The Savannah museum. (Savannah, Ga.) 182?-1822, May 03, 1822, Image 4

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    Drug £$ Chemical Warehouse,
At the Corner of
Whitaker and Congress streets, Shad’s Buildings.
Genuine Drugs,
.Medicines. Perfumery, etc.
WARRANTED Fresh, and of the first qua
lity, at the Lowest prices. Amongst
which are
Antimony crude Rhubarb root
Alcohol do powdered
Aloes soct. do hepat Red PercipitateJ
Arrow t oot, Annis seed Rose water, Rosin
Assafetida, Aium Rust of I con
Angelica root Gum elastic, Spatulas
Angostura bark Scales and weights
Aquafortis Marble mortars
Antimonial winej Composition do Iron do
Arsenic Ivory rejection pipes
Acid muriatic, do nitric do syringes
do nitrous, do tariaric Syringin quarts inboxs
do sulphuric i do pints, do $ pints
Hark yellow, do red do male and female
ido pale, do in quill Congress & spring watr
Balls Capeva I.emon acid
do Canada, do Peru Soda powders
do Tolu Salts of Lemon
Barbados tar Cologne water
Borax ref-d Wash balls
Burgundy Pitch Windsor soap
Bole Armenia Transparent do
Beeswax yellow Liquid do
do white Lows perfumed do
Brimstone roll Naples do
do ref‘d Pomatum in sticks
Caster Oil American do in pots assorted
do do W India Rose water
Castor Russia Lavender do
Camphor ref‘d Fancy vials
£aloniel ppt Essences ass’4
Cantharides, do pulv Sal Ammoniac
Cammomile flowers do Volatile
Canella alb. do soda
Caraway seed do Rochelle
Cardamon seed do Tarter
Cascarilla bark ‘ do Epsom
Cassia, Cinnamon do Glauber
Castile soap white do Niter vefined
do colored 9olut Arsenic flours
Cloves, Cochineal Spts Ammonia
Columbo root, do powd do hartshorn
Chalk prepared do Lavender compn’d
Coriander seed do Wine
Cream Tartar pulv do Camphor
Corrosive sublimate do Nit. Pule
Carmine Sassafras bark
Conserve roses Sassaparilla
Caustic Lunar Sponge fine, do course
Sons blood SaflVon Spanish
ales do English
Dovers powders do American
Epsom salts Eng. Savin, senna Alex
Ether sulph. Ergot Spermaceti
Elder blossoms Snake root Virg
Emery Hue do seneka, squills
do No 1, 2 and 3 Storex, salts hartshorn
Elixir paragoric Sugar Lead
do vitriol Syrup squills
Extract cicuter do simple
do gentian, do Lead Tart Emetic, Tapioca
Flour sulphur Tinct Aloes compn’d
do benzoin do Myrrh,
Flaxseed, Fennel do do Valerian
Filings steel, do Iron do snake root
Frankincense do Assafoctida
Glauber salts do Benzoin comp’d
Galls Aleppo do Cantharides
Galbanum, Ginseng do senna
Gold Thread do Rhubarb
Gentian root do bark liuxhams
Glass Antimony do Peruvian bark
Ginger race do Opium, do castor
do powdered do Muriat Iron
Grains paradise do columbo rout
Gum ammoniac do Kino, do Jalap
do Senegal do guiac, do Valerian
do arabic, do powd do Gentian comp’d
do kino, do benzoin Vinegar distilled
do tragacanth do squills
do guac, do Myrrh Vilerian root
do shellac, do Copa Vitriolatatcd Tartar
do masticb Vitriol white, do blue
do gamboge do green
do scamony Patent medicine lie
Ilelehore black rtatemans drops
do white JUritish Oil
Uiera Picra Essence peppermint
Honey, do of squills Stoughtons bitters
Hodmans anodyne Godfrey’s cordial
Isinglass Steers Opodeldoc
Ipecacuanha or hippo Turlingtons balls
Jalap, Juniper berries Dalbeys carminative
Laudanum DafFs Elixir
l iquorice root Harlem oil or medeca
do powdered, do ball mentum
do refined Oil Wormseed
Lime water. Lead do Pills, Lees New London
Magnesia Lump do do VVinuliam
do powdered do Andersens
do small square do Hoopers
do calm ed do Calomel
Manna flake, do sorts do Opium
Mezereon, Miflftc Prussian Pine, 12 &3
Mustard seed, Mace tig blue, Kings yellow
Nutmegs, Nux votnica 1 *rop Lake, No 1 2
Opium,’ Orange peel Flake white, Garmine
Oxymel squills Ivory blacs, lump do
f>n pennyroyal Indigo Spanish
do turpenti ‘e Black Lead, red do
do tansey, do olive Litharge
do peppermint Terri de senna
do spearmint, do tevin'Caster Oi>, in phials
do roseinary Perngoric do
do origamum * Laudanum do
do cinnamon Antimonial wine do
do wofm seed Tinct Rhubarb do
do Lavender do Assafoetida do
do wormwood Rais captvia do
do annia seed Sweet Gil do
do juniper SptsLavend, com. do
do Cloves do camphor do
do almonds, do Lemon} do hartshorh do
do bergamot do sweet Niter do
do sassafras do Turpentine do
do hemlock Calomel do
1 1 Fennel Jalap do
do Spruce} Tartar Emetic do
do Wiutergreea is bottles,
do Vitriol Winebitters
Ointment mere Spts hartshorn
do t'.alsiccu * do Sweet Niter
do Cerate do Turpentine
and Simple Sweet Oil
do Red percipitate castor do *
do Spanish Elies American and W I
Vink root, Pearl Ashes Spanisn w.tfting
Pearl Harley Rotton stone
Powdered tin Pumice de
Plaster mercurial Powdered blue
do Burgundy pitch Copperas
do Adhesive Vermillion, Chinese
do strengthening do Eng.
do Dfachylon Verdigris, Irish Glue
do gum, de Mistering is vials.
uaMix Ees cinnamon j
do rasp'd Quicksilver do Lu.ender
Ess I.emon Clown do do Evant”
Calc’d Magnesia Pergamott
Epsom salts, rhubarb Spring Lancets
Peruvian bark Tooth instruments
Cheltenham salts Bougies, Gath, pots
Henry’s culc’o magnesiaMacaboy sn- fl
Stomachic bitters Liquid blacking
Worm Lozenges French do
Aromatic Tooth paste Black sealing wax
Hinckleyg remedy forßcd wafers, ass’d do
the piles Tooth brushes com
Fever Powders do silver wire 3 and
Thompson’s eye water, rows
large and small Cupping and Trepaning
Patent Itch ointment instruments
RePd Liquorice Maleond female silver
do in boxes, do com catheters
Patent spring Trusses White leather 9kins
common do Eng. mustard by the lb.
Durable Ink in canisters
Red ink powder Ground Ginger, race do
Black do Pill boxes Cloves, cinnamon
Vial corks, bottle do Balm Quito
Wax tapers Churches cough drops
Nurenbergh do for coughs,colds,con-
Patent Lint sumptions, asthmas,
Thumb Lancets Uc l> c
do common Cephalic snuff, for ca
do clewlsys tarrlis.
Shipmans Garden Seeds, assorted, inboxes.
A general assortment of
Surgical Instruments, Shop Furniture,
Phials, assorted, from, half drum to 18 ox.
Sfc. sc.
All those who wish to purchase, will please
call and examine for themselves. jan I
Paints, Oil, Window Glass , &c.
TIIE subscriber keeps constantly for
sale, at his store in Whitaker-street,
nearly opposite Col. Shellman’s Mansion House,
a large and general supply of
Paints, Painters’ Jr tides,
Window Glass, Varnishes, Oils, Bfc.
Which he offers at wholesale and retail, at the
lowest prices for cash, produce or approved
400 kegs I.ondon ground white Lead, in 28,
56, and 112 lb kegs
100 kegs American do
Hid do Spanish Brown
100 do Yellow Ochre
100 do Venetian Red
50 do Black Paint, 20 dt> Verdigris
500 gallons Linseed Oil, in bbls and tierce
200 do spermaceti Lamp Oil
100 do Spirits Turpentine
60 do Copal Varnish
50 do Japan do 60 do Rosin do
20 packages Gold and Silver Leaf
3 tons Whiting, 1 do Palis White
50 lbs Chrome Yellow, 100 do blue Smalts
200 do Dutch Link
50 do Chinese Vermillion, 500 do red Lead
300 do powdered Litharge
2 idids English Lamp Black, in 1 lb $ lb
ami i lb papers
30 boxes 10 by 12 English Crown Window
6 do 11 ”16 dc do [Glass
6 do 11 ”18 do do do
6 do 12 ”15 do do do
2 do la,” 16 do do do
4 do 12 ”18 do do do
4 crates do do do
40 boxes 10 ” 12 French Glass
10 do 7 ” 9 American Glass, branded
10 do 7 ” 9 do do Elliott l£ Cos.
10 do 8” 10 do do Bristol
10 do 8” 10 do do .Elliot & Cos.
20 do 8” 10 do do Peterborough
10 do 8” 10 do do Cincinnati
5 do 9” 11 do do Bristol
5 do 9” H do do Elliot 6?Co,
40 do 10” 12 do do Uristo*
10 do 10 ”12 do do Elliot & Cos.
16 do 10 ”12 do do Peterborough
20 do 10” 14 do do Elliot 8t Cos.
1 do Large Picture Glass
Flake White Stone Ochre
White Lead, dry Spruce do
White Chalk Yellow dopowd’d
Kings Yellow Gambago
Patent do Carmine
Orange Orpiment Prussian blutfNo. 1
Englisc Vermilion Blue Paint
Drop I-akes, Pose pink do Verditter
Venetian Red, dry Powder blue
Red Chalk Distilled Verdigris
Ivory blank, Blue do Blue Vitriol
Black Lead Fench do dry
Spanish B rown, dry Green Verdi’ ter
Purple Brown Mineral Green
Terra de Sienna French do
do do buret Olympian do
Turkey Umber Copperas
English do| Glue
Rouen Stone Pumice Stone
Gold Bronze Rosin
Copper do Sandpaper
Dutch Metal Putty nish Brushes
Paint Brushes assorted Fine Camels Hair Vai-
Sash I ools do do Tools
U lute-wash Brushea do do Pencils
ScrubbiD do Japan Cold size
Sweeping* do Oil do do
Hearth do Pallet Knives
Dust do Gum Copal
Clothes do do Shellac
Shoe do do Arabic
Fine Roman Ochre Sugar of Lead
Orders from the country will be thankfu y
received Slid punctually attended to
N. B. All sorts of Colors prepared for u: e,
and directions given for using them if required
jan 1 1
Oemler & Posey,
Coiner of Broughton and Jefferson-streets,
A GENERAL assortment of DRUGS, PA
STRUMENTS, and all other articles usually
found in Drug Stores. In addition to their
former assortment of GARDEN SEEDS, they
have lately received
Dwarf Marrowfaj V
” Green Imperial j
” White Prussian )-PEAS
” Blue do
” Early Charlton J
Creen Nonpareil
” Long Pod Lp A v
Broad Windsor f BEANS
Canterbury KidneyJ
White and purple Brocoli Cabbage Seed
Ice Tennisball, White Coss
Magnum Bonurti Coss
Silesia and brown Dutch Lettuces
And various pot herbs, all warranted,
fQbUS 4 r
Agent for Dr. Isaac Thompson , Neoo-London,
C Conn.J
mAS just received and on hand the follow
ing, all of which have been in use for a
number of years past, in almost every part of
the United States j have been highly patronis
ed by people of the first respects bility ; and ap
approved of by those who have bad occasion t
make use of them, for the cure of those disor
ders for which they are severally calculated.
Dr. Lee's Genuine (Windham)
Billious Pills,
Universally known and used throughout the U
nited States as a family Medicine. The fame of
these Pills has become so great, that many have
attempted to counterfeit them—to guard against
this, the proprietors have procured asteroiype
label, and each box of genuine Lee’s Pills will
hereafter be enclosed in one of these labels,
with these words on the sides: “Lee’s Genuine
Windham Bilious Pills,” and on the eDd of the
label the words “Samuel Lee, patentee, and I.
Thompson, agent and joint proprietor;” and
should any be offered for sale without said la
oel on them, the purchaser may be apprised
that they are counterfeit.
Dr. Thompson's Celebrated
Eye Water,
For the cure of inflamed and sore eye 9 of al
most every description. This valuable prepar
ation comes highly recommended from the most
respectable sources. Price 50 and 25 cents a
Dr. Rawßon's Genuine Itch
Ointment ,
A certain and safe cure for that disagreeable
complaint, as well as other eruptions of the
skin. Price 37$ cents a box.
Thompson's Aromatic Tooth
For whitening and preserving the Teeth—it
may be used with the greatest safety. Price
50 cei ts a box.
Specific Drops for the Tooth
Which, in almost every case, give instant relief
in that distressing complaint. Price 37$ cents
a bottle.
“ Cooley's Vegetable EliorfY,
For coughs, asthmas, consumptions, he. —A ve--
ry valuable medicine in those complaints. Price
50 cents a bottle.
also —
Dr. Relfe'B Asmatic Pills,
For coughs, colds, asthmas, consumptions, Vc.
These Pills give immediate ease in all asthmas,
difficulty of breathing, hoarseness, catarrhs, &c.
while the gentle expectoration they promote
discharges those obstructions that occur in the
glands, acrimony that arises, and every species
of congealed phlegm. Prepared by VV.T. Con
way. Price %l.
Dr. Anderson's Cough Drops.
A most valuable medicine for coughs and
consumptions. Pr ice gl. Prepared by James
Mcllen, Hudson, N Y
Dr. Rslfe's Botanical Drops.
Tnese Drops are a most certain remedy for
the scurvy, St. Anthony’s fire, scrofula, leprosy,
salt rheum, scald head, pimpled and carbm.clfj
faces, foul festerings,eruptions, feversores, sore
legs, sure eyes and ulcers, and every disorder
arising from an impure state of the blood and
juices— and superior to any other medicine lor
spring physic. Prepared by W. T. Con way.—
Price gl.
Dr. Judler'B Asiatic Lena live ,
For Pain.
This Medicine is a never failing remedy for
the tooth ache,head ache, and other diseases;
is patented by the United Slates, and recom
mended as a most valuable medicine by those
who have experienced its good ett'ects Pre
pared by the patentee, Ezekiel Audler, of New
York. Pric<. gl.
The above valuable Family Medicines will be
sold wholesale or retail, at the corner of Con
gress and Whitaker-strects, Shadd’s Buildings,
Savannah, feh 1
New and Valuable Medicine.
THIS new and elegant Balsam bids fair to
stand unrivalled in its merits, for Consump
tions and Coughs, and we botdly venture to as
sert, that no Medicine has ever gained so much
credit in so short a time as this composition;
scarcely a case occurs, but may be relieved hy
the timely use of it, many having lately used it
in seated consumptions with the most surpris
ing success, who were given up by the most
skilfull physicians in the country. Many certi
ficates of its efficacy accompany each bottle.
This is to certify, that in June, 1818, 1 was
seized with a very distressing cough, pain in
mv side, great weakness of the lungs, and it con
tinued until July, 1819, which confined me to
the house, and part ot the time to my bed.—l
had tried every thing as 1 thought, but all in
vain, 1 was at last induced to make trial of Dr
JileUen's Cough Itrops , which gave me immedi
ate relief, increased my strength, and restored
my former sleep. 1 can with the greatest con
fidence recommend them to all who are afflicted
w ith those complaints, as a very valuable medi
Hudson, JV Y Dec 27,1819.
For sale at Messrs.
Opposite the Exchange, Savannah.
And also by
june 19 401 y Augusta.
4 Fresh supply of curieil Hair-double aid
2 l single Matrasses, received per brig Levant
direct from the Manufactory—which arc war m
ted to be made of tht best Hut nos Ayres Hair,
and Linen Tick, for sale by
j a Murrell,
april 13 Chu ck HuiUHugt.
Fresh Teas.
Gunpowder Tea—ship Huntress's cargo
Imperial do—ship Lcndon Trailer’s do
Do. do—ship Be-ver’s cargo
just arrived at J\fav-Yurk.
Hyson do—ship Ontario’s cargo
Y. Hyson do—ship Huntress’s cargo
Souchong do—ship Bea’ er’s last cargo
Selected expressly for families—for sale hy
A few firkins choice Goshen Dairy BUTTER
and LAM) march 28 —74
GenuineAnti-Rheumatic Salve.
f I'THS well approved remedy, lias been by
X many repealed trials found to excel all oth
ers as yet offered to the public, for tbe cure of
all sorts ofUbeumalisTl; iis efficacy in giving
speedy relief in this complaint, is astonishing !
not only in easing the pain, but in dissolving
the coagulated lymph which fixes itself on va
rious parts, and by continuing to remain station
ary, produces incureable lameness. Moreover
it is an excellent remedy to allay the pain of the
Gout, Paralytic Pain, help local Palsy, obviate
Gangrene, lemove the Cramp, the Tooth-Ache,
and the Crick in the back. It is superior to al
most every other application for burns Ik scalds,
and if applied immediately, extracts the fire al
most instantaneously. It infallibly cures bruis
es and sprains, broken brea-t, sore nipples, ul
cers and sores. It is good for the mumps, sore
throat, the hooping cough, the piles, and any
kind of pain or ache.
When mercury has been used and by reason
of a cold becomes fixed (as it commonly does)
in the joints, by which means a joint swells, is
stiff and painful, by applying the Anti-Rheuma
tic Salve, one may expect to be relieved in a
short time; however, in some very cbstir.ate
cases, or of long standing, the warm-bath may
be had recourse to with advantage, previous to
using the Salve.
The author being well known in the treat
ment and cure of Rheumatism, assures the pub
lic, that neither mercury nor any of its com
pounds, in any shape whatever, nor any ingre
dient injurious to health, enters the composi
tion of the Anti-Rheumatic Salve, which is otter
ed to the public not as a cure all, but as an ex
cellent anilas an excellent and safe remedy for
external application. He relies on the Salve to
recommend itself.
No sea vessel should be without this very val
uable Salve, and all fan ilies ought always to
keep it in their bouses.
Certificate of ltr. Thomas Fitch, No. 127 North
Ninth Street, Philadelphia.
I the Subscriber, a regular practitioner in
Physic and Surgery, now a citizen and inhabit
ant of the City of Philadelphia, do certify and
say, that I have examined Docter Pierre E.
Brandin’s Genuine Anti-Rheumatic Salve, and
aim having had it in my family, and for the good
and benefit of the pubfic, I do recommend it
and particularly to those who are afflicted with
the coaiplainte fur which its Author recom
mends it. In faith of which, I have signed
the present Certificate this day, October the
24th 1815 Signed, THOMAS FITCH.
Witness, Peter Hm. Gautier.
Certificate of David Ayres.
I David Ayres,do hereby testily, that I have
been much troubled with the Cromcal Rheu
matism, or Wandering Gout for years, hearing
of Ur. Pierre E Brandin’s Genuine Anti-Rheu
matic Salve, 1 bought a small box for trial, and
finding it gave me immediate relief, and answer
ed my purposes belter than any thing of the
kind as yet ottered to the public, induced me to
buy one of his large boxes One of my daugh
ters for some time was sorely afflicted with
Biles breaking out in various parts of her body,
and were very troublesome to tier, site applied
the said salve (as directed) to her biles, in a tew
minutes her biles were easy, and in a short lime
cured. Therefore, from the god that I and
my family has received from Dr. P. E. B’a Cen
time Anti A lieu mat ic Salve, 1 freely recommend
it to the public, wishing my fellow creatures to
be relieved ns I have been, considering the said
a‘Ve as far as my knowledge will admit, to be
an excellent, safe and extraordinary remedy for
external application, and doubt whether any
other can surpass it In faith of which I have
signed and delivered the present certificate in
presence of I’eter Vv'm. Gautier.
Plaladefplaa, Oct 25, 1815.
To which are added several other certificates
from respectable persons that accompany the
A fresh supply of the above genuine ointment
just received direct from he Patentee per the
ship General Carrington, and for sale by
Corner of Congress and it hitaker-itt. ..hudd’s
liniidiugs, iSavannuh. april 26 i
To Planters.
4 Few sample Ploughs frero the manufacto
ry ry of Robert Sinclair Baltimore, of various
patterns, are just received and will be sold low,
apply to DANIEL CARNEY, Jr.
jan 16 ahs Hiintrri buildings.
Norivalk Academy.
THE Trustees of this Academy would beg
leave to recommend it to the attention of
the public. It is u ~der the superintendence of
Mr llawlt OiMfTiAD, a gentleman of distin
guished reputation as a scholar anti instructor.
Students will be instmettd in the various
branches of Academic Education, and every at
tention wilt be paid to their morals.
Terms from 4to j§s per quarter Board in
respectable families may be obtained at frpm
gt 75 to g‘2 per week.
This Institution has been recently establish
ed ; the build.itig i9 new and convenient, and
delightfully situated in one of the most pleas
ant and healthy villages in Connecticut. The
Winter Term commences the first Monday in
November —the Summer Term, the first Mon
day in May. Gentlemen desirous of further in
formation are resnectfullv referred to Messrs.
A RICHARDS, Esq > „ ,
FSELLRCK. 5 Savannah
B LOCKWOOD, S> Trustees.
JYos~Mtlk. Conn Jan 14,1872. feb 19 42
For Private Sale,
A PLANTATION upon Savannah River, in
the Parish of St Luke, known by the name
if the Recess—lately belonging to Mr. William
Wilson, deceased, and adjoing the plantation
of Mr. James II Ancrum. For particulars ap
ply to WM. DRAYTON, Y
Or to TUFTS & REED, Savannah.
|au 17 sl4
The Library,
I’- open for the delivery of Books, Monday,
.Wednesday and Friday, from 4 to 6 o’clock,
80 dec 10
For Sale ,
I an- .; rh.-.-v- ship Garonne, at Anciaux’s-whf.
dies HAY, good quality—apply
Jones’ buildings.
april 77 91
lands for Safe.
TV’Tf.l. ,,e disposed of at a iV-’ price and r
▼ ▼ accommodating terms, a va&abV i ran 0 V
land on Lewis’ Creek and on ‘he Aiv-r-'ih , r
-4 miles above the town of ‘Darien, fo-irerh uT
property of Mr. Wm. Joyner. The tr;*■ ril ' na ‘
of 1190 acres, 2-30 of which are clean V
proved with tip- ordinary Plantation ‘ftmsrs
There are about 800 acres of first quafbv tkp
land, suitable for the culture of R: C e C ft’
Sugar; the reminder high land, with a.’ W
siveknowl fine elevation on which riic led,
mentis made. ‘
‘The land is well timbered, and from its con*',
guity to a market, will, in its clearing, j ns
inclining expense, produce profit bv the V m
Shingles and other lumber, the proceeds of i h-Vt
must far exceed the expeuces of the labor T’
tract is one of the oldest surveys and conser w
ly best selection of River Swamp land, wil la
excellent pitch of tide, suitable to any sneci, r „
culture—having* beautiful scite for a residen t
and located at an agreeable distance from -C
town of Darien, for purposes of business or dlm
sure. Terms and a more particular deseriwioC
may be known on application to 1
rnarc *‘ 14 d62 No. 1, Commerce Row.
Dearborn's Patentlhlance, fT
4 |F all sizes, constantly for sale bv
Mahogany Flank
fl~pi!E subscriber has received by the la'e n.
41 rivals frum New-Yotk, a genera! assort
ment of the above articles. Also, Battinwood,
Venears, and U lute wood, which will \ e gold
lo wby JW MORRELL,
__? e b f Church Buildings.
Killams, Hills $
H Merchant Tailors.
AY'K removed to the brick store on the-
Bay, next door below the lost.oflice, wh* tfc
they have opened, an extensive assortment of
Extra Super and Common
Broadcloths, Cassimeres, Tes
tings, £jC.
They have procured from New-York, and else
where, the latest fashions and the best of work
men ; and flatter themselves that they will be
able to give general satisfaction to ail who futo
them with their custom.
Also, Received,
A large assortment of Gentlemen's ready mace
of their own manufacture, and in the neves’ I
fashion 96 oct 30 ‘ j
HJKo. 3, (ribbon's Hui’ding.
AS Just received by the ship Oglethorpe
from Liverpool, a general assortment of sej,
mir @©©Dg
Among whieh are a good supply of Osnabunp,
Dowlass & Linens, he is tnclined’ to sell this id
portation, very low by the package or piece,
as it is his intention to embark tor England in
the course of a few weeks,
april 15 s 89
m * ** * * * I 111 IMi
Globe Artichoke.
Talslfy or vegetable Oyster
Nasturtium or mock Capers
Water, Musk, and Cantelone Melon
Long and short Cucumber, Cayenne
Flower Seeds ‘
Also, lately from Germany,
An assortment of
garden seeds,
In small parcels, which they offer to sell on low terms.
lately by the Belvidere —
An assortment of FLOWER PUTS.
Jlnd on consignment,
Several Carnation Pinks, Roses, and othe?
ornamental Shrubs.
march 28 74 OEMI.ER & FOSF.V.
LIBERTY county. V Clerk Court of Ordinary .
*• A trix of all and singular the goods and chat
els, rights and credits, which were of Hern**
Hundley, late of said county, deceased, appli®
lor dismission from her said administration;
These are, theiefore, to cite and admonish
all persona cencerned, to file their ejections,
it any they have, in n>y office, at Riceborouc I ’,
within ihe time prescribed by law; otherwise
the said Clarissa Headley will be dismissed frorr*
her said administration.
Given under my hand and seal this eighteenth
day of March, in the year of our Lord one
sand eight hundred and twenty-two.
[i s ] ELIJAH BAKER, e.c.o.L.f.
april 15 896 m ..
Wants a Situation,
A YOUNG Man who has been clerk forsone I
time in this city, desires employ in a Cor-1
mission Store, Grocery Store, or respectable I
Bar Room, having been employed in theabovi I
situations. He understands Book-keeping an<l
accounts, writes a fair hand, would engage ! I
any of the Southern Towns through the year i I
required, and can produce unexceptional tea I
timonials as to character &c. A line apdresc I
to M. M. and left at this Office will meet wit ■
prompt attention. 102 april 50 I
Lost, I
A Barrel of HARDWARE, marked on orß
head S. B. P A ssonet. Mas?; on one si’ ■
a label laid on directed to the care ot Pence ■
Pratt, Providence, R I. Any information n B
alive to the same will be liberally rewarded ■
april 25 and fl
Situation Wanted I
BY a Girl of 15 years of age, who would *-;■
vel with a family to the North. and ■
tthis office. april
Loaf Sugar & Sperm Can Mm
15 bbls Loaf Sugar, small leaves, suitable-*
retailing , . ■
15 boxes of Spermaceti Candles, braaoe ■
Howland & co. New-Bedlor<l
Landing and for sale br I
april 24 97 B
Sugar. I
22 hhdsand 45 bbia prime Museova*-*
gar S
39 boxes white Havana do
Landing this day and for wde by
april 26 8 99 HrtfcS B