Newspaper Page Text
FROM FRANC ft.—We have been favoured
fcv a commercial friend, with Bordeaux papers
to the 231 Feb. received by the brig Commerce
A passenger in the (Commerce states, that on
the 2Qth Feb. an army of 50,003 men, under the
command of the Duke of Angouleme, were un
der arms, and part of them had already marched
.for Spain; the object unknown, but supposed to
he for the assistance of Ferdinand, against his
Rebellious subjects.—2o,ooo men had actually
passed Bordeaux when the Commerce sailed, &
colors were daily following.
We give this report as we receive it, with the
single remark, that our Paris papers of the tame
date are entirely silent on the subject
Charleston Courier, 20th ins!.
Captain Burr, of the brig Superb, arrived yes
terday from Maracaybo, which place she left on
the 11th March, Punto Palmos on the 14th, and
the island of San Carlos on the 16th, informs,
that on the 5h March, a party of Spanish Gue
rillas, (mounted men) 180 in number, from Coro,
attacked the picket guards at Alto Gracia, and
drove them in. The Colombian troops soon dis
persed them. In the skirmish the Spaniards
dost five killed and eight or ten wounded; the
Colombians none. Fifty deserters came into
Alto Gracia, who reported the Spaniards to be in
.vstate of starvation at Coro.
On the 6th of March the Maracaybo troops,
1100 strong, under general Hares, and the Irish
Legion, 250 strong, under Major Ferrier, in high
spin's, crossed the gulf to Alto Gracia, and took
up their line of march for Coro. General Boli
var was said to be at Santa Fee.
All the provisions in Maracaybo in possession
of the merchants, had been forcibly taken for the
sustenance of the troops, and the merchants had
to receive payment in government paper, which
was at 25 per cent discount.
The Superb came out under convoy of the
. Colombian sciir. Independt-ncia, brig Liberator
and a schooner, as tender, and parted company
‘ with the squadron on the 18th in the gulf of Co
Markets very dull, produce high and very
’ scarce, owing to the lower class of people being
impressed into government service, to proceed
against Coro and Porto Cavello.
■A". York .Mi t. Ailv. Y2th inst.
Prices Current at Liverpool, March 2.
Ashes are of regular request, and steadily sup
port our quotations; 140 bis. New-York Pots
told at 435. No State Pearls in the market; 80
bis Montreal Pearls, sold at 455; and about 200
do. Pots at 3 Is for stained, and 36 for prime, and
a few at 375, which price is now asked, ltark
continues extremely unsaleahles, and only the
test samples can be moved at the annexed rates.
At auction 50 hhds good Philadelphia sold at 14s
5d ; 43 fair do at 13s 9d; 13 good Haltimore, at
13s; and 7 inferior do at 8s 9d. In Flaxseed we
have not heard of a transaction, and our quota
tions are quite nominal, lticc meets a ready’
sale; 202 tierces fair, new and old, at 17s 6d a
18s; and 120 tierces fair old, at 13s. Nothing
done in Tar, prices nominally rather lower.—
Turpentine continues in demand; 267 bis not
quite half soft, sold off the quay at 14s 6d a 14s
9il; and 1030 bis sold to arrive, but the price
has not transpired. About 800 bis fresh Phila
delphia Flour sold at 28s. In wax, nothing do
ng. The only sale of Staves is a small parcel
Virginia bbl. at 13/. off the quay. 980 salted
Hides sold by auction, at 4f and.
Petersburg, April 1(5-
Fire at Fredericksburg —The last No.
of the Virginia Herald, not having reached
town, the following endorsement on the
Way-Bill received on Saturday nii*ht, and
the annexed extract of a letter which came
to hand yesterd y morning, embrace all
the particulars we have been enabled to
obtain, of the calamity w ichbefel the town
of Fredericksburg on Friday evening last,
it-’.i tract froth the Uay Hilt , received on
Saturday night.
At BA. M. The Post-Office and every
fmuse on this side of the square, except
Young’s Tavern, were this night consumed
by fie. It has just stopped. The mail
f'oin this place shall be furwaided fo-tnnr-
r *>w. Wm. F. GRAY, P. 31.
tract, dated Frederick shurg, Jjpril 13.
“Gar little town was last night again vis-
A’d by that element; to the fuiy of which
has hi. frequently been subject. The cry
1 ‘ ti'e assailed the ears of the inhabitants
10 o’clock, most of whom had retired
['* s'td. It was discovered to be in the sta
y's id Mr. j. Wellforil, on the street lead
,"e u () to the Fanners’ Bank, and there re
runs no doubt but if. was (lie vile act of
incendiary, The buildings being
“aeden and old, the flames were rapid in
)r "gress, levelling to the earth, in the
°ur>e of a few hours, all the houses or* the
from the one occupied by Mr. W. to
Farmet's Iloiek which being tire proof j
tapped its devastations. There were 27;
burnt, the damages in goods fstc.
‘ c ' e not very extensive, but sufficiently
•'fo excite llte warmest sympathy.”
♦ HALTIMORE, April 13.
1 UIE.— Last night, about a quarter past
cvp n, the cry of fire was heard, which
“ned to be the store occupied by Messrs,
‘h k & Keilog, situated on Bowly’s wharf.
Gc time the engines reached the spot,
i!! ! were prepared fjr action, the house
had become a complete prey to the {lames.
A quantity of spirituous liquors being sto
red in the second story, burned with a vio
lence unequalled by any thing thut we
have ever witnessed. The back of the
warehouse being directly upon the edge of
a dock, all attempts failed to bring the hose 1
to act upon the ilame. The activity, how-j
ever, nf ofcr engine and hose men enabled
‘hem to subdue an element which seemed
to threaten with destruction much of the
surrounding property. The adjoins* house,
in which a sail loft was kept, b**ing much
lower, received with a tiemedous crash,
the gable end of the burning house, which
sunk t the third floor and we are sorry
to add, that some of our citizens, whose da
i ing intrepidity had induced them to brave
danger were seriously injured—we hope
the number of the spft’erers is fewer than
rumor states. One of the firemen fell from
the roof, but we are glad to state received
.no Further hui t than a sprained wrist.—
How the fire originated we have not lear
ned, but suppose it the work of an incendi
ary.— M essrs. C. &K. lost every thing in
their store, which w* j believe was to a very
considerable amount.
COLUMBIA, April 16.
Tornado! —A violent storm of wind and
hail, passed through several of the upper
districts of this state on Wednesday last,
doing considerable damage to the farms,
buildings, fences, trees; &c. if. its progress.
We have conversed with a respectable
planter of Chester, who says he was on the
road at the time, about 8 miles from the
Court-hous**, where the hail frl! like large
pebbles. The following loiter we rereiv
ed from a highly respectable -ource at Cam
Cambridge, Wednesday, April 10.
Sin—This alieruuon between 2 ami 8
o’clock, there was a violent westerly wind,
which swept through our village and did
considerable injury in unroolihg of houses,
and prostrating fences and palings. But
the injury to our village was considerable
in the death of one of our most useful ami
respectable citizens—Mr. Thomas Bright
man, junr. who was crushed to death be
neath the ruins of his woiksoop, which was
overthrown by the violence of the wind.
The building was loosely put up. a large
IVame with none or vpiy lew braces, and
was unable to resist tbe fury ol the wind. I
Mr. IS, i ghtman was attempting to make j
his escape it is presumed, from the situa
tion in which he was found. His death is
very much and generally regretted ; he
was remarkable for industrious habits, and
the genera! rectitude of his deporflfient.
11 is occupation was that of a Carriage tna
j ker, in which business lie was estensivelj
engaged. I have heard of no other acti
I dent from the storm, but in all direction*
i the fences have been prostrated and trees
blown up by tbe mo's.
The Lovei’s Leap. —A met u choly ca
tastrophe took [dace tie.i; the Albion Mill-,
district of Gore, Oo Tuesday ! asi. A young
woman who had for some time been an in
mate in the bouse of John Secotd, Esq. in
a fit of distraction; threw heist It over a
precipice, said to be one hundred feet high,
although she was not dashed to pieces, ,s
inight have been expected. Th c nus
-ion was so great that site survived bui a
few hours, it is said she bail set her af
fections on a young man, who had not
made a proper return, which was the
[By the Richard-Plasket arrived at Charleston
from Havre ]
It was not the Society of tanners only
win* wished to throw off tire Austrian yoke,
and change the form of government, but in
addition to these,a great number of individ
uals of other classes and professions, who
had formed secret societies, and taken the
name of European Liberals. Their plan
was to rally all the inhabitants of the vicin
ity of Palermo,and to enter that city on the
12th Jan. attacking the theatre Carolina,
in which were assembled all the civil and
milatarv officers, on the occasion of the an
niversary of the birth of the King. At the
same time, the Carbonari of Palermo were
! to seize mi the fortresses, and to proclaim
the Constitution of the United States,
Three days before the execution of the
project, one of the conspirators disclosed it
to Archbishop Goravina and measuies
were taken to suppress the piracy. A great
number of persons have been arrested
some have been shot and others sent to Na
ples. By way of precaution all prisoners
have been removed from thejai Ito the ship
ping, and the Glands in the neighborhood
The government is proceeding to disarm
the Sicilians. [ will be seen, that
there is stiil a spark of revolt in Italy.'}
A Professor of Theology at Bei lin lias
been removed for writing a letter of condo
lence to the mother of Sand, the assasio of
Kotzebue. He has been appointed Pro
fessor at the University of Kasle.
The Diareo de Roma relates that a Cu
rate of the diocess of Nicastro, who had re
ceived from his bishop an order to explain
the bull of the Holy Father, against secret
societies stated to the congregation, much
to their astonishment that by this bull,plen
ary indulgence was granted to the Carbo
nari—hut says the paper, he was soon pun
ished for his interpreta'ion, for wishing to
cnntiuuo the service of mass, he was in
stantly struck with a diseasv which killed
him soon After-
Application J ’asbeen made to the French
Chamber of Deputies to repeal the law oi
9l and 93, so as to give the widows and or
phans of authors and artists, a hereditary
right in the sale of their productions, which
(according to the present law they have not.
| The delegates of the Greek provinces ar
rive from all quarters at Argos, the seat of
tlit? Confess. Ali Pacha has sent eight
deputies. Demetrius Ypsilsnti has no lon-,
ger the military command, being entrusted j
with the civil mithmity. It is 'm.t yet as
certained, itowevi r, ih,it he will be Presi
dent of the Congress, the majority of the
memhers being, it is said, in favor of the
Archibishop Ignutious. The brother of Y
psilanti. is detained at Mumkatscb a state
The King of VVurtei).burgh has refused
the joint desire of the Chur's of Berlin and
Vienna, that he would subject the liberty
of the press to restraints si ini ler to tho-e
which they had imposed in tbeir dominions.
—He replied, shat beyond the decrees of I
the Congress of Ca< Isbad, he would nevei
restrict tin* expression of thought.
The celeb'ated Al. de Pradt is nomina- j
ted l>y the Constitutional party, as a candi
date for the Chamber of Deputies in France j
from Kouen.
Certain Spanish emigrants in France,}
have been ordered by the government at
the desire nf Spain, to retire to Bordeaux !
and to Toulon. j
) Vert of Savannah.
A I! IllVRI).
Ship Corsair, Porter, New-York, 6 days, to C
C Griswold Si co. owners, with r. full cargo to
Gandry & Btifimre, ,1 Brown, A Parsons, E L Si
.1 IV Whitlock, C Kelsey & co. N B Weed & co
VVT Williams, II S Atwood, J Hook. Police Si
M'Kenzic, .1 H & Brothers. Duhamel &
Auze, .1 Dickson Si co. It Campbell, M Marsh, J
Penfield &. co. Hoag Si Jarvis, J P Henry, Geo.
Schley, It I) Hathaway, St urges & Hunter, J \V
Long-. F Gillett &>’ co. A Cornwall, Johnston Si
Hills, J Meigs, and Tlt Price. The C. experi
enced ofi'Cape H-tteras, heavy squalls and vari
able weather, attended with a heavy sea front the
southward and eastward—the ship suffered much
in the loss of light sails and main yard.
Brig Joseph Holdridge, New-York, 5 day 9.
and 29 hours from Cape Hatteras.with merchan
dize, to J Latlirop (J co. owners, Johnston and
Hills, .1 Course, R Campbell, & \V Scarbrough.
Sailed in co. with ship Corsair and sell Sea-Lion.
|On the 16th, spoke a sciir from St. Thomas for
Sell. Gen. Jackson, ITa.Het, Baltimore, 52 ds.
with corn to Hail Si Hoyt.
Sloop Mary, Brown, Charleston, 12 hours, to
1 Cohen, with a full freight to G New hall, .1 B
Herbert is. co. .1 Koprnan, Al! Fannin & co. \V
Scarbrough, Miller & Fort, T S Luther, Gaudrv
& Dufaurc, It Richardson is? co. and Perry and
Sloop Rapid, Perry, Charleston, 12 hours, to
I Cohen, F. l.igen, D Carney, jr. J Gumming Si
son and S J Bryan.
Steam boat Georgia, Dubois, Darien. 11 days
with cotton to order. 8 passengers.
Brig Levant, Chadwick, N;York —Hall & Hoyt
Brig Telegraph, Clark I do.
We understand th.r Mr. Jy’ Pole Boat Par
agon, loaded with co coming down
the river, was upset, having run against a tree,
occasioned by a great fresh.
Tbe ship Augusta, Beebe, 6 days, brig Hope,
Chrmplin, 5 days, and brig Native, Cole, 7 days,
from this port, arrived at NYork on the 11th.
The ship Robert Edwards, for this port, sailed
from NYork on the 11th inst.
The hrig Belv idere, Hichards.4 days from this
port, arrived at NYork ou the 15th inst-
CHAIU.ES I ON, April 20.
Arrived—U. S. brig Spark, capt. Elton, from
a cruise and last from St, Johns River, E. F. On
the 17th inst. off St. Johns, boarded sloop Marv-
Ann, from Savannah for St. Augustine. On the
15th inst. in a a*vere gale, swamped one of our
boats, and lost Thomas M'Euen, a seaman, over
Brig Commerce. Croft, Bordeaux, 49 days.
11. B. M’s schr Speedwell, Lieut. Geary, from
Nassau, and last, from Havana.
Steam.boat Charleston, Ronnell, Savannah, 2
NEW-YORK, April 12.
Arrived—ship Columbia, Rogers, 37 (Is. from
Liverpool; shi Ariosto, Delfosse, late Smith, 58
days from Princes Island, Coast of Africa; brig
Bordeaux, Butman, 69 days from St. Salvador; —
! brig Superb, Bun. from Maracaybo; brig Admit
tance, Moody, 19 days from Mobile, brig Fox,
| Wheeler, from Mobile; schr Diligent, Stan wood,
of Gloucester, 67 days from Leghorn.
Below—ship William-Tell, Clark, 65 days fin
Liverpool; brig Seneca, Dutch, 65 days from
Arrived—ship Virginia, Reeve, 11 days from
St. Croix; ship President. Fanning, 96 hours fm
Charleston, brig Hall. Gaui, 14 days from New-
Orleans; brig Hibernia, Hutchinson, 14 days fm
New-Orleans; brig Pomona, Bright, from Madei
ra, via Charleston; Br. brig domly, Gray, 93 days
from I),,idee; schr Kegtilus, Lampreli, 54 days
from hies; schr Eagle, Sould, 13 days tin
St. Tnomas; sloop Haxall, Holmes, 15 days fm
Vera Cruz; schr. Pacification, Kemptor., 11 days
from Jacquemel;
Below, ship Camillus, from Greenock.
Arrived, ship Camillus, Peck, Greenock, 59
days; brig Betsey, Cunningham, Matanxas, 15;
brig Cobosse Conti, Jackson, Havana, 12.
Shipwreck. —The ship Citizen, captain Coring,
157 days from Manilla, with a cargo ol 9570 bags
of sugar to Messrs. 1 lot t Town, was lost at 8
o’clock on Tuesday morning last on Prir antiue
Shoal opposite Absconi Inlet, near Egg Harbor,
ifi a gale from E. N. E. When she struck, en
deavored to wear round, but she still hung on;
then hove all back, but to no purpose, and she
beat over the shoal early in the morning and
sunk in 5 fathoms water. Captain Loring and
crew were taken off’ by the schooner Union,
Mersereau, of Staten Island, and landed at Abse.
com. Captain L. arrived in town on Saturday
morning. He has been sick nearly three months,
and obliged to confine himself below in bad
A violent tryphoon was experienced at Manil
la on the 18th October, in which the the Ajax of
New-York, had her rudder knocked off. The
China, of Salem, had her larboard chains all car
ried away, with other damage. The Citizen was
run ibu! of by* small schooner, which they cut
c adrift—the schr. afterwards upset, and ail on
■ board perished.
Arrived—ship Warren, Webb, 56 days from
Liverpool; ship Rebecca Sime, Brewer, 56 days’
from Liverpool; ship Pacific, Moore, 96 days fm
Calcutta and Madrass ; ship TennesSe, Barnes,
14 days from New Orleans; brig Timandra, Y; r
nal), 35 days from Pernambuco; brig Com. Per
ry, Selby, 6 days fin Havana; brig Louisiana, Ma
tcomber, 39 days from St Michaels; brig Juno,
[Smith, 15 days fm St Eustalia; brig J. Coulter,
! Hill, Havana. % days; schr L. G. Eyre, Collinson,
1 9 da\ sfm Aguidilia.
for Charleston ,
The regular uacket sloop NIAGARA.
Jliailsl?Fowler, master, w ill sail on Wednesday
afternoon, 24. h iivt. For freight or passage,
Laving {>ood accommodations, apply 1 1* the capt
on board, or to S II fISKE.
at■ ril 2? 3 i Morris-oi’s btt-i'dings.
For Charleston,
The regular packet : ioop RAPID,
jSggyd Perrv, piaster, v, i I meet with qu o.f
dispatch For height or passage, l.av i g good
lecommodations, apply to ti. master on board
at Exchange wharf, ol ti ISAAC COHEX.
j april 23 <■
For New-Vovk ,
The regular pi cket ship CORSAIR,
i L Porter, master, wid meet with
dispatch. For freight or passage having ele
j gant accommodations, app v to capt Porter on
j board at Taylor’s wharf nr to
I ."Pril 23 <T O. C ‘GRISWOLD : Cos.
j Eg** HE Pews in the Baptist Church will he nf
1 sered for rent t until the Ist day of Decern
ber next) on WEDNESDAY the 24di inst at 4
o’clock, P. M. >’or further information rela
ting thereto, apple to cither ot the subscribers.
april 23 95
FROM the subscribe rs on the 19th instant, •
Saddle, Bridle and Marti gale; a libera
’ (■.ward will be given on apprehension of tbe
thief or on delivery of the above articles to
april 23 96
SO barrels Ale ,
IANDING from ship Gen Curb gton £# far
i sale by L. 11. SAGE ft CO.
april 28 96
llydc’s Snap.
boxes Hyde’s *.v ut<* r
Soap, received pe>- sch Gen
the manufacturer al Baltimore, hy , h ’ 1
subscriber will be constantly s - nojied
Daniel” c.fhNKv. ,i
april 23 ni Milliter's b'li’-l- t
One Hilliard ‘Fable and Ann
A • l
ra’ vs
w |AY be had cheap;—Enquire at this office. !
a V l apt il 23— e*
S7IROM a Bank Book, on Saturday la:t. One
Hundred Dollars, in a note ol i o\es of o .e
of the hanks of this state, the finder wif receive
a suitable reward by applying al the office of
this paper. 96 23
810 Reward.
STOLEN from tbe residence >.f the subscri
ber in Congress-street, on r'aluiiiay last,
four Tabic ami seven Tea, all.V! H SPOONS;
(■ne marked I S. K in cypher, all the oih vs
with the letter F. Fen doHarr will he i>aid for
the thief and the property or Five, dollars for
either. ELIAS FORT
a[iril 23 i
Whiskey, (Jin liny.
Landing from ship Corsair.
50 ibis Whisk-y
50 do Gin
67 bundles Hav. For sale by
april 23 C. C GRISWOLD ;• CO.
Paints, Oil, Window (: tyc.
HAS received per ships Gaionnc, Genera!
Carrington, Corsair, and brig Pa' 1 "! fa, sir.
additional supply of the above artie'e
SUO kegs London and J.iv.-rpocl v” ‘ e . , ]
ground in oil, in 23,56 and 112 ;b rg.<
100 kegs Spanish Brown, ground in oil
lUO do Verdian Heil do
100 do Yellow Ochre do
100 do black Paint do
5 )0 gallons Linseed Oil
150 do Spirits Turpentine
500 do Lamp Oil
300 boxes American, English, French r
German Wind >w Glass, assoi ted, f'-om 1
7 by 9 to 13 by 18
Together with a general assortment of Paints J
and Painters Artic'es, which will be sold on ae
commodating terms at his Paint S'ore in Wh ta-i
kers reet, near Col Slielrrkn’s Mansion House.;
IO bis first quality Albany Ale
april 2? 96
Milline t.
TA IGHT hundred piece white ana olourcd
Ci MILLIN'ETS, fp. Cebv
april 22 h
Money Found.
BY a colored boy, the owner may hear of it
!>„■ making application at this office, and
give ?. tisfactionas to property and paying so
this advertisement,
ap -il 20 94
VS ADDLE with plat rd Stirrup Irons, be
tween Bulloch’s AVbarf and Yamercraw.
The finder will be rewarded bv leaving it at
the Store of L H. SAGE U Cos.
april 18 c 92
THE undivided half ofthe interest in the Da
rien Gazette is for sale—Terms liberal.
For particulars, apply at the office to
april 21 95
1 wtitnoiip.
Ly John Shick, Jr.
(THIS DAY', 23d instant, at 11 o’clock, will be
sold in front of his Auction Room, No 2, Com
merce row,
A variety of GOODS.
Particulars m a future advertisement,
april 23 c
j 'fills DAY, 23d instant, at half-past 11 o’clock*
i precise!} , will be sold in front of his Auction
| Boom, N0.2 Commerce-row, a very desirable;
iS't of G l -ASM SV r Mi n',
consisting of rich cut Decanters, Tumblers, Wine
anil Con ial Glasses, Salt Cellers, Sic. Sic.
One superb large CARPET,
april 23 c
By linker £5 Minton.
On THURSDAY. 25th inst. at half past 10 o’-
clock, will be solu before ou.* store, h geiieraj
assortment of
And at 12 o’clock, instore,
april 33
On TUESDAY, o'fih inst. at 12 o’clock,
Id fiont of our Auction Store,
. will be sold,
28 shares Bteaia Goat Stock.
Terms flash.
7 /* l tie editor of the Augusta Herald will
please give (he above advertisement two insert,
tions and send his bill to the Republican oificb
for payment. april 22
For New-York,
Gic coppered superior packet ship
• ARON NK, John .Molt, master, being
” ‘ tur. .a loaded, v. ill sail on Wednesday next.
For height or (>a-sage, lidiring very superior am
commodations, appy to capt. Mott; oh board, gs
•Vnciaux’. wharf, or to
apt 122 95
Drafts on Philadelphia,
‘i T i ire, day's sight— Fo.* .*>aie in
* J- H. REID & CO.
april 22 9.5
Turkey Figs.
,1 IfcNE hundred drums, landing and for sale bv
april 20 o
For Sale ,
, TuACT of Land drawn in the last Land
i “ttery. \ O . 220, 15th district—Mat bo
chased on reasonable terms by applying #t
april 20 94
!}<OUU thousand bushels Maryland CORN-,
for sale b> JOHN LATHROP & CO.
april 1! 85
Dice Carrels.
200 whole “i r “ c. n*s
200 halt do 62$ — ior sale hy
J MEIGS, Bulloch’s buildings,
ftpril 17 d§
X Large assortment <d .Mahogany suitable for
5 Cabinet-P'akers, Carpenters and others—-
kf-ut constai th on hand, and will be sold utt
reasonable terms.
a l ir| ! 1” Church hvitiHnp).
25 bbls first quality Albany BEER, landing
front orig Telegraph and for sale by
april 16 c
Fare old Jam. hum , Cheshire
Cheese, fyc.
IS the Oglethorpe, capt Jayne, just arrived".
P The subscribers have received,
8 puncheons of choice old Jamaica Rifm
2u Cheshire Cheeses
HJ casks half-pint Tumblers
0 udes best Btrehtz Oznaburgs.
sale by j. B. HERBERT & Go.
” 13 87
Cut Nails § Lemons.
70 casks Cut Nails assorted
10 boxes Messina Lemons, very fresh
For gale F, CRANK, Jr.
april B—B3 Williamson’s store*:
Siis;ar , J Vails &c.
10 lihds prime Sugar
164 bbls do do
100 casks cut Nails
40 bbls Gin
40 do Vassß.ru Ale
Leather and Hair Trunks and Karnes
Now landing and for sale by
april 9 c W LfPPITT, & Cos.
White Velvet.
EORIiM W. COE i as just received some.
I twitiid WHITE VELVET for Painting,
april 19 i
To Druggists, Merchants
and others.
A RESPECTABLE Young Man who intend?
to make this climate his permanent resi
dence anJ is possessed of the first rate abiiitie*
as a Druggist and Apothecary, is a good pen
: mail and has a knowledge of business in geuer
; al, having devoted upwards of 10 years to i*
wishes to obtain a situation in the Druggist c
anv other business in this city or elsetvliere.-
A note addressed to P. and left at this ofSri
will meet with immediate intention.—Expecta
tions mode ate. april 19—h”
IN my absence Hxxux S. Atwoop will act •
my attorney. AARON MORGAN
april 22 and , \