Newspaper Page Text
Feb. 27, 1822.
~~sy The Rev. Mr. White will preach at Cher
okee Hill on Sunday next, in the Church of all
ry 0 n the Charleston Courier of Monday last.
one day later.
Cant. Ward, a passenger in the ship Aurora,
from Ramsgate,has politely favored us with Lon
don papers to the evening of the sth ult. one day
] a -„ r than before received.
German papers and a Dutch mail, the
latter with papers to the 2tl inst. arrived
this morning. They contain an account of
, curious affair between some Turkish and
Russian soldiers on the Pruth; but it was
merely ah accidental rencont-e. The Aus
trian ’Observer, from the I9ih to the 23tl
Dec.inclusive, .has r.o news trom Tucket
3nd Gieece. The story of t:-.e r.ssasmna*
tion of the Grand Seignor is now become
an exploded fabrication.
There is no agitation in the funds this
jay. They remain steady.
! ri, e Government Oflicers were all bustle
veste'day, and it is understood that sever
al important orders were issued, with ref
eTeiice to the Declaration of War by Rus
sia, which is hourly expected.
Morning paper.
Trices of Stocks, this day at 1 o’clock ■
Consols for Accounts, 77i 7-8 5-8.
Extract of a letter from tin .American gentleman at j
Paris, dated Dec ■ 2 7 . i
“ Mr. Neuville’s friends are in r ower, and, if
sere, he would be Minister of the Marine. The :
only intelligence from Turkey is in a letter from
Prince Metternich at Vienna, who, without offi
cial intelligence, is of opinion that the report of
the revolution in Constantinople is true, and it is !
feared the ambassadors have fallen.”
A'at. Intel. 14 th inst.
A meeting has been held at Farmington, Con.
composed of citizens from seventeen towns, for
the purpose of considering the importance ot Ca- j
ml Navigation, and to take measures for ascer
taining the practicability of constructing a Canal
from New-Haven through Southington, Farm
ington, See. to the North line of the State,
A*, r. Com. Adv. 12/A inst.
The public are cautioned against receiving
■counterfeit notes of the Parent Bank of the Uni
ted States, of the denominations of 5, 50, and
500 dollars, in imitation of the plates engraved
by Tanner, Kearney and Tiebout.
. The emissions of Notes printed from these
plates have been withdrawn from circulation,
•,nd the amount now out is inconsiderable. The
genuine notes of the denominations of 50 Si 500
dollars, all bear date January Ist, 1817, and none
have been signed by L. Cheves, President, or
Thomas Wilson, Cashier.— Ball. Amer, 1 5th inst
ms arvw
Three more of tire crew of the ship Essex,
irhicii was struck by a whale and sunk in the
Pacific Ocean in November. 1820, have been sa
ved. Their names are, Thomas Chappell, U il
liam Wright and Seth Weeks. They were ta
ken off'from Outfits’ Island, in a famished state,
l.y an English ship, in April last, and carried to
New- South Wales. A particular narrative of
’he disaster, and the circumstances of the res
toration is given in a London paper from a Sid
i lay paper of June 9.
The Bank capi-a! of M issachusetts, is 9,900,000
dollars, on which a tax of one per cent, per aim.
is paid, amounting to nearly otse hundred thou
sand dollars.
Extract of a letter from Port-au-Prince,
■Jan. it), 1822.
“This place has been a bsstle for sever
al days, by the marching an:l counter
marching troups destined t<> occupy the east
end of this island, which fro u its princi
pal tnwiis has sent In its adhesion to this
g'vrnuiient. The army of occupation will
fr ten thousand strong, accompanied by
I tie President in person, on which account
tie Chamber of Communes, Las had its
.ittSsinn prorogued front the Ist proximo, to
Ist All rust. The southern division of .the
a.itiy, 40UH strong, marched hence 2 day*,
since lur Monte Oiieste, when it will Conn
a,j taction with that from the north, and
’ ‘king tlie route of Puerto Plate and Sa
'tia.nn, win uii- ch uptm the ci y oi rit. Do-
Ina military point of view the
j 0( ' (: >i>atioii of the east w ill be of cousider
[•'"L importance to this gover: -nent—but it
” ill drain the Treasury of some of its su
petfluniis wealth. The Spanish part is
miserably poor, and its whole population
kitr.imt exceed 40,000 souls.
Air’ie ich sloop of war, Sapplm, the first
l Sli *ce loiG. came in the other day, but was
Mnll,'m-,.,| p, communicate with any but
f le Suvernment— the nature of her mission
F't'tM tint ha ascertained.
[ S.ophu had retaken aßr emen ship,
I ‘Pfurpil by a Buenos Ayreart privateer,
l ;ll ‘l robbed of £30,000 irt dry goods—also
I"?-privateer, and a Colombian privateer,
had ttt'ten possession of the Buenos
f\y r ean and J’reiuener, before {.riling in
f V| lh iiie Bap.plto. As tlie two privateers
diviiled the plunder between them
I >ev were sent to Marttnicn for trial, and
|‘>e Bremen shirt has put in here.
I Every thing is dull here, and the drain
f men tor the expedition will make it
! orse —very little coffee comes to market,
owing to the late hofydavs, and it com
mands 335. 6.,
Prices. —Beef, mess, gl3; prime; 10;
Pork, mess, 18 a 29; prime, 14 a 15 ; But
ter ar.d lard no sale, large supplies on hand;
Mackerel, No. 2, 6$ ; No. 3, 44; Codfish.
5; Floui. 9by retail; Rice, ss, improving;
Tobacco, 8$ a 10. ’t
ltelfe’s Phil. Gazette, 13 th inst.
London. D<c. 2D
noble v. heald. — Warranty of Tobacco.
Mr. Sergeant Lens si Led to the ju
ry, that this was an action brought by the
plaintiff against the defendant, for the a
mount ot a cargo of Virginia Tobacco de
liverable to the latter, but tor which he un
derstood he declined to pay, on the ground
that the article was not marketable. The
amount claimed was 4,140/. 19s. 4d. the
residue of bills which the parties when they
bought the tobacco, stipulated to accept,
but eventually did not, on the delivery of
-die goods. With respect to the quality ol
*he article, the learned Sergeant said that
it was one of the last cargoes for the sea
son from America, which was generally
| considered to be rather inferior to the early
importations, and at a lower price. lie
would prove that the parties had bargained
for it as such, and consented to take it
with its faults, the plaintiff repeatedly re
| fusing to guarantee a superior quality.
Certain admissionsof the defendant were
put in and read, acknowledging the arrival
of the tibacco, and the re usal to accept
the bills.
Mr. Geo. Scholey, a broker said, that in
Feb. and March, 1821, ‘lie was employed
by the plaintiffs, to dispose of this cargo,
(while afloat) of tobacco. He sa v the de
fendant repeatedly on the subject of this
cargo, and shewed him, before he entered
into the contract, the letters now handed to
witness. (The letters were then read in
evidence: they contained a statement from
the shippers in Virginia, that the cargo of
Tobacco was of a pi oper quality, and there
was also a memorandum upon the contract
■of sale at 30s per cwt. cargo afloat, thiee
■ months credit between the plaintiff and j
the defendant, that the former had refused j
jto insert “a warianty;” but, on the co,Al a
ry, that it must be taken subject “to all
faults.”—The witnessfurther said,that the
defendant had asked him if he knew wheth
er there was a ca.go of Virginia tobacco on
| sale in the market; he replied in tiiealitr.
| mative, and was then empowered to make
ian offer to the plaintiff - for the cargo.—
The latter accepted the offer. Previous to
the contract, llie defendant read all these
letters respecting the quality of the tobac
co, and said lie should on no account buy
it unless he believed it to be a lair cargo of
jtobicco. Witness said lie did not believe
‘that Mr. Noble would represent it io be
such, unless the fact were so—but be con
veyed u message from the defeudent to the
plaintiff; that the note did not contain a
warranty, of the article, as it was repre
sented in the letters to be a ‘fair cargo’—
he replied tlial warranty, adding that no
price would tempt him [the defendant]] to
buy an inferior article. Mr. Noble decli
ned by any means giving any such warran
ty as the defendant then desired—and he
j put upon the contract a memorandum, that
! the cargo must be taken ‘with all faults,’
adverting at the same time to toe dispute
j which bad ar -n about the sale of ‘cargoes
j afloat.’ Wit 3 s, desiring the neg. ciation
between the parties to be c inducted in
writing, then exhibited to the defendant
.Mr. Nobie’s note and the above memoran
dum, as a sample of the cargo. Mr. llealil
still continued averse to receiving the con
tract, and always required the insertion in
I the body of the contract of a warranty of
fthe tobacco, which Mr. Noble as often re
fused to insert. But eventually on’change,
lhe defendant, on the 15th March, inform
ed witucss and Mr. Noble, who attended
j there on purpose, that he was surprised Mr.
Noble would not insert a warranty—the
latter said he believed from the character
of die shippers, and the tenure of their let
ters, that it was lair merchantable tobacco
—but he said he would nut bind himsell to
such a description by a warranty in the
j contract. The defendant, after Change,
j at his own counting house, repeated over a
g.'iin, that lie would not on any account
buy infeiinr tobacco —and after complain
ing, that the warranty he required was
withheld, he. said he believed Mr. Noble
would not say the tobacch was fair unless
lit was so,and that relying on that presump
tion, he should take the cargo. There was
I however, a pencil mark put on the con
tract, stating that the whole of the tobacco
‘had passed inspection at Virginia.
Cross examined.—Mr. Heald certainly
did not accept the contract until this pen
ciled memorandum was inserted. Mr.
! Heald compplained to the last that he
would not have a cargo of sticks and stumps
l nor would he have a refuse cargo; be said
jhe wanted nothing but what was fair be
tween merchant and merchant. He bought
the cargo decidedly upon the faith ol the
description of the cargo in the letters shown
to him. Witness subsequently saw sam
! pies of the cargo, which did not at all
prove to conesp-pifc with the description
Ip. the letters H was decidedly not what
would be called in the market a “fair and
merchantable article,” id the sense of the
I representation originally made ol it.
Re-examined.—“ Tobacco had considera
iblv fallen in the market since the date of
this contract. On the 15th of March, 30s.
per cwt. was certainly considered a low
The mate of the vessel proved that the
cargo consisted of 23G casks of tobacco
irorn Petersburg!), Virginia; otherwise,
indeed, they would not be permitted to
Jeremiah Rhodes was present at Peters
btirgh, Virginia, anil proved the inspection
•fibe tobacco by the public officer at that
place, and the correctness of tile weight in
he invoice. No tobacco can pass the in
spection without being considered merch
Mr. Sergeant Lens addressed the Jury
for the defendant. He commenced by ta
king an objection, in point of law, on the
lace of the contract, whielvdid not set forth
the pencil marks alluded to in the counts
of the declaration. The court reserved
the point. The learned Sergeant then
contended,that the unfair representations
of the cargo made by the plainitift',altogeth
er vitiated the contract attempted now to
lie enforced against the del'eddant. When
he spoke of the false representations, he
exhonerated Mr. Noble from willfully ma
king them; he believed rather that the
plaintiff’ was acting under instructions
which he received from abroad, and on
which he had unfortunately relied in the
transaction. As to the effect of the con
tract, lie would show, not as affecting Mr.
Noble, but as referable to the shipper, that
the representation was fraudulent; if it
were so, it would as the learned Judge
would tell them, vitiate the contract.
The Lord Chief Justice remarked, that
where the description necessarily involved
an imputation of fraud, it certainly went
to vitiate a contract. There weie many
eases in point—pictures, for instance,
where the names of the celebrated masters
were used to push off'their value.
Mr.Sergeant Vaughan said, in conclu
sion, that he should prove the cargo was
exactly the reverse of what it was descri
Mr. Roy.ey, a partner in the mercantile
house of Ilozey Jj’ Cos. of Rotterdam, re
membered the arrival of the cargo of tobac
co at that place in April last. Capt. YVal
lisdclivered to him the bill of lading, the
note of weights, and the charter party; hut
no manifest was ever delivered. Witness
es house paid the du<y ami freight. The
cargo was discharged in the usual manner
by lighters,and inspected by several per
sons. It was an or dinary nr common car
go ol tobacco, and a mixed kind; it was of
all sorts.
Uross-examincd.-It was considered worth
■bur and a half stivers; a fair cargo would
then bring about s}. ‘This was not what he
should call “a fair cargo.’
J. J. Minderhoff’(examined through an in
terpreter) said that he had seen this cargo
of tobacGo at Rotterdam, where lie was a
broker, in the habit of inspecting tobacco
for seven years: he had looked at each hogs
head seperately, and considered the cargo
to be a common one: it would be called so
in their market. There were three classes
of tobacco in the market, and this belonged
to the lowest quality.
Mr. Sergeant Lens, in reply, contended,
that no imputation whatever attached, ac
cording to the evidence, to the seller of the
tobacco. He admitted that the tobacco
did not correspond with the description
contained in the letter—but was it on the
letters alone the purchaser acted ? Or was
it not, on the contrary, after the plaintiff’
refused to give a warranty, and ‘nsisted
that the purchase, if made at all, must be
made “with all faults?” And under these
circumstances, the defendant acquiesced
in that pur chase, lie bought therefore, w hen
fully on his guard, that Mr Noble would
not by his own responsibility, the
warranty of Iris principal—and he could
not now turn round and annul a contract,
into which, with his eyes open, he had en
The lord chief justice summed up thee
• idence to the jury, who after a short con
sultation, returner! a verdict for the plan
tiff, to the full amount of his contract.
Port of Savannah,
Brig Rolls, Harrington, Providence, 6 days,
with an assorted cargo, to S Manton, Taft St Sih
levs, and others. Lat 74 20, lon 37, spoke scltr
Gen. Hawes, 5 days from this port bound to Pro
vidence. On Sunday last, saw a brig, supposed
to be the Savannah, for this port, as .she left Pro
vidence three days previous to the R.
Sloop Washington, Allen, Sunbury, 2 ds, with
cotton and wood, to .1 P Williamson, J Maxwell,
J XV Owens and to order.
Sloop Neptune, Vail, Riceborough, 3 (Is, with
cotton, to J Maxwell. Bulloch & Dunwoody, R St
J Habersham, Tufts Reed, and others.
Boat Savannah, Augusta, 7 days,with 650 bags
cotton, to .J Cummitig & Son, .1 Gardner, G Gor
don, Gumming St Gwathmey, E Crane, Jr. Hall
,& Hoyt, Duhamel & Auzei S B Parkman, Jas.
Magee and J Dickson St co.
Pole boat Elvira, Augusta,6days, to.l Wylley
consignee, with 450 bales cotton, to J \Y Long,
Gumming .. Gwathmey, Cantelou 5 Lamar and
Taft St Sibleys.
Pole boat Abigail, Augusta, 6 days, to J K
Danforth, consignee, with 512 bales cotton, to J
Gumming Sc Son, T Butler & co. Mein <A Seott,
.1 Meigs, J Lathrop St co. .1 I? Herbert & co. J
WLong, Taft Ik Sibley St R Waterman.
Arrived—Steam-ship Robert Fulton, Barnard,
New-Orleans, 13 days, and 4 trom Havana.
Danish ship Aurora, Mieear, Hamburg and
Ramsgate, 46 days, with merchandize and glass
ware. !
Br. brig Grace, Cambridge, Larne, and 40 ds.
from Cape Clear, Ireland, with potatoes.
Brig Joseph Eastburn, Earle, St. Barts, 17 ds.
with rum, susrar, molasses, copper, oil and wine.
Sclir Roktby, Harrold, Cape Haytien, 16 days,
with coffee.
Cleared—ship Hitty, Goodwin, Liverpool.
NEW-YOUK, Feb. 14.
Arrived—Brig Frances Foster, Sliced, Aux
Caves, 16 days, with coffee, logwood. See.
Cleared—ship Cotton Plant. Fash, Savannah.
U&ljoleaale price Current
Savannah, Feb. 27. ‘fy cts. Jg cts.
COTTON sea-islaml per pound 25 33
upland do 13 18
Selections, prime 18
RICE 100 lbs 2j 3
TOBACCO georgis t#af lb 5 6
cavendish Ist qua! 30 35
, richmond 12 Id
j FLOUR country barrel 6$ 7
richm phila. and bait 7 74
alexaiulria b/r 7
CORN bushel 75 80
BACON lb 8 11
BEEF no. 1 barrel 950 10 50
no. 2 6i 7
BOARDS northern 1000 It 12 did!
pitch pine 10 12
BRANDY cognaA 4th prf gal 150 160
peach none
BREAD navy bbl 2 250
pilot 350 4
BUTTER Ist quality lb 20 23
2d quality I- 1 12
CANDLES georgia mould lb 27 I
northern do 1‘ 18 I
spermaceti 45 46
CASTINGS th 4 4 i
CHEESE best 11 2
CHOCOLATE boston no. 1 lb 22
COFFEE best green 3i
2d and 3d qualities 20 o 0
DUCK russia Ist quality boh 22
2d quality 20
3d quality 14
ravens 12
GIN hollaed gat 90 95
country 20 40
GINGER race lb no sale
IRON russia and swedes cwt 450 475
LARD lb 9 10
LEAD bar lb 8 9
MACKEREL boston no. 1 bbl 9 10
no. 2 5 _ 6
ho. 33 75 4
MOLASSES gallon 29 33
NAILS cut assorted lb 7% 8
wrought 12 14
OIL, sweet 12 hot 9 10
sperm gal 125 150
fish 60 75
PAPER wrapping renin 56 63
PEPPER lb 2 r 21
PIMENTO 28 3*l •
PORK prime bbl 1> |
mess 13 14
PORTER london dozen 250 3 r
POWDER dapont beg 6i 7
RAISINS muscatel fresh box 4
bloom do 3
RUM jnmaica 4th proof gal 110 115
west-india 2d and 3d 65 7 t
new-englanJ 39 40
SALMON no 1 bid 18
SALT Liverpool ground basin ’ 48 50
turks island 40 42
SEGARS Spanish box 16 17
All Al) Connecticut mess bbl note
north-carolina 4 6
SHINGLES 1000 250 4
SHOT assorted lb 10
SO\P turpentine lb 9 11
STAVES wo 1000 12 20
red oak 12
STEEL german 100 lbs 17
blistered 12 13
SUGAR havana white 100 lbs none
brow n 850 sales
muscovado 9J 10J
new-orleans 9| 11
loaf lb 18 24
lump 16 17
FALLOW lb 16 17
TEA hyalin lb 8 ■ 95 !
WHISKEY gal 34 36 j
WINE itiadeira ga’ 275
teneriffe 1 2.
For Providence R J
ME regular Pa-re l.ri, t< A
.%xSLpJ’ Harrington, mast r, will s-i’l f r , -j
hove port on Sunday next ,~r freight or
sage, having handsome accommodations. ;
to S mAX’I'O
Rices W.'.-ir:
Ear sale on board said bug,
100” bunches ONIONS
25 boxes CODFISH,
feh 27 48
Flour , Whiskey ft Herrings.
50 bbls superfine Howard-street Flour
30 do Rye Whiskey
50 do —for sale bv
feb 27 Hunter's’ ‘Toes
The CommunicnnVi Spiritual
Companion :
OR an Preparation for the Lord’s
Sr in per, winch are shewn the nature of
the Ordinance, and the disposition requisite
for a profitable participation t hereof—by the
Rev. Thomas Hawes, D 1). Price 50 cents.
The new Week’s Preparation for a worthy
receiving of the Lord’s Supper. 50 cents.
Twenty-five Discourses, adapted to the
Lord’s Supper, delivered just before the. ad
ministration of that Sacred Ordinance, by John
Owen, S. O. JD
Tiie Terms of the Christian Communion— b)
Isaac Watts, I) I* 75 cents
A Companion for the s liar, or Week’s Pre
paration for the Holy Communion—by John
ilen'y Hobart, L). D 75 cents.
The Communicant’s Companion, or Instruc
tions arid Helps for the right receiving of the
Lord’s Supper—by Matthew Henry. SI.
The Christian’s Manuel, containing Dialogues
and Prayers, suited to the various exercises of
the Christian Life, £Jc gl IS.
The Rise and Progress of Religion in the
Soul, with a devout Meditation on Prayer ad
ded to each chapter—by Philip Doddridge, D
A Method for Prayer, with Scripture Expres
sions proper to be used tinder each head—by
Matthew Henry 87$ rents
Prayers for the use of Families, or the Do
mestic Minister’s Assistant —by William Jay.
gi. .
Prayers and Offices of Devotion for families,
and for particular persons upon most occasions
—bv Benjamin Jenks. Si-
A collection of Prayers for families and pri
vate persons—by George Harder 371 cents.
For sale by
Johnston’s square.
feb 27 49
By J. B. Herbert , Cos.
THIS DAY, 27ih inst. at II
In f•'(nit of ‘heir % Indian Stor e.
A g * ral assortment of
10 bbl .Muscovado Sugar
10 do Loaf do
2t do A England Rum
10 do Gin
lu qr casks Malaga Wire
20 hf bbls ,\o 2 and 3 Mackerel
20 kegs t ard
10 bbls Beef
10 kegs Bn: ter
50 be*, s Soap
“4 pi|>i_s Uraiidv
10 bbls Phi lad Porter
Tet ms Cash j c i, o<j
THIS DAY, 27th insf at 12 o’clock,
H it, he s tin on Jq tics’ ivhu f
r.anc!it>jy 4 r*im t* ranees,
25 hhds prime muscovado SU*
For notes at 4 months, fob 25
tirj Win. ilochstrasser.
1 OMOItROVV, 28th inst. at 11 o’clock.
O ill be sold at his store,
19 hhds and 20 bbls N F, Rum
20 bbls Whiskey
10 do northern Gin
2 pipes Brandy
2do Orange Juice
JO firkins Butter
29 boxes Soap
30 half do superior do
50 duxes \Y nidsor do
An invoice assorted Cutlery anu Dry Goods.
feh. 23
By Baker Miuton.
TOMORROW, at 11 o’clock,
In front of their . htcuon store,
A general assortment if
-7 boxes Window Glass
1 do Paint Brushes, assorted sizes
12 bundles Sash Lights
1 one horse \\ aggon
Jind at 12 o’clock, in store
A valuable assortment ot British, French and
1 case Flag ildkfs.
2 caso Irish Linens
1 no black Sinchcws
2 bales brown Shirtings
2 do Drogheda Linens
1 dob k and blue cloths
2 cases silk Umbrellas
1 do 3-4 Diapers
Feb 23
liy John Slack, Jr~~
TOMORROW, 28,h nst. a< 11 ..’clock.
Will be rtrld'at the store of Mr. Christopher
Loa . it Yar uu raw,
Ilis Stock in Trade ,
Consisting of a arg. 1 and general assortment.
ofLiquors, Groceries, Stand Casks and F.xtureS
together with his household and kitchen Fur
nt urc.
jO’.c cxcelieAt Gig and Saddle Horse, feb 27
fg J. H. Herbert & Cos.
On the tit st Tuesday in March next, at 10
% STILL be sold before the Court-House, the
. V ♦ uneXf ir and Lease of Byears, of tliat 3 sto
ry Brick building, opposite the dwelling of Mr
Clerand, eso, Broughton street, the above pro
>eriy has a Bake-Mouse attached to it
t’erms at time of sale. jan 17
Negroes For Sale.
’ On th fit st 1 UKSDAY in March next,
ILL lie told at auction, if nut previously
V v disposed of at private rale, three fefnale
slaves, Passofee and her two children, Louisa
and Jane—the mother about 33 \ ears of age, and
the children 10 and 12. She is an excellent servant, and accustomed to washing ami
ironing—sold for r.o fault. For term 1- apply to
feb 8 33< GEORGE SCHLEY.
Administrators dales.
By J. B Herbert & Cos.
:On the ti'st TUESDAY in April nexf,
,vv ILL be s->ld before the Court-House in
J v this city, between the usual hours,
The personal property of VI t Daniel .Hotch
kiss, deceased, consisting of the following ar
ticles, one half of the line of Stages running
between Savannah and Augusta, viz: 2 well
built Stages.J with all necessary Harnesses, 24-
prime Horses, selected for the purpose, the
Stables at the different stands on the road, al
so, one Gig and Harues, one Waggon and Har
ness, sundry articles of Household Furniture.
The above property sold by permission of the
honorable the inferior Court, and by order of
the administrator- Terms Cash.
P. S Pei sons wishing U> purchase the Stages,
should visit the line and see the respective
team of Morses, as be sold as they
stand upon the line, th®lfeont ; mtation of the
running of the mail requiring it. feb 13
Superior , ifbrocco Hoots.
ONE trunk Gentlemen’s superior MOROCCO
BOOTS, just received and for sale by
feb 27 c j
- Fre~h Potatoes.
THREE hundred bushels, landing irotr shit’
Martha. Apply on board at Willhttr-soiVs
wharf, or to MITCHELL & BARTLETT.
fi b 27 o
Jlu Instructor wanted.
A YOUNG Gentleman wishing to engage a-*
instructor in a private familv, may hear of
a situation by applying at this office during the
course of this day or to-morrow.
fob 27 i 1
Dear Skins.
6 bales, lauding from steam boat for vale—in
quire of R. CAMPBELL
feb 27 n49