The Savannah museum. (Savannah, Ga.) 182?-1822, April 23, 1822, Image 4

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    Drug Chemical Warehouse.
At the Corner of
Whitaker and Congress Streets, Shad’s Buildings:
Genuine Drugs,
Medicines, Perfumery, etc.
WARRANTED Fresh, urn] of (he first qua
lity, at the Lowest prices. Amongst
which are
Antimony crude Rhubarb root
Alcohol do powdered
Aloes soct. dohepat Tted I’ercipitatel
Arrow root, Annis seed Rose water, Itosin
Assafetida, Alum ltust of Iron
Angelica root Gum elastic, Spatulas
Angostura bark Scales and weights
Aqua fortis Marble morta rs
Amimonial winej Composition do Iron do
Arsenic _ _ Ivory rejection pipes
Acid muriatic, do nitric do syringes
do nitrous, do tariaric Syringin quarts in box*
do sulphuric do pints, do $ pints
Bark yellow, do red do male and female
*do pale, do in quill Congress & spring wati
Balls Capeva Lemon acid
do Canada, do Peru Soda powders
do Tolu Salts of Lemon
Barbados tar Cologne water
Borax ref'd Wash balls
Burgundy Pitch Windsor soap
Bole Armenia Transparent do
Beeswax yellow Liquid do
do white Lows perfumed do
Brimstone roll Naples do
do ref‘d ‘ Pomatum in sticks
Caster Oil American do in pore assorted
do do W India Rosewater
Castor Russia Lavender do
Camphor ref‘d Fancy vials
Calomel ppt Ksscnces ass’d
Cantharide9, do pulv Sal Ammoniac
Camtnomile flowers do Volatile
Canella alb. do soda
Caraway seed do Rochelle
Cardamon seed do Tarter
Cascarilla bark do Ensom
Cassia, Cinnamon do Glauber
Castile soap white do -Niter refined
do colored Solut Arsenic flours
Cloves, Cochineal Spts Ammonia
Colombo root, do powd do hartshorn
Chalk prepared do Lavendercompn’d
Coriander seed do Wine
Cream Tartar pulv do camphor
Corrosive sublimate do Nit. Rule
Ca .'mine Sassafras bark
Conserve roses Sassapurilla
Caustic Lunar Sponge fine, do course
Dragons blood Saffron Spanish
Digitizes do English
Dovers powder* do American
Epsom salts Eng. Savin, senna Alex
Ether sulph. Ergot Spermaceti
Elder blossom* Snake root Virg
F.mery fine do sencka, sip'ills
do No 1,2 and 3 Storex, salts hartshorn
Elixir pncagoric Sugar Lead
do vitriol Syrup squills
Extract cicuter do simple
do gentian, do Lead Tart Erhetic, Tapioca
Flour sulphur Tinct Aloes compil’d
do benzoin do Myrrh,
Flaxseed, Fennel do Bo Valerian
Filings steel, do Iron do snake root
Frankincense do Assafuetuia
Glauber salt* do Benzoin comp’d
Galls Aleppo uu Cantliarules
Galbanum, Ginseng do senna
Gold Thread do Rhubarb
Gentian root do bark huxhims
Glass Antimony do Peruvian hark
Ginger race do Opium, do castor
rio powdered do Aluriat Iron
Grains paradise do columbo rout
Gum ammoniac do Kino, do Jalap
do Senegal do guiac, do Valerian
do’arahic, do powd do Gentian comp’d
do kino, do benzoin Vinegar distilled
do tragacantb do squills
do guac, do Myrrh Vilerian root
do shellac, do Cep a Vitriolatated Tartar
do mastic h Vitriol white, do blue
do gamboge do green
do. scamony Patent medicine Me
Helehore black Uatemrns drops
do white British Oil
tliera Picra Essence peppermint
Honey, do of squills Stoughtons bitters
Hoffmans anodyne Godfrey’s cordial
Isinglass Steers OpodcMoc
Ipecacuanha or hippo Turlingtons balls
Jalap, Juniper berries Da'beys carminative
Laudanum Dalis Elixir
Liquorice root Harlem oil or medeca
do powdered, do ball mentum
do refined Oil Worm seed
Lin e water, Lead do Pills, Lees New London
Magnesia Lump do do Vv'inuham
do powdered do Andersons
do small square do Hoopers
do calcined do Calomel
Manna flake, do sorts do Opium
Mezereoo, Musk Pruiffctn Blue, 1 2 Sc 3
Mustard seed, Mace ‘ Fig blue, Kings yellow
Nutmegs, Nux vomica Drop Lake, No J ct 2
Opium, Orange peel Flake white, Carmine
Qxymel squills Ivory biacn, lamp do
Oil pennyroyal Indigo Spanish
do turpenti te lliack Lead, red do
do tansey, do olive Litharge
do peppermint Terri tie senna
do spearmint, do savinjCaster Oil, in phials
do rosemary l’eragoric do
do origamum Laudanum tlo
do cinnamon Antimonial wine do
do’worm seed Tinct Rhubarb do
do Lavender do Assafuctida tlo
do wormwood Hals capevia do
do annis seed Sweet Oil do
do -juniper SptsLavend, com. do
do Cloves tlo camphor do
do almonds, do Lemor.J do hartshorn tlo
do bergamot do sweet Niter do
sassafras do Turpentine do ‘
To hemlock Calmncl tlo
t ilFennel Jalap do
do Spruce} Tartar Emetic do
do Wintergreen in bottles,
do Vitriol Wine bitters
Ointment me.e Spts hartshorn
do Ualsican do Sweet Niter
[ tlo Cerate do Turpentine
and Simple Sweet Oil
do- Red percipitate castor tLa
do Spanish Hits American and W I
Pink root, Pearl Spanisn w iling
pearl Harley ltotton stone
Fir,- dered tin Pumice do
Plaster mercurial * Powdered blue
cfo Burgundy pitch Copperas
do Adhesive Vermillion, Chinese
and , strengthening do Eng.
do Dracbylon Verdigris, Irish Glue
do j im, do blistering iw vials.
uassia Ess cinnamon
I do rasp’d Quicksilver do Lavender
I I.emon Clown do do Evans
Calc’d Magnesia - Bergamott
Epsom salts, rhubarb Spring Lancets
Peruvian bark Tooth instruments
Cheltenham salts Bougies, Galla pots
Henrys calc’d magnesiaMacabny snuff’
Stomachic bitters Liquid blacking
Worm Lozenges French do
Aromatic Tooth paste Black sealing wax
Hinckleys remedy forßcd wafers, ass’d do
the piles Tooth brushes com
Fever Powders do silver wire 3 and
Thompson’s eye Water, rows
large and small Cupping and Trepaning
Patent Itch ointment instruments
ttef’d Liquorice Male ond ‘female silver
do in boxes, do com catheters
Patent spring Trusses White leather skins
common do Eng. mustard by the lb.
Durable Ink ir> canisters
Red ink powder Ground Ginger, race do
Black do Pillboxes Cloves, cinnamon
Vial corks, bottle do Halm Quito
Wax tapers Churches cough drops
Nurenbergh do for coughs,colds,con-
Pateut Lint sumptions, asthmas,
Thumb Lancets &c &c
do common Cephalic snuff - , for ca
do clewleys tariffs.
Shipmans Garden Seeds, assorted , in boxes,
A general assortment of
Surgical Instruments, Shop Furniture,
Phials, assorted, from half drain to 8 oz.
All Uk sc who wish to purchase, will please
call and examine for themselves. jan 1
Faint* , Oil, Window Glass,&c.
” ‘.,Vi!*. subscriber keeps constantly for
j&_ sale, at his store in Wliitaker-street,
nearly opposite Cos!. Sbellnian’s Mansion House,
a large and genera! supply of
Faints, Painters ’ Articles,
Window Glass, Famishes, Oils, dj*c.
Which he offers at wholesale and retail, at the
lowest prices for cash, produce or approved
paper— viz
400 kegs London ground white Lead, in 28,
56, and 112 lb kegs
100 ki gs American do
100 do Spanish Brown
100 do Yellow Ochre
100 do Venetian Red
50 do Black Paint, 20 do Verdigris
500 gallons Linseed Oil, in bbls and tierce
2i.0 do spermaceti Lamp Oil
100 do Spirits Turpentine
60 do Copal Varnish
•50 do Japan do 60 do Rosin do
20 packages Gold and Silver Leaf
3 ions Whiting, 1 do Paris White
50 Ilia Chrome Yellow, 100 do blue Smalts
200 do Dutch 1 ink
50 do Chinese Vermillion, 500 do red Lead
300 do powdered Lit barge
2 hhds English Lamp Black, in 1 lb j lb
and j ib papers
30 boxes i0 by 12 English Crown Window
6 do 11 ”16 do do [Glass
6 do 11 ”18 do do r’o
6 do 12 ”15 do do do
2 do 12 ”16 do do do
4 do 12 ”18 do do do ‘
4 crates :lo do do
4o boxet 10 ” 12 French Glass
10 do 7 ” 9 American Glass, branded
10 do 7 ” 9 do do Elliott (J Cos.
10 Jo 8” 10 do do Bristol
10 do 8” 10 do do Elliot & Cos.
So do 8” 10 do do Peterborough
10 do 8” i0 do do Cincinnati
5 do 9 ”11 do do Bristol
4 do 9” 11 Jo do Elliot & (Jo.
•10 do 10” 12 do do Bristo
10 do 10 ”12 do do Elliot & Cos.
16 do 10” 12 do do Peterborough
20 do 10 ”14 do do Elliot A Cos.
1 do 1 .arge Picture Glass
Flake White Stone Ochre
tVnitc Lead, dry Spruce do
White Chalk Yellow dopowd’d
Kings Yellow Gambago
Patent do Carmine
• (range Orpiment Prussian blue No. 1
Ettglisc Vertndion Blue Paint
Drop Lanes, Pose pink do Verditter
Venetian Red, dry Powder bine
Red Chalk Distilled Verdigris
Ivory Biuedo Blue Vitriol
it tack Lead Fench do dry
Spanish Brown, dry Green Verdi'ter
Purple Brown Mineral Green
Terra de Sienna j French do
do do buret Olympian do
Turkey Umber Copperas
English do Glue
Rotten Stone Pumice Stose
(fold Bronze Rosin
Copper do Sand paper
Dutch Metal Putty nish Rrushe
Paint i Ini dies assorted Fine Camels Hair Yai .
Sa.h Pools do do Tool*
V lute-wash Brushes do do Pencils
Scrubbin do Japan Gold size
Sweeping do Oil do do
Hearth do Pallet Knives
Dust do Gum Copal
Clothes do do Shellac
bhoe do do Arabic
Fine Roman Ochre Sugar of Lead
Orders from the country will be thankfu y
received anil punctually attended to
N. B. All sorts ot Colors prepared foe u:.i
and direction*, given for using them if require
jan 1 l v
Osmler & Posey,
Comer of Broughton unt ."sow-*- •- ?,
A GENERAL assortment of DRUO9 bY
STHUMENTS, and all other articles usually
found in Drug Stores. In addition t< thei
former assortment ol GARDEN SEE they
have lately received
Dwarf Marrowfay “Y
” Green Imperial |
” Wiiite Prussian Y-PEAS
” Bhie do - (
” Early Charlton J
Green Nonpareil
” Long Pod l ßp . VQ
Rroad Windsor r LKA NS
Canterbury Kidney J
White and purple Brocoli Cabbage Seed
Ice Tennisball, White Coss
Magnum Bonum Coss
Silesia and brown Dutch Lettuces
And various pot herbs> all warranted,
feb 25 V
Agent for Dr. Irauc Thompson , Nero-London,
( Conn.J
Ift'jAS just received and on hand the follow
sJxJ ing, ail of which have been in gise for a
number of years past, in almost every part of
the United States; have been highly patronis
ed by people of the first respectability ; and ap
appro--’kd of by thore who have had occasion t
make use of them, for the cure ot those disor
ders for which they are severally calculated.
Dr. Lee's Genuine (Windham)
Billiuus Pills,
Universally known and used throughout the li
nked States as a family Medicine. The fame of
these Pills has become so great, that many have
attempted to counterfeit them—to guard against
tins, the proprietois have procured asteroiype
label, anil each box of genuine Lee’s Pills will
hereafter be enclosed in one of these labels,
with these words on the sides: “Lee’s Genuine
Windham Bilious Pills,” and on the end of the
label the words “Samuel Lee, patentee, anil 1.
Thompson, agent and joint proprietor;” and
should any be offered for sale without said la
oel on them, the purchaser may be apprised
that tliey are counterfeit.
Dr. Thompson's Celebrated
Eye Water,
For the cure of inflamed and sore eyes <.f al
most every description. ‘l'his valuable prepar
ation comes highly recommended from the most
respectable sources. Price 50 and 25 cen]ts a
Dr. Date son's Genuine Itch
A certain and safe cure for that disagreeable
complaint, as well as other eruptions of the
skin. Price 37 j cents a box.
Thompson's Aromatic Tooth
For whitening and preserving the Teeth—it
may be used with the greatest safety. Price
50 cents a box.
Specific Drops for the Tooth
Which, in almost every case, give instant relief
in that distressing complaint. Price 37 J ceuts
a bottle.
Cooley's Vegetable Elixir,
For coughs, asthmas, consumptions, Sic.—A ve
ry valuable medicine in those complaints. Price
50 cents a bottle.
Dr Relfe's Asmatic Pills,
For coughs, colds, asthmas, consumptions, ife
These Pills give immediate ease in all as h mas.
difficulty of iirealhing, hoarseness, catarrhs, &c.
while the gentle expectoration they promote
discharges those obstiTctions that occur in the
glands, acrimony that arises, aid every species
of congealed phlegm. Prepared by VV.T.Con
way. Price §l.
Dr. Anderson's Cough Drops.
A most valuable medicine for coughs and
onsumpttons. Price gl. Prepared by James
diet'., Hudson, N Y
Dr. Relfe's Botanical Drops.
These Drops are a most certain remedy for
the scurvy, St. Anthony’s fire, scrofula, leprosy,
salt rheum, scald head, pirnpied and carbuncled
faces, foul festerings,eruptions, feversores, sore
legs, sore eyes and ulcers, and every disorder
arising from an impure state of the blood and
juices—and superior to any other medicine for
spring physic. Prepared by YV. T. Conway.—
Price SI-
Dr. Audler's Asiatic Lenative,
For Pain.
This Medicine is a never failing remedy for
the tooth ache, head ache, and other diseases;
is patented by the United States, and recom
mended as a most valuable medicine by those
who have experienced its good effects. I’re
nareil by the patentee, Ezekiel Audler, of New
York. Price gl
1 he above valuable Family Medicin s will be
-old wholesale or retail, at the corner of Con
gress and Whitaker-streets, Shadd’s Buildings
Savannah; fed
New and Valuable Medicine.
1) t MRI LF.N’S
- Skills new and Uegaut ilalsun bids fair to
1 stand unrivalled in its merits, for Consump
tions and Coughs, and we boldly venture to as
sert, that no Medicine lias ever gained so much
credit in so s'ort a time as this composition;
scarcely a case occurs, but may be relieved by
the timely use of it, many having lately used it
in seated consumptions with the most surpris
ing success, wh’ were given up by the most
skdfuli physicians in the country Many certi
ficates of its efficacy accompany each bottle
This is to certify, that in June, 1.818,1 was
eized with a very distressing cough, pain in
mv side, great weakness of the lungs, and it cen
tinued untiljuly, 1819, which confined me to
the house, and part ot the time to my bed —1
had tried every thing as 1 thought, iiit all in
vain, 1 was at last induced tc irake trial f1) -
Melten'e Cough Drops, which gave me immedi
ate relief, increased my strength, and ecored
my former sleep 1 car ,yih the g-eatest con
fidence recommenikthem to ail w • <•, ;., e afflict ed
yith those a very vain. 1 nie-H
cine NANCY FOP y t ,
Hudson, .V f Dec 27,1812
For sale at Messrs
Opposite the Exchange, • unnab
And also by
WM J. *
june 19 40i ■ ■:
For Sale.
* LIGHT second-hand r ! p,-.i r
of well broken IIORSF.::, ss _
km, ure at tliis office. ‘ 5 54
r i lip .Library,
’ 8 open for the a- lv:of Books, V
1- VV'edoesdav ar.d : • ,;v. from 4t06 <•
P. M v
40 bbls. Wh isii < ij
LANDING and for sale by
april 2—c Jones’ upper wharf.
Received per sloop Alary. Cap.
tain Brown, from Charleston,
“TWENTY hhds Sugar, for salt bv
apnl 8 s
• To Planters.
4 Few sample Ploughs from the manufacto
ry of Robert Sinclair Baltimore, of various
patterns, are just received and will be sold low,
apply to DA NILE CAIiNE Y, Jr.
1 inn 16 ahs Hunter* buildings.
Norwalk Academy.
THE Trustees of this Academy would beg
leave to recommend it to the attention of
’ the public: It is under the superintendence of
Ylr. Hawlt, a gentleman of distin
guished reputation as u scholar and instructor.
Students will be irstructed in the various
branches of Academic Education, and every at-
I tention will be paid to tlirir morals.
Terms from 4to g 5 per quarter. Board in
respectable families may be obtained at from
’ gl 75 to g 2 per week.
This Institution has been recently establish
ed j the building is new and convenient, and
• delightfully situated in one of the most pieas
| ant and healthy villages in Connecticut. The
YVinter Term commences the first Monday in
1 November—the Summer Term, the first Mon
day in May. Gentlemen desirous of further in
formation are respectfully referred to Messrs.
A. RICHARDS, Esq. 7 e ,
V SKLLKCK. 5 &mumuh
f HAS Gil DON,
It I.OCKYVOOD, yTrustees:
S. B S F JOHN, [
Conn Jon 14,1822". feb 19 42
For Private Sale,
A PLANTATION upon Savannah River, in
the Parish of St Luke, known by the name
of the Recess—lately belonging to Mr. William
YVdson, deceased, anil ndjoing the plantation
of Mr. James 11 Ancrum. For particulars ap
ply to YV.VI. DRAY ION, Y
O C. M.M KXK.Y, Jr 5
Or to TUFTS A REED, isavannah.
jan 17 514
IX7 ill commence giving lessons in the French
v T and Italian languages, at the Academy,
on Monday next. Parents who wish to place
their children under Ids tuition, are requested
ti apply tn him at the City Hotel.
Mr It. intends also to open a summer school
on Tybee Island, where will be taught the La
tin, Greek, French, and Italian languages, Ma
tt ematics, History, Geography, D.awing and
Painting A : some previous arrangements are
necessary, gentlemen and ladies willing to pst
ronise such a school are requested to make ap
plication to Mi. Williams, at his book store on
the Bay, where a list will be made for that pur
Reference as to his abili.ies, &c. to had of
Rev. YV. Cranston march 8—57
Just Landing
From the brig Mi ro, bom Philadelphia,
I'tHlßl'Y bids i oafs gar, from to 5 lbs—
Inch “ ill hi swer for retailers
7 pipes of Brandy, 4ih proof—also Domestic
Brandy in bbls. for sale Lv
a'rd 11 <lt
Sugar, Tobacco , £sc.
10 liluis Nt. Sugar
20 kegs Manufactured Tobacco
30 bids Groat Bread
20 firkins fiist quality flutter
Jast rec’tf and for sab- by
april .5 81 VI A. MORGAN.
Copartnership now subsisting’ tinder
the firm of KIM.AM, Illi.Ls A WELLS,
will expire by limitation in a feV weeks Aii
accounts remaining unsettled by the first of
May, will be left with an Attorney f->r collec
tion. a it will be necessary to close afl tiansac
tions of the concern
Previous to which time, thev will sell their
remaining Stock of RKADY-M DR CLOATU
COSf. april 13—88
NO debts contracteri afer this date for Mrs
Jane llourke, (by written order or other
wise) will be settled by the subscriber.
Attorney for Mrs. Jane Bonrke.
apri’ 6 and
Molasses . Oil, fyc.
Landing from schooner T)esp- tch Packet,
90 lihds retailing Martinique Molasses
175 haskets Sweet Oil
2000 wt. Cocoa
150 Hides
1000 \Vt. Lead—and for side by
apri! 9 84
Fresh Boots & Shoes.
SIX'; \ packages StiOES, comprising a gen
eral assortment
10 packages HOOTS, just received and for
apri! 2 4w
Just Received,
7 rnnks Gentlemen's superior quality Calf
skin and Morocco Boots, and 1 trunk con
lauiing Gtntlemen’s fine Russia Calfskin and
Morocco walking pumps with heels, which are
offer-fed at fair prices i .VES AD-\MS.
sprit 10. ti 84 Sauth side Market-square.
Cotton Bagging, fyc.
oh pieces 42-inch Cotton bagging
2 bales German Linens
7 jars Rappee and Maccaboy Snuff*
Pur sale by J IIAN.MER,
apri! 13 and Washington-Hall buildings
Coin, Potatoes, §c.
bushels Potatoes
600 do Corn
20 bids No. 2 .Mackerel
100 bushels Cow Peas
40 bids Pilot and Navy Bread
2d do Crack_rs
On board fehr Ida, ly tug at Bulloch’s wharf, and
fur sale by L. H SAGE & CO.
“Pri 10 85
\ Fresh soppy of curled Hair double and
s,ngie Matrasses, received per brig Levant
direct from the Manufactory— which are warau
ted to be made of the best Ruenos Ayres Hair
and l inen Tick, for sale by
april lo Char eh Building}.
Lands for Sale.
TlTlLLbe disposed of at a low price and or
T v accommodating tern;.;, a valuable met Cl f
land on Lewis’ Creek and on the Altamaha river
4 miles above the town of Darien, formerly the
property of Mr. YVm. Joyner. The tract consist
of 1190 acres, 200 of which are cleared luTbr
pro ed with the ordinary Plantation Dons's *
There are about 800 acres of fust quality tide
Jand, suitable for the culture of Rice, Cotton nr
Sugar; the remainder high land, with re, extern
siveknowl (me elevation o.i which ,i, f .
mentis made. C StUt ’
The land is well timbered, and from its rent’
guity to a market, will, in its clearing in S ‘ t ,d, produce profit bv the s iie < -
Shingles anil other lumber, the proceeds ofwhVt
must far exceed the expences of the M,i-r TV.
tract is one of the oldest surveys and const ime
ly best selection of River Swamp la, i
excellent pitch of tide, suitable to any speries !f
culture-having a beautiful scite f„ v a reside”
anil located at an agreeable distance from t>'<-
town of Darien, for purposes of business m D i e .,’
sure. Terms and a more particular desorii,*- „
may be known on appfical'nm to * ‘
march 14 d62 No. 1, Commerce liow
Dearborn's Pa tent Balances)
OF all sizes, constantly for sale by
nov 15 5 Q
Mahogany Blank BoardsTnd
JTDIF. subscriber has received by the late a--
‘**■ rivals from New-Y’ork, a general assort
ment ol the above at tides. Also, Sattinwood
Venears, and YHiitewood, which w i! be sod
I° w l, y JYV MORREI.t.,
‘ Chiu ch Buildings.
HAS received in addition to his former s■—„
Pavilion Gauze
Green Florence Silk
White Levantine a ,and Florence do.
Russia Drill
Figured Ribbons
llobinctt and Thread Laces
Inserting Trimmings
Black Canton Crapes
Color’d Pongees (anew article for dressrs’
Blue Nankeens
Striped Jeans and Dandy Stripes
Featlier Fans
YV bite and colored Cotton 1 lose
Linen Cambric and Cambric lidfi.
YVlii’e Milinetts.
march 25 1m
Killams, Hills Wells,
n Merchant Tailor*.
AVF. removed to the brick store on the
liay, next door below the, where
they have opened, an extensive assortment of
Extra Super and Common
Broadcloths, Cassimcres, Yes*
tings, &c.
Tfeey have procured from New-York, and else
where, the lalesi fashions and the best of work
men j and flatter themselves that they will be
able to give general satisfaction to all who layer
them with their custom.
-ilso, Lieceived,
A large assortment of Gentlemen's ready mads
of their own manufacture, and in the newest
fashion 95 net 30
Hair Matrasses and Feather
Beds , Bolsters and Pillows.
V FRESH supply of the above articles receiv
ed per ship Gen. Carrington and brig le
vant, w hich are warranted to he of a very supe
rior quality and for sale on reasonable terms at
the Chur-h Buildings, by
march 14 -6? J. W MORRELL.
HJVb. 3, Gibbon's Building.
AS Just received by the ship Oglethorpe
from Liverpool, a general assortment of sea
©imr (B©D2)3
Among wlneh are a good supply ol Osnaburgt
Oowlass & Linens, lie is inclined to sell this im
portation, very low by the packs* e or piece,
as it is his- intention to embark lot England is
the course of as.-w weeks.
april 15 s 89
— —a*.
Globe Artichoke.
Talsify or vegetable Oyster
Nasturtium or mock Capers
A\ ater, Musk, and Cantclone Melon
Long and short Cucumber, Cayenne Pepper
Flower Seeds
Also, lately from Germany,
An assortment of
garden seeds,
Tn small parcels, which they offer to se>
wholesale on tow terms.
Lately by the Belvidere —
An assortment of FLOWER POTS.
.Untl on. consignment,
Several Carnation Pinks, Roses, and cth
ornamental Shrubs.
march 28 74 OEMI.KIt & POSEY.
Flour § Whiskey,
bbls lloward-st superfine Flour
5y bl>ls Baltimore Whiskey
Landing from schr. Elizabeth, and f.-r sale h
api’il 2 1 78
Corn, 6jc.
3500 bushels Maryland Corn afloat
10 bbls and 1 tierce Linseed oil t (
Just receivecf per sclir Cygnet and for sa-c
n.arch 27—73 E. \\ ILLIAMS & C'o
Corn and Oats.
1200 bushels white Corn
1200 do heavy Oats
For sale in lots to suit purchasers.
40 hhds prime retailing Molasses.
Apply to PALMES & ROE
april 12 cB7 *
WILL be received until FRIDAY F-Vl®
ING next, at the Steam Heat Office,
repairing STEAM and ‘SOW BOATS at*
Dry Dock—the applicant to stipulate at wl*
rate he will work per day and also the price*
hands which he employs.’
april 16 89