Newspaper Page Text
p Ttm Currccoa. —Capt. Baker has politely fur
ulshed us with Curracoa papers to the 30th ult.
Puerto Cabello was still blockaded. The sea-’
jjoatd remainihg in possession of the Royalists,
extends from that port to Coro. The expedition
of 1300 men, from Maracaibo, had landed at Alta
Gracia. Morales was following up their retreat,
in the hope of preventing their re-embarkation.
-Y. r. Oaz. 22dv2t,
Letters from the Morea, of the 23th and 29th
Januarv, state, that all the fortresses in the Pen
insula were then in the power of the Greeks ;
and that there had arrived at Argoes an agent
from the United States of America, announcing
to the Greeks that the Congress would send
them five frigates, with ammunition for 40,000
There has been a change in the Spanieh M'n
jjtry Don Martinez tie la Rosa was made fillis
ter of Foreign Relations ; Don Joseph Ala* ; ara,
Minister of th” Interior; Don Filipe de Serra
rarobly, Minister of Finance; Brigadier Roma
ic, Minister of the Marine ; Don Nicholas Ga
refi, Minister of Justice; together with Don Ma
nuel de Bodega. This new Ministry has becm
fjlected from the moderate part of the Cortes.
the New-York Commercial Adv. April 22.
London papers to the 21st of March, and
Paris dates to the 13th of the same month
have been received at Boston since our last,
['here was i4®° an arrival here yesterday I
from Greenock, which brought papers of
that place to the l9ih us March.
The symptoms of war witn Russia and
Turkey are certainly not less apparent, al
though we have nothing positive to guide
us on the subject. It appears by accounts
(com St. Petersburgh of the 6th of Feb. that
the Emperor Alexander had given such an l
answer to the joint note of the cabmets of
London and Vienna, as to induce the lat
ter to renounce the hope of maintaining
peace, and abandon their plans of medita
tion. In this answer the Russian Emperor
returns his thanks to the cabinets of Aus
tria and England, lor the efforts they have
made to re-establish a good understanding
between Russia and the Porte; but he de
clares at the same time that he cannot rest
a passive spectator of the injui ies done to
the Greek religion by the Ottomans, and I
their excesses every day renewed. lie’
will be willing to renew negociationa, if
I the Turks will content toevaeunte Molda-
I tia and Wallachia, and name new hospo-
I ilars. He reserves full and entire liber-
I ty to make peace or war, without beingj
I willing to admit any foreign interference.
I A circular it also stated, in the Paris
I papers to have been addresesed to all the
I European Cortet, by Prince Metternich,
I in which Anttria has “resumed the tone of
I authority she formerly exercised in Eu-
I tope, aud to have directly declared, that
I the will not agree to war, but is determin-j
I <d on the preservation of peace.” Thej
I language it is added, is held in concert j
I with England and France, tfitii whom the’
I most perfect harmony of views, as to Tur-j
I key, is said to exist. It is also reported,
I tlut the Dtike Decazes had left Paris for
I Germany, charged with an important mis-
I si<m.
I Meanwhile great efforts are stated to be
I making in Russia to open the campaign
I earl) in the Spring. The two brothers and
I the Emperor, the Grand Dukes Nicbolasj
l and Michael, had arrived a: Mir>k, the;
I head quarters of the Huarmy,
I where, aUu, Alexander •himself “ v -;
I ery moment expected. The total num-;
I her of the Russian army, ready to take,!
I the field, i- now stated at from BO to 100,-i
I 000 infantry, from 30 to 40,000 cavalry,
I and 130 j ieces of artillery, exclusive of
I the corps stationed in Bcsarabiu,
I The Turks, on the other hand, do not
I appear to be less active. In little Wal-
I lachia, their army was daily receiving rein.
I Wcemrnts, and it was even said that the
| v izer, Selim Pacha, not at Belgrade, had
I determined with the army assembled in
■ ‘the environs of Constantinople, to take
I'tip his march for the banks ol the Danube
[I Should this be the fact, no doubt could re
■ mum of the commencaraent of hostilities.
■ A retrograde movement of the Russians
■ stationed on the Purih, had takeu place;
■ hut this movement is said to have been for
I purpose merely of concentrating their
■ fucss previous to more active operations.
I liießnssian General, Worruzoff, had been
■ ending in Paris fur some time, had re
■ turned to Russia.
■ A defensive and offensive alliance be
■ ’"een Great Britain and France, and a
■strung po Wl .r in Germany, is spoken of in
■ ‘n event of hostilities.
ihe two sons of the Schah of Persia, in
lienee of the death of their father.
■ ai l raised the scige of Bagdad, ami were
■now contending who had the best right to
throne. Letters from Constantinople
■’•peak annfidently of peace having been
• eluded with the Persians.
■ , he often told story ol the arrest ani
■ ‘ ..Alt Pacha, is again repeated in
■n ! r es l ro,h Constantinople, The sight of
■ -'in l * ie l ,acl)a > *<* have been.;
■ - ofl, a&d presented to the Sultan, is j
stated to have given him great satisfaction.
A courier had alao arrived at Vienna,
bringing a confirmation of the event. The
Pacha is represented to have met his death
in consequence of act 9 of violence towards
his troops, who seized his person, cut off
his head and sent it toChurschild Pacha.
This commander of the Ottoman forci >
| immediately dispatched some Tartars v-
Constantinople with the bloody trophy, to
the Grand Seignior, where, they at rived on
the 15fh of February, and where the event
excited the most extravagant joy.
Bordeaux Market, March 12.
Your 27 bales of Upland Cotton were sold 4
days ago, at 35f duty paid. By no means give
more than 15 cents in your place, for first quali
ties. Inferior cannot be sold at any price. For;
your Rice of the new crop, 1 have obtained sor 1
33 bis. 31f— 32 could have been had, but the I
prospect of other arrivals renders purchasers
backward * f
March IS. —Armagnac Brandy,—lst proof, is i
now worth from 260 a 265f the 50 velts; 4th’
proof, 350t‘in small pipes; 35 (f in large pipes.— j
As 4th proofs ar< not abundant in our market, I
do not think that the price will ne lower—-but
the least demand will occasion a rise
Cottons m e ve v dull throughout F. .uce—Up
lands are woyth-In re, 16<. i for superior qual
,itv; l.ouisiiv., ‘73 a 1 725. Prices are so high
witi ■! at money mus. Le \ -it by the article.
i'r/c.t 14tA More! Cotton, sea-island 310 a
325f en trepot; uplands li Y. ; i c a I3sfen trepot;
Louisianas, 115a140fd0.; Rice, new crop, 29 a
31f entrepot; old crop, 16 a 23f; Tobacco, 65 a
85f; Carolina, 35 a 55f ; Pearl Ash, Am. 45 a 46f
50c e’n trepot; Pot Ash, Am. 44 a 45f en trepot.
Liverpool Market, March 16.
Cotton—The market ha* been rather inactive
j throughout the week, and holders have been in-:
duced to submit to a decline of about Jd per lb.
for the middling qualities of uplands. The De
meraras sold by public auction at a similar re
duction. In other descriptions we scarcely per
ceive any alteration. Sales 6420 bales, import
Glasgow Market, March 16.
Cotton has been in limitted demand this week j
—prices unaltered.’ Nothing of consequence’
;doing in Tobacco or Ashes; new Rice 19s; Flax
seed 60s.
From the Washington City Gazette.
£The following affords further proofs of
the singular ‘exertions” A some of out na
val officers ou behalf of the itoyaiisis 011
the Pacific coast, which looks like counte
nancing any thing but the cause of liberty.
There can be only one excuse for these ex
ertion-, and that is nut on the score of hu
manity; if the v iceroy’s life was really ii
jdunger, then indeed the exertions mention
ed may be viewed in an opposite light. Il
wouid be more palatable that the Patriots,
in the hour of danger, should have refused
such civilities, it is nut very long since
the Royalists in the vice-royalty of Peru
i marched against the Patriots of Quito, with
black standards, bearing the motto of ‘the
army of death,” and actually carried their
bloody purposes into execution by putting
every fifth lie'oic defender of his country
to death, not even sparing nuns. Our offi
cers should make themselves better ac
quainted with the character of the Roya!-
its, before they are *n anleut in the cause
of royal cjiieftiaii* or governors. As to
j the slander heaped on Lord Cochrane it i?
not wot tli notice. Hi- exertions in the
J cause of independence are well known.J
Extract of a letter from an officer ■on board (lie
Franklin 74, dated Rio Janeiro, Dec. 4, 1821;
to a gentleman in Baltimore.
“Nodoubt, ere this you will have heard
of the. surrender of Lima to the Patriots.—
The Vico Roy of Lima, is at present in
Rio, he was displaced by the people, and
is indebted to (he exertions of Capt. Ridge
; ly so: his escape, which lie i>asacknowledg
ed to Commodore Stewart who waited on
- ii 1111 . Cochrane’* squadron are in a dread
ful state—the men deserting and dissaris
ilied, nor receiving any pay for the last
jriine months. The Regent of this place
hag be“ii called home by the Cortes of
Portugal, he is quite a favorite with the
people ; they wish to make him their king
—he will leave this place in March. I'll*
negroes here are drove about the streets
iike our cattle7for sale. They have houses
where tney are driven *0 when they land
from Africa, where they are fattened, and
where they brush and oil them 10 make
them look well. Lord Cochrane’s vessel
was loaded wit!) wheat and dry goods, and
go anxious was he to be the first at market
after Lima’s fail, he stood close in, and
his veset.! struck, and went down. Me
ventured logo to a port to the leeward of
Lima, and to send his property to that
place. Com. Hardy’s demands on Loid
Cochrane were immediately complied with
and the vessel given up- The writer de
clared the Franklin to be an excellent ship
for sailing—that when in company with
the Dolphin and heavily laden, they were
competed to shorten sail for fear of losio-;
her tender, One man only has been lost,
who fell from the yard arm over board.
The Paris papers often have a fling at Eng
lish customs, and their imitation by Frenchmen.
Lately they told a story of a young gentleman
taken snddently ill In company, about whom the
party ran to loose his cravat. “ That won’t do
(said one of his friends) he must be unlaced?”
“ Yes, he has been to London, and wears stays.’
He was accordingly relieved; and the editor ob
serves, that France formerly gave the fashions
to all Europe, but now London sets the mode
for corsets, starched neckcloths, white gloves,
and inst •uments to *lean the nails. Surely, he
adds these English arc not so grave and wife as
. ‘
MARRIED— On Wednesday eveniug last by
the Rev. Walter Cranston, Mr. Wk. Overstbeit
to Miss Caroline Cope, eldest drughter of Adam
Cope, Esq. all of this city.
MARRIED —on the Ist inst. by Justice Dob
bins, the gay and gallant Major N. Duhkee; aged
30, to the blooming Mrs. Melinda Bautlbtt,
aged 65.
Happy, happy, happy pair,
None but the brave deserve the fair !
Port of Savannah, yjffil)
Schooner Dolphin, Askwith, 4 days from Jef
ferson, with cotton to order.
Schooner Isabella, Blake, Beaufort, 1 day.
Sch. Dclight-in-Peace. Kelly, Alexandria.
The ship Columbia, Burrows, for Liverpool,
dropped down to Cockspur roads yesterday mor
ning, ready for sea. Passengers, Col. Marshall,
lady a'ud servants, Dr. Waring, George Glen, ■
esq. and Mr. Crane.
The brig Penelope, fin Clyde for this port,put
back; after being 6 weeks at sea.
The brig Ncpos, Collins, from this port, for
Portsmouth, was at Gravesend the 18th March.
The Three Sally*, Treat, from this port was at
Villa Franca the Ist March.
The brig Hope, Brown, cleared at New-Y'ork
the 23d.
Sch Mary, arrived at Boston an the 20th, from
this port.
Notice ty Jttarineri. —There has recently been
placed on the Georgetown, S. C. Bar, two Spar
buoys, one of which is placed on the point of the
South Breaker, in ten feet at low water and bear
ing from the Lighthouse S. 4E. The second is
placed on the point of the North Breaker, in 9
feet at low water and bearing from the latter
buoy N. W. by N. 4 N. In passing the outer
buoy (which will be known by having a bush at
tached to it) you will keep either twenty or thir
ty yards, leaving it on your larboard hand, and
steer directly for the second which is placed on
the point of the North breaker, 5t will be known
by a black ball, which must be left the same dis
tance as the former on your starboard hand.
NEW-YOKK, April 22.
Arrived—ship Meteor, (one of the new line of
packets) Cobb, 39 days from Liverpool. Sailed
on the I2lh March and experienced boisterous
weather on the 9th and 10th of April—Passed
three large islands of ice on the Banks of New
j foundland.
i Ship Merchant, Aymer, 52 day* from Liver
l pool and 33 from Cork.
Ship Dublin Packet, Newcomb, 40 days from
Dublin, ■. la Cove ofCork.
Brig- Charles, Amburger, Haskill, ofSalem, 55
days from Cadiz.
BOSTON, April 19.
Arrived this forenoon, the fast sailing- brig O
rion, Smith, from London, 23d Feb. and from
the Downs 26th Feb.—and last from Bordeaux
in 20 days. Left at Bordeaux, 21st March, ship
Hunter Davis, for Philadelphia 27th,’ the only A-j
nierican vessel at Bordeaux, the Elbe, of Ham- 1
burg-, for New-York, ar. at Havre on the 11th of I
March. Up at Rochelle, to sail about the 20th !
March, the brig Magnet forNcw-York. The Car
oline Walter, from New-York, ar. at Havre BUI
March. The Perseverance, Hodgdoft, from Cay
enne, arrived at Antwerp, March sth, having
8678 bags of brown sugar anil tea.
dup Parthian, Mackay, from Liverpool, via
Milford-haven, where she put in to repair dama
ges, having had her darnels knocked up, and
for chains carried away by a heavy sea on the
11th ult. 24th days. Was wind bound at Milford
haven severald ys, and left there on the 25th ult
ship Lady Gallatin, Harris, from Liverpool for
Savaiinah—having on the 9th ult. put into M. in
(list , ess; in consequence 01 springing aleak the
7th in a heavy gale, all hands could not free her,
she had discharged her cargo and hauled ou the
Way. Spoke 27th, oti the cove of Cork, ship
Tuscarora, of Philadelphia for Liverpool—April
4th, lat 4., long- 36, ship Solon, Joy, from Liver
pool for N. York. The ship Mercury, Nickels,
ior Boston, and brig Gov. Brooks, Bishop, for
Charleston; cleared at Liverpool; 16th ult.—■
The Parthian has brought London papers and
/.lord’s Lists to the 2ist, and Irish paper* to th
21st ul .
[from London Shipping Lint to March 21.]
March 21.—At Gravesend,2oth, Comet,Moore,
NYork. At Liverpool, 19th, Manhattan, Crock
er, NYork; Illinois, Funk, do. Off’ Penzance,
19th, Armenius, Havana for Bremen. At Alli
cant. Washing-ton, Ellis Boston. At Rotterdam,
14, Argus, Drew, do. At Messina, 17, Shepher
dess, Storer, NYork. At Villa Franca, Ist,Moor,
Hunt, Pfiifad; Three Sallys, Israel, Savannah.—
The Isabella, Dignia, Liverpool to NOrleans, was
seen 17th, lat slf. 53, lon 12. I'he Argo, Lor
man, St. Johns to Liverpool, has been abandoned
at Sea—crew, excepting 2 who perished, ar. at
March 20.—At Cowes 19th, Mary, Mayo, fm
Virginia; Eliza, Burgess, do. Off Dover 17th,
Comet, Moore, fm NYork, 20 days; Hibernia,
Dame, Baltimore for Rotterdam. At Gravesend,
19, Nepos, Collins, Savannah. At Bordeaux,
Hunter, St. Thomas. At Texel, loth, Hunter,
Batavia; Zerino, Savannah.
March 19—The Masaschusetts, Melius, of
Boston, from Charleston for Hamburg, was stran
ded in Eyerland (near the Texei] 10th inst.—
crew saved. The Martha, from New-Yark to
Amsterdam, and the William, Ffcilson, irom Hm
stc-dam for Liverpool, have been lately driven
as! ore in the Taxel, with toss of anceors and Ca
bles. Penelope, Clark, south Carolina. Bre
men sth, sailed, Virginia, Cunningham, Balti
March 18.—At Cove of Cork 7th, Eolus, Bris
tol for New-York, with loss of boat; Stentor,
Harris, Baltimore, 32 days having thrown about
20,000 staves overboard. At Deal 16, Nepos,
Savannah- Oft’ Liverpool, Tuscarora, Philadel
phia. At Newry l2thj Alfred, Warnock, New-
Y'ork. At Antweip, 16th, Ganges, Bray, Bata
via ; Baltic, Snow, Boston ; Georges, Tullock,
Rio Janeiro. At Texei 11th, Martha, Neal, N.
March 16.—At Belfast, 12th, Hibernia, Gra
ham, Liverpooll, forNow-York —At Dublin, 12th
Globe, Sanderson, New-York, leaky—3o lihds
flaxseed throw, overboard, and one man lost.
Falmouth, 14th, sailed. Princess Elizabeth Pack
el, N. York; Marshalal Wellington, Ayr, do.
Loudon Packet, Tracy, for Boston. At Liver
pool. 14th, Wm. and Ezra, Davis, Richmond, Va.
put back, Ann-Maria, Graham, New-York. Mil
ford, 14th, sailed, Isabella, Dagnia, for New-Or
leans. At Havre, 11th, F-lhe, Steel, New-Or-
Icans. Spoken, lat. 44, lon. 12, Brsganza;Liver
pool, to N. Orleans.
Ae fitly executed at the os^
f “ ’
Tbr JV ew-Orleans,
JtfpK The schooner COLUMBUS, T. Boss,
will sail for New-Orleans on Fri
day, sth inst. For freight or passage, .apply to
Ahe captain on board at Anderson’s wharf, or to
may 3 195
■ —■ - ■ . h
In Council,
Savanxah, May 2, 1822 ■
ESOLVED, that nn Monday the 13tii inst-.
1 an Election be held at the Court-House in
jthe city ol Savannah, for an Alderman to supply
j the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of
Alderman Waring. Audit is further Resolved
I that the City Marshall attend said election to
preserve order.
Extract from the MinsU-s.
JAMES S. BOND, Clk.proterii.
may 3* 105
li. L. .Milling, j
At the Sign of the Rig RjU. souk tide of Market i
sjj AS received, and is in. w opening, t- large]
H. 6. and handsome assortment of I.allies* Gen
tlemens’ BOfl 1 8 and SHOES, suitable for the
present season, viz:
One trunk ladies’ [ lain and cd Valencia
and satin (shoes
One trunk ladies’ moroeo nf a superior qualit)
One do Village tie walking Shot s
One do Misses blit kid and sßin Slips
One do Infants’kid Boms, ail colors
One do gentlemens sup Q rarwr Bools
One do do fine calf skin and moroeo Boots
... Comprising a complete assortment for the
Town or Country Trad9.
Intending to leave the City during the Sum-!
mer months, he will sell the above Shoes at re
duced prices for cash or Town
may .3 . c ,
2000 bushels CORN, for sale by
rila y 3 ’■ <l. SAGE & 00.
Llj demands against the subscriber must
iSkA be rendered in to him on or before the
loth of May, otherwise they will not be paid.
april 30 c
JV*. 11. HART
Has just received the following article*, viz :
* FEW pair rich Cut quart and pint DECAN.
Straws plain double fiint figured and fluted
I)o do do do do Wine* and Cordials
Do do do do do Goblets
Ice Cream, Sweetmeat & Lemonade Glasses,
With a number of other articles which will be
disposed of verv low and mav be examintd at
HOUSE, Barnard-sireet.
may 2 4
Jlay awl Coffee.
.! ( 5-L jfk Bundles Hay, of superior quality
| 25 bags Green Coffee, landing and for
, ** lc l>y > ROBERT S. GOFF,
I april 30 c Exchange wharf 1
500 bbls No. 3 Mackerel,
I ANDIYG and for sale by
april 24 97
Exchange on Itoston,
For sale by . S. B. PA UK MAN.
In Invoice of CUT NAILS, and
40 bbls N. E. RUM. april 26-c
25 bbls first quality Albany BF.F.R, landing
from brig Teiegraph and lor sale bv
april 16 c
Mil line t.
EIGHT hundred pieces white and coloured
.MiI.LIN E PS, for sule by
april 22 h
Coffee , Ale, &c.
30 hags prime Green Coffee
50 bbls Vaasai-’s Ale
2 pipes pure Holland Gin
Landing from ship Garonne, and sale Sy
april 16—d Jones’ Upper wharf.
50 hhds. Molasses ,
Os OR sie by PETTY &. GREENE, Jones’
• * wharf april 26—c
4 La p/re assortment of Vlaiiogany suitable for
Cabinet-makers, Carpenters and others—
kept constantly on hand, and will be sold on
reasonable terms.
april 13 Church building .
Marshal's Sales;
ON the first Tuesday in May next, will bt
sold at the Market-house in the town ot
St. Mary’s, between the usual hours of ten and
three o’clock.
The following NEGROES, viz : Cato, Arm
sted, N'ed, Coco, Mitley and her. child, Mary,
Prissilla, Delila, Lucy, and her three children,
Isaac, Jacob, and Bella.
Also, the following Tracts of Land, laying
and being in East-Florida, viz : One Tract con
taining tuo hundred and six’y acres, more or
less, situated on Mills’s Swamp.
One tract containing 175 acres more or less,
situated on Bells River, with the improvements
thereon; one tract, containing six thousand
eight hundred and eighty six acres, more or
less, situated on the waters ofNa&saw River-
One tract containing five thousand four hundred
and sixty acres, more or less, situated on Hell’s
River—One tract, containing three thousand
s nundred and fifty four acres, more ot less,
situated on Brandy Branch—One tract contain
ing two hundred and seventy acres, more or
less, situated on McQueen’s Swamp —One
tract containing two hundred acres, more or
less, situated on Bells River, and one lot in the
town of Fernandina.
The aboveproperty pointed out by the de
fendant to satisfy an Execution issued out of
the Sixth Circuit Court of the United States for
the District of Georgia, in favor of William F-
Kelly Vs. Eleazer Waterman, —Conditions of
Sale Cash. M. BOOG Dy. M.
> St. >sry’s IVrQ nwch
If- George Schley , 1
I HIS DAY, the 3d instant,, at 1,1 o’clock, will
be sold in front of his Auction Store,
Groceries and JJry Goods.
may 3
By John Shirk. Jr.
TUI” BAY, 3rd instant, at It o’clock, will her
sold in trout of his Auction Room, No 2, Coiiir
meree row, a large and general assortment of
Liquors & Groceries, as usual.
Also, to close consignment without reserve,
5 bbls Orange Shrub
5 bbls Peppermint Cordial
15 bbls very superior Cider
may 3
| By J. li. Herbert & Cos.
TO-MORROW, the 4th, .at 11 o'clock. will bfe
sold at our Auction store,
2 cases Irish Linens
1 do Long Lawns
1 do Book Muslin
1 do fancy needlework Muslins
1 case extra gilt Buttons of he latest im
portations. ■
Terms—all sums over g 506, 60 days; over 5?0
4W day a. ’ „lay 2
TO-MORROW, 4th inst. at 11 o'clock, will be
sold before our store,
By order bf the administrator, sundry articled
belonging to the estate of Hiram Crew, deceas
cd, viz; *-
1 chest Mill Wright’s Tools
1 Turning Lay and other articles attached
thereto, and sundry other articles.
Terms cash. n iay 3
TO-MORROW 4th inst. at il o’clock, will bis
sold before our store, to close.a consign
50 kegs White Lead
44 do Ground Verdigris
29 do black Paint
15 bbls Lamp Black
, 4 do black Varnish
12 casks 811 8 Porter
7 hhds Sugar
20 bbls Ale
8 kegs Goshen Butter
Terms Cash. ,
Jiv Laker Minton.
On MONDAY, 6tli inst. at half past 10 o’clock
will be sold before our store, a general
assortment of
And at half-pagt 11 o’clock, in store,
may 3
On TUESDAY next the 7th inst at 11 o’clock,
in front of the Court-house
1 Negro WOMAN, about 30 years of age, a
good house servant.
Also, her SON, about lOyears oi age, a li ely*
and well disposed hoy. “ mar 3
Adm inistrators -idles
BY order of the Honorable the 1 our. us Or
dinary, (or the county of Chatham will ba
sold at the Court House in this r;cv, on the
firet I uesday in May next, at 12 oclock. the
following property, being the remaining part
of tue real estate of llazen Kimball, deceas
One vacant Lot of Ground, designated in the
P ,ah of the city as Np, 16, Jackson Ward, 60 by
9u teet; fronting on Orleans square and on Ba
yard street continued, opposite house of It
Habersham, Esq. subject to annual ground rent
to be city of §55 68 JUQ.
One half Lot, known and designated in thft
plan of the city as No 35, Warren ward, with
the improvements thereon,consisting of a good,
two story House and out buildings, recently
occupied by Mr. J Lawrence, subject to ground
rent of £>7 50-100 per annum.
1 erms of sale—for the vaoant Lot, on*
third cash, one third six months one third 2
months, with interest—payment secured by
mortgage on die property, the half Lot, with
improvements cash—purchaser paying for ti
HENRY W. HILLS, c Adm rs.
GEORGE SCHLEY, Auct’r. march 9 5$
Ry J. B. Herbert & Cos. ‘
Administrator’s sale.
On the first TUESDAY in May next will be soli!
before the Court-House in this city, betweeii
the usual hours of 10 and 3 o'clock,’
All that valuable Lot, No 20, Trustees Gar
dens, in the city of Savannah, front on East Broad
street, sold as the property of Mr. Samuel uav
enpoit, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs
and creditors, by permission of the Honorable,
the Inferior Court of Chatham County, and by
order of the Administrators. Terms at time of
ple - march 1
Administrator Sale,
By Baker and Minton.
On the first Tuesday in M?y next
At 12 o'clock, in front of tU Court Home,
The wharf tot No. 8 called
Stanton’s wharf, with the buildings therou
Also, the lot and buildings thereon, lately in the
occupation ot P. Stanton, deceased, situated ii
St. James square, Heathcoat Ward, sold by per
mission of the honorable the Inferior Court, by
order of the administrators—Terms Cash *
feb 28
Marshals Sales.
Tuesday in May next, will be
’ “Sold at the Market House in the Town o
St. Mary’s, between the usual hours of ten and
three o’clock.
The following NEGROES, v.z.Serah, Charles,
Samuel, Mary end Amelia, Levievf on as tbo
property of David Lewis deceased, to satisfy
sundry Executions in favor of the United States
■Vs. Samuel Clarke, Administrator of David
Conditions of Sale Cash, in such Bills or
Specie, as will be received in the United States
Branc|) Bank, as no other will be received.
„ M. BOOG I)y M.
St Mgiy’# Jtarfr 15 r£) £