and directions giyen far usin./ them if r&j ~
jan i 1 / ‘
Cora & Lard.
2500. Corn
.2:1 Kejp Vlrrrd —on board .**.* .* •*■}*•:
iight-tn-Pciwe,— i-v* Sale 1-v
I 1 L. U. ? ACT A’ *
4F K’i'hcA’i -