Newspaper Page Text
v jgafeamtaij:
MORJWt Z, F.b 2a- 1822.
sloops Fair American, and Rapid, we
’•ave received Charleston papers of Saturdr. ,
; om w hich we have made some extracts.
\ letter from Havana to n Mercantile-lions e
in this city, says—“ The authorities here liave
determined on making this a port of deposit,
tihere goods will only be subject to a transit and i
ris S per cent, under whatever flag they come;
and this will probably go into effect in a few
••■e-'ks- A reduction of the duties on imports is
; ;iiO talked of.”— Charleston Mercury.
The steam-boat Commerce, Capt. Rogers, left
here yesterday, on her first trip to the new town
T Hamburg, with a full cargo of merchandize ;
die takes the inland passage. Mr. Shultz, her
enterprising and public spirited proprietor is on
board. We sincerely hope the enterprise may
equal the expectation of the projector, and re
store to Charleston a portion of that trade, which
has of late been directed from its ancient outlet
to the ocean. Char. Courier.
We have informed our readers (says the Na
tional Intelligencer of the 13th inst.) that we
have received an ens ire copy of the Edict of the
Emperor of Russia respecting trade to the Aleu
tian Islands and on the North West Coast. One
regulation interesting to traders, but not con- |
tamed in the Edict, has come authentically to
our knowledge, viz. That the Edict is to take
rtfect, as to vessels of the United States which
’ Itave the ports of the United States, after the
first day of July next, and as to vessels which
have the ports of Europe, after the first day of
next month.
Hisßft'tanic Majesty's ship of war Athol, of
;8 (runs, Capt. Bourchier, arrived at Charleston
on the 22d inst. in 4 (lavs from Havana, with about
§500,000 in SPECIE, for this place and New-
York. Left Havana with three sail under con
voy, one an American brig'for Philadelphia.—
The A. left at Jamaica 17th Jan. the U. S. brig
Enterprize, Capt. Kearney, to sail for New-Or
kfius in three days. The Enterprize had destroy
edone piratical vessel at Cape Antonio. I’he
Steam-ship Robert. Fulton was expected to arrive
at Havana from New-Orleans on Sunday last.
City Gazette.
lVe have had no less than 12 or 13 arrivals
from Liverpool since the first of this month, be
sidesvalimbli arrivals from other ports of Europe
.and the West ladies. We understand the duties”
secured at the Custom House the first sfj days
of the month, exceeded a million of dollars, be
ing a greater sumshan ever accrued in the same
period of time.— Mcr. Adv.
Captain Baker, of the brig Fanny, arrived on
the 13th inst. from Cuvacoa, informs that on the
11th Jan. in lat. 17, 58, long. 09, he was hoarded i
by the Patriot privateer schr. Singar, of St. Mar
tha, commanded by capt. J. Meghor, who hr ke
o;en several letters to search for Spanish prop
erty, but finding the specie on beard to be on A
merican account, he did not attempt to touch it.
lie treated capt. Baker in the unost polite man-
In consequence of suggestions, in- various forms
‘hat there were strong grounds to believe that
the British Government would, in a short time,
relax their regulations and restrictions of the
trade of their West-lndia colonies with this cqun
try, application has been made to thn representa
tive ot that government, here, for information on
’his subject, and we have been favored with the
H'htof his answer, which is —That he. has re
ceived no intimation whatever of any contemplated
■ hanreof measures on the part of Great Britain.
this information is given solely for the nurposc
of removing a mistaken expectation of such a
change lest the indulgence of -it might prove ju
tciai to public and private interests.
A letter from Port-au-Prince, dated 18th tilt,
cceived bv the schr. Ruby, arrived at this port, i
the arrival there of the French corvette |
hppho, from France, with despatches, to- which !
manswerwas received, and the corvette sailed!
f f.rn on a cruise.—Previous to her arrival at-, the Sappho captured anil punish
'd some pirates, who, under the flag of Colombia
robbed a firemen vessel in the Bay of Su
ltana. ’ ,
“ e have also been favored with llavtien pa-:
P er stothe 17th ult. ’ .j
. 3 iie Telegraph Extra, published at Port-au
r ‘ nce on the 15th, contains an official proclama
- President of Hayti of the submission
, I * p oi-devant Spanish parts of the Island to the
, J -’ llt!l a rms, and the combination, under one
.‘■ead, of the whole territory.
• a| ioo, on the part of some of the in*
-i.auts, then under the government of Spain, to
v * ‘ l,s s,; mdard, had been some time since made
} to him, (General Boyer.) bat unwilling to
x t.te a tivi| war, he waited for a more full de
•’ .jement of their views He after
ords learned, with surprise, that Com. Auvv had
“tcdtliem to raise the flag of Colombia, and
||s e ’ ‘ lac ’ off the Spanish authorities.
s^n ’ an embassy to inquiree imp this,Si was in-
that the inhabitants find shaken off* the Spa.
IV), ‘ °^ C ’ * JCC:iuse Spain was so far from Hayti.
‘) then, renlieil the President, put on that of
, r ombia, which is just as far ? e,n £ una ble to
v | C " rc :lr >.v satisfactory reply tothe interroftato-
Sui lecl to them, that the integrity of the
■> di^ avtl rer piired their submission; and
~ of persuasion and he succeeded
in obtaining the adhesion of St. Jago, of Porto
Plata, and the other Spanish places,
ces in the above paper, a inarch of congratula
tion through the new provinces.
The Adjutant General of tire Ilaytien army is
named Aoltauib.
. \
Office of the .Mercantile Advertiser, }
Feb. 11. £
The following particulars of the robberv of the !
schr. Emerald, Capt. Bradford, from this port,!
with a valuable cargo, bound to St. Juan <ie los
Remedies and Havana, have been communicated
in a letter from the supercargo, dated Havanna,
Jan. 21st.
!• It is with pain I have to state the occurren
ces of this my present voyage. We made the
Island of Cuba on the 14th inst. at day light,
whicn land the captain supposed was Huca Se
gura, and made sail towards it until 10 o’clock,
A. M; at which time Capt. Bradford, not being
sure as to his situation, concluded to send the
! mate end two hands on shore to get better in
; formation of the place. Some time after, sa vl2
j o’clock, we observed two boats rowing towards
j us, one of which we discovered to be ours.—
i Some time after, one of the boats made signal
j for us to lay bv, which we complied with ; and
1 after our men pot on beard, we were informed
that the boat coming towards us was a fisherman’s
boat they met with, and although they were not
much acquainted with the entrance, thev would
run to St. Juan to get the pilot, and that they
would anchor us in a safe place for that night—
They at last got or. board and did what they had
promised, and afterwards started for St. Juan, to
get the pilot. Next day at half past 7A. M. a
boat was in sight coming towards the vessel, and
at 8 she got along side, and our mate demanded
who they were, to which they’ replied thev were
the pilot—they all came on board, 7 in number,
j and a mulatto who called himself the pilot As
Ia calm prevailed l asked the supposed pilot how
far oil'the port of St, Juan was, which he said
was 5 leagues distant A fresh breeze began at
10 A.M. and the supposed pilot ordered the main
and topsails to be let loose, which was complied
with, when onc’Sf the gang sung out, “ Ith de hi
Camisa Qidorada!” at which alarm they all drew
long knives out of their bosoms, and pointing
them at our .breasts, ordered us all to tile fore
“Capt. B. and the mate, astonished at the
treachery, attempted to jump overboard, in do
ing which they were botli severely stabbed ; the
captain in his side near the back bone, and the
mate in his right hand and back. I received a
severe blow on my left ear, which deprived me
for some time of my senses. A little after w f* i,
1 found myself in the forecastle with captain if.
mate and all hands, and the cook also stabbed.—
-Capt. B. was ordered immediately to the cabin,
and money on board demanded. Capt. B. says
he did not answer, but fainted away, and When
he came to himse.f, observed the ruffians divid
ing two hundred and six doubloons, (which he
had concealed in the stow lockers) watches,
clothing, and every other article they could lay
their hands on.
“We were detained by these ruffians 48 hours,
nailed up in the forecas'lc, and tile captain con
fined in the cabin. I was wailing all that time
for the moment of dcaih. At last, hearing no
voices on deck for some time, 1 concluded, at
the risque of my life, to come up. I did so—and
not seeing any one, I ran to the cabin, where 1
found capt. B. tied down. He informed the ruf
fians hail left the vessel about two hours previ
ous. I ran to the forecastle, called all hands, and
the captain ordered them to heave the anchor;
but the people” were so much exhausted they
could not get it up, an.l were compelled to cut
it away. \Ve found both hatches open, and we
do not yet know what part of the cargo they rob
bed. Capt. It. and mate being unable to do du
ty and go on deck, ordered tbe crew to steer tbe
vessel to Havana, for repairing, where we arriv
ed two days after, and reported in distress. 1
was left with only the shirt 1 had on, and besides
lost 20 doubloons 1 had with me. Capt. B. is re
covering fast, but 1 fear for the mate.”
Supreme Court. —Mr. Justice Livings
ton yesterday delivered the opinion of, the
(.’•out t in the case of Page's Administrator
against The Punic of Alexandria'.
L'ne argument hi the case of Ilicard a
gainst miliums, was continued by Mr.
Pinkney for the defendant in error.
Our Havana papers bv H. B. M. ship of
war Athel, are only to the lOdi inst. but we
have beetr favored with the perusal of let
ters to the !6ih inclusive. The only in
te. estiug intelligence they contain, is a con
firmation of the report received a short
time since, that the Government of Cuba
had determined on giving to the port of
Havana, the advantage of a free port. The
following iu an extract iron) one of the ia
test letter-:
•‘‘HavAnj, Feb. 16.—The authorities
have here resolved upon, the important
measure of making this an enterpot, where!
all kinds of merchandize may be landed:
and le-shipped; on paying a transit duty of
2per cent. We annex cjuota’ioits ol out j
Flour. §153; Rice, 4f a 5; Sugars.. 6-lOj
a 10-14 rr; Muscovado do. 6 a 8 rrs.; Cof
fee, 20a£i cts.; Bills on London, 14 a IG
per ct. premium; on L T . States, £ a 4 do.”
NAVAL.—The U. S. brijr Spark, capt.
Elton, arrived here last evening, from a
lung anti arduous cruise in the West-ln
dia seas, s*e. She has made no, but
has brought in seven more Pirates, taken
out of a Dutch sloop, off Aruba. The Spark
made !ier run from the Pan of Matanzas
to this port, in the remarkable short period
u! 62 hours. We regret to add that capt.
Elton is confined to his cabin by indispo
The U. S. schrs. Porpoise, Lt. Rarnage,
atid Revenge; Lt. llammersly, arc still de
tained in the Roads by •mfavorable winds.
Charleston Cour.-23il 1 1st.
Modern Crusading. —The last hold of
the Prophet iu Europe is giving way; Con
stantinople must soon fall into the hands
of Russia; then the power and glory of Is
lorn passes offforever.
. .If Constantinople falls, what is then to
stay the legions of Russia from overrunning
•he plains of Asia? Alexander is the pat
■ or, if learning and the friend of religion—
whet ever his armies go they carry the bible.
They will open the way for the missionary
of the cross into ever part of Asia, and the
sun of Righteousness will again shine on
that country which fust received his cheer
ing beams ! Southern Intel.
[lt really appears to us as if some of our
worthy ami pious friends are missionary
mad. Here is one of them congratulating
the humane and just people of these states
on the prospect of Asia being “overrun”
by the legions of Alexander, foras much as
it wili open the way for missionaries !
There already open ways enough, and in
our own country too, for all the good men
who labor for the spiritual and temporal
benefit of mankind there is no need to del
uge one quarter of the globe in blood to
propogate a creed—to murder one half of
a whole people in order to force upon the
other half a few missionaries. The ex
pression hopes and wishes, as the above
shows much -.teal, but we think, with great
deference for the motive of the writer, sa
vor little of that peaefc and good will to
wanis men which is inculcated from the
highest authority. Nut. Int.
On Friday evening by the Rev. Mr. Cran
ston, Mr. William Shaw to Mils Jane Clurie,
both of tiiis city
DIED—At Elizabeth-Town, N. J. on the sth
inst. Mr. Butler, late of Savannah,
and of the firm of White, Butler & Ketchum, af
ter experiencing a long an and slow consumption,
which he met with cheerfulness and pious resig
ItlEl)—On the 1 2th inst. Mrs. Aiaiur r So
ml a Marshall, wife of Dr. Win. I’. Marshall’
and daughter of the late William Ncyle, Esq. o
this city.
... j . . i
Fort of Savannah. \g||-
Ship William. Budd, Ncw-York, 12 days, with
an assorted cargo, to E Williams & co. consign
| ees, J Anderson Si co. T If Price, Douglass h
| Sorrel, W T Williams, Miller A Fort, S(.urges Si
i Hunter, R Campbell, W Scarbrough, T W Long
! worth, and J l.athrop Sc co. In iat 32, lon 75.
spoke schr Milo, 14 days fr Guadeloupe, bound
to Plymouth, N. C.
Ship Martha, I.unt, Charleston, 12 hours, to
Mitchell y Bartlett. The U. S. brig Enterprize,
Capt Kearney, from a cruise, and a British sloop
of war from Jamaica, arrived at Charleston on!
Friday evening.
Schr Albany racket, Clamer, Porr-au-Prince,
10 days, in ballast, to 1 Cohen. Fyb. 17, spoke
schr Retrieve, from Jeremie hound to Boston.
Sloop Essex, Rogers, Charleston, 8 hours, in
ballast, to I Cohen.
Sloop Fair American, Thomas, Charleston, 8
hours, in ballast, to master.
Sloop Rapid, Berry, Charleston, 12 hours, with
an assorted cargo, to 1 Cohen, consignee, T Gard
ner, S Stodder, G Tompkins, It Campbell, F
Gillett Si co, B It Smith, and >V Lippitt Si co:—
10 passengers anil 15 slaves.
Steam-boat Samuel-Itoward, from Augusta,
with freightiog-boats Nos 15 and 20, with cotton
to Mitchell St Bartlett, J \V Lohg, T Gardner, S
B Farlfman, W Gaston, S C Dunning, J Magee,
‘V Scarbrough, Cmnmilig & Gwathniey, C West
feldt, J Lathrop Si co. T Butler Zi co. E Bliss &
co. A Low & co. anil H S Atwood*
C J.EA HE f),
Ship Augusta, Wood, New-York
Hull & Hoyt
Brig Favorite, , Liverpool
Mitchell Si Bartlett
Brig Mv mi, Boodily, Baltimore
Douglass Si Sorrel
The schr F.liza.j Trowbridge, from this port,
arrived at New York on the 1 Mi
The U. S. revenue cutter Crawford, Taylor,
sailed from this port on Saturday last, on a cruise
round the Floridas.
The ship Parthian, Mackay, from this port for
Liverpool was spoken with on the 25th Jan. in
lat 45, lon 65, 12 days out.
The ship Corsair, Porter, from this port, srriv
ed at New-Y'ork on the 12lh.
The schr Sallv, bound into Crooked Island,
to load with salt for this port, was spoken off
that harbor, 29th Jan.
The ship Jane, \Viltbergcr,and Brbrig Doris,
Winn, from Liverpool, have arrived at Darien.
Arrived —Hauhurg brig Saliv, YVhitliock, VO
(lavs from Hamburg, and 42 ft* the Isle of Wight,
with dry goods, glassware, cvc. —Bound to New-
York, in distress, leaky and foremast sprung.—
The S. sprang aleak in the channel, and it in
’ creased until in a gale ofl’ Bermuda, she coulil
i be kept free with both pumps but with dilficul
| tv ; she then bore away for the IV est-Indies, but
| front the state of tlie winds, was obligi and to come!
|to this port. On the 16111. took offfnim the!
j Sand Keys, Bahamas, Messrs Samuel Swett, .1 j
j Sandforii, and I, Coryell, and 6 seamen of the
crew of the brig Speedy Peace, Trowbridge, Ir.
Mobile for N York, lost on the 11th, 6 days out,
vessel totally lost, cargo saved and would he car
ried to Nassau ; left Capt. T. the mate, one sea
man and the steward, to take care of tlf. cargo i
the letter bag of the S. P. has been brought on
avid the letters will be forwarded.
Schr Little Cherub, of Boston, midshipman
Booth, St. Martha, 25 days. The Cherub was
taken possession of by the Grampus, li"ut. Gre
gory, and a crew put 0:1 boircl to navigate her to
the U. S. ; the captain and crew having died at
St. Martha.
Cleared—brig Patrick Henry, Kennison, Hava
na; schrs Gleaner, Saunders, W Indies; Ilyder
AJi, Adams, Hayli.
Arrived—TJ S brig Spark, Capt Elton, from a
cruize of four months on the Spanish Main, and
in the West Indies, ltist from oll’the coast of Cu
ba. The S. has had frpm off the pan of Matau
zas the shortest tun perhaps* ever made, being
only 62 hours from there to .Charleston Light.
Slie has on board 7 pirates, taken from on board
a Dutch sloop off Aruba, on thu 9lh Jan. which
they hail in possession without a commissibn.—
Midshipman T. O, Hruff died at sea and was bu
sied at Aruba9tli Jan.
Schr Fame, Skerry, Cape Hayticn, 14 ds. with
coffee and hides. The llavtien armies had
marched against the Spanish part of the Island,
anil the Hayticn flag was flying at Monte- Christo!
and Po?t-9r.Pl . > ■
Cleared— Gen. Pike, ToWie, Liverpool; schr
Napoleon, Scars, New Orleans.
NEW-YORK, Feb. 12.
Arrived—Ship Hercules, Gardner, Liverpool.
35 days, with dry goods, hardware, crates, {jtc.
Jam 25th, lat 45, lon 75, spoke ship Parthian, of
Boston, 12 days from Savannah for Liverpool.
Ship Corsair, Porter, Savannah, tu days.
Brig Fanny, Baker, Cui acya, 28 da_\ s, will
salt, iiicuragua wood, and Jesuits bark.
Schr Ductile, Williams, Port-au-Prince, 20 tl
Jan. 29, off the Inu-bijr of Ctooked Island, spoke
schr Sally, of N York, bound in to load witli last
for Savannah.
Cleared—sh’p Constitution,M’Rae, Liverpool.
For Charleston ,
fcSjT Tiis regular packet sIoop’OCEAN,
SsaLferJohnson. master, will sail <>n Ijiesday.
F riieig*l or parage, apply on board or to
L. it SAa.R Si CO.
feb 25 i
l miICKXU / HIT’ OX~
AND LAS ! 11 ti 1 ONE.
win. nr. HErv.ATRD
Tins EVF.YI.VO, Monday. Feb. 75th,
In the Long Room, at the Exchange.
(Tj'’Tickets 50 cents, to be had at the place of
A Band of Music will attend.
CARD.—Any gentleman wishing to inhale the
Gas will please call at the City Hotel,
feb 23 46
By the author of W-ai cr!y, Ivanhoe, Ac. &c.
.halt t/ecc vrd by
dohmtiiii’e snuaie.
feb 25 47
U \S in addition loin;, termer supply*—
Superfine Min.m Roues mid Flounces
do 4 4 and 64 ( lain and fit;’ll mult mull
Muslins, do do do l!c,.k do
do do do Na.lsojkMuslins
Fine Jaconets and Cambric ilo
Superfine iliread and bobinet Laixs and car.
9-8 line printed check and stripe Muslins
4 4 Caroline Muslin Riauls, (.*> new s.i t)
8-4 ami 4-4 striped and pianl Cambric Gingh-'.rv.
Hair cord an 1 6-4 C ,m.<ric Din i •
Fine while and cul'd liorde’ td era’ is
and imitation Cambric do
It.k ligitl'i rl and colored Irish Poplins
do do and i-Boiub, )•• and Bptnhazines
[do Nankinsand Canton Crapes
Yellow and blue Nankins’
Dark striped do
RU'isia drill and l.bng Law n
7-8 and 4 4 Irish Linens in whole and hf pieces
i-4 Irish Sheeting
Brown doi.iruls and Scotch Dow!, .
Long Cloths and white Homespuns
5-4 Cotton Checks
I Superfine Lite : -d blue ci hs and C -, res
Ladies best quid ‘y white an . e .i’d Kid Gloves
do do wilt and t!h L .. is!* -dk do
do and Gentlemens do do do wile Woxe
no do Cotton o ol t v . y description
do do Castor a;o eav Gloves
Molts and Nuns best quality I < la
Hemming* do and silver Need!e t s”
\ quantity of tie* best Dz’*a baud
with sundry oth<*, ar'ice ‘ h>.v at
the sig iof t* G<ml*o l* s
Build .gs 4*
O mler -f Posey,
at Tintia
Corner of Broughton and Jeff- ‘inii-elreets,
OFFklt Fun SALS.
V GENERAL s-rtu.ent of DPl’.’ ‘ A-
STIUJMENTS, and ail oilier a:'; * s'ir'h
found in Ding Stores. In addition th*
former assoi ment ol GARDEN SEEDS, tile;
have lately received
Dwarf Marrowfat
” Green Imperial |
” White Prussian NPEAS
” Bute do
” Early. Charlton J
Green Nonpareil
” Long Pod 1 or,. ,VC
Broad Windsor hH “ t
Canterbury Kidney j j
White and’purple Bract li ’’abbage Seed
Ice I'ennisbiil, White Cww
Magnum Honttni Coss
Silesia anil brown Dutch Lettuces
And various pot herbs, all warranted,
feb 25 ‘ 47
•freshen Butter.
j jnVRNTY-five firkins of fresh Goshen Dairy
I ? BU I’TKRi of a superior quality, for sale by
I the firkin or smaller quantity,
t Also —2o firkii>3 LARD.
) fob 22 45
The English Practice;
\ STATEMENT, shewing sonie of the F.vih
and Absurdities of the practice of the Ell
glish Common Law, as adopted in several ot
the United States. Price 50 Cents.
Idcherand— 31 o®-
PERCY ANECDOTES No, tl, on Humor
Do. No. 12, on imagination
Plains of Chippewa, a dratriH, as lately perform
ed in Savannah.
VillGtNlUS, or the Fall of the Decfcmvir -
and the FORTY Till F. YES
Just received and for sale by
feb So 45 Juhnsi'tn't ttjuarr.
just Hrceived,
100 kegs Ire h Hogs’ Lard
10 punch eo’’s Jamaica Rum ‘
feb 23 c 46
Whiskey and Gin.
200 hols Whisk. •
2 > pipes anti hint* Smitlffield Gin
] Just received and f>- vde bv
lits Baker f.5 9 Minton.
TUI DAY, 2,51 h inst. at II o’Uo,
hi from of iheiv Auction store,
A general assortment of
an ock it Jhs,
IS bills not (hern (iin
3 libels 4th proof Jam. Rum
4 casks Hoes
2 pipes 4th roof Cognac Bramfy
3 do Holland Gin
4 diesis superior Hyson Tea
5 pipes Southfield Gin,
8 hi ids do
11 boxes Codfish
2o boxes No. 1 Chocolate
25 hit do do do
2u boxes superior northern Candies
lb do do Spao
5 firkins fresh Goshen Butter
( 11 hfbbls Buckwheat flour
75 hampers Irish Potatoes.
Anil at 12 o’clock, in store
A valuabtc- assortment of British, French a
jmr goods.
2 cases fine Irish Linens
1 do brow n • do
2 do Drogheda ‘Linen?
1 do black Sinchcws
1 bale b tie Cassintercs •
1 do b; k blue and mixt cJotlp
2 cases silk Umbrellas
1 do 5-4 Irish Diapers
2 cases Calicoes
1 do tnadrass Hdkfs
2 do brown Slice', tugs
2 cases cotton Balls
1 trunk fashionable Reticules
1 case Scotch Threads
1 (Jo Set-suckers
1 :asc quality shoe Binding
1 do Hotiand imperial Tapes
2 do cotton Shavvls /
1 do Iris! Sheetings t-b ’ -
liy John Shck, Jt*.
TOMOUitO A‘. 2ot i mst at 11 ttV-u-1.
Hilt be sold in font of his Auction Room .1’
Comire ice Row.
A Large and General Assortment c*’ ,
Liquors &f Groceries as usna
j Among w.ti.-h are, in part,
IS bills N E Rum
5 pipes pure Holland Gin
3 do Imitation Brandy
4 Idols Jamaica Rum
5 hhds N E Rum
< 5 bbls best northern Girt
15 do Philadelphia Beer
20 do Newark Cider
18 do No 2 Mackerel
15 do No 5 ,do
100 pr common Decanters, qts And phvJk
100 Dutch Looking Glasses
100 half boxes yellow Soup
4u whole do do
75 do common do
50 boxes hard Candles, 4,5, C h 3Ve
23 qi do Spanish Scgars
15 bbtsNo 2 Beef
20 do Cherry Brandy
10 firkins Butter, &c.
Conditions, Cash. feb £:
ittj J. tl. Herbert Iff Cos.
On the first Tuesday in March next, at 1
AI7TLL be sold before the Court-House, the
j M tinex[fired Lease of Byears, of that 3 sto
ry Brick building, opposite the dwelling of .Mr
Clelandj cs", Broughton street, the above pro
pert v lias a Bake-House attached to it *
Terms at time of sale. jan 17
JW gvoes For Stile.
On the first TUESDAY in -larch next,
SI? ILL be sold at auction, it nut previousl
v V disposed of at private sale, three lemale
Slaves, Passofee and her two children, Louisa
j and Jane —the mothk ;* about 33 ; ears of
1 the children 1 0 anil l?. She is an excellent ?
i house servant, and accustomed to washing and
(ironing —sold for to fault. For terms apply to
j Job 8 S3{ 4 GEORGE SCHLEY.
Hy J. />. Herbert & Cos.
Ou ‘he first Tuesday in March next
44 ?l'.l • i>e sold in front of the court-house in
If tins city, between the usual hours of 10
j and 2 o’clock.
1 All that valuable Lot No. 2, Heath cote ty thing
Dt* ker Ward, front.fig on Market-square, b
: Imiging to the estate ot ‘bn. Clelaud, dec.
i Also, lt'ilf of that Valuable Lot No. 1, Towe
‘Tithing, Dicker ward, fronting on Mai bet-’* ami Uavnaiil-s'reel, together with tha I
improvements thereon
Also, one t: .ct of I .and No- 96, Jones’ county,
containing 2024 acres. Tiie above property
belonging to the estate of3as. Oieland, dec* ■ i
Sold by permission of the honorable the Infe
rior Court of Chatham county, for the benefix
of the heirs. Terms cash, bankable ntony.
Ry cnl-i* of the administrator. jan 11
Administrators lilies. •
By J. It. Herbert & Cos.
On the first TUESDAY in April npxf.
UJ II,1, be sold before the Court-House i,t
tills city, between the usual hours.
The personal property of Mr- Daniel Hotel) ;
’ kiss, deceased, consisting of the following ar
tides, one half of the line of Stages running
t between Sasannah and Augusta, viz: 2 well
built Stages, with uli necessary Harness, £4
! prime Horses, selected lev the purpose, th
i Stithies at the difi'cent * lands <m the road, al
so, or.e Gig ami Hat ues, one Waggon ard Har
ness, sunil'y articles of llotisrhold Furniiurt .
The a-’ove property sold hy permission of the
j honorable tiie inferior Court, and by order*®!
jtlie adinittisirator. Terms Cash.
j P. b Peisytis wishing to purchase the Stages**,
I should visit tie line and see the respective
!team of Horses, ns they will be sold as they*
j stand upon the Une, the cbnt : nuatii>n >f tl*.c
; running of the mai’ requiring it. fco 18
Just Opened
| At PETF.R DHEGE’s London Ware-Hcuse,
TWO trunks extra fine white Casrim- re fash
ionable PANTALOONS, at Eight Dollars,
feb 23 46
JOB Hit'll IS ft
JV eatly executed at ■’ ? M :.*•. im 0 r.‘e: