Newspaper Page Text
v Proceedings of Congress.
Aran 20.
The Senate resumed in committee of
the whole, Mr. Dickerson in the chair,'the
consideration ot the
Mr. Talbott moved to insert in the bill
an appropriation of 9000 dollars, for re
pairing the national road from Cumberland
\u Wheeling, on which motion a brief de
bate took place.
The appropriation was agreed to—ayes
21, noealQ. *
Mr. Barbour moved to insert an appro
priation of 2000 dollars as a salary for the
Commissioner of the Bublic Buildings;
which motion after some debate, was car
ried, yeas 20, nays 18. The discussion
turned on the expedience)! of continuing
the office, the propriety of the Senate’s in
serting appropriations; the rights of the
Senate in this respect, the presumed inten
tions of the House on the subject of this
c.ffice; the propriety of making appropria
tions for an office while that office contin
ued in existence, &c.
The bill and amendments were then re
ported to the Senate, and all the amend
ments were concurred in without objection,
except tlmse noticed below.
The mendment makingHhi appropriation
of 15,000 dollars for ascertaining the west
ern boundary of the United Slates, under
the treaty with Spain, was objected to by
Mr. %Va!ker, as unnecessary, it not inex
pedient, as ho could couceive of no right we
have to run a line between Mexico, now an
independent country, under a treaty with
( another power.
Teh question being taken on concurring
in the appropriation, it was carried— a) es
20, noss 18.
Mr liardiu, from the select committee
Heretofore appointed oo the subject of re
trenchment of the public expenditures,
made a further report thereon, accompani
ed by a bill.
[The report recommends a reduction of
the pay and mileage of Members, &c. to 6
dollars per day, and a correspondent re
duction in the’ salaries of the officers of ihe
two Houses, SO. and states that such a re
ductiou will produce an unnual saying of
more thsn $90,000 j
The bill was twice read, and Mr. Hardin
moved that it be committed to a committee
of the whole House, and made the order of
the day for Monday next.
Mr. Rich gave notice that he should on
Monday next call for the consideiation of
a resolution by him heretofote submitted
fur altering (lie rules of the House, and he
presented the following, which he wished
to be subjoined thereto, and which lies of
course one duy on the table:
“With the exception of the three last
weeks of a session, bills of a local or pri
vate nature, and reports of committees,
(other than bills) on the like subjects, shall
(o the exclusion of other business, ('he
period for going into committee having
been reached.) be considered on Friday and
Saturday in each week, and on no other
Provided, That this rule shall not pre
vent the third reading of a bill on any oth
er day; nor the consideration of any sub
ject upon which a committee of the whole
II have made a repmt.
Mi. Bassett, from the select committee
appointed on that subject, reported a bill
concerning the disbursements of public mo
ney; which was twice read and commuted
to “a committee of the whole ou the state of
the union.
The House then -resolved itself into a
Committee of the whole on the state of the
Union (Mr. Condict in the chair) on the
bill making further appropriations for the
military service of the U. States for the
year 1824.
The question recurred upon sti iking out
the appropriation for the erection of fort
Calhoun on the Chesapeake, and the same
was put and negatived by a large majority.
Mr. liutler, ofN. 11. moved to amend
the section by adding theicto a clause pro
viding that no part of the appropriation
should be applied on the contract made
with Elijah Mix, on the 25th of July, 1818„
Mr. s mi®, <-f Maryland oppoaedltlie a
mendmer • lie ivg.vded Uas going to
dec lure a dissolution of contract which Con
gress had repeatedly affirmed.
n Mr. Butler contended that the contract
was made in contravention of the laws of
the U. S. and that there was such reason
to suspect that there was fraud in the case,
as would justify us, i:i withholding the ap
Mr. Ross opposed the proviso, not only
on the ground assumed by the gentleman
front Md. (Mr. Smith) but also on the prin
ciple that Congress, having recognized the
contract, it was now 100 late to annul it,
and he should vole against the amendment,
although he had been opposed to the appro
The question was taken and the motion
negatived by a large majority, and the
blank was filled as proposed by the coin
tnitt**eof Ways and Means.
The appropriation for fortifying Mobile
Point bring under consideration
Mt.C’icke moved to strike out the sec
tion, ami to insert in lieu thereof an appro
priation for the specific purpose of collect
fng materials for that fortification. The
principal on which he preferred a specific
application, was, that the money hereto
fore appropriated for the fortification at
Mobile Point, had not been transferred to
Colonel Gratiot, at Norfolk, and he refer
red to documents on the subject.
Mr. Plumer, of N. H. moved to fill the
blank with the sum of 5530,000 instead of
850,000, which motion was carried without
a division.
After the appropriation for fortifications
at the Rigolets, and Chef Menteur, had
been carried, Mr. Sergeant moved to insert
a clause to make an appropriation of Bl9>*
000, to complete the Arsenal at Frank
fort, Pa.
The motion was supported by the mover,
and opposed by Mr. Smith, of Md. but be
fore any question was taken thereon, the
committee rose and reported progress, and
obtained leave to sit again, and then, on
motion of Mr, Rochester,
The House adjourned.
April 22.
The senate took up in committee of the
whole, Mr. King of Alabama, in the chair,
the bill from the house of representatives,
smiplementary to the acts of 1818 and
allowing pensions to revolutionary
soldiers, &c.
£Under the act of 1820, several thou
sand pensioners were stricken from the
pension roll, who were deficient in the
proofs necessary to entitle them to be con
tinued ou the roll. Subsequently, those
so stricken off presented further proofs in
support of their right to enjoy the benefits
of tlie act of 1818; but the attorney general,
whose opinion was taken in the case, by
the secretary of war, decided that the per
sons who had been struck from the roll,
under the act of 1820, could not, even on
the adduction of further proof, be restored
thereto by the secretary of war, inasmuch
as the secretary’s authority had ceased, as
related to them. And the present bill was
intended to “authorize and requite the se
cretary of war to restore to the list of pen
sioners the name of any persou who may
have been, ar hereafter shall be, stricken
therefiom, in pursuance of the act of 1820,
whenever such person, so stricken from
the list of pensioners, shall furnish evi
dence, in pursuance of the provisions of
said act, to satisfy the secretary of war that
he is in sucli indigent circumstances as to
be unable to support himself without the
assistance of his country.”]
The committee on pensions, to which
this bill had been referred, reported the
same with a recommendation that the bill
be indefinitely postponed; and the question
was on agreeing to this recommendation.
The question being taken on the indefi
nite postponement of the was de
cided in the affirmative.
The engrossed bill to provide for the se
lection of a scite on the (western waters,
for the establishment nf a National Armory,
was read the third time, p issed, and sent
‘■) the house es Representatives tor con
Thc bill making appropriations for the
support of government for the year 1822,
was read the third time as amended, pass
ed, and returned to the other house for
concurrence in the amendments.
The senate then, according to the order
of the day, took up in committee of the
whole, SJr. Barbour in the chair, the bill
from the house of representatives making
appropriations for the support of the navy,
for the year 1822. To tins bill the commit
tee of finance of the senate, to which it had
been referred, reported an amendment,
providing that “each ration not actually
drawn, be rated at twenty cents.”
On this amendment, (which affects the
compensation of the officers ouly of the na
vy, as the men never commute their ra
tions for money,) an extended discussion
took place, embracing the general question
of a reduction of the emoluments of the of
ficers, the expediency of doing so in this
bill, or at this time: the discrimination pro
per to be made in the allowances to officers
at home and on foreign service; a compari
son of the pay, and the composition and
value of the rations of the navy, aud those
of the army.
Mr. Lowrie spoke in favor of the amend
ment but was wiilingto make a discrimina
tion, which he submitted as an addition to
the amendment, in the following words:
“Except to officers in actual service at sea,
in which cases the ration, if not drawn in
kind, shall be rated at twenty-jive cents.”
This was adopted without objection: and
Thus modified, the original amendment
was agreed to. The bill was then report
ed to the seriate, and the amendment was
concurred in.
Mr. Pleasants moved the following ad
ditional item: “For the purpose ot enabling
the President of the United States, in case
he shall think it necessary, to send an ad
ditional naval force for the suppression of,
piracy and the prevention ol smuggling,
120,000 dollars. b 6 6
The bill wus laid on the table.
The senate spent some time on execu
tive business; and then
Mr Smith, of Md from the committee on
ways and means, reported a bill relating to
treasury notes, which was twice read and
ordered to be engrossed for a third read
[This bill provides, “That, from and af
ter the passing of this act, no treasury note
shall be received in payment on account ol
the United States.”]
Mr. Hardin, from the select committee,
on the subject of retrenchment, reported
in part, a bill, the object ot which is to re
duce the revolutionary pensions, for 31l
grades of rank, from and after a given day
in the year 1824, to four dollars per month.
The bill (which Mr H. computed, would,
if passed, effect a saving of 900,000 dollars
for the first year it got into operation, and
proportionably thereafter) was twice read
and committed —Mr Hardin giving notice
of his intention to calf up this bill, and the
one previously reported by the same com
mittee, on Wednesday next.
The house then resolved itself into a
committee of the whole on the state of the
Union, Mr Ccnditin the chair, on the bill
making further aapropriations for the sup
port of the military establishment of the U.
States for the year 1822.
The item for the repairs of the fortifica
tions in the United States being under con
sideration— ,
Mr Hill moved to amend the clause in
which it was contained, so as to include
about 2000 dollars for an appropriation for
fortifications at Portland, in the state of
After a few observations from Mr. J. S.
Mr Cocke moved to fill the blank with
the sum of 15,000 dollars. He believed
that sum was adequate to the contingencies
for fortifications.
Mr Smith of Md. and Mr Walworth,
respectively explained the subject, when
the question was taken on the largest sum
22,000 dollars, and lost; and alter some
further remarks by Messrs J. S. Johnston
and Cocke, the question was taken on fill
ing the blank with the sum of 820,000 and
The appropriation for the ordnance de
partment being under consideration, and
an item for the purchase of ammunition
being included therein—
Mr Cocke expressed his sm prise at such
a proposition, as he had learned from the
chief of the ordnance department, that the
magazines wore already crouded with am
munition, and he adverted to the failu-c
of the executive to reply to a request con
tained in a resolution of the house at an
early period of the session, for information
in respect to loan* of powder, &c.
Mr Tod contended that the executive
had furnished an answer to the enquiry to
which the gentleman from Tennessee (Mr.
Cocke) had alluded.
Mr Smith of Md. remarked that the en
quiry to which the gentleman from Penn.
(Mr Tod) had referied, was not the same
recolutioo to which the gentleman from
Toon. (Mr Cocke) had adverted; but he
was informed that the department was now
employed in collecting facts necessary to
give an answer to it. But at all events he
thought it not necessary to bring that sub
ject to bear upon she present—and after
the word ‘'ammunition,” on motion of Mr
Smith, had beeu stricken out, the clause, as
amended, was adopted.
On the appropriation for the reparation
af arms, two sums were named, viz.
811.960 by the committee of ways and
means, and £27,585 by Mr Todd.
In support of the latter sum, Mr Tod ob
served, that last year, when the fit of econ
omy came on, it discharged itself on this
very appropriation, and when 8100,000
was asked fur, nothing was given.
Mr. Smith of Md. presented a detailed
view of the causes that had led the com
mittee to recommend the lesser sum. He
stated the repeated injuries that had been
made by the Ordnance Department, the an
swers that had beeu given in relation to
the establishment at Greenleaf’s point,
which were unsatisfactorily in giving any
thing like a full and clear exposition of the
facts and, and fiom which the committee
were disposed to withhold a large appro
Mr. Wood observed that the situation of
our arsenals and public stores was veiy lit
tle known. He had at an early part of the
session, presented a resolution to obtain
information ou the subject, and the com
mittee to whom it was referred had neglec
ted to report. He had no doubt there was
disorder and confusion in that department,
and lie was not prepared to make any ap
propriation at ail until the House was in
possession of more information on the sub
ject. The question was then put on the
largest sum, as named by Mr sod and lost;
and the lesser sum, as recommended by
the committee ol Ways and Means, was a
Further appropriations having bevn a
greed to—
Mr. Sergeant renewed his motion to ap
propriate 19,000 dollars to complete the
arsenal at Frankfort, Pa. which vraa nega
tived. B
Mr. Cocke submitted the amendment to
the section, the purport of which was, that
no extra allowance should be made to any
Governor of a Territory, in consideration
of his services as ex-officio superintendant
of Indian affairs.
The proviso was advocated at considera
ble length by Mr. Cocke, Mr. Rankin and
Mr. Floyd, and opposed by Mr. Sibley.
Mr Rhea moved that the committee rise
and report progress, which was agreed to;
and in the House the committee of the
whole had leave to sit again; and then
The House adjourned.
sprit 22 h t ait er sneers.
Savannah, 50th April, 1322.
AT a Battalion Court of Enquiry held this
day, the following resolution passed:
Resolved, That the clerk be authorised to
publish the names of defaulters of the Gth Bat
talion on the 18th ult. and that they be notified
that ten days will be allowed for the payment
of the fines—after which executions will be is
sued and costs incurred.
In the Rife Company nf the Legion of /Repub
lican Illues —J. Parka, J XV Cannon, XV M'Gir
ly, M Dover, J O'Connor, M Pendergast,
Matt. Simpson.
In the Infantry of the Legion of Rcpubliean
Blues —A Fowler, .1 M Gugel, J. XV. Sims, T
Roberta, E Lufborrow.
In the 3d company commanded by explain Rui
ford —Sergt. C A Higgins, corporal A Dashieli,
Wm C Wayne, II 11 Cuyler, Cosgrove,
N B Weed, Jones, O Wotber&poon, J
Magee, J H Reid, 11 XV Kimble, Seth Jones, J
Carr, J G Shultz, Hamilton, J 11 King,
Lowell Mason, J P Setae, O Vanderpool,
Stephens, J Carrutliers, .1 Peiulergrast,
Allen, E Hathaway, N. Fisher, J Neville, \\'m
Hale, J G Darning, G F Palmes, A Thompson,
A Champion, Jll Gifford, J Pritchard, S. 11.
Fiske, J Douglass.
In the 4th tompany , commanded by captain J B
Mills —Sergt. J S Bulloch, A G Miller,
Davis, Wm Gaston, II U Gwathmey, II Guile
man, A Bartow, F Aiken, 1 Norton, J Cliauck
ley, Sanders, Hynes, Davis,
- Crocker, Z Clark, 1. Clark, Jack
son, G Penot, J M Russel, J XVillianis, G Kryic
A Stewart. XVm. S. Parker, Dunclay, .1
Everson, J Beard. N Skiff, EToby, Al
In the Artillery division oj the Legion of Be
fubnean Blues —T 11 Broom, f J Waliiburgb, J
Morel, J Lawrence, XVetmore.
The above persons having made default in
the respective corps to which their names are
attached, in conformity to the resolution of the
court of enquiry, 1 give them notice that if they
do not within ten days from this date pay their
fines, I shall proceed to issue ex: itions a
caintt them indiscriminately.
Clerk of the Ist Uegt. Geo. M.
may 8 201
frtHF. Subscribers have again united their in
-1 terest in business under the firm of
Savannsh, May Ist. md
cheapelTtiian ever
Just opened at the most reduced prices, at
U'hree doors south of the Post Office.
70 pieces fine quality Oznabuigs, at cts
per yard
100 do extra do Strelitz <lo at 14 cts
Plain and striped Russia drill, of the first
quality, 81 pr yd
Vigoniu Summer cloth, for coats and panta
loons, 62 J cts pr yd
Frenc h Russia drill of all colours
Superfine 6-4 cotton cambric, 12 cards fir
Fine Men,s white and coloured Sox, 3 pair
for a dollar
Ladies white silk Stockings gl 50 nr pair
Gentlemen’s elastic long silk Uoae gs
100 ps fine ami extra Irish Linen from 50
cts to §l, full 4-4 wide
10 cases extra quality water proof hroad &
narrow brim beaver Hats g 7 SO
7 do second quality from 2 to §4
Os the most, fashionable Gentleman and
Servant’s Summer clothing made
in the newest style.
Consisting of
Searsucker, Russia drill, white Jane
French Nankceuet, Canton and Nankeen
Blue and black Florentine Bombasine and
C'amblet Pantaloons
Searsucker, Gingham and Bombasineground
Bombazelte, Bombasine, Searsucker, Ging
hams and Flanel Coatees
English Florentine, white, coloured and Va
lencia Westcoats
Fine and extra fine Linen and Cotton Shirts
with and without frills
Servants corderoy round Jackets and Pan
taloons of all sizes
Marino Shirts anu draws for Summer
Flannel do do
A great quantity of fine and extra fine, Gen
tlemen’s fashionable i.oats
do single and double mill’d Pantaioons of all
sizes and Colours
A great quantity of Duck Trowsers and Shirts
for Laborer.-. 88 april 13
Sonp. Candles , Oil, &c.
1 TUFTY boxes brown SOAP, landing and will
. be sold low—apply to
J r ho hat also for tale,
40 boxes Spermaceti Candles
30 cases Sweet Oil
50 hbls superfine Flour
20 boxes No 1 Chocolate (Baker’s braßd,
A few bales I’hial Corks
Do. packages Apothecaries Boxes
Do cases men’s Summer Shoes, &c.
april 19 93
C. C. Griswold, &* Cos.
Offer! for tule at Taylors’ tokaqf.
65 bbls prime Beef
15 do Mess Pork
44 do Ale
20 casks Shot assorted sizes
31 firkins Goshen Butter
40 kegs Richmond Tobacco
20 kegs liose Nails
2 elegant Gigs, with plated Harness,
mat 2 104
Corn ajloat.
2300 bushels CORN, just received and for
may 2 104
33,000 very superior “Del Pino” SEGARS
just received for sale by
april 29 101
Landing from sch. Sea-Lion ,
50 bbls Gin
40 bbls Potatoes—for sale by
For hut-ce,
The British i*yig • V:V .
McUougall, will comnnme ,-v
few bays and have quick dispatch. . , ST-eigii
of 230 bales Colton, apply to
(Ej* Neithei Capt. McDougall, nor Ihe cor.
Mgnee, will be accountable for any debts con
tracted by the crew. may 2 dO4
Passage for St. JliigusiitieT
The packet sloop RAPID, p err y
tgAArmaster. will positively sail To-Morrow
wind and weather permitting. For passavr’
having superior accommodations, apply to iii
master on board, or to
Isaac Cohen.
mav 2
For Greenock,
The fine British ship HOMER, Rot).
Her, master, (daily expected to>!
rive) having the greater part of her cargo's),
ready engaged, will meet with immediate di'.
patch. For freight of 200 bales,apply to
JNO. 11. REID b. CO
april 27 100
For New-York,
The packet sch. SEA.LION, r, p at
JSaa&'cr. master, will meet with dispatch-
For freight or passage, having good accommo
nations, apply to cupt. I*, on board, at j. mes ->
upper wharf, o- to HALL id linvr
april 24 07
For Liverpool.
Tl,e Mritish sl, 'P DORSET, U Dixon,
SSrJi&m master. For freight or passage an
P ! .vto A L MOLYNF.UX.
Persons are cautioned against creating any
ft the crew ol the above vessel. j
For New-York,
Ji’jPK T he regular packet ship CORSAIR.
L. Porter, master, having made an
engagement, will positively sail on Si'iiidcv oexc
For freight or passage having elegant ac.
commodations, apply to capt Porter on board
at Taylor’s wharf or to
april 29 101 c. C. GRISWOLD &. Cos.
For iialtimore,
Cfj: The fast sailing sloop PACKET, T ec .
” ‘H'jer, master, will meet with dispatch.
For freight or passage, having good accommo
dations, apply to the capt. on uoard at Bolton’s
wharf, or to HALL & GOVT,
april 37 100
For New-York.
THE schr ECHO, capt. Lampbier,
JSsawL Having lately undergone a thorough
repair and the principal part of the cargo being
already engaged, she will he dispatched in all
next week. A tew more passengers can be
accommodated. Apply to the captain on board
at Bolton’s central wharf, or to
april 27 e RICHARDS & BANKS.
For Los ton,
dhi) Sclir. ZKMBUCA, Hearing, mas
•2alie t*r will meet with dispatch,—for
Freight or Passage—apply 10 the master on
board at the Exchange XVliari - or to
mav 1 c 3
For Havre.
TffF. fine Danish Ship Aurora, 11. 0,
Lar Meyer, master, having nearly all hr
cargo engaged and ready to go on board,—for
Freight of 100 Bales Cotton or Passage—apply
to capt. Meyer on board at XVilliamsons Wharf
or 10 PETERSEN & Cos.
may 1 S
For Poston,
. tCjKr The sch. ELLEN, Capt Btanwood,
have quick dispatch. For frtigLt
ot 30 bales cotton, apply to
april 27 E. WILLIAMS V CO.
F'or New-Orleans,
The schooner COLUMBUS, T. Rom,
?SiM?m*ster, will sail for New-Orleans on Fri
day, sth inst. For freight or passage, apply to
the captain on board at Anderson’s wharf, pr to
mayS 195
For Liverpool,
The superior coppered aliip COH’M*
.JsfetaißlA, William Burroughs, master, hat
ing the greater part of her cargo engaged, will
he dispatched immediately. For freight or pa
sage, app’y to
Who have for salt: tn board said ship,
6000 bushels SALT. april B—B6
For Nero-fork.
THE fine Ship ASIA, John Barr),
•SSEtaSr master, having part of her cargo en
gaged, will meet despatch.—The Asia has hat
her Cabin fitted up in a superior manner for
Passengers.—For freight or passage—apply to
capt. Barry on board at Jones’s upper Wharf
or to PETERSEN U Cos.
may 1 3
Corn £5 Peas, ajloat.
5,500 bushels prime Con
100 do Peas, for sale low if taks* from tfc3
In Store
100 bundles Hay
1000 do Oms, which will be sold at a reiltt*
ccd price if immediate application hi
april 25 98c Holt ant central -wharf
Bundle* prime Hay, landing from tfg
(J Asia, for sale by
€. C. GRISWOLD fc €O,
april 30
BEST quality of Prunes to be had at Pelf!
Drege’s Cheap Store, at the low te cl
4 dollars 50 per bos.
april 30 2 ‘
New-Orleans Sugars.
igY Hhds prime Netv-Orlems Sugar, bai
MvJ ing from schr Columbus, and for saß
by je. WILLIAMS 14 CO.
april 30 2
500 bbls No. S Maakerel,
TAN DING and for sale by
april 2% 97