The Savannah museum. (Savannah, Ga.) 182?-1822, February 14, 1822, Image 1

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dearborn's Patent Balances,
ft lUUe S> cos t aU y tor*Ueby wARD
To Rent,
SThe store recent'/ occupied bj the
subscribers in Bulloch’s buildings. Ap-
Py“ 4 e 3 .Tone*’ Building.
Stone Cutting.
MOORE St LYMAN, return their sincere
thanks to those who have encouraged
them and the public in general, that they have
received from the North, a large assortment,
addition to tluir former stock—
Building Stone, Flagging, do.
Hearth do Door Step3
Tire Places, &c.
Also—a large and elegant assortment oi Mar
ble lor Monuments,
Tomb ‘Tables
Crave Stones,
Hearth stones, &.C.
Ufa superior quality, which they offer for sale
on reasonable terms and at the shortest notice,
at their shop in Bull-st.
All orders will be thankfully received and
promptly attended to.
V jan 12 10 was
ynilE subscriber has just received per Ship
j John & Edward from New York, a fresh
supply of seasonable I) ,- y Goods,
Among which are ,
Extra super queens mixture Casimeres
Gentlemens Cravats
Brittania Handkerchiefs
Imitation Merino Dresses
Green Baize
Gentlemens super BufT St Drab Buckskin
1 Case mens low priced Chip II .ts
3000 Quills
Which will be sold low for Cash, at No.
7,Commerce Row. F. L. SHAY,
jan 19 16
Nov Medicine Seed Store.
Corner of Broughton to and Jeffei ton-streets.
RESIDES their general assortment ot Drugs,
J offer the following PATENT MEDI
IINES, viz.
Anderson’s Pills, Bateman’s Drops, British
)il, Daffy’s Elixir, Thompson’s celebia'ed Eye
IVater, Codfrey’s Cordial, Harlem Oil or Med
amentum, H- nry’s calcined Magnesia, Hill’s
laisan. of Honey, Jesuit J Drops, uee’s Pills,
Ipodeldoc, Pearson’s prepared Charcoal Tooth
‘owder, ‘.Veil’s do. DyoU’s Restorative Dentri
ctl - TJiaiitpson’a aromatic I'ooth Paste, Tur
lllgtOn S LaLsmV., *U. ■(• -i li-ccpru'i. ■’ W:ic.
ard, Wheaton’s Itch Ointment, Bau son’s do
quire’s Grand Elixir, Stoughton’s Bitters.
A 1.90,
Pomatum in pots and slicks, Ilair Powder,
lust Sbaj), Transparent Soap, Wash Hails, Co
ogne Water, Court Plaster, Ink Powder, l.ip
ialvc, Japau Slioe Blacking, Smelling Bottles,
tijsplie Shells, Breast Pipes, Bougies, Duleh
lead, Flesh Brushes, Ivory Enema Pipes,
ipring ami Crown Cancels, Phosphorus Mutch
lottles, scales and Weights, Silver Leaf, Sodaic
‘owders, Spatulas, Tin Foil, Trusses, Tooth In
Os GABUEV SEEDS tli y have now on hand,
ft'arringum, refugee, white and liver Beans—
liaflton eariy frame, marrowfat and green irn
lerial Pe;.s—drumhead, early york, sugarloaf,
ell;w savoy, tiat dutcli, red and battevsea
labbage—Asparagus—flat white anil early
hitch I'urnip—-Cauliflower—Salmon, long
Outlet, and short top Radish—dark orange
Carrot—dark blood Beet—white solid Celiery—
curitai Parsiey—Endive—round, prickly and
and Sginnage—Cresses—imperial, royal,
I'trdy green, large headed and cabbage Lettuce
-ail of which they warrant fresh.
The following Uuo'l'S—Banuncules, Ane
itiones, Tulips, Crocus, Narcissus, and Jo quils
Flower Seeds, Canary Seed, and Flow er Pots.
The fallowing articles are daily expected,
Long, white and bine prussia Peas—long pod
stndwich,broad Windsor, green nonpareil, can
lerbiry kidney Beans—lce, tennisbail, green ik
*lut e cos, Silesia, and brown dutch Lettuce —
l’arsnip—t eek—Shallot — Bazil—Chervil—Hy
and Thyme. an 24 *2O
Share Moulds, Pork, Gin tyc.
Landing from ship Corsair,
•> tong Share Mool is
st> bills |i rime For It
T3 do Union Gin
In Sttyj,
1 bis prime Pork, 26 do Mess do
’ > do mess Beef, 47 do prime do
~0 do Leaf Sugar, .50 boxes Soap
3d boxes Land :es
5 1 bids superfine l'lour
“9 firkins prime Goshen Butter
15 casks Shot, well assorted
M hf b’ols fly market beef
b bbs Cherry Brandy
b marble Chimney Pieces
id Casks Connecticut Stone Lime
3 > manufactured Tobacco
elegant Gigs at K Deneiers, for sale by
Butter , Flour £5 Gin
~0 firkins fresh Gnshen Butter
i ’b bblssuperfine Flour
15 hhdsand 10 pipes Sinithfield Gin
* 1 u- sale by BAKUIi tj MINTOX.
•’ 21 1 g
. For Sale,
A ~, > biding from Sloop Charles, on Jones’
‘aOuper Wliarf.
Whiskey, l’lour, Butter, Beef, Lard,
M-ils &c.
t.i or Sale by B EI'.XT, un board.
‘>-u n , ,83
Frederic Selleck,
HAS just received and offers for sale, Low
tor cash, produce, or town paper only,
30 bbls prime .Muscovado Sugar
80 do Howard st Balt superfine Flour
20 do Rye W hiskey
20 do No .3 Mackerel
10 do N Gin 5 hluls Rye Whiskey
2 hhds imitation Jamaica Rum
bags prime Havana Coffee
1000 bush. Liverp. Ground Salt
5 tons Swedes Iron assorted
5 do He How Ware, Eng. and American
30 ps Cotton Bagging
10 casks Cheese
1000 pounds Share Moulds
40 small boxes No 1 Soap
40 di z Carolina Weeding Hoes
100 reams Wrapping l’aper
15 doz American Axes
20 kegs Dupont’s I’owder
Shot assorted
1500 wt prime new Bacon, saltpetred
Brown Shirting, Plaids and Stripes
Plains, Calico, Shoes, Hats
And almost every article suitable for town or
To Rent —a large anti convenient
Store and Cellar fronting Barnard street,
in C Giidon’s new brick Building, rent very
On New York and Providence, for sale as a
bove. 35 dec 17
HAS just received an extensive assortment
of SIX (ILF. PLAYS, making his present
collection of Tragedies, Comedies, Opens, Me
lo-Dramas, Farces, Qfc.'equal to any in America,
among which are the following neio ones ;
Miramhla, a Tragedy, by Barry Cornwall—
I price 37$ cts
Damon Pythias, a ’Tragedy, by Richard
Shi'-l, Esq. au’liorof the “Apostate,”— sr.ts
The Forest of ftozemeulde, or T- avellei s lit
nighted, a Melo-Drama, by ,J. Stokes—l 9 cts
The Warlock of the Glen, a Melo-Drama—l2
The Lady and the Devil, a. Musical Drama, by
W Dimomi—l9 cents
The Promissory .Vo/e, an Operutta—ls cts.
dec 18 36
New Goods.
H Johnston's -Square,
AS received by the latest arrivals
Extra fire and 2d quality Bombazines
Figured French Crape Dresses
do Nankin do do
M erino Mantles
3-4, 4-4 and 8 4 Merino Shawls
Plain and silk Hdkfs,./or Turbans
White and black Crapes
Plaid Ribbons
Gentleman’s silk Cravats
Super French cloths and Cassimeres
do Shepherds bin* au'.l 1,1 k do
i/iltl Wlpi wa/ .
Which with an extensive assortment ofSta.
pie and Fancy Goods, are offered on accommo
dating terms t wholesale or retail
N H The remaining stock of white h mix'd
Plains, w ill be disposed of as cheap as any in
market 4 jan 5
For Sale, a great bargain.
FIVE .hundred and seventy-seven acres oaa
and hickory laud., about 26 miles from Sa
vannah, on which the; e. is a good dwelling house
aval other necessary out buildings, the above
land joins the river and Ebenczer creek.
5 prime field bands will be sold with the a
hove property. Persons wishing to purchase,
will please call on J B HERBERT c i Cos. ‘
jan 8 6
To Lent.
And possession given immediately,
m elegant three story brick tene
'Ginsll ment Dwelling house and Store, corner
us Uarnard-st. and Bay Lane, the Dwelling-house
contains seven large and spacious rooms, Cellar
Kitchen fkc, the store is large, and an excellent
stand for any kind of business, the rent will he
veiy moderate until Die first of Nov next.
Also—a Brick Dwelling House in Bryan-st.
containing live rooms and Cellar Kitchen, new,
and in complete order
Also—a Dwelling House and Store, corner of
Jefferson and St Juliau-st a good stand fora
Grocery Store, rent low, apply to
jail 14 11 FREDERIC ‘-EI.LECK
Stale § County Taxes for ts2i
jiJjjllE subscriber informs tin citizens ofChat
<JL ham county, that he is prepared to receive
the State and County Taxes for 1821; which
are to be paid in Bid”- receivable at the Bank*
in this city, on or before the 16th of February
next; after that day executions will be issued
against all defaulters.
His uHice is kept at the northw est corner of
Market square. Office hours from 10 td2 o’
Tax Collector, Chatham County.
jail 16 §wal3
Cognac Brandy and Jamaica
15 pipes superior 4th proof Cognac Brandy
11 iihds do do Jamaica Rum
For sale bv
jan 31 BAKER & MINTON.
To Planters.
/TIDE Subscriber has on hand ik will continue
il to keep a capstan’ Supply of
With a general Assortment of such articles as
are required for Planters. The Goods will be
sold at Savannah prices, and Produce taken in
payment. —He Solicits the Patronage of those
Planters in the vicinity of St. Mary’s.
In Store,
2000 Bushels Prime Flint Corn,
300 bbls Superfine Flour,
With a general assortment of Dry Goods, Hard
ware and Groceries.
St. .M (ivy.v, ,/Vr. 17. 17
Seasonable Dry Goods,
‘A II Cheap for cash ! ! !
11E subscriber has for sale, at his Ware
Room, No 7, Commerce Row, an assortment
of the following Goods, which were purchased
in New-York at auction by the package on
the best terms, and which he will dispose of at
a small advance :
Extra superfine London Cloths, blues, blacks
and drabs
Middling do do
Extra sup. Cassmieres, drab mixtures, white
and bull’ [lities
4-4 Irish Linens in half pieces of various qua-’
7- Dowlas, 7-8 llroghedas, and 3 4 Long
Lawns, 10 qualities
8- 9-4, 10-4, 11-4 and l?-4 Rose Blankets
Blue Plains, Vestings, ami Wire Cotton
Irish Diaper
Piain, pearl edge, striped, embroidered and
pound Ribbons
Floss Cotton
Glass, Ivory, gilt and suspender Buttons
Black and white plain and embroidered silk
Host, Silk Gloves
Cotton and silk Webb Suspenders
Velvet Ribbons, Ginghams acid Calicoes
Book Muslins, Scotch [.awns
Inserting Trimmings
Blue, pink and green figures Silk Gauze
White and black Lace Veils
Imitation Merino and Dresses
Elegant striped Silks
Cravats, worsted Trimmings, fancy Lace likfs
Sis'.ersoy Hhfs Sooty’ Rounds
Striped Lenos, Figured Book Muslins
’ Britannia Hkfs, Linen Cambric do
Purple Shawls, Carlisle Ginghams
Needle Work Ruffles, &c. ike.
—a lso —
6 bbls of Chert*} Brandy
6 do Columbian Coffee, and
•4 patent Balance Beams and Wc’.hts com
The subscriber’s arrangements will enable him
to receive from’ New-York by every arrival,
such other articles in the Dry Good line as the
market may need.
dec 5 it —ftf 25 FRANCIS L SHAY.
Mahoguny Furnit lire,
Piano Furies, thirled Hair .Matrasses
Feather Beds, Chairs, dj’e.
fill IE subscriber, agent for (he well known
i. Factory of D PIIYFE, in the city of Now-
York, respectfully informs the citizens of Sa
vannah, that he has brought to this city a large
& full assortment of CABINET FURNITURE,
consisting of the following articles :
Side Boards, with and without Liquor Cases
Sets of Dining Tables, single do.
Sofas and Couches, Rosewood and Mahogany
Pier Tables, w ith marble tops, Card ‘Tables
Tea Tables. Breakfast Tables, Dressing Ta
bles, with and without glasses
Rosewood and Mahogany Work Tallies
do do Writing do
Secretaries, Book Cases, Bureaus
Double and sit n'e Wash Stands, Ward Robes
Vl'umc lidbE Lakes’, ■sintitbr.Aifsß&lr*'**
Curled Maple do, Rosewood do.
High post Rosewood Beosieads, Fieldjdo
do do Mahogany do. Field do.
do do Curled Maple do field do
Dressing Glasses, of every description
Piano Fortes, the newest Music, he.
Double and single curled hai Matrasses
do do feather Beds it. be best qualjt/
A large assortment, of Chairs.
All the above articles will be . arranted to
stand the climate, and the subscribe invites the
public generally to call and view fort temselves
at Ins Repository,
Church Buildings, opposite Gibbon:;’ Buildings.
N. B The subscriber has brought out one of
the best workmen, and will attend to those who
wish their Furniture repaired or varnished,
nov 12 6
The American Gardener.
OR, a Treatise on the situation, Soil,fencing
and laying out of Gardens, or the making
and managing Hot Beds and green houses, and
on the prerogation and cultivation of tile seve
ral sorts of Vegetables, Herbs, Fruits and flow
ers, by Win, Cobhett, price >$L
the time for every kind of work in the Kitchen
Garden, Fruit Garden, Orchard,Nursery, Shrub
bery, Pleasure ground, Flower garden. Hop
yard, hot Abuse, and Grape Vines, for every
mondi in the vear S* 25
Being a plain practical treatise on the art of
Husbandry,, designed to promote an acquaint
ance with the modern improvements in agricul
ture gardening, and *he management of Bees,
ny Frederick Butler, price 75 cents.
A view of the cultivation of FRUIT TlfEEb,
illustrated by cuts of two hundred kinds of fruits
of the natur 1 size, by \Y in. Coxe Esq go.
An epitome of Forsyth’s treatise on the cul
tivation and management of Fruit trees, R 2.
PI.ILOLOGIA—or the philosophy of Agri
culture and Gardening, by Erasmus Darwin, M.
DF.U.S. S > 50. For sale by
jan 12 10 Johnson's square.
Spring Goods,
rpPE subscribers have just leceived by the
il ship Biucher and other recent arrivals from
Lilerpool a variety of
Seasonable Dry GOOII3,
Which with those on board the ships Emily and
Dromo, now on their way from England will
make their assortment not only complete, but
extensive . „
Now tn STons*— Cotton . Bagging, Porter,
Crockery, cjfsks of Glaze and tea China,
jan 25 §lm 21
JW. MORRELL, offers for sale at his Fur
niture repository (Church buildings,) an
elegant assortment of Mantle and Pier Glas
ses of the latest fashions.
Orders will be received for Glasses and for
warded to the manufacturer at New-York.
J)rug Chemical Warehouse,
... & the Corner of
lataher ami Congress sit eels, Shad’s Buildings.
Genuine Drugs,
Medicines, Perfumery , etc.
\\f ARRANTED Fresh, and of thu first qua
; I'ly, at the Lowest prices. Amongst
wlucl, are
Antimony crude Rhubarb root'”
-Alcohol do powdered
Aloes soct. do hrpat P.ed Peroipitate 5
Arrow root, Annis seed Rose water, Rosin’
Assafetida, Alum Rust of Iron
Angelica root Gum elastic, Spatulas
Angostura hark fi-ales and weights
Aquafortis Marble mortars
Antimonial wine] Cumposidcn do Iron do
Arsenic Ivory rejection pipes
Acid muriatic, do nitric do syringes
do nitrous, do lai iaric Syringin quarts in boxs
do sulphuric do pints, do $ pints
Bark yellow, do red do male and female
do pale, do in quill Congress &. spring watr
Bads Caper a Lemon acid
do Canada, do Peru Soda powders
do 1 oiu Salts of Lemon
Barbados tar Cologne water
Borax ref and Wash balls
Burgundy Pitch Windsor soap
Bole Armenia Transparent do
Beeswax yellow Liquid do
do white Lows perfumed do
Brimstone roll Naples do
and” ret‘d Pomatum in sticks
Caster Oil American do in pots assorted
do do W India Rose water
Castor Russia Lavender do
Camphor refd Fancy vials
Calomel ppt Essences ars’d
Cantliarides, do pulv Sal Ammoniac
Gammon,ile flowers do Volatile
Canella alb. do soda
Caraway seed do Rochelle
Cardamon seed do Tarter
Cuscariflabark c’,o Epsom
Cassia, Cinnamon do Glauber
Castile soap white do Niter refined
do colored So’ut Arsenic flours
• Roves, Cochineal Spts Ammonia
Columhoroot, dopowd do hartshorn
Cnalk prepared do Lavender compn’d
Coriander seed do M ine
Cream 1 artar pulv do camphor
Corrosive sublimate do Nit. Duld
Carmine Sassafras hark
Conserve roses Sassapai ilia
Caustic Lunar Sponge fine, do course
Dragons blood q Saffron Spanish
Digitalis do English
I<Aers powders do American
i | sum salts Eng. Savin, senna Aicx
Ether sulph. Ergot Spermaceti
Elder blossoms Snake root Virg
Emery fine do sencka, squills
do No 1, 2 and 3 Stores, salts hartshorn
‘Ui) ’ Vitriol ay nip squills
Extract cicuter do simple
do gentian, do Lead Tart Emetic, Tapioca
Flour sulphur Tinct Aloes compn’d
do benzoin do My rrh,
Flax seed Fennel do do Valerian
Filings steel, do Iron do snake root
Frankincense do Ass..fa*tida
Glauber salts do Benzoin comp’u
(•alls Aleppo do Cantliarides
Galbanum, Ginseng do senna
Gold ‘Thread do Rhubarb
Gentian root do bark huxhtims
Glass Antimony do Peruvian bark
Ginger race do Opium, do castor
do powdered do Mu rial Iron
Grains paradise do Colombo rout
Gum ammoniac do Kmo, do Jalap
do Senegal do guiac, do Valerian
do arable, do powd do Gentian comp’d
do kino, do benzoin Vinegar distilled
do tragacanth do squills
do guac, do Myrrh Vilerian root
do shellac, do Copa Vitviolatatcd Tartar
do mastich Vitriol white, do blue
do gamboge do green
do scamony Patent medicine iic
Helebore black Batemans drops
do white British Oil
lliera Picra Essence peppermint
Honey, do of squills Stouglitous bitters t
Hoffmans anodyne Godfrey’s cordial ,
Isinglass Steers Opodeldoc i
Ipecacuanha or hippo Tu.lingtons balls ,
Jalap, Juniper berries Dalbeys carminative (
Laudanum Daffs Elixir <
Liquorice root lluilcmoil or medeca- j
do powdered, do ball rnentum ]
do refined Oil Wormseed
Lime water, Lead do Pills, Lees New London ,
.Magnesia Lump do do Windham |
do powdered do Andersons
do small square do Hoopers .
do calcined do Calomel
Manna flake, do sorts do Opium
Mezereon, Musk Prussian Blue, 1 2 & 3
Mustard seed, Mace Fig blue, Kings yellow
Nutmegs, Nux vomica Drop Lake, No 1 & 2
Opium, Orange peel Flake white, Carmine
Oxymel squills Ivory blacs, lamp do
Od pennyroyal Indigo Spanish
do turpenti :e Black Lead, red do
do lansey. do olive Litharge
do peppermint Terri de senna
do spearmint, dc savinJCaster Oil, in phials
do rosemary Peragoric do
do origamum Laudanum do
do cinnamon Antiinonial wine do
do worm seed Tibet Rhubarb do
do Lavender do Assafcctida do
I do wormwood Dais capevia do
I do annis seed Sweet Oil do
- do juniper SptsLavend, com. do
do Cloves do camphor do
do almonds, do LcmonJ do hartshorn do
> do bergamot do sweet Niter do
do sassafras do Turpentine do
do hemlock Calomel do
. Oil Jalap do
do Spruce} Tartar Emetic do
do tV intergreen i bottles,
do Vitriol Winebitters
i Ointment mere Spts hartshorn
do Balsicon do Sweet Niter
do Cerate do Turpenflne
do Simple Sweet Oil
do Red percipifate castor do
do Spanish Flies and \V I
| ink root, Pearl A alias Spanish \y c"ting
’ J* ea| l Barley Button stone ?
I owatered tin Pumice do
• Plaster mercurial Powdered blue
do Burgundy pitch Copperas
do Adhesive Vermillion, Chinese
< o strengthening do Eng.
do Drachyhm Verdigris, Irish Glue
do gum,. do bhstering j.n vial's.
Quassia llss c i m , an n „
do rasp’d Quicksilver do Lavender
K-ss Lemon Clown do do Evain’*
t.alc and Magnesia llurgamolt
F.psom salts, rhubarb Spring Lancets
Peruvian baik 1 noth instruments ‘
Cheltenham salts Bougies, Gafla pots
Hern s calc’d maguesiaVacahoy sn> ft’
Stomachic biUers Liquid blacking
Worm Lozenges French <!o
Aromatic Tooth paste Black sealing wax
ißuckleys remedy forltcd wafers,'ass’d do
„ the piles Tooth brushes com
I ever Powders do silver w ire 3 and
l nompson seye water, rows
large and small Oippingar.dTroranin*
Paten, itch ointment instruments ‘ *
Ref and Liquorice Male ond female silver
<U> in boxes, do com catheters
Patent spting Trusses White leather skins
‘ , do Eng. mustard by the ll>.
hi aole Ink in cailister /
B|.,H r W o-n , G r un(l Eioger, race do
Alack do Inl boxes ( loves, cinnamon
\ al corks, bottle do Balm Quito
Ua S tapers Churches cough drops
Paten?W fi,r cold-.con
I numb Lancets &cLc
do common Cephalic snuff, for ca
do clew leys tarrhs.
*. tujnnans Garden Seeds, assorted, inboxes,
A general assortment of
Surgical Instruments, Shop Furniture,
Hunts, assorted, from half dram to 8 ox
*yc. <yc,
AH those V. 1,0 Wish to purchase, will please-
tor ihemstlv s jan i
Paints. Oil. Window Glass, £*V.
subscriber keep*. constantly for
a sale, at his store in XVbitakec-srreet
nearly opposite Col. Shc!irnan‘s Mans., n House!
a large and general supply of
Paints , Painters’ Articles
tl indme Glass, Varnishes, Gils \v*
Which he offers wholesale and retail, at the
paper—viz!' 6 * p! '° dUCe or PP‘e l
‘ lo ° Sac dwhiteLt!d> ins?r
109 kegs American do
100 do Spanish Brown
100 do Yellow Ochre
100 do Venetian Red
SO do Black Paint, 20 Verdigris
5bU gallons Linseed Oil, in bbls and tierce*.
2CO no spermaceti Lamp Oil
100 do Spirits Turpentine
fta pucis£e , i i lAftFtlffs m;ve r i .esi
3 tons Whiting, 1 do Paris White
515 lbs Chrome Yellow, 100 do biue Smalt*
200 do Dutch Pink ’
50 do Chinese Vermillion, 500dor;d G.,1
300 do powdered Litharge ’
2 iihds English Lamp Black, in lib 4 IN
and ilb p ipers 3 “
30 boxes 10 by 12 English Crown t\ n dow
6 do 11 ”16 do do S
6 do 11 ”18 do d 0 L a3t£
6 tlo 12 ”15 do do H
2 do 12 ”i6 do do and
4 do 12 ”18 do do do
4 crates do do do
4U boxes 10 ” 12 French Class
10 do 7 ’ 9 American Glass, branded
, n , „ „ ~ , Bristol
d i° cin t 0 f, ° Elliott *4 Cos.
Id do 8 10 do do Bristol
10 do 8 ”10 do do Elliot & Cos!
in T
ll - j° n 1 ® ‘*° Cincinnati
Z “* ‘to Bristol
o do 9-” 11 do do Elliot <y C,
40 do 10 ”12 do do Bristol
10 do 10 ’’ 12 do do Elliot ik Cos.
16 do 10 12 do do Peterborough
20 do 10’ 14 do do Elliot h Cct.
1 do Large Picture Glass
Flake White Stme Ochre
White Lead, dry Spruce do
White Chalk Yellow do potvd’d
Kings Y'ellow Gambago
Patent do Carmine
Orange Orpiment Prussian blue No. 1
Knglisc Verm lion Blue Paint
Drop Lakes, Pose pink do V'erditter
Venetian lied, dry Powder blue
Red Chalk Distilled Verdigris
ivory black, Blue do Blue Vitriol
Black Lead Pencil do dry
Spanish Brown, dry Green Verdi'ter
Purple Brown .Mineral Green
Terra de Sienna French do
do do buret Olympian do
Turke y Umber Copperas
English do| Glue
Rotten Stone Pumice Stone
Gold Bronze Hosin
Copper do Sand paper
Dutcli Metal Putty nisli Brush**
Paint Brushes assorted Fine Camels Hair Va'
Sash Tools do do Tools
White-wash Brushes do do Pencils
Scrubbin do Japan Gold size
do Oil do do
Hearth do Pallet Knives
Dust do Gum Copal
Clothes do do Shellac
Shoe do do Arabic ”
Fine Roman Ochre Sugar of Lead
Orders from the country w,|] be thankfu v
received and punctually attended to 3
N. B. All sorts ot Colors prepared for
and directions given for using them if required,
jan 1 i 1
Prime Green Coffee ,
29 bags green Havana Cotlee
70 bbls Rye Whiskey
50 do refined Sugar .
40 bundles Hay—landing from ship Gar
onne, and for sale by
jan 29 24 JOHNLATHIWPtf Cos.
No. 58 Vox.. ££.