The Savannah museum. (Savannah, Ga.) 182?-1822, April 23, 1822, Image 2

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    ■ MjiTiw ii i j; \
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Kept i it Savannah, April 14xA to 21 it.
r-i 4
b-5 fa* 5!
io ‘ ■ S’ MMABM.
K? “ f
? •< -
8 63 n Cloudy
15 12 70 * Clear
3 72 “ “
6 69 “
8 73 s. Cloudy
16 12 76 “ “ . L . n
3 75 <• Heavy showers & th. & Itg.
6 72 “ Cloudy, heavy rain at night
tTfZ n” Cloudy
17 12 69 u. by b “
/ 3 71 k. “ . .
6 70 “ Cloudy, heavy rain at tngh t
“ 8173 T. Cloudy
18 12,76 “ Clear.
3170 w.byu. Hain.
6|70 8. w. “
871 aby a. Cloudy
19 12 77 * Clear.
378 “ “ . „ . ,
6 75 “ Cloudy,heavy rain all night
~T| 871 s. by w. Cloudy
20 tl2 62 s. Rain.
I 361 “ “
I6 60 ir. by e. *‘
““I 859 n. at. w. Cloudy
21 12 “ Clear.
3 “
6 61 “
Continuation of Foreign News by the Columbia,
arrived at New-York.
LONDON, Feb. 20.
We have received Dutch papeiato the
£3d mst. They supply the following in
BE RON, Feb. 14.
The latest accounts from St. Petersburg
bring the following particulars:
“Numerous conferences are held in the
Hotel of the Ministers of Foreign Afl'iiis,
respecting Turkey Baron Slrogonoft is
firesent at these councils, and seems to
lave great influence. Many couriers were
despatched, some to the head-quarters of
the Russian armies, and others with des
patches for the Russian Ambassadors and
Ministers at foreign courts. Some aids*
dtp-camp, and other superior officers from
the South of Russia, have arrived at St.
Petersburg. The pmfeundest secrecy is
observed, both with regard to the diploma
tic negociations and the military disposi
tions. A Turkish agent is said to have ar
rived at Teheran, to arrange all the difti -
ence9 between the Porte and Persia.
LONDON, Feb. 27.
The Paris Journals <>t Monday, have
come to hand ; their contents are very un
interesiing. An article dated Frankfort,
the 17th inst. atat.?s, that Prince Canta -u
----zene, has traversed Saxony, accompanied
by M. Pabta, Russian Charge d’Affaires,
on their way to St. Pe'ersbu g. It is con
lidently affirmed, that, the Prince is charged
with a mission on the part of tire Provis
ional government of Greece, established at
Argos, to the court ot Russia, and that lie
is to implore the support of the Emperor
Alexander, for the independence of the
Greeks, and to submit to the Russian go
vernment the decision agreed to by the
Congress of Argos on the subject of the in
troduction of a monarchical constitution,
the bases of which are only to be establish
ed with the consent of the great European
Accounts from Aix-le-Chapelle, Frank
fort and Vienna,state with confidence, that
the definitive answer of the court of St Pe
tersburg to the Turkish note, was receiv
ed by the Austrian Cabinet on the 10th
LONDON, Feb. 28.
The Paris Journals of ‘Tuesday last have
arrived this morning. On the preceding
day, tire Chamber of Deputies was occupi
ed with a project on the quarantine laws ;
the consideration of which was further ad
These papers supply nothing worth no
tice, except the two following extracts,
relative to the revolt in the Island of Si-
PALERMO, Jan. 31.
C By an extraordinary conveyance.J
A corps of lOOu Austrian troops a’ rived
in this town about eight days ago. Public
tranquility has not been disturbed one in
stant since the discovery of the tanners’
plot ( c.onciatori .) Nine of the conspirators
have b:*en shot, among whom were a priest
named Villa, and a notary. Oilier indi
viduals have been condemned to the same
fate, but they have not yet suffered.
Gazette de France.
NAPLES, Jan. 28.
Toe commotions iu Sicily were only
tempora>y; they originated with the cou
riers. In order to prevent their recurrence,
too regiments yesterday embarked for Pa
Several distinguished individuals have
arriwd here from Palerrnt), as also many
poi soti9 who have been arrested, among
whom is the Ex-Deputy Dragonetti.
Milan Gaz.
LEGHORN, Jan. 25.
A national government has at last been
established in the Peloponnessus. Each
village chooses one or two eleetora, who
chonee others, to form the government
The elders of each district nominate the
Ephori to constitute the principal govern
LONDON, Feb. 29.
We have received a Flanders Mail,
brrgntg Brussels papera to the 2?d inst
An Article dated from the Banks of the
Danube, states, upon the authority of ad
vice* from Constantinople, that it wa3 ex.
tremely doubtful whether the war with j
Persia had really terminated ; on the con- (
trary, recent intelligence tended to cofirm
not only the continuance of the war, but
also that hostilities had been commenced
with the entire knowledge and approbation
of (lie Persian government.
The following are extracts:
‘•ZANTE, Feb. 10.
‘•The Consulate of France was burnt
down, with every thing that contained, in
the last combat between the Greeks and the
“The Lord High Commissioner has re
turned from a tour which he has made to
the southern parts of the island A plan
is in agitation for the erection of regalar
fortifications in the islands of Cephalonia,
Zante, Ithaca, and Cergin.
“It is said, that there have been found,
in the possession of a merchant of the isl
and of Santa Maura, a number of standards
and Greek proclamations; but nothing cer
tain is known on the subject.
From the Hunks of the Danube, Feb. 10.
“We have now news from Constantino
ple of the 16th ol January. Tranquility
then prevailed in that city, and no new ex
cesses had been committed ”
Hamburg papers to the 15th inst. arrived
this morning. They contain nothing woith
PARIS, Feb. 24.
We have received further particulars of
the earthquake felt at Lyons, about 9 A M.
on the 18th. It was so violent that seve
ral houses in the streets of Bombarde and
St. John, appeared to be shaken. At the
same time, a noise was heard like that of
a loaded waggon passing over a drawbridge.
It was also felt by some persons in St.
John’s Church. The same shock was felt
pretty severely, at the same hour, at Bnurg
and Valence, where it lasted only about a
Tiie foreign papers state, that Osman
Aga, a Turkish grandee, late the chief of
flicei of the Viceroy of Egypt, being disgus
ted with the dogmas of the Koran, deter
mined to embrace Christianity, and has
lately arrived at Rome for ibat purpose.—
He is accompanied by nine domestics, four
of whom are the finest looking blacks ever
seen. On the Corso the grand attraction
is this Turkish nobleman and his suite; for
hU black and white servants, all superbly
habited, generally accompany him He
has brought a considerable treasure w ith
him, which enables him to vie with the
richest of the Romans. On Easier Satur
day the ceremony of christening him and
all his household, will be performed in the
magnificent church of St. Peters, in the
presence of His Holiness the Pope, and all
the cardinals.
, Limerick, Feb. 19.
Yesterday, about three o’clock, as Fred
erick Pen, servant to Wm. Smyth, Esq.
was returning home after seeing his wile,
he was met near Adore, by a party of insur
gents, who fired at him, and lodged four
balls and 24 slugs in his body, lie has
since dipd of his wounds
Itarbartms outrage, —Yesterday a party
of the nlie coipse proceeded to our quar
ters between Uathkeale and Newcastle,
some f the women happened to be in the
rear, who were met by a party of the White
boys; they asked them whether they were
Scotch or Irish ? Some answered, that they
were Scotch; they immediately seized too
of them, whose persons were violated by
26 of these infernal ruffians.
On Sunday night three houses were bur
ned by the insurgents at Cooloman, near
Three other houses, the property of Lieut.
Lnrgan, of the 12th Foot, have been also
The same night three stacks of corn were
burned near Dunmoylan.— Telegraph.
It appeals from the Dublin papers of
Saturday last, that eight more have been
found guilty at Dork. Sentence has not
yet been passed on any of those found guil
ty. There are upwards of 240 Wiiiteboys,
or persons charged with Whiteboyism.'in
Cork goal. The Cork and Limerick pa
pers contain several acts of outrage and
brutality which have recently been com
mitted in those counties, inched it ap
pears that the system of lawless outrage
has greatly increased in Ireland.
The new Chief JtisHce. —The King’s let
ter, appointing Die Solicitor General to be
Chief Justice of the King’s Bench, was re
ceived at the Castle on Thursday. He
was sworn into office that evening, before
the Lord Chancellor.
The following notice was posted out side
Adare Chapel, and was taken down bv one
of th>’ 3d Light Dragoons:—
‘General Rock, Commanding in Chict
the Army of Ireland, being desirous to or
-1 ganize, with as little delay as possible, an
administrative power for the province ol
the county ol Cork, directs as follows: Ist
1 thstevery individual f om the age of 16 to
40 inclusive, is required, in the name of
the Irish Republic, instantly to repair to
the Rebel Camp, in order to march in mass
against the common enemy, the tyrant of
Ireland—the English, whose destruction
alone can insure the independence and the
welfare of the ancient Hibernia.
(Signed) “The General Commanding
in-Chief of the Army of Ire
land, John Knck, K. C. B.
“All to march to Croom or Mallow with
speed, the fate of the Palantines will be the
fate of all who shall stay at home these bad
JV eatly executed at th e Museum Office.
French Goods.
OjXjBE subscribers have just received direct
CL from France via New-York, an assortment
which they offer wholesale at a moderate ad.
vance—among them are :
Double twilled Imperial Stripes
Do do mm Jeans
Fancy plaid Ginghams
Asserted colors Vigonia Cassimeres
Double width Bombazeen
Tapes and Bobbins
Ribbons and Galloons
Italian Crapes, Velvet Ribbons
Silk Stockings and Gloves
Half silk Hose
Green, blue, white, pink & black Florences
Do do do do do Satins
Black, blue and assorted colors Sewing Silk
Silk Braids, thread Laces
L: dies Kid and Castor Gloves
Gentlemens superior Beaver Cloves
Dressed and undressed linen Cambric
l.iiien cambric Handkerchiefs
Muslin Hands for Colleretts
Canton Fringes, floss & marking Cotton
Violin Strings, gilt edge Fins
Head and Tooth Brushes
Cologne, Rose and Lavender Water
Pomatum, Antique Oil, Hair Powder, etc.
Anderson’s Building on the Bay.
april 22 and
J UST received from New-York, to be dispo
sed of at the New-York prices, the follow
ing articles:
Soper super blue and black close body Coats
Second quality do.
White and colored plain & ribb’d Russia Drills
Bombazette, Bombazeert
Canton and nankeen Crape
Canton Camlet, Seersuckers
White and brown Linen
Vigonia Cassimere, French Nankeenett
White and Striped Jeans
Yellow and blue Nankeen
Florentine Pantaloons
Round Jackets and Coatees, same as above
Black Florentin, Pekin Silk
Marseilles and Toilnett Vests
Plain and frilled linen and cotton Shirt 9
Linen and Cotton Drawers
Gentlemen’ Ilatß, Imitation Beaver do
Shoes, Boots, and every other article that may
be called for in bis line
For sale by JOHN P. SE I ZE,
april 16 §s 90
Just opened at the most reduced prices, at
‘Three dome south of the Post Office.
70 pieces fine quality Uzoabuigs, at l.’j c's
per yard
100 do extra do Strelitz do at 14cts
IMain and striped Russia drill, of the first
quality, gl pr yd
Vigonia Summer cloth, for coats and panta
loons, 62 J cts pryd
French Russia drill of all colours
Superfine 6-4 cotton cambric, 12 yards for
Fine Men,B white and coloured Sox, 3 pair
for a dollar
Ladies white silk Stockings gl 50 or pair
Gentlemen’s elastic long silk tloze
100 ps fine and extra Irish Linen from 50
cts to gl, full 4-4 w ide
10 cases extra quality water proof broad &
narrow brim heaver Hats g 7 50
7 do second quality from 2 to g 4
Os the most fashionable Gentleman and
Servant’s Summer clothing made
in the newest style.
Consisting of
Searsucker, Russia drill, white Jane
French Nankeenet, Canton anti Nankeen
Blue and black Florentine Bombazine and
Camblet Pantaloons
Searsucker, Gingham and llombazine L round
Bombazette, Bombazine, Searsucker, Ging
hams and Flanel Coatees
English Florentine, white, coloured and Va
lencia Westcoats
Fine and extra fine Linen and Cotton Shirts
with and without frills
Servants corderoy round Jacket and Pan
taloons of all sizes
Marino .shirts and draws for Summer
Flannel do do
A great quantity of fine and extra fine, Gen
tlemen’s fashionable t oats
do single and conble mill’d Pantaloons of all
sizes and colours
A great quantity of Duck l’rowsers and Shirts
for Laborer- 88 april 13
Spring Goods.
THE Subscribers have received by late arri
vals, a Supply of seasonable SPRING
GOODS, com bring in part of
Elegant Lined and (ringed Parasols
11.. ck and Ivory handled Umbrellas
Green and assorted color’d Florences & Levan
Plain & figured Jaconet, Book & Swiss Muslins
Printed Muslins and fine light Prints
Vert Rich muslin Robes and Flounces
Crape Rubes, long & short Nankeens, £?c.
W. ING LIS ii Cos.
3 Cases 4 4 and 7-8 Irish Linens
5 Bales Oznaburgs
Which are offered for Sale on reasonable terms
for Cash or City acceptances,
apil 16 and 90
Fork, Beef Hay
Taylor’s Buildings offer for sale
40 bbls prime Pork, city inspect.
15 do Mess do do
66 bbls prime Beef
32 bundles Hay
60 bbls Ale
20 casks Shot, assorted sizes
52 firkins Goshen Butter
46 boxes Candles
50 do Soap
16 bbls Loaf Sugar
40 kegs Richmond Tobacco
50 kegs White Lead
33 do ground Verdigris
29 do Black Paint
16 bbls Lamp Black
4 bo Black Varnish
S3 casks Roman Cement
10 bbls Cherry Brandy
2 Gigs, with plated Harness complete,
april IS 92
Savassah', April 10,1822.
\\l OCLI) respectfully inform his friends and
Tv the public at large, that he has furnished
himself with a neat and general assortment of
Plain $ Ornamental Types,
for the purpose of executing all -work in the
Job Printing Line,
with neatness and despatch. As my expecta
tions are not very great, the prices for rmsTi sg
generally, shall be moderate,.....the execution,
neat and correct. By unremitted attention am!
exertion, it is also my intention to merit the pat
ronage of a liberal public.
PAMPHLETS and BLANKS of every des
cription printed at short notice.
Merchants, Booksellers, Public Officers, awl all
teno order by the large quantity, shall have their
Printing noxr, on satisfactory terms.
(Tj‘ All Orders for Printing handed to me per
sonally or left at the Counting-Room of the Sa
vannah Museum, Printing-Office, will meet with
prompt attention. april 10
HAVING engaged Mr. James Wilson (well
knowing as a first rate workman) to cut
and superintend his work, will as heretofore
carry cn the Tailoring Business in all its branch
He has on hand, just received trom New-
Supetfine blue and black Cloth
Vigonia Cassimere, Marseilles
Toilinet and Pekin silk Vestings
Seersuckers, Ginghams
Canion Camblet Bombzeenes
Canton and Nankeen Crape
French Bombazsen
Striped and white Jeans
Plain and ribb’d Russia Drills
Which w ill be made tip at the shortest notice
and in the most fashionable style.
ay framed Immediately four or five Journey
men I aih rs. None need apply but those who
can come well recommended as to skilfiilness.
april 16 §s 90
Fresh Goshen Rutter.
JUST received—2o lugs of best GOSHEN
BUTTER, in kegs of2u ib. weight, calcu
lated for family use 1
A choice assort merit cf
consisting of Gunpowder, Imperial, Hyson and
black TEAS, of t{ie latest importations—Ll-
QUOBS and MINI'S, of approved brands, in
conjunction with eve y article for family con
Marshall’s Buildings, Ba<nurd-stveet.
april 10 and
Irish Whiskey, &c.
■A jkIHK subscribers have just received and ot
•1 ferf< r sale s>t reduced prices,
2 puncheons Irish Whiskey, warranted gen
uine j
25 baskets first quality fresh Sallad Oil
4 pipes French Brandy
15 bbls imitation do.
A tew bbls fresh Domestic Coffee.
A general assortment of Castings, Hardware,
Groceries Li fresh Garden Seeds.
S. W. corner of Market-square,
april 10 c
L. 11. Sage y Cos.
100 bb's Phelps’ Gin
2y pipes do
50 hbls Mess Pork
30 do Prime do
50 do .Vless licet
50 do Prime do
30 firkins Goshen Butter
20 qr casks Malaga Wine ,
20 kegs No. 1 i'ohacco
25 bbis Loaf Sugar
50 do Muscovado and N. O. do.
10 chests i.. .
20 ealf dur ,vs,m ffcA
50 boxes I andles
25 do stapstap
100 kegs Crackers—with a g.'.iertl assort
ment of GROCERIES, wholesale and vetail
april 17 91
Fresh Tens.
Gunpowder Tea—ship Huntress’s cargo
Imperial do—ship London Trader’s do
Do. do—ship IP. av* r’s cargo
just arrived at JVe-w-Yjrk.
Hyson do—ship Ontario's cargo
Y. Hyson do—ship Huntress’s cargo
Souchong do—ship Beaver’s last cargo
Selected expressh for families—for sale by
A few firkins choice Goshen Dairy BUTTER
and LARD march 28—74
Soap. Candles Oil , &c.
IjMFi \ boxes brown SOAP, landing and will
be sold low—apply to
H~ho has also for sale,
40 boxes Spermaceti Caudles
30 cases Sweet Oil
5o bbls superfine Flour
20 boxes No l Chocolate (Baker’s brand
A few- bales Phial Corks
Do packages Apothecaries Boxes
Do cases men’s Summer Shoes, Ac.
apri!l9 93
Steam Hoat Stock.
GEORGE SCGLEV, has for sale—3o shares
Steam Boat 91 OCK.
april 9 h
Swedes It on.
tons SWEDES IRON, assorted—for sale
ilvJi/ by A B FANNIN & Cos.
march 26 §72
For Sale ,
Landing from ship Garonne, at Anciaux’s-whf.
bundles HAY, good quality—apply
Jones’ buildings.
aprill7 91
Situation Wanted
By a Girl of 15 years of age, who would tra
vel with a family to the North. Enquire
at this office. april 17—91
For Nc-K'-Yoih,
T! * o Kg*w packet ship GF.Mpr<..
Hj&CAURINoION. .1. U ood, inasu-r u
meet with dispatch. For freight or mss'’
having excellent accommodations, app;-‘ Ul
lain \V. on board at Jones’s impel v hai ‘’ , *‘ o- “ALL £# iiuvr.
For Providence, 11. J
The regular packet brig s\y \>-
g&u/NAIi, Stutßey, mailer, will posh-. 1.
sail on'Tuesday. Sod inst. wind and \, 0 ■ ‘
permitting. For freight on deck or u-,4 ‘' r
having good accommodations, apply on board l
Rice’s, or to
april 22 i
For Liverpool’
rfr” (for Passage o\jy,
v|@l\ ‘The fast sailing ship CHARLOTTE
Jei&Capt. Appleton, wi I sail la a „ 1
week. For passage, hating- good ac.cnmrruch
tions, apply on board at Taylor’s wharf, Ilr in
april 20 94
For Rallimore,
-sWS) Th'* fast sailing sloop 3PART W
IS&wC • Gibbs, master, will sail in a few (laic*
For freight or passage, having good accmr.nm.
Rations, apply to capt, G. on hoard at .Tore’s up
per or to HALL U IIUYT.
april 20 91
For Liverpool,
Jk4i\ The superior coppered ship COLUM
JSsjIJ&BIA, William Burroughs, roaster, hat.
ing the greater part of her c-n-go engaged, wilt
be dispatched immediately. For freight or’
sage, app'y to
Who have for sale on board said ship,
6000 bushels SALT. april 8 83
For New-York,
y.m\ The regular trading packet ship G.V
JQgg&lrOiVNF., John Mott, master, will meet
with dispatch. For freight or passage, having
vesy splendid accommodation*, apply to capt
Mott on board, or to j. LATHROP U CO. „
april 16 90
For Providence,
T,ie l ,ac,cet brig SAVANNAH, Stud
jisgjgjfc fey, master will be dispatched immedi
ately. For freight or passage, having goodac
conimodations, apply to the captain onboard,
at Rice’s wharf, or to TAFT U SIBLEYS. .
april 16 h
For Boston,
Cpt. Folsom, having half her cargo
ready to goon board, will meet with immediate
despatch. For the remainder of freight or pas
sage, apply to the capt on board at Anciaux’s
wharf, or to
april 18 h 92
100 bales Cotton are wanted
to fill up the schr RANGER, Capt. Thom, for
Havre. For freight of which, apply to
april 15 89
200 bales Cotton are wanted
to fill up the ship CHARLOTTE, Capt Apple
ton, for Liverpool. For freight of which, apply
to C C GRISWOLD & Cos.
aprii 15 89
Hermitage Wine.
Gases g. inline Hermitage Wine ofstl
“Slw perior quality—For Sale by
april 18 h 92
Q3* Freight for New-York or
Boston may be had on application to
april 12
Coffee, Me, &c.
“0 hags prime Green Coffee
50 hbls Vassar’s Ale
2 pipes pure Holland Gin
Landing from ship Garonne, and sale by
april 16—d Jones’Unperwha
Situation Wanted
BY a young Man, who wishes to engage in a
wholesale or retail Grocer- or an Auction
Store—would not hesitate stopping during thf
summer months. Reference respecting hit
character, will be given by application to Wm.
C. Barton, E-..q. april 17—91
Brought to Jail
ON the 7th of Oetobev last, a Negro fellow,
who says he is fVee, and calls himself Son
*ilieu He is 5 feet 5 inches high, apparently
about 22 years of age. He says Mr. Blackclocir
of Darien, is his guardian, and has his free pa
pers. FRANCIS BAKER, o n o.
Beaufort, S C. April, 1822.
april 19 93
A bale of Cotton Found,
A square bale of Cotton was picked up on
the 18th of March last, below Berk’s ten - ',
in the Si-amp ; It is numbered 64, brand cannot
be made out. The owner of the cotton may
hear of the same by enquiring at this offl'efi
and paying for this advertisement,
april 20 94
A FRESH supply of stout OZNABURGS ‘
xJL now opening and for sale at 14 cents, by
Corner of Broughton ii llarnard-tis,
april 13 and
’ Hay & llrandy.
60 bundles Hay—s pipes Brandy, Seignett *
brand, received per Mary-Augusta, for sale by
april 11 J. H. HERBERT & CO.
jTjQHRF.E months after date, application wiA
‘LI be made to the Bank of the State of Geo.
gia for the renewal of Certificate No 408, R
fourteen shares Stock, the original being lost
april 4 • n'rfs9