Newspaper Page Text
.?gent fur Dr. Isaac Thompson, Ja'ezo-London,
• ('Cotih.J
’•IfJAS just received and on hand the f0110w
.514 ng, all of winch have been in use fora
r.nmber of years past, in almost every part of
the United States j -have been highly patronis
ed by people of the first respects biiity ; and ap
approved of by those who have had occasion t
make use of them, for the cure of tho->e disor
ders for which they are severally calculated.
Dr. Lee's Genuine ( Windham)
f, Lillidus mis,
nows and used throughout the U
nittd States as a family M dicine The fame of
these Pills has become so great, that many have
attempted to counterfeit them —to guard against
this, the proprietors have procured asfetoiype
label, and each box of genuine Lee’s Pills will
hereafter be enclosed in one of these labels,
with these words on the sides: “Lee’s Genuine
Windham Bilious Pills,” and on the end of the
label the words “Samuel Lte, patentee, and 1.
Thompson, agent and joint proprietor,” and
should any be offered for sale without said la
bel on “them, the purchaser may be apprised
, that they are counterfeit.
Dr. Thompson's Celebrated
Eye Water,
For the cure of inflamed and sore eyes < f al
most etery description. This valuable .repar
ation comes highly recommended from the most
respectable sources. Price st> and 25 cents a
Dr. Dawson's Genuine Itch
A certain and safe cure for that disagreeable
complaint, as well us other eruptions of the
akin. Price 37 $ cents a box. /
Thompson's Aromatic Tooth
For whitening and preserving the Teeth—it
may be used with the greatest safety Price
50 cer.ts a box.
Specific Drops for the Tooth
Which, in almost every case, giveinrtan relief
in that disttessi .g complaint Price Si £ cent
a bottle.
Cooley's Vegetable Elixir,
For cou.-U asthmas, consumptions, c Ave
ry valuable medicine m those cooipiati ts. Price
50 cents a bottle.
Dr. Relje’s Asmutic Fills .
F<♦ei'u*:ha, coiilt, asthmas, coneumptioiis, U c
These Pills give immediate ease iu all asthmas,
difficulty of breathing, hoarseness, catar hs, He.
while the gentle expectoration they promote
discharges those obstn.ctions that occur in the
glands, acrimony that arises, a, cl every speed s
of congealed phlegm Piepareii by tV.T Con .
way. Price S'-
Dr. Anderson’s Cough Drops.
A most valuable medicine for coughs am*
consumptions. Price s£l. Prepared by James
Mullen, Hudson, N V.
Dr. Relfe’s Fotan cal Drops.
These Drops are a most cet am remedy for
the sout-vy, Vit Vnt bony As iirt. .sr.rntiila, I',
>s;.U ilit um. scaidheud, pimpled and carbiuicted
faces. foul festerings,eruptions, feversnrts sota
legs, sure eyes and ulcers, and every disorder
f.rising from an impure state of the blood and
juices—and superior to any otlicr medicine fur
a- ring physic. Prepared by W T. Con way-
Price 81.
J)r. Audler’s Asiatic Lenative,
ForPairu -
This Medicine t a ,u v, r failing remedy *o
the tooth ache,head ache, an.i other diseases;
is patented by the United Stales, and recoin
mended as a most valuable medicine by those
who have e&pcrieired its good effects Pie
pared by the patentee, 1 zekiel Audier, of New
Yod-. Prici § i
Ttv .'"iv’ ‘Unable Family Medicin s will be
sold wholesale or retail, at the c .rnei* of Con
gress and Whitaker-streets, Shadd’s Buildings
Savannah, feb 5
ALI persons indebted to the estate of Join,
Chace, late of St. Marys dec are request
ed to make payment tu the subscriber w ithrn
30 days from this date, the debts not then ~ai.i
will be put i suit, anil ii se having demands
against said estate are requested to presem
them for payment to
GKO. W\ MARTIN, Adm’or.
jan 22 sni lii
NINE months after date application will be
made to the Mon. Inferior Court of Chat
ham County for leave to sell a Tract of Lend
in JePerson County, about nine miles below
Louisville, adjoining Lands of Baldwin liaif! rtU
estate of Ingram deceased, and others; con
taining 300 acres, more or ess, as pan of the
Heal Estate of Philip Uaiford, deceased.
R. RA FOUD, Adm’r.
may 29 9m
For Frivale r
A PLANTATION upon Savannah River, in
the Parish of St. Luke, know n by the name
of the.Ticcess —lately belonging to Mr. William
Wiisl'i , deceased, and adjoing the plantation
of Mr. James H. Ancrutn. For particulais ap
ply to WM. DRAYTON, 1
Or to TUFTS & HEED, Savannah.
_in .7
Take Notice.
months afterdate, l shall apply’ to the
XT pun. the Judge of Ihet nferior Court of
Chatham County, for leave to sell: he reales,
tate of W. G. Knoe, and for tiij benefit of the
he’.ris r.d creditors of said deceased-
• T
Jiultcr. Chocolate , €^c.
10 Firkins fresh Goshen Butter
5 boxes Chocolate Bakers brand No. 1 said
. to be of a very superior quality
4 boxes do Dophams Brand No 1
- *2 boxes Catsup
S do Mustard
3 h,f'f barrels Mutton Hams .
2 b reels Connecticut miss Shad.
Landing ir ‘m the Ship Corsair, and for
sa e low if taken fj-om the Wharf.
jan It 15
Ale, Pork, Gin, fyc.
Landing from brig Levant,
29 obis Ale In store,
111 do prime Pork
25 do mess do
37 do prime Beef
14 do mess do
23 halfbbls Fly-market Beef
26u bbls superline Flour
73 do union Gin
20 do Loaf Sugar
50 boxes Soap
50 do Candles
39 firkins prime Goshen Butter
11 casks Shot assorted sizes
3 tons share Moulds
1 Marble Chimney Piece
30 kegs manufactured Tobacco
160 casks Connnecticut stone Lime
2 Gigs with Harness complete
For sale by C. C G RISVYOLD & Cos.
jan 22 18
Fresh Medicines, Dye Stuffs, Jfc.
HHS Just received per ship Corsair, and for
sale at bis Drug and Chemical Ware-House,
Jit the cumer of Congress and IVhhuker-streets,
Shadd’s Building,
Gum Opium, do Arabic
Oil Lavender, do Peppermint, Nutmegs
Cinnamon, Ground Logwood
Coperas, /'•Hum &c. Jan 22
Steam Coat For Sale.
The well known, fast
A. going and stanch Steam
boat A, AI -ANTA, which
forfnerl” run between Eliz
abeth-! ow Fob-, and New-York, will be sold
at public auction, by Franklin & Minium, at the
Tontine Coffee Mouse, in Now-York, on Friday,
the first day of M o-cli next, unless sooner dis
posed ol at private sale. Her tonnage is 108
65 95 j bet dimensions 95 feet keel, and 18 feet
b o. ; she has a forwiud ami two after cabins,
fihi-lied in handsome style—her engine is of a
stifenorstructure; she has two copper boilers,
in i ne of which isacoppe- flue, a>'-d in the oth
ers! new it on fine. 1 fie float and Kngineare in
complete ntder ;yid fit for immediate use. For
furl her particulars, inquire of James Crane, Lsq.
’ ashier of .he State Hank at Elizabeth, New.
Jersey. JVeio- York, .lav 5, <LB
Joseph Kopman,
J k Johnston's square,
ii f A3 just received per slops Georgia and
Pallas, from Liverpool,
10 Sales white Plains, sdo mixt do
1 do tartan Plaids
2 cases blue amt red Union Stripes
2 do 4-4 Handke, chiefs
3-4 anti 6-4 cotton Checks
With a variety of other things, which will be
sold < n accommodating terms 26 dec 5
lsi£s and old Rope.
‘WT'AMII JKS and country merchants are infor
i n-ed that cash will be pat ir any quantity
of clean linen ltags and old Ko, t, at ‘lie store
Congiess st oppostU Francis J Lay.
jan J 1 \va
fry Goods cheap fur ( ash !!!
ifu subscriber has received by the
ftutl t-ouiii.oMitf, oi'vurimift qualities
11 4 Marseilles Qußts
Superb J:ic.! net • ambric embroider’d dresses
Interior do do do
■S riped Sills (new patents)
lllacl S k Velvet
3 |is E glish ingrain stair Carpeting
A lew cases gentlemens’ black & white imita
tion beaver Mats— With hi:, form r supply of
Wallen, Li’ nen nd Cotton goods makes a com
plete assortment. Col utry merch. nts areinvi.
lid tv call F. I. SHAY,
jan B*6 A0.7 Commerce Uoto.
liLsuraitce against Fire.
i he iEina Insurance Company, Hartford, w ill
‘nsure houses and buildings, n i rchan uze, fur
. itnre and other property, unhiding vessels in
port, their cargoes, fie against loss or damage
• ‘ l ire, for any term bom one month to one or
more years.
The co’diibios, which are moderate, maybe
known o:t ap; lication to the subscriber, who is
ait ho- ized'.gent, anil is empowered to issue
policies without Foe delay incident to other a
eencies of this natnn
The Company undertake in all c<.ses to pay
the full am runt of the actual loss, provided it
does no* exceed the amount insured. The pre
miums are reasonable, and should offer a strong
inducement to any person ‘having property at
hazard to place it in security,
jan 7 5 ‘ S M >NToN.
lmnoing School,
MR. B'IUDEt |r iirolessor of Dancing, for
mcrlyfitmi Paris an-1 lately fr m New-
York, has the honor to i dorm his friends and
the public ilia’ he has strived in this city with
his family, v ith the iuntii” of becoming a per
manent resident, and ‘hat he will open his Dan
'•n g School here This Evening 14th inst in the
Loiitr: Room ruler Solomon’s Lodge Room, near
the O"1 Presbyterian hu-cn, the room having
been feted up lor the reception of l.adies where
he will introduce the most fashionable Cotillions
anil other Dances now in vogue in Paris, and in
the most popular cities in the union and the
greatest atten ion raid to die carriage and de
portment of Pupils entrusted to his care.
Days of Tuition, Monday, Wednesday, ami
Friday Evenings.
Hours of tuition, viz. for young Ladies from 5
o’clock until 7, and from 7 o’clock until 9 for
young Gentlemen. jan 14
Fresh R iots.
One Trunk Gentlemens thick Soal Boots
suitable for wet weaiher,
Just received per Ceres, From Boston, r.d
for sale by R L MILLING
j’an 26 22
100 Bbls No 8, Boston Inspection, Land
ing and for Sale-by
jan 25 d2l MITCHEL & BARTLETT.
For Sale,
25 boxes fresh Raisins
3 casks Carolina Hoas
Cohl Threads
Oil-chnh Carpeting
1 Gig and Harness
For sale by J. IIANMF.R,
feb 6 e 31 T.cinet’s Building.
The Library,
IS open for the delivery of Books, Monday,
W edr.esday and Friday, from 4 to 6 o’clock,
P M 3Q dec 10
Flour, Fork
280 bbls superfine Flour
50 do prime Pork City inspection
90 do do Beef
20 kegs patent shot assorted sizes
5'J do first quality Tobacco
50 do Soap, 50 do Candles
39 firkins first quality Baiter for family use
20 half bbls Fly Market Beef
20 bbls Loaf Sugar
3 Marble Chimney Pieces
2 Gigs, complete at Denslers
For sale by
jan 4 3 C C GRISWOLD &, Cos
.lust opened,
\ CASE of elegant Inserting and Scolloped
trimn.ii gs sewed andtamooured FLOUN
CES, Buok Frills, Collaretts and 1 fidkfs
Paris Tippetts, Stomachers, die.
jan 15 12 Johnson's square.
‘pVVENTy bales Waltnam Cottons at redu-
I. ced prices
10 pipes Holland Gin, Chatham., cargo
15 lfimijohns do Thos Fowler’s do
28 bbir. Sugar, 4 libels do
20 Bimijohns Cognac Brandy 7 years old
20 bags Almonds, Harris’s Tobacco
40 boxes fresh Muscatel Raisins
100 bbls Rye ‘V biskey
A few pieces Cotton Bagging suitable for
30 casks 2d quality Rice,
For .-ale by
jan 10 ni9 liar,lev's r vharf.
OR the V. him Whams and Opinions of
l-auncelot Langstsff, Esq and others.
In hoc est h 0:,:,, vm quiz etjukrsex,
El sinolcem, toustem, roastem folkesex,
Fee, fuiu, sum. Psacmpn I7.AU
With baked, and broiled, and stewed, and
And fried, and broiled, and smoked, and
We treat the town.
Anew edition, with plates, in Ijvols—s2 50:
The History of New York, from the begin
ning of the world to the end of the Dutch Dy
nasty, by Diedrick Knickerbocker—2 volumes,
plates —S3 50.
The Works > f Lord Byron, anew edi ion,
containing ail the Poems “hitherto published, in
4 vols. plates— g 5.
Moore’s Melodies and Songs, anew edition,
containing the Melodies lately published— gl.
For-sale by IV Ok LONG WORTH,
jv- 28 21 Johnston's sou-ire
Lois sugar.
30 bbls Baltimore Refined I.oaf’ SUGAR, just
received and tor sale by
jan 23_ 19 GUMMING &GW ATHMEY.
Landing from Schr. Reporter.
100 u B .-.iiets Corn
40 I’bis Navy, and Pilot Bread
20 Kegs Crackers
19 do Lard
For Sale bv
Jan 22 18 1. H _S AGE (J Cos.
” ~ Mate,
THE New York Slate company have for sale
at their yard, a fine stock of
14 inch Slate a §6Y
16, 18 and 20 inch 8C pr square
22 and 24 do 9 3
Order.; left with the subscribers will be forwar
ded without delay. J LATHROP& Cos
jan 3i> 25
r ISHF subscriber has just received from New-
I York
Superfine India and French Levantine
. Heavy Sineitews
Nankin and Canton Crapes
Black figured Naples Silk
India flag Hdkfs
Merino jj Shawls
Linen cambric hill’ fs, 75 cts a 1 75
Ladies superfine l amicnl’d kid Gloves
do do colM castor nd heaver do
Gentlemens white and coi’d” do do
Sewed Tambtiurd and plain Muslins
Finefloun :’ ’ Muslin rubes and trimmings
Assorted bt si sand velvet Ribbons
*-u cr plaid Siiks, for Turbands
A few white and mixt Plains on hand which
shall be sold low -with a variety of other arti
cles at the sign of the golden fleece, by
jan 11 9
Holland Gin ,
12 pipes Holland Gin
5 boxes Havana brown Sugar
10 bbls L Oil—Landing this day.
Apply to E. WILLIAMS & CO.
jan 11 9
m.'-.Sjtißt received by brig Hope, captain
uU Champlin—and for sale
Cologne Water
Coburg StifTners
Fancy Soaps
S II P Lees New London llillious Lills, di
rect from Lees Dispensatory.
Doct P E Rrandins Anti Rheumatic Salve,
for the rheumatics, tooth a :h kc a hich is wor
thy the attention of any one afflicted with these
con plaints. On hand,
Lynch and Ciark’s superior Soda Powders
do do Congrt ss V\ uter
Put up in the most perfect state by the doz
or single bottle
English Seidletz Powders
Henry’s t ale. lied Magnesia &c
At his itrugg and Chemical ware house, cor
ner of Congress and .Whitaker-strects, ShatiJ’s
buildings 1 jan 17
Just Received,
Per ship Butcher, from Liverpool,
Holland ami Imperial Tapes
Super round and patent Bobbin
London Quality and Shoe Binding, assorted
Black cotton Ferret
White, blue, diamond and striped Bed Lace
White Cotton Fringe
Scarlet Worsted do
Cambric Wires, Shirt do. and Moulds.
Which w \t be sold low, and on accommodating
terms by JOSHUA MILNE,
jan24 20 IViliiamton’s range
Killams, Hills 8$ Wells,
H Merchant Tailors.
AVE removed to the brick store on the
liay, next door below the Post-office, where
they have opened, an extensive assortment of
Extra Super and Common
Broadcloths, Cassiincres, Yes
tings, &c.
They have procured from New-Yoik, anil else
where, the latest fashions and the best of work
men ; and flatter themselves Ihut they will be
able to give general satisfaction to all who favor
them with their custom.
Jilso, Deceived,
A large assortment of Gentlemen’s ready made
of their own manufacture, and in the newest
fashion. 96 oct 30
fIIHE subscribers are prepared to Discount
1 promptly every day, approved Paper, not
having more than ninety days to run, at 6 per
cent and pay the proceeds of such discount by
Checks on Au usta, if preferred in -he offerer,
- Notice,
A 1,1. persons having demands against the es
tate of G. B Richard, widow late of Cam
den County, w ill hand them in properly-attes’
ed, and these indebted to said estate are reques
ted to make immediate payment
JOHN C. RICHARD, Executor.
St. Mary’s, dec 23 sf* 48
To Rent or for Sale.
ij§m, Three Tenements two stories high,
A\C?k'between Mrs. Dovant’s and Mrs Lugle’s,
opposite the new Market. These tenements
are each thirty feet front and forty feet deep,
and contain Cellar and Cellar Kitchen, and a
store and back room on the fust floor, with fire
places ; and three rooms on the second floor
with fire places ; a garret and convenient yards.
These were lately erected, in a neat and sub
stantial manner, and will be rented on reasona
ble t'-rms to good tenants. Apply to
rSWIE subscriber having taken John P An-
M drews intifcopartnership, the Auction and
Con mission Business, will henceforward be
conducted tiuder the firm of Thompson & An
Augusta, jan 12 lm
IHFREBY give notice that I have a claim,
and no doubt the oldest and best one, for
one hundred and fifty acres of land in the fork
of the Large and Little Satilla Rivers, adverti
sed for sale by Mr. Z. Kingsley,
Camden Cos. Dec. 23. 4ns*
N. K. Rum.
50 Bbls N. F. Rum
6 hiids 3d proof do
For Sale by
jan 25 21 JOHN LATRKGP & Cos.
ICI Bags heavy Sumatra Peppper,
Landing from Schr Pilgrim,
- For Sale by
jan 25 21 E \VH I JAMS A Cos.
8100 lieward,
If Stolen by a U lute Person,
ITtOII a Gnat Musical am! Repeating WATCH,
winch was stolen from the Globe Tavern
between the Bth and luih inst. She opens on
the back to wind the music and time; she plays
a Waltz with variations, anil will plav at every
I our when properly set. Attached to said
Watch, was a filagree fine gold Chain with four
strands, connected together with a snap or lock
el, two seals and key, filagree, set with topas
tin the bottom, and on the sides also with small
topas The Watch was carved on the hack “en
gine turned work,” with a small plain spot in
the middle of the back—the dial was gold.—
Also, a gold secret King, set on one side with
hair, and on the other with a pale red cornelian
stone. The above reward will be paid fur the
delivery of said articles to
Proprietor of the Globe Tavern, Columbia, S.C
feb 5 c3O
Bices’ ffharf.
£2 pipes prime Cognac Brandy
5 do Imitation do
10 do Old Gin
10 bhds do do
50 bbls old Dutch Point do
50 do do Phelps da
50 do Clarkes do
JOO do Mason's best India Point do
30 ando’ Kutenburg do
2 hhds Imitation Jamaica Rum
10 qr casks Tenerilfe Wine
25 do do Currant do, superior quality
20 6 gallon kegs do. very nice
15 il > ilo sweet and dry Malaga do
5 hhds Northern Rum
1000 lbs Loaf and Lump Sugar
5 half chests llyson Tea
40 catty boxes do do
50 boxes Muscatel Raising
45 do Bloom do
10 do Sperm Candles
25 do Tallow do
50 do and hf do Soap
25 kegs Tobacco, stip. quality
20 do Butter, for family use
10 do pure ground Ginger
10 do double refined Salt Petre
20 bbls Ale
100 do Potatoes
10 hags Pepper
10 bbls Greening Apples
2 hales Mdlinets
10 boxes Claret Wine
500 pair prime Shoes
2 trunks Bonnets
100 reams large and small wrapping Paper
2 Jersey Waggons
5 Yawl Boats
With a general assortment of Northern Home
spuns. 26 jan 31
To Planters.
A Few sample Ploughs from the manufacto
!\ r_v of Robert Sinclair Baltimore, of various
patterns, are just received and will be sold low,
apply to DANIEL CARNEY, Jr.
jan 16 ah§ Hunters buildings.
Yalliable Real Estate for sale
TWO LOTS fronting on Bay and Jefferson
streets, with the improvements thereon
consisting of two ranges of Buildings, wen ciip
structed for a Public Boarding House on or ”
side, and on the other for Stores or Count;,
Rooms. ‘ ‘
T hese Buildings, from their situation, t].t
extent, and their construction, are w eii
ed for affi'e/; they were planned fur tiesi-uV”
pose, and leave been so used under the mi„- - ,
Washington Hall.
One Lot fronting on J< achim-street, v.itl, g.
improvements thereon, k: ow n as the jy Tr _
Hotel. There are two spacious Dwelling I i.J)
two stories each, with suitable hack b’,iih 1
calculated for the accommodation of fami.iVi
for a bouse of v-nterfainment, as-heretofore a- ‘
This Property w ill be sold low ,md on terms, if early application k.”
dec 20 ltri3B _ Mo. 1, Commerce./{q.j
Tor Rent,
Those two fire-proof Stores, opposite \ n .
drew Low & Cos. Johnson's square, fitted i v
pressly for Dry Good Stores, and deserve tli *
attention of such as arc connected in that bt-sH
ness. Rents moderate. For terms apnlv to
I - T|BV 8 5*
1 laiborn Bevill,
INFORMS his friends that he ha-leased.
Georgia Hotel, and that he will uneVriAe
: the supeiintendence ol the same from tl, e i j.v
He hopes that his arrangements will he sar>, 1
( to meet the approbation of the old frier,' of
j the Establishment, ami ensure him a Portion $
: .- oq'ronave 8p ‘ q
Livery StHbles.
the Georgia Hotel, and have made such” w.
rnngements that their customers may rest as
suted that the greatest attention will" continue
to be paid to Horses placed under their cart
Carriages, Chairs ai.d Gigs, w ith good H ire
es well broken to the harness and .sidiiti. will
always be furnished the public on reasonable
Expresses will be -despatched at short unties
to any part"of the country. h 7 octb”
-Tllfli-, subscriber has now open and for sale it
<JL ids store in Whitaker-st. near Cos! Fbelt
nian’s Mansion House, a choice assortment ol
Spiritous Liquors, the best of old in. s, leas
oftlve latest importation, and double refined ioai
Sugar, whicli are offered at reasonable terms. I
Cognac Brandy, J -ma'ca Spirits
St. Croix do, Portland Rum
llollard Cin.
Brig Hope’s cargo of 1819,
Pit-rpoints Gin
Madeira Wine, Gordon’s brand ]
Imported in the brig Oriental, in IbiS. j
Lisbon Wir-e, Port do J
Betsey and Berthia cargo. j
Gun Powder, Huntress cargo"! J
Imperial, London Traders do 5 Tr ,, 1
Hyson, Ontario's do f 1 L ‘“ s ’ I
Young Hyson, Huntress do.J i
nov 28 20 I
40 bbls mess Reef, for saleliy I
jan 22 o!3 MITCHELL 8c BARTLf.TT. I
Real Estate For Sale.
SEVERAL convenient and well situs- I
SilascJ t- and Houses and Lots will be sold at ma- I
derate prices. I
Also I
That valuable Lot in “rotighton street, op- I
posite the residence of Doct Sueftall. C
jan 17 14 ■
Share Moulds.
LANDING from ship Garonne, t aml/orw.B
by the subscribers
6 tons Share Moulde
ALSO —in store,
140 bbls Pilot Bread
50 do Navy do
5 hhds 4th proof N F. Rum
20 qr casks Currant Wiue
jan 30 and 25 TAFT & SIBLEYS-
Flegant Glass I.ainps. I
ipRAXFISJ LAY, has just received a fen I
dozen Glass Lamps,’ (for . Caiidlesi;cki)l
much handsomer than any heretofore offered!
for sale in tijis city, at the corner of Congressl
and Whitaker -streets, Shadds Buildings,
feb 4 29
Rum, Gin and Sliot.
50 bbls Country Gin
10 hhds NE Rum . I
6 kegs Shot, assorted, landing mw icr l
sale by a MORGAN, _ I
feb 4 29c Jones’ upper S'tar ■ I
FROM a Negro Boy, who said he belonjwi
to Johnson, White Bluff, *
Money, which the owner can hear of by t!J I
ling at this Office,
feb 2 28
law-Office, I
Ids professional services to his fw n ‘ s .B
the public. His office is on West Broad-* ■
directly in front of the old Market. I
jan 12 wss 10 -B
Cherry brandy. I
8 Barrels Cherry Brandy
Just received and for sale by - ■
jan 9
50 kegs white Lead
36 do Verdigris
34 do black Paint j
-20 do Spanish Brown ®
16 bbls Lamp Black
4 do black Varnish , j 0 ;B
Landing from ship Gen. Oarringl° n > ‘ 1
wharf, and for sale by
feb 4 29 C C GRISWOLD, m
In Store, R’l
Mess and Prime Beef t *
do da Pork.