Newspaper Page Text
At an adjourned meeting of the citizens of Sa
vannah, held yesterday at the Exchange, for the
purpose of taking into consideration the propri
ety of the city council assuming thevdebt due by
the Poor House and Hospital, General Edward
Harden, was called to the chair, and Samcel M.
Bond, appointed secretary.
The proceedings of the last meeting of the ci
tizens on this subject, as published in the Gazettes
of this city, having been read, the resolution
-therein mentioned was again 1,-ought tothecon
sideration of the public. Mr. Joseiii Gumming
then rose and stated, that a report of a committee
of the city council on the subject o’ the debts of
the Hospital had been made to the corporation
and moved that the same be read, which motion
being seconded, was carried and the report refer
red to, was accordingly read.
After considerable debate on the propriety of
assuming the bebt, and several resolutions and
amendments being made, the following resolu
tion was moved by Col. Steele White and car
ried by a large majority.
Resolved, That it is the opinion of the citizens
cf Savannah assembled at the Exchange for the
purpose of taking into consideration the subject
of the meeting held on Friday the 12th inst. that
the Corporation of the City of Savannah should
not assume the debt of due by the l’oor ,
House rnd Hospital.
So the citizens assembled who were numer- j
yes, decided that it was inexpedient for the city |
to assume the debt of JS2I,OGO due by the Hos
pital. The meeting then adjourned.
EpwABD Harden, Chairman.
S. M. Bond, Sec, ’ey.
Ma. Eiiltor —You are requested to announce
Hr. SI'EELB WHITE, tlie independent citi
zen, as a candidate for the Senate, at the next
October election. The Spirit of Savannah.
We learn by the Jubilee, Capt. Hill, that the
Spanish privateer Vanganza, of Id guns and 175
men, had an engagement of two hours and a
half, with aA’atriot privateer, supposed to be the
Centir.el, ot the Congress, of 14 or 16 guns.—
The Vanganza lost 5 men killed, and IS wound
ed. The loss on board the Patriot must have
been very great. The Vanganza fell in with the
schr. Execution, of Poston, loaded with beef,
pork and beans ; had been taken by the pirates
and carried into St. Mary’s Keys, where apart
of the cargo had been landed. The Vanganza
took on board as much as she could of the cargo,
and burnt the schr.—,V T. Daily Aclv. 8/A inst.
The mansion-house, of Major Ezekiel Noble,
in Abbeville district, was destroyed bt fire on
the 4th inst.—The greater part of the furniture
in the house and out-buildings was also consum
Office of the Chariefion Courier, >
April 18.' — noon. 5
Late from I'ranpe
The ship Richard Flasket, Capt. Stewart, in
43 davs from Havre, arrived this morning. We
have been favored with the loan of a file of Par
is gazettes to the 25th. and with Havre papers to
the 27th of February.
Havre Letters to the 37th, represent the Cot
ton Market in a very depressed state, and with
out anv prospect of amelioration—7ooo bales of,
Georgia, and 8500 of New-Otleans, on hand—2Bj
a.lo} sons for Uplands; Sea-Islands 48 sous.
Alice is I® no demand, although, there had been
no arrivals of the new crop.
We learn, verbally, by the arrivalsfrom Havre,
that there had been some improvement in the
Cotton market in England, in consequence of the
increased demand for Manufactured Goods.
The same state of uncertainty continues as to
a war between Russia and Turkey. England ap
pears to be actively engaged in a correspon
dence with the court of St. Petersburg, to ar-j
rest sucb a result.—An article from Odessa, of j
tnc 24th January, states, that hostilities still con-!
turned between Persia and the Porte.
The Chamber of Deputies is still engaged in’
debate upon a project of a law for the regulation!
of the Journals.
The French Chamber of Deputies at the last j
dates, were discussing the financial appropria-’
tions and the penal code. Every here and there j
m the debate, are warm and direct attacks on
the Ministry, and the Government, by the speak
ers ala gauche, for the opposition it seems sit on
rke left of the chair.
Two King’s Messengers passed through Brus
sels on the morning of the 19th Feb. on their
v ’ :, y from St. Petersburg to London.
Letters from Naples of the 01st January, speak
of some recent disturbances in Sicily—several j
individuals of the first families at Palermo, had !
left Sicily, and retired to the continent. Nine
persons had been shot at Palermo—among them
the Abbe Villa, and a Notary Public. Several
others were threatened with the same fate. The
Lieut. Gen.Nunziante, is invested with extensive
powers to maintain order.
A number of tiiose engaged in the late con
spiracy at Sunnier, were under trial on the 21st
of February. They were mostly subaltern ofli
oers or students in the Royal Military school at
hauiner. The plot is stated to have had for its
o‘ject to overturn the government, and excite a
civil war.
Letters from Madrid of the 12th Feb. mention
t eat a plot ag-ainst the life of Hiego, had been
‘- Covered in time to prevent its execution.—
f Spanish papers to the same date, contain nothing
The population of Switzerland is found by a
late census to be one million seven hundred and
fifty thousand.
The shock of an Earthquake was felt at Lyons
at 8 o’clock in the morning of the 19th Feb.—
the noise resembl ng that of a carriage passing
over a bridge—the inhabitants remained foi
some hours in the streets, and the tremulous mo
tion of the houses, which continued for some
time, was accompanied by a rumbling noise.
A lyric poem on the death of Bonaparte, wor
thy, as the Conatituuonel says of the subject, and
of Pindar, has been published in Paris. The
author is M. P. Lebrun, author of “Mary Stew
art.” ‘ *
Reflections on the means of preserving Con
i stitutional order, and shewing the insufficiency
i of the present institutions of France, for that end
’ have likewise been published in France.
| The Duke of Luxemburg has presented a dia
i i. ond ring to the German translator of the French
work entitled A'etv Biography of the Great Alan
j if the present day.
I The Renegade, anew Novel by the Viscount
D’Arlingcourt, author of the Recluse, has run
through four editions in Paris, in the course of a
month. I'lie Renegade (says a Paris paper) will
j make the Recluse turn pale.
Exchange at Paris, 24th Feb.—s per cents.
90f. 60c.
Public Stocks at London, Feb. 18.—3 per cts.
79£; do, conso’s, 78j; do. for account, 781;
percents; 89 7-8; 4 per cents. 98 5-8; 5 pr cts.
Paris, Fehruarv 19.
I From Vienna —The cornier, bearer cf
[the answer of the cabinet of St. Peters
i burgh, which has been some time expected,
has not yet arrived ; but there is one arri
ved from England, and a rumor lias since
been circulated, that the Marquis of Lon
donderry had addressed, in the name of his
Majesty the King of England, a Note to
the court id f!t. Petersburgh, in which he
made very pressing representations in fa
vor ol the preservation of peace ;yet, it is
said, England has declared, at the same
time, that, in case of a rupture between
Russia and the Forte, she would observe
\ the most strict neutrality, and content her-
I self with sending a reinforcement of troops
| and ships of war to the lonian Islands and
Mediterranean sea.
l eu thousand Neapolitan soldiers, of the
[old army,are now assembling in the neigh
iborhood ol Naples,and are to be incorpora
j ted in the new regiments, which are now
io-gar.iz.iiig. Some of these regiments are
! already formed, and arc to be sent to Ski
-1 ly, to be completed there.
London, Feb. 19—A public meeting of
t e (’ itholics was held at Dublin on Tues
day la-it, with the view of addiessing Far
! lia neu* for their emancipation.
| Ihe cliaiactet of ilia disturbances in he-
Ha.;;! is everv dav becoming more serious.
—>> e do not see that any conspicuous I
lislnnau takes pait in it.
Wo wait with impatience the result of
the deliberation <>f yesterday, which the
Marquis of Londonderry is to propose to
<’• ili iineuf, for the relief of agrictillaral
distresses. M iih this exception, every
o'her branch of public industry and reve
nue, is in the most flourishing state—their
products is continually increasing, and du
ring the first five weeks of this year, it has
surpassed the product of the same number
of weeks in the last year Commerce, par
tictlla• ly, is in a very flourishing state.
The Minister has announced in his speech, ‘
j that the eductions proposed, will amount
| altogether to two millions sterling. - The
15 i er cents w ill also be induced to 4 per
I cents, which will make a further reduction
f one million four huilied thousand
The Minister terminated his speech, b
stating that a comparative view of the fi
nances of the country for the years 1821, &
that proposed for 1822, would be submitt
ed to Parliament. A long debate ensued,
in which it was endeavoured tobe shewn to
| the Ministers, that the reductions propos
ed v.eie too trifling to afford any import
| ant amelioration to the agricultural inter
[e-tsofthe country; but the morion was
[ finally adopted without a division.
It appears certain, that notwithstanding
the death of the son of the King of Persia,
which is now confirmed, war will continue)
between the Turks and Persians; and that j
the King of Persia has given an answer ve-!
ry little satisfactory .to the. [impositions of
mediation which have been made by the
British Charge des Affaires at the Court.
“HAVRE, Feb. 27.
“By fresh arrivals from NOrleans, (two in port
and one in the roa.l) the aggregate of imports j
from the U. States since the beginning of the
year is now as follows: <b
Rales. Redes. |
Louisiana. Uplands. \
Imported this year. 6189 9557
Stock end of 1821; 7236 3787
13,416 13,344
Sales this year, 5669 1949
Remaining on hand, 7747 11,404
Add, 7747
Total remaining on ham!, 19,151
Total end ot 1821, 11,023
Increase of Stock, 8121
From which 3000 bales perhaps, sent to the
importers in ti.e interior, must be deducted.
‘AVe give a’ foot, the list of salc3 for the last
■few tlays. Uplands arc extremely heavy at tlie
quotations, last realized; Lousianas, on the con
| trary, have so far, maintained their prices.
“Our dates from N. Orleans, rube above men
tioned arrivals, ave to the 17th Jan. at which pe
riod 22 cts were paid for prime Lousianna Cot
ton. We leave you to judge of the results or
such operations, in comparing this price with
ours, and those and those of Liverpool. We will
merely add, that the opinions of our dealers con
tinue decidedly against an advance in this mar
ket, especially when they take into considera
tion, the number of other cargoes announced
from N. Orleans, direct for this.
‘■‘.Vote of Sales since ovr last. —l6th Feby. 16
bales I.ousiana, new, 354; prime; 25 do old, 39
do: 35 Upland, new, 30J; do. 20th. 43 do. do.
30£ do; 60 do. do. 30J, do; 88 I.ousiana do 35,
do; 81 do. old. Slavery good; 22d. 20 Upland,
[new, do; 25 S. Island do, 52 do; 28 Lousi
ana, old, 30, do; 23d, 176 do. do, 30J. do; 25th,
25 do. new, 35L good; 90 do. do. 34 do; 26’h,
35 Upland, old, 28j, do; 59 I.ousiana, new, 341;
good to fair.”
By the British packet from Manchester, the
Editors of the New-York Commercial Advertiser,
have received from their attentive corn-spoil
dent, London pappers to the 13th of Feb. and
Shipping Lists io the 11th.
On the 11th February the royal assent
was given to the Irish insurrection bill, and
the Habeas Corpus Suspension Act. The
insurrection bill, says a London paper,
gives to Magistrates a right to enter into
the most retired and delicate part of any
dwelling house, and if refused admittance,
to force the chambers even of females ! By
this Act, an y man found out ol his House
between sun set and sun rise, any person
found drinking in a public house in the
same period, tvliether a traveller or not—
any owner or occupier of a bouse, absent
from home in the same period—any person
in whose possession either arms or ummu
nition are found—all these are liable to
transportation for seven yeais ! 1 and this
too without the mtei ference of a Grand Ju
ry by Bill ! ! without the Petty Jury by
their verdict, and without allowing the
grieved oarty any satisfactory appeal! !
The King of England held a levee on the
Bth of Feb at which the Ambassador of
the l_ f . 8. was present.
Bell’s Weekly Messenger of the 11th
February, states, that “government have
at length agreed with the country gentle
men to borrow of the Bank four millions,
and to distribute it among the Agricultural
ists at a low tale ol interest, and upon easy
A Treasury Older has been issued per
mitting the use of wheat in malting and
The accounts received from Ireland du
ring the proceeding week, are stated to be
seriously alarming, and to almost excite an
apprehension tiiat even the increasing rer
uns of the law will be insufficient lor the
accomplishment of an object so universally
and fervently desired.
The tinman Manufactures appear to be
entirely into compe ition with those of
England, by sending linens, and other goods
of German Manufacture to the W'est-Jn
Kussin and Turkey. —lt is now said on
the autlimiy of a letter from Nurembuig,
jdated tlie 27(h January, that, ‘on she 10th
of December, the Reis ft lie ml i communica
ted to the English and Austrian Ambassa
dors the answer of the Ottoman Forte to
; the Russian Ultimatum, in which hi- sob
j lime highness gave a general consent to tin-
Russian Propositions, but that lie required
them to be modified in several particulars.”
In the Gazette de France, there are ac
counts from Vienna of the 23d of January,
in which it is said, that on that day the Go
vernor and Directors of the Imperial Hank
went to thank the Emperor Francis for (lie
favor which he had granted Cos that estab
lishment during the past year, on whirl!
occasion his Majesty ob-erved to them, that
lie calculated upon the preservation of
peace in the east.
London, Feb. 12.
Last nigi.t Mr. Brougham made his pro
mised motion on the Mate of the Country,
in which he took a very able and compre
hensive view of the actual situation of the
agricultural and commetcial interests. lie
shewed that the di-tress which existed was
excessive taxation—that the only relief
: was in a reduction of the public expendi
ture. lie exposed, in many instances, the
i wanton eitra-agance of Ministers* and
how all their plans of economy
and retrenchment had been. He declared,
that it was only by retrenching, and that
on such a scale, as would be effectual, that
we could avoid the rock—the most dread
ful on which a State could bt wrecked—!
|national bankruptcy. Lite Mirnstergf he!
[said, had but a choice of eviis between in
solvency and efficient retrenchment. He
I particularly cautioned the House against
any plan of relief founded upon a shifting
of the Taxes, or upon the renewal of the
Property l'ax, well knowing fr< in little be
ginnings, that Tax attained such an ett ir
iiiou3 magnitude. The learned gentleman
concluded an eloquent Speech, which oc
cupied three hours anti a half, with moving!
a resolution, “that it was the bounded du-j
ty nftlie House to consider the distress un-i
der which all classes of the community,|
but particularly the laboui ing classes, sti ug-:
gled; and to obtain for the suffering people
of this realm such a reduction of taxation
as would relieve the burdens by which they
were at present borne dour.”
The Marquis of Londonderry, the only
Minister who spoke on the subject, acting
on the general policy of the Administration
i of which he forms so prominent a member,
of deferring the evil day as long as possi
ble, met the arguments of Mr. Broughinnn
by moving the previous question and eii
tieating the House lo wait until Friday,
wljen it would be seen what his Mnj sly ’s
Ministers intended (or them. His L-nl
ship was particularly uneasy lest lie should
disclose any pat t of hi- plan,'but linn: ith
uanding his anxiety in this respect, he let
out enough to shew that a rcduc'inti in tin- J
taxation fm*ied no part of it. Whal thej
grand specific may be, .ve know not bull
as t! e House seemed willing to respite his
Lordship until Fnriiv, we shall not enter,
into any speculations, on the nVinis by |
which Ministers propose so et>- fidentlv to|
r e!ieyeThe enunriy without diminishing its
buriiens. — Star.
Fort of Savannah. V'T
Steam-boat Columbia, Blackmail, Charleston,
2 tlays. Passengers, Mrs. Fitzgerald and Mes
srs I’lingle and Corwin.
Sloop Express, Hainmet, Charleston
Sloop William, Luce, Darien
The steam-boat. Commerce, Bowmen, 2 days
from Charleston, with freight and passengers,
passed up the river yesterday for Hamburg-.
Brig l'anthoa, Riadlev, arrived at N. York on
the 10th, 5 davsfrnm this port.
Sloop Express, W ing, cl. at Baltimore on the
12lh for this port.
Br. brig Hibernia, arrived at Havre from ibis
port on tlie 19th Feb.
CHARLESTON, April 18-noon.
Arrived—Hr. ship ltichard-Plaskct, Stewart, :
Havre, 48 da- s.
Br. ship Plantagenet, Petrie, Havre, 48 days.
Line-ship Com. Pern. Alien, New-York ds- !
The ship W illiam-Teil. and packet ship Colon:.;
bia, arrived at New-Yi'rk the same day tin.- Com,
P. sailed, from Liverpool; the latter sailed 3d oi l
Sch. Comet. Snulc, Maricavbo. 20 days.
Sell. Fame, Fil-eath, Cape Florida, 7 days.
NEW-YORK. Aprilf>.
Arrived, Br. Packet Manchester, 52 da-. s fin.
Falmouth and 9 from Bermuda, with the Febru
ary Mail.
Ship Eliza Jane, Burger, 57 days from Liver
pool, with coal, crates, dry goods, fc.
Ship Prudence, Jenkins, 64 days from Trieste
with an assorted cargo.
Brig Rebecca & Sally, Scull, 17 days fr. Cura
coa, with hides and fustic.
Brig Gen. A. Jackson, Bedell, 13 days from
St. Thomas, with rum, sugar, 6?c.
Brig Active, Noble. Gibraltar, 35 davs.
Sch. Visitor, Sylvester, St. Croix, 19 days.
Sell. Geo. Dean, , St. Croul, 17 days.
Sell. Thames. YVynant, Savannah, 7 days.
Sch. Craven, Sparrow, Si. Thomas, 13days.
Sch. Jubilee, Mil, St. Jago de Cuba. 17 days.
Sloop Morning-Star, Allen, Savannah, 7 days.
Sloop Huntress, Bradford. Savannah, 19 days.
A HUH. 9.
Arrived—ship Cortes, Dccost, 55 days from
Liverpool, with dry goods.
ti’ii A i
* 8 TIE Steam Boat COLUMBIA, Gapt Black
a man, will leave Dunning's wharf, on SUN
DAY next, at 8 o’clock, A. ,M. on a parti of
pleasure, and wiil returnriu the afternoon. Re
fieslinienis will lie provided on board. Those
who are desirous of availing themselves of this
opportunity, mill please leave their names with
die captain on board or to S. H. FISKE.
F*m & 1 50
Tim ('OLE.M BI A will also leave here
on MHNIMY ext at 19 o’clock, A M for
Cliat-le ton, via Beaufort Sc Edisto. For freight
ot small pa k-ges or passage, apply on board,
or to S. H FISfeE.
apiil2U i
For Liverpool ,
. rr (FOR I’ \-SAGF, ONLY)
The fast sailing ship CHARLOTTE,
,3&3g£Capt., will sail in all next
week. For passage, havihg good accommoda
lions, apply on boaul at Taylor’s wharf, or to
april 20 94
For Baltimore,
The last sading sloop SPARTAN,
S'.t-ia. IF Gibbs, master, will sail in a few days.
For freight or passage, having good accommo
dations, apply to capt, G. on board at .tone’s up
per wharf, or to II AI.I, &. IIOYT.
april 26 91
Turkey Fig'.
ONE hundred drums, landing and for sale bv
april c ’o o
For Sale ,
V TRACT of Land drawn in the last Land;
l.ol.ery. No. 2.'0, 15tli district—Mat be
purchased on reasonable terms by applying at
this office,
april 20 94
A bale of Colton .Found,
* square bale of Cot ton picked up on
- * the 18th of March last, below Beck’s ferry,
it. the Swamp ; It is numbered 64, brand cannot
be made out. The owner of the cotton mar!
hear of the same by eneptiring at this office,
and [laving for this advertisement.
•’ 2b 9-1
Money Found.
Bv a colored boy, the owner may bear of ill
by making application at this office, and
give satisfaction as to property and paying so
this advertisement.
apt 1 1 2u 94
4 SADDLE with plated Stirrup Irons, be
/V tween Bulloch’s Wharf and Yamercravv.
! lie finder will be rewarded by leaving it at
the Store of L. H. SAGE W Cos.
april 18’ c 92
By J. }], Herbert & Cos.
‘I HIS DAY, 29th instant, at 11 o’clock, v‘lH
be sold on Hunter’s wliiiif,
I SO lihtls prime .Yus. Sugar
1- 0 bbls do do do do
i Terms- ail sums under **.” q rash; over 290
‘lo 590, 69 days; ever 5..-0 t, V r J, 99 days; over
1 Ot/O, -[ months, for upprov cd endorsed paper.
I ajml 29
I lilts DAV, 20th inst. at It o'clock; will be
sold *■ efoie our A lotion Stone,
30 bbls F’our
‘2-9 do Muscovado Sugar
. 5 libds N. E. Ulim
4 pipes Brandy
29 boxes Raisins
10 firkins fresh Butter
18 do Lard
50 boxes U imlsor Snap
20 pair Fire Buckets
5 doz. Chairs, &c; C'c.
Terms cash.
Hy Raker .Minion
On MONDAY, 22d inst. at ha If-past 10 o’clock,
in trout oi their auction it ore,
j A general r. snort men/ ..J GUUCSUIBB.
And at 12 o’clock in store,
a large assortment or
miY noons,
apri! 20 i
Hy John Shirk, Jr,
Oil •; UESDAY, 23fi inst. at 11 o’clock, will bo
.5 u, in front 01 ins Auction Doom, No 2 , Com -
nu rce row,
* variety of GOODS.
I articul.u-s in a luiuro advertisement,
ap.ii 2J c
0u f- EsDAY, 23J inst; at half-past 11 o'clock
pr< cisely, •dl be solil in fro.n of his Auct.ou
Room, No. 2 Commerce-row, a veiy dcs.rabie
Set of i. i vY Ak.’.,
consisting of r cb cut Decanters. Tumbers, Wine
aud Con lai Glasses, Salt Ceilers, Ac. & C ; *
A LbO,
One superb large CARPET,
april 29 c
; IVkite Velvet.
• (ji a I | C V ! \!“ S - I ' l 1 •( Ctived some
twmed M lu.r. A r.LVEi for Pui iltlrt o.
j v.jai,, iy , ft
I-- ■ ; ‘
Soap. Caudles Oil , Cfc.
|d 11 *’ j I,I bAP, umding and will
4 ne soli low— apply to
’ h i has also for sate,
49 boxes Spermaceti Luud.o.
| 59 e*es 6wetv Oil
j .-o oi>is supertine'Flour
cu U.v.-s No I Chocolate (Baker’s brand’
A few bales Corks
Do- packages npotlitcaries Boxes
l o cases men i; numaier shots, Lc
aprii 19 93
To Druggists, Merchants
and ut ‘ners.
j Bl- ‘ i fCI Voting Man who intends
make this climate lus permanent i-esi
[fU-nct- and is possessed ot toe fii-st rate abilities
pis; Druggist and Apomecary, is a good pen
man and lias a know ledge of business in geoer
j“l having devoted up warns of 10 years to it,
jwisht's to obtain a situation in the Druggist ov
any other business in tins city or tdsewiiere.—
A note addressed to F. and left at this office,
will meet with immediate attention.—Expects
\ lions mode: ate. april 19 h*
Mayers &j Hamilton.
1 S AVE received per ship Garonne, a fresh
2 4 supply of CLOTHING, suitable for the sea
son—consisting of
Sheppards best blue cloth Coats
Super and extra super blue and blk do do
“ blue, olive, brow n and mixt Frock do
“ nlue, and green Coatees
Seersucker, Cotton, i iorentine and blk Bste
bazcit do
AVliite and drab, Russia Drilling Pantaloons
do and brown Linen (] 0 “
do black amt drub Saiteen Jo
Biack siik, Camblelt and Bombazett do
liloe stripe, Seersucker and Florentine do
Cloth anil Cassitncrc do. of ah colours
Black silk Florentine a;id Valentin Vests
V bite and figured Marseilles do
Round Jackets, Duck Trowsers, Linen and
; Cotton Shirts, Colton Drawer Stockings. Sus
penders,- and almost every a, ncleln their line.
The above goods are made ill the latest fashion
and best workmanshi • at their Ware House, in
N v w-York. and are offered for side at their store
corner of Whitaker anjjUJJryan-stre'ets, (oppo
site J Pcnfield a. Co’s the New-York pii
A few cases of Hats manufactured fcy Hurrii
>on f Brush, and warranted equal to any in
tins city, containing,
Gentlemen’s drab aiul black beaver Hats
Imitation do do large brim
Drab Russia do—Castor do
Wood's do Youth’s do—Children’s fancy dt*.
1 case Silk Umbrellas—for sale as above. “
ahril i9 *§u93
FOUR thousand bushels Maryland CORN—
for sale by JOHN LATHROP & CO.
april Id 85
liice Barrels.
200 whole at 7* cents
200 bait do 62} —for rale by
J MEIGS, Bulloch’s buildings,
april 17 41
For Sale ,
Landing from ship Garonne, at Anciaux’s.whf
'l ztl/ifiA bundles HAY, good quality—app’v
Jones’ building
anvil 17 91