The Savannah museum. (Savannah, Ga.) 182?-1822, January 21, 1822, Image 4
e-LiT-'Jr gL I L*J.” -J. ■ ■■ ‘—l rj’ HU subscriber lias just received from New- Superfine India and French Levantiue Heavy Sinchews Nankin and Canton Crapes Black figured Naples Silk India flag Hdkfs s Merino ? Shawls Linen cambric hdkfs, 75 ctsa 1 7 5 Ladies superfine wt andcol’d kid Gloves do do col’d castor and beaver do Gentlemens white andcol’d do do hewed Tambourd and plain Muslins Fine flounc’d Muslin robes and trimmings Assorted braids and velvet Ribbons Super plaid Silks, for Turbands A few white and mixt Plains on hand which shall bie sold low—with a variety of other arti cles at the sign of the golden fleece, by WILLIAM HOSE. jatUl 9 Holland Gin, 12 pipes Holland Gin 5 boxes Havana biown Sugar 10 bbls L Oil—Landing this day. Apply to E WILLIAMS & CO. . jmn 11 9 100 barrels No. 3 Mackerel, dust received and for Mile ny RICHARDS & BANKS, jan 11 §s9 Bolton’s central wharf Howard-street Flour, 150 bbls of the above, just received and for sale by the sub'criber JAMF.S MaGLE. jan 11 §u9 Sperm Candles, Figs, &sc. Just received per brig Savannah, . 15 boxes sperm Candles 25 drums fresh Turkey Figs 15 bids Annies in prime order—for sale by jan 11 H S MAXTIIN. Mackerel, landing fyfor Sale. 100 hai rels No 2 } MACKEREL, 100 do No S S tn Sti-re A few eases Windsor Soap MITCHELL & BARTLETT jan 12 i 10 Brandy, 10 pides,4di proof i<” ueaux of excellent quality for sale by JON A MEIGS, jan 12 §n 10 Bulloch's Bui ing. s Corn. ItoO bushels prime Maryland C rn, afloat— For sale by L. II S GR Si CO jan 8 6 Bulloch's wharf Landing front schr. I hebe, 10 hhda N E Rum 9do Molasses, first quality For sale low if t ken from the wharf, jan 12 hlO It WATERMAN &Cos Green Coffee, SOO bags greet. C -flee— . i.tling this day from briir t.eonidas, and for saie In jan 18 H> F. \\ lI.LIAMS l Cos. N. E Rum Choppas , fyc. IGU t.bts N E . uni U y . s domestic B'-an ty 1 bate Clio, pas—Earnin g from brig Serene, and for sale by F. MILI.I.vMb & Cos. jan .12 10 Whiskey. 20 lihds Whiskey, laiuiingfiom sloop Oliver Wolcott, and fur sale by jan u 10 HALL & HOYT. Corn. 100 bushels Marylanu w hit,’ Corn afloat, for Sklc by HALL St HOVE, jan 12 10 __ Just Received, fIHAI.MI-WS Life of Mary Queen of Scots— ) 2 vols. Bvo. The Spy,ora Tale of Neutral Ground, a ne- | Novel —j vols. The Cavalier, a Romance —2 vols. bv Lee Gibbons Percy Anecdotes, No 10, on Instinct.— For sale by THOS. LUNGWORT!!, jan 9 7 Johnston's Square Cherry Brandy. 8 Barrels Cherry Brandy Just recciied and for sale by C. C. GRISWOLD & Cos. jan 9 Insurance against Fire. The JE'nalnsurance Company Hartford, will insure houses and buildings, me ch hxe, fur niture and other property, im hiding vessel in port. *!u ircargoes, Ac against loss or damage by Hr*, for any term from one month to one or mere, years. The conditions, which are moderate, may be know n on application to the su'-Sc ibei-, who is authorized agent, and is empowered to issue policies without the delay incident to other a gencies of this nature. The Company undertake in all cases to pay tbe-full amount” of the actual loss, provided it does not exceed the amount insured The pre miums are reasonable, ands tuuld offer a strong inducement to any person having property at hazard to place it in security, jan 7 5 S. MANTON. Dancing School, MR. BOUDEI, jr professor of Dancing, for merly from Paris and lately from Xew- Yoi k, has the honor tp inform Ids friends and the public that he has ariived in this city with his family, with the intention of becoming a per manent resident, and’ hat he will open Ids Dan cing School here This Evening 14th inst in the Room under Solomon’s Lodge Room, near the uM Presbyterian Church, the 100 n having been fitted up lor the reception of Ladies where he will intriidiice the most fashionable Cotillions and other Dances now in vogue in Paris, and in the most popular cities in the union and the greatest attention paid to the carriage and de portment of Pupil* entrusted to his care Days of Tuition, Monday, Wednesday, and j E.-idav Evenings. j. Hours of tuition, viz. for young Ladies from 5’ d’clock until 7, and from 7 o’clock until 9 for: young Gentlemen jar, 14 j DRUGS, MEDICINES AND GARDEN SEEDS. TOSEY, Comer of Broughton (i Jefferson streets, OFFER FOR SALE, A General assortment of Drugs, Medicines & Seeds Gf the latller they have now on hand— Warrington, Refugee, and BEANS White J Marrow fat PEAS Salmon and ? radDISII Short top 5 SNAPBEANS Drumhead, -J Early York, | IXItL,, SEED Flat Dutch and | Red j Flat white Turnip Cauliflower Asparagus | Dark Orrange Carrot Bloody Beet Solid Celery White Endive Early curled Imperial | Slp-cn j-'-KTSUOK* n Cabbage Battersea J Round seeded broad leavd Spinagc Prickly do Par.-ley Also, the f>flowing ROOTS: Young wlnle seed Onions Tulips, double and single Italian Narcissus, double & sing, fine for forcing Jonquils Fine, double mixed Uununctilus & Anemones Purple, Pule blue, I •Sniped, VCROCUS White and Yellow J Salmons Radish Scarlet short top do An assortment of FLOWER SEEDS C.W ARY SEEDS and FLOWER POTS. ! ee 24 41 Joseph Kopman, I Johnston's square, ? AS just received per ships Georgia and Pallas, from Liverpool, 10 bales white Plains, sdo mixt do 1 do tartan Plaids 2 cases blue and red Union Stripes 2 do 4-4 llandke. chiefs 3-4 and 6-4 cotton Checks With a variety of other things, which will be -old on accommodating terms. 26 dec 5 ! landing from sloop Jacket, A Nil for sail by MOSES VV. MORGAN, /* Market square, 2 pipes Holland Gin 3 liluls Jamaica Rum 1 2 pipes first quality Cognac Brandy 9 bints t pipe and 2 bbls Rye Gin 5 nags Coffee 5 barrels Sugar 5 do smokidßecf 7 In,xi s me. ’s tlais 4 firkins best Goshen Butter —a i so— Jl general assortment aj Saddlery, made ii. New-York, wi ranted. Alt on. rsex < euted here Af., ly a- ab. ve. g 4 dec.3 1 und old Hope. i."*A ‘iilLlES .uid coiimry merchants are infor niui dial cash wil !>■ paid lot any quantity if clean linen It.,gs and old Ho <, at die store •f HIU.IWI FREE Cong-css st. opposil ■ Francis J. I.ay. jan 1 , I V. a I -rv Gauds cheap for Gash!!! 7tr s s icith. r has received by the ( atari-Plant, t ie bs and ! asiti.ere;, of various qualities ! t 4 Mai seillc Quilts S iperb J:,c. el cambric embroider’d dresses Inferior do do do S’ripen Silks (new pjterns) It .ok Sdk Velvet s English ingrain stair Carpeting AI.SO, rv cases gentlemen s’ black & white iini ta -1 ■ >■ >ver liar*-- with his former supply of V, I I’.nen and Cotton goods makes a corn pit *.< •• ‘ iier.t. Country merch..uts areinvi ted t F 1. SHAY, jan t r > j\o. 7 Cos amerce *iow. ir, Sugar &c. 2'i bh *l'-. anhst fine flour oi. bi ds s O sugar 60 bbis . jiii.rdo 30 do 1* ms double refined and o 50 do > city inspection prime Pork 40 do pun Heel 20 lif d< Mess do’ 30 bbls ‘ i 3 M i-.karel 10 b'-xes Fosiei ‘s bt • N • l cotton'cards 6 bail nip: sand cp iter ctisks superio old P,n*i Wine 50 boxes Window tilassb X lOui.d 10X12 For sale by JOHN l A ; DROP & Cos. jan 10 8s hunter's u/ha'f Music School, \ 11SS VICTOIRO BOUDE T. a native of tills LM city T iiuest u tile Pu, :o For'e. of the Harp and singing in the various st'les of the French and Ration Bravuras lias the honor lo inform her friends and the public I'lat she will teach the above branches as soon as sufficient encouragement will offer. Particulars to appear in the next advertise ment. jan 7 5 Notice. 1 HEREBY give notice that I have a claim, and no doubt the oldest and best one, for one hundred and fifty acres of land in the fork of the Large and Little Sarilla Rivers, adverti sed for sale by Mr. Z. Kingsley, GEORGE MORRISON. Camden Cos. Dec. 23. 4os* Just deceived, PlfflF. Georgia and South Carolina Almanac, 1 for 1822, containing much useful informs i tion both of a private and public nature, —iieal- i ly printed. For sale at the Museum Office coun ’ ting room, by the gross, dozen or single. Ali : bera! discount made to those who purchase by l wholesale. dec 19 Notice. THE subscribers having connected them selves in business under the firm of GIBBS & ALEXANDER, offer for sale on good terms ALBANY Al.fe, GOSHEN BUTTER, Ac. Just landing from brig Levant, at Jones’ upper - wharf, 40 bbls Albany double Ale, expressly prepar ed for this climate 10 firkins superior Goshen Butter 10 bhls Corn Meal 10 do buck wheat do 13 casks best kind Goshen Cheese 10 boxes bloom Raisins 25 M Spanish Segars 12 kegs sweet scented Virginia Tobacco 3 do ladies’ twist do 5 bags Coffee ; Mustard by the box or do 2. 14 bbls country Gin ; Cognac Brandy Jamaica, St Croix and N E Rum, by the , hhd. or barrel Holland Gin; Young Hyson Tea, in ten catty boxes ; Sugar by the hhd. or bbl.; Loaf and Lump do ; and in store, a gen eral assortment of Groceries JOSKPH GrfBBS, ROBERT ALEXANDER, Taylor’s wharf. They would also inform their friends that they are sole agents for this city for two of the most celebrated Brewing establishments in the state of New-York, namely, Law & Burridge’s New Burgh and R Dunlop’s 1 Albany, a supply of whose Ale will be kept constantly on hand and warranted good. Also, Boyd kM’Culloch’s | Albany Ale. dec 3 Jolm C. Michel, I NFORMS his friends and the pubic generally, that he has removed from Mr. Stuuf Surveil lei-’s to Dryan-street, opposite the Merchant’s Hotel, where he will attend those gentlemen who are desirous of learning the Violin, Flute, or Vocal j\fusic. He will give lessons on the Pianno and also lessons accompaniments to those Ladies who are so far advanced as to play Sonatas or pieces requiring accompaniment of Violin, Flute or Bass Apply to Puull 1 . Thomasson, Esq. or to Isidore Stouff, Surveyor. FOR SALE—An excellent new PIANO, (Ch-mentini’s make) from London, nov 9 4 The Library, IS open for the delivery of Hooks, Monday, Wednesday and Friday, from 4 to 6 o’clock, I* M 30 dec 10 Picked Up, adrift, 4 Small Boat, which the owner can have by a proving property and paying for this ad vertisement, on applying to capt. Tucker on board the brig Huron. dec 27 43 Ten Dollars Reward. KAN AW AY Irom the subscriber in Scrivm County, on the 16ih Dec. his regro fellow Peter, about 47 years old, 6 feet high, ami has one tooth out in h-ont. The above reward will be paid for the apprehension and semiring him in any jail, so that I may get him. dec 28 tf44 .1 NO. JACKSON. Nankin, and Canton Crapes. 2 cases bln and colored Nankin Crapes, in 4 ps 2 do do Canton do do l do do silk Handkerchiefs W ith a great many other Goods, just received per ship Augusta, from New -York, and for sale by F. GILLF. r & Cos jan 1 nl Johnston’s square. Whiskey, Mine £se. JUST receiveu per ship Augusta and sclir Visiter, 25 bbls Whiskey 5 qr Casks Samos Wine 3 half pipes Malaga do 10 boxes Soap 1500 bunches Onions 111 Store, Gin. Rum, Brandy, t obacco, Soap. Candles, Potatoes, Apples, Butter, Herrings and a gener al assortment of Groceries, For sale by BENJ F. TAYLOR. jan 3 i 2 Rices’ IVharf. Taken, 1 THROUGH mistake from Moore’s wharf, on board brig Savannah, the latter part of Oc tober, and carried to Providence, one bale Up land Cotton, which is now returned and the owner can have the same by identifyfhg marks and proving property on app'icatioh lo >"11 9 TAFT & SIBLEYS. The Subscriber yg|AYING opened a stnre in one of those two story buildings west of the Market, known as Hogg’s Lot, under the superintendance of Mr \\ n C. Mills, offers for sale, a general as sortment of GROCERIES, Consisting in part of Sugar, Coffee, Tea, Cog. Brandy, Jam Rum, W. I. and N. E. do. Holland (■in, Whiskey, Fiour in whole and half barrels, Soap, Sait, and a lot prime Georgia Bacon 1 ALSO—Homespun, Cutlery, Crockerv, &c. ( dec 29 t.f 45- THOMAS M, KENZIE. The Subscriber offers for sale, ’ J ‘ -liEK thousand bushels of heavy rough ■l-■■ -’4 15 JOW.PH e HI. subscriber takes pleasure to inform his I lr*eniis ai.,l the public that he has removed from the Merchants Hotel in bank square, to t,e Bay, over the store of Mr. John Hunter, East of flie Exchange, where he has good ac coinnioc'.atioi.s in a complete fire proof building and would be happy to serve those who please to call Also, good stables to accommodate country friend’s horses, jan 9 7n JOHN Y WHITE. flour, Pork <sc. 280 bbls superfine Flour 5U do prime Pork City inspection 90 do do Beef 20 kegs patent shot assorted sizes sli do first quality Tobacco 50 do Soap, 50 do Candles 39 firkins first quality Butter for family use 20 half bins Fly Market Beef 20 bbls Loaf Sugar 3 Marble Chimney Pieces 2 Gigs, complete at Denslers For sle by jan 4 3 C C GRISWOLD & Cos. Just opened, A CASE of elegant Inserting and Scolloped trimmings sewed and tamboured FLOUN CES, Bonk Frills, Collaretts and 4 Hdkfs Paris Tippetts, Stomachers, iic. JOSEPH KOPMAN. jan 15 12 Johnson's square. Killams, Hili.s £5 Wells, H Merchant Tailors. AVF, removed to the brick store on the Bay, next door below the Post-office, where they have opened, an extensive assortment of Extra Super and Common Broadcloths, Cassimeres, Yes tings, They have procured from New-York, and else where, the latest fashions and the bc*t of work men ; and flatter themselves that they will be able to give general satisfaction to all who favor the m with their custom. Also, Received, A large assortment of Gentlemen’s ready made CLOTHING, of their own manufacture, and in the newest fashion 96 oct 30 Removal. EDWARD COPPEE has removed to the west corner of Market square, in the stove adjoining that of Messrs. Cleland & Fraser, where he offers at wholesale and retail, a com plete assortment of Fresh DRUGS and MED ICINES, on the Lowest terms, for cash or ap proved paper. 39 dec 21 Notice. e jUIE subscribers are prepared to Discount 1 promptly every day, approved Paper, not having more than ninety days to run, at 6 per cent, and pay the proceeds of such discount by Checks on Au usta. if preferred bvthe offerer dec 18 36 CUMMING & GWATHMF.Y. Notice, 4LL persons having demands against the es . tate of G. B. Richard, widow ‘ate of Cam den County, w ill hand them in properly attest ed, and those indebted to said estate are reques ted to make immediate payment JOHN C. RICHARD, Executor, j St. Mary’s, dec 23 sf* 48 Old Irish Whiskey, A few demijohns superior Old Irish Whiskey —apply to MAGEE, nov 20 U2B Cheese, Wine, &c. Just landing from on board Sloop Harlequin. 20 casks Goshen Cheese 20 qrdo swee’ malaga Wine,pure as imported 20 bbls Boyd 8c M-Culloch’s Ale, prepar’d for 150 boxes Digby Herring this climate 1 tierce Scotch Snuff, in small bladders I do Maouba, in half lb bottles 400 lbs New-Yo k cured Hams All of which will be sold low if taken fr the vvhf. Jlnd in Store, An extensive assortment of GROCERIES, for sale on the most reasonable terms, by GIBBS Ec ALEXANDER, jan 11 s9 Taylor's wharf. Just Received, AND landing from schr. Cygnet and sloop A llumhird, 96 bbls assorted Loaf Sugar of superior qual. 50 kegs Butter selected for family use 20 qr casks Malaga Wine A few bbls Shad Which are offered for sale bv DOUGLASS (J SORREL Who also offer, 150 bags prime St. Doming:) Coffee 7 lihds prime Havana do 50 bbls muscovado Sugar 16 hhds N Orleans do 200 bbls rye Whiskey 200 do sup. Iloward-street Flour I pipe French Brandy 25 seroons Spanish Tobacco Spanish Segars in half boxes Oil Cloth Carpets Window Glass assorted. jan 11 h 9 To Kent or for Sale. Three Tenements two stories high, Mfias; bet ween Mrs. Dev ant's and Mrs. Gugle’s, opposite the new Market. These tenements are each thirty feet front and forty feet deep, and contain Cellar and Cellar Kitchen, and a store and back room on the first floor, with fire places; and three rooms 0:1 the second floor with fire places ; a garret and convenient yards. These were lately erected, in a neat and sub stantial manner, and will be rented on reasona ble terms to good tenants. Apply to jar. 4 M 11. MC’ALISTER. Gold & Silver Enamelling on Glass for Pictures, Sfc. I “HE public is resp, ctiuJv informed that work of all kinds in the above line will be executed in the neatest manner by JOHN EV ANS, who intends staying in this city a few )\ eks for that purpo e—apply at the store of Mr. Win. Free, corner of Congress and Whita ker streets, where Glass of every description can be supplied. All orders will meet with punctuality, janl2 10 Lime and Lumber. Landing from Brig Harriot and Lucy Hunters Lower Wharf. 300 casks Thomastown Lime 25 M feet nortlierd pine Lumber For sale by ISAAC COHEN. jan 18 s 15 Notice. IT HE subscriber having taken John P An . drains into copartnership, the Auction and Commission Business, will henceforward be conducted under the firm of Thompson & An drews. ISHAM THOMPSON. Augusta, jan 12 i, n Received by ship Klucher, Jlnd for sale by the subscribers, 50 hampers English Potatoes 50 jars English split Peas 6 kegs London Mustard A. SMITH & J. TURNER, jan 18 15 Jones’ Jixdlding. Real Estate For Sale. SEVERAL convenient and well situa- U ted Houses and Lots will be sold at mo derate prices. —aiso— That valuable Lot in Broughton-street, op posite the residence of Doct Sbeftall. Apply to GEORGE SCHLEY jan 17 14 Valuable Real Estate fop *4 TWO LOTS fronting on Bay and Jeffen, ‘ streets, with the improvements consisting of two ranges of Buildings, strutted for a Public Boarding House ()1 , *’ side, and on the other for Stores or Countii* Rooms. ’ These Buildings, from their situation, tiv. extent, and their construction, are well ed for a Hotel ; they were planned for this u'-V pose, and have been so used under the lian e t ,; Washington UaU. One Lot fronting on Joachitn-street, v.-itho-. improvements thereon, known as the J Hotel. There are two spacious Dwelling}]', two stories each, with suitable back build r? calculated for the accommodation of famnie-'t for a house of entertainment, as This Property will be sold low and or, i commodating terms, if early application i made to GEORGE SCHLEY * dec 20 lm.)8 A to. 1, Commerce -Jlr-s To Rent. j$M The well known establishment call. ■92L-IJ ed the Georgia Hotel, (now in the occ pation of Mr C. Bevili.) The premises afford every convenience for a Tavern; and there t a dwelling wiiere families could be lodged A tached from the public house. The stable 5 very commodious, and the whole establishment warrants the belief of its enjoying a consider* ble share of country and other r ustom, from r vicinity to the Steam-Bout Wharves, the urine,* pal Lumber Yards, and the market in Kith’, square. Possession can be given on the Ist 6i January. For term* apply to JOS. CUMMING, East end of Bulloch’s buildins dec 4 25 For Rent, Those two fire-proof Stores, opposite An. drew Low &Cos Johnson’s square, fitted ej pressly for Dry Good Siores, ami deserve the attention of such as are connected in that bus. ness. Rents moderate. For terms apply to CRANE & BAKER, 0 G ARDNER TUFTS. TV IV 8 3 ♦ Iniborn Bevili, INFORMS his friends that he hs-. leased the Georgia Hotel, and that he will undertake the superintendence of the same from the 15th lie hopes that his arrangements will he sucbai to meet the approbation -of the old friends of the Establishment, and ensure him a portioncf ru'Mic natro-iage 87 oct9 livery Stables. the Georgia Hotel, and have made such , rangements that their customers mav rest as, stited that the greatest attention will ’ continut to be paid to Horses placed under their cart. Carriages, Chairs and Gigs, with good Hors es well broken to the harness and saddle, nil always be furnished the public on reasoi.< hire. * Expresses will be despatched at short notiot to any part of the count y. 87 oct9 Notice. f 4 ROUGE NEWHALL has removed to the * new Store in Whitaker street, oppositt Joaiah I enfield’s, w4eve he has i -7 aalv on cs tensive assortment of Boots and Shoes, at low prices, for cash or city acceptances. I 2m nov li) ‘4 pHK subscriber lias now open and for safest -.1 his store in Whitaker-st. near Col. Shell man’s Mansion House, a choice assortment o: Spiritous Liquors, the best of old Wines, Te* ofthe latest importation, and double refined loaf Sugar, which are offered at reasonable terms Cognac Brandy, Jamaica Spirits St. Croix do, Portland Rum Holland Cm. Brig Hope’s cargo of 1819, Pierpoints Gin * Madeira Wine, Gordon’s brand Imported in the brig Oriental, in 1816. Lisbon Wine, Port do Betsey and Berthia cargo. Gun Powder, Huntress cargo") Imperial, London Traders do i „„ , - Hyson, Ontario’s do r ■ Young Hyson, Huntress do J K AUGUSTUS CORNWALL I nov 28 20 f Whiskey, Pork , &e. i 220 bbis besi Rye Whiskey I 50 do prir. e Pork I 20 casks Goshen Cheese I 30 firkins do Butter, in double firkins I 20 casks Shot, assorted sizes I 20 hf bbls flymarket Beef, warrarfeJ I 2 C springs Leather top Gigs with ft*! ted Harness I Landing from brig Belvidr .e at Taylor’s aha'il for sale by C C GRISWOLD & Cos I dec 27 43 I JUST Landing from schr. Laura, one gant Coachee, Philadelphia Built, and be sold low for Cash or town acceptance. I ZELOTES DAY, I Comer of Bryar. Zs West Broad streets. I jan 3 §s2 I Jl most choice assortment o*l Newly imported I FRENCH GOODS, f GfpHE subscribers have just received ■iA from Fiance, bv the ship Imperial, York, an extensive assortment of Marino and Scarves, Linen Cambrics, French Cambric. Hdkfs, all descriptions of silk Embroidered Muslin bands, Plain Figured plaid Ribbons, Bombazine, Gloves, Cap#® Bobbins, Floss Cotton, extra super blue o®V and Perfumery, which they offer, wholesale* a moderate advance. ■ BLANCHARD BROTHERS & 0;- ■ Anderson’s Buildings on the Vt-l ■ —also— I 10 cases Paper Hangings B 1 do double and single barrel Guns, rio? quality I 3 do 6s, 9j and 10 inch Cables I An invoice oflngraine Carpeting. I jan 4 3t ■ Gin 2$ Mackerel. I 25 bbls Smithfield Gin very superior'll I ***® 113 bbls 1 No 3 Mackerel lard" 1? 14 half bbls 5 day and for sale by ■ jan 12 10 JOHN UATHFOI’SCB