The Savannah museum. (Savannah, Ga.) 182?-1822, May 03, 1822, Image 1

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Is published near Whitaker-street, on the Bay,
every day tor eight months and three times a
•week tor the remaining four months in tire year,
at sight dollars per annum, if paid in advance,
sr Tnv and illars if paid after the expiration of the
-cear. No subscriptions are received for a period
less than sixAionths, for which five dollars are
The SAVANNAH MUSEUM for the Country
5s published to meet the arrangements of the
mail, three times a week at five dollars per an
num, if paid in advance, or kioiit dollars per
Annum if not paid during the year.
Advertisements not exceeding twelve lines are
published in both papers the first time, for 75
cents, and continued in the city paper, unless
Otherwise ordered, at 38 cents each continuation
—Advertisements over twelve lines charged in
the same proportion.
When an Advertisement is sent to the office
■without any number of insertions being expres
*ed >n the face of the order,” it is understood,
•that the advertiser wishes it continued until fur
ther notice. Therefore, ail Advertisements
which are not or ginally limited to a certain num
ber ofansertions, are continued and charged un
£il an oilier for discontinuance is received. Ad
vertisements not continued oftener than once a
■week, are charged for each insertion, the same as
ta new advertisement.
WOULD respectfully inform his friends and
the public at large, that he has furnished
with a neat anti general assortment of
Plain ty Ornamental Types,
for the purpose of executing all work in the
Job Printing Line,
switli neatness and desp atch. As my expecta
tions are not very great, the [meets for fiuntixo
generally, shall be moderate, the execution,
peat and correct. By unremitted attention and
*xertion, it is also mv intention to merit the pat-
Tpnage of a liberal public.
PAMPHLETS and BLANKS of every des
cription printed at short notice.
Merchant!, Booksellers, Public OJHcers, and till
3ha/o.dr by the large quantity, ahull have their
Printing pans., on satisfactory terms.
gj” A.ll Orders for Printing handed to me per
sonally or left at the Counting-Room of the Sa
vannah Museum, Printing-Office, will meet with
prompt attention. april 10
THE undivided half of the interest in the Da
rien Gazette is for sale —Terms liberal
!For particulais, rpply at the office to
anril 22 95
Superior Court.
Chatham County Chambers,
18th April, >822.
Gamuel Howard, Y isr witt
vs. > Bill original arid a
'Bank of Darien, et. al. j mended.
fjUVO of the defendants in the above case,
jL v;z. The fb-esldent of tiie Bank of Harieiv,
{representing sa>d Hank) am l the Cashier of the
•said Bank, reside without tins county, which
fart is verified by affidavit of complainant. • ordered. That copies of said bill be trans
mitted by the Sheriff of Chatham county'to the
Sheriff of Mclntosh count r, where the said de
fiudai ts reside, with Instructions to serve them
on said defandauts, and make return of said ser
vice on said copies, to the Clark-of the Superior
Court of said county of Chatham, within tinny
days f'tom this date ; and it is further Ordered,
tint tins Rule be published, and-the defendants
*mpear and answer at the next Terra.
fcrti'uctfrom the Minutes
april 24. f°
Hyde's Soap.
IJiORTY-six boxes Hyde’s white and Browh
Soap, received per sell Gcn.Jackron, froiti
the manufacturer at Balti nore, by whom the
subscriber will be constantly supplied.
april 23 ni Hunter’s buildings.
Exchange on London,
march 18 65
tu. , .
The Subscribers
OFFER for sale, just landing by late arrivals,
Hay—boxes Codfish, good quality
Loaf Sugar
Boston Mess Beef
!)•>. No. 1
Bright yellow Soap, and Candles from the
Philadelphia Flour
N, Y. Pork and Beef
april 13 Jones’ wharf.
71*1111 subscriber is now ready to receive the
8. City Taxes for te present year. The Di
gest will he closed on me 25th of next month,
• when executions will be issued agenst all de
faulter. JOHN I. ROUE UTS,
City Treasurer.
april 2 7 100
Jit Vrivate Sale,
TWO prime Negro Fellows, one a first-rate
Carpenter, about 25 years old—sold for r.o
fault. The other a first-rate Sail Maker, 22 ys,
The above negroes will be sold low if early up
plication is made to
april 24 J. B. HERBERT t* CO.
To Merchants 85 Factors.
A YOUNG Man, native of London, England,
j wishes to obtain a situation as Clerk or
Book-Keeper in a Counting Room or Store. —
Satisfactory r, commendations esn be produced
as to abilities, Sic. Would, have no objections
to staying through the summer. Letters direc
ted to A. B. and left at tliis office, will meet due
’HQntion. sprtl 30 I#2
p. McDermott,
OFFERS for sale at his Hardware, Dry Gooil
SYGrocery Store, Market-square, as follows:
A General Assortment of
Hard-Ware and Cutlery,
Among which are,
Cross-cut mill and whip Saws
A general supply of Building articles
70 kegs cut Nails in 100 lb kegs
Wrought Nails 3,4, 6, 8,10 and 20d
1 case fine Guns, from 20 to 80 dollars
Share Moulds and Shot assorted
2 lons Castings, Brades’ patent Hoes, no 1, 2
and 3
50 tloz. Plough Lines, and 30 Bed Cords
100 straws Tumblers
70 lbs fine’ Shoe Threads in hanks
Black-smith Bellows, 24, & 34, inch, war
Whittemores Cotton Cards, in boxes and half
A gpneral assortment of Wooden Ware
Market and Cloath Baskets
15 bbls malaga Wine, 4 casks Cherry Wine
4 pipes Cognac Brandy, Dupuy’s brand
4 > uncheons Irish Whiskey, fifth proof 2
years old
10 bhls loaf Sugar
Pliilad. Beef & Tongues in half bbls put up
expressly for family use
A general supply of Liquors by retail which he
can recommend,
Also a general assortment of Garden Seeds,
from W Mahon’s, also his book for gardening,
with Smith’s Botany.
He will sell any of the above goods low for
Cash or town acceptances,
abril 5 81
Faint 8, Oil, Window Glass 85c.
5 | AS received per ships Garonne, General
13 Carrington, Corsair, and brig Panthea, an
additional supply of the above articles, viz;
suo kegs London and Liverpool White Lead,
ground in oil, in 28, 56, and 112 lb kegs
100 kegs Spanish Brown, ground in oil
100 do Venitian Red do
100 do Yellow Ochre do
100 do black Paint do
5 )0 gallons Linseed Oil
150 do Spirits Turpentine
500 do Lamp Oil
300 boxes American, English, French and
German Window Glass, assorted,from
7 by 9 to 12 by 18
Together with a general assortment of Paints
and Painters Articles, w hich will be sold on ac
commodating terms at his Paint Store in Whita
ker street, near Col. Shelman’s Mansion House.
10 bis first quality Albany Ale
april 23 96
Mayers § Hamilton.
HAVE received per ship Garonne, a fresh
supply of CLOTHING, suitable for the sea
son-consisting of
Sheppards best blue cloth Coats
Super and extra super blue and blk do do
“ blue, olive, brawn and mixt Frock do
“ blue, and green Coatees
Seersucker, Cotton, Korentine and blk Boui
bazett do
White and drub, Russia Drilling Pantaloons
do and brown Linen do
do black and drab Satteen do
Black silk, Camhlett and Bombaeett do
Blue stripe, Scorsucker and Florentine do
Cuth and Cassimere do. of all colours
Black silk Florentine and Vaientia Vests
Whitt and figured Marseilles do
Round Jackets, Duck Trowsers, Linen and
Cotton Shirts, Cotton Drawers, Stockings, Sus
pendent.—and almost every article in their line.
1 lie above gvmrisare made ill the latest fashion
and best workmans!)! ■ at their Ware House, in
New-York, and are offered for sale at their store
comer of Whitaker and Bryan-streets, (oppo
site J. Penfield U. Co’s.) at the New-York pri
A few cases of Hats manufactured by Hamil
ton & Brush, and warranted equal to any in
this city, containing,
Gentlemen’s drab and black beaver Hats
Imitation do do large brim
Drab Russia do—Castor do
Wood’s do Youth’s do—Children’s fancy do.
1 case Silk Umbrellas —for sale as above,
abril 19 * *Su95
L. It. Sage & Cos.
100 bids Pnelps’ Gin
2o pipes do
50 bbls Mess Pork
30 do Prime do
50 tlo Mesa Beet
50 do Prime do
30 firkins Goshen Butter
20 qr casks Malaga Wine
20 kegs No. I Tobacco
25 bbls Loaf Sugar
50 do Muscovado and N. O. dtr.
f rtT*A
50 boxes Candles
25 do Soap
100 kegs Crackers—with a general assort
ment of GROCERIES, wholesale and retail,
april 17 91
Will commence giving lessons in the French
and Italian languages, at the Academy,
on Monday next. Parents who wish to place
their children under his tuition, are requested
to apply to him at the City Hotel.
Mr. R. intends also to open a .ummer school
on Tybee Island, where will be taught the La
tin, Greek, French, and Italian languages, Ma
thematics, History, Geography, lb awing and
Painting. As some previous arrangements are
necessary, gentlemen and ladies willing to pat
ronise such a school, are requested to make ap
plication to Mr. Williams, at his book store on
the Bay, w here a list will be made for that pur
Reference as to his abilities, &c. to had of
Rev. W. Cranston. march 8—57
Dry Goods.
2 bales B’ankets and 1 do Slops, received
per ship Corsair, for sale by
april 2D 101
subscriber will, on the first of May, be
Jl ready to receive visitors on the above isl
and, during the Summer months. The situa
tion on which the Hotel stands is near tile beach,
elevated and dry, and commanding a full view
of the ocean.
No spot on the coast so favorable to the en
joyment of health and pleasure cottld he select
ed Besides the benefit of a salubrious air, di
rect from the sea. The Island abounds with
game of the country, particularly deer; fish of
all kinds are caught in great abundance; excel
lent water is obtained on the Island. The pro
prietor w ill enjoy the most unaffected gratifica
tion in promoting the comfort of those who may
repair to the island for health or pleasure. To
his Town guests he will be particularly accom
modating. No extra charge will be required—
all will be received with a hearty welcome and
good cheer.
The subscriber feels truly grateful for the
patronage already received from the citizens of
Savannah and its vicinity, and anxious to mani
fest his gratitude for, and requite the generosi
ty of the Georgians and Carolineans, w ill use
every effort to render the retreat worthy of
himself and acceptaole to his guests.
A Carriage will be kept on the Island for
those who may choose to ride. Such amuse
ments as are generally met with at watering
places, will be found at the retreat.
Vessels bound out, or being wind bound, will
at all times during the Summer, find a supply of
genuine stores To the planters on the neigh
boring Islands, this notice is also extended.
He can also now assert with confidence, as
there has-been doubt of the mode of conveyance
from this City to Tybee, that a Steam-Boat is
engaged, and will very soon be on, for the pur
pose of plying between the City and Tybee.
april 24 97 OKU AN BYRD.
Jla hogany Furniture,
Piano fortes, Curled flair Matrasses
feather Beds, Chairs, <sj*c.
rgIHE subscriber, agent for the well known
I. Factory of I> PIIYFE, in the ciiy of N.-vv-
York, respectfully informs the citizens of Sa
vannah, that he lias brought to this city a large
Si full assort ment of CABINET FURNITURE,
consisting of the following articles :
Side Boards, with and without Liquor Cases
Sets of Dining ’Tables, single do
Sofas and Couches, Rosewood and Mahogany
Pier Tables, with marble tops, Card Tables
Tea Tables, Breakfast Tables, Dressing Ta
bles, with and without glasses
Rosewood and Mahogany Work Tables
do do Writing do
.Secretaries, Book Cases, Bureaus
Double and single Wash Stands, Ward'Robes
Butlers’ Trays anil Stands, Piano Stools
Music Book Cases, Mahogany Chairs
Curled Maple do, Rosewood do
High post Rosewood Bedsteads, Fieidfdo
do do Mahogany do. Field do.
do do Curled Maple do field do
Dressing (Jlasses of every description
Piano Fortes, the newest Music, Sic.
Double and single curled hai Matrasses
do do feather Beds 01. he best quality
A large assortment of Chairs
All the above articles will bes. arranted to
stand the climate, and the subscribe, invites the
public generally to call and view fort lemselves
at his Repository,
Church Buildings, opposite Gibbons’ Buildings.
N. B ‘The subscriber has brought out one of
the best workmen, and will attend to those who
wish their Furniture repaired or varnished,
nov 12 6
To Rent,
The subset ibers STORES are now
dual) ready to receive tenants either for the
single store, or tenement, being situated at the
head of the shipping, with an extensive Wharf,
will lie found profitable for the Augusta busi
ness. Persons desirous of occupying any part
or the whole, will find them convenient and the
rent reasonable.
Also, that Commodious HOUSE situated on
the fork of the Augusta and Louisville roads,
nearly complcated, erected purposely for a
house of entertainment,with the lot of five acres
attached to it, For terms apply to
april 4 80
French Goods.
iSTIHE subscribers have just teceived direct
from France via New-York, an assortment
which they offer wholesale at a moderate ad.
vance—among them are :
Double twilled Imperial Stripes
Do do mixt Jeans
Fancy plaid Ginghams
Assorted colors Vigonia CassimereS
Double width Bombazeen
Tapes and Bobbins
Ribbons and Gaiioons
Italian Crapes, Velvet Ribbons
Silk Stockings and Gloves
Half silk Hose ,
Green, blue, white, pink h black Florences
Do do do do do Satins
Black* blue and assorted colors Sewing Silk
Silk Braids, thread Laces
Ladies Kiel and Castor Gloves
Gentlemens superior Beaver Gloves
Dressed and undressed linen Cambric
Linen cambric Handkerchiefs
Muslin Bands For Colie retts
Canton Fringes, floss 8l marking Cotton
Violin Strings, gilt edge Fins
Head and ‘Tooth Brushes
Cologne, Rose and Lavender Water
Pomatum, Antique Oil, Hair Powder, etc.
Anderson’s Building on the Bay.
april 22 and
Just Landing and for Sole by
BEEF, Boston Mess and No 1.
New-York prime Beef and Pork
A few Bbls No 2 Macke-el,
100 Ru dies New-York Hay
200 Bags Oats
Soap and Candles, First quality Flour
Loaf Sugar, a few thousand first quality
Quills —Barrels Jamaica Rum do Whiskey
1 Pine M Wine—Best Bntndy.
spl it 2E P?
IS hereby given, that the left hand halve? of
ten one hundred dollar notes of the Bank of
the United States, signed by W. Jones, Presi
d-nt, and Jona. Smith, Cashier, of the numbers ,
and tenor described below, were placed in the
pottAiffioe at Philadelphia on the evening of the
loth December, 1820, inclosed in a letter by J.
k O Hobson, to Joshua Milne at Savannah ii:
Georgia, which letter was never received; and
as th; entire *ml of the. 14 h Dec from Phila
delphia to Savannah miscarried, the belief i
that the said letter . m notes were stolen o.
j robbed from the n.aii. A pplicat ion having beer
! made to the bs*nk by the subscriber for the pay-
I memos the whole of said notes, all persons
concerned are requested to take notice.
Jan. 1, 1817 A 1-170 favor of C S West §IOO
“ A 956 “ j Houston 100
“ B 903 “ * lol>
“ D 1052 “ PSeip 100
“ C 426 IV Rush, jr. 100
“ D 773 “ C Biddings 100
May 20,1818 A 1868 “J’ Peale, jr. 100
“ * C i797 “ 10
“ I) 1679 “ ico
“ D 1535 “ 100
april 8 fidse
4 LL persons having demands against the es
.'V tate of James Peto, late of South Carolina,
deceased, are requested to render them prop
erly attested according to law, and those in
debted, are reques’ed to make immediate pay
ment to the undersigned qualified administra
trix. MARY A. PETO.
march 12 60
NINE months alter date application will be
made to the Honorable the Inferior Court
of Bryan county for liberty to sell the Real Es
tate of William Road, deceased.
march 14 9m*
PERSONS desirous of disposing of Lands in
Monroe, Houston, and Henry Counties,
and lands in the Counties generally, of the two
last Land Lotteries, will please give information
to the aubscriber by letter, post paid, through
tqe medium of the post-office, stating the low
est price for such, will promptly be answeio-d
feb 16 38 _ DAVID POLOCK
Take Notice.
NINE months afterdate, I shall apply to the
Hon. the Judge of the nferiur Court
Chatham County, for leave to sell he real es
tate of W.G Ernie, and for the benefit of the
heirsL ad creditors of said deceased
U 62
months afterdate the undersigned
I will make application at the Planters’ Bank
ofthe State of Georgia, for payment of a Note
issued by the said Bank, the left hand half of
which has been lost—No. 551, value g 59, sign
ed John Bolton, Prcs’t.
march 13 fni6l
ALL persons having demands against the es
tate of Celete Ann M‘Coy, late of Savan
nah, deceased, are requested to present them
to the subscriber.
S. C. GREENE, ."dmst'r.
april 10 nj* 85
A ‘tlE Copartnership now subsisting under
ii the firm of KILLAM, HILLS - Wt;< t
will expire by limitation in a few we<’”
accounts remaining unsettled by th b
May, will be left with An Attorney 1 T> c
tion, as it will be necessary to clo‘ < ‘1 * . usuc.
tions cf the concern
Previous to which time, they • . ell their
remaining Stock of READY-M 1)E CLOA r, t
ING AT COST. april 13— 38
TniIREE months after date, appiica’ion will
J he made to the Bank ofthe State of Geor
gia for tbe renewal of Certificate *>o. 408, for
fourteen shares Stock, the original being lost.
april 4 * nifSO
FROM the subscribers on the 19th instant, a
Saddle, Bridle and Martingale ; a liberal
reward will bo given on apprehension of the
thief or on delivery of the above articles to
april 23 56
Stock Produce Broker.
■ a ire subscriber will attend to the purchase
I and sale of STOCKS, PRODUCE MER.
CHANDIZE of every description, at a moderate
Hall Cf Hoyt's Buildings, on the Bay.
march 4 _ dfrtf
A General Assortment of
Drugs, Patent Medicines,
Surgical Instruments,
\ND all other articles usually found in Drug
Stores. All su*h GARDEN SEEDS as the
season demands, and will produce in the Kitch
en and Flower Garden.
An assortment of K_, )WER POTS.
Jind on Consignment,
An assortment of Ornamental Shrubs, Carna
tion Pinks, ifc.
N.B. All the above mentioned articles are
warranted. april 27—100$
Drafts on Boston,
VT 60 days sight, for sale bv
aptil 2$ c
No. 1Ci.......V0t. £#
Gj Balter and Minton,
On the first ‘Tuesday in June next, will be sold
in front of the Court-House in Savannah, be
tween the usual hours, * 1
The Buildings on Lot No. (Ul)
Warren VVsird, in said city, together with toe un
expired term of the lease of said lot, being thri
remaining part of the estate Os H. H< .son, dec.
j Sold by virtue of an order of the hon, the InPe:
I rior Court of Chatham County, by order of the
administrator. Terms cash. ‘ april 6
rjplJIS Establishment well-known for some
it time past, having been thoroughly repaired
and many extensive additions made to it, is at
gain opened for the rcconmiodaimn of boarders
—lt is in a healthy and airy part of the ciiy, and
is well cab iliated f< r giving comfort and ti.te tu
ah who n.ay patronize ihe establishment. The
proprietor can at any lime accommodate pri
vate families, having spare rooms for that pur
Travellers and constant boarders will be well
attended to, a> good stables and hostlers liavh
been procured—nd the eating establishment
will at ail tunes be furnished with the very belt
viands ibe market can afford. The bedding is
of the first order and attentive servants are prtji
cored to provide every comfort that can be hid
for those who may call for them- In the Dai?
Room the best of Liquors will be furnDhed;b
and in the reading-room department, to thu&e
w ho wish food for the mind, papers from eien
quarter of the United States will be found ‘ll%
-iitbscriber trusts from the endeavors he shall
make, to Tender every individual comfortabu
who may patronize the Georgia Hotel, that tus
w ill receive a share of tiie public patronage.
Baptist Church Square.
april 27 1m
HAVING engaged Mr. James Wilson (welj
knowing as a first rate workman) to cut
atid superintend his work, will as heretofore
carry on the Tailoring Business in all its branch
lie has on hand, just received from Nfriv-.
Superfine blue and black Cloth
Vigoma Cassimere, Marseilles
Toitnet and Pekin silk Vestings
Seersuckers, Ginghams
Cam on vamblet, BombzeeneS
Canton and Nankeen Crape
Ftench Bombaieen
Sirii.wd and white Jeans
Plain and ribb’d Russia Drills
Which r ill be made up at the shortest notice
and in tiie most fashionable style.
(Lj’/J anted Immediately four or five Journey*,
men i ail rs. None ne and apply hut those whd
can con e well reconni ended as to gkiliukitsk.
april 16 §s 9A
William Patterson.
f I AS just received by ship Gen.
I ‘ fresh supply of STAPLE AND FANCY
GOODS— among which arc :
Fancy Plain silk Handkerchiefs
Blk Levantine and Sinchew Silki
White and blk Con Con Crapes
Blk Camhlet
Blk aud colored Crape Dresses
Blk Nankeen \ Canton Crapes
Blk and color’d Crape Scarfs
Stripe Jeans and Colton Cassimereii
4-4 mid 6-4 Cambric Gingham
4-4 and 6-4 mull muli and Jaconet Jftlsliw
4-4 Irish Linens ”
Silks and Cotton-Umbrellas
Green Crape and Gauze
with those received by other late arrival*, makot
a handsome assortment, which will be sold £ a
small advance from auction prices for Cash,
april 25 h
JUST received from New. York, to be dispcU
sed of at the New-York prices, the follow-?
ing articles:
Super super blue and black close body Coati
Second quality d o>
“bite and colored plain &. ribb’d Russia Drills
Bombazrtte, Bbmbazeen
Canton and nankeen Crape
Canton Camlet, Seersuckers
White and brown Linen
vigonia Cassimere, French Nankeenctt
White and Striped Jeans
Yellow anil blue. Nankeen
Florentine Pantaloons
Round Jackets and Coatees, same as abtivt:
Black Florentin, Pekin Silk
Marseilles and Tnilnett Vests
Plain and frilled linen and cotton Shirt's
Linen and Cotton Drawers
Gentlemen’s Hats, Imitation Beaver do
Shoes, Boots, and every other article that W
be called for in his line **
For sale by JOHN P. SETZE.
april 16 |s 90
A bale of Cotton Found,
A square bale of Cotton wat picked up ej*
the 18lh of March last, below Beck’s &nlf£
in the Swamp ; It is numbered 64* brand caroife’
be made out. The owner of the cotton nd[y
hear of the same by enquiring at this
and paying for this advertisement,
april 20 94
Swedes Lon.
rtfA ton* SWEDES IKON, arsorted—for sjffo
liVa/ by A.U. FANNIN & Cos/
march 26 *72
One Billiard Tabic and Appi^
ratUs K
bo had cheap;—Enquire at this offlqf?.’
Fresh Roots Shoes.
SIXTY packages SHOES, comprising a g£r _
eral assortment
10 packages BOOTS, just received and Ju -
sale by GKORUE -VERWA ty,
aptd 2