Newspaper Page Text
From Blackwood’* Magazine.
Oh! may these trees be ever green,
Perpetual spring enwreath them,
May bloom on every bough be seen,
And lovely flowers beneath them !
Be fresh each leaf, be strong each form,
No biting winds impair them ;
And may the red wing of the storm
Pass ever by, and spare them!
Twas here, in boyhood, that I stray’d,
When not a care molested;
With her I lov’d, beneath this shade,
On summer days I rested.
1 feel those years revive again,
So aweet and far departed—
Ah! thoughts like these are worse than vain,
They mock the broken-hearted!
It is a melancholy scene
To view the woodlands yellovl,
And winter’s snow, where late serene
Wav’d Autumn’s harvest mellow;
But ’tis a more desponding truth,
To feel that we must sever
From all that gave delight to youth,
Despairing, and forever!
As in a mirror, vanished years
This well known view is raising.
With lightning glow the pas appears,
As thoughtful I am gazing!
May no rude hand this spot deform,
No biting winds impair it;
And may the red wing of the storm
Pass ever by, and spare it.
The following anecdote is related of a
Calloway clergyman, who was much cele
brated among hia coteinpo anes lor his wit
and his humor, and who is even supposed
by some to have been the r al author id
‘•Maty’s Dream,” a ballad, which, brief at.d
unpretending as it is, probauly opens mote
beautifully than any poem in the English
language, and which, in the absence of al
most every other proof of literary excel
lence, has long been celebrated to the name
of Lowe. From this individual’s manse
to the margin of the Dee, was only a step,
and “many a time and olt,” when tired
with study or fatigued by business, tie found
it delightfully refreshing to spot t amidst its
waters, exclaiming with the poet,
Life owns in every pause the refreshing power
And one short shudder warms through many
an hour.
On one of these occasions, the bather had
no sooner regained tiie gteen sward, than
he observed 10 his astonishment, that his
clothes were completely covered with a
swarm of bees, which, assisted by the warm
weather and without once dreaming id the
theories of Malthas, had emigrated from a
narrow territory.
Poets are said to be naturally fund of
bees ; no man, we believe, can ies his
admiration of these insects so far as to al
low them tobivouack on his coat snd small
elothes-tparticularly when he is himself in
want of/such accommodations. At least
30 telt 4c minister of . Unwilling i
to remain longer in tlie water, and yet a
fraid 0 proke the hostility ot the angry m
sects'ne made several timid efforts u* re
gai Jut property; but the winged phalanx
where on the alert, and he only
ftS ilpei* from a thorough stinging by plung
ji/repeatedly into the Dee. In ’this di
1/nma he betook himself a little longer to
■fe exercise of swimming, in the hope that
Time kind neighbor would pass by, and ei
her furnish him with anew suit of clothes
pr dislodge the enemy from the old one.
But in this hope he was disappointed— the
/ was wearing au iy—the water was
getting rather chill—and he appeared to
have nothing for it but to run home with all
his might ; yet even this was a disagreea
ble alternative. Thedistance was not con
siderate, but still be might be seen—might
be met on the way, and what would his pa
rishioners think, if they were told that
their Minister was observed scampering
through the fields in a state of nudity ?
These wete puzzling reflections; but-ne
cessity has nol iw.and at last the eccentric
par9on fairly broke from his confinement
at all hazards.
Faking the irost circuitous route, lie
bounded over the “Ward with the agilitv of
a young savage., and iri despite ot thorns
and pricktrs, cleared bushes and hedges
like a first ra e hunter. At this rate he ai
riv and within a fen- paces of his own door,
Unno:icfd and uokiiotvr, : but here, two or
three individual*, employed i:i carrying’
clothes to the bleaching green, became ter
ribly alarmed at the unwonted apparition
of a nuked man. In an instant, down went
band ha;row, tub and watering pan, and
nimble as his reverence was, he was fairly
out; un by those he was <o anxious to avoid,
but whom he now appeared to be pursuing.
• IV."serve me! preserve me ! Saw ye ever
tiie like a’ tln r p Whaur’s the body rinnin ?
lie's mad 1 lie’s mail ! Open the door 1 O,
open the door, or we’ll drap down wi* par
lect fear!” were the only sounds that salu
ted tiis ears ; but if it was bad to advance,
t ■ ’•etrrat would h ive been still woise; and
the w-. thy pa ?on bolted in at the manse
and ‘.>r,and hurried to his bed-room, in deti-
E-.ce >t every obstacle. lice he bad Jeis-
U'j t * milect on this singular adventure; I
a. and ..ere he determined never again to veil-;
t• ■ r*- > * the Dee, without taking precau-1.
tin t> against the intrud'd: of the bees. I
- Dumfries Courier. I
Spring Goods.
gY the late arrivals from Liverpool,
James Dickson £5 Cos.
Have received their supplies of the mo9t sea
sonable articles of DRV GOODS and HARD
WARE, which they offer by wholesale on the
most rt asonable terms.
Three doors south of the City Hotel,
THANKS his friends and the public in gener
al for the large support he has received in
this city since he commenced business. He
takes this opportunity to offer
Just received from England and the north, of
the most fashionable
Extra superfine boys’ Waterloo Coats, full silk
trimmings, at the low rate of §ls
Fine and extra fine black Dress Coats, from gt 6
Extra blue Saxony do. §2O, and upwards
Extra fine and superfine double mill’d fashiona
ble Pantaloons, of a colors, from §4 to 12
First rute gentlemen’s fine white linen Shirts,
from §1 75 to 4
French Florentine Waistcoats, §2}
Extra quality English do. new pattern, §5
Blue and other colors Surtouts, §l2 & upwards j
Extra fine Waterloo Coats, full trimm’d with}
silk, §22
Gentlemen’s knit Drawers, from 62} cts. to §2
Merino do. Shirts, from §1 to 1}
Superfine lamb’s woo! Socka, 3 pair for gl
Little boys’ Gieat Coats of all colors, §>
Misses* Felices from §4 to 6, scarlet, colors
Fearnaught Great Coats, §s} and upwards
Warranted extra fine water proof Ilats, §8
Imitation Heavers, §3
Boy’s Hats, §l£-
Blne, Mark, buff and vdiite fashionable W’aist-
Large size silk Umbrellas, from §2} to 3 }
Extra large size tartan plaid Cloaks, with two
Gentlemen's silk Stockings at §l|
Ladies’ and gentlemen’s patent elastic silk
Stockings at §2 per pair
Cases fine, and extra line Irish Linen, from 25
to 1171 cents
Casshnere Pantaloons at §8
A great quantity of
Consisting of Jackets and Trowsers, fiom §4}
to 6 a suit
Superfine gentlemen's Beaver Gloves, 75 cts.
nnv 30 2 r t _
’Pork, Leefi Shot
I Of* bids prime Pork, 25 do Mess do
14 do Mess tleef, 37 do prime do
23 hf bbls Fly Market do
10 cask ‘ Shot assorted size, 38 bbls (tin
230 libls superfine Floor, 31 do Sold Sufar
39 firkins prime Goshen Butter
50 boxes Soap, 40 do Candles
1 Marble Chimney piece
2 elegant Gigs with Harness, complete
160 casks Conn. Stone Lime
50 kegs Itiehmond Tobacco, for sale by
jan 30 25 C C GRISWOLD &Cos
The subscribers offer for sale
1 do H -g silk Hdkfs
2 do double and single barrel Guns
3 do Ruse, Lavender and Cologne Water
4 hhds Flasks, 500 lb Sewing Twine
3, 7i and 10 inch Cables
4-4 Ingrained Carpeting
feb 5 30 .4 nderson's buildings on the bag.
English and Classical School.
JT JORDAN respectfully proposes to the
q citizens of Savannah, and its vicinity, to
open a School, as soon as sufficient encourage
ment may offer tor the tuition of pupils, in the
various branches, of Arithmetic, Heading, Wri
ting, English Grammar, Geography. Latin, and
Rudiments of the Greek Language, at the fol
lowing reduced prices.
Writing, Reading, and Arithmetic §5 perqr
English Grammar, Geography, &?c. 556 do do
Latin, Greek, K. Grammar, &c g 7 do do. He
pledges himself that every attention shall be
paid to the advancement of the morals, as well
as other education of his pupils; and that he will
use his utmost endeavours to give general satis
faction to those who may honour him with then
patronage. As he is an entire stranger in Sa
vannah, and his arrival here merel for tuitions,
he can give no external pi: dges of the rectitude
of his character, but hopes that he has within
him, what may entitle him to the good opinions
so all, who become thoroughly acquainted with
his principles.
Those who are pleased to honour him with
their patronage, may find him at Mrs. Batty’s
Boarding House, nlinstoiPs Square.
,jjui 22 18fr
A Situation Wanted,
FOK a Young Woman, as chambermaid or
housekeeper She would be willing to
make herself useful in a family, at almost any
kind of work. The best of recommendations
can he given. Inquire at this office. feb 1
A Situation
\8 Teacher in a Public School or private fam
ily. is desired by a young gentleman of good
education and fair moral character.
betters addressed to P V. O. C. P. lodged at
the Museum office, will meet with prompt at
tendance. 23ct fun 28
Wants a Situation,
4 8 Overseer, a man of steady ha .its, with on
fm ly a wife in family, who perfectly under
stands the cultivation of Cotton, Corn, &c. and
also the manag ement of Negroes. Letters ad
dressed to I. 1) and'eft with the Editors will 1
meet with attention. 33 feb 8 1
Office Receiver of Tax Re
T'lI p . subscriber is now ready to receive the
returns ot 1822—his office is in the Ex
change, west end, where the Post-Office was
formal !y kept. ADAM COPE, n T a c e
feH 7 Vs 82
A Quarter cask of M ine, on Rice’s wharf,
.supposed to have been left through mistake
The owner or owners can have the same b\
paying the expenses. ApnL to the nrinter.
feb 7 32
Samuel Slodder.
Taylors Wharf— Has for Sale
Landing from Schr. Fairy.
105 Kegs Spiced Salmon for families
10 Barrels Pickled Salmon
In Store
6 Puncheons high 4th proof London
Jamaica Rum _
10 Hhds 3d & 4th proof St Croix Rum
20 Barrels 4th proof Imitation Jama, do
20 qr. Casks Sweet Malaga Wine
10 do Dry do do
35 Barrels Jenekes Gin
20 do Cherry Brandy
10 do Cinnamon & Rose Cordials
142 bbls Richmond & Philadelphia super
fine Flour
50 Boxes Bunch Muscatell Raisins
50 do No 1 Chocolate
25 Barrels No 3 Mackerel
20 half do No 2 do
30 bbls No 1 Beef
20 do prime do
Aiso, Fords playing Cards, by the groc.e or
dozen. feb ®
The Subscriber
lias just received, and offers for Sale,
20 boxes Parmelte’s suptrfine mould
18 boxes Soap
5 kegs cavendish Tobacco
10 do Goshen Butter
A few dozen superior Brown Stout
30 casks Lime sold low if taken soon,
Brick buildings, Jones’s lower wharf.
feb 9 i* *34
Seed Oats,
A Few hundred bushels heavy OATS, land
ing from schr. Washington, and for sale in
lots to suit purchasers by
feb 9 c 34 Exchange Dock.
N.E. Rum,
Landing from Schooner General Hawes,
50 bbls N E Rum—For sale by
set) y c 34 TAFT & SIBLEYS.
Just Received,
And for sale by S. MANTON, Rice’s wharf,
10 kegs Coloring.
feb 9 34
Just Received.
10 puncheons Jamaica Rum, imported
25 hhds N E Rum, and 50 bbls do
20 qr casks Malaga Wine
30 bags Coflee—so boxes Soap
50 boxes Candles—l 2 chests Hyson Tea
100 do Windsor Soap.
-2 bales blue Plains
1 case Choppa Romals
1 bale Broad Cloths
1 do Cassimeres. fancy colors
1 do Bordered Handkerchiefs
1 bale Russia Sheeting
1 do Virginia Kerseymeres
For sale on accommodating terms, by
( an 21 18
Flour, Gin £sc.
‘¥) TW-ftrcnmOnd City tr ills do
47 do Phelps Rye Gin
30 do prime Beef
Landing and for Sale by
jan 24 c2O Taylor's Wharf
Salmon &c.
‘Landing from brig Serena U Sloop Rapid,
15 bbls Salmon
75 kegs Pickled do
6 hhds pure Jamaica Rum
5 do St Croix do
100 boxes half do No l Chocolate
bO bbIS NO 3 ?.. ,p|rnnp,
25 half do do 2 f MACKEREL,
jan 12 slO Taylors Wharf.
Mahogany Hank Boards and
ajTIHB subscriber has received by the late ar
‘LI rivals from New-York, a general assort
ment ot the above articles. Also, Sattinwood.
Venears, and Whitewood, which will be sold
low by J W MORRELL,
feb 5 30 Church buildings.
Turks-lsland Salt alloat,
2000 bushels superior quality Turks-Islan
Salt, on board the schr. Sally, at Anderson’?
wharf, for sale by
feb 12 c 36
Prime Green Coffee.
JUST received—4l bags prime green COf .
PEE—for sale by
feb 12 h 35 TAFT k SIBLB
To Country Merchants , Tlanttrs, §c.
georgk” relph,
HJ\o. 3, Gibbons’ Sttilding,
AS received by the ship Droroo, from Liv
’ pool, a good assortment -if
Seasonable Spring Goods,
and is daily expecting fui titer supplies by the
hips Hercules, Emily, and Oglethorpe, whir
will make his assortment extensive and con.
plete—an. well worthy the attention of all pur
chasers, both wholesale and retail.
His Goods are purchased on the most reason
o!e terms, and v ell selected for this market,
having friends that select them in the differei,
manufacturing towns in England, Scotlaud,and
Ireland, who have been regularly brought u<
to the business. feb 7 ni32 ‘
PAII EN S superior edition of the Nautical
Almanac and Astronomical Epliemeris t
the year 1823—-price gl 50.
Ramlet’a Table of Interest, 1 vol—Rß.
Chapman’s Table of Interest, calculate! ac
cording to equitable aid legal principle, (36;.
(.ays to the year) at the rate of 6 per cent, pc
annum : Showing the interest on any sum, fro.
one cent to ten thousand dollars, from one il
to three hundred and sixty-five days, fr m o
ro twelve months, and from ten to thirte
a ears—w ith several other useful tables, 1 vc>!
gb. For sale by
fef> ■hhv.ttari’s square.
For Liverpool,
SOO bags Cotton are wanted
to fill up the fine coppered ship COMMERCE,
Capt. Gardner, for Liverpool, to sail soon. Ap
?'feb°9 34 JOHN LATHROP & CO.
For Charleston, Norfolk, or
THF, sloop CHARLES, Gibbs, for
gjfgk Freight or Passage—Apply to
B. BENT, on board.
feb 9 c* 33 __
For Charleston.
r£*- THE schr ELIZ A, Reed master, will
meet with dispatch. For freight or
passage, apply to the master on board at Ri
ces wharf, or to ISAAC Lutlfc.iv.
jan 9 _c 34
For Providence R I.
THE regular Packet Schr. General
>l/0 Hawes, J. Paine master, will sail on the
13th inst. for freight or Passage —Apply to
Rices Wharf.
Who has for Sale Landing from said Schoon
50 Barrels Masons Best Rye Gin
20 do Ale
30,000 Spanish Segars
20 Boxes Mould Gandies
5 Casks Cheese.
feb 8 33
For Liverpool.
The staunch and well known brig
jjyglgg* FAVORITE, capt Williams want? on
ly 100 bales to complete her cargo, and will
sail the 15th Feb. For freight, apply on board
or to
For Greenock.
The copper taslend ship HARRIET,
Capt Reed, has half her cargo engaged.
For freight, apply on board or to
For Havre,
The temakabiy fine coppered British
ship WESTMORELAND, Wm. Smith,
master, has 3 4ths of her cargo now going on
board, and will he despaicued early. For
freight of 200 bales, apply to Capt. Smith on
| board at Frazer’s wharf, or to
(rj'Neithev master nor consignee will be ac
countable for any debt contracted by the crew,
jan 23
For New-Vork,
ftSt filing packet ship GAR
ONNE, Mott, master, will meet with
no delay. For freight of Cotton on deck < i
passage, apply to
jan 29 24 JOHN LATHROP k Cos.
For JV< ew-York.
THE Regular Packet ship General
afD CARRINGTON, T. Wood, master,
will meet with dispatch,—For freight of Cot
ton on deck or passage- Apply to capt. W. on
board at Jones’ Upper Wharf, or to
feb 4 29 HALL & HOYT.
For Jtaltimore.
‘THE regular packet sloop PACKET,
YUt w Beebe master, will sail on Sunday
next, wind and weather permitting. For
freight of 50 bales Cotton, or passage, having
good accommodations apply on board at Jones’
upper wharf, or to HALL & HOYT,
feb 6 31
For Charleston.
Jm\ The regular packet sloop MARY
jfeajjtßrown, master, will meet with dispatch.
For passage, having good accommodations, ap
ply to the master on board, at Exchange wharf,
feb 6 3lc
Passage for New - Orleans7~
VS*. 2or 3 passengers ca<. be handsome ty
accommodated on board the brijOKl
>N, 10 sail Tomorrow 7th inst w ind and weath
er permitting. For terms, apply to the master
on board, or to ISAAC COHEN
feb 6 51n
For Sale.
JpjFt THE Schooner ECHO, burthen 107
fir 23-95 Tons. Can be sent to Sea at-a
tiiiling Expence—For terms, Apply to
feb 6 §c3l ballons Central Wharf
SOO bales are wauted to fill
the fine new ship Lycurgus, fur Liverpool, to
sail in three or four days,
New-Orleans Sugar!
40 Hhds prime New-Orleans Sugar,
For Sale bv
jan 25 21 HALL & HOYT.
Whiskey and Gin.
200 bbls Whiskey
20 pipes and hhds Smithfield Gin
Just received and for sale by
Landing ,
F com ship Garonne, ami for sale on the -wharf
It) pipes Country Gin
6 bbls Mess Reef
6 do prime do
, Corner of JMai-ket~sq. and h t- Julian-st.
.tan 30 25c
•ti. O. Rum, Whiskey, §c.
he cargo of the brig Fame—Consisting of
M 0 bbls N O Whiskey
l-’O kegs Kentucky Lard
10 hhds 4th proof N O Rum
janV’ 10 E WILUAMS L Co
s from Brig Chatham.
550 Casks Thorrastown Lime
100 M. Lath
4 pipes pure Scheidam Gin
For Sale by
n . s. b! PARKMAN,
c2 ° Hunter's Wharf.
Corn Afloat
-1000 bushels prime new corn, for sale by
,tb 6 cli PALMES & ROE. !
• Johnston square.
Offer for ssle at Reduci and pr ces,
Fresh Brandy E nds, Oliv es and Capers
A geneial assortment oi old Cigars
Superior Liquor eases
Teas, Coffee, Loaf and brown Sugar
Soap, Sperm and Talk ■, Candies
Richmond superfine Flour
Half bbls Buckwheat Flour
London Porter, bottled Cider
Kegs Crackers, do w hite Lead kc
feb 6 3ld
Molasses £5 Cider Bruulv.
l 0 hhds prime retailing molasses Rea*,..,
35 bbls Cider Brandy
-10 do Super fine Flour
100 Bags Pepper —For Sale by
Bills on Ncw-York,
For sale by
jan 23 19
Bills on Boston.
For sale by
jan 7 5e MITCHELL k RAUTEF/l;
On Boston and Philadelphia,
At short sight, in sums to suit purchasers for
an 24 o 20
Vestings ,
1 bale Valencia, Toilinett and fancy Vest,
ings, just received from Boston, and for sale bv
>n 29 24 E WILLIAMS f< (j O . ;
Paper Hangings.
AN assortment of elegant Paper Hangings,
and fine Board Paper, just received and f<-r'aL
jan 15 12 Johnson square.
Family Flour.
200 bbls Hovvard-street superfine flour, fresh
ground, and suitable for families, for sale by
DANL. CARNEY', jr, ‘
ja* 17 14s Hunter’s building-.
76 barrels Whiskey
Landing Irotn brig Levant, for sale
by L. H. SAGE h Cos.
>n 21 18
Whiskey § Jlpple Brandy.
30 barrels of superior quality, receive!
and will be sold low.—Apply tn
yan 21 hlB
Cut Nails.
ONE Hundred and fifty Casks Cut N tils aflii
Brads, assorted, —Landing from Brig Chat
ham, —.For Sale by
jan 24 20 F.. WILLIAMS ’J Cos.
A. Situation Wanted.
BY a young man, either in a Counting how
or ““snoctable Drv Goo'“ Ssiure, iitkfsr
-1 ory reference can be given, Enquire at this
Office. feb 1 V
40 Bbls mess „ , ,
50 do Prime 5 Pork Landing
From Ship Garonne ard for Sale by
fcb 1 27 L. H SAGE h Cos.
Negroes for Sale.
SIX women and two nren, prime field hand?.
feb 1 c 27 GEORGE SCHLEY.
Paper ,
100 reams low priced Letter Paper, forsilc
by the quantity or single ream bv
Johnston's square.
\v ho has For sale some very supeiior Vellum
cap writing paper, hot pressed,
feb 9 34,
Prime Cotton Land! -
* I'WO hundred acres Prime Cotton LAND;
1 near White Bluff Meeting-house—for9ale
Jan 10 *n3
Linseeo Oil.
14 Bbls pure Linseed Oil
Just received and for Sale by
./an 24 20 E. WILLIAMS & Cos.
Loaf and Lump Sugar.
jr ,'IFTY bbls for sale by
jan 24 20 JhtUoch's buildings-^
Fresh Goshen Butter.
Just rec’d per brig Hope . Cnpt. Champlif,
Ten 100 lb kegs Goshen Oiltter, which will
be sold low, by FRANCIS J LAY.
jan 17 Corner of Congress & IVliitaker-st.
Stone Lime ,
Landing from ship Corsair,
JSO casks, which will be sold low, if taken
from the wharf. Apply to
jan 17 14s* JOHN B. CREEMEK.^
Lansing-burgh Ale.
5 bbls Toppin’s l.ansingburg Ale of a
r or quality, landing from ship Garonne, and fo J
1 sale cheap by AUGUSTUS CORN WALL
jan 30 25
- f"-
William Inglis & Cos.
JlTl-WE received by the ship BLUCHKR irOII !
Liverpool, an assoilment of flounce..
MUSLIN ROBES, flounces and trimming' -
some of which are very elegant, also, a varieU
of other seasonable goods,
jan 23 dl9
Valuable Lot. v
£3ll For sale— tb.e lot No. 4, firsttytfi
'HlniaJ iug, Reynolds ward, on the Bay,
the impr vemerv s thereon; a capitalist <>““
realize a hap t< j S(Jxne interest from the rents t*-
property yield. Apply to „,. cB
>an If * !.\ nt W BELCHER-