The Savannah museum. (Savannah, Ga.) 182?-1822, February 25, 1822, Image 2

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    TliE MUSEUM.
’ - r —* ; “
TO A—.
Thy friendly <are is l03t; would’st hope to Lush
The wild winds moan, or the tumultuous rush
Os ocean’s billows, where the whirlwind raves ?
The spirit of the storm who rides the waves,
Thou’dst sooner lull to calm and placid rest,
Than soothe ihc raging tempest of my breast.
But haply, thou may’st deem my sorrow;, light,
That Fancy’s pencil gives them hues of night.
1 deem Love’s rosy wreath was never twin’d
Around thy heart—the flowers and thorns com
bin’d- 1
When Fate’s rude hand perfected thy despair,
Jly blighting ev’ry rose—the thorns left rankling
Vcrchance thou’st never ga2’d upon a brow,
‘the seat of beauty once —aye once— but now
• Clad in a paleness of unearthly lute;
Verchance thou’st never watch’d the gathering
•Os death upon it—and the eye once bright
With Love’s ethereal, pure and heavenly light,
Glaa’dby the coming of an endless night!
l’ercliatice it never happen’d yet to thee,
To feel the grasp of parting agony ;
To watch the spirit in its casket swell
’Till freed for aye, with that wild word—Fare
well !,
All this I’ve felt—and dost thou marvel now
At the untimely furrow's on my brow ?
Or that I’m hopeless ? joy can e’er illume
The heart that’* broken ?—No—this side the
I cannot sec a single'ray of light
To gild my passage—welcome then its night.
In the inland of Seriphus, no man was of old
ever put to dea* h,however great, the crime might
be which ‘he committed. In the opinion of the
people, the severest punishment which could
possibly be inflicted, was to banish them forever
from their native soil; and such accordingly was
their highest penal enactment.
The love of country is generally stronger a
mong islanders than with the inhabitants of con
tinental countries; and Itenc • the opposite- poli
cy of the Emperor Claudius, who made it ‘(: of
his heaviest punishments to prohibit persons
from stirring beyond the compass of three miles
from the city of Rome.
Dr. Moore mentions an instance of a yo -,ng
and noble Venetian, who whs banished vo the isle
of Ctpidia, and who, in hopes of seeing aga n t’ e
walls of his native c-'untn,of cinbi cing gam his
friends and family,comtmtteda new crinn which
he knew to be capital, in order that lie might be j
recalled to Venice, to take If s, trial, and die on
the scatt’old.
A country gentleman once sent a present of a
buck to Judge Hales, before whom iie had a
cause ( oniuig on for triaj. The cause being cal
led, and the judge taking notice of the mune,i>sk-
C<l, “ If he was not the person who had present
ed turn with a buck f” Finding that lie was the
same, the judge told liim, “ lie could not suffer
the trial to go on till; lie had paio him for his
buck.” The gentleman answered, I hat he
never sold his veins t, and that lie had done no
more to his lordship than what lie had always
done to even judgi who came that circuit.”—
Several gentlemen on the bench bore testimony
to the truth of this statement; but nothing would
induce the judge to give way j lie persisted in
refusing to allow the trial to proceed till he had’
jiaid for the venison. The gentleman on this,
somewhat indignant, withdrew thi record, say
ing, “ he would not try his cause before a judge
wlir suspected him to be guilty of bribt ry by a
customary civility.” A nobie comes.! between
judicial integrity on one side, ami honorable hos
pitality on the other!—a contest eminently char
acteristic of the English judge and English gen
There was at Moscow a very learned counsel
lor in the law, whose reputation reaching 1 the
ers of Peter the Creat, he raised him to the
rank of Chief Judge, or Governor of the Pro.-
ince of Novogorod. On appointing him to this
office, his majesty declared to him in the most
formal manner, that he had as much confidence
in his integrity as in his skill, in settling disputes,
impartially ; and that he trusted he would con
tinue to distribute justice in a disinterested, man
ner throughout the extent of his jurisdiction.
The new judge faithfully discharged Mo duties
for some time ; hut after few years had elapsed
it was publicly reported that he received pres
ents; that he perverted die laws and committed
flagrant acts of injustice. Peter, who fiat'ered
himself that he had not been deceived in his
choice,-considered it at first a calumny ; on
making the necessary . nquiry, found that 1 the
judge, upright as he had thought him, was no
longer so; hut that, corruptcu jv presents, be
’ had more than oijce made a trade of justice.
The monarch determined on questioning the
judge, who confessed that he had suffered hi in
to be seduced by bribes in several affairs ,üb
mihed to his judgement, and that he had pro-! sentence contrary to law. On being!
rep-cached by the king, he p’eaded the lowness!
of his salary, which would not enable him to;
provide any thing for his wife and children, or
permit him to live in a condition suitable to the
rank to which he had been raised. *‘How much
then,” said thb Czar, “would it require to put
yt‘U’ above the necessity of receiving presents,
and making a trade of justice ?” “Twice the in
come l eiyoy at present,” answered the judge.
“Will that be sufficient,** said the Czar, “to ena
ble you to discharge the of your office
With fidelity ?” Tlie judge declared it would,
an.l idadged himself to future good conduct,-
“Well, theil,” said the Czar, “1 pardon yon for
this time : vou sha:. enjoy double your present
salary, and I will add to it half as much more, on
coiicliUon that you keep your word.”
Flic governor, transported with joy, fell at the
feet iff his sovereign to return his thanks. Itis
conduct for more than a year was conformable to
the wishes of the Czar, and he adtniuistei ed jus
tice faithfully; but fancying at last iliat the mon
arch h'd long ceased from w utching his conduct
Yc began to take presents again, t'o commit ’
acts of Oppression and injustice. The Czar being 1
in’ urn.. l1 ’, tin? judge wrs tried and found’
fy : a message from the sovereign was sent! |
t,i im, intimating that as he had not kept his;
v„ I, th* 1 p nee was under the jiecessityjopj |
kcep.wg vs’; and th* corrupt judge was accor. 1 1
dingly hanged . ■
Just Opened,
Three iloor* south of the City Hotel,
FOURTEEN trunks of the must fashionable
blue, black, drab, parson’s grey, corona
tion and slate colored cassimere Pantaloons —
some of which are extra sizes
5 do blue, black and buff cassimere and cloth
4 do Toilinet, Marseilles and silk do.
Anew supply Linen and Cotton Shirts
2 cases Merino Shirts and Drawers
14 bales real Tartan Plaid Cloaks, from 10 to
gl6, extra sizes
10 do blue and black Coats, and upwards
4 do fine and extra fine Surtout Frock Coats
and Waterloos
2 trunks best quality half Hose, 3 pair for 31
Ladies Silk Stockings, ftl 50
Gentlemens rib’d Silk Stockings, &2
10 cases gentlemens Elastic weter-proof broad
and narrow brim HATS, §8
Imitation Beavers, {s^
4 eases best quality silk Umbrella 9
1 trunk Wellington Boots, $4.
feb 22 45
N. E. Rum,
landing from Schooner General Hawes,
50 .bblsN E Rum—For sale by
feby c 34 TAI L’ Sc 31 BI.I'.YS. s
A small Box Stove,
For sale by THUS. LONG WORTH,
feb 5 Johnston'* ttjuar.
Wanted to hire.
Ta COOK; and also a BOY to wail in a bouse.
AJt Apply at this office. 34c
Just Received.
10 puncheons Jamaica bum, imported
25 hhds N K Itum, und SO bblsdo
20 qr casks Malaga Wine
30 bags Coflee —50 boxes Soap
50 boxes Candles—l 2 chests Hyson Tea
IC‘O do Windsor Soap.
-2 bales blue Plains
1 case Chvppa Romals
1 bale Broad Cloths
1 do Caasimeres. fancy colors
1 do Bordered Handkerchiefs
1 bale Russia Sheeting
1 do Virginia Kerseymeres
For sale on accommodating terms, bv
,1. Li. HERBERT & CO.
pan 21 1S
1 Jlffiß Cargo of Schr. Charles lying at Bullochs
1 U barf, —For sale bv
I feb 14 38 L. H. SAGE & Cos.
e. ■■■
l.ansingburgh Ale.
5 bids To. pin’s Lansing. urg Ale of a supe
rior quality, landing from shi t Garonne, and for
sale cheap by AUGUSTUS CORN WALL
jan 30 23
For Suit*,
On board Brig jlimira. Hunter's Wharf.
100 Boxes smok’d Herring
17 do Cod Fish
A few half barrels No 1 Mackerel
130 pair fine Calf skin Shoes
12 do Seamans Deck Boots
fvb 16 i 40
fell are Moulds, Pork, Gin
Landing from ship Corsair,
3 tons Share Moulds
50 bMs prime Fork
73 do Union Gin
In Store,
6u bbls prime Pork, 26 do Mess do
15 do mess Beef, 47 do prime do
20 do Loaf Sugar, 50 boxes Soap
50 boxes Candles
-6' l bbls superfine Flour
39 firkins prime Goshen Butter
15 casks Shot, well assorted
40 hf bids fly market beef
8 blis Cherry Brandy
3 marble Chimney Pieces
*” 161 casks Connecticut Stone Lime
So kegs manufacl ui cd Tobacco
elegant Gigs at F Denslers, for sale by
. ian 16 C C GRISWOLD A Cos
Kentucky Tobacco,
50 libels prime Kentucky Tobacco, landing
from ship Union frorti N O:for sale by
feb 18 K. WILLI AM Cos.
Paper Hangings.
AN as'.-oi tment -f elegant l’.pe a Hangings,
and fine Board Paper, just r- c<jve an:i for sale
i by THUS LOl\GW () .< : l,
jan 15 12 Johnson square.
Coals for sale.
JUST landing from br , Robert-Quayle—
-209 chaldrons of COALu Apply to
I feb 20 and *'• ‘.trot’s sol t*
; KM ->
! Fiiiglish and Classical
T JORDAN respectfully proposes to the
q citizens of Savannah, and its vicinity, to
open a School, as soon as sufficient encourage
menmiav offer tor Hie tuition of pupils, in the
various branches, of Arithmetic, Reading, Wri
ting, English Grammar, Geography, Latin, and
Rudiments of the Greek Language, at the 101-i
lowing reduced prices. *
Writing, Reading, and Arithmetic $.5 perqr
English Grammar, Geography, Ctc. §6 do do
Latin, Greek, F.. Grammar, tic g 7 dodo, lie
pledges himself that every attention shall he
paid to the advancement of the murals, as well
as other education of his pupils; and that hewili
use his utmost endeavours to give general satis
faction to those who may honour him with their
patronage. As he is an entire stranger in Sa
vannah, and his arrival here mere!, for tuitions,
he can give no external pledges of the rectitude
: of hia. churaoter, but hopes that he lias within
him, what may entitle him to the good opinions
o all, who become thoroughly acquainted with
his principles.
Those who are pleased to honour him with
heir patronage, may find him at Mrs. ,Batty’s
toardtug House, lohns. on’s Square. I
jan 22 18|-c
Grand Lodge of the State of
A GRAND Quarterly Communication of the
t\. Grand Lodge, will be convened at the
Grand Lodge Hail, in the city of Savannah, on
Satur lay the 2nd day of.March next, at 10 o’-
clock, A, M.
The Grand officers, Past Grand officers and
members, and the ollicers and past officers ot
subordinate Lodges within the state, are here
by requested to be punctual in attendance, as, in
addition to the annual election of Grand Offi
cers for the ensuing masonic year, other busi
ness of importance to the craft, will be submit
ted for consideration.
By order of the M. W. G. Master,
JACOB DF. LA MOT FA, Grand Sec’ty.
The Augusta H .aid the Millideville Journal
& Louisville Sentinel ate requested to insert the
above twice.
Norwalk Academy.
TIIE Trustee? of this Academy would beg
leave to recommend it to the attention of
the public. It is under the superintendence of
Mr. Iliwu, a gentleman of distin
guished reputation as u scholar and instructor.
Stui’-ents will he instructed in the various
branches of Academic Education, and every at
tention will be paid to their morals.
Terms from 4to &5 per quarter. Board in
respectable families may be obtained at from
gl 75 to $2 per w eek
This Institution has been recently establish
ed ; the building is new and convenient, and
delightfully situated in one of the most plea-#
ant and healthy villages in Connecticut. The
W inter Term commences the first Monday in
November—the Summer 1 erm, the first Mon
day in May. Gentlemen desirous of further in
formation are respectfully referred to Messrs.
A. RICHARDS, Esq > ~ ,
FSELLECK. $ Savannah
B. LOCKWOOD, V Trustees .
S. B Sl\ JOHN,
.Yenualk, Cotin Jon. 14, 1822. feb 19 42
IVIE subscriber tenders his services to the
. putriic in the sale of Houses, Lands, Ne
groes and every kind of property on commis
sion He will also sell for Executors and Ad
riiinistratois on the most reasonable terms, at
public sales, anil discount Ins commissions in
jail cases where he is justly indebted. All let
ters post paid, will be duly attended to as well
i as personal application, above the Auction store
of W IPjtchstrasser, will be attended to with
punctnality and dispatch.
>eb 19 42 R LUBBOCK.
Drafts on Philadelphia,
At short s<gtit, for sale by
fell K- 42
Seed Rye.
6 bbls Seed RYL—For sale by
Jeb 17 c§42
* DM. FtRTH,
HAS rernqvtd from York-slreet, to Col. Den
nis’ luJbse in Congress-street, opposite
the Merchants’ Hotel. feb 19
A HHESE Paintings will remain in tne city on-!
1> a few days longer, therefore such of the J
public as have not been gratified with a view
of them, would do well to avail themselves of
every fair day that occurs, otherwise they may
indulge too much in delay. A portrait of Gen
Jackson, by .Mr Vantler lyn, reputed to be a very
faithful likeness, is received and added to the
collection. 37 jan 13
Elegant Furniture,
THE Subscriber informs his friends and the
public, that he has now on hand a general
assortment of the most fashionable Furniture,
made in the city of New York, which he will
t dispose of at reduced prices, for cash or town
Side- Hoards of various patterns
Secretaries and Hook Cases
Grecian Sofas
Dining Tlbles
Setts of and clawfeel dining Tables’
Breakfast .Tables
Pillar and’claw Tables
Card do
Gentlemen's writing Tables & book Cases
Work dix
Bureaus. Wardrobes
French Press with door to the end
Ladies’ dressing Tables with glasses
Caudle Stands
Wash do
4 post malu gany Fedsteads pattent joints’
Curl’d Maple do
Plain high post field do
Easy Chairs
Elegant fancy Chairs of various patterns
Windsor do
Clocks and Cases.
With a general assortment of Mahogany Hoards,
Plank and Veneers. Furniture of every des
jeription made to order, by
On the Tiny, next door -west of t!te Citu-Hotel
fob 14 d$ 38
Family Rutter § Lard,
30 firkins best Goshen Dairy Butter, which
is recommended to private families & boaidiui:
20 firkins Lard, landing from ship Augusta
and for sale by A. CORNWALL,
feh 15
400 bags green Coffee
40 bbls do do
400 bbls No. 3 Mackerel
20 qr casks sweet Malaga Wine
Landing this day from schr Caroline, at An.
derson’s wharf and for sate by
<eblß £ E. WILLIAMS & CO.
For a few days only.
THE subscriber respectfully informs the In
habitants of Savannah of his arrival from N.
York with that valuable article
The above valuable article is an excellent
remedy against all inflammations in the head,
eyes, &c. rheumatism, gout, old inveterate ul
cers, or any local pain where blood-letting is re
quired, as they can be applied so near the
affected, without the least danger.
Apply to T. A. BANNING,
At the City Hotel.
feb 21 41 ,
Butter, Jamaica Rum, Cognac
Brandy, IS
50 firkins very superior GosbenCutter
4 hhds Jamaica Rum
3 pipes Cognac Brandy
Also, in store, a general assortment of
Consisting of—Plaids aod Stripes, 3-4, 7 8
and 4-4 brow nand bleached Shirlingsand Sheet
ings, Berries, Ticking, Chambrays, Checks—
and a few cases of Matteawan Company’s line
Plaids and Stripes, Dand-jvills and Heavey all
blue 1 Jerries —Together with a general assort
ment of GROCERIES—For sale by
A ext to the oorner Market •square, Si. Juliun-st,
feb 21 d44
Fork , Berf, frsc.
$ bbls Mess Pork, city inspection
198 do prime do do
14 do mess Beef
73 do prime do
22 hiuls Whiskey,
200 bbls superfine Flottr
20- casks Cheese
25 casks patent Shot, all sizes
30 bundles Hay
10 bait bbls Fly market Beef
30 bbls Union Gin
20 bbls Sugar
50 boxes Soap
50 do Candles
50 kegs first quality Tobacco
60 firkins Goshen Butter, first quality
50 kegs White Lead
33 do ground Verdigris
29 do black Paint
10’ bbls Lamp flack
4 bbi* black Varnish
2 Gigs, plated Harness,, a* Densler’s
for sale by C C. GRISWOLD Ik CO.
feh 21 44
JV*. 0. Flour,
500 bbls superfine F O Flour fresh mill
150 kegs Lard— apply to *
feh 21 44 ‘ K WTi I\MS c ° -
<- —j
Boots and Shoes, ,
Jit Heduced Prices.
THE subscriber intending to close his busi
ness early in the spring, offers for sale his
stock of fresh Roots and Shoes, w holesale and
retail, at unusually low prices— amongst which
-1000 pair ladies’ morocco Slippers, plain Laces,
village Laces, bridle ties and broad straps,
with and without heels
300 pair ladies’ superior quality black moroc
co broad straps ai I Village, heel and spring
heel walking Shoes
500 pair wnhien’s bi. ck roan morocco Slip.
pers, of various qualities
700 pair gentlemen’s fi* “ nailed and sewed
calt skin Shoes, of a superior qua ity
800 pair children’s morocco and leather Shoes
and Boots, thick and thin Soles
Ladies’ prunello and amask satin Shoes
White colored kid do
Gentlemen’s fine Wash-- gt >n Roots and dan
cing Pumps
Men’s good strong lined and bound Shoes
Negroes’ thick HrOgand and coarse Shoes
flops’ fine Siloes, nailed and sewed
Misses’ black and colored morocco and leath
er thick and thin sole Shoes
Day i* .‘a in’s Paste blanking. Sic. &c.
■QJJ'Uoiiiitrv dealers will find it to their tid
vsntagt to call JAMES ADAMS,
South side Ohi .Mat led Square.
. f.-b 21 -.4
Prime Green t offee &c.
To bag 1 , Havana gree<- ~jffe e
10 bb s prime Sugars
Landr p; from ship Clio—and for sale by
feb 21 44 K. *A ILL!AM*-ft. Cos.
Blitter, Chocolate , &c.
10 Firkins fresh Goshen Rutter
5 boxes Chocolate Baker , brand No. 1 said
to be of a very superior quality
4 boxes do Dophams Brand No 1
2 boxes Catsup
3 do Mustard
3 h ‘if barrels Mutton Hams
2 barrels Connecticut mess Shad.
Landing from the Ship Corsair, and for
sa elow if taken from the Wharf.
jan 18 15
Dry Goods. -
i ‘|IHE subscriber lias just received from New
l York, per ship Augusta and other late ar
rivals, a large supply of Staple and Fancy Goods
well worth The attention of city and country
merchants, will be sold at reduced prices for
Super blue, black, and drab Cloths
do do do do Cassimcres
do 4-4 Irish Linen in half pieces
do damask Table Cloths, from 8-4 to 10-22
An assortment of English and French black &
white Silk Lace Shawls
Do do do Veils
Do do silk Hose
4-4.5-4, 6-4, 7-4 and 8-4 rich Silk Shawls
- —AU*y>—
Super black Nankin Crapes
Black silk Florentine
Blaek and mixt Canton Camblets, for gentle
men’s summer wear
B'ack India Sarsneta
A complete assortment of Domestic Goods, viz;
V. S. and white Sheetings
Do do Shirtings
Cliecks, Plaids, He. —For sale by
feb 19 42 .Vo. 7, Commerce Rost.
For (’harlesion,
The regular packet stoop hyp;.,..,
Nf a. A> Hammett, master, will meet v.u ,'j‘
paicu. For freight or passage, having t '~’
|or accommodations, apply to the u,as, u .’
boatdat Exchange wharf, or to ‘ ‘ ol ’
feb 22 c 4 > ISAAC CORpy
tor New-York,
The fasL sailing CHahiv,
Chase, master, will meet wjy , ■
patch. For freight or passage Apply 0 n
at iiutlccb’s whl or to 1 3 a ***
L. H. SAGE A r
feb 22 45
For Sale.
The fast-sailing sloop MARION* ’
Jagigithen <SU tons, low deck, is well cairn „
ted for the inland .trade, being of an U *
draught of water, and stows a large cargo* r’
her sile. She is well found and can be sen* T
sea w ithout expense. For terms, which uhi
he accommodating, apply to th- master ..
board at Mongin’s wharf, or to ” ur ‘
feb 20 c ISAAC COflßv
bar London.
TIIE fast sailing Ship Packet | t
SiiML Hoggs, master, having the p r ’ lnci
jiart ol her Cargo ready to go on Board A,,
meet quick despatch, for freight of tf’ e -
mainder or passage having handsomeaccomml
datiofls—Apply on board at Taylors Wharf ~
-feb 20 45 tO
For New-York,
Mfr n .V 6 rH* br,( f BF.LVIDKRF., cant
Richards, w ill sail with ah possible dis’
patch, having part of her cargo encaged fv
freight of the remainderor passage, apnlv m
feb S Q 43 UtJHAMKL *
For Jioston.
’ The packet brig ALMIRA, T Atwood
i i&M* master. For freight of5J bales or
ton apply to, S. U. PALKMAN
W ho has for sale
100 bbls X E Rum, 2uo do Rye Whiskev
26 do Sugar, 2 hhds .Mutton slams
10 do Milton Crackers
10 pipes Schiedoin tiin, Chatliams earn
7 bbls Hubringers American Gin
14 bags Almonds
30 boxes fresh Muscatel Raisins
feb 19 42 c
For JSTeic-York ,
J&fb The ship UNION, Capt. Cole, will
NPtMt meet with despatch- For freight o
passage apply to K. WILLIAMS* Cos ‘
feb 19 42
Fo'r Liverpool ,
jpfw The superior coppered ship HIT*.
SSJLIr CHER, R. J. Potter, master. For
freight of 400 bales cotton, or passage, having
spacious accommodations, apply to Gapt. IV
”n hoard, at Jones’ lower w harf, or to
teb 18 ni 41 A. RICHARDS.
For Amsterdam, ~~
Jpfß The fine substantial brig LEONIDAS,
Capt Lord, has commenced loading,
aiKt vvdl have quick despatch. For freight of
150 casks rice or 100 bales cotton, on which
liberal advances will be made for the consign,
m Amsterdam, apply to
lI7L , „ K - WILLIAMS & CO.
Wny nave for sale—
-50 tons futons Ballast , landing from stiiil
bri S‘ feb 18
For New-York,
The regular fast sailing packet ship
SEsA? AbGUSTa, D. Wood, master, will
have immediate deXpstch, having part of he
freight engaged. For the residue or passage,
having superior accommodations, apply to cupi’
min W. on board at Jones’ upper wharf, orto
ff l > 13 HALL & HOVr.
For Liverpool, 1
Tb copper fastened brig CHAT.
uhSkvSe HAM, Robert Harding, master, has
commenced loading and will be despatched
without delay. For freigh” applvto the master
ot t 0 9 B I’ARKM.VN.
feh 14. d3B
For Liverpool,
200 bags Cotton are wanted
to fill up the fine coppered ship COMMERCE
Capt. Gardner, for Liverpool, to sail soon Ap
ply to
fob 9 . 34 JOHN LATHROP & CO. ‘
For Philadelphia.
The fine coppered brig JUNIUS,
Capt. Dunton, for freight or passage,
apply to the Capt. on board at Jones’ lower
wharf, or to CUMMING & GWATHMKY.
Who have for sale landing fr. said ves®tl
70 kegs prime (leaf) Lard
30 boxes mould Candles
100 do Windsor Soap
60 hf. bbls patent Crackers
50 bbls white Beans ,
22 doz Chairs assorted
2 cases gentlemen’s Chip Hats
50 boxes Codfish
feb 15 c 39
For Providence R L
THE regular Packet Schr. Genera*.
! Hawes, J. Paine master, w ill sail on the
loili iust. for freight or Passage —Apply to
Rices Wharf.
Who has for Sale Landing from said Schoon- j
50 Barrels Masons Best Rye Gin J
20 do Ale
30,000 Spanish Segars
20 Boxes Mould Candles
5 Casks Cheese.
feb 8 33 -
j ‘ 03* The Capt and Consign
j ee of the brig Ardent, will not be accountable
for any debts the crewfmay contract.
feh 19 4 ...
Lamp Oil,
THE Subscriber has received from Sami. R’ ‘■
man’s OIL Manufactory New Bedford, a
fresh supply of his best Spermacetti Oil, ot
quality equal to any ever sold in this city. *
Oil is warranted to burn until it is •
needs no snuffing or picking up, and procuces
nomore smoke"than candles, and is by actual ex
pdriment as cheap as candles at ten cents pe.
pound—for sale wholesale and retail by
feb 2S 4-5 AUGUSTUS COttNWAlft