The Savannah museum. (Savannah, Ga.) 182?-1822, May 20, 1822, Image 1

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if the savannah museum
ft published, near Whitaker-street, on the Bay,
■very day tor eight months and three times a
■g e k for the remaining four months in the year,
BriauT dollahs per annum, if paid in advance,
Ip tss n utAUS if paid after the expiration of the
■gar. No subscriptions are received for a period
Eg S than six months, for which five dollaiis are
I The SAVANNAH MUSEUM for the Country
■ published to meet the arrangements of the
Bui l three times a week at fivf. jiollahs per an
■uri, if p a >d in advance, or timer dollars per
■nuum if not paid during the year.
■ Advertisements not exceeding twelve lines are
ftuMished in both papers the first time, for 75
Bits, and continued in the city paper, unless
Bierwise ordered, at 38 cents each continuation
■Advertisements over twelve lines charged in
Be same proportion.
■ When an Advertisemerit is sent to the office
■ajhout any number of insertions being expres
s’ on the face of the order, it is understood,
K the advertiser wishes it continued until fur-
K* notice. Therefore, all Advertisements
■L c h are not or ginally limited to a certain num-
Kjofmsertions. are continued and charged un
■Vm order for discontinuance is received. Ad-
Etkements not continued oftener than once a
K-ek, are charged for each insertion, the same as
Buw advertisement.
Lands for Sale.
r'L be disposed of at a low price and on ]
v accommodating terms, a valuable tract of
I. * Lewis’ Cieek and 011 the Altamaha river
hron W the town of Darien, formerly the
Bjyjesai. ‘Mr. Wm... Joyner. The tract consists
|oftrty of of w hich are cleared and im-
I uJO acres, - ordinary Plantation Houses —
|ovfi with the “ Acres of first quality tide
Icitare about BUO ‘tt,r e of Rice, Cotton or
Equitable for the cu S land, with an exte'n
[re the remainder big. vhich the se'tle
ielsowl fine elevation on
Intis made. -units conti
|p: land is well timbered, and fro fejtead of
■itrto a market, will, in its clearing, 1. q c ol
liriiig expense, produce profit by the s„ •„[.
fcles and other lumber, the proceeds of win.
■('far exceed the expences of the labor. This
■tis one of the oldest surveys and consequent, c
■bat selection of River Swamp land, with an
Icelent pitch of tide, suitable to any specries of
■tut—having a beautiful scitc for a residence 1
El tested at an agreeable distance from the t
fcnol'Darien, for purposes of business or plea
|e. Terms and a more particular description
|y be known on application to
■natch 14 d6J No. 1, Commerce Kow.
KIIIS Establishment well-known for some ,
L time past, having been thoroughly repaired
[cl many extensive additions made to it, is a- t
in opened for the rccommodation of boarders
It is in a healthy and airy part of the city, and
[well calru.ated for giving comfort and ease to
I who may patronize the establishment. The .
goprietoi- can at anytime accommodate pri
[tetimilies, having spare rooms for that pur
iTisrellcrs and constant boarders will be well
[tended to, a good stables and hostlers have i
ecu procured—and the eating establishment ;
nils! all times be furnished with the very best I
t ils the market can afford. The bedding is 1
| tile first order and attentive servants are pro- i
Bred to provide every comfort that can be had
It those who may call for them. Ti the bar
tom the best of Liqu- rs will be furnished; —
id in the reading room department, to those
|io wish food for die mind, papers from every
tarter of the United States witl be found The ,
[osciiber trusts from the endetvors lie shall
like, to render every individual comfortable
to may patronize the Georgia Hotel, that he
lid receive a share of the public patronage.
Baptist Church Square.
la?ril27 1m
! Soap. Candles. Oil , &c.
PIETY boxes brown SOAI*, landing and will
I be sola low—applv to
V'hs has also for rale,
111 boxes Spermaceti Candles
Id cases Sweet Oil
|sb bbls superfine Flour
|53 boxes No. I Chocolate (Baker’s brand,
IA few bales Phial Corks
Ibo. packages Apothecaries Boxes
Ibo esses men’s Summer Shoes, Lc.
[ april 19 93
IjlHr, subscriber offers for sale the plantation
[•* whereon he now resides lying on Cowpen
l**k. in Effingham county, thirty eight miles
IN’ Savannah, containing four hundred and six
p icres of Land, about thirty or forty of
Oak and Hickory ;
■bout seventy under cultivation and in good re
paif, with two dwelling houses, and other conv6-
Iniat? out buildings, calculated for a plantation—
s of very good water, and an orchard con
■unitig-upwards of three hundred apple trees,all
Iroisig. Ahy person wishing to purchase such
■ puce \vili do well by applying soon, a> the
Prats will be low. Apnly to
I nay 13—3t* Effingham county.
paratoya and Rails lawn Aline -
I ral Spring lTalers,
K® ARRAN ted of the first quality, just
■v/ received from Messrs. Lynch & Clarke,
■erbrig Hope, and for sa'e by
I Shadd’s buildings, Savannah
pay 13 13
Green Coffee dj JV*. 0.
I 400 hj£s prime green Coffee
■2 J hhds N. O. Sugar selected for this mar
fills N. K. Rum
fills N. o. Flour,
aPßjy to lv WILLIAMS-£sf Cos.
I ’*’*}• r- ia
Mayers Hamilton.
HAVE received per ship Garonne, a fresh
supply of CLOTHING, suitable for the sea
i son—consisting of
3 Sheppards best blue cloth Coats
Super and extra super blue and blk do do
“ blue, olive, brown and mixt Frock do
“ blue, and green Coatees
Seersucker, Cotton, Florentine and blk Boro
i bazett do
f White and drab, Russia Drilling Pantaloons
r do and brown Linen do
: do black and drab Satteen do
s Black silk, Camblett and ilnmbazett do
Blue stripe, Seersucker and Florentine do
Cloth and Cassimere do. of all colours
i Black silk Florentine and Valenlia Vests
r White and figured Marseilles do
Round Jackets, Duck Trowsers, Linen and
• Colton Shirts, Colton Drawers, Stockings, Sus
penders,—and almost every article in their line.
Toe above goods are made ill the latest fashion
r and best workmanship at their Ware House, in
New-Yor*, and arc offered for sale at their store
corner of Whitaker and Bryan-streets, (oppo
site J PenfieJdS Co’a-) at the New-York pri
ces. / . ,
Af Tises oftlats maitwdclured by Hamil
ion & Brush, arr.-.nted to any in
tliis city, contain.' 1 -!?’ ... . tt.,,,.
Gentlemen’s drah * n< l h ack beaver’ >
Imitation do do large )! t ’ n
Drab Russia and od
Wood’s do Youth’s do—Children s fanby do.
1 case Silk Umbrellas—for si ' e as above,
abril 19 *4-i 93
11 Hite's Soap.
|7OTn y.six boxes Hyde’s white ami Brown
1’ Soap, received per sell. Gen.Jackron, ii'oni
tiie manufacturer at IJultiiiioic, by whom the
subscriber will be constantly supplied.
aptil 23 ni Hunter’s buildings.
Jy'otice to Travellers.
TORSOXS travelling to Augusta by the way
I of Hill I lav n and Coutteau’s, wiil kep
up the old road from Jaeksonhornught, 2 miles
and three quarters, and then take the light
hand road, as the former road which takes oil
at .lacksonborough, is slopped up, and a sign
is put up at the forks of the road,
may 4 sni
Lamp Oil and Spermacelti
.iOO gallons Sperinacetti lamp Od in barrels
and tiefces, of a superior quality
2.5 boxes Spermaceti! handles, from .1 How
land, jun fi co’s manufactory, New-York, just
received and for sate wholesale and retail by
may 13 13
Corn , Flour , § Bacon
The Cargo of the sloop ltoxanna from Fred*
erickburgh far sale by lIALLfs 1 UO\ 1.
may 13 13
Globe Artichoke.
Talslfy or vegetable Oyster
Nasturtium or mock Capers
Water, Musk, and Cantelcne Melon
Long and short Cucumber, Cayenne Pepper
Flower Seeds
Also, lately from Germany,
An assortment of
In small parcels, which they offer to ‘sell
wholesale on low terms.
; J.niely by the lic/videre —
1 An assortment of FLOWER POTS,
i And on crAaigiment,
Several Carnation I’inbs, Roses, and other
ornamental Shrubs.
march 23 74. OEMLER k POSEY.
■ * To Planters.
A Few sample Ploughs from the manufacto
ry of Robert Sinclair Baltimore, of various
1 patterns, are just received and wdl be sold lew,
1 apply to . DANIEL CARNEY, Jr.
; jail 16 a! A > Hunter* buildings.
- A General Assortment of
Drugs, Patent Medicines ,
t Surgical Instruments,
AND all other articles usually found in Drug
Stores. All such G ARDEN SEEDS as the
season demands, and w'iil produce in the Kitch
en and Flower Garden.
An assortment of F_. IWEU POTS.
And on Consignment,
An assortment of Ornamental Shrubs, Carna
tion Pinks, Uc. .
N B All the above mentioned articles are
warranted. apri! 27-t 10°_
Lemons and Raisins.
S,g\ boxes Lemons
X'S 30 do Raisins, landing from brig Hop?
and for sale by L H S \GE f CO.
may 13 cl 3
Faints , Oil, Window Glass §c
HAS received per ships Garonne, General
Carrington, Corsair, and brig Pantliea, an
additional supply of the above articles, viz;
500 kegs London and Liverpool White Lead,
ground in oil, in 28,56, and 112 lb kegs
100 kegs Spanish lirown, ground in oil
100 do Venitian Red do
100 do Yellow Ochre do
100 do black Paint do
s')o gallons Linseed Oil
150 do Spirits Turpentine
500 do Lamp Oil
300 boxes American, English, French and
German Window Glass, assorted,from
7 by 9 to 12 by 18’
Together with a general assortment of Paints
and Painters Artic'es, which will be sold on ae
commodaling terms at his Paint Store in Whita
ker street, near Col. Slielnian’s Mansion House
10 bis first quality Albany Ale
april 23 96
French Goods.
3"K!fE subscribers have just received direct
wA from France via New-York, an assortment
which they offer wholesale at a moderate ad.
vance—among them are :
Double twilled Imperial Stripes
Do do mixt Jeans
Fancy p!akl Ginghams
Assorted colors Vigonia Cans!meres
Double width Bombazeen
Tapes and Bobbins
Ribbons and Galloons ‘■
Italian Ci apes, Velvet Ribbons
Silk Stockings and Gloves
Half silk Hose
Green, blue, white, pink & black Florences
Do do do do do Satins
Black, blue and assorted colors Sewing Silk
Sit’ Braids, thread I.aces
Ladies Kid and Castor Gloves
Gentlemojs superior Beaver Gloves
Dressed afnl undressed linen Cambric
Linen cambric Handkerchiefs
Muslin Bands for Oollerettn
Canton Fringes, floss & marking Cotton
Violin Strings, gilt edge Pins
Head and Tooth Brushes
Cologne, Rose and Lavender Water
Pomatum, Antique Oil, llair Powder, etc.
Anderson’s Building on the Bay.
april 22 and
JUST - received from New-York, to be dispo
sed of at the New-York prices, the follow
ing articles:
Super super blue and black close body Coats
Second quality do.
White and colored plain &. ribb’d Russia Drills
Bombazette, Uomliazcen
Canton and nankeen Crape
Canton Camlet, Seersuckers
White and brown I inen
Vigonia Cassimere, French Nankeenett
White ami Striped Jeans
Yellow and blue Nankeen
Florentine Pantaloons
Round Jackets a.Tii Coatees, same as above
Black Florentin, Pekin Silk
Marseilles and Toiinett Vests
Plain and frilled linen and cotton Shirts
Linen and Cotton Drawers
Gentlemen’s Hats, Imitation Beaver do
Shoes, Boots, and every other article that may
be called for in his line
For sale by JOHN P. SE I ZE,
ape! IS §s 90
John v. setzk
ITI AVISO engag’d Mr. James Wilson (well
* knowing as a first rate workman) to cut
and superintend his work, wifi as heretofore
carry cn the ‘l'ailining filthiness it* all its brancli
lie has on hand, just received from New-
Superfine blue and ldack Cloth
Vigonia Cassimere, Marseilles
Toilinet and Pekin silk Vestings
Seersuckers, Ginghams
Canton l lanibfet Uombzeenes
Canton and Na.ukefcii Crape
French Ilombaz : j -cn
Striped aiul white Jeans
Plain and ribb’d Russia Drills
Which will be mode up*at the shortest notice
and in the most fashionable style.
try Wanted Immediately four or five Journey
men Tailors. None need apply but those who
can come well recommended as to skilfulness.
april 16 sis 90
FRO?l the subscribers on the 19th instant, a
Saddle, Bridle and Martingale ; a liberal
reward will be given on apprehension of the
thief ear on delivery of die above articles to
april 23 96
Has just received the following articles, viz :
* FEW nair rich Cut quart an ! pint DF.C.VN-
Straws plain double flint figured and tinted
Do do do do do Wines and Cordials
I)o do do do do Goblets
IceCrcam, Sweetmeat L Lemonade Glasses.
With a number of other articles which will he
disposed of very’ low- and may he examined at
his curry gi~zss or earthex ifjinti
ll o use, Barnard-strtet.
may 2 4
C. C. Griswold, & ('o.
Offers for sale at ‘l'aylvre’ ■wharf.
65 bbls prime Beef
15 do Mess Fork
44 do A!%
20 casksSbot assorted siies
31 firkins Goshen Butter
49 kegs Richmond Tobacco
20 kegs Rose Nails
2 elegant Gigs, with plated Harness,
max 2 104
Stock & Fro (luce liroker.
THE subscriber will attend to the purchase
and sale of STOCKS, PRODUCE n MER
CHANDIZE of every description, at a moderate
Halt Ci Ilorjt’s Buildings, on the Bay.
march 4 dftf
Fresh Teas.
Gunpowder Tea—ship Huntress’s cargo
Imperial do—ship London Trader’s do
Do. do—ship Beaver’s cargo
just arrived at
Hyson do—ship Ontario’s cargo
Y. Hy son do—ship Huntress’s cargo
Souchong do—ship Beaver’s last cargo
Selected expressly for families—for sale by
Al 90 >
A few firkins choice Goshen Dairy BUT IE ft
and LARD. _____ march 28-74
Swedes It on.
/V-arv tons SWEDES IRON, assorted-for sale
mCJ bv A. 15. FANNIN & Cos.
march 26 9?2
ITS hereby given, that the left hand halves of
. ten one hundred dollar notes of the Bank of
the United States, signed by W. Jones, Presi
dent, and Jona. Smith, Cashier, of the numbers
and tenor described below, were placed in the
posUofhce at Philadelphia on the evening of tin
loth December, 1820, inclosed in : letter by J
S. A G Hobson, to Jcslma Milne at Savannah in
Georgia, which letter was never received; am!
as the entire mail of the H-h Dec. from I’liila
delpbia to Savannah miscarried, the belief is
that the said letter and notes were stolen <
robbed from the mail. Application baling neei:
made to the bank by the subscriber for the pay -
ment of the whole of said notes, all persons
concerned are requested to take notice.
Jan. 1,181 7 A 1470 favor of CS W est g)0o
A 936 “ J Houston luO
“ B 903 *• .* iofi
“ I) 1052 “ I> Seip K,O
“ 426 <■ W Hush, jr. L.t)
“ 1) 775 ‘• O T> Iddings 100
May 20,1818 A 1868 J* Ftah- jr. 100
“ C 179 7 “ lu
“ 1) 1679 “ •’ io(.
“ D 1535 * “ px’
april 8 jid32
ALL persons having demands against the es
tate ot James Peto, late of South Carolina,
deceased, are requested to render them prop
erty attested according to law, mul those in
debted, arc requested to make immediate pay
ment to the undersigned qualified administra
te* MARY A. I’F.TO.
march 12 60
INF. months after date application will be
i™ made to the Honorable the Inferior Court
of Bryan county for liberty to sell the Real Es
tate of William Road, deceased.
march 14 9m*
(fF'Notice. i
F ARSONS desirous of disposing of Lands in
Monroe, Houston, and Henry Counties, t
and lauds in the Counties generally, of die two I
lasi Land Lotteries, will please give information
to the subscriber by letter, post paid, through
tqe medium of the posL office, stilting the low- t
est price for such, will promptly be answered
fob 16 88 DAVID POI.OoK
Take Notice.
VTINE months afterdate, I shall apply to the
Irti lion, the Judge of the nfcriur Court
Chatham County, for leave to sell he reales I
late of W.G. Knoe, and fur the benefit of the
heirs*, nd creditors of said deceased
S. C. Til REA DOR ATT, Mm'v
► 62
I i
fffMIBF.E months afterdate the undersigned
I will make application at the Planters’ Bank
of the State of Georgia, for payment of a Note
issued by the said Bank, the left hand half of
which has been lost—No. 551, value J§so, sign
ed John Bolton, Pres’l.
march 13 fulfil
A LL persons having demands against the es
tateofCelete Ann M Coy, late of Savan
nah, deceased, are requested to present them
to tlie subscriber. 1
S. C. GREENE, . idnv.t’r.
april 10 rf* 85
X otice.
ATIUREEmonths afterdate, application will
il be made to the Bank pf the State el'Gcor- ,
gin for the renewal of Certificate No: 408, 1 >r
fourteen shares Slock, the original being lost
april 4 * nifSO
’'S'llF. subscriber is now ready to receive the
1 City Taxes for te present year, ‘l lie Di
gest v.ill be closed on Mu: 25tli i.i’next month,
when executions will be issued against all de
lauliepi JOHN I. ROBERTS,
City Treasurer.
april 27 100
THE Subscribers lia-'t -again united their in
terest in busity;ss under the firm of
Savannah, May Ist. m* ,
Dearborn's Patent Balances,
OF ail sizes, constantly fur sale by
novls 4 9
Ftoston Glass.
JUST received per ship Mount Vernon, an
invoice of GLASS WARE and WINDOW
GLASS, consisting of
QuU and pint mol’d Decanters
’ do do do Pitcher-3
Pint and J pint do Tumblers
do ido ship do do
do jdo flint do Flasks
Imp. welted Table A’uies, fluted
do Castfuot do do fringed
Tumble! Bowl do do do
do do Weltedfoot do do
Glostor Bowl Table do fluted
32 boxes of 8 by 10 Chelmsford Glass
8 do 12 by 14 do do
6 do 11 by 15 do do
12 do l2by 16 do do
For sale bv
may 15 1 ■ r
9! fIHE cargo of schooner Helena, for side bv
J, L. 11. SAGE & CO.
may 14’ 14
No. I ] 9 Voi.iS
, -luctiong.
By Rikoi* and Minton,
On t.ic first June next, will be sold
in lront of the Court-House in Savannah, be
tween the usual hours,.
The Unit diners on Lot No. (40 j
tV arfen V, ard, m said city, together w it h tlic mi
exp'red term of the lease of said lot, being the
remaining part of the estate of 1). Ib-ison, dec.
Sold by virtue of an order of. the lion, the Info,
nor ( ourt of Chatham County, by order of the
administrator. Terms cash. upril 6
Superior Court.
Chatham County C!:au hers,
18ib April, 1822.
Siimticl I low ard, ) J.V i: U,r Ia V
. . ‘ C Bill original ands-
Bauk of Darien, et :d 5 mended.
t \\V(> ot the def ‘-odants ip the above case,
> v*z. The I’residen: of the Bank of Darien,
C representing said Bank) and the Cashier of the
said Bank, reside without this county, which
tact is verified by affidavit of complainant.
j ortleretlf i • tat c< [ ie- (>f said bill be
?. I K : ( r ' o - v Slierdf of (fiuitiiaijicimr.Jy to the
onet-ill t>l Mclntush courilv, where the said de-’
!ciU “V * s JCiide, v.'iili instructions to serve them
o;i said defendants, and make return if said ser
vice on said copies, to the Clerk of the Superior
Court of said county of Ciiii'.l am, within thirty
.ay-: from this date; and it is further Ordered,
‘dial, tins Rule be published, and the defendants
appeal- and answer at the next Term.
J'.xtractfront the Ofinvtes. ‘
april 24. jo
untiiTl cutjx rr j Ctei h Cour t rs Ordinary,
\S’ RH . BI'ARISSA HOAHLEy’ adroinistk
,f n trix i.t all and singular die goods and chaG
els, rights and credits, which v eie of Ilermim
Uoad/ey, late of said county, deceased, applies
thr dismission Hum her said administration :
These arc, then-tore, Incite and admonish
:‘B persons concerned, to file tlit ir objections,
if an} they l.ave, in my office, at Ilictborough,
w* l liin die rime prescribed by few; otherwise
the said Clarissa Hpadley will'be dismissed from
lu-r said administration.
Given under my baud and seal this eighteenth
day ot March, in t lie year of our Lord one thod
sand eight hundred and twenl v-two.
[l s ] ELIJAH BAKER, c c.0.1.c.
april 15_ 89*6m
iHE undivided ha'l oft fie interest in the D.r.
rien Cazettf- is for Sale.—Teens liberal.
For particulars, apply at the office to
april 22 05
At Private Sate ,
rSVAVO prime Negro Fcl'ows, one a first-rate
* Carpenter, about 25 years old—sold for no
fault. The other a first-rate Sail Maker, 22 ys.
The above negroes will be sold low if early ah
plication is made to
24 J.P. HERBERT C<t CO. .
The library,
[6 open for the delivery of Hooks, Monday,’
Wednesday and Friday, from 4 to 6 o’clock,
I*. M 30 d e c 10
Window Glass, ftc.
I fresh supply of Window Glass of assorts
1 sizes, from 7by9,to 12 by 18- Also, sashk
of all sizes, glazed or unglazcd—For sale low by
mil'.’ 13 3 l r
Coni and Flour. /
,3500 bush- Is prime whi'e Mary lend CORN.
59 bbls bolted supeifine Howardst. Flour
On board scur. Hazard, fey sale by
may 13 13
Hay Lard.
/KtIWX bundles r .iv
(bWSJ 5o Kcgt I aid
i iiuding tVo'n * hip Morning Star, ffir sale-fey
■aay 13 18 ‘ .
f'tEORGF. SCHLEY wishes to purchase
STATE H.lXKand l s . .
And has for sale,
100 shares Planters’ Bank Stock
30 do Steam Boat do
59 do Insurance do
mayl4 14
Halm of (fpito,
£\ FRESH supply just received by the ship
££* At gusta, and for sale by
At his Drug and .Chemical Warehouse, coiv
ner of Congress and Whitaker slrcc-s, Siiaddfe
ma> 1.3 13
P McDermott, \
TUI as received by the sehooncr Laura frojc
I'hiladcldhia, 12 half bbls. Beef and 4 qV
Tongues, choice pieces, put up expressly IVr
family use, by W. StiUsLER.
mav IS
- ‘"pr ■ ■** ‘'"'t r •
(p\ bushels prime MarylandCozn,
Vjycargo ofschr Gustavos, for sale
nay 13 13 -■
Happiness ,
TALE for the grave and the gay, by She
JTka author of “ No Fiction,” 2 vols. Ji£st
received, for sale by
Johnson’s Squt^.b.
may 13 __ _K
A Journeyman Frinter,
OF industrious habits may obtain oonsttu:
employ by eirqfuiruig sf thisoffice,
mv 8