Newspaper Page Text
try A Charity Sermon will be preached by the
Rev. Mr. Sixortnaiss, in the Independent Pres
byteriann Church To-moarow, for the benefit of
the Savannah Female Astylum.
FROM LA (l UAYR A, —Our correspondent,
under date of the 28th March, writes us nothing 1
particularly interesting. It probablv is already
known to our readers, that captain Daniels has
been appointed by the Vice-President of Colom
bia (General Santander, acting as the first magis
trate of tile republic) to be commander in chief’
of the naval forces of the same, with the rank of r
Commodore. The governments of Peru, Chili;
and Buenos Ayres proposed to that of Colombia!
to make, constitute and appoint Lord Cochrane,!
Admiral of all these Republics. It is supposed
die proposition will be ckeerfuliy assented to by
.the Libertator, Bolivar.
Quere? Is not his Lordship a British subject—
and can his practical warfare against the friends
’ and allies of George the 4th, be construed into
any thing else, but a breach of the laws of na
tions, by the government of Great Britain for
winking at his acts? Char. City Gaz.
Cotton Fraud. —A factor a few days since, in
looking at a bale of Cotton consigned to him,
was so much struck with the beauty of the ex
terior sample, that he had the curiosity to seek
further—-when he discovert*! that the inside
of it was composed of filth and rottenness! Tills
villainy may seldom occur, but whenever it docs,
it stabs the character of our stale.— lbid.
Kit West. —Certain Individuals from Mobile
have gone to this Island, with the view, it would
seem, oftaking possession ofit, as if it was at this
moment unappropriated.
It is proper that it should be known, to pre
vent any trespass—which can be injurious to the |
trespassers only in the result—that the said Island
has been purchased by Gov. Geddcs, in this city,
whose title has been recognized bv the Court of
the United States in Past Florida, which Court
has granted an injunction to stay waste against
Mr. Simonton, a rival claimant, requiring of him
and of his laborers and associates §20,000 secuti
ty to abide by its decree.
Any subsequent trespassers would of course be
liable to the same penalties and ejectment.
The slaves, mechanics and property on the Isl
and, belonging to Gen. Geddes, are under the
avowed protection of the Navy of the U. States.
Charleston Courier.
An amusing occurrence happened in tills town
and its neighborhood, the other day. Four fel
lows, belonging to the peculiar caste of gentle
men; vulgarly known as vagabonds, were taken |
vtp by our vigilant Marshal; but as it was appre
hended that their detention in gaol might be
more productive of expense to the Corporation
than of benefit to either party, a compromise was
made on the condition of their crossirigthc bridge
—They however, ho sooner put feet on the S.
Carolina shore, than the inhabitants of Hamburg
again laid hold of them; coupled the unfortunate
devils; and drove them back to Augusta, “two
by two, one after another*” with a drum rolling
behind them:
“Where they have gone; and how they fare.
Very few know .-—and very few care.”
Augusta Chronicle, 25th u!t.
“Ye black, and midnight hags,
Wbat is it ye do.”
The Police were called upon on Saturday af
ternoon by a gentleman from Gold near Ueck
man-street, to investigate a mysterious affair
which had been the source of may “dark mus
ings” in the neighborhood, through a good part
of the winter. A light had been frequently seen
at all hours of the night, in an uninhabited cellar
thereabouts, and hearing sepulchral sounds pro
ceeding from within la9t Saturday evening, a
magistrate of the police, and two trusty officers,
went down to explore the source of suspicion.—
The first objects that seized their expecting
gaze, when they had got down the stairs, was a
monstrous heap of fresh earth, thrown up so as
to half fill the cellar; a bible lying open, with
something like a sword across it, and some long
bright iron rods with other apparatus of wizzards
and money diggers, lying here and there around
—Advancing, they next discovered deep down
in the pit from which the earth had been thrown
a huge black being, whom men less resolute
might perhaps, in such circumstances, have con
cluded at once to be Old Nick himself. It was a
stout, strapping nego, half frightened out of his
vi.s, and with ever}’ feature distorted with ter
ror, at the imposing array of his unexpected vis
itors. His fright and curious tout ensemble, not
a little heightened the scene.
The magistrate soon ordered him up and ex
amined him. lie said that a white man had put
him there to dig lor buried money; and that all
the apparatus they saw was employed on the ob
ject. The long iron rods with bamboo cases 5
were intended to explore ahead, as he dug; the
bible, with the sword across it pointing towards
the hole, Was to keep the debbel off; but as to
the singular figure of the hole, or any other mys
teries about the matter, he could say nothing—
fils business was to dig—to dig, “and beware the
foul fiendthat he had already got down twelve
or fifteen feet, and hope spoke “goldenly.”—
There being now no object with the m n g>strate
but to prevent the future annoyance ? ‘ the
neighborhood; the poor negro was ordered,witli a
threat of bridewell if he disobeyed, to have the
whole pit filled up again in twenty-four hours;—
end ts he ttruck another stroke with bis shovel to
go deeppr, he was assured that the devil himself
would come in good earnest, and carry him off j
through an underground passage! The latter
branch of the threat was most effectual; and the
poor fellow, distilled to a jelly with fear, protest,
ed solemnly that he had once already since he
had been digging there, seen the devil or some
other dreadful black creature, as big as a large
cat, dart up by him out of the hole, and vanish in
the air above. The white fellow who started Si
carried on the operation; was not present, and is
not known What numbers have had their brains
turned, and wasted some little estates, through
the infatuation of digging for Kid’s money.
V. f. Com. Adv. 2 3d intt.
[From the National Intelligencer, March 24]
Latest from Mexico. —The Cortes of}
‘Mexico, our readers will recollect, was to}
have been assembled on the 25th of Feb.}
last, and did convene accordingly. A late
; Havana papei, received in this city, con
i tains the Speech of the President, Iturbide.i
|at ttie opining of the Cortes. A gentle
man has politely favored us with a trans
lation of extracts from the material parts
ofit which are as follows :
Extract from the address of the President at the
Regency, (lturbide,) ©n the installation ol the
Cortes in Mexico.
He commences by congratulating the
Cortes on the elevated position occupied
by them as representatives of the people of
Mexico, in full possession of all their i igh's,
and called upon to fix the destiny of eight
millions of people, and innumerable future
lie disclaims the vanity of arrogating to
himself the title of Deliverer of his Coun
try, and declares himself grateful to those
citizens, who, by their valor, zeai, ami dis
interestedness, co-operated with him in
achieving i's independence.
He declares his satisfaction iri having
placed the Cortes, (which he call* your
mi'jesty,) in a situation where they may en
act the best laws, in perfect tranquility,
free from enemies, without or xvitiitn the
whole extent of this vast empire—for the
SOU rash Spiiiiaid* who occupy the castle
of St. Juan Ulloa, ought nut to be counted,
nor the very few Mexicans, who from mis
taken ideas, or from personal ambition
might attempt any thing against ihetn He
says, that the happiness of the country will
depend on their labours, their virtues, and
their wisdom ; that dangers threaten their
tranquility, but ofily threaten it; that the
spirit in ail the provinces is uniform; that
they have voluntarily sanctioned the basis
of their political regeneration, and of the
constitution, which is to put the seal to
their prosperity. That notwithstanding
all tliis, there are turbulent men, who car
ried away by the fury of their passions, en
deavor to sow division among the people,
and (o interrupt the tranquil and majestic
march of liberty. lie asks who can, ci
j who would dare altempt to restore the sys
tem ol absolute dominion, either in one
person, or in many ? Mho would be so
rash as to pretend to reconcile them with
the abhorred maxims of superstition.—**
They speak however, they write they ex
claim against serviiism, and place it in the
most odious light; they point at its Bartiz
an*, exaggerate their number, and their
power, aud impudently assert that the gov
ernment favors them. On the contrary,
what invectives from others against exult
ed liberalism 1 They aUack and libel each
other, as if we were involved m ’he hor
rors of a tumultuous democracy—as if there
was no other lsw than the discordant opin
ions of a blind and furious people.
lie accuses these disturbers of the pub
lic peace of sowing the seeds of discontent
and disunion, oflighting the torch ofdis-l
cord, encouraging animosities, fomenting
factions, and seeking to involve the coun
try in the horrors of anarchy. These are,
lie says, the views of those miserble beings,
whose fortune depends on tire destruction
of the state, who, in the convulsions and
confusion they may create, expect to
obtain posts to which thei. virtues could
never raise them. Who, under the pre
tence of protecting the oppressed, would
establish the most dreadful tyranny.
He tells them to Le watchful, for that
foreign nations observe them attentively,
wailing to see whether these omens will be
verified or not, and either to respect
their wisdom or to profit by their folly.—
But your majesty, superior to these insin
uations and attempts of the wicked, will
know how to unite the inhabitants of this
vast empire; will establish perfect e
qualitv in the administration of justice;
will be the protector of our rights, mark
ing the limits preset ibed to liberty by rea
ion and justive, so as to prevent it from
falling into despotism, or degenerating in
to licentiousness, which would endanger
the public security. Under the auspices
of your majesty, justice will reign; merit &
virtue be conspicuous ; agriculture, com
merce, and industry, will receive new
life ; the arts and sciences will flournish ;
and, finally, this empire will be a region
of delight a"nd abundance, the country of
Christians, the refuge of the good and ra
tional, the admiration ot the world, and an
eternal monument of the glory of the first
Mexican Congress;
He states himself to be decided to main
tain the authority of the Congress, because
it will shut the door against impiety and
superstition : against despotism and licen
tiousness, and against caprice and discord.
The Secretary of War has ordered as a
mark of respect to the memory of the late
Maj. Gen. Moses Porter, that the officers
of the army wear crape on the hilt of their
swords for the space of thirty days.
We are sorry to learn, that Mr Lownde9 is
about to depart from this city on his return
home, in consequence of continued ill
We mentioned, the other day, a rumor
[lien in circulation, that the point is dis
pute between the U. S. and G. Britain, re
-pecting the restoration of captured Slaves,
I which had, according to the treaty, been ’
referred to the arbitration of the Emperor j
of Russia, had been decided by him in fa
vor of the claims of the U. S. This, we
now understand, is incorrect. Thefactls
that the last information from Sf. Peters-,
burg was, that the discussion on the subject,
by the Ministers of the the U. S. ami G.
‘Britain, had terminated, and that it was
| finally placed before the Minister of For
eign. A flairs, for theawaid of the Empe
The third bill of the Committee of Re
trenchment, which was reported in the
House of Representatives yesterday, pro
poxes to reduce the compensation of the
public officers, clerks, &c. generally to
what it was eight or ten years ago, being a
reduction from theii compensation of from
15 to 25 per centum on its present amount.
Fort of Savannah,
dj* A o Arrivals since our last.
Sloop Independence, Lafitte, Baracoa
The wreck which was fallen in with by the bg
Com. Ferrv, ar. at Philadelphia on the 13th inst.
has been boarded by a Norfolk pilot-boat., and !
proves to be the Br. brig Grace of Ballvcasile.— j
She had been stripped of sails, rigging, cables,;
anchors, &c. but no conjecture could be formed
as to the fate of the craw.
It is computed that 550 Rail ofivessels had been
lost on the coast of England and Ireland in Jan.
and Feb.
BALTIMORE, April 35.
Ar. Ship Amazon, McKenzie, 32 ds fin Water-}
ford, Ireland, salt, potatoes &c. April 3, lat 45, i
10, lon 32,30, spoke ship, Liverpool Packet, of!
Pliilad. 15 days from Kinsale for Savannah.
Ship Franklin, Graham, 47 ds fm Liverpool,
dry goods Ac.
Brig Agile, Larrabee, 16 ds fm Matanzas.
Schr Adonis, Curtis, 15 dsfm Laguira.
Sloop Leopard, Charleston.
NEW-YORK, April 24.
Ar. Ship Cotton Plant, Fash, 7 days from Sa
lirig Factor, Gray, 44 days fin Tenerife, with
Schr Packet, Ilarriman, 9 dsfm Darien.
Schr Eliza Pigot, Waterman, fm St Crois, and
16 ds fm St Thomas.
Cl’d. Ships Augusta, V o od, Savannah; Alfred,
Zuill, St Thomas; brig Ilaabet, Roller, Havre.
BELOW—one ship, one brig and one schr.—
the ship supposed to be either the Atlantic ut
James .Monroe, fm Liverpool.
April 23.
Ar. Br. Packet Princess Elizabeth, Scott from
Falmouth, (March 14th) and Halifax 18lh inst.
Ship Atticus, Westcott, of Cast in e, fm Liver
pool, (sailed 14th March.)
Br. ship Ben Lcmond, Rattray, fm Liverpool,
sailed March 14.
Brig Eliza, W aring, 17 ds fm Curracoa,
Ar. Ship Unicorn, M’Kown, sds fm Liver
pool. Left 27th starch, ships Franklin, Garvin,
land Bainbridge, Berry, for Pliilad. with a great
many others, waiting for a wind. Capt McK be
ing on board, embraced a change of wind, which
occurred during a squall, and succeeded in get
ting out alone. Markets at Liverpool nearly the
same as last quotations
Brig Ann, Miercken, 32 dsfm Triest, via Gib
Sloop David & John, Morris, 8 days fin Ber
K. L. Milling ,
At the Sign of the ISig Moot, north side of Market
if AS received, and is now opening, a large
5. and handsome assortment of Ladies’ Gen
tlemen*’and Childrens’ HOOTS and SHOES,
suitable for the present and approaching sea
son, viz:
One trunk ladies’ plain and figured Valencia
and satin Shoes
One trunk ladies’ morocoof asuperiorquality
One do Village tie walking Shoes
One do Misses blk kid and satin Slips
One do Infants’kid lloHs. all colors
One do gentlemens sup Quarter Hoots
One do do fine calf skin and moroco Hoots
—a i. so —
Comprising a complete assortment lor the
Tow n or Country Trade.
Intending to leave the City during the Sum
mer months, he will sell the above Shoes at re
duced prices for cash or Town acceptances,
mav .‘1 c
y JL JjJjftY’
lias just received the following articles, viz :
\FEW pair rich Cut quart and pint DECAN.
Straws plain double flint figured and fluted
• Tumblers
Do do do do do Wines and Cordials
Do do do do do Goblets
Ice Cream, Sweetmeat Ik Lemonade Classes.
With a number of other articles which will be
disposed of vet v low and may be examined at
HOUSE, liarnard-street.
may 2 4
Hay anil Coffee.
Bundles Hay, of superior qurfiity
25 bags Green Coffee, landing and for
sale by ROBERT S. GOFF,
april SO c Exchange-wharf
Exchange on Boston,
For sale by S. U. I'ARKMAN.
In Invoice of CUT NAILS, and
40 ÜbU N. E. HUM. april 26—c
Stores to Kent.
f Tenements in Gibbons’ Brick Build
-8 ings, to rent. These Stores will he com
pletely finished by the Ist of May, and will be
rented low to approved tenants. Apply to
i april ?fi e ft. D. PAHUMAN.
f Passage for St. Johns , E. F.
‘(The sloop CYNTHIA, Capt. Henry
; £>Beetle, will sail for the above invention
cu place, about the 10th inst. and can accom
modate a few passengers—apply to
may 4 o
For Norfolk and Jlaltimore, ‘
The packet sloop EXPRESS, Wing,’
; jfeSggfe 1 '. maxter. to sail on Sumify morning, sth
I inst For passage, apply to thernaster cu board
at Bolton’s wharf; or to HALL St UOYT.
may 4 n
Not fee to Travellers.
PERSON'S travelling to Augusta by the way
of Mill Mav.-n and Cmttterm’s, will kt cp
up the old road from Jacksonboroiight, 2 miles
and three quarters, anil then take the light’
hand road, as the former road which takes ol!’
at Jacksonborough, ls sto- ped up, mid a sign
is pul up at the lurks of lift road,
may 4 sni
If anted.
4 SMART Negro Boy, 14 or 16 years old. to
lure, and punctual wages will be paid
Enquire at this office. may I—6
111 Council,
Savasxih, May 2, 1322.
{[PESOIt ED, that on Monday the 13th inst
9 an Elect inn be held at the Court-House in i
the city o! Savannah, fora o Alderman to stipple j
the vacancy occasioned by the resignation oH
Alderman Waring. Aud it is further Resolved
that the City Marshall attend said eicclion loi
preserve order.
Extract from tie Mint/t, s.
JAMES S. BOND, (Jk. pro tern. !
may -3 __ 105 I
i 2000 bushels CORN, for sale by
j m:l .v 3 I. Il‘ < \GE St CO.
I.L demands against the subscriber must j
be rendered in to him oi* or before the
loln ol May, otherwise thev w ill net be paid.
apnl 30 c
[ Heir.
I . 25 bb’s first quality Albany BEER, landing
trotn brig Telegraph and for >:de by
apri! 16 c
4 I-arge assortment of Mahogany suitable for ;
itt. Cabinet-makers,Carpenters and others—!
kept constantly on hand, and will be sold on ;
reasonable terms.
apt'il 13 Church buildings.
Coffee, die, &c.
30 bags prime Green Coffee
50 bbls Vassal*’* Ale
2 pipes pure Holland Gin
Landing from ship Garonne, and sale by
april 16—<1 .Tones’ Upper vhvf.
50 hints. Molasscj \
JTAOH sale by PETIT & I.:L tr-
i* wharf. aprt) ’hi —c
Marshals Sales.
ON the first Tuesday in May r.yx’. will hi
sold at the Market-house in the town ol
i St. Mary’s, between the usual hours of ten anil i
i three o’clock.
i The following NEGROES, viz: Cato, Arnt-
I sled, Ned, Coco, Milley and her child, Mary
I Prisailla, Delila, Lucy, and her three children
Isaac, Jacob, and Bella.
Also, the following Tracts of Land, laving
and being in East-Florida, viz : One Tract con
taining two hundred and six f y acres, more or
less, situated on Mills’s Swamp
One tract containing 175 acres more or less,
situated on Beils River, with the improvements
thereon; one tract, containing six thousand
eight hundred and eighty six acres, more or
less, situated on the waters of Nassaw River
One tract containing five thousand four hundred >
and sixty acres, more oi less, situated on Be i's!
River—One tract, containing three thousand
six hundred and fifty four acres, mo,re or less,
situated on Brandy Branch —One tract contain
ing two hundred and seventy acres, more or
less, situated cn McQueen’s Swamp—One
tract containing two hundred acres, more or
less, situated on Bells River, and one lot in the
town of Pernandina.
‘Tlie above property pointed out by the de
fendant to satisfy an Execution issued out of
the Sixlii Circuit Court of the United States for
the District of Georgia, in favor of William P.
Kelly Vs. Eleuzer Waterman,—Conditions of
Sale Cash. M. BOOI? Dy. M.
St. Mary’s march 16—70 march 23
Administrators Sales.
BY order of the Honorable the Court of Or
dinary, for the county of Chatham, will bf
sold at the Court House in this city, on tht
first Tuesday in May next, at 12 oclock, tin.
following property, being the remaining par’
of the real estate of Ilszen Kimball, deceas
One vacant Lot of Ground, designated in the
plan ofthe city as No. 16, Jackson Ward, 60 b>
90 feet; fronting on Orleans square and ou Ha
yard street continued, opposite house of U
Habersham, Esq. subject to annual ground rent
to be ci'y of ssss 6li 100. i
One half Lot, known and designated in the
plan of the city as No i5, Warren ward, with
the improvements thereon,consisting of a good
twostoiy House and out buildings, recently
occupied by Mr. J Lawrence, subject to ground
rent of s>r 50-100 per annum.
Terms of sale—for the vacant Lot, one
third cash, one third six months one third 2
mouths, with interest—payment secured bv
mortgage on the property. The half Lot, with
1 improvements cash—purchaser paying for ti
GEORGE SCHLEY, Auct’r. march 9 53
Sugar, Nails &c,
10 lihds prime Sugar
164. bbls do do
100 casks cut Nails
40 bbls Gin
40 do Vassars Ale
Leather and Hair Trunks and Lames
Now landing and for sale by
aril 9 & W. LTPHTT, &. Cos.
By J. K. Herbert £5? Cos.
THIS DAY, 4th inst. at 11 o’clock, will be sold
before our store, without reserve,
i 1 case summer Clout hing,
consisting of coats, pantaloons, waistcoats; etc.
Terms w sh. may 4
THIS DAI’, 4th inst. at 11 o’clock, in Font es
their Auction sto: e,
Dip Lot fotmerly the propbrry ot Mr.
John Dick, deceased, situate in Yancuvatv, ad
joining die City of Savannnlr, hounded west by
j John Pooler’s estate, eai-t by a Jane being a eta
liter lot and north by Indian street, three consul
|ci able imt-Houses, with out bui.iimgs. ‘1 ermJ
made known at time of sale. may 4
‘ITUS DAY. the 4th, at 11 o’clock, will hi*
sold at our Auction store,
2 cases Irish Linens
1 do Long Lawns
1 ilo llook Muslin
1 do fancy’ needlework Muslins
I ease exua gilt Bullous of tlie latest im
Terms— all sums over £500,60 days; over 5 6
PU days. may 2
: THIS DAY, 4th inst. at 11 o’clock, will be
j sold before our store,
J By order bf the administrator, sundry articles
. belonging to tlie estate of Hiram Cre w,’ deceit!;.
j Cll, VIZ;
i chest Mill Wright’s Tools
i 1 Turning lay and other article* attac ivtd
‘thereto, and sundry other articles,
j Terms cash. ‘ may 3
;jTIJ!S DAY, 4th inst, at 11 o’clock, willfre
sold before our store, to close a consign
50 kegs White Lead
44 do Ground \ erdigris
29 do luack Paint >
15 bbls Lamp Hlack
4 do black Varnish
12 casks B H 3 Honor
7 liluls Sugar
JO bbls Ale
8 kegs Goshen Butter
a orxrniL assort;*;-\x e
GUO C E 111 E S, &c.
Terms Cash.
‘Will be sold on the first TUESDAY in Mtiv nei ,
at 11 o’clock at the Court-House *
i That western half Lot No. 23, Elbert ward, with
:tbe improvement thereon, consisting of a two
[tenement Budding, one and a half stories high
jon a basementof eight feet, anil forty feet in
length by zS teet deep. Sun! buildings are new
and each tenement, having six fire places and
completely finished, excepting two rooms <n
ground floor in one tenement- Vs the terms will
be accommodating it would be an object for
| those de.sirons to purchase to attend the sale—
■ also a fine smart active negro bov about thirteen
years of ape, and a second hand Carriage,
i apri! 3'j 2 °
1 On the first Tuesday in May. will beVoln b
. fore ‘lie Court-Mouse, a prime NEGRO ROY, 18
! years of ; ge, accustomed to work about town,
j A’so a fine House Servant.
By Maker fy Minton.
|On MONDAY, fid inst. ftt half past 10 o'clock
i w ill be sold before our store, a general
i assortment of
And at half-past It o’clock, in store,
1 case rich silk Parasols
1 do Italian Sewing Silks
may S
On TUESDAY next the 7th inst. at 11 o’clock];
in front of the Court-house,
1 Negro WOMAN, about 30 years of age,
good house servant.
Also, her SOX, about 10ycrs of age, a likely
and well disposed boy. ’ ‘ may 3
_ . —. -,.a . , -<••■ -iMiili *•’
By J. 11. Herbert & 1 Cos.
On the first TUESDAY in May next will be sold
before the Court-House in this city, between
the usual hours of 10 and 3 o’clock,
All that valuable liot, No 20, Trustees Gar
dens, in the city of Savannah, front on East Broad
street, sold as the property of Mr. Samuel oar.
enport, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs
and creditors, by pel-mission of the Honorable;
the Inferior Court of Chatham County, aiul by
order of the Administrators. Terms’ at time of
B ’ e - march I
Administrator Sale,
% tinker and Minion.
On the first Tuesday in May next
At 12 o'clock , in front of the Court Bouse,
The wharf Lot No. 8 called
Stanton’s wharf, with the buildings theron.—
Also, the lot and buildings thereon, lately in the
occupation of P. Stanton, deceased, situated in
St. James square, Heathcoat Ward, sold by per
mission ot the honorable the Inferior Court, by
order of the administrators—Terms Cash.
feb 23
Marshals Sales.
ON the first Tuesday in May next, will be
Sold at the Market House in the Town.
St. Mary’s, between the usual hours often and
three o’clock.
The following NEGROES, viz. Serab, Charles,
Samuel, Mary red Amelia, Levied on as the
property o i David Lewis deceased, to satisfy
sundry Executions in favor of the United State<
: Vs. Samuel Clarks, Administrator of David
t Lewis.
j Conditions of Sale Cash, in such Bills or
1 Specie, as will be received in the United States
1 ‘ranch Hank, as no other w ill be received.
M. BOOG Dy. M.
St. Mary’s inarch 18 70 inarch 20
Whiskey , Gin Hay.
Landing from ship Corsair.
50 bbls Whiskey
50 do Gin
(jf bundles Hav. For sale by’
april k3 C.. C. UltlSWetL J; Q