Newspaper Page Text
i ■ — r -?.
From the Charleston Courier.
There was a time when fortune smil’d,
And Riches veil’d each youthful failing’ ;
No cynic moralist revil’d,
No worthy friend the truth revealing ;
Oh then how swift,the moments flew,
While bright Elysium charm’d the view.
There was a time when fortune frown’d,
And poverty reversed the Mirror ;
Then every cynic beat the round,
And every friend could find an error ;
O ! then how swell’d indignant pride,
And vainly strove its pangs to hide.
i'here is a time, the storm subsiding,
When calm despondetice fills the mind;
Reason, with partial sway presiding,
And some lov’d friends, sincere and kind :
O ! then, sweet patience, sooth the heart,
Nor ever from my bosom part.
In Lady Monhax’s work on Italy, vol. 2, is the
following notice of a Monument in the church of
St. Peters* at Rome, erected by order of the pre
sent King of England, to the memory of .lames
the Third, w ho was the last of the rivel family of
the Stuabts.
“ There is another monument in St. Pe
ters that often arrests the steps of the Brit
’ ish traveller, and awakens many an associ
ation, whatever be his politics—for the
whig and the toi y may alike find fund for
meditation upon the monument of the lasi
of the Stuarts ! This beautiful mausoleum
the work of Canavo, is raised to the mem
ory of Janies the Third, King of England,
’his Queen, and his 2 sons ; and the exist
ence of the last representative of a worth
ies* but unfortunate race, who will long
share the pi'y and contempt of posterity—
who ceased to be Kings, because they
could not be despots !—is recorded with
all the pompous titles that royalty possess
es in the day of its gleasest glory. This
monument, ami these titles, are bestowed
by the munincence of the Prince Regent of
England, at whose expense the mausoleum
of the StumU has been iaised ; and it is to
The Imnor of the heart and ras'e of die roy
al donor, that the tides, which the birth of
the deceased compelled him to arrogate in
life, are thus liberally conceded to him on
the tomb. The exi-terice of such a monu
ment, so inscribed, diminishes nothing
from the dignity of that throne, which,
founded on the suffrages of a free people,
may well alibi'd to be generous to fallen
tyranny. It is surely to be lamented, that
Hny consideration of policy (which posteri
ty will regard as false, if not as base)
should have giveu rise to an opposite line
of .conduct wit * respect to another fallen
monarch ! arid that it should have left to
history the task of contrasting the royal
piety of a British Prince to James Stuart,
with the timid vengeance of ministerial se
verity towards .Napoleon Bonaparte.”
Tlie Spanish settlement of St. Augustine
was attacked in the year 1747 by the Eng
iish.wlm were obliged to raise (lie siege : at
which time a party of Highlanders, who
attempted to cover their retreat, were rout
„ ed anil great numbers ot them cut to piec
es. A serjeant being taken prisoner by the
Spanish Indians, was reserved for the ling
ering death, of roasting by a slow tire, to
which those savages devoted their prison
ers. This unfortunate soldier, whet he be
held the preparations for the horrid t< tor
es tha! attended him, being well acquaint
ed with thelmliun language from some ie-<-
iddnce in Georgia, with equal plausibility
and resolution addressed the unrelenting
barbarians in a speech to the following pur
port.: ‘Horoes at a! Patriarchs of the new
Vs ;r|d you were not the enermies 1 sought
to meet ; you have, however, gained the
victory ; make what use of it you think tit.
T'iie fate of var hath delivered me into
your hands ; and I dispute not your right.
But, !-;j;;ce it is the custom of my fellow
cill7.l*ol to offer a raii-om for their lives,
listen to a proposition which is not to be
rejected. Know then, brave Americans!!
Jhut in the country which gave me birth,
there are certain men endowed with super
naturai knowledge. One of these sages,
who >,.a* allied to me by b ! ood, gave me,
when i Oceanic a soldier, a char si which!
was to reader me invulnerable. You saw!
how I escaped all your darts : without that j
i .ehuucrnent, was it possible I should .have
themany blows with which you
o-saile Jmt ? I appeal to your valor. Did j
! -irher st*;'; I .r case or Hy from danger?
;fi.. so i.u :h my life that I now beg of
t u g o y of revealing a secret of
to your pnsi;rvation, and of
i.-.e .ae most valiant nation in the
w: - nml, Only leave me one of
>i. • .-Is a r liberty, l‘.)f the ceremonies of
’ . • . .ii uitment: 1 tvii.l give you a proof,
of n-i power op >r aiv-self in-your presence.’
ih- Indians harkened with avidity to a
s,. .yeti i equally suited their warlike
o ,-i iot'.and their inclinations towards
(iv marvellous. After a short deliberation,
no- i s v d mie of the prisoner’s arms.
’ .S •tvVittiau and, tiiat his broad
.. ro ,1 s ioui.i lie given to the most alert
.if vigorous person in the assembly j
and, In iac t. l <‘-iiis neck, after.he hail rub
b‘>! it ov ■■ with magic signs, and muttered
a few ii in'.cu ate words, he called out,
w ith t loud voice & a cheerful av - , *lchuld j
ye .<or, sage Indians, an incontestible evi-1
lienee of my sincerily. You, warrior, who
tiie instrument of death, strike with
your whole force; you arc not only unable]
to sever my head from my dody. bus evih
to pierce the skin of my neck V He htn
scarce pronounced these words, when the
Indian, fetching.a most dreadful blow,
made the head of the serjeant fly to the dis
tance of twenty yards. The astonished
savages stood immovable. They looked
at the bloody carcase, and then cast their
eyes on themselves, as if to reproach one
another for their stupid credulity. Ad
miring, however, the stratagem employed
by the stranger to shorten his death, and
to uvoid the torments that were prepared
for him, they granted to his corpse the fu
neral honors of their country.
The Killing Passion. —A late London
paper, mentions the singular circumstance
of an aged lady having been committed for
trial, charged with stealing a pound of beef
steaks and a small joint of meat, who, it
was ascertained, enjoyed with her husband
an income of two thousand pounds sterling
a year. The prosecutor, a butcher, stated,
that she had robbed him forty times before,
and it appeared that there was a witness
to the last act; on discovering which mad
am offered the butcher 501. to let her go.—
This reminds us of a well authenticated
circumstance, of a similar nature, that oc
curred in a celebrated city not five hundred
miles distant from London, but where the
a flair was managed with rather more a
dioitness than has been displayed by the
■•knight of the cleaver.” A young marri
ed lady, whose husband possessed an inde
pendent fortune, had a strong propensity
io appropriate to herselt every article of
fashionable female dress which struck her
fancy, without deigning to ask the permis
sion of the proprietor. At one of those dry
good stores where she frequently played
ofl’ these tricks, her depredations soon led
to detection. But the cautious Scotsman,
instead of appealing to a magistrate, devis
ed a plan by which he not only saved the
reputation of the lady but turned the oc
currence greatly to his advantage. He said
nothing to the “fair thief” but posted away
to her husband, and disc lorn! the whole
a flair; presenting, at the same time, a bill
of all the articles which lie had missed for
several years,amounting to seven hundred
pounds. The husband, wliodoatedon tiis
wile, took the hint, paid the sum, and, <>n
parting with the honest shopkeeper; told
him that lie would always find him ready
to settle such hills without any hesitation.
It does not appeal that any thing was done
to check the lady’s propensity, as she con
tinued for many years to visit the same
store, and to make free with whatever she
pleased. It caused some trouble, it is true,
to keep a regular account of her dealings;
but as her hu.b?nd was not very fastidious
the man of muslin took special care to in
demnify himself foe keeping an extra shop
man to watch the motions of her ladyship.
CFrom the Freeman’s Dublin Journal. J
An attempt-wa- made on the life of the Hon.
Mr. Massey, in th< county of Limerick. An at
tack was made Lot week on the Police station in
the county of Cor<c, and the diabolical design
formed of burning several persons to death.
Captain Rock's Catechism.
An Evening Paper gives the following as a
copy of Capt. Hock’s Catechism :
Q. What do you think it is o’clock ?—A. It is
one, two, three, four, and so on, according to
the number present.
Q. How do you write your name in figures ?
9, 1 2r that is, 1. A. H; I, being the ninth, A
the first, and 11, the second letters in the alpha
bet, or otherwise 1 am a brother.
Q. Good morrow gay fellow ?—Good morrow
kindly, square fellow.
Q ‘Vhat do you think of the times ?—1 think
they'll mend.
Q How will they mend ?—By keeping the un
ion in tlie country.
Q. How is that to be kept ?—By supporting
the three L’s.
<i. tV hat do you mean by the three L’s ?
Love, Loyalty, and Liberty
Q, What is the distance between the Sun and
Moon ?—A square foot—an Irishman’s heart in
full bloom.
Q. Where do you stand ?—1 stand straight in
a crooked line on a four road cross.
The grip then follows—which is, join right
hands, and press with the thumb the middle of
the fore finger, the same of the middle finger,
and the same of the third linger, and like back
wards, pausing on the first.
I Q. Good morrow, good man ? Good morrow
kindly, brother.
VI. 1 think you have sore eyes ?—No.
Q. Why so ?—Because they are purified.
Q. How long arc they purified I —Since
Christianity was read in my counteuance.
Q. Who made you l —God and my brothers.
j rjlllOSE that have demands against Moses fV.
I 2. .Morgan, transacted in Savannah, will please
{deliver their bills in for payment, and those
| that are indebted to him are requested to make
payment within ten days from this dale, o’her
>v ise, their accounts will be given out for col
lection. Saluel L. Post, is authorised to settle
and will call on those that are disposed to pay in
that time. MOSES VV. MORGAN.
april 15 cS9
• ■
brought to Jail
i IN the 7lh of October last, a Negro fellow,
* 9 who say s he is free, and calls hirr.selt Sam
Men lie is 5 feet 5 inches high, apparently
about 22 years of age. He says Mr. Black clock
of Darien, is his guardian, and has his free pa
pers. FRANCIS BAKER, o. . o *
Beaufort, S C. Ajnil, 1322.
ON the 9tli inst. from the house occupied by
Mrs .lane Stiies, on Jor&kam-street, a silver
TEA-HOT, with the initials S. A S. Also a sil
j ver TABLE SPOON, with B. J S. inscribed on
j the handle. Should the above articles be ofter
jed for sale, it is requested they may be stopped
(and the thief detectedA suitable reward will
j he given for the property ami information to
! conviction of the thief “ apri! If —9l
JUST received from New-York, to be dispo
sed of at the New-York prices, the follow
] ing articles:
Super super blue and black close body Coats
i Second quality do.
White and colored plain St ribb’d Russia Drills
Bombazette, Bombazeeu
Canton and nankeen Crape
Canton Camlet, Seersuckers
White and brow n Linen
Vigonia Cassiroeie, French Naukeenelt
White and Striped Jeans
Vellow and blue Nankeen 1
Florentine Pantaloons
Hound Jackets and Coatees, sarr.e as above
Black Florentin, Pekin Silk
Marseilles and Toilnett Vests
Plain and frilled linen and cotton Shirts
Linen and Cotton Drawers
Gentlemen’s Hats, Imitation Beaver do
Shoes, Boots, and every other article that may
be called for in liis line
For sale by JOHN P. SBTZE.
april 16 Is 90
Just opened at the most reduced prices, at
Three (Ivors south of the Post Office.
70 pieces fine quality Oznabuigs, at 12$ c's
per yard
100 do extra do Strelitz do at 14cts
Plain and striped Russia drill, of the first
quality, £l pr yd
Vigonia Summer cloth, for coats and panta
loons, 62$ cts pr yd
French Russia drill of all colours
Superfine 6-4 cotton cambric, 12 yards for
Fine Men.s white and coloured Sox, 3 pair
for a dollar
Ladies white silk Stockings £1 50 pr pair
Gentlemen's elastic long silk Doze £2
100 ps fine and extra Irish Linen from 50
cts to £l, full 4-4 u ide
10 cases e*tra quality water proof broad &
narrow brim beaver Hats £7 50
7 do second quality from 2 to £4
Os the most fashionable Gentleman and
Servant’s Summer clothing made
in the newest style.
Consisting of
Searsucker, Russia drill, white Jane
French Xankeenet, Canton and Nankeen
Blue and black Florentine Bombazine and
Camblet Pantaloons
Searsucker, Gingham and Bombazine.round
Bombazette, Bombazine, Searsucker, Ging
hams and Flanel Coatees
English Florentine, white, coloured and Va
lencia Westcoats
Fine and extra fine Linen and Cotton Shirts
with and without frills
Servants corderoy round Jackets and Pan
taloons of all sizes
Marino shirts and draws for Summer
Flannel do do
A great quantity of fine and extra fine, Gen
tlemen’s fashionable ('oats
do single and double mill’d Pantaloons of all
sizes and colours
A great quantity of Duck Trowsers and Shirts
for Laborer* s . 88 april 13
Spring Goods.
f IMIE Subscribers have received by late arri
1 vals. a Supply of seasonable SPUING
GOODS, consisting in part of
Elegant Lined and fringed Parasols
B. ck and Ivory handled Umbrellas *
Green and assorted color’d Florences 8c Levan
Plain & figured Jaconet, Book ft Swiss Muslins
Printed Muslins and tine light Prints
Very Rich muslin Robes and Flounces
Crape Uobes, long & short Nankeens, ifc.
W. IN G LIS if Cos.
3 Cases 4 4 and 7- 8 Irish Linens
5 Bales Oznaburgs
Which are offered for Sale on reasonable terms
for Cash or City acceptances,
apil 16 d9U
HAVING engaged Mr James U dsnn (well
knowing as a first rate workman) to cut
and superintend his work, will as heretofore
carry on the Tailoring Business in all its branch
He has on hand, just received from New-
Supeifine blue and black Cloth
Vigonia Cassimere, Marseilles
Toilinet and Pekin silk Vestings
Seersuckers, Ginghams
Canton Camblet Bombzeenes
Canton and Nankeei. Crape
French Bumbazeen
Striped and white Jeans
Plain and ribb’d Russia Drills
Which will be made up at the shortest notice
and in the most fashionable style.
CTj” Wanted Immediately four or five Journey
men t ailors. None need apply but those who
can come well recommended as to skilfumess.
april 16 §s 90
L. ls. Sage & Cos.
offkh fok sa^e,
“100 bbls Phelps’ Gin
20 pipes do
50 bbls Mess Pork
30 do Prime do
50 do Mess Beef
50 do Prime do
30 firkins Goshen Butter
‘/0 qr casks Malaga Wine
20 kegs No. 1 Tobacco
25 bbls Loaf Sugar
50 do, Muscovado and N. O. do.
20 ealt do y llyson 1 bA
50 boxes Candles
25 do Soap
100 kegs Crackers—with a general assort
ment of GROCERIES, wholesale and retail
april Yf 9l
Fresh Teas.
Gunpowder Tea—ship Huntress’s cargo
Imperial do—ship London Trader’s do
Do. do—ship Beaver’s cargo
just arrived at Afcw-York.
Hyson do—ship Ontario’s cargo
Y. Hyson do—ship Huntress’s cargo
Souchong do—ship Beaver’s last cargo
Selected expressly for families—for sale by
I A few firkins choice Goshen Dairy BUTTER
land LARD. march 28—74
Savannah, April 10, 1822.
\S7OULI) respectfully inform his friends and
TT the public at large, that he has furnished
I himself with a neat and general assortment of
Plain § (Ornamental Types,
j for the purpose of executing all work in the
Job Printing Line,
with neatness and despatch. As my expecta
tions are not very great, the prices for pkiwti no
generally, shall be moderate, the execution,
neat and correct. By unrenntted attention and
exertion, it is also my intention to merit the pat
ronage of a liberal public.
PAMPHLETS and BLANKS of every des
cription printed at short notice.
Merchants, llooksellers, Public Officers, and all
■who order by the large quantity, shall have their
Printing dose, on satisfactory terms.
• (fj’ All Orders for Printing handed to me per
sonally or left at the Counting-Room of the Sa
vannah Museum, Printing-Office, wiil meet with
prompt attention. april 10
STpHRF.E months after date, application will
be made to the Bank of the State of Geor
gia for the renewal of Certificate No. 408, for
fourteen shares Stock, the original being lost.
april 4 * nifSO
i Large assortment of Mahogany suitable for
\ Cabinet-makers, Carpenters and others—
kept constantly on hand, and will be sold on
reasonable terms.
april 13 Church buildings.
25 bbls first quality Albany BEER, landing
from brig Telegraph and tor sale by’
april 16 c
Fresh Goshen Rutter.
JUST received —20 k< gs of best GOSHEN
BU I'TEU, in kegs of 20 lb. weight, calcu
lated for family use
A choice assortnu pt nf
consisting of Gunpowder, Imperial, Hyson and
black TEAS, of (be latest importations—Ll-
QUOBS and WINES, of approved brands, in I
conjunction with every article for family con
Marshall’s Huildiugs, Ewiiard-street.
april 10 and
Irish Whiskey , &c.
4~pHl. subscribers have jus t received and of-
JL fer for sale at reduced prices,
2 puncheons Irish Whiskey, warranted gen
25 baskets first quality fresh SallaJ Oil (
4 pi ies French Brandy
15 hbls imitation do.
A few bbls fresh Domestic Coffee.
A general assortment of Castings, Hardware,
Groceries i£ fresh Garden Seeds
S. W. corner of Market-square,
april 10 c
At the sign of the. Big Boot, north side of Market
Squat e, offe'-s fur sale,
3 trunks FARMERS’ Bootees if Shoes, Ma
te, proof, fiist quality
2 trunks gentlemen s caff skin and morocco
Hoots, of a superior quality
Together with a large assortment of ladies’,
gentlemen’s and children ‘s Boots and Shoes, of
every description, suitab e for town or country
Perons wishing to purchase will do well to
call and examine for themselves,
march 28 d§74
The Subscribers
OFFER for sale, just landing by late arrivals,
Hay—boxes Codfish, good quality
Loaf Sugar
Boston Mess Beef
Do. No. 1
Bright yellow Soap, and Candles from the
Philadelphia Flpur
N. Y. Pork and Beef
april 13 Jones’ wharf.
4 FRESH supply of stout (-ZNARURGS is
AjL now opening and for sale at 14 cents, by
Comet of Broughton if Barnard sts,
april 13 and
Steam boat Stock.
GEORGE CL LEV has foi sale—3o shares
St.-am Boat S I'OCK.
april 9 h
Siveiles I on.
tons SWEDES IRON, assorted—for sale
by A. B. FANNIN £t Cos.
march 26 %72
JJay & 1 Itrandy.
60 bundles Hay—s pipes Brandy, Seignett’s
brand, received per Mary-Augusta, for sale by
april 11 J. Si HERBERT & CO. ‘
Lißf.n rs ciiumty. S Clerk Court of Ordinary.
VI R 8 CLARISSA HOADLEY, administr.i
----• ‘ a trix of all and singular the goods and chat
tels, rights and credits, which weie of Herman
Ihadlcy. late of said county, deceased, applies
for dismission fiom her said administration :
These are, theiefore, to cite and admonish
all peisons cencerned, to file their obiections,
if any they have, in my office, at Riceborough,
within the time prescribed by law; otherwise
the said Clarissa Headley will be dismissed from
her said administration.
Given under my hand and seal this eighteenth
day of March, in the year of our Lord one thou
sand eight hundred''and twenty-two.
[l. s ] ELIJAH BAKER, c.c. o. l. c.
april 15 896 m
“job printing
J\eatly executed at the .Museum Oftke.
-For Liverpool,
superior coppeied diipCot,”>.
BIA, W tdum Burroughs, mas er 1
the greater part of her cargo eiiea.j.J ,
be dispatched immediately. For freie ii’ 1
sag?, apply to ‘ “ s ‘ ur P*
Who have for sale on board said
GOOO bushels SALT, nnril y
For Providence , U, J
The regular packet b r > liter.
‘QML Harrington, master, will , v ,<-tt v
patch. For freight nr passage, l.atin'-".;':
accommodations, applv on board at Ric ’ , .'f
orto ‘ 6. MAMo
Who has for sale os board sail b- ,
SO casks LIME,
april 8 83
For Netc-York,
v§fp\ Tbe regular packet brig j ELEGHPi
-SB'S*Clark, master, wili meet di-patcl
For freight or passage, luting good accoranw
tions. apply to capt. C. on beard at Jones’ iir, w
wharf, or to HALL it HOYT
april 15 89
For NewrYork.
If) Tlle regular trading packet shin cA
*■&# BONNE, John Mott, master, will me*.
WHh dispatch. For freight or passage, havinr
very splendid accommodations, apply to cam
Mott on board, orto J. LATHKO? i* n 1
april 16 90 J
. For Providence, ’
sMh Tl,e packet brig SAVANNAH, S'n
Jflßaat'lfy. roaster.will be dispatched Limed,
ately For frei b ht or passage, having good
ccmmodations, apply to the captain on boast
at Rice’s wharf, orto TAFT h SIBLEYS
april 16 h
For Charleston ,
The regular packet sloop EXPRESS
Hammett, master, will n.e t wit’ . 1 ’
patch For freight or passage, having supew
apply to the master onbosd
at Bolton’s wharf, or to j. COI’KN
april 17 c
For Boston.
C,.pt. Folsom, having half her care*
ready to go on hoard, will meet with immediate
despatch. For the remainder of freight, r uas
sage, apply to the capt on beard at Aneiaux’,
wharf, or to
april 18 h 92
100 bales Cotton are wantel
to tiil up the schr RANGER, Capt. Thom, j;
Havre. For freight of w hich, apply to
april 15 89
200 bales i otton are wantel
U> fill up tlie ship CHARLOTTE, Capi. A pin
ton, for Liverpool. For freight of which, appi;
to C C GIUrWOLD fc Cos. ’
apriilS 89
Her milage Wine.
Eas *-s genuine Hermitage Wine ofsu-
AJw perior quality —For Sale by
april 18 h 92
Cheese , Butter , &c.
10 casks prime Goshen CHEESE
20 firkins do. BUTTER
100 kegs spiced SALMON, for families
. 12 half bbls NV2 MACKEREL
. Ford’s Playing CARDS.
An Invoice of DOMESTIC GOODS, con,
sisting of Plaids, Stripes, Checks & Shirtings.
For sale by R. A. PALMER & GO
april I—c Taylor's-vhe.
tor Sale ,
V Prime Negro Woman, about 24 years od,
a very capable house servant, can cotk,
wash and iron.
A smart active Boy, about 1 8 years old, a
excellent bouse servant Apply to
aptil 6 J.B. HERbERT £< CO
(£7°Freight for New-York or
Boston may be had on application ( o
april 12
Pure old Jam. Bum, Chcshvs
Cheese, fyc.
BY the Oglethorpe, capt Jayne, just arrivit!
The subscribers have received,
8 puncheons of choice old Jamaica Mur
20 Cheshire Cheeses
10 casks half-pint Tumblers
6 bales best Strehtz Oznaburgs.
For sale by J. B. HERBERT & 0°
april 12 87
Cut Nails £,* Lemon . 7.
70 casks Cut Nails assorted
10 boxes Messina Lemons, very fresh
For sale E CRANE, Jr.
april 8— 83 Williamson's store
Situation Wanted
BY a Girl of 15 years of age. who would tr
vel with a family to the North. Ennui
at tliis office. ’ aprill - ‘*
Sugar, Nails &c.
10 hhds prime Sugar
16-1 bbls do do
100 casks cut Nails
4v bbls Gin
40 do Yassars Ale
Leather and Hair Trunks and Htnicf
Now landing and for sale by
april 9 c W LTPPITT,StO
Coffee, Ale, &c.
30 bags prime Green Coffee
50 bbls Vassar’s Ale
2 pipes pure Holland Gin
Landing from ship Garonne, and sale bv
’ b A. MORGAN,
april 16—d Jones’ U;g)erwha^
Situation Wanted
BY a young Man, who wishes to ell ° i r
wholesale or retail Grocer oran - ~
Store—would not hesitate stopp'. !l & ,■ 5,,
summer months. Reference respecu
character, will be given by ajpl* o3ll .® av
U. Baiton, Esq. a P JIII